Wednesday's Word - Chestnut Grove Baptist Church, Earlysville, VA

Wednesday’s Word
A weekly publication of Chestnut Grove Baptist Church
A community of faith, formation & fruitfulness
January 14, 2015
Paul Maconochie
@ CG January 18th
As an Englishman, Rev Paul Maconochie has pastored in a severely “postChristian” context for nearly a decade. Yet, it’s been noted that the strongest
occurrences of the revitalization of Christian community throughout Europe all seem to be connected to
the congregation he pastors, St Thomas Church in Sheffield, England. St. Thomas has embraced a way of being
Christian community that has revitalized and reinvigorated people of faith as well as the city in which they live.
St Thomas Church will be an early learning stop for Pastor Lance during this summer’s sabbatical. The theme of CG’s
summer sabbatical is “From Reflection to Resolution.” As an early element in CG’s sabbatical exploration, Paul will
join us this Sunday during worship to discuss CG’s vision to build a discipling culture at CG. He will join us again
for a “dinner dialogue” where participating Chestnut Grovians will enjoy a time of Q&A over sandwiches and salad.
Join us Sunday at 8:30/11am and again at 6:30pm.
L.I.F.E. Together Winter-Spring 2015
New Start Date January 21
Adults- Three Flavors of Opportunity
Praise in Song — Katie Alfano & Laura Vinzant lead an experience with God
through theological and vocal reflection.
Parenting Together — Katina Dudley facilitates ~9 learning labs for parents of teens and preteens.
Topics include: digital regulation, academics vs. extra curriculars, God, faith modeling, behavioral
concerns. Text: 10 Best Parenting Ways to Ruin Your Child plus periodic guest presenters.
Shaping of Things to Come — 9 conversations of instructive insights about why the 21st Century
Church feels so turbulent, frightening, and exciting. Led by Pastor Lance King.
Backpacking — compile weekend nourishment for BWES students…then roll up your sleeves for
hands-on caretaking of the CG facilities. Led by Edith Fisher.
Exchanging — step into our budding new ministry “green space”, Earlysville Exchange, to prepare it
for the week of ministry ahead. Led by Benny Clark and EE Team.
Continued on page 2
L.I.F.E. Together (continued)
Is your relationship ready
for Valentine’s Day?
Mission Friends led by Debbie Williams and Ella
Claire Clark.
Couple’s Enrichment Seminar
Saturday, February 14, 9am — noon
at Chestnut Grove
Presented by Melissa Hansen,
M.S., Resident in Counseling,
Valley Pastoral Counseling Center,
Charlottesville Satellite Office
Team Time with God will incorporate two
connected units. In the first unit Barbara Edwards,
Minister to Children and Families, will engage
children in FORMATION as we discuss “What it
means to be a Christian.”. The second unit will be
FRUITFULNESS oriented or “Out” learning as we
learn what it means to “move” with Christ.
Cost: $50/couple
Childcare will be provided—see registration form
Registration and deposit ($25) are required
by Saturday, February 7
Please contact the church office at:
[email protected] or 978-3819
for a registration form or with questions.
Steve Turner, Youth Minister, will lead interactive
Bible study, culminating later in multiple planning
sessions for Youth Sunday and Follies.
2015 CG Directory —
Update Your Entry
Please update, add, or correct,
your 2015 CG Church Directory
entry by Sunday, January 25.
Make changes directly to one of the four brightly
colored copies available in the foyer or contact Ann at
the church office at [email protected] or
Note: of the four copies placed for changes in the foyers last
Sunday only copy #2 has been recovered. If you know the whereabouts of #1,2,4 please let the office know .
Parents’ Night Out—February 14
Connect in the morning with your loved one and
reconnect in the evening with a night out. We will
watch your children, ages birth-sixth grade, while you
have dinner anytime between 5—8pm. Please contact
Barbara at [email protected] or
phone 978-3819 to reserve your spot by Sunday,
February 8.
2015 CentriKid Camp
Children currently in grade 3-6
are invited to CentriKid Camp
this summer. This year we will
travel to Eagle Eyrie on Monday, June 22 and return
on Friday June 26. The cost is $164/child with a deposit
of $50 due by Sunday, February 1. In community
with children from other churches, our children will
focus on connecting with God through Bible study,
recreation, worship and evening events. For more
information and/or to register email Barbara Edwards,
Minister to Children & Families, at
[email protected]
Four Chaplains Service
You are invited to attend the annual
memorial service commemorating
the Four Chaplains that perished on
the Army Troop Transport Dorchester along with 668 other soldiers, sailors and civilians.. Hosted by the American Legion Post
74. The service will be at Chestnut Grove at 2pm on
Sunday, February 1. The Albemarle "Patriots" Choir
will provide the music. Guest speaker will be Retired
Col Ken Creasy II U S Army. For more information
please contact the church office at
[email protected]
2015 Summer Day Camp
Vacation Bible School
You will want to experience this very special week of
sharing God’s love through story, song, games, crafts
and conversation. During the week of June 15-19
we will invite our community of children together to
learn how God is a part of their lives. Check your
calendars- we will soon be asking you to be a part of
this week.
Continued on page 3
$10 Bag Day
Pass the word! This Saturday,
January 17 at the Earlysville
Exchange is $10 Bag Day—on
all apparel except coats and
designer clothes.
WANTED: Musicians
Voices, guitars, drums, trumpets, sax,
strings – you name it – we want it!
Music Group for Him is “Re-Grouping”.
God continues to bring more and more
musicians to Chestnut Grove and it’s
time for this ministry to multiply!
Rehearsals are suspended for several
weeks as we prayerfully prepare to
adjust schedules to include new members into multiple new praise teams. We seek
to include new vocalists and instrumentalists. Those
interested should fill out a “Praise Team Information
Sheet” available on the bulletin board outside the
music office or directly from Katie Alfano.
PT Audio/Video Steward:
Enjoy soundboards? Love eliminating squeals from
public address systems? CG is interviewing for a part
time Audio/Video Steward. In 5-8 hours weekly, this
employee will insure high quality audio & visual support during all CG worship gatherings through professional equipment operation, volunteer training and
scheduling, and a/v equipment management. Interested parties may request complete job description
from church office: [email protected]
Nursery Lead Teacher
Chestnut Grove is accepting applications for our paid
nursery position to provide a loving, nurturing experience for children ranging in age from infant to 2 years
old during our Sunday morning worship services.
Applications may be obtained from our website, or from Barbara
Chestnut Grove treasures our team of volunteers.
This week’s (Sunday, Jan 18) children’s workers are:
8:30 Heidi Farr, J.P. Klosek, Liz Hatcher
9:50 Kristy Shifflett, Lindsay Harris, Elizabeth Dugas
Jason Dugas
11:00 Bobby Casteen, Elly Haden, Lyn Balfour,
Jarrett Balfour, Carrie Soubra, Vinton Bruton
Thank you for loving and sharing God’s love with our
This Sunday’s Text:
Acts 2:41-47
What does the Scripture say to you?
Prayer List
Our church is dedicated in prayer for each person on our prayer list. Please contact Lorraine Williams at
973-5194 if you wish a card to be sent. Please update the church office on the individuals you have placed
on our prayer list so that our records are current.
Please call or email prayer requests and updates to the church office
434-978-3819 [email protected]
Associate Pastor Search Team 12-23-14
Virgil Berry 1-7-15
Zoe Edwards (Barbara Edwards) 12-17-14
Chris Hertel (Grant Brownrigg) 1-14-15
C.T. Huff 12-17-14
Diane Lambert 1-14-15
Garland Oliver 12-31-14
Don Prillaman 12-10-14
Ellen Roberts 1-7-15
*Food Collection Item for January: Tuna fish
Continued on page 4
Worship Gatherings—Sunday 8:30 & 11:00 am
Sunday School—All ages 9:50 am
Music Weekly Rehearsals
5:30pm Youth Praise Band rehearsal in Upper Room
6:20pm Music Group for Him on stage
3:15pm Radical Ringers bell rehearsal in room 103
7:30pm Glorify bell rehearsal in room 103
6:30pm Meal and Gathering
Wednesdays (September—May)
Wednesday: 4:45pm Beginners Ukulele rehearsal in room 103
6:30pm Adult Choir in Sanctuary
4:15pm Ukuleaders rehearsal in room 103
5:30 L.I.F.E. Together Dinner
6:30 Small Group Gatherings
For the latest on rehearsal schedules see the music calendar on our website
Jan 14
Jan 15
noon Mid Week Prayer
2:30pm BW
5:30pm L.I.F.E
Dinner Po
Jan 19
6:30pm Paul
Maconochie Q&A
10am Laurels
Jan 20
10am Church at
Jan 21
Jan 22
noon Mid Week Prayer
2:30pm BW
6:30pm GA Meeting
5:30pm L.I.F.E Together
YEC 2015
6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together
Launch & Intro
Jan 25
Jan 26
6:30pm Tween
10am Laurels
Jan 27
10am Church at
4pm Bible Study
Feb 1
Feb 2
2pm Four Chaplains
10am Laurels
Feb 3
10am Church at
6:30pm GA Meeting
Jan 28
Jan 29
noon Mid Week Prayer
2:30pm BW
5:30pm L.I.F.E Together
Jan 16
Jan 17
Youth Evangelism Conference
6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together
Spring Semester Intro
Jan 18
Jan 23
Jan 24
Jan 30
Jan 31
Feb 6
Feb 7
Feb 13
Feb 14
6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together
Feb 4
Feb 5
noon Mid Week Prayer
2:30pm BW
5:30pm L.I.F.E Together
6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together
Feb 8
Feb 9
6:30 Tween
10am Laurels
Feb 10
10am Church at
4pm Bible Study
Feb 11
Feb 12
noon Mid Week Prayer
2:30pm BW
5:30pm L.I.F.E Together
6:30pm L.I.F.E. Together
9am Couple’s
5pm Parents’
Night Out