*** VALLEY FLIER *** NEWSLETTER OF THE LATROBE VALLEY MODEL AERO CLUB ( INCORPORATED IN VICTORIA. REGISTRATION NUMBER A1822 ) P.O. BOX 311, MORWELL. 3840 PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER & EDITOR CHRIS DAVENPORT 108 NORTH RD, YALLOURN NORTH. 3825 DALE STEVENSON 17 DALRAY CRT, TRARALGON. 3844 WAYNE LEWIS 39 KURT ST, MORWELL. 3840. PH 03 5167 1546 Mob 0414 334 282 PH 03 5174 5890 Mob 0418 459 059 [email protected] PH 03 5134 3189 Mob 0422 627 169 [email protected] [email protected] Our Club Email address is [email protected] Have you checked out our WEBSITE at www.lvmac.org.au or our Photo Gallery at http://photos.lvmac.org.au Visit us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/flylvmac VMAA Website is at www.vmaa.com.au MAAA website is at www.maaa.asn.au JANUARY 2015 COMING EVENTS : THURSDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1 JANUARY 3 JANUARY 4 JANUARY 7 New Years Day No indoor flying on this day General flying at all sites Monthly Meeting at Lake Narracan after a Twi-Fly – 8.00pm start. If the weather is not suitable for a Twi-Fly the meeting will be at the LV Airport at 8.00pm Club Flyday at LAKE NARRACAN from 9.00am. Indoor flying at Grey St School in Traralgon 2-5pm General flying at all sites Australia Day weekend - FLOAT FLYING WEEKEND at LAKE NARRACAN. SUNDAY JANUARY 11 SATURDAY JANUARY 17 SUNDAY JANUARY 18 SAT/SUN/MON JAN 24 /25/26 SUNDAY Slope Gliding Day – Venue to be decided ( Kerrie Brae or No FEBRUARY 1 Pine) Monthly Meeting at Lake Narracan after a Twi-Fly – 8.00pm start.(weather permitting) If the weather is not suitable for a Twi-Fly the meeting will be at the LV Airport Indoor flying at Grey St School in Traralgon 2-5pm Club Flyday at LAKE NARRACAN from 9.00am. CCMT at Lake Narracan Indoor flying at Grey St School in Traralgon 2-5pm General flying at all sites WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 4 SATURDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 2015 FEBRUARY 7 FEBRUARY 8 FEBRUARY 15 FEBRUARY 21 FEBRUARY 22 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 -2- MEMBERSHIP & FEES: Paid up Membership for the 2014/2015 year stands at 63 as of 24/12/14 Breakdown is 41 Senior Members, 15 Pensioner Members, 1 Junior Member, 4 Associate members, and 1 Social member . We also have a few half year new members lined up. Welcome to Greg Billing from Moe who is currently flying a Quadcopter with FPV. ********************** Pressies Preamble, Welcome to 2015, no doubt there will be a few hangovers waiting to dissipate and probably even more belly overhangs to get rid of before flying weight has been attained, a few others will suffer from jetlag and even more will require a prolonged rest period to get back to a reasonable normality. The question is, are holidays actually rest periods or punishment periods? Either way they are self inflicted so do what you have to do to recover and we will meet at the field for more R and R. The weather has been extra kind to us stay at homes during the festive season and it has been put to good use by many, although the good weather has caused huge growth spurts in the vegetation so a lot of 3D stuff was performed by the Rover Clipper, I'm talking about Dandelions, Daisies and Doggy Doos. A word of warning to anyone with an ARF tail dragger, the Dandelions are that tough that if the paddock has not been mown in the last week they will whip over the leading edge of the horizontal stabiliser and simply rip the top covering to shreds. Quick take offs from the concrete are highly recommended and stall speed landings will help as well. The next Meeting on the 7th of Jan could be a twi-fly and Pizza night depending on the weather so keep your eye on the Emails to get that vital last minute information and you wont be confused or disappointed on the night. May I take the opportunity to wish everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year with abundant good health causing heaps more flying time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you at the field.................................................Cheers, Chris. **************** Wet & Dry Weekend Report – Sat 29th & Sunday 30th November’14 It was a disappointing weekend as the weather did not turn out as forecast and ther was a distinct lack of pilots on both days but the club faithfulls were there to keep things moving along. Saturday morning was fine and a little on the windy side with an 8 to 13kt North Easterly wind and Roy White was the only one to fly a floatplane off the Lake and the Seawind flew well but flipped over when landing so it had to be retrieved using the boat & electric motor. There was plenty of action on the grass strip and Chris managed to loose his new Skipper floatplane (flown off the grass) by flying too far away and into a white cloudy background. The model is still missing after a fair amount of looking. We don’t really know where it ended up ! Wayne couldn’t get his Catalina off the grass so tried to handlaunch and that went badly and ended with a broken model that is quite fixable. By 1.00pm everyone had had some lunch and were heading home. There were no visitors. Sundays weather forecast was perfect but it never happened that way. Again, it was windy from the start, with the North Easterly gusting to 13kts and a couple of heavy rain showers passed through early but by 10.00 all was good and there was action on the grass strip. We has 3 visitors from SADAC and 1 from BADMAC and 2 from the Croydon Club but they arrived early and left early due to the wind. Unfortunately it was about 1.30pm before the wind dropped enough and a few floatplanes did make it onto the water. Wayne flew Chris’s Katrina V tail and was lucky on a final check on the OS65LA powered North Wind to find one aileron not working so that model didn’t get to fly. Wayne also flew his own OS55AX powered Neptune with no problem. Geoff Bruerton flew his electric …… and Neil Brewer from Sale flew his electric Icon and we didn’t need the boat to retreive any of these models. Special thanks to Chris for his effort in the Kitchen and the club did make a few dollars out of the weekend. If we have this event next year it will be a 1 day event only. Our next float plane event is on the long weekend in January. -3- Neil Brewer from Sale flew this little electric “ Icon “ off the Lake when conditions had calmed down Chris was flying one of these nice flying models till it disappeared ! It was brought back by the Hovercraft Boys 2 weeks later and has the canopy missing. . It was found upside down in the reeds at the Western end of the lake. It has been flown since and all went well ! -4- REPORT for the INDOOR FLYING on Saturday 6th December This was our last session for the year as it was decided at the December meeting that numbers would be low over the Xmas period and the next event would be on Saturday 17th January 2015. It has proved to be very successful at Grey Street Hall and a good venue after losing the Warragul site. It was a great day for indoor flying weather wise and there were 8 flyers and a couple of new models on display. Gary and Rex both arrived with a Farnham item –the Waco bipe and a very nice looking model indeed but a little heavy. Well most of the two and a half hours was spent with adjustments of numerous kinds to both but the ability to keep them continually in the air created a huge problem for Rex and Gary ! They did everything from ground loop to snap high speed stalls and everything in between. Graeme arrived with a design from the 60’s – an all red Fokker Tripeneezer. Based on a .75cc free flight model from Aeromodeller (except for foam wings that flapped like a seagull) but did manage to have some good flying time. Otherwise the normal range of indoors filled the hall continually until Mike, Mick and Fred placed a Vapour carry box on its end and began using it as a landing strip. There were numerous close calls and lots of Kamikaze attacks until Mick managed to do it successfully. I think I even observed an attempted loop and belly flop onto the box!! So another very enjoyable day and we look forward to continuing on the 3rd Saturday in the New Year GB Above – Rex Mitchell’s Tiger Moth Below -The Spacewalker triplets all flew well -5- Even an Indoor Mustang was flown Thanks for the report Graeme and the Pics Mick Gunn ***************** Monthly Meeting Report - December 2014 Meeting Opened: 8.00 pm Attendance: Dale Stevenson, Bill Reid, Chris Davenport, Geoff Bruerton, Graeme Blackman, Tim Dawson, Tony Borg, Peter Galloway, Ivan Walker, Ian Place, Bill Webb, Gary Mauger, Wayne Lewis, Ash Bence, Mick Gunn, Neil Macfarlane, Rex Mitchell, Paul Mitchell Apologies: Clint Wilson, Geoff Potter, Mick Young, Lindsay Lamont, Don Grant. Visitors: Ian Partleton, Greg Billing New Members: None. Confirm Last Months Minutes: Neil Macfarlane. Business Arising from Previous Meeting: Club Christmas Day – 41 coming so far and will be at the Yallourn North Hall. Knapsack Spray for LN – has been purchased and used at Lake Narracan. Cloth Badges – do we want them ? – Mick Gunn said he will check on prices for next meeting. Club Shirts and Jackets, and order will placed in January. Flight Proficiency: Fred Walder can fly his Bixler Solo – Well done Fred. Secretary’s Report: Correspondence: Incoming - Minutes from VMAA via email. Correspondence: Outgoing - September Minutes for LVMAC Business Arising: None. Treasurer’s Report: Income : Expenditure : Available funds: Term Deposits : $ 252.04 $ 514.71 $4,911.44 $30,000.00 Lake Narracan Committee: Nothing to Report. continued Safety: -6Nothing to report at either Lake Naracan or Warragul sites. General Business: Teddy Stephenson is back in Hospital Indoor Flying this Saturday in Traralgon (21 st Dec and 3rd Jan are not on) Long Weekend in Jan – 26th Ash Bence mentioned having an Office Bearer Board for the Club – no where to put it. A Charging Station was mentioned to have at the Club Grounds – is was decided that it was not really needed. BOMB Award: No nominations. Bent Wheel Award: There were 2 nominations, Lindsay for hitting the Style and Geoff Bruerton for his Vampire hitting a tree. It was decided that Lindsay take the prize. Show & Tell: Chris Davenport had a few planes for sale on someone’s behalf. Geoff Bruerton had a home built glider – Wedgetail 104 Graeme Blackman had a 1938 Berry Loyd Winner model, had an OS30 4 stroke in it and weighed about 1.8 kg. Rex Mitchell had his old Boomerang which was recovered and with lights. He had also added a sprung undercarriage for those touch and goes. Confirm Program Dates: December 14th and January 15th as per yearly program. Fines: Graeme Blackman for leaving his Frequency Key, and Ivan for leaving a chair. Syllabus Item for Next Meeting: Twilight Fly before meeting held at Lake Narracan and Night Flying if the weather is suitable. Meeting Closed 8.30 PM Syllabus Item: None. ******************* Club Christmas Flyday Sunday 7/12/14 We were to have our Christmas flyday at the Lake but Chris was watching the weather forecast and it wasn’t looking good so he organised the Yallourn North Community Hall and just as well because the steady drop of rain that Started on Saturday night didn’t stop all day on the Sunday. It was wet and soggy outside and we were nice and dry inside the Hall that had been decorated for Christmas by the Yallourn North community. 48 starters attended and all went well with the 3 course meal that was catered by Chris’s daughter Kylie and she was helped by her daughter, Rhanni & niece, Kristie. Thanks to the three of them for their effort. They were happy to be working in a new kitchen and not the container at Lake Narracan. There were 3 lucky seat prizes and they were won by Phil Mohr $50, Rodney Thaw $30 and Mick Gunn $20. Ian Mitchell had a 3D scanner and showed some model pilot Busts of Rex & Paul Mitchell that he had made on a 3D printer. He then scanned several members who want one made for them. There were presentations made to several members and they were Best Landing of the Year – Geoff Potter – he must have had at least one good landing Nitro Nightflyer of the Year – Peter Hill for flying his big Lazy Ace at the Night Fly Luckiest Crash of the Year – Alan Male for Nose crashing his Rambler into the strip - no real damage Best Crash of the Year – Roy White for crashing his Pulse into the trees behind the pits Longest Indoor Flight – Garry Mauger for getting his Vapour stuck in the roof Humanitarian of the Year - Ian Place for never failing to have a feed for the Magpies at the field Builder of the Year – Geoff Bruerton - hardly ever comes to a meeting without a new model Ghost of the Year – Dale Stevenson for rarely being seen at the flying Field Happiest Pilot of the Year – Rex Mitchell for always having a smile when at the field After the food there was some indoor flying from Mick Gunn and some Heli flying from Paul Mitchell Everyone enjoyed the day and I was decided that if all goes well, we should do the same next year. -7- The Yallourn North Hall Mid Week Flying at Warragul There was no written report but Greg Mitchell sent a pic from one of their Wednesday flydays. Club Shirts and Jackets – We will be doing an order for Club Shirts & Jackets in the new Year so if you want either or both talk to Chris or Wayne. Last order Shirts were $30.00 and Jackets were $50.00 and the price may have changed. We also have the Club Caps for Sale at $20.00 if you need another Club cap. -8- Ian Mitchell has got himself a 3D printer and is making a variety of things including Pilots and pilot Busts. Ian has made several of these pilot busts for club members in various sizes and they are very good and very lifelike. He has to scan you with a 3D scanner first and the computer & 3D printer do the rest. If you are really into scale and want a lifelike pilot of yourself in any size or want to know more, then contact Ian on 0417 312 310. Pictured opposite is his Dad Rex with a bust and pilot of himself. ************************************ Our oldest flying member, Teddy Stevenson is back home in Bunyip after his hip replacement and is on the mend and he is pretty happy about that. We hope to see Teddy at the field in the New Year. Above – Glen Neal has a new nitro powered model called a LR-1A Pogo. It’s a fast Pylon Racing Model MAAA 68th Nationals Southeast Queensland & Brisbane April 9th to 19th 2015 Entry Forms are now available from the Club Secretary or VMAA & MAAA Websites -9- Vale: COL RYAN Col was 88 years old and had a long time interest in aero modelling, in particular large slope soaring gliders and he spent many hours at No Pine flying off the slope and over the old open cut mine. He had a Learmonth ¼ scale Kestrel and a trusty Cirrus. He was extremely important in the development of our club providing a long term flying home at his dairy farm at Tyers (1960’s to the 1980’s). He maintained access for flyers and made sure the cows were in another paddock for club flying days and weekends and the strip was free of “land mines”. He spent many hours at No Pine fl On his retirement from the arduous life of dairying his family was unable to keep the farm going and Col had to sell up and he moved into Traralgon with Vera his wife and their daughter. He did however have a good friendship with Ron McColl, and thus helped us in relocating back to the Cairnbrook site. Originally the club flew out of Ron McColl’s farm and Col and Graham Grant from Glengarry asked Ron if he would mind the club going to his property. I am sure if Col had retained the farm, LVMAC would still be flying there. His interests were fishing, aero modelling, full size gliding (owning a fabric covered KA6) and gardening. He even had a stint as the President of the LVMAC (1977/78) when the club was meeting at the Tyers Hall. His eyesight started to become a problem in the last few years which restricted his use of No Pine, the KA6, white van and his “tinnie”. He learnt the computer and had a substitute in flight simulator programs, spending up to 3 hours a night “flying into airports around the world”. Another interest of Col’s was a project rebuilding a full size Mosquito Bomber in Melbourne He attended the odd meeting and flew some power at Lake Narracan but last year he had bad news with his sight and unfortunately was having difficulty seeing the computer, His final move after losing Vera was to Margery Coles Home in Traralgon until his recent passing. Graeme Blackman A pic of Col and one of his powered models taken a couple of years ago - 10 – The next monthly meeting will be held at Lake Narracan if the weather is suitable. We will have some Night Flying after the meeting if it happens. I will send out an email if the weather is not suitable and then the meeting will be at the LV Airport. If you are not sure ring Wayne on 0422 627 169 on Wednesday afternoon. Ouch !!! This is why Helicopters and fixed wing aircraft should not fly together. The Zero is a large model. To see the full 3 minute video click on the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSHYpM1JDKE Omegaron Hobbies and Computers has open a new shop in Traralgon. Dale Stevenson has had the online and Sunday Market business for several years and has now expanded to a shop at 4/40 Standing drive at the Eastern side of Traralgon. It’s the street right behind the new McDonalds near Bunnings. There was an add on the front of Mondays LV Express Paper. Some pics follow - 11 - Valley Hobbies 166 commercial Rd, Morwell. 3840 Ph 5135 3222 club members get a 10% discount on their purchases when they show their Club ID or MAAA card. 10.00am -5.30pm Mon to Fri ***************** Agenda for the January 2015 Meeting APOLOGIES – NEW MEMBERS MEMBERS VISITORS CONFIRM LAST MONTHS MINUTES – As per the newsletter BUSINESS ARISING FROM LAST MONTHS MINUTES 1 Club Shirts & Jackets – order in January 2 Club Cloth Badges 3 4 REPORTS Treasurer – as supplied Safety – Flight Proficiency – Secretaries – Correspondence in & out – Business arising from Correspondence LN Committee – GENERAL BUSINESS 1 F1 Air Race at Sandown Park 2 3 BOMB AWARD – BENT WHEEL AWARD – FINES – SHOW & TELL – CONFIRM PROGRAM DATES – January & February’15- As per the yearly program – MEETING CLOSE & SUPPER **************** - 12 - F1 Air Race Sandown Sunday 11th January 2015 from 1.00pm Checkout the website http://www.sandownairrace.com.au/ For more information and download the program Special Event Dates to remember for the coming months …… R/C F1 Air Race at Sandown Park on Sunday - January 11th 2015 from 1.00pm Indoor flying resumes on Saturday 17th January in Traralgon from 2.00pm January Australia Day weekend - FLOAT FLYING WEEKEND at LAKE NARRACAN. SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1st Slope Gliding Day – Venue to be decided ( Kerrie Brae or No Pine) CCMT at Lake Narracan SUNDAY FEBRUARY 15th Check out the VMAA & MAAA websites for more info on other club events. The Valley Flier Newsletter is owned and published by the Latrobe Valley Model Aero Club (incorporated) . Opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the editor and authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy of the Club or Association. Contributions accepted for publication may be edited as required. Whilst the publishers exercise due care with regard to the newsletter contents, no responsibility can be accepted for errors and/or omissions or any damage or offence that may be caused as a consequence.
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