¥-- SPEED POST l e Al< INDIAN COUNCIL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH KRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI-llOOOl F. No.(GAC)5(12)/2014-Estt-V Dated the ~ January, 2015 To (As per list) Subject: Limited tender for award of Annual Maintenance Contract for NEC Aspila EX Digital Key Telephone System installed at the Residential office of Hon'ble MOSCA) i.e. 15, Ashok Road, New Delhi - reg. Sir, Sealed quotations are hereby invited on behalf of Secretary, ICAR from the firms authorized by the manufacturer/distributers of aforesaid system for maintenance of NEC ASPlLA EX Digital Key Telephone System installed at residential office of Hon'ble MOS(A) i.e. 15, Ashok road, New Delhi-ll0001 for a period of one year. You are, accordingly, requested to quote your rates in a sealed cover super-scrrbing the envelop 'Quotation for AMC of NEC ASPlLA EX Digital Key Telephone System, New Delhi .' so as to reach the undersigned by 3.00 P.M. on 30/01/2015. The quotations may be dropped in the tender box kept outside Room No. 205, ICAR, Krishi Bhawan for the purpose. The quotations will be opened on the same day in Room No. 02, ICAR, Krishi Bhawan at 3.30 P.M. in the presence of those bidders who may wish to remain present at the time of opening of tender. The award of contract will be governed by the following terms and conditions:TERMS & CONDITIONS: 1. Earnest money: An earnest money of ~,OOO/-(Rupees Two thousand only) is requi red to be deposited in the form of Demand Draft/ Pay Order drawn in favour of Secretary, ICAR and payable at New Delhi along-with the quotations. The Quotations received without earnest money will be summarily rejected. The earnest money will be forfeited in case the bidder refuses the offer. No interest will be paid on earnest money. 2. Security Money : The successful tender will be required to deposit 10% of the AMC charges in the fo rm of Demand Draft/ Pay Order drawn in favour of Secretary, ICAR and payable at New Delhi. The Security money of the successful bidder will be refunded after the successful expiry of the contract. No interest will be paid on Security Money. ... 2/ - - :02:- 3. The payment shall be made on quarterly basis upon submission of pre- receipted bill by the contractor along with satisfactory report from the user. 4. The firm is liable to provide standby items i.e. power back-up; Cards, Telephone instruments etc. in order to keep the system in working order 24X7. 5. Period for which the offer will remain open : Firms tendering should note that their offers should remain open fo r acceptance for 90 days from the date of opening of the tenders. 6. Tax will be deducted at source as per rules. 7. The contract will be awarded initially for a period of one year extendable for further two yea rs (total 3 years) but will be liable to be terminated even before the expiry of the contract period if the fi rm fails to provide satisfactory services or violates any of the conditions/terms of the contract. In that event, the security money deposited by th e firm will be liable to be forfeited. 8. Additional Particulars to be furnished by the Bidder (copies may be enclosed) :(i) PAN/TAN number and I.T. Return. (ii) Name and full address of the banker. (iii) Bidder should mention tota l number of simi lar type of systems already being mainta ined by them. (iv) Number of Engineers (Supervisor/Technicians) engaged by the firm and the infrastructure of the firm. (v) Annual turnover and sales tax registration number of the firm. (vi) Authorisation letter from the manufactu rer/distributors(NEC). 9. The Secretary, ICAR reserves the right to reject any or all the quotations in whole or in part without assigning any reasons therefore. 10. If any damage is ca used to the system/wiring etc. during the course of AMC the firm will be liable to make good the damage/loss and any additional penalty in this regard. Yours faithfully, ----(J.N. BHAGAT) \, UNDER SECRETARY (GA & E-V) Encl. Quotation Proforma '------- OUOTATION PROFORM A (DUE DATE AND TIME 3.00 P.M . on 3 0/01/2015) Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Service Contract for NEC ASPlLA EX Digital Key Telephone System installed the residential office of Hon'ble MOS(A) i.e. 15, Ashok Road, New Delhi-llOOOl. ******** Name of the Firm, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address of the Firm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Telephone/Mobile No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ EMD Amount _ _ _ __ ___ D.O. No. & Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Drawnon _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Specification Amount Per Annum Quanti!}' NE C ASP ILA EX Digital Key Telephone System lSet in capac ity of 08 P& T lin es, 16 Dig ita l Extns ., 16 Analog Extns . with the fo llowing features in bui lt: CLI on KTS & PBT, Battery Charger, Mu sic on hold, Externa l call forwarding, Auto redialing. With CLI softwa re, conferencing card, MDF Box w ith crown and connecting cords Battery Back-up for system, CVT for system . 24 TS XH Ke y Phon e Instrument s 10 Nos. Analog phones . 12 Nos. Co rdless Telephone I nstruments of 02 Nos. Panasonic make model No3821. ( I ncl uding all Taxes) ~ (Rupees only) We undertake to abide by th e terms and conditions of t he contract. Place : Date: Signature of the Bidder _ _ __ _ __ _ Address of Firm _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ Telephone Numbers _ _ _ _ __ __ _ F.No.(GAC)S( 12) /2014-Estt.V List of Firms for Annual Maintenance Service Contract for NEC Aspila EX Digital Key Tel ephone System I. Mi s Galaxy Telecommunication, '+ 8. DSID C Co mplex. Kot la Mubarakpur, New De lhi - II 0003. 2. Mi s Welcome Telecom (P) Ltd. , 144-A Main Road Maharani Bagh. New De lhi -6S . II. M i s A- I. Prime Power Age ncies. DD-22, Nehru Enclave, Kalkaji Ex tension, New Delhi-19. Mi s Prabha Enterpri ses. D-3SI. SI. 10. 12. Lax m i Nagar, Delhi -I 10092. 12. Mis Systematic Communicat ion Pv1. Ltd .. G-22. Lajpat Nagar-Ill. New Delhi-I 10024. 4. Mi s Gyan Telecommuni catio ns, 13-241. Shi vaj i Vihar, Rajouri Garden. New Delh i. 13. M i s. J.B. Telecommuni cati o n. F- 79 B. .ieelVan Park. Pankha Road, Ullam Nagar, New Delh i - 1100S9. 5. Mi s Gurusons Communication Pvl. Ltd . 109. So uth Extn. Plaza- I, So uth Extension-I I. New Delhi-49. 14. M i s, J.K Telecommunication. 47-A , DDA Flats, Masj id Moth. Phase-I. Greater Kai lash. ew Delhi . 6. M i s Cube Engineers & Consultant (P) Ltd .. A-65. laraina Industrial Estate Phase-I. New Del hi-II 0028. IS. Mi s Teen Te le Commun ication Pv1. Ltd .. G-57. )Cd Floor. Vikas Marg, Lax mi Nagar, De lhi - 11 0092. 7. Mi s Dix it Enterpri ses, V-73S , Street No.9. Vijay Park . Maujpur. Delhi-I 10053. 16. 8. Mi s Paam Info rmati cs. C-1 7. 2"d noor. Gurunanak Pura, Opp. Scope Minar, Lax mi Nagar. Delhi - 11 0092. 17. Mi s Arecom System s. SIS. Old Rajinder Nagar. Ne w Delhi-I 10060. 18. 9. Oasis Telecommunicati o ns, 13S , G-1 6, Bindapur Ex t.. P.O. Ullam Naga r. New Delhi-59. M i s. Neoteric Infomat iq ue Ltd. A-36. Okhla Industrial Area. Phase-I. New De lhi - I 10020. , ). 10. M i s Fair Deal marketin g & Serv ices. 87. Zamrudpur. Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi-II 0048. M i s Xenta Qsys Technologis P. Ltd. , 295, Udyog Vihar. Phase-rV. Gurgaon , I-Iaryana - 1220 15.
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