Geometry Secondary Education MAFS.912.G

Secondary Education
MAFS.912.G-CO.4.12 – Worksheet 1
Calculator Neutral
for this Standard
Name: _______________________________________________________ Date: ___/___/___
1. Mr. Williams constructed a line through point P that is parallel to a second line as shown below.
Which geometric principle is used to justify the construction?
A. A line perpendicular to one of two parallel lines is perpendicular to the other.
B. Two lines are perpendicular if they intersect to form congruent adjacent angles.
C. When two lines are intersected by a transversal and alternate interior angles are congruent,
the lines are parallel.
D. When two lines are intersected by a transversal and the corresponding angles are
congruent, the lines are parallel.
What geometric construction is shown in the diagram below?
A. An angle bisector
B. A line parallel to a given line
The School District of Palm Beach County
C. An angle congruent to a given angle
D. A perpendicular bisector
Secondary Education
MAFS.912.G-CO.4.12 – Worksheet 1
Calculator Neutral
for this Standard
List the steps of constructing an angle bisector in order.
Draw ray AD
From points B and C, draw equal arcs that intersect at D
From point A, draw an arc that intersects the sides of the angle at points B and C
Step 1: _____________________________________________________________
Step 2: _____________________________________________________________
Step 3: _____________________________________________________________
Marsha is using a straightedge and compass to do the construction shown below.
Which best describes the construction Marsha is doing?
A line P parallel to line l
A line through P intersecting line l
A line through P congruent to line l
A line through P perpendicular to line l
The School District of Palm Beach County