BARBARA HAUPT Interaction Design Student Web: Email: [email protected] Mobile: +43 664 5220212 Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep. EDUCATION 10|2014 - to date University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum Graz Master Program Interaction Design 10|2011 - 10|2014 University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum Graz Bachelor Program Information Design ABOUT Name: Birthday: Nationality: Adress: 09|2004 – 06|2009 Educational establishment for nursery school Wiener Neustadt A-levels with honor WORK EXPERIENCE since 10|2014 BSX Schmölzer GmbH Graz Freelancer Barbara Haupt 31|08|1990 Austrian Marschallgasse 15/1 8020 Graz Austria PROFILE 03|2014 - 05|2014 Scoop & Spoon Graz Design Intern Conception, Screendesign, Animation Experienced in graphic, motion and interaction design | responsible | ambitious | well- organized | team player | performs well under pressure | multitasking capable | motivated to learn new skills 07|2013 - 09|2013 all about apps Vienna Design Intern Conception, Screendesign SKILLS 11|2010 - 07|2011 Kinder in Wien Vienna Teacher in after-school daycare center 09|2010 - 10|2010 Josef Mantl Communications GmbH Vienna Internship Social Media 07|2009 - 07|2010 AIFS New York Au Pair Adobe Creative Suite Cinema 4D Microsoft Office Xcode, PHP, CSS und MySQL
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