Strong Frame ® Three-Story x One-Bay Moment Frame Worksheet (1 of 2) Simpson Strong-Tie offers three-story x one-bay Strong Frame® moment frame solutions. Simply copy this form, fill it out and fax to 925-847-1605, or visit our website to download an electronic version and email the completed worksheet to [email protected]. 1. Project Information Project Name: Date: Project Address: Phone: Engineer: Strong Frame Type: Email: Special Moment Frame (SMF) Ordinary Moment Frame (OMF) 2. Design Criteria Design Code: 2009 IBC Response Modifcation Coefficient, R=8.0 R=6.5 R=3.5 R=3.0 R<3.0 R= Redundancy Factor, r : r = 1.0 r = 1.3 R, for Design: 2012 IBC Beam Deflection Limits: Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 3 System Overstrength Factor, Wo: Wo=3.0 Wo=2.5 LL: L/ L/ L/ Seismic Importance Factor, I: I=1.00 I=1.25 I=1.50 DL + LL: L/ L/ L/ Seismic Drift Limit: 0.025h 0.020h 0.015h Snow/Wind: L/ L/ L/ Seismic SDS Value: SDS = g Wind Drift Limit: h/ 3. Loading (Provide all loads at ASD level. Negative values for uplift direction) 3.1 Lateral Loads FEQ1= lbs (Beam 1) FEQ2= lbs (Beam 2) FEQ3= lbs (Beam 3) 3.2 Uniform Loads Load (plf) W DL1 R=3.5 R=6.5 R=8.0 Other lbs lbs lbs XR (ft) To RCC W DL2 W DL3 W RLL1 W RLL2 W LL1 W LL2 W LL3 R used to calculate FEQ: FWind1= FWind2= FWind3= XL (ft) (Beam 1) (Beam 2) Snow Wind Rain (Beam 3) 3.3 Vertical Point Loads on Beam (Include W o as applicable, negative values for uplift) DL LL RLL Snow P1 (lbs) P2 (lbs) P3 (lbs) P4 (lbs) P5 (lbs) P6 (lbs) P7 (lbs) P8 (lbs) P9 (lbs) P10 (lbs) Xi Left Column Centerline (LCC) Rain Beam 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 Wind Seismic Wo included ? Pi W FEQi, FWindi XL XR Xi (ft) at RCC Beam 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Right Column Centerline (RCC) X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 Strong Frame ® Three-Story x One-Bay Moment Frame Worksheet (2 of 2) Project Name: Date: Engineer: Phone: Strong Frame Type: 4. Frame Geometry 4.1 First Story Minimum Clear Opening Width: Wall Width at Column 1: Wall Width at Column 2: Top of Concrete to Top of Plate: Minimum Clear Opening Height: Top of concrete to bott. of non-shrink grout - Column 1: Top of concrete to bott. of non-shrink grout - Column 2: in. in. in. in. in. in. in. W1 = A= B= H1 = H1min = HO1 = HO2 = Note: Minimum A,B dimension H2 = H2min = in. in. in. D2 = H3 = H3min = in. in. in. D1 = (OMF) = 13 1/2" (SMF) Note: Minimum beam depth required Hi - Himin 4.2 Second Story Floor System Depth: Top of Sheathing to Top of Plate: Minimum Clear Opening Height: = 9'' = 13'' (OMF) = 19" (SMF) 4.3 Third Story Floor System Depth: Top of Sheathing to Top of Plate: Minimum Clear Opening Height: Field-installed double top plate Extend field-installed single top plate and connect to beam nailer Top of Strong Frame wood nailer Floor framing H3min , Clear opening height . H3, top of floor sheathing to top of . field-installed top plate (1 1/2" top plate assumed) Beam 3 Floor sheathing H2min , Clear opening height . Column 2 Floor sheathing Beam Depth (inc. nailers) Column 1 Floor framing * Beam top nailers are 4x6 for frames with C18H and C21H OMF columns and (2) 2x6 for all other columns. OMF LIMITS: W1min = 5' W1max = 24' . D1, floor system depth Beam 2 . H2, top of floor sheathing to top of . beam top nailer (s) . D2, floor system depth . . . "A" wall dimension "B" wall dimension Column Depth (inc. nailers) . H1min = 6' * Beam top nailers are 4x8 for all SMF beams. SMF LIMITS: W1min = 7' W1max = 30' . All heights assume 1 1/2" non-shrink grout Anchor rods H1max = 20' H2min = 6' H2max = 20' H1 + D + H2 ≤35' . . "H Oi ", top of concrete to bottom of non-shrink grout H1min , Clear opening height W1 Clear - wood to wood Top of concrete to top of opening H1, top of concrete to top of beam top nailer (s) (1 1/2" grout assumed) . Beam 1 Note: Beam to column connection not shown for clarity. Figure is for illustration purposes only. Final locations and quantities of nailer attachments and beam or column web holes/openings may vary. H1min = 7' H1max = 24' H2min = 7' H2max = 24' 5. Foundation Design Foundation Type: Slab-On-Grade Step Height = in. Concrete f'c = psi Seismic Design Category: Curb/Brick Ledge Curb Height = in. Concrete: Stemwall Curb/Stemwall Height = Uncracked Cracked in.
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