INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL HOUSE LIMITED Part I : Statement of Unaudited Financial Results for the Quarter and Nine months ended 31st December, 2014 Particulars 3 months ended 31.12.2014 (Unaudited ({. in Lacs) Preceding 3 Months ended 30.09.2014 (Unaudited) Corresponding 3 months ended 31.12.2013 (Unaudited) 9 Months ended 31-12.2411 (Unaudited) 9 months ended 3t.12.2013 {Unauctited Twelve Months ended 31.03.?014 (Audited) INCOME FROM OPERATIONS a) lncome from Operations b) Other Operating lncorne 4,418.10 101.05 4,519.15 (1) (2) (3) TOTAL INCOME FROM OPERATIONS (1+2) 3,893.99 345.76 4.239.75 4,161.43 12,979.80 122.21 440.43 4,283.64 13,420.23 1,024.09 1,190.08 534.52 2,962.48 3,746.80 1,589.60 12,272.49 428.96 16,550.53 12.701.05 17,171 .09 620.56 EXPENSES a) Employee Benefits Expense b) Car Hire Charges c) Serviee Charges d) Depreciation and Amortisation Expense (Note vii) e) Other Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES (4) 4,051,35 PROFIT FROM OPERATTONS tsEFORE OTHER TNCOME AND FTNANCE COSTS (3 - 4) (5) 467.80 384.34 522.15 OTHER INCOME (6) 69.87 108.53 80.81 176.67 272.78 473.s4 PROFIT FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE FINANCE coSTS (5 + 6i (7) 537.67 492"87 602.96 2,015.00 1,908.29 2,609.49 FINANCE COST$ (8) 0-03 0.38 0_49 0.94 1-28 1.55 (s) 537.64 492.49 602.47 2,014.06 TAX EXPENSE (10) 178.28 143.33 194-27 661.34 582.19 797.19 NET PROFTT FOR THE PERTOD (9 - 10) (11) 359.36 349.16 408.20 1,352.72 1,324.82 1,810.75 PAID UP EQUIry SHARE CAPITAL (Equity Shares of T 10/- each) (12) 799.45 799.45 799.45 799.45 799-45 799.45 RESERVES EXCLUDING REVALUATION RESERVES (13) EARNINGS PER SHARE (of t10/- each) (Not annualised): - Basic and Diluted ( {.) (14) PROFTT FROM ORDTNARYACT|VITIES BEFORE TAX 987"29 1,362.16 540.86 224.23 929.04 1,193.02 500.43 243.14 989.78 936.81 F - 8) (17.88) 1,030.69 3,761.49 3,855.41 1 ,391 .19 1,581.90 742.14 2,767.87 11,065.54 1,838.33 1,635.51 404.77 2,878-25 1 2,742.15 3,422.19 1,907.01 3.747.21 4,786.51 1,866.28 988.53 3,647.01 15,035.54 2,135.55 '2,607.94 12,365.13 4.50 4.37 3 months ended 31.12-2014 Gorresponding 3 months ended 31.12.2013 5.1 1 16.92 16.57 22.65 months Twelve Months PART ll : Select information for the Quarter and Nine months ended 31st Decernber. 2014 Particulars A. Particularc of Sharcholding 1. PUBLIC SHAREHOLDING - Number of Shares - Percentage of Shareholding 2. B. PROMOTERS AND PROMOTER GROUP SHAREHOLDING a) Pledged/Encumbered b) Non-encumbered - Number of Shares - Percentage of shares (as a o/o of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter groupi - Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the Cornpany) 9 Months ended 31.12.2014 ended 31-12.2013 ended 31.03.2014 30,62,599 30,62,599 30,62,599 30,62,599 30,62,599 38.31 38.31 38.31 38.31 38.31 38.31 Nit Nir Nil Nit Nit 49,31,901 49,31,901 100 100 100 61.69 61.69 61.69 ot.og 61.69 61.69 ruit ruit ruit Nit Pu6uanttotheenactmentofthecompaniesAct,2ol3(theAct)thecompanyhas,efiecliveApdll,2Ol4reviffidtheestimatedusefullivesotitsfxedassets vii- in ac@rdane with the provisions of Schedule ll ofthe Act. Accordingly, the comlany has ac@urited for rcduciion in depreciation charge foiquarter and nine mon(hs ended Deember 31 , 2014 is Rs. 40.68 las and Rs. 144.91 la6 reEpectively in lheso Esults and Rs. 61.71 la6 (nel of detef,ed tax) in GseNes in tems of tEnsitional prcvisions ofthe said Schedule ll. Dep.ecialionchargefortheprecedingquarterendedSeptember30,2014andninemonthsendedDe@mber31,2014 isnetofpriorperiodimpaclamountingtoRs.l45.12Lacs (nd of td Rs.74 72 Lacs), on a@oud of Evision in residual value of fixed assets, since lhe date oflheir installation. The residual vd@ as detemined is withi; the limit sp4fied in the Companies Ac1. 2013. viii. This slalement is as per Ciause 41 oflhe Listing AgEemenl_ LimiEd Revbw :he !m(ed Revifl. as requircd ReForl d€s under Clause 41 ofth€ Listing Agreemenl has been completed and the related Report foryarded to the Stock Exchanges. This nol have any impad on the above 'Resu[s and Notes' for the Quarter ended 31st Decmber, 2O'14 which neds to be explained. t"t":t Reg *e-e.: Off;:e, Traver -c;s€ T-2 Osrnnunity Centre, Sheikh Sarai, Pnas+.' *iar l,e^ f i-i3'17 india Dde: '3'l^ -a^uarr 2315 P ace \,9,t 1,8,. ilrt r/ "t:"lrorthe Board \ 7a*ei8 Jehangirlal 49,31,901 100 Notes i i. The unaudited Financial R€sulls rere reviffid by the Audit Committee snd apprcved at the meeting ot ihe Board of Directo6 of the Company held on 1gth January, 2015. Figures for the previous periods aE rrclasEifieU Baranged egrcuped, wheEvernffissry, to mspond with the curent pedod's classification/ disclosure. The Company does not have any Ex@ptional or Extraordinary item to Eporl forlhe above periods. The Company opefates only in one segment i.e. Tcvel Rel.ted Seryices,. v- The Company being in the seryice industry, lhe infomation as regards slock in tEde, @rssmplion of Ew materiats and purchase of tEded goods is not appli€bte. vi 49,31,901 100 ended 31.12.2014 I I I Nit 49,31,901 100 ffis Pending at the beginning of the quarter Received during the quarter Disposed off during the quarter Remaining unresolved at the end of the quarter I 30,62,599 49,31,901 lnvestorComplaints Preceding 3 Months encled 30.09.20r4 enaoiali Managing Director tt Fdh Sdndip Datta Chief Financial Ofiicer 5.R. BnrtrBot * AssocrATES LLP Chartered Accountants Golf View Corporate Toyrer-B Sector-42, Sector Road Gurgaon'722 002, Haryana, lnoia Tel ' +91 724 464 4000 Fax : +91 124 464 4050 Limited Review Report Independent Auditors' Review Report to The Board of Directors fnternational Travel House Limited 1. we have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of International Travel House Limited ('the Company'), for the quarter and nine months ended December 31,2014 (the ,.Statemenf,), being submitted by the Company pursuant to the requirement of Clause 4l of the Listing Agreement, except frI tl9 disclosures regarding 'Public Shareholding' and 'Promoter and promoter c1o,r! si,u..holding, which have been traced from disclosures made by the management and have not been revierved by us. This statement is the respon:jpil{y of the company's management and has been approved b1, the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a repo.t on the StJtement based on our review. 2. We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE) ll10. Revierv of hterim Financial Inforrnation Performed by the Independent Auditor of tf,JEntity issu.a ly the lnstirute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard ."quir"s that we plan and p"rio* the ier1eri to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the Statement is free of material misstatement. A rel'ieu. is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, u,e do not express an audit opinion. J. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying Statement of unaudited financial results prepared in accordance with recognition and measurement principles laid down in [Accounting Standard 25 Interim Financial Reporting specified under the Companies Act, 1956 (which are deemed tobe applicable as per section 133 ;f the-companies Act. 2013, read with rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) nules, z0t+)l and other recognised accountin*q practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be iisclosed in terms of Clause 4l of the Listing Agreement including the manner in which it is io be disclosed, or that it contains an\. material misstatement For S.R. BATLIBOI & ASSOCIATES LLp ICAI Firm registration number: l0l049W Chartered Accountants per Yogesh Midha Parhrer Membership No.: 94941 Place: Gurgaon Date: January 19,2015 S.R. Batliboi & Associates LLP, a Lrmried Liability Partnersnio rvith Ll-P Identity No. AAB-4295 Regd. Office:22, Camac Street, Block'C',3rd Frcc. Kotkata-700 016
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