One Minute Worksheet (2) - Barbara Wasserman Coaching

Barbara Wasserman Coaching
The “One Minute of Me” Speech
The “One Minute of Me” speech or pitch is a short, focused story
that helps to share what you are passionate about, and get your
listener to feel excited about what you do. It prepares you for the
often-asked question: “what do you do?”
Use the themes that emerge from the “Finding and Defining your
Callings Worksheet” to get started on your “One Minute of Me”
speech by:
Writing two or three sentences that share:
• Your passions/callings/goals/changes you are creating in your life.
• What you want to do with your callings: how will you make your passion
a reality? Who will be your audience? How will you find and reach your
audience? How will they find you?
• Finally, develop a ‘concluding question.’ The concluding question is
designed to engage the listener, to draw the listener further into the
conversation, to bring them into your experience, or to connect by inviting
them to share an experience.
[email protected]
781-861-1818 ex.11
1. I have led a number of extensive community fundraisers and am now
interested in taking on a similar role in the corporate world. Do you think
certain industries may have more opportunities than others?
2. Farm to Table cooking is my passion. In addition to modifying my own
diet, I am exploring ways to educate others. Do you have any experience
with Farm to Table cooking?
3. I am committed to completing and publishing my first book about _____. I
am researching how to get books published. Are you familiar with the
process of getting a book published? Or, Do you know anyone who has gone
through publishing a book?
My “One Minute of Me” Speech:
[email protected]
781-861-1818 ex.11
Now, practice your speech at least five times a day, out loud.
When you’re comfortable, test-drive it with people who support
you. Then, use it at the supermarket or bank. Once you can say it
in your sleep, you are ready for fundraisers, cocktail parties,
weddings and other places where you are sure to hear the
question “what do you do?”
*I would love to see your speech. Email me to let me know how it’s going at
[email protected].
[email protected]
781-861-1818 ex.11