Zero to Passion Worksheet 1 / Figuring It Out

Why you haven’t
figured this out
Dance with the one who brung ya…
Remember: You are a complex human being, and because of that,
what you want and what you love will change. Your passion will
evolve. And that’s okay, because it means there is NO right
answer. You can’t get this wrong (woohoo!). As you start to figure
it out, you’ll encounter some nasty voices in your head that will
slow you down. It’s normal. But just because it’s normal doesn’t
mean we can’t stop them. To make a big career transition, you
need confidence in yourself and your ideas. So, to get more
confidence, it’s time for us to deal with your gremlins.
Gremlins* are that nasty little voice in your head that tells you that you:
Are not good enough
Don’t deserve this
Will fail if you try
Will never figure this out
*We all have many gremlins - it’s part of being human.
Limiting Beliefs*: a belief that someone you trusted told you years ago,
and you believed them. However, it is something that is no longer, or
never was, true for you.
You can’t make money as an author
You can’t start a business in a recession
Only aggressive people get promoted
You have to have a certain degree to get that job
*We’ve all bought into limiting beliefs because, again, we are human! :)
Limiting Beliefs vs. Gremlins
It’s time to naaaame yourrrrr gremlins!!!
Use the box to identify them below..
And what about those frustrating limiting beliefs?
You saw them here first! (Go on...write ’em down.)
Pick one belief, and walk through the
Handling Your Limiting Beliefs
Step 1: Figure out where the belief originated. Did
you read about it? Did someone tell it to you when
you were little?
Step 2: Ask yourself: “How true is this, really? Is this
belief true for me...or is it something that doesn’t
really matter to me anymore?” Do the research, ask
around, but hold your belief up against a light and
really investigate it.
Step 3: Let it go. This belief is no longer true for
you, so allow yourself to take a breath and walk
away. List some of the ways you’ve succeeded in
the past, and apply them to this belief/situation.
Easy? Actually, if you’ve done step 2, then YES.
Limiting Beliefs: Your Turn
(Ok, now you go!)
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Handling Your Gremlins
Old thought: I’m not good enough
to do what I want in my career.
=You, sitting around feeling
no forward progress is made!
We must replace this old thought with
something new that makes you feel good.
For example:
1. Old thought: I am not good enough to do what I
want in my career.
2. New thought: I am smart and awesome, and I will
figure this out!
Gremlins Part 2
When you feel good, you take action.
Action leads to career progress.
Good new thought characteristic:
The new thought should be clear, succinct, and
empowering. Whatever it is, it should make you feel
Example - which is better?
a) I am a smart person who gets things done, and it’s
okay that I haven’t figured this out yet; I’ll get there.
b) I’m fun and smart, and I can do this!! (better :) )
Your new thought - write it down, and post it where you
can see it!
I _________________________________________!
You made it through the first worksheet. Woohoo!
Use this space to capture any last notes, thoughts
of brilliance, or ideas you have for yourself...