Advertiser Index...Page 5 Seminar Schedule...Pages 6 & 8 Holt Arena Map... Page 10 Student Union Map... Page 12 2 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO Increase Efficiency with a Crop Cart - Fill a planter in seconds, increase harvester efficiency - 700 Sack / 35 Ton capacity - Use it year round in multiple crops like Grains, Sugar Beets and many others BOOTH 114 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 3 SPUDNIK Spudnik Equipment Company continues to look for innovative ideas and solutions to improve the current equipment offering and to introduce new equipment that will help the grower increase the efficiency and profitability of their operations. The new Crop Cart which was proto typed in 2013 was in limited production in 2014 and will be in full production in 2015. During planting in 2014 the Crop Cart has proved to be a valuable tool to increase planting efficiency by keeping the planters in the field and bringing the seed to the planter. With a capacity of 700 sacks, the Crop Cart can fill multiple planters with a single load. Planter fill time is now achieved in seconds rather than minutes allowing more acres to be planted in a day. The Crop Cart was used during both potato and sugar beet harvest improving harvester efficiency. In addition to potatoes and sugar beets the Crop Cart was used in carrots and cucumbers and a grain unloading system will be developed in 2015 to allow the machine to be used in grain and corn harvest. Removing stones, rocks, clods, and other debris from potatoes continues to be accomplished with the stationary AirSep eliminator and the AirSep harvesters. The machines continue to evolve and new options have been added to meet the needs of growers in a variety of soil conditions. The stationary AirSep eliminator has proved to be a great tool in both the spring and fall to eliminate debris coming out of and going into storage. The Spudnik cultivator introduced in 2014 in a 6 and 8 row configuration does a great job in loosening the soil for tuber growth and improving water absorption. The cultivator is designed with the ripper shank closer to the tractor reducing side shifting and the possibility of disturbing the planted seed piece. The rock protection system is controlled hydraulically for both the raise and lower functions eliminating stress to the frame. The machines have a large rolling paddle or prop to create a deep pocket for water conservation. The sugar beet harvester was prototyped for the second year with several modifications made to the machine to improve and enhance its function. In addition a 6 row front mounted defoliator and a 12 row trailed defoliator were developed and introduced to the market. These machines will be in limited production in 2015 with additional improvements incorporated into the design. The engineers at Spudnik continue to incorporate new ideas and developments in technology to improve the entire line of Spudnik equipment. As a leader in the potato industry we are always looking for ways to improve the machinery efficiency to help the growers realize a return sooner on their investment. Spudnik is dedicated to providing innovative solutions to the potato industry to help growers realize harvesting success! DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 4 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO ADVERTISER INDEX 5 PAGE Adams, Inc.............................................................................................................. 7 Ag Leader Technology.....................................................................................33 Ag World Support Systems............................................................................40 Agri Control Technologies/BTU Ventilation��������������������������������������������18 Agri-Lines Irrigation..........................................................................................17 AGRI-SC/Four Star Services............................................................................32 Ag-Vantage, Inc..................................................................................................36 All Star Manufacturing and Design............................................Back Cover AMVAC Chemical...............................................................................................24 Baicor.....................................................................................................................26 Bank of Commerce.............................................................................................. 4 Bank of Idaho......................................................................................................24 BASF Chemical.............................................................................................54-55 Bayer Criop Science..........................................................................................37 Bio Huma Netics, Inc..................................................................................13-14 Bio-Logic Soil Builders.....................................................................................50 Biorem...................................................................................................................53 Biosafe Systems, LLC........................................................................................45 Certis USA.............................................................................................................30 Cole Chevrolet....................................................................................................62 Colorado Certified Potato Growers������������������������������������������������������������46 Commercial Tire.................................................................................................31 Conquest Insurance, Inc..................................................................................43 D & S Tire Inc........................................................................................................52 Davis Machine Co..............................................................................................51 Diesel Depot........................................................................................................29 Drexel Chemical Co...........................................................................................20 Driscoll Truck Center........................................................................................25 Dykman Electrical Inc......................................................................................44 Farm Bureau Insurance....................................................................................21 Farmore Of Idaho..............................................................................................15 Page Adams, Inc................................................................................................... 7 FMC .....................................................................................................................59 Golden West Irrigation....................................................................................19 Hansen-Rice Inc.................................................................................................48 Horn Plastics, Inc................................................................................................47 Idaho Ag Credit..................................................................................................49 Idaho Crop Improvement Assn.������������������������������������������������������������������38 Idaho Power Company....................................................................................28 Industrial Electric Motor Service�����������������������������������������������������������������56 Irrigation Systems, Inc.....................................................................................15 John Deere...........................................................................................................23 Kenworth Sales Company..............................................................................63 Knipe Land Company......................................................................................24 Knudsen Irrigation............................................................................................19 Land View Inc......................................................................................................22 Magnation Water Technologies������������������������������������������������������������������11 Maz-Zee S.A. International.............................................................................41 McNeil Marketing................................................................Inside Back Cover Nelson Irrigation................................................................................................57 North Western Irrigation.................................................................................15 Northwest Farm Credit Service�������������������������������������������������������������������58 Rain For Rent - Idaho Falls..............................................................................15 Rain For Rent - Paul...........................................................................................15 Romans’ Parts & Machinery............................................................................15 Ramada Inn..........................................................................................................46 Senninger Irrigation Inc.................................................................................... 9 Smith Chivrolet..................................................................................................62 Spudnik Equipment Company................................................................2 & 3 Sterling Farm Supply........................................................................................27 Syngenta..............................................................................................................16 Teton Seed Marketing Assn...........................................................................38 Adams, Inc.............................................................................................................. 7 Tireboss Tire Pressure Control����������������������������������������������������������������������39 T-L Irrigation........................................................................................................35 Tomra Sorting Inc..............................................................................................60 Total Scale Service, Inc.....................................................................................57 Trinity Trailer Mfg., Inc................................................................................42-43 Valley Equipment & Irrigation����������������������������������������������������������������������19 Valley Pump and Equipment.........................................................................15 Warrington Irrigation.......................................................................................15 Yara North American........................................................................................61 DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 6 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 7 Adams Grain Bins Adams Grain Bins is the Northwest’s premier provider of Sukup Grain Bins, Dryers, and Handling Equipment. We specialize in custom turn-key projects designed to simplify your operations. Adams Grain Bins has the products, knowledge, and reputation to meet your current and future needs. When you need parts, fans, or complete storage systems call Adams Grain Bins. 3 Farm & Commercial Sales 3 Design & Consulting 3 Installation & Repair Bins Grain Handling Grain Dryers In-Bin Drying Parts Order Now 208.932.3232 and take advantage of BIG seasonal discounts Two Offices to Serve You: Jerome & Ririe Idaho ~ [email protected] BOOTH 86 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 8 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: OLD Sprinklers? 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO Are Your How Old 9 ® NEW Made in U.S.A. Like pivots, combines and other farm equipment, sprinkler packages need to be inspected each year if you expect to use them for another season. Senninger has always told growers they should visually inspect all sprinklers for potential damage, but while a broken sprinkler is easy to identify and replace, it may be harder to see wear issues in sprinklers that are still operating. Everything Has a Working Life Though it is tempting to hold on to a sprinkler that technically works, worn out components will alter your overall system’s uniformity and efficiency. Sprinklers don’t last forever and the impact of a single sprinkler problem can cause significant yield reductions and water waste. This is especially true for sprinklers on the outer 30% of the center pivot system. Identifying issues doesn’t have to be difficult though. Many are easy to spot through a quick visual check of your field. In fact, some of the most common wear symptoms include: Extra water in some field areas and insufficient water in others Uneven crop growth Flows exceeding sprinkler package design Flow or pressure variations when operating at system design pressure. A Simple Solution for a Simple Problem Nozzles and pressure regulators can last for years when spreading clean water, but any abrasive qualities in the irrigation water this could shorten a their life. The most common trouble spots are usually along the first few spans of a pivot since these sprinklers normally have smaller nozzles sizes. Other common issues that can shorten a product’s life include unflushed chemicals along the pipeline and long operating hours. If your sprinklers are showing their age don’t replace parts. Upgrade your sprinkler package to upgrade your profits. BOOTH 34 - STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 10 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 51 47 52 54 55 56 57 103 105 101 HOLT ARENA MAP 58 60 61 62 63 601 106 64 64b 65 108 67 69 70 71 72 111 75 114 76b 117 80 46 81 45 201 44 42 219 203 205 220 207 223 210 214 216 39 82 84 232 226 41 40 78 79 121 43 77 86 301 304 305 307 310 38 312 313 314 328 37 33 315 87 89 330 90 91 341 92 31 30 29 28 26 25 24 23 22 20 19 18 17 ABILENE MACHINE CO................................................................ 77 ADAMS GRAIN BINS..................................................................... 86 AG ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT................................. 064B AG LEADER TECHNOLOGY........................................................ 84 AGRASIZER, INC............................................................................. 22 AGRI-LINES IRRIGATION.............................................................. 39 AGRI-SC/FOUR STAR SERVICES, INC....................................... 46 AGRI-SERVICE...............................................................................203 AGRI-SERVICE...............................................................................312 AGRI-STOR CO., INC.........................................................................1 AGRITECH CORP..........................................................................108 AG-VANTAGE, INC.......................................................................220 AG-WEST DISTRIBUTING..........................................................305 ALFOREX SEEDS............................................................................ 29 AMERICAN PUMP CO................................................................... 78 BANK OF COMMERCE, THE...........................................................6 BANK OF IDAHO............................................................................ 54 BEAVER PLASTICS-LOGIX ICF’S................................................. 58 BETTER BUILT MFG.....................................................................328 BIG DOG RENEWABLE ENERGY................................................ 19 BIG IRON/STOCK AUCTION....................................................... 62 BIO-LOGIC SOIL BUILDERS........................................................ 70 BMZ BIOLOGICAL......................................................................... 41 CAPITAL PRESS.................................................................................7 CARL’S INC....................................................................................... 26 CASTLE LAKE INSURANCE......................................................... 25 CLEARY BUILDING CORP............................................................. 39 COMMERCIAL TIRE....................................................................... 72 D&S TIRES, INC............................................................................... 87 DAVIS MACHINE LLC..................................................................219 DEERE & COMPANY....................................................................307 DIESEL DEPOT................................................................................ 47 DOUBLE L......................................................................................315 DOUBLE M AG & IRRIGATION.................................................341 DRISCOLL TRUCK CENTER.......................................................214 DYKMAN ELECTRICAL............................................................ 076B 13 12 11 10 9 ENVIRONMENTAL ABRASIVES.................................................. 81 EQUIPMENT WHOLESALERS......................... OUTSIDE ARENA EVCO HOUSE OF HOSE............................................................... 52 EXTREME INDUSTRIAL COATINGS, LLC................................. 89 E-Z TARP.........................................................................................313 FARM BUREAU MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. OF ID............... 3O FARM KING....................................................................................205 FASTENERS INC.............................................................................. 38 FLEXCO............................................................................................. 91 FORAGE COMPLETE..................................................................... 64 FOUR SEASONS ROOFING......................................................... 42 G&R AG PRODUCTS...................................................................330 GALUSHA HIGGINS & GALUSHA.............................................. 90 GENERAL IMPLEMENT..............................................................226 GOLDEN WEST IRRIGATION.....................................................105 HEFTY SEED CO............................................................................. 61 HORN PLASTICS............................................................................ 30 IDAHO AG CREDIT, FLCA............................................................ 40 IDAHO FISH & GAME-POCATELLO.......................................... 63 IDAHO POTATO COMMISSION....................................................9 IDAHO POWER CO.-QN............................................................... 44 IDAHO STATE DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE.................................. 28 IDAHO-DEQ POCATELLO/IDAHO FALLS............................... 37 INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE INC...................... 31 INDUSTRIAL VENTILATION........................................................ 65 ITC SERVICES.................................................................................. 60 KENWORTH SALES COMPANY..................... OUTSIDE ARENA KEY BANK........................................................................................ 20 KRYPTANE SYSTEMS.................................................................... 11 LEMKEN..........................................................................................304 LES SCHWAB TIRE-POCATELLO................................................ 33 LIQUITUBE MARKETING INTERNATIONAL............................ 24 LOCKWOOD MFG.......................................................................210 MAGAW/ SCHAEFFER OIL.............................................................8 MAGIC VALLEY MINI TRUCKS.................................................... 51 MAGNATION WATER SYSTEMS................................................. 17 8 7 6 5 4 1 MAUPIN WELDING........................................................................ 67 MCNEIL MARKETING CO...........................................................101 MILESTONE...................................................................................216 NEBRASKA IRRIGATION INC...................................................... 71 NOFFSINGER MFG......................................................................314 NORCO WELDING*SAFETY........................................................ 82 NORWEST MFG............................................................................103 PARMA COMPANY......................................................................232 PILLAR BUTTE SEED..................................................................... 10 PIONEER EQUIPMENT................................................................301 PIONEER WEST.............................................................................106 R&H MACHINE, INC.........................................................................4 REINKE IRRIGATION....................................................................201 S&G ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR................................................. 55 SANSTROM SCALE CO................................................................. 45 SCALES UNLIMITED.........................................................................5 SCHOW’S TRUCK CENTER........................................................121 SMITH CHEVROLET...................................................................... 56 SPUDNIK EQUIPMENT COMPANY LLC.................................114 STC TRAILERS...............................................................................310 STEEL VISION CONSTRUCTION................................................ 75 STERLING FARM SUPPLY, INC..................................................117 STRATEGIC LIFE INSURANCE PLANNER, THE....................... 18 STU’S POWER WASH..................................................................501 SUPERIOR CHAIN, INC................................................................. 80 TEROG MFG. CO............................................................................ 69 TETON WEST OF IDAHO, LLC.................................................... 92 TIREBOSS TIRE PRESSURE CONTROL...................................... 57 TIREBOSS TIRE PRESSURE CONTROL....................................504 TOMRA SORTING SOLUTIONS ODERBERG BEST................ 79 TOTAL SCALE SERVICE, INC....................................................... 23 TRINITY TRAILERS.......................................................................207 TRUENORTH STEEL....................................................................502 VALLEY EQUIPMENT & IRRIGATION........................................ 12 WATTS STEAM STORE ROCKY MTN........................................ 13 WESTERN STATES EQUIPMENT...............................................111 WESTERN TRAILER......................................................................223 DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 11 MAGNATION CHEMICAL-FREE WATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS Water treated with Magnation water systems create soft, easy to absorb and utilize “RainLike Water” maximizing the delivery of high quality water, oxygen and nutrients to your soil. Rainbolt™ and the allnew Turbulator™ water treatment systems maximize water utilization for better water penetration improving moisture-holding capacity of the soil and crop/turf uniformity. Improve water quality, address hard water problems and reduce irrigation requirements. Backed by data and field studies, Magnation has proven to improve soil penetration, balance soil pH, reduce SAR’s (Salt absorption ratios) up to 50%, reduce salt build-up in soils and scale issues (calcium, lime, iron scale and corrosion build-up) in pipes and equipment, improve plant vitality and disease resistance reducing nematodes and pathogens, iron bacteria, bicarbonate issues, and more. Magnation’s water systems make for mellower soils by reducing friction and density in the water. Due to friction loss, water flow is improved and energy consumption is reduced by 10%. Due to improved solubility, less inputs are needed and water resources are stretched. As the platinum standard in chemical -free, energy-free and maintenance-free watersoftening technologies, Magnation is proud to introduce the patent pending Turbulator™ for high-salt issues, using the power of physics to transform water into it’s most productive state, benefiting your soils, crops and bottom line. Come and take a look at Booth 17! Magnation water systems come with a seven-year Manufacturers Warranty and have an excellent ROI, usually paying for themselves within the first year. Get rid of your softener at home with our products as well! Proudly made in USA. For more information, Visit Booth #17 at the Eastern Idaho Ag Conference. Learn more at or call us at 1 (888) 820 0363. BOOTH 17 - HOLT ARENA Maximum Water Utilization RainLike Water for healthier soil and crops, improved yields, using 20% less water and inputs. Chemical-free, energy-free, maintenance-free water treatment for all your water issues. Our highest quality water systems typically pay for themselves in 1 year. Data-backed, field-proven and farmer-endorsed. Magnation Water Technologies offer Maximum Water Utilization, benefiting your bottom line with easy-to-use, long-lasting products. “We’ve seen a noticeable difference in reduced wind drift on the water treated with Magnation. We also found that the water was penetrating 4-6” deeper on the treated acreage—even in the pivot tracks.” “Our sugar beets have bigger tops and look healthier with less stress. We’re seeing better absorption as we previously had spots that looked like concrete in the treated area which are now more vegetative and getting more uniformity. We’re also stretching our water.” ~ Steve Shively, North Terreton, ID ~ Justin Hunter, Heyburn, ID Stretch Your Water & Inputs ~ Improve Soil & Crop Health 888 820 0363 DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 12 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO STUDENT UNION BUILDING MAP 26 25 23 22 21 1 2 27 42 43 57 59 73 3 28 40 44 60 29 45 56 61 71 30 39 46 55 62 38 47 54 70 32 37 48 52 64 69 49 65 68 4 5 6 7 8 36 51 34 35 19 106 107 18 105 108 17 104 109 16 103 110 66 67 15 9 10 1,4 GROUP....................................................................................... 29 AG CONCEPTS CORP.................................................................... 40 AG PRO SYSTEMS, INC................................................................ 37 AG WORLD SUPPORT SYSTEMS............................................... 35 AMVAC CHEMICAL-MB............................................................... 52 ASHTON SEED GROWERS.......................................................... 26 BAICOR............................................................................................. 51 BASF CHEMICAL............................................................................ 71 BAYER CROPSCIENCE.................................................................. 73 BIO HUMA NETICS, INC............................................................... 64 BIOREM INC.......................................................................................3 BIOSAFE SYSTEMS......................................................................109 BTU VENTILATION......................................................................... 30 CERTIS USA..................................................................................... 45 CHEMTURA AGRO SOLUTIONS................................................ 17 COLORADO CERTIFIED POTATO GROWERS ASSOC.......... 10 CONQUEST INSURANCE............................................................. 65 COOPER NORMAN....................................................................... 19 CUSTOM ROTO MOLDING......................................................... 43 DIAMOND K GYPSUM, INC........................................................ 48 DOW AGRO SCIENCES................................................................ 68 DREXEL CHEMICAL.........................................................................2 DUPONT CROP PROTECTION................................................... 13 FMC. CORPORATION.................................................................... 60 11 12 13 102 101 Map as of 12-18-14 • Space location subject to change GAP CERTIFIED LLC...................................................................... 39 GARY D. JONES CONST. CO., INC...........................................110 GOWAN USA................................................................................... 23 HANSEN-RICE, INC........................................................................ 69 HOWARD EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY...............................................5 HUB INTERNATIONAL.....................................................................1 IDAHO CROP IMPROVEMENT................................................... 70 J.H. BIOTECH, INC.......................................................................... 59 JORDE CERTIFIED SEED, LLC..................................................... 54 KNUDSEN IRRIGATION INC........................................................ 21 LAND VIEW, INC............................................................................. 15 LOCKWOOD MFG......................................................................... 61 MAGAW/ SCHAEFFER OIL.......................................................... 62 MAZ-ZEE S. A. INTERNATIONAL............................................... 11 MONTANA POTATO ADVISORY BOARD...................................4 MOODY CREEK INSULATION..................................................... 46 MOUNTAIN STATES OILSEEDS.................................................. 25 NELSON IRRIGATION CORP.....................................................104 NORTHWEST FARM CREDIT SVCS-BURLEY.............................7 NU EARTH LLC.............................................................................103 OSTARA..........................................................................................101 POTATO COUNTRY........................................................................ 12 POTATO GROWER MAGAZINE................................................107 POTATO SERVICES OF IDAHO................................................... 32 POTATO VARIETY MANAGEMENT............................................ 36 RABO AGRI FINANCE................................................................... 44 REDOX AG..........................................................................................6 SENNINGER IRRIGATION............................................................. 34 SIMPLOT GROWER SOLUTIONS............................................... 49 SLOAN-LEAVITT INSURANCE, INC........................................... 47 SMA, INC........................................................................................108 SOLUTIONS 4 EARTH................................................................... 38 SPRINKLER HEAD REBUILDERS................................................ 66 SPUDMAN MAGAZINE................................................................ 27 STUKENHOLTZ LABORATORY, INC.......................................... 42 SUNRAIN VARIETIES LLC...........................................................106 SYNGENTA...................................................................................... 5 7 TETON SEED MARKETING.......................................................... 56 T-L IRRIGATION.............................................................................. 16 UNITED PHOSPHORUS, INC...................................................... 55 UNITED POTATO GROWERS OF IDAHO/AMERICA...........105 US POTATO BOARD...................................................................... 22 USDA-NASS-IDAHO FIELD OFFICE.......................................102 VERDESIAN LIFE SCIENCES, LLC............................................... 67 WATER CHANGERS..........................................................................8 WESTBRIDGE AG PRODUCTS.................................................... 18 WESTERN LABORATORIES.......................................................... 28 YARA NORTH AMERICA.................................................................9 DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 13 PLEASE SEE OUR ARTICLE ON THE NEXT PAGE & Visit Us at Booth 64 Student Union DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 14 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO BIO HUMA NETICS, INC. Founded in 1973, Bio Huma Netics, Inc. (BHN) claims the uniqueness of “complexing” nutrients and other ingredients with very small – highly refined liquid nano-sized carbon molecules. This delivery vehicle is called Micro Carbon Technology® (MCT®) is what makes BHN’s liquid plant nutrition and specialty products much more effective and efficient than any other known plant nutrient sources on the market. HUMA GRO® nutritional products, manufactured by BHN, offer growers full crop programs and has a sustainable solution for every crop need: Sustainable Soil Fertility, Optimal Growth Management, Ultra-Efficient Crop Nutrition (N-P-K macronutrients & micronutrients), Zero-Residue Crop Protection (OMRI-Listed), and Carbon-Rich Organic Acids. All HUMA GRO® liquid nutrition products contain MCT®. MCT® based HUMA GRO® products have a positive environmental impact that promote the growth of roots and beneficial microorganisms in the soil, are safe for foliar application to leaves without toxicity or burn when applied per label instructions, and that reduce the amount of fertilizer applied and crop protection products needed to accomplish maximum results. The unique Micro Carbon Technology® allows individual and mixed nutrients to be absorbed by the plant more efficiently. The tiny molecule size makes all the difference. It adds effectiveness to the fertilizer and protects nutrients from soil “tie up”. The smaller carbon molecule size also creates a greater surface area to more easily carry nutrients into the plant. For instance, this process allows the phosphate in HUMA GRO®’s SUPER PHOS® to remain available to the plant (when soil applied) in high pH soils and cold and/or wet soil conditions which normally results in standard phosphate fertilizers becoming ineffective soon after application. This ability to “hold available” the individual nutrient for an extended period of time dramatically increases the efficiency of HUMA GRO® products. This process also allows HUMA GRO® to combine different nutrients in a combination that normally would not be compatible (e.g: phosphate and calcium) and have each of the nutrients retain their individual attributes. Micro Carbon Technology® “complexing” gives the grower the confidence that HUMA GRO® products will have outstanding, consistent, verifiable results every time the grower uses them. The use of HUMA GRO® products in both soil and foliar applications gives growers the flexibility to fine tune their nutrition program to achieve quality improvements and yield increases. The efficient and effective delivery of the necessary nutrient package to the plant at the optimum time in a manner that maximizes the products efficiency which gives the grower a definite edge. BHN and HUMA GRO® are 4R Nutrient Stewardship Partners of the Fertilizer Institute. This delivery system also gives growers a cost advantage over other soil and foliar applied products. HUMA GRO® products with Micro Carbon Technology® will continue to set the industry standard for reducing costs, reducing environmental impact and increasing the quality and yields of your crop. PLEASE SEE OUR AD ON THE PREVIOUS PAGE & Visit Us at Booth #64 Student Union Building DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 15 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO REINKE Stronger, Lighter, Advanced Irrigation from Reinke Providing irrigation where it is needed, when it is needed, and in the quantities that are needed, a Reinke irrigation system delivers. Combining high-strength steel, superior engineering and advanced technology, an irrigation system from Reinke is uncompromisingly durable and built with irrigation efficiency in mind. The use of high-strength steel allows the structural components to be lighter, yet stronger, which in turn results in a lighter overall structure. This improves floatation, reduces tracking or rutting and results in less stress to the system’s critical components which produce extended reliability. Advanced structural engineering has resulted in features like the single leg tower and the V-ring seal. Advanced technology for Reinke systems includes Navigator GPS guidance for end of system and Swing Arm Corners, Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) and Ontrac Remote Management solutions. EXPECT DURABILITY WHEN SUPERIOR ENGINEERING MEETS HIGH-STRENGTH STEEL . Yes, our pivots look a little different, but when you use highstrength steel that is 50% stronger, uncommon engineering solutions can be used that bring a lot of benefi t to your operation. In the end every Reinke pivot will not only span your field, it will stretch far into the future. Strong, efficient and innovative, an irrigation system from Reinke is designed, built and serviced to provide efficient, long term irrigation. For additional information, visit to locate your local Reinke dealer. BOOTH 201 - HOLT ARENA For more information, call or visit your friendly Reinke dealer, call toll-free at 866-365-7381 or visit BLACKFOOT, ID PRESTON, ID TWIN FALLS, ID R435_036215-03_ReinkeDurability_IdAgExpo.indd 1 Irrigation Systems North Western Irrigation Farmore of Idaho 208-324-3341 208-785-3333 208-852-3300 R435_036215-03_ReinkeDurability_IdAgExpo (Reinke Durability Ad) December 24, 2014 12:40 PM IDAHO FALLS, ID EMMETT, ID PAUL, ID Valley Pump & Equipment Rain For Rent Idaho Ag Expo Show Program Size: T - 4.75 x 7.25” B - NO BLEED 208-438-5065 208-522-4500 208-852-2300 Color: Rain4/color For Rent 12/29/14 10:15 AM ONTARIO, OR Warrington Irrigation 541-889-9063 DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 16 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO The best partners don’t just talk. They dig in. At Syngenta, we don’t just talk about our commitment to potato growers. We back it up with on-farm specialists and comprehensive product solutions for the challenges you face every day. We support the industry through education and a commitment to R&D. And as the needs of the industry change, we help you stay ahead through innovative farm management technology. Talk to your Syngenta sales rep to learn more, or visit © 2013 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some crop protection products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Please check with your state or local extension service to ensure registration status. The Alliance Frame, the Purpose Icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company. Syngenta Customer Center: 1-866-SYNGENT(A) (796-4368). MW 14SC3013-P1 6/13 BOOTH 57 - STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 17 BOOTH 39 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 18 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO BOOTH 30 - STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 19 VALLEY IRRIGATION BOOTH 12 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 20 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO DREXEL CHEMICAL COMPANY In 1972, Robert Drexel Shockey began Drexel Chemical Company with the commitment to provide quality products at an economical price. He knew that with a dedication to new technology and the constant fine tuning of production processes, costs could be controlled without sacrificing quality. To quote Robert D. Shockey, “The bottom line is that the grower has to use chemicals to help produce a healthier, more bountiful crop. If we can supply him those products at a more economical price, then he stands a better chance of making a profit. Helping the grower to succeed is imperative to the long term success of the entire agricultural industry.” Today, his commitment to this goal is stronger than ever. For over 40 years, Drexel Chemical Company has been a leader in the agricultural, turf, ornamental and industrial fumigation chemical industry and has set the standard for generic pesticides. Drexel has annual sales of over 100 million dollars. Drexel Chemical Company owns the rights to approximately 500 product labels: 240 EPA registered agricultural chemicals and 260 other labeled and specialty products. For a complete list of Drexel products and sales representatives, please visit our website at ADVERTISEMENT “Can be used as a foliar treatment as well as a storage treatment for potatoes.” Phiticide™ is a systemic fungicide, containing mono and dibasic phosphites, which is effective in controlling downy mildew, brown rot and other diseases caused by Phytophtora and Pythium. FUNCTIONS AND BENEFITS: • Can be mixed with other fungicides • Can be applied with a ground sprayer, aerial equipment or sprinkler system • Can be used in an Intergrated Pest Management (IPM) disease control program Drexel Chemical Company P.O. BOX 13327, MEMPHIS, TN 38113-0327 (901)774-4370 • Fax (901)774-4666 E-mail: [email protected] SINCE 1972 Always read and follow the label instructions on the product container(s) before using. PHITICIDE and the DREXEL logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Drexel Chemical Company. BOOTH 2 - STUDENT UNION PHITICIDEPOTATO-1114 DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 21 FARM BUREAU INSURANCE On May 1, 1947, a group of Idaho farmers and ranchers founded an insurance company that survived decades of change through the creation of a customer-centered culture grounded in the belief that neighbors should help neighbors. That company, the Idaho Farm Insurance Company, (the company changed its name to Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company of Idaho in the 1950s when it became a mutual company owned by its policyholders) offered one policy - auto insurance, from its downtown Pocatello office. Premiums for the first 60 days of business totaled $10,247.00. Subsequent generations of employees and agents, guided by the founders’ beliefs, built the company into what it is today: one of Idaho’s leading auto insurers, the largest writer of farm and ranch insurance in Idaho, and the largest insurance company wholly based in Idaho. Recognizing customer needs has always been at the core of Farm Bureau Insurance’s success. In 1953, at the request of customers, life insurance was offered through an affiliate company. Fire insurance was offered in 1956, also in response to customer requests. In 1961, the company formed the Farm Bureau Finance Company (now Idaho Farm Bureau Financial Services) to make low-interest loans available to customers. In 1962, the company was the first to inaugurate a complete “package” policy that combined multiple insurance products into one convenient policy, typically at a discounted price. This customer-centered focus still shapes Farm Bureau Insurance today and inspires its employees and agents to get to know their customers. For example, Farm Bureau Insurance agents try to review their customers’ policies with them once a year. These reviews may take a little more time, but they can help make sure customers don’t have too little or too much insurance. Imagine, A Farm & Ranch Insurance Policy Created By People Who Actually Farm & Ranch. We introduced our first farm and ranch insurance policies back in 1947. Their immediate popularity with farmers and ranchers was due to the fact that we understood people who made their living from the land. Today, some 65 years later, we’re the largest writer of farm and ranch insurance in Idaho. We’ve made improvements to the coverage here and there, but the spirit of cooperation and trust that made Farm Bureau Insurance so helpful back then are still the cornerstone of their prominence today. If you’re in the market for a new policy call one of our knowledgeable agents today. They’ll tell you all about a farm and ranch policy…that was actually created by farmers and ranchers. Visit to find the agent nearest you. On reaching this special milestone of 65 years, Phil Joslin, Executive Vice President and CEO of Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company of Idaho, pledged the company’s renewed commitment to the ideals on which it was founded. “Our longevity rests on our founders’ success in shaping a customer-driven company. Their beliefs and values from the past can guide us into a promising future.” While Joslin says growth is important for Farm Bureau Insurance, he also believes it’s important to achieve this growth ethically. “The people of Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Company of Idaho have been earning our customers’ trust and keeping promises for 65 years. But we know we can’t rely on what has been earned in the past. We are passionately committed to maintaining our reputation as a customer-centered company that helps its neighbors.” Helping its neighbors, Joslin added, also means that Farm Bureau Insurance will carry on its long history of volunteerism and public service. “We can only do these things with the best people. I want to thank our employees – who live and work in communities of every size across the state – for the active roles they play in their hometowns and for the contributions they make to our success.” BOOTH 30 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 22 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO )1 ,$(")/,). (.$& $.#/-.$(& )&/.$)(- ,)($-*,)*,$ .,3!),'/&.$)(!,)'($ 1(.#.#--#)1(, &$& (#( ' (.-$(*#)-*#),/- ! ,.$&$4 ,/- !!$$ (3,)( #()&)"3$(),*),. --/$. )!, !$( ),"($-/-.( -$(!/- 1$.#.#,)/"# -)*#$-.$. 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VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 23 Make it better. Make it yours. The right tool for data management is here. It’s easy to have a good year when everything is going your way. But when prices fall and rain doesn’t, the right tool can be the difference between making a profit and making excuses. The MyJohnDeere Operations Center is the tool you need to easily and quickly collect, analyze, and share data across your full production cycle. You can monitor your equipment. Share information with your agronomist. Compare field variables to write better prescriptions and send them wirelessly to your machines. Getting started is easy, and the sooner you begin using the Operations Center, the faster you can begin enjoying the benefits of the data you’re already collecting. Visit your local John Deere dealer, today. Nothing Runs Like a Deere.™ BOOTH 307 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 24 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO TOTAL SCALE SERVICE 6555 Supply Way • PO Box 5156 Boise, Idaho 83705 (208) 344-8644 • Fax (208) 344-1833 Twin Falls, Idaho - (208) 734-2108 Pocatello, Idaho - (208) 233-4065 Toll Free 1-800-423-4456 BOOTH 23 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 25 BOOTH 214 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 26 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO BAICOR, L.C. B aicor, L.C., based in Logan, Utah was founded in 1989. Baicor, is a manufacturer of fertilizers specializing in liquids for foliar and soil applications. Baicor prides itself in research to maintain a position at the forefront of plant nutrition. Baicor has a well-equipped laboratory to prepare products and research in plant nutrition, agronomy, plant physiology and microbiology. Many products and specialty blends of nutrients required by specific plants have been developed after years of research and testing. This has resulted in the present line of Baicor products, which will always reflect the most advanced stages of fertilizers for the health, vigor, color and increased yield of plants. The effectiveness of present products and new developments are tested in a large modern greenhouse and field plots. Baicor uses products that include all essential nutrients required for plant growth and development. Baicor plant nutrients are 100% environmentally friendly and organically based. Baicor also offers OMRI-approved products for agriculture that are available for the organic grower. Baicor’s products are chelated and complexed from organic and amino acids found naturally in plants and in the soil. Our products are made with the finest natural materials and blended scientifically together to assure quality and effectiveness. Continuous research and development will keep Baicor on the cutting edge of plant nutrition. BOOTH 51 - STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 27 STERLING hank you for expressing interest in Sterling products. Sterling T manufactures the 8800 OnePass, soil packers, soil conditioners, and plow packers. These products are designed to help today’s farming operations conserve soil, soil moisture and reduce tillage passes throughout the season. Sterling products are manufactured with high quality materials and engineered to provide years of use. Sterling is specialized in the soil conditioning business; therefore, our focus surrounds the concept of achieving the perfect seedbed. The process of creating a perfect seedbed begins as soon as the previous crop is harvested. We believe that every tillage pass through the field impacts the seeding process. Crop yields are affected by many different factors, some of these factors are uncontrollable, however, some are within a farmer’s responsibility to control. Seed placement is one of the most important factors that impacts yields. Sterling products firm the seedbed without causing compaction, allowing planting equipment to place the seed at a precise depth while leaving some loose soil on top to cover the seed. Controlling moisture loss is another important factor. If the soil is left fluff y following tillage operations it will dry out to the depth of the tillage pass. Sterling products firm the soil directly behind tillage tools to reduce soil moisture loss. Reducing passes required to make the optimum seedbed has become one of the most important factors impacting farm productivity with rising fuel costs. Sterling has answered with the 8800 OnePass. With a OnePass, multiple tillage passes can by eliminated by doing more tasks in one pass. The OnePass was designed with today’s streamlined farming operation in mind. Please call us if you need additional information or we can help you in any way. Sterling Soil Packers and Conditioners Manufactured by: Sterling Farm Supply, Inc., 330 S. Broadway, P.O. Box 265, Sterling, KS 67579 1-800-864-4503 Jonathan Zimmerman, President–Sales Manager ([email protected]) Lester Zimmerman, Production-Parts Manager ([email protected]) BOOTH 117 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 28 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO . . . r e w o P o h Dear Ida Thanks for Irrigation Efficiency Rewards! Because of you I am bigger and provide a better yield. My farmer earned an incentive and used less energy. Both helped the bottom line. Thanks for making me a better spud! Yours truly, A better Idaho ‘tater Learn more: energyefficiency/irrigation Don’t forget to visit us at the Eastern Idaho Ag Expo at Booth #44 BOOTH 44 HOLT ARENA Program continuation, eligibility requirements and terms and conditions apply. DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 29 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 866-548-1005 A 208-397-4138 1944 s. 2800 w. ~ Hwy 39 fter Hours Cell 208-681-5342 www.diesel-depot.Com $86,500 2008 Peterbilt 365 C13 CAT 390 HP, JAKe, 9LL TrANs, sPriNg susP., HeAvY reArs, NeW rANdCo WATer sYsTem, HYdrAuLiC driveN, 5 sPrAY, drAfT. $64,900 2002 international 5600i 6x6 - C12 CAT 355 HP, ALLisoN Hd4560P AuTomATiC, HeNdriCKsoN oNLY 52K miLes, 60’ ATLAs Boom W/digger derriCK. susP., $49,500 2007 Peterbilt 335 C7 CAT 300 HP, 10 sPd., 289” WB, 3.90 rATio, oNLY 118K miLes. Air ride, $49,000 2008 Peterbilt 387 C13 CAT, 430 HP, JAKe, 10 sPd., 3.55 rATio, 191” WB, Air ride, sLidiNg 5TH WHeeL, 362K miLes. 4X4 $42,900 2002 FreiGhtliner Fl80 3126 CAT 275 HP, ALLisoN md3560P AuTo, douBLe frAme, 4 sPriNg susP., 5.86 rATio, HeAvY froNT AxLe, reAdY for 20’ Bed. $42,900 2001 sterlinG acterra merCedes 210HP, ALLisoN AuTo, 26,000# gvW, 9,600 ACTuAL miLes, 11’ KNAPHeide serviCe BodY. $29,500 2002 international 2554 dT466, 250 HP, 10 sPd., HeNdriCKsoN WALKiNg BeAm susP., 180” WB, 5.29 rATio. oNLY 29,000 miLes! $29,500 2002 international 2554 dT530 275 HP, ALLisoN md3560P AuTo, WALKiNg BeAm susP., 180” WB, 4.88 rATio, oNLY 68,000 miLes. $17,900 $26,900 1998 Ford Ft900 8.3L CummiNs, 250 HP, 8LL TrANs., 154” WB, oNLY 52,000 miLes. WALKiNg BeAm susPeNsioN, $7,900 siMon ro tc-120-4 crane & Flatbed ouTriggers, mAN BuCKeT, 48’ sTiCK. 2005 sterlinG a9500 C11 CAT, 335 HP, 10 sPd., 153” WB, 3.73 rATio, 389,000 miLes. Air ride susP., $3,500 2002 14’ duMP bed & hoist $59,000 (4) 2005 VolVo Vhd64 d12 395 HP, JAKe, ALLisoN Hd4560P AuTo, 14,600# fA, 46,000# rA, 5.63 rATio, HeNdriCKsoN Air ride, 2 LiNe WeT KiT, LoW miLes. $57,900 2007 kenworth t800 CAT 430 HP, JAKe, 10 sPd, 189” WB, 4 BAg Air ride, sLidiNg 5TH WHeeL, exC. Tires & BrAKes, oNLY 475,000 miLes. $46,900 1999 sterlinG lt9511 m11 CummiNs, JAKe, 8LL TrANs., 16K# fA, 46K# rA, WALKiNg BeAm susP., 16’ Box, ouT of frAme eNgiNe oH, NeW CLuTCH. $44,900 2006 FreiGhtliner M2 250 HP CAT, ALLisoN 3500rds PTo reAdY, T-ride susP., 5.29 rATio, duAL LoCKers, reAdY for 20’ Bed. $36,900 $36,900 2002 international 2574 2002 international 2574 C10 CAT, ALLisoN Hd4560P AuTo, douBLe frAme, WALKiNg BeAm susP., 4.63 rATio, 198” WB, 160,000 miLes. C10 CAT, JAKe, ALLisoN Hd4560P AuTo, douBLe frAme, HeNdriCKsoN susPeNsioN, 198” WB, LoW miLes. $29,500 2002 international 2574 C10 CAT, ALLisoN 4560P AuTomATiC, douBLe frAme, 35K gvW, Air ride, 186” WB, 130K miLes. $28,500 1978 Peterbilt 353 CummiNs NTC-290, 20K fA, 60K rA, roLLer TAiL, 100K & 30K WiNCH, NiCe CoNdiTioN. $36,900 2008 trail-eze 48’ 35 ton equiPMent trailer HYdrAuLiC TAiL, WiNCH & rAmP To uPPer deCK, 22.5 ruBBer, Air ride. $14,900 2014 itb 20’ Grain body ALL ALum, Tri-sWiNg doors WiTH grAiN 20’x96x60”, iNCLudes PumP/HoisT. door, $2,450 2006 load-trail skid steer trailer 16’ deCK, foLd uP rAmPs, 9,000# rATiNg, good BrAKes & Tires. $2,000 2007 MorGan 20’ Van body roLLuP reAr door, NiCe CoNdiTioN! 1 mile soutH of Aberdeen, idAHo $56,900 2005 FreiGhtliner coluMbia deTroiT 515HP, JAKe, 13 sPd, douBLe 4.11 251” WB, PiNTLe HiTCH, LoW miLes. frAme, HeNd. WALKiNg BeAm susP., rATio, $43,900 2003 Peterbilt 385 C12 CAT, JAKe, 10 sPd., Air ride, 3.90 rATio, NeW 2,200 gALLoN rANdCo WATer sYsTem 5 sPrAY, drAfT. $31,900 2003 Peterbilt 330 isC CummiNs, 315 HP, 10 sPd, 232” WB, 162” CT, 3.90 rATio, Air TrAC susPeNsioN. $27,900 2000 FreiGhtliner Fld120 - C12 CAT 410 HP, JAKe, 10 sPd., 3.90 rATio, Air ride, 25’ fLATBed, CALiforNiA TruCK. $8,900 2004 elite 40’ Gooseneck trailer 27’ deCK, 5’ doveTAiL, 12” mAiN i BeAms, oiL BATH WHeeL BeAriNgs, NiCe TrAiLer. $CALL new randco water tank systeMs 4,000 gALLoN, HYdrAuLiC driveN WATer PumP, drAfT, 6 sPrAY sYsTem, HYdrAuLiC fiLL, eAsY iNsTALL. BOOTH 47 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 30 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO Double Nickel BIOFUNGICIDE A fungicide with 5 modes of action. Double Nickel 55™. A new generation fungicide and bactericide for control of foliar and soil-borne diseases. Double Nickel employs five modes of From the roots of your crop to all its action. Provides excellent control at low plant surfaces, Double Nickel helps keep rates. Has no resistance or residue issues. your plants clean and disease-free. And offers fast worker reentry. Double Nickel. Multiple modes of action. Also ask us about Seduce spinosad insecticide and PFR-97 bioinsecticide. © 2015 Certis USA 1-800-250-5024 • BOOTH 45 - STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: Double NIckel Eastern Ag Potato 2015.indd 1 12/7/14 6:54 PM 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 31 BOOTH 72 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 32 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO Agri-SC® /FOUR STAR SERVICES Constant tillage, heavy traffic, lack of organic matter, chemical fertilizer residues, and heavy rainfall or irrigation, all contribute to the formation of a compaction zone within the soil. Tillage practices break up the natural soil aggregates into fine particles. These soil fines work their way down to eventually form a tight and almost waterproof layer of hard pan. Even in no-till situations, the compaction layer will still form. Some of the obvious symptoms of soil compaction are surface crusting, water run-off , erosion, poor root development, poor emergence, plant stress, slow nutrient uptake, and little or no earthworm activity. All agricultural soils contain colloids (soil fines). Colloids are strongly negatively charged. Colloids attract and hold all positively charged elements, such as the hydrogen component of water. Colloids eventually become a major part of the compaction zone. Applied water will become virtually locked in place at this zone. This prevents any further applied water from penetrating into the sub-soils. This phenomenon is described as “soil-bound water”. Agri-SC® is a commercial anionic soil-amending product that, when applied through spray application onto the soil, exchanges or frees the bound hydrogen. This in turn releases the colloid particles to move together within the soil. The result is the creation of additional micropores. These pores allow the water to move, as a result of gravity, downward into the soil below the compaction zone. Because Agri-SC® has the ability to work vertically into soil with applied water and to assist water in penetrating through the compaction zone to the sub-soil, the number and size of the micropore spaces (air) within the soil including the compaction zone will increase. During a wet season, AgriSC® treated soils will absorb water more readily and therefore, help reduce erosion. During dry seasons, the water that AgriSC® assists in penetrating into the subsoil can travel upwards to the plant’s root system by capillary action. This capillary action helps relieve plant stress. Agri-SC® treated soils allow the roots to grow into the compaction zone, translating into healthier and stronger plants with greater yields. Agri-SC® also improves soil friability by reducing shear strength. Less shear strength indicates soil structure is improved. Agri-SC® improves soil tilth, drainage, and aeration, and reduces soil compaction, crusting, clodding, water run-off and erosion. Agri-SC® is an effective soil management tool. Both root crops and pastures benefit from Agri-SC® Soil Treatment. For over 37 years, Agri-SC® has undergone research by universities, USDA, independent research organizations and farmers both domestically and internationally. Agri-SC® is an economically wise, agronomically sound, and environmentally correct product for agriculture. The product has proven itself as a profitable input in a successful program for corn, wheat, potatoes, sugar beets, and alfalfa. Agri-SC® can be applied in the spring or fall with virtually all fertilizer and herbicide solutions using various types of spray equipment. Agri-SC® is non-toxic and biodegradable, and is marketed by Four Star Services, Inc. of Bluffton, Indiana, (800) 348-2608, BOOTH 46 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 33 AG LEADER TECHNOLOGY A g Leader Technology, based in Ames, Iowa, has been a frontrunner and driving force behind precision agriculture innovation since 1992. Ag Leader offers a complete line of precision farming technologies designed to help farmers plan, plant, apply and harvest more accurately, efficiently and profitably. PLAN The Ag Leader® Integra and Versa™ displays work with any color of equipment and allow you to map and record all of your field activities from planting through harvest. Then, use Ag Leader’s SMS software, to export the data as a yearly “report card” for evaluating past years’ performance and planning for the future. PLANT Your display also allows you to view planting data in-real time including population, singulation and skips/doubles using Advanced Seed Monitoring. And when paired with SeedCommand™, the AutoSwath™ technology controls planter clutches to automatically turn planter sections on/off based on field maps to reduce overplanting and increase yield potential. APPLY DirectCommand™ continuously controls, adjusts and records field application based on target rates and allows for variable rate application of single or multiple products. OptRx® crop sensing technology measures the nitrogen needs of your crop and DirectCommand then adjusts the nitrogen application rate on-the fly. HARVEST With Ag Leader’s yield monitoring technology, you can create and view yield and moisture maps while harvesting and instantly observe how field conditions affect yield. A harvest summary screen provides data on the number of acres harvested, total and average bushels harvested and more. STOP-BY OUR BOOTH You won’t find a more dedicated team of professionals focused on helping you improve your bottom line with precision farming. WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER with The Complete Precision Package From hardware to software, planting to harvest, field to office, Ag Leader offers the most innovative and complete package of precision farming technologies to help farmers like you plan, plant, apply and harvest more accurately, efficiently and profitably. Stop by our booth to learn more! BOOTH 84 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 34 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO Visit the Bank of Idaho booth for Special Ag Show rates! Apply and be pre-approved on the spot! Committed Community to our farming and ranching s • Local Decision g n ci an n Fi e g t/Stora redit • Equipmen C of es n Li n io ct ienced Lenders Produ er p Ex • te ta Es l Farm/Ranch Rea b a n k o f id a h o .c om lls Park • Twin Fa d n la Is • n to y • Ash llo • St. Anthon te a c o P • s ll Fa Idaho 500 208.524.5 BOOTH 54 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 35 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO RELIABLE IRRIGATION PERFORMANCE… LIKE NO OTHER. T-L IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ARE EASIER ON YOU. Experience maximum uptime and eliminate the hassles of electric drive machines with the simplicity and reliability of T-L’s exclusive hydraulic design. Safety, high maintenance costs, and unexpected downtime will no longer be major concerns. STOP COPPER THEFT. Copper wire is being stolen from electrically powered pivot systems at an alarming rate, sometimes on multiple occasions. T-L’s hydrostatically powered pivot systems can be designed with no wire to steal, eliminating the problem entirely. RECOVER YOUR LOST PRODUCTION WITH T-L. Eliminate the “spoking” effect caused by the startstop operation of electrically-powered pivot irrigation systems and get the benefits of even water distribution only hydraulically driven T-L systems can provide. T-L Center Pivot Electric Center Pivot 151 East Hwy 6 & AB Road · P.O. Box 1047 Phone: 1-800-330-4264 Phone: (402) 462-4128 Hastings, Nebraska 68902-1047 USA Fax: 1-800-330-4268 Fax: (402) 462-4617 ISO 9001 U A LI T Q BOOTH 16 - STUDENT UNION TIF ER IE D [email protected] · Y THE CHOICE IS SIMPLE. C THE T-L DIFFERENCE | Contact T-L, your T-L dealer, or visit to learn more. DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 36 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO AG-VANTAGE, INC. A g-Vantage, Inc. is a family owned business that has been designing and manufacturing products to help prevent runoff and conserve water resources through innovative designs and applications since 2003. Ag-Vantage, Inc. is the “Home of the Culti-Diker”, the first innovative product for water conservation that utilizes existing farm implements. The Culti-Diker creates small, precise water retaining pockets that are large enough to catch moderate amounts of water, yet small enough not to interfere with future field operations. The Culti-Diker can be mounted onto grain drills, cultivators, planters, and various tool bars to form water retaining pockets with every pass. The Culti-Diker incorporates 3⁄4” triple seal bearings and high-wear T-1 steel paddles, plus Super Oilite bushings at the hinge points. Furthermore, the same unit can be switched from one piece of equipment to another, making your capital investment more cost effective In 2006, Ag-Vantage improved on the Culti-Diker and came out with the next generation of water conservation tool, the Culti-Diker MAX. The Culti-Diker MAX is an excellent choice for your final water conservation needs in potatoes, sugar beets, corn and other row crops. They form 6 to 12 inch deep water retaining pockets that can hold up to 3 gallons of water. Plus the Culti-Diker MAX utilizes a free floating design that incorporates dual down pressure springs with up to 350 pounds of down pressure. This design ensures constant ground contact to guarantee consistent pocket depth verses paddle wheels on a common shaft. The Culti-Diker MAX incorporates standard 1 1⁄4” triple seal bearings and 3/8” T-1 paddles to provide years of service. The Culti-Diker MAX can be mounted to your current 4 x 4 tool bar or can be mounted to any of our custom tool bars. All of our tool bars incorporate a 7 x 7 main bar and a through bar frame design to provide superior strength and rigidity. We offer various models ranging from 4 to 24 rows with multiple folding and shank options available. In 2007, Ag-Vantage added a pivot track filler to their product line. The Trac Filler is a simple but effective tool to eliminate pivot tracks before harvest. The Trac Filler cuts down on maintenance by reducing fatigue on field equipment and stress on pivots. The Trac Filler features heavy-duty greaseable hubs with 22” discs and long wearing replaceable grader blades. Plus it utilizes a center stabilizer that keeps the Trac Filler centered on the pivot track and controls its cutting depth. Besides our featured products, Ag-Vantage offers a complete line of custom farm equipment including Custom Tool Bars, Mark Out Tool Bars, Roller Harrows, and many other attachments. We can help design and build what ever you need to suit your progressive farming needs. Please call us at 208670-1041 or visit our website at ag- and we will be happy to assist you with your equipment. BOOTH 220 - HOLT ARENA Ag-Vantage, Inc. “Home of the Culti-Diker” Conserve Water! $ave Money! Culti-Diker Culti-Diker MAX Universal water conservation tool for Final cultivation-water conservation tool your planters, grain drills, and row for potatoes, sugar beets, beans, and corn... crop cultivators... Now available with Forms deep water retaining pockets... Down Pressure Spring Kits... Custom Toolbars to meet your needs... Trac Filler Rolling Shield Kits A simple but effective way to eliminate pivot tracks before harvest, which greatly reduces fatigue on equipment... Replace worn out tunnel shields with new Rolling Shields... Also can be used to protect your crop at planting... WE CUSTOMIZE! Family Owned and Operated! order now to guarantee delivery! call us today! dealer Inquiries Welcome! 216 South 600 West Burley, Idaho 83318 (208) 670-1041 We have a proven track record of helping fellow farmers save large volumes of water with our great products! DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 37 BAYER CROP SCIENCE Researchers Find Luna Fungicide Eff ective in Combating Early Blight Resistance Issues P otato researchers are beginning to identify resistance issues to diseases such as early blight which threatens to significantly impact crop yield. This rise in resistance is becoming a broad issue as widely-used fungicides become increasingly ineffective in controlling destructive potato diseases. The significance of this issue caught the attention of potato researchers across the country. Researchers investigated the molecular basis for this growing resistance issue and identified five distinct mutations generating early blight resistance. This research identified moderate and high levels of early blight resistance to penthiopyrad and fluxapyroxad chemistries. While other chemistries have growing resistance challenges to early blight mutations, studies indicated that fluopyram in Bayer CropScience’s Luna® Tranquility was not affected by any of these five mutations. In testing, Luna Tranquility provided control of early blight isolates, offering a solution to resistance management issues. • Dr. Jeff Miller, Miller Research, has seen excellent efficacy results for Luna chemistries in his research on early blight and white mold for potatoes. Along with its reliable performance in efficacy trials, researchers are hopeful for the impact of Luna Tranquility on the future of resistance issues. Luna Tranquility utilizes two active ingredients, which reduces the chance of resistance issues and provides an effective option for resistance management. For information about Luna Tranquility, please visit ©2012 Bayer CropScience LP, 2 T.W. Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. Always read and follow label instructions. Bayer, the Bayer Cross, Luna and Luna Tranquility are registered trademarks of Bayer. Luna is not registered in all states. For additional product information call toll-free 1-866-99-BAYER (1-866-992-2937) or visit our Web site at Highlights of early blight resistance research include: • Dr. Phillip Wharton, University of Idaho, tested fluopyram and pyrimethanil, the active ingredients found in Luna Tranquility, to find that both chemistries provided control of early blight isolates. • Dr. Neil Gudmestad, North Dakota State University, collected early blight isolates from across the country to determine that 80 percent of early blight instances have resistance to fungicides containing boscalid chemistry. Gudmestad also determined that fluopyram in Luna Tranquility was not affected by the five mutations generating early blight resistance BOOTH 73 - STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 38 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO IDAHO CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Idaho seed growers work to supply the best possible seed for Certified Seed Potatoes Idaho Crop Improvement Association, Inc. (208) 522-9198 Come visit us at BOOTH 70 - STUDENT UNION commercial growers. That high level of quality is verified by Idaho Crop Improvement Association’s certified seed potato program. Idaho’s program, which certifies over 30,000 acres of fresh market, processing, chipping and specialty seed potato varieties annually, is a modern, state of the art certification program. Idaho’s certification program is a limited generation system in which pathogen tested, tissue cultured mother plants or tested line selections are the basic seed, and a restricted number of field plantings are allowed. Idaho has five checkpoints of certification with strict tolerances that are verified by well-trained inspectors: two summer field inspections of the growing crop, a storage inspection after harvest, a winter grow out of seed lot and a thorough shipping point inspection. These inspections cover variety, purity, seed health, and lot identity and are backed by a modern, full service laboratory. TETON SEED MARKETING ASSOCIATION Teton Seed Marketing Association, a group of potato seed growers, formed as a marketing cooperative to help it’s member growers market their seed potatoes. Members are Skyline Farms, Penfold Farms, Dennie Arnold Farms, and Teton Rainbow Ranch. The farms are at 6200 ft in elevation and are part of the Teton Seed Management Area administered by the State of Idaho, Dept. of Agriculture TSMA works closely with PGI, Idaho Crop Improvement, Potato Management Company and the United Fresh Potato Growers of Idaho to provide information and support for the commercial industry and growers from other seed management areas. Fred Dormaier, TSMA Marketing Director, works closely with our members to ensure consistent quality and customer satisfaction. BOOTH 56 - STUDENT UNION Contact Fred at 208-313-1399 or at [email protected] or [email protected] SKYLINE FARMS Conn Crapo DENNIE ARNOLD FARMS Dennie, Eric, & Jeremy Arnold TETON RUSSET DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 39 TIREBOSS™ TIRED OF PULLING TRUCKS? LOOKING TO INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY? TIREBOSS™ Tire Pressure Control Systems provide a solution that will get you moving! Mobility of operations is often at the mercy of changing weather conditions e.g. too wet (black, heavy soils) and too dry (soft sandy fields). TIREBOSS™ has a huge impact on harvest productivity by not having to pull trucks. The TIREBOSS™ tire pressure control system allows the driver to safely change tire pressure while the vehicle is moving. The larger footprint created by reduced pressure creates a significant traction benefit allowing the truck into areas where it would normally not go or have to be pulled. Trucks with TIREBOSS™ systems have virtually eliminated the need for assist vehicles in soft fields. This larger tire footprint also provides lower ground pressure resulting in less soil compaction. The incredible traction with TIREBOSS™ allows the use of semis over straight trucks increasing payload per trip, efficiency, and saves thousands of dollars otherwise spent on fuel, assist tractors and manpower. This switch to semis also sets you up to have a vehicle that can be utilized for additional truck services outside of harvest. TIREBOSS™ systems require minimal maintenance, and are proven durable with thousands operating around the globe. Go to for additional info and see the system in action on the YouTube link. BOOTHS 57 & 504 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 40 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO AG WORLD SUPPORT SYSTEMS Ag World Support Systems LLC will be celebrating 18 years in the potato and vegetable inspection service. Founded in 1997, Ag World Support Systems LLC is a private, independent, third party Inspection Company serving the raw product inspection needs of the North American processing industries. Currently, Ag World services the Othello and Moses Lake, WA Simplot potato plants; the Quincy, Warden, Connell, Pasco, and Richland, WA ConAgra potato plants; the Cavendish potato plant in Jamestown, ND; the Simplot potato plant in Grand Forks, ND; and the McCain Foods potato plant in Easton, MA. Ag World also provides a vegetable inspection service at the Pasco Processing plant in Pasco, WA. In addition to the US facilities, Ag World Support Systems provides Canadian potato inspection service for Simplot and McCain Foods in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, as well as McCain Foods in Carberry, Manitoba. With our ever expanding services Ag World continues to offer our customers a full QA program verifying our inspections are performed according to the customer’s contractual agreement. When asked why would a processor or grower want to use Ag World’s service? We answer by saying; we are an unbiased independent third party inspection service with high integrity. Our entire business is providing a high quality, cost effective service by generating both accurate and timely inspection information. We are flexible and responsive to our customers needs and do not have a large bureaucracy that inhibits our service. Where processors conduct their own inspections, outsourcing to our private service reduces the processor’s exposure. In these circumstances, our services help enhance the process/grower relationship by removing the potential for perceived biases from processor generated inspection data. Warren Henninger, Founder/Chairman, is very proud of all Ag World’s employees and stated, “Ag World’s success in representing the grower(seller) and the processor (buyer) is dependent on our team’s dedication to serving the needs of the customer with integrity at its fullest and consistent high quality data. Ag World is blessed with a team that works together to achieve their fullest potential.” Visit Ag World Support Systems web site at Come see us at BOOTH 35 STUDENT UNION and “Guess the Weight of the Potato”. DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 41 PENATRON SOIL CONDITIONER 21 Years of Providing Progressive Potato Growers with Yield and Quality Increases and Improved Soils F or twenty one years, potato growers have seen the many benefits of using Penatron Soil Conditioner. One of the many benefits was observed this summer which was to decrease heat stress due to anti-stress factors in Penatron. Penatron treated fields not only had outstanding yields, but the quality was much superior to nontreated fields. This was very evident in the Magic Valley of Idaho. In two fields growers were paid for over 610 cwt per acre of high quality potatoes. Average measured yield increase has been 47 cwt per acre with an increase of 11.6% more number ones. Penatron is manufactured by Maz-Zee S.A. International of San Diego, CA. It consists of 30 interacting components that work together to increase crop yield and quality. While many “soil conditioners” only act as a wetting agent, Penatron components include enzymes and catalysts to stimulate soil microbial metabolism. Natural desert plant extract wetting agents reduce water surface tention to insure faster water infiltration and easier water uptake by roots. Cytokinins (growth hormones) stimulate and accelerate root growth for better water and nutrient uptake. Colloidal minerals and micronutrients provide essential plant nutrients. Several extracts of plant species provide vitamins and hormones that reduce plant stress to hot, dry and cold, wet conditions. Humic and fulvic acids activate soil microbes and improve soil physical conditions. This helps reduce clods and dirt at harvest. Penatron modifies soil conditions by allowing more oxygen into the root zone which encourages aerobic microbes that improve soil structure. This results in better root growth. Penatron helps reduce irrigation water demand resulting in 10-15% less water use. It reduces run-off and increases the water holding capacity for all soil types. Penatron is beneficial to all crops including grain, sugarbeets, hay, corn, and beans. It reduces crusting, speeds germination and stand establishment resulting in a faster start for all crops to help maximize yield. Penatron is low cost considering it only needs to be applied once early in the season while many products must be applied several times. It may be applied with starter fertilizers, markout, herbicides, irrigation water, liquid fertilizers, plant protection, and foliar sprays. The bottom line is that Penatron Soil Conditioner increases yield and quality of all crops by reducing water and nutrient stresses, reducing clods and dirt, conserving water, and increasing root growth from improved soil structure. Penatron is available from your fertilizer supplier or contact Adrian L. Arp, PhD., Technical Representative at (208) 734-2255 or call our home office at 1-800-775-6123. BOOTH 11 - STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 42 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO BOOTH 207 - HOLT ARENA TRINITY TRAILER MFG., INC. Some Say Tough. Some Say Gentle. We Say Yes Most of the leaders in the potato producing and shipping industry have one thing in common; they trust Trinity Trailer Mfg. and it’s specifically designed “Farm Bed Spud Trailer” to deliver their produce with minimal amounts of skinning, bruising, or shattering. Unnecessary bruising results in lower potato prices reduced demand and increased storage losses. The Eisenman family and associates at Trinity Trailer have been building self unloading belt trailers since 1975 and understand that the only acceptable spud trailer is one that gently handles your product but is built tough enough to take the punishment of field work and rough rural roads. The Farm Bed Spud trailer can be built to best match your specific loading and unloading conditions. Our unique “Spud door” consists of a flip up bottom half and a fold down upper. This fold down upper enables apiler to extend into the interior of the trailer cutting down on drop height. The upper section is available in plywood, sheet metal, or expanded metal. Smooth, surge free, unloading is a critical aspect in avoiding bruising. The Trinity continuous yet flexible chain and flap belt provides a consistent unload and helps keep produce out of rear unloading mechanisms. Narrow belts, 25” or 31”, are the most commonly requested to achieve an even flow while unloading. “Spud bumps” are suggested with wider belts and are effective controlling unwanted surging. In very sensitive conditions a raised floor, heavier and longer flaps, and overlap liners are installed. These options serve to level the floor reducing cupping between the cross bars, cushioning the load, and eliminating carry back. In cold weather conditions potatoes are protected by Trinity’s “extreme weather insulation package”. This protection consists of double layers of bubble foil pack under the side liners, single layer of foil pack under the floor liner and foam insulation inside from the top of the liner to the top rail. A very successful hauler in Canada uses this package as well as an insulated blanket DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO over the tarp bows and routinely hauls in minus 10-15 degree temperatures. While it may sound like all our engineering goes into assuring we have the gentlest handling trailer we know there is another side to hauling potatoes. Trinity also protects your investment by building the toughest, longest lasting trailer. Our unique lightweight steel (carbon or stainless) frameless design provides the strength and flexibility required to go off road and withstand the most pitted potato fields without cracking or breaking. Repairing spud trailers or suffering downtime is the last thing you can afford. Our customers know that when they send out a Trinity trailer it will not only gently unload their spuds but it will return for another load. Trinity trailers are the most dependable trouble free spuds trailers available. Trinity trailers are the easiest trailers to wash because our unique design allows you access to all areas and does not give dirt or road sludge a place to hide. Trinity trailers require very little maintenance and when a repair is required it’s quick and inexpensive. Spud farmers and shippers not only want a time proven dependable trailer that will unload the least damaged product with the lowest maintenance and highest availability, they want top resale value. 43 Our customers are demanding but again Trinity Trailer Mfg. delivers. Whether it’s a five year old, seven year old, or a ten year old plus, Trinity consistently brings owners more resale dollars. But look beyond the high resale price. Ask another trailer manufacturer to show you one of their seven to ten year old trailers. Not many other trailers besides Trinity will have been able to withstand the rugged conditions of the potato industry and actually still be on the road let alone be a factor in the resale market. You are a serious businessman who knows what it takes to be profitable hauling spuds. Trinity Trailer is a serious manufacturer that offers you a spud trailer that has: The lowest incidence of bruising, skinning, and shattering. The lowest maintenance costs and highest availability. The longest life and highest resale value. Why would you trust your business with any other trailer? [email protected] or (208) 336-3666 BOOTH 207 - HOLT ARENA CONQUEST Insurance Agency, Inc. FOR CROP INSURANCE CALL US FIRST! Mutliperil Crop Insurance • Crop Hail Insurance • Crop Replant Insurance Field Grain Fire Insurance • Crop Revenue Coverage • Revenue Protection Farm Package Coverage and more 144 W. Bridge [email protected] [email protected] 208-785-0760 Discover the difference quality service and value make Blackfoot Our Family Insuring Yours Since 1983 SERVING SOUTHEASTERN IDAHO BOOTH 65 - STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 44 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO DYKMAN ELECTRICAL I s it possible to save the environment while saving money? At Dykman Electrical we say, “YES!” Ask one of our sales representatives about utilizing drives and premium efficient motors to reduce your carbon footprint. You’ll be amazed at the increased return on investment as well as the quicker payback time on your equipment. When you need it, we want you to have it! At Dykman, our investment in one of the industry’s largest inventories demonstrates our customer commitment. We stock low and medium voltage drives through 2000 horsepower; crusher duty starters through 600 horsepower; and power quality products. We also stock low voltage motors through 800 horsepower; medium voltage motors to 5000 horsepower; and over 500 gearing units. When you need it now, count on Dykman to have the solution now! Dykman Electrical puts the power in the pump! Our inventory includes vertical hollow- shaft motors through Pump Motors & Controls IN-STOCK: NEMA 3R Pump VFD’s 20 HP Thru 600 HP NEMA 1 VFD’s 1 HP Thru 2,500 HP Vertical Hollow Shaft Motors 5 HP Thru 600 HP Horizontal Pump Motors 1 HP Thru 5,500 HP Pump Panels 10 HP Thru 700 HP Soft Starters 50 HP Thru 5,000 HP U.S. MOTORS BENSHAW TECO TCI 888-336-3988 YASKAWA TOSHIBA SIEMENS [email protected] GE What you Need! Where you Need it! When you Need it! 600 horsepower; variable frequency drives programmed with user-friendly pump parameters; as well as an array of remote communications equipment. With Dykman’s extensive power line-up… now you can pump just about anything, anywhere you want! Motors are the heart of the Dykman product line. We offer products from Toshiba, G.E., Nidec/USEM, Siemens, TECO, A.B.B. and many other quality manufacturers. We stock fractional, NEMA, above-NEMA, and metric frames. In fact we have the most complete stock of industrial electric motors in North America. Need to see it to believe it? Stop by any one of our warehouses, we’d love to give you a tour. Need brains for your motor? Dykman has an extensive line of variable frequency drives, soft starters, pump panels, line reactors and harmonic filters. So, you not only gain control, but also gain confidence in knowing that enhanced protection will significantly increase the life of your motor. We proudly stock Toshiba, Yaskawa, Benshaw and G-E controls as well as T.C.I and Arteche power quality products. It’s no secret that gearing is a science and not an art form. Dykman sales professionals excel at application problem solving as well as cross-brand substitution to keep your operations running smoothly. We offer quality products from Grove, Eurodrive, Nord, Sumitomo, S.K.K. and Flender...Plus, we stock over 500 gear motors and reducers. Need immediate delivery on large motors and drives? Just “dial-up” Dykman. We stock one of the industry’s leading selections of medium voltage motors and drives up through 5000 horse power. Plus, we are one of the most efficient surplus vendors in the country. Count on us for large, uncommon, or rush delivery products… if we don’t have it, we’ll find it….saving you time, hassle and headaches. When you need it, we want you to have it! At Dykman, our investment in one of the industry’s largest inventories demonstrates our customer commitment. When you need it now, count on Dykman to have the solution now! For our complete product selection visit us on-line at: BOOTH 76b - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 45 BIOSAFE SYSTEMS Keep Potatoes Pathogen Free from Field to Storage By: Mark Milenski, National Potato Manager, BioSafe Systems Since 1996, BioSafe Systems has been a partner in the potato industry researching and innovating new technologies to help growers mitigate storage loss. With the introduction of StorOx 2.0 Bactericide/ Fungicide, BioSafe Systems was the first company to introduce the power and versatility of activated peroxygen chemistry (APC) to the potato industry. The first company to utilize this powerful technology in storage treatment, BioSafe has diligently worked over the years to research the most effective treatment program while custom engineering a variety of application technologies to help treat storages, and the potatoes they hold, economically and efficiently. Through our extensive experience working with APC technology in pre‐ and post‐ harvest applications, BioSafe Systems has established the a three‐step field‐to‐storage treatment program. The first step in BioSafe’s field‐to‐storage program encompasses a strategic change in our potato treatment plan, incorporating in‐field application of our chemistries prior to harvest. Utilizing a powerful and effective formulation of APC technology, OxiDate 2.0 Foliar Bactericide/Fungicide provides a unique “knock‐down” control of bacterial and fungal pathogens. OxiDate’s unique mode‐of‐action, oxidation, enables it to provide an immediate destruction of the bacterial Apply OxiPhos FIELDto STORAGE from Visit booth #109 to learn more! A superior systemic and contact bactericide/fungicide for complete coverage. ® or fungal pathogens cellular structure; in essence a sterilization of the foliar surface. OxiDate 2.0 is engineered to be tank mixed with residual partner chemistries, working synergistically with conventional chemistries to provide complete 360° protection. The next step in BioSafe’s program is proper sanitation of the storage environment. This important step is not emphasized enough and is frequently overlooked. Without proper cleaning and disinfection, potatoes inside storages will inherently succumb to storage rot. BioSafe’s powerful disinfection chemistry, SaniDate 5.0 Liquid Sanitizer, can be used in combination with our portfolio of GreenClean Cleaners to provide a clean, pathogen‐free storage environment. The final step in the field‐to‐storage program is the most critical treatment step, incorporating a spray on the bin‐piler as spuds go into storage, followed by periodic fogging applications through the storage season as needed. In 2014, after many years of research and trialing, BioSafe Systems introduced OxiPhos Systemic Bactericide/Fungicide. A highly engineered blend of stabilized peroxygen and phosphorous acid, OxiPhos takes a proven chemistry like phosphorous acid and supercharges it with peroxygen to provide a dual mode of action by inducing systemic‐acquired resistance and a contact kill of bacterial pathogens. OxiPhos can be applied through an existing bin‐piler applicator or through BioSafe’s Bin‐Piler Applicator unit that provides precise dosing of OxiPhos. Once spuds are treated and in storage, BioSafe Systems moves into our bread‐and‐ butter treatment with the fogging of StorOx 2.0 into the storage environment. Traditionally, this application has been done using our BioFogger II fogging unit, which applies a concentrated “dry‐fog” through the plenum and carried up through the pile with existing ventilation. BioSafe Systems has also begun trialing StorOx 2.0 using thermal fogging technology and has added recently added this application to the StorOx 2.0 label. However, because there is no prior research proving the efficacy of this application method, we are doing our due diligence through trialing before adding this method to our treatment program. BioSafe Systems is dedicated to helping potato growers and the industry as a whole to continually strive to better our practices in storage and provide new and innovative tools to help better manage storage challenges. BioSafe will be introducing a number of new products in 2015, including our much‐anticipated sprout inhibitor called Arret. BioSafe Systems has partnered with expert Storage Treatment Partners throughout the country to provide custom application programs and service. Please contact us at (888)273‐3088 or stop by to see us at the Idaho Potato Conference to learn more about our Field‐to‐Storage Program. LLC Simply Sustainable. Always Effective. 1.888.273.3088 | BOOTH 109 - STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 46 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO COLORADO CERTIFIED POTATO GROWERS BOOTH 10 STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 47 HORN PLASTICS Super-Slide Liners - Non-Stick, High Wear Dump Truck and Trailer Liners Sticky problems are eliminated by Super-Slide industrial and agricultural plastic dump truck and trailer liners. No matter the load you haul, UHMW and HMW Super-Slide plastic liners can help get the job done faster while protecting your equipment. Super-Slide liners can be cut down into narrow wear strips or can be seamlessly welded together to make liners 16 feet wide and over 100 feet long. All Super-Slide products have unique formulas that set them apart from other liners on the market. Only Super-Slide UHMW liners contain 2% silicone to give an even better self-lubricating release. In addition, all Super-Slide products are UV stabilized to prevent cracking from extended exposure to the sun. Each product is distinctively colored, Yellow, Red, Blue, and White, to prove you have a one of a kind superior product. UHMW Yellow Quartz – Highest wearing UHMW liner UHMW Red Hot – Best all-around liner and able to handle high temperatures UHMW Blue Iron – Best valued high wear liner and most popular UHMW HMW White – Economical and dependable Horn Plastics Inc. - Highest Quality Products. Unmatched Service. Quickest Lead Times Since the early 1980’s, Horn Plastics has taken pride in our highest quality SuperSlide products, unmatched service and the quickest lead times. With 2% silicone for extra material release, UV stabilized to prevent cracking from extended exposure to sunlight and widths up to 16 feet wide, Super-Slide plastic liners exceed its performance promises for its customers. From start to finish, you’ll experience an honest, knowledgeable and hardworking team who will answer all of your questions and help get the best product for your needs. Super-Slide liners are always in stock at our multiple locations across the US, so you can get the liner you need when you need it. BOOTH 30 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 48 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO HEALTH CARE, POTATO STORAGE AND THE AMERICAN WAY American history has a long list of topics that have carried negative public opinion but few more divisive than the topic of health care reform of the past couple of years. Millions of dollars has been spent to simply sell or decry its necessity. Reflecting on history the one thing I am certain of is that out of this difficult political turmoil will come some new product that will meet the needs that exist. That is the American way. That American way is what has brought us so many great things that we now take for granted. When told we can’t or it is impossible the American way has been to dig deep and develop a new and better way. It has not been without cost or pain but it has been incredibly effective. There is no greater example of the American way than American agriculture. It is almost a certainty that the American farmer will face multiple seeming impossibilities during his career. Much more often than not the result is a new approach, a new product or a partnership and collaboration that results in growth and increased potential. Prices on some commodities is at or near the same as it was 40 years ago while cost of production has risen 10 fold. In many places that has resulted in diminished production and or failure of private farming operations but the American farmer has found new, more efficient means of production along with better genetics while developing markets to meet and exceed the requirement to be successful. Potato storage is one of the developments that has arisen out of necessity. Early settlers stored potatoes in caves and did it quite successfully in order to prolong their food source. Potato storage slowly evolved over the years but in ground storage was still prevalent into the 1960’s. With commodity prices stagnant innovative growers found they could obtain a premium for storing a high quality potato long term. Out of that has come highly specialized storage management technology. One such tool is the Hansen‐Rice, Inc. Thermodynamic Air Envelope potato storage. Born out of necessity and fine tuned with innovative growers looking to build a better way it has become the benchmark for the process potato industry. Today a large majority of the chip stock potatoes that come out of storage come from a Hansen‐Rice, Inc. potato storage. Growers and processors across the nation have embraced this patented technology.T h e higher demand for consistent quality has driven the demand for the air envelope storage. Determined, persistent, and innovative agri‐ businessmen will continue to be the spark that lights the fire of change that is a critical ingredient in the long term stability and viability of the American way. If you are in need of a quality long term storage stop by and see one of the Hansen‐Rice, Inc. team members. BOOTH 69 - STUDENT UNION DESIGN-BUILD GENERAL CONTRACTOR AGRICULTURE. FOOD PROCESSING. Hansen-Rice, Inc. incorporates the use of a highly trained team of architects, engineers, designers, estimators and project managers during the Design-Build process to create a system that is unique in the Agricultural and Food Processing construction industry. The knowledge and efficiencies gained through our vast Design-Build experience provides our clients with quality facilities while saving them time and money throughout the process. CONTACT Gary Seward p. 208.863.7216 e. [email protected] Mark Rice p. 208.863.7242 e. [email protected] DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 49 Let’s talk about next year This is the time of year to assess your farm and ranch operations. As a local ag lender, we make the financial side of that assessment easier. Contact one of our loan officers today and let’s talk about next year. Blackfoot Rexburg American Falls Twin Falls 208-785-1510 208-356-5479 208-226-5251 208-734-0635 BOOTH 40 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 50 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO Excellent Quality Compost at a reasonable price Locations throughout Eastern Idaho. Please visit us at Booth #70 in Holt Arena BOOTH 70 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 51 DAVIS MACHINE, LLC D avis Machine LLC has served the community for over 50 years. In those years we have covered a wide range of services. 1) We manufacture our own line of potato equipment such as pilers, sorters, truck beds, seed pilers, transfer conveyors, spreaders, evenflo tubs, vine cutters and cultivators to name a few. 2) We have our own press brake and shear. This allows us to do our own custom fabrication. Whether it is stainless, aluminum or steel we can handle it. 3) We are not just limited to farm equipment. We have done work in construction with handrails, support bracket beams, etc. We have worked in the sewer industry. We have worked in the heating industry. We have worked in the water management industry with check structures, headgates, fish ladders, pump screens, etc. You name it we can handle it. 4) We are a very hands on company with a personal touch. You will speak directly to the owner or to employees who have the knowledge and ability to help instead of being transferred to somewhere else. You will never hear “To speak with so and so, press 1”. Through the generations Davis Machine has carried on a tradition of excellence and customer satisfaction. We are now on our third generation and are committed to the same concern, our customers. We have always seen to it that our customers come first. Our customers are more than a bunch of letters on a page, they are our friends and neighbors. We understand their needs and problems and make those our needs and problems too. Call us and let us know what we can do for you. Irrigation Screen by Davis Machine, LLC Darren Davis P.O. Box 138 1912 E. 500 N. Parker, Idaho 83438 Parker BOOTH 219 - HOLT ARENA 208-624-7820 Rexburg 208-356-7705 DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 52 “I 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO D & S TIRES INC. n 1995 I had a farmer ask me to rebuild the tracks from his Cat tractor, something I’d never done before,” says Dexter Critel, owner of D & S Tires in West Point, Neb. “I spent a lot of time cutting those lugs and guide blocks off with hand tools, then built new ones to replace them. The farmer ran the tracks for three years and they worked perfect, so I decided to do the same work for other people.” Critel started repairing tracks at West Point in 2000, and perfected his process well enough to open a second location six years later in Richmond, Ind. In 2012 he opened a third location in Parma, Idaho to serve customers in the west and northwest. “When I started there was no history or no precedent for rebuilding tracks, everything was hand work,” Critel says. “It was tough to figure out how to remove the old lugs and guide blocks, and equally tough to re-build the new lugs and blocks into a uniform size and shape.” As Critel and his crew learned more, they built their own specialized equipment to mechanically buff the tread off the outside of a track and then remove the guide blocks on the inside. “We remove the worn pieces with mechanical buffers,” Critel says, “and that saves a tremendous amount of hand labor. After we solved that problem, we made an extruder and dies to make new lugs and guide blocks the exact size and shape of those on new tracks. We pound those onto the track by hand, then seal them in place with an autoclave. When the process is complete, the tracks are like new.” D&S Tires Inc. 26884 Pearl Rd • Parma, Idaho 83660 New Track Shop that brings BIG Savings to the Western U.S.! Critel says that rebuilding tracks costs about a third the amount that a farmer would spend on new tracks for a tractor, combine or grain cart. “We can rebuild them with a standard lug that’s 2 1/2” tall, a low disturbance lug that’s 1 1/2 in. tall and add extra lugs. We can also replace the guide blocks and can rebuild rubber on roller wheels, driver wheels and idler wheels. Most of our jobs are around $5,000, compared to $15,000 to $17,000 that a guy would spend on a new set of tracks,” Critel says. “We’re saving people a ton of money, and we’re also making better use of resources because we’re re-using the old belts. I’ve had one guy put two sets of lugs on one set of belts, so he’s already gotten three lifetimes out of his original investment.” Critel’s replacement lug work is done on tracks for Deere, Cat and Case IH tractors, on combines and grain carts. “We can work on any size tracks,” Critel says. These days Critel’s business is a true family operation and his customers are from all over the USA and Canada. His Richmond office is managed by his daughter Tammy and his daughter Kim and her husband Bill manage the Parma location. The West Point location is managed by his son-in-law, Marlan and his youngest daughter Brenda. All three offices maintain an inventory to fit most tractors, so exchange and turnaround time is usually very quick BOOTH 87 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 53 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO BIOREM PHARMGRADE Inc. has produced breakthrough sustainable products in the fertilizing industry for the past 26 years. We design and create natural products that continue to grow sustainable crops all over the country. Our proprietary proven blends combine naturally occurring microbes with organic acids and nutrient to produce superior soil health, increased fertility, and stronger yields. PHARMGRADE values nature and its delicate balance and processes. Our goal is to help nature not by force, but by understanding. Our commitment to research, continuing education and technical support will always remain vital components to our company’s success. -TricoPlus is a microbial concentrate formulated with broad spectrum, beneficial, bacillus, pseudomonas and fungi species that promote plant yield, health and growth especially in row crops. PHARMGRADE takes great pride in all aspects of the business, especially our team. We believe we must actively recruit and train extraordinary field consultants, dealers, and farmers who share our concern for the future of agriculture and its sustainability. We seek a team approach where individuals are allowed an open, honest forum of communication. Truly the security and growth of PHARMGRADE depends on the hard work, creativity, raw determination and dedication of all players involved. Stop by our booth for a full list of PHARMGRADE products and services. PHARMGRADE provides a full line of products centered on pharmaceutical grade microbiology, humic and fulvic acids, mycorrhizae, organic matter, and carbon. Our hardworking products and team at PHARMGRADE provide a proven system that will increase current yields and build sustainable soils for the future. A short list of PHARMGRADE products can be seen below. -Pharmgrade Liquid Compost (PLC) is a natural liquid compost which nutrients are derived from food waste otherwise destined for the landfill. This is a concentrated biological inoculum for soil, leaf and compost application contained in a pharmaceutical grade liquid compost substrate for transport, propagation and stabilization of natural microbiological cultures. - Pharmgrade SmartPhos is a special blend of nitrogen and phosphate that has been extensively chelated for maximum uptake by the plant. Because of this chelation, more phosphate becomes accessible, therefore reducing nutrient tie-up. SmartPhos also contains high amounts of humic and fulvic acids as well as a high amount of microbes and mycorrhizae for added chelation and root uptake. This blending process (also known as Hybrid Fertilizer Technology™) provides the necessary nutrients you need to promote root growth and leafing in your crops. BOOTH 3 - STUDENT UNION C ou om rb ev oo isit th ! RECYCLE PHARMGRADE TricoPlus PHARMGRADE SMART-PHOS (PLC) PHARMGRADE Liquid Compost RENEW SUSTAIN Essential Nutrients Microbiology Nutrient Chelation Humic/Fulvic Acids Increased CEC Increased Yields Call us! (208)552-1500 DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 54 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO BASF CHEMICAL Get the most out of every Idaho acre with BASF Crop Protection BASF knows that farming is the biggest job on Earth. That’s why we’re committed to bringing innovative solutions and industry-leading technology to Idaho growers to help maximize yield potential and quality for potatoes and other crops. Priaxor® fungicide is a new product available for potato growers. Priaxor® fungicide contains two active ingredients with different modes of action, F500® and Xemium® fungicides, which are effective on Rhizoctonia, black dot, and early blight. This new potato fungicide joins an already broad portfolio of BASF fungicides offering disease control and Plant Health benefits in potatoes, including Endura® fungicide, Forum® fungicide, and Headline® fungicide. For weed control, potato growers can turn to the BASF Advanced Weed Control portfolio for protection against menacing weeds. Outlook® herbicide protects growers’ investment with powerful, consistent control of annual grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds such as nightshade and pigweed. Prowl® H2O herbicide offers exceptional convenience, performance, and crop safety, along with an innovative, water-based formulation for additional benefits like no odor, reduced staining, greater storage temperature flexibility, and better performance in high surface areas. BASF also has a number of solutions for Idaho sugar beet growers, including control of powdery mildew and excellent efficacy on Rhizoctonia crown rot with Priaxor® fungicide. For enhanced powdery mildew control, BASF offers Caramba® fungicide. Serving as an effective weed resistance management tool, Outlook® herbicide provides excellent residual control of broadleaf and grass weeds. For alfalfa growers, BASF offers excellent weed control solutions with a broad Advanced Weed Control portfolio that includes Raptor® herbicide, Prowl® H2O herbicide, and Poast® herbicide. This effective portfolio assists in maximizing alfalfa quality with contact and residual weed control. Headline® fungicide provides outstanding disease control of spring black stem and leaf spot, with a consistent first-cutting yield increase of 0.3 ton/acre. Headline® fungicide offers flexibility to be applied with many herbicides and foliar fertilizers for increased yield potential. BASF is dedicated to providing solutions, technical support, and educational tools to help growers implement effective crop protection programs. For more information on BASF Crop Protection products, please visit, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter. Always read and follow label directions. Caramba, Endura, F500, Headline, Outlook, Prowl, Raptor, Xemium, and Priaxor are registered trademarks of BASF. ©2014 BASF Corporation. All Rights Reserved. BOOTH 71 - STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 55 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO DISCOVER THE NEXT DIMENSION IN CROP PROTECTION. Priaxor® fungicide— • Longest-lasting disease protection • Advanced Plant Health benefits • Consistent performance Learn more at, or ask your BASF Authorized Retailer. Always read and follow label directions. Consult with your State Regulatory Agency regarding status of registration of Priaxor fungicide in your State. Priaxor and Xemium are registered trademarks of BASF. © 2015 BASF Corporation. All Rights Reserved. APN 14-MKT-0094 CRP140219_Priaxor_Idaho_Potato_Conv_Ad 1 BOOTH 71 - STUDENT UNION 12/30/14 8:45 AM DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: JOB NO. CRP140219 PRIAXOR AD INITIALS DATE 12.29.14 CLIENT BASF CD HEADLINE Discover The Next Dimension ... AD/Designer DATE 56 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO BOOTH 31 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 57 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO NELSON IRRIGATION Recognized as a world leader in quality and innovation, Nelson Irrigation is focused on providing exceptional products for agricultural and industrial applications – including Pivot Sprinklers, Rotator® Sprinklers for solid set & permanent set, Control Valves, Pressure Regulators, and Big Gun® Sprinklers. Nelson products have a solid reputation in the industry due to a rigorous quality assurance program and the company’s enduring commitment to workmanship and customer service. State-of-the-art technologies, such as CNC machinery, plastic injection molding, and automated assembly provide consistency in processing and a quality product. Through a process of listening to the customer, a dedicated R&D team works on new product development. Nelson products are supported worldwide by an experienced network of distributors and dealers. Nelson is leveraging recent progress in design and manufacturing technology to produce plates with complicated and advanced geometries. The result of these advances is the R3000 Rotator®, the world’s premier pivot sprinkler, featuring the widest throw on drops and highest uniformity. It operates on a proven, patented drive principle with an economic design that features only one moving part. Expect the highest levels of reliability and long wear life, even under tough field conditions. The R55 End of Pivot Sprinkler is changing the way farmers irrigate with center pivots. It can be used to pick up added acreage both throughout the full revolution of the pivot or just in the corners, depending on site specifics and irrigator preferences. It can be used in conjunction with a higher volume Big Gun® Sprinkler – or on its own. The R55 can always remain on, turn on via a solenoid on an 800 series valve or work under the logic of a linked control system with a SR100/800P Valve or SRNV100 (Nozzle Valve). Come see us at Booth #104. Find out more at BOOTH 104 - STUDENT UNION Sprinkler Technology FOR THE FUTURE CENTER PIVOT WHEEL LINE SOLID SET SPECIFY NELSON ON BOARD Big Gun® & 800P Valve NEW R55 END OF PIVOT SPRINKLER (15-40 PSI) R33 Rotator® Direct 3/4” Impact Replacement R3000 Pivot Rotator® Provides Highest Uniformity Numbers Control Valves MORE AT NELSONIRRIGATION.COM / Tel: +1 509.525.7660 / Fax: +1 509.525.7907 DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 58 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO CUSTOMER OWNED. CUSTOMER DRIVEN. Northwest FCS Relationship Manager Jeff Osborne with customer Butch Morris. We’re a trusted financial services cooperative. As a customer owner, you have a voice and vote in how we do business. Plus, when we do well we share profits with you in the form of patronage. No bank does this. Visit to learn more. Real Estate Financing Operating Lines of Credit Country Home & Lot Loans Crop Insurance* *Serviced through Northwest Farm Credit Services Insurance Agency. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. BOOTH 7- STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 59 FMC FMC Offers Solutions for Potato Growers FMC Agricultural Solutions has expanded its portfolio of potato products to help growers optimize profitability. The FMC potato portfolio offers products for controlling insects, weeds and disease, providing potato growers with real solutions throughout the growing season. • Aim® herbicide is a new standard for complete vine desiccation, providing excellent leaf and stem kill at the optimal speed. • Athena® insecticide/miticide is a strong resistance management tool with excellent spider mite control as well as control over a variety of insects in potatoes such as pysllids, lygus bugs, leafminers, aphids, armyworms, Colorado potato beetle, leafhoppers, grasshoppers and cornborers. • Beleaf® insecticide is a unique mode-of-action insecticide for more complete control of aphids and plant bugs. Beleaf is ideal for use in seed-producing areas to prevent the transmission of potato virus Y. • Brigadier® insecticide utilizes dual modes of action to control a variety of damaging insect pests, including potato aphids, Colorado potato beetles and potato leafhoppers. • Capture® LFR® insecticide, used at-plant, controls wireworms and grubs, providing a more complete zone of protection around the seedling to combat insect pressure. Capture LFR improves overall plant health to help increase yields in potatoes. • Gladiator™ insecticide/miticide is uniquely formulated for complete dominance over leafminers, mites and psyllids (both adult and nymphs). It provides quick knockdown and long lasting residual. • Mustang® Maxx insecticide is labeled for control of more than 100 different pests, including cutworms, cabbage loopers, cucumber beetles, aphids, armyworms, Colorado potato beetles and potato leafhoppers. • Rovral® fungicide stops fungi at several phases of development, including spore germination, mycelia growth and spore production. It provides defense against brown rot blossom blight and white mold. Rovral is the only fungicide in the FRAC 2 group. A complete portfolio of crop protection options is crucial for growers to achieve a successful potato season from start to finish. For more information about FMC and the complete portfolio of potato crop protection solutions, contact your local agribusiness retailer, crop consultant or university extension specialist, or visit You can also contact local FMC Retail Market Manager Dean Weldert at (208) 569-6789 or via email at [email protected] or FMC Technical Sales Manager Kirk Sager at (509) 770-0302 or via email at [email protected]. BETTER POTATOES AND BETTER PROFITS FROM BETTER PRODUCTS For more information about the FMC portfolio of potato products, visit your local FMC Star Retailer or visit Always read and follow label directions. Aim EC, Capture LFR and Mustang Maxx are not registered for use in California. Athena, Gladiator, Brigadier, Mustang Maxx and Capture LFR are restricted use pesticides. FMC, Aim, Gladiator, Brigadier, Mustang, Athena, Rovral, Capture and LFR are trademarks and Investing in farming’s future is a service mark of FMC Corporation. Beleaf is a trademark of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd. ©2014 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. 14-FMC-0659 11/14 BOOTH 60- STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 60 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO Sorting in the field just got easier with the NEW Field Potato Sorter from TOMRA Sorting Solutions, ODENBERG/BEST T he FPS is our first offering into the unwashed potato market. The machine uses unique multi-spectral near infrared technology to remove dirt clods, stones and rotten potatoes, in addition to the foreign material commonly found in fields from freshly harvested potatoes. The machine can be applied to different types of unwashed potatoes; harvested white, brown, redskin, etc... Used to replace difficult torecruit human labor currently needed to clean up the product stream going into storage, the Field Potato Sorter is compact and available in various widths to suit typical sorting capacity requirements of up to 154,000 lbs/hr. FPS is robust, weather proof and easy for farm workers to operate. The sorter is designed to fit with existing grading equipment or can be used as a stand alone unit. The system operates on harvested potato crop before and after storage and provides on-line sizing data and sorter operating information. By installing the FPS, potato processing and harvesting companies will significantly reduce labor and storage costs, improve the product quality and increase yield. TOMRA’s Halo is the latest advancement in sensor based optical sorters for a high performance sort or grade for quality, shape, color, size and for food safety. The Halo provides multiple advantages to users including average labor savings of up 80 percent, throughput increases as high as 25 percent, yield rises of up to four percent, lower operational costs and a fast return on investments. Halo also offers long life and low maintenance. Halo is offered in four sizes, ranging from 20 to 80 inch belt widths, to accommodate capacities from 10 to more than 50 tons per hour for potatoes. Halo offers both fresh pack and processing customers a range of application solutions that cover ALL potato varieties including russet, sweet, varietals and specialty potatoes. Ashley Hunter, Senior Vice President and Head of TOMRA Sorting, Food, said: “The easyto operate Halo systems sort and grade according to quality or size and for food safety. They analyze visible features – such as color, shape, blemishes and foreign objects – in addition to less easyto see defects. First grade produce gently passes through the systems while second and third grade items are redirected into individual streams, with more grading options also available. “Combining intelligence with advanced control, the Halo provides a greater level of flexibility and accuracy in reliable, high capacity, compact sorters.” About TOMRA Sorting Solutions, ODENBERG/BEST TOMRA Sorting Solutions, ODENBERG & BEST designs and supplies high performance sensor based sorters grades, peelers and process analytics systems to the fresh and processed food market. TOMRA Sorting Solutions has more than 6,500 machines installed across the global food market, with its customers reassured by the company’s comprehensive worldwide support and service network. In addition, TOMRA Sorting Solutions has 15 test and demonstration centers worldwide, meaning customers can trial their own products on its systems. TOMRA Sorting Solutions offers wider segment and application coverage combined with a team of leading sector experts and is committed to ongoing investment in research and development. This enables the company to continue producing efficient, reliable state-of the-art systems and customized solutions. For more information, visit BOOTH 79 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 61 YaraLiva® • QUALITY COUNTS Crop quality and profit go hand in hand, and this is especially true for potato farming. Maximizing yield and quality are essential, and successful potato growers realize that managing their crop to achieve the best possible yields and quality requires balancing many variables. Soil preparation and site evaluation, variety selection, seedpiece quality, water, temperature, pest control, storage and fertilizers are just a few of the factors that must be managed to bring in the best crop at the end of the season. Of all of these factors, optimum fertilizer management is one of the main factors responsible for a profitable crop, and it is something over which farmers have the most control. Yara understands potato fertilizer. Yara fertilizers such as granular YaraLiva® Tropicote® (15.5‐0‐0‐19 Ca) and liquid YaraLiva® CN‐9® (9‐0‐0‐11 Ca) calcium nitrate products are perfectly formulated to help potato farmers achieve their goals. These products have been used on potatoes for years around the globe with great results. YaraLiva products contain fast acting nitrate nitrogen – the preferred N source for potatoes. Nitrate is rapidly taken into the plant and is quickly utilized. In addition, nitrate N has a negative charge so it doesn’t interfere with the uptake of other cations such as K, Mg, Zn, etc., the way ammoniacal nitrogen can. Calcium must be water soluble in order to be taken up and used by potatoes. The calcium in YaraLiva products is 100% soluble and ready for use. Commonly used calcium products, such as gypsum and ag lime, while excellent soil amendments, do not supply soluble calcium necessary for plant growth. Calcium is necessary for cell division which is extremely important early in tuber production. It is also necessary for strong cell wall integrity, which is important during bulking and storage. Calcium also plays a significant role in maintaining the water relationship in the plant which can help to alleviate drought and heat stress. Increasing tuber calcium reduces bruising at harvest and, after the crop is harvested, potato tubers with higher levels of calcium store for longer periods with less loss from storage rot. Since calcium does not translocate from leaves to tubers, side‐dressing with Tropicote or fertigating with CN‐9 at tuber initiation and again just prior to bulking places the calcium and nitrate N in the correct zone for plant uptake. Potatoes can absorb the soluble calcium directly into the tuber via tiny roots on the stolons and the tubers. This calcium is then used for tuber growth. YaraLiva calcium nitrate is time honored, university tested and grower trusted. When used as part of a balanced nutrition program, YaraLiva products can help growers achieve the yield and quality that fresh market consumers and processors demand. For more information on YaraLiva, visit us at, or call at 1‐800‐234‐9376. Healthier, longer. YaraLiva CN-9 supports plant health, tuber yield, size and quality ® ® CN-9 Solution supplies nitrate nitrogen to help the plant develop a strong canopy and increase the uptake of calcium, potassium and magnesium. Calcium is a key element in plant cell structure, membrane function, and is critical during cell division. The result is higher yielding quality tubers with less culls. For more information about YaraLiva visit Yara North America, Inc. 800-234-9376 BOOTH 9 - STUDENT UNION DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 62 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO CHEVROLET F Built Stronger To Lighten Your Workload rom towing farm equipment to hauling paving stones, if you have heavy‐ duty demands, you need heavy‐duty strength. With new exterior and interior designs, the 2015 Silverado HDs offers the comfort and luxury upgrades you want in a daily driver without compromising industry leading power and performance. Proven Performance: There are more than 1 million Duramax Diesels with Allison Transmissions on the road today with more than 100 billion miles. Chevy’s standard gasoline‐powered Vortec 6.0L V8 comes with a torque curve that is broad and flat, with approximately 90 percent of peak torque available at only 2000 rpm. Either way, the 2015 Silverado 2500HD is the only truck for the most demanding jobs. Got something serious to tow? The 3500 boasts a 7,374‐lb. payload rating; 19,600‐lb. bumper tow capacity, and a 23,200‐lb. fifth wheel/gooseneck trailer rating. The 2015 Silverado 2500HD offers the most standard trailering capacity in its class at 13,000 lbs thanks in part to smart technologies. Engineered to tow heavy loads in extreme conditions, the new HD offers a host of new trailering technologies. The Hill Start Assist gives extra time to switch between the brake and accelerator pedals when on an incline by momentarily braking. Trailer Sway Control keeps your truck and trailer heading the same direction. Once the sensors detect a swaying trailer the system brings everything back in line by applying the trailer and truck brakes. Work is made easier with a load of available features like Diesel Exhaust Brake System, Rear Vision Camera (with dynamic grid lines which makes hitching that trailer solo a breeze), and Integrated Trailer Brake Controller. Even the bed has been re‐designed. The rear bumper has a corner step built in, the rear stake pocket has a handle built in, and an EZ Lift and Lower tailgate softly drops the tailgate. The bed is outfitted with high and low cargo rings and built‐in LED lights under the rail, and can even come from the factory spray‐lined. Comforts of a daily driver The 2015 Silverado HD has a new interior designed to bring you more comfort with higher quality materials, less noise and a seamless connection to your digital world. First climb inside and the most noticeable difference is the roomy cabin. High‐strength steel throughout enables bigger rear doors and more rear legroom. The extended cab is replaced with a new Double Cab, and the back doors are longer and hinged from the front for better access. The Silverado is now the king of quiet—doors roll under the roof into the body and are inlaid with triple seals. Your Truck, your way Whether you need accessories to make your job easier, your ride more comfortable or to protect your truck Chevrolet accessories have you covered. Until now the Turnover Gooseneck Ball Hitch market was dominated by B & W, but GM has released an option designed for your new Chevrolet’s factory specs. Business Choice customers can even take advantage of extra incentives to help customize your vehicle your way. BOOTH 56 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 63 Stop by our booth for a hands-on look at this 2015 T370 w/Logan Bed We are eager to talk with you at the Ag Show. See us in the Outside Parking Area Make sure to enter our drawing for a chance to win a FULL SERVICE OIL CHANGE! valued at $350.00 Sam Moss 208-251-0426 2585 N. Boulevard Idaho Falls, ID 83401 Scott Tallon 208-308-4517 322 S. 600 W. Heyburn, ID 83336 Floyd Herman 208-220-2206 2555 Garrett Way Pocatello, ID 83201 SEE US IN THE OUTSIDE PARKING AREA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 64 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO One allows you to communicate with the soil, the other...well, everywhere else. We bet you already have a favorite shovel, isn’t it time you have a web presence and a marketing support team that you are just as comfortable with. Vortices Design… from concept to delivery––your perfect partner for results driven advertising and business development! Everyone needs a solid marketing plan and the creative advertising materials to implement it effectively … whether it’s a new venture or ongoing family business – a rock solid marketing plan that includes professional sales and advertising materials is a must for building maximum brand awareness and ultimate profitability. Bring a team of seasoned professionals and cutting edge technology to work for your business. Find out how Vortices Design can enhance the way you do business. Call (503) 521-6895 or toll free at (800) 952-4182 today for a free consultation and learn how we can bring the world to your door. Please contact us if you would like more information on how Vortices Design can become the solution to your design and communication needs. Call 503.521.6895 or toll free at 800.952.4182 DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 65 DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 66 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: 2015 EASTERN IDAHO AG EXPO AND IDAHO POTATO CONFERENCE • POCATELLO, IDAHO 67 BOOTH 101 - HOLT ARENA DO YOU YOU NEED AG PRODUCTS AND SERVICES? VISIT THE QUARNBERG COMPANY WEBSITE AT: Quarnberg Publishing P.O. Box 7036 Boise, Idaho 83707 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOISE, IDAHO PERMIT NO. 220 Your Potato Seed Cutter Manufacturer At All Star Manufacturing & Design LLC, we feel that what is most important to you is that you get the best seed when you cut. Whether you're cutting long and round potatos, or even those pesky fingerlings we've designed our machines to fit those needs. t Abou s U k ne As l-In-O d l A r e Ou bo S e Com ters Trea See our equipment on display at the Eastern Idaho Ag Expo, January 21-23 2015 We Deliver Your Eq uipment Ready All Star Manufacturing & Design LLC 1541 South Sandhill Road, Orem, UT 84058 Phone: 801.225.4199 Toll Free: 800.972.8183 Email: [email protected] BOOTH 328 - HOLT ARENA To Use!
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