2 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time TODAY’S READINGS PRAYER MEETINGS Bible Study Wednesday, 7:30PM (Parish Ctr) Cenacle of The Blessed Virgin Mary Tuesday, 7:30 PM (Church) Divine Mercy Cenacle 3rd Friday at 7:30 pm (St. Seton Room) Charismatic Prayer Group Thursday, 7:30 PM (St. Joseph Center) Legion of Mary Mon, 9:30am (St. Vincent Room) & 7:15pm (Parish Center) Portuguese Cursillo 1st & 3rd Friday, 7:00 PM (St. Joseph Center) Spanish Prayer Group (Grupo de Oración Evangelicación) Todo primer Viernes del mes, de 7:15pm-9:00pm 1st Friday of each month from 7:15pm-9:00pm “La Hora Santa” dentro de la Iglesia “The Holy Hour” inside the Church 2nd & 4th Viernes/Friday, 7 PM (St. Joseph Center) Sabado/Saturday’s at 7:00PM (St. Seton’s Room) Estudios Biblicos/Bible Study DEVOTIONS Chaplet of the Divine Mercy Daily ~ 8:30AM & 6:15PM Eucharistic Adoration (Exposition Room) Mon,Tues,Thurs,Fri: 9am -6:15pm Wednesday - 9 am - 2 pm (Church) also Wednesday 2:00 pm - 6:15pm (Church) First Friday - 7 pm - 12 am (Church) No Exposition on Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays Rosary for Life Every Tues after the 8am mass & Divine Mercy. The Miraculous Medal Saturday Devotion 1st Saturday of each month after the 8am Mass Rosary with 15 minutes Meditation. Liturgy of the Hour Monday - Saturday 7:40AM (Church) Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Wednesdays, 8:45am and after 6pm mass (Church) Rosary Monday- Saturday, 7:15AM (Church) January 18, 2015 First Reading — Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening (1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19). Psalm — Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will (Psalm 40). Second Reading — Your bodies are members of Christ; glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20). Gospel — The first disciples saw where Jesus was staying and they stayed with him (John 1:35-42). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28 Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12, or any of a number of readings for the Day of Prayer Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21 Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 SAINTS &SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time; Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins Monday: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Julian Calendar Theophany (Epiphany) Tuesday: St. Fabian; St. Sebastian Wednesday: St. Agnes Thursday: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children Friday: St. Vincent; St. Marianne Cope Saturday: St. Francis de Sales The following were baptized into the Catholic Community on January 3, 2015: Jenavieve Ysabelle Basal Jaydev-Mykko Cavarlez Jameson Nicholas Enes Noan Alexander Freitas Lanna Alexis Meneses Alayna Sofia Miranda Dylan Nicolas Ortega January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS INTENTIONS (Parish Priests: Fr. RD = Fr. Raymond, Fr. JA = Fr. Joachim, Fr. JS=Fr. Joshua ) (Visiting Priests: Fr. LP = Fr. Luis Proenca, Fr. RS= Fr. Raja Selvam, Fr. Thomas=Fr. TM, AJ=Fr. Angelo Jaballa, Fr. JC=FR. John Cordero, Fr.PP = Fr. Pius Pareja ) Monday, January 19 8:00am/ Fr. RD † Nazario Sr. & Eriberta Perlas 6:30pm/ Fr. JS † Frank & Maria Macedo Tuesday, January 20 8:00am/ Fr. JS Skip & Hope Vega (Wedding Annivesary) 6:30pm/ Fr. RD †Erlinda Villanueva Wednesday, January 21 8:00am/ Fr. RD †Rosario Cortes 6:30pm/ Fr. JS †John & Marlys Azevedo Thursday, January 22 8:00am/ Fr. RD Simon Semaan (Special Intention) 6:30pm / Fr. JS †Celestino & Catalina Diamos Friday, January 23 8:00am/ Fr.JS †Marino Visciglio 6:30pm/ Fr.RD †Nicole Montero Saturday January 24 8:00am/ Fr. JS †Eutiquio Caritan 5:00pm/ Fr. JS †Fr. Rolly Jardiniano 7:00pm / Fr. RD †Manuel Vieira Sunday, January 25 6:30am/ Fr. JC †Jacinta del Rosario 8:00am/ Fr. JS Marco Prieto (Special Intention) 9:45am/ Fr. RS Holy Family Parishioners 11:30am/ Fr. RS Belmira Rocha & Family (Special Intention) 1:00pm/ Fr. LP †Jose & Guillermina Sousa 4:00 pm/ Fr. RD †Godofredo & Loreto Mahupil 5:30pm/ Fr. RD †Manuel Camus 7:00 pm/ Fr. JS †Hector Sr. & Luisa Gomez **The Priests’ Schedule is Subject to Change** Wedding Banns Third Announcement Manuel Navarro & Adriana Anaya 3 WE PRAY FOR THE SICK Armando Adonis, Tony Agamao, Augustine Aguilo, , Debbie Allen, Olivia Aranjo, Inocencio Arriola, Jocelyn Artiaga, Benita Barrios, Carlos Barquera, Barbara Barnum, Hazel Basilio, Ray Baugh, Eva Benito, Pedro Benzon, Norma Bertrand, Frances Boudreau,Cindy Burstein, Carina Capati, Gloria Carillo, Ricardo Caunan, Maria Luisa Ceja, Noe Cevallos, Maria Chun, Joe Coelho, Ernesto Cordero, Maria Ann da Costa, Elvis Daza, Anthony, Marcelina, Sebastian de Guzman, Agapito Diaz, Marc De Guzman, Reynaldo De Jesus, Adan Delgadillo, Mayet De Joya, Yolanda Dirlam, John Doria, Isabel Doria, James Doria, Richard Doria, Marvin Dumlao, Dominic Dupuy, Virgilio Duria, Lourdes Espiritu, Mary Esteves, Rosa Faria, Dorothy Flores, Jhon Francisco,Nick & Flo Gandolfo, Olga Gomes, Rafael Gomez, Rocio Gomez, Portia Gray, Efma Grecia, Christopher Hinojos, ,Diana Kenna, Sean Kenna, Eun Wha Lee, Francis Lee, Josefina Limtao, Ernesto Llamas, Ira Llamas, Frank Lopez, Natalie Lopez, Mark London, Maria Lujano, Louis Martinez, Christine Martinez, Melinda Menchavez, Sem Mercado. Debbie Messer, Guadalupe Montoya, Becky Moss, Herminia Niebres, Andrew Nieto, Robert Norman, Estrella Nufable, Jenine Oropeza, Efigenia Pascua, Nina Pham, Hugo Pennock, Kyla Orr, Liberty Ortiz, Fernanda Otero, Eva & Irma Reyes, Margaret Reza, Tony Riola, Althea Robertson, Etelvina Rocha, Maria Rodriguez, Mario Rodriguez, John Rudolph, Phillip Ruiz, Garth Ruffner, Louie Salamanca, Rita Salas, Alfonso Sanchez, Elenita Santos, Rita Santos, Linda Sarno, Alexander Sasbone, Johnny Sepulveda, Lily Silveria, Damrong Sithichai, Clay Solancho, Rich Tahimic, Sergio Tamayo, Joseph & George Tharaniyil, Robert Regalado, Graciela Rios, Frank Tom, Ryon Tom, Jun Tan, Ray Tanguay, Cathrine Unanka, Reina Uyan, Francis Valera, Thea Van de Mortel, Nanette Vergara, Frank Viramontes III, Francis Willarvalera, Leslie Wind, Josie Yu, Joe Zamora, George Zaragoza Sr. WEEKLY COLLECTIONS REST IN PEACE We pray for and remember those who have died. Lorenzo Ortiz Garcia Henry Ledesma Jr. Robert Regalado Whoever believes in Me,even though that person dies, shall LIVE." In order to maintain our services, meet our expenses, and restore savings, the parish needs an average of $22,000.00 in its weekly collection. Jan 3rd & Jan 4th, 2015 $21,515 ~Thank you for sharing what God has given you with our Parish. ~ 4 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Virgilio T.J. Suerte Felipe The Eucharistic Prayer As Jesus gave thanks to the Father at the Last Supper (Mk 14:23), the Priest also gives thanks to the Father at the Eucharistic Prayer, “the prayer of thanksgiving and sanctification” (General Instruction of the Roman Missal 78). For a long time, Catholics have mainly focused on the Consecration and elevation of the Host during this prayer. Today, we have come to appreciate the full context of the whole prayer which is thanksgiving. That is why it is called Eucharistic Prayer. Eucharist comes from the Greek word Eucharistia meaning “thanksgiving”. Thanksgiving is the context of the entire Eucharistic Prayer. We offer the prayer of praise and thanksgiving over the bread and the wine which become the Body and Blood of Christ for the saving work of God accomplished in Christ’s Passion, Death, and Resurrection. Significantly, the universal Catechism describes the Eucharistic Prayer as “consecratory thanksgiving” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1346) which means that in the act of saying “thank you” to the Father we are at the same time asking him to make sacred all of his creation, the bread and wine, his whole Church, and all her members both living and dead. Saint Justin (A.D. 100-165) said: “Because this bread and wine have been made Eucharist (‘eucharisted,’ according to an ancient expression), ‘we call this food Eucharist’” (Apol. 1, 66, 1-2: PG 6, 428. Quoted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church 1355). It is important to emphasize that the whole Eucharistic Prayer is directed to God the Father because we Catholics have been charged by our separated brethren with praying more to the Virgin Mary and the other saints than to God the Creator. Being the Great Prayer of the Church, the Eucharistic Prayer is the great example we can use in explaining that, indeed, we Catholics adore (latria) God the Father through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit and we venerate especially the Virgin Mary (hyperdulia) and the other saints (dulia). Thus, in the Eucharistic Prayer, we give thanks and pray: To you, therefore, most merciful Father ….. through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord:… In communion with those whose memory we venerate, especially the glorious ever-Virgin Mary … and all your Saints… in the unity of the Holy Spirit…(Eucharistic Prayer I). Collection of Palm Branches Palm branches that were received last year on Palm Sunday are being collected. Last year’s palms will be burned at a ceremony on Tuesday, February 17, following the 8:00am Mass. The ashes from these burned palms will be blessed and used for our services on Ash Wednesday. Labeled boxes have been placed in the Vestibule and side doors of the Church. Please put the palm branches in these boxes. Palm Burning Ceremony All are welcome to the ceremony for the burning of palm branches that will be held Tuesday, February 17, 2015 Following the 8:00am Mass All parishioners are invited to attend this ceremony. The ashes from these burned palms will be blessed and used for our services on Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time We are to use our everyday actions and conversations to help attract others to Jesus. Through their witness of Jesus as the Messiah, John the Baptist and Saint Andrew are instrumental to the world coming to know about Jesus and His mission on earth. By telling a friend or relative about Jesus, which is what these men did, we are continuing this work of evangelization today. Bundle Sunday Society of St. Paul **February 01, 2015** Sunday, Feb 01, 2015 is Bundle Sunday for our Parish. The St. Vincent de Paul truck will be here at 8:00 a.m.to 1:30 p.m. to receive your donations. Bring useable clothing, shoes, small appliances household items, linens, books, etc. For large items including furniture, appliances, and vehicles, please phone (323)224-6280 or (800) 974-3571 for a special free pick up at your home. Remember your contribution will be helping the needy. January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time The confirmation retreat really opened my eyes to a different view of our faith. I feel like I've learned so much, but a few things stood out to me. One was that we really were a family. All of us students went to the retreat not knowing what to expect. Some didn't want to go, some were excited, and others just had no clue what to think. But during the retreat, I was able to see some people open up to let Jesus into their hearts and it was amazing. We all showed that we were there for each other because we're all on the same journey together. Our teachers treated us like family, and it spread into a love that could not be contained. I feel like a big part for me was that at the retreat, I was able to let go of my burdens. From confession, to talking one on one with our discussion leaders, to just having alone time to actually talk to God. After retreat, I felt refreshed. The world gets so busy sometimes, and it's easy to forget that you are never alone. So many people are right by your side and if they aren't, there's always God. He'll always be there to listen to you because He knows you more than you know yourself. I realized that we need to clear our minds and hearts to make room for Him, and maybe then we'll see the truth. This retreat has strengthened my love for not only Him, but for everyone else. I want to spread His great and powerful love so that others can feel it, too. I'm really grateful that the retreat was made to be over a whole weekend because I feel that this really was the event that made me want to confirm my love for this life in His glory and grace. Thank you to everyone that was apart of this experience and I want to thank everyone in our church for their prayers. -Christen Bautista 5 "Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that you may discern what is the WILL OF GOD, what is good and pleasing and perfect." - Romans 12:2. This was Confirmation II's first batch in a long time to have a three day retreat and I am very thankful and blessed to be a part of it. Many of us came because it was mandatory and did not know what to expect. But as all of us gathered for this three day retreat, we began to see CLARITY in our faith as Catholics. We have become more open with our hearts and minds, as well as feeling more closer to our faith in God. We have become a family under God. I feel very blessed to have experienced it with everyone in this Confirmation batch of 2015. After this retreat, I was happy to know that a lot of us want to embrace our faith and do more for the Church. - Emmanuel Victoriano 6 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 CONFIRMATION CORNER CONFIRMATION 2 STUDENTS Confirmation 2 Classes meet January 20 ALL Tu/Th students are to attend. (No Class January 22) SATURDAY/SUNDAY CLASSES Mass at 6:30pm and class from 7:00-9:00pm Classes resume January 24 & 25. -------------------------------------------------------------CONFIRMATION 1 STUDENTS MONDAY - NO CLASS DAY Confirmation 1 Classes meet January 27/29 There will be no class on Monday, January 19 in observance of Martin Luther King Day. Monday Classes resume January 26. Mass at 6:30pm and class from 7:00-9:00pm RETREAT DAY - Confirmation 2 PROGRAMA DE ESPANOL Primera Comunion Estudantes y padres en grados 26 obligatoria misa: Domingo, 25 de Enero at 8:00am. Students are to attend the Retreat they were assigned. Retreat fee of $120 was due on December 16/18 Scheduled Retreat dates: Religious Ed Faith Formation Program Thursday Students: January 23-January 25, 2015 For Parents/Guardians (year 1-First Communion and Confirmation Students) Speaker: Fr. Joshua Monday, January 26 - Hall – 7:00pm Departure time: 6:00pm on Friday; Return time: 4:30pm Sunday SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN PROTEGIENDO A LOS NIÑOS - Did You Know? ¿Sabía Usted? Help children game safely online Thousands of children and young people received game consoles for Christmas. Parental involvement is critical when it comes to helping children online game more safely. Take an active interest in the games that your child plays alone or with others. You can research games’ ratings and content on www.esrb.org. This website is maintained by the Entertainment Software Rating Board which rates thousands of games each year. Another tip is to know which safety features are available on the gaming equipment that your child uses—a headset may have voice-masking features. For more information visit on using gaming sites go to: http://www.netsmartz.org/Gaming. Ayude a sus hijos a jugar con seguridad Miles de niños y jóvenes recibieron consolas de juegos para la Navidad. Muestre interés en los juegos que sus hijos quieren jugar o comprar. Puede hacer una investigación de la calificación de estos juegos y sus contenidos en www.esrb.org. Este sitio web es manejado por la Junta Directiva para Calificar el Software de Entretenimiento, que califica miles de juegos cada año. Aquí se ofrecen unos consejos: Aprenda qué características de seguridad están disponibles en los equipos de juego que su hijo usa, un audífono puede tener características para enmascarar voces. Para más información visite http://www.netsmartz.org/Gaming. PRAY FOR PRIESTS CALENDAR - Sponsored by LA Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women SUNDAY JAN. 18 Rev. Matthew Cumberland MONDAY JAN. 19 TUESDAY JAN. 20 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY JAN. 21 Rev. John Brannigan Rev. Msgr. ACCW ACCW Spiritual Advisor Spiritual Advisor Northern District East San Gabriel District JAN. 22 FRIDAY JAN. 23 SATURDAY JAN. 24 * Rev. David O'Connell Thomas Elis * Rev. Frank Ferrante, CMF * Rev. Msgr. * Rev. Lawrence Gibson Rody Gorman ACCW Retired Spiritual Advisor Retired Retired Retired January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 7 8 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 Convalidation Are you married, but not in the Catholic Church? Is it your desire to be married in the Catholic Church? Esta Casado, Pero No en la Iglesa Catolica? Desea Usted Ser Casado en la Iglesia Catolica? Holy Family Parish is offering you the opportunity to make your wish come true on June 13, 2015. If you would like more information please call the Liturgy Office at 562 924 8024 and leave your name, or register in the rectory and someone will contact you. All information is kept confidential. La Iglesia de La Sagrada Familia está ofreciendo la oportunidad de llenar este deseo el 27 de junio 2015. El equipo de “Convalidación” de esta parroquia espera su llamada. Para más información, por favor llame al (562- 9248024), deje su nombre y su número de teléfono. (Toda información personal es confidencial) MATRIMONIO EN LA IGLESIA CATOLICA Nos ha llamado la atención que muchas parejas de habla hispana tienen el concepto equivocado que para casarse en la Iglesia Católica es necesario estar casado civilmente primero. Esto no es un requisito para casarse en la Iglesia. Nosotros sabemos que en la mayoría de los países Latino Americanos estar casados civil es requerido. Con esta información, esperamos que mas parejas vendrán a recibir el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Si todavía tienen confusión o preguntas, por favor llamen a la Rectoría y hagan una cita para hablar con un sacerdote. Para esas parejas casadas civilmente y quienes desean casarse en la Iglesia Católica, el Grupo de Convalidación planeara otra Ceremonia de Convalidación Comunal para el próximo Junio. Nosotros queremos animar a que estas parejas no esperen, que hagan una cita para ser casados tan pronto como sea posible. Por favor de llamar a la Oficina de Liturgia para mas información (562) 924-8024. Coro de la Misa de las 8am El coro de las 8am necesita voces de hombres, también se necesita alguien que toca el Bajo, y otros instrumentos. Por favor, consulte Irma Ríos después de la Misa si usted está interesado. Los ensayos son los lunes de 7-9pm, en el cuarto en frente de la sacristía. A Sign Language Interpreter will be translating at Saturday, 5pm Mass every weekend. Pews will be reserved in the front of the Altar. Umbert cartoon is brought to you by the Holy Family Pro-Life Ministry. January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 9 An Invitation! SPIRITUAL ADOPTION Spiritual Adoption is a program where an individual adopts an unborn unknown child so that he or she will be spared from abortion and be allowed to live the precious life given to him by God. Please spiritually adopt an unborn baby. Pick up one prayer card, located at the Blessed Mother Teresa Shrine at the church’s vestibule and faithfully pray the prayer below for nine months to help save the unborn babies from abortion. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion. The unborn babies are counting on you!!! For more information please contact The Prolife Ministry at 562-412-0405 or [email protected] Holy Family Prolife Ministry Meets every 2nd Tuesday of the Month Please join us in our next meeting on February 10, 2015 at 7:15 pm at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Room WE WELCOME NEW AND ACTIVE MEMBERS! Be the voice and protector of the unborn! Let’s stand up for life from conception to natural death! For details please contact us at 562-412-0405 or [email protected] In 2013, Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life (YCL) be celebrated throughout the world. YCL will begin on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014. It will close on the World Day of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2016Please keep those who have dedicated their lives to Christ. O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life And Vocations www.usccb.org/cclv • www.usccb.org © 2014, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Logo courtesy of National Religious Vocation Conference. Used with permission. 10 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 11 FILAMCC Filipino- American Catholic Community of Holy Family Church MEETS EVERY 3RD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH AT ST. ANN SETON ROOM/LIBRARY AT 7:15PM Please join us in our meeting this coming Jan. 20, 2015 we will be discussing our coming and future event.s ALL FILIPINO- AMERICANS ARE INVITED!!!! For information please call Remy Dulguime at 714-828-3850 or Lita Vicente at 562-402-4496 CATHOLIC DISCUSSION GROUP (Patrician Meeting) WHEN? ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE It’s Your Turn!!! If there is a star next to your name you are the Lead Altar Server for that Mass. Please be sure to call a substitute if you are not able to serve. We thank all of you for the continued commitment to your ministry. God bless! Saturday, January 24 5:00pm D D’Silva*, A Alzona, S Francisco, M Tumambing 7:00pm M Lopez*, C Lopez, N Discipulo Sunday, January 25 6:30am 8:00am I Reyes*, M A Reyes 9:45am J Victoria*, S,D & M Victoria 11:30am F Taruc*, R Valdez, M Guerrero 1pm A Costa, J Van Tassell 4:00pm S Sany*, P Baja, A Dagoc 5:30pm K Luza*, G Urrea 7:00pm S Tulud*, E & J Ebalo Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 2:00pm to 4:00pm WHERE? St. Vincent’s Room (next to priest’s garage) TOPIC: “THE ROSARY/IS THE ROSARY AN OUTDATED PRAYER?” If you want to know more about your Catholic faith, please come to this family- style discussion group, different religious topics discussed each month. Bring a Catholic friend/or meet new people. Just listen or add to the conversation. For more information, please contact Del Matias at (562) 924-2058 Women's Retreat Come and join us in the beautiful grounds for this silent retreat offered by the Carmelite Sisters. We pray, sing and attend conferences given by our Retreat Master, Rev. Bryce Sibley. The retreat is on Divine Mercy weekend, April 10-12. For reservations and info. contact: Irene Creason 562-865-2823 www.sacredheartretreathouse.com 12 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 About the Program The Spiritual Exercises at St. Peter Chanel in Hawaiian Gardens, California was instituted in August of 2006 with an initial group of two people meeting with Father Ed Broom, OMV. From that quiet beginning more than 4,200 people have experienced the Exercises. Among the fruits that participants have experienced are: * A deeper, more intense prayer life; * An ability to examine one’s conscience more closely; * Discernment of spirits – the ability to distinguish the voice of the Holy Spirit from the whisperings of the evil spirit;A deeper understanding and love of the Sacrament of Confession; * A greater love of Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist; * A love of Holy Scripture; and last but not least, * A deeper filial relationship with Mary, our mother. The Format of the Course The course is an adaptation of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Those Exercises have been the source of great spiritual growth for 450 years. The Exercises forge saints and this program is rooted in the Universal Call to Holiness. Christ commands us: “Be holy, as your Heavenly Father is holy” Mt. 5:48. We are striving to become saints, even great saints. The program extends over 70 days with assigned meditations based in the Exercises and drawn from Holy Scripture. Every week the attendees hear a presentation that teaches the Ignatian method of prayer and outlines the structured themes of Ignatius and provides encouragement and direction. This is not a Bible study course. The attendees don’t become Bible scholars, they become Bible lovers! All adults are invited! New Catholics, lifelong Catholics, non Catholics, revert Catholics, all are invited. Materials There is no charge for the course. The parish supplies all the materials. Attendees must have a Catholic Bible. Donations are accepted to help defray the cost. January 18, 2015 Sunday Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday January 18 January 19 January 20 January 21 5:30am – 6:30pm De Colores Choir CHOIR ROOM No Class Class Day Martin Luther King Jr. Day REL. ED. 9am – 11am Knitting Group ST. VINCENT RM. 2pm – 6pm Adoration CHURCH No Class Class Day REL. ED. 2:30pm Chinese Mass CHURCH 3:30pm – 4:30pm Cerritos Chinese Catholic Association Fellowship ST. JOSEPH CTR. 7pm – 8pm Legion of Mary Praesidium ST. VINCENT RM. 7pm – 9pm De Colores Choir CHOIR RM 7pm 9pm RCIA Catechism Classes ST. JOSEPH CTR 7pm- 9pm 7pm- 9pm UTC College Mtg. UTC General Mtg. JOHN PAUL II CONF. RM JOHN PAUL II CONF. RM 10am – 12pm Spanish Intercessory Group ST. SETON RM. 6:30pm Mass Conf. 2 CHURCH 7pm – 9pm All Tu/Th Conf. 2 HALL .7pm – 9pm Knights of Columbus Mtg. ST. VINCENT RM. 7pm – 9pm Fil Am CC Mtg. JOHN PAUL CONFERENCE RM. 6:30pm JH Mass CHURCH 7pm -8pm JH Class JH Activity Night ST. JOSEPH CTR. 7:15pm – 8pm MOPH-Novena CHURCH 13 Thursday Friday Saturday January 22 January 23 January 24 Conf. 2 No Class Conf. 2 / Three (see 1/20) Day Retreat 7pm - 9pm Portuguese Cursillo ST. SETON RM. 7pm - 10pm Charismatic Prayer Group ST. JOSEPH CTR. 7:30pm-9 pm Youth Choir ST. ANTHONY DE PADUA Thurs. Students 7pm - 9pm RCIA - Chinese GOOD SHEPHERD RM. (PATIO RM.) 7pm - 9pm Grupo de Evangelización ST. JOSEPH CTR 8:30am/ 10am/ 11:30am Sat. Class REL. ED. 8:30am – 12:30pm Confessional Tours CHURCH Conf. 2 / Three Day Retreat Thurs. Students 7pm - 9pm Estudios Biblicos para el Grupo de Evangelización ST. SETON RM. . Parish Priests - To contact them thru e-mail: Rev. Raymond Decipeda, MMHC - [email protected] Rev. Joachim Ablanida, MMHC – [email protected] Rev. Joshua Santos, MMHC – [email protected] Parish Finance Council Members: Angela Amenero, Paul Barcelos, Catalina Cruz, Lance Doherty, Remy Dulguime, Danio Fajardo, Karen Hillman, Liz Juan, Noel Motus, Rina Ngo, Jeanelle Padre, Roger Pavon, Ramil Villegas, Nicole Virtucio-Moya. To contact any of the members, e-mail them thru: [email protected] Parish Pastoral Council Members: Maria Ayerdis, Paul Barcelos, Frank Cardiel, Diosdado de Leon, Vina Dungo, Ronnie Espinosa, Josie Flores, Ed Lazzari, Maria Luisa Lapidario, Betty Lou Ormonde, Linda Sarno, Nenita Solancho, Skip Vega, Joe Vicente. To contact any of the members, e-mail them thru: [email protected] Parish Ministry: Adoration Chapel-Mafalda Canlas (562) 865-2185 ext. 405 Business Manager – Karen Hillman (562) 865-2185 Finance Council – Roger Pavon (562) 865-2185 Office Manager – Sofia Luna (562) 865-2185 ext. 223 Plant & Property Manager – Hope Vega (562) 865-2185 RCIA – Rudy & Mila Perpinan (562) 924-5075 Safeguard the Children-Ulises Perez-Flores (562) 865-2185 School Secretary – Jessica Perez (562) 865-1621 Young Adult Ministry – Michael Maglonso (562) 865-2185 Bereavement – Hector Gomez (562) 865-2185 Confirmation – George Zaragoza (562) 860-5973 Liturgy Coordinator – Maggie Gudino (562) 924-8024 Pastoral Council – Joe Vicente (562) 402-4496 Publication Team – Abigail de Jesus (562) 726-2735 Religious Education – Teresa Paulino (562) 860-5973 School Principal – Juan Nagore (562) 865-1621 Web Master – Bobby Canseco (562) 607-8839 Youth Ministry – Gerardo Butalid (562) 677-5166 This bulletin is printed free of charge thanks to advertising THANK YOU, ADVERTISERS! If interested in placing an ad in our bulletin please contact: Bernie Mendoza - (562) 631-1111 This week’s editor is Phong Nguyen. The Bulletin Team coordinator is Abigail de Jesus
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