IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Activities in Africa Scope/Charter: The IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Activities in Africa will develop a roadmap for programs and initiatives to guide IEEE’s future activities in sub-Saharan Africa. A primary goal by the end of 2015 will be to provide a draft roadmap for the future of these efforts that encompasses 2016-2018 inclusive. Additional activities undertaken by the committee will include, but are not limited to: • Develop a short-term strategy that will guide IEEE’s goals and activities over the next 2-3 years • Develop and support activities aimed to bolster section vitality, support local members and nurture volunteer leadership in sub-Saharan Africa • Facilitate increased access to technical information • Convene key stakeholders critical to advancing the engineering ecosystem • Build partnerships internally and externally that will advance IEEE’s work in the region • Support and align with planned and ongoing IEEE activities in the region Membership: Vincent Kaabunga (chair) Joseph Mutale Towela Nyirenda-Jere Gertjan van Stam John Funso Costas Stasopoulous Primary Professional Staff Tara Wisniewski Additional Professional Staff Doug Gorham Eileen Lach IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Board Outreach Scope/Charter: In 2015, each member of the Board of Directors will have the opportunity to participate in industry engagement and outreach efforts with business leaders in IEEE fields of interest. Four cities have been selected: Munich, Germany; Tokyo, Japan; Shenzhen, China; Silicon Valley, USA. The goal of the visits will be to collect feedback received from corporate leaders collectively. While there will be common focuses across cities, special attention will be paid to local needs. Committee members will assist the 2015 IEEE President and staff with selecting the best industries to include and companies to visit. They will also leverage their connections to leaders (CTOs, Chief Strategy Officers, CEOs, SVPs or EVPs, or similar level) at international corporations in these locations. Committee members are not expected to attend all trips as committee members. Membership: Dejan Milojicic (chair) Roberto de Marca Axel Richter Primary Professional Staff Tara Wisniewski Additional Professional Staff Ning Hua IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Digital Strategy Scope/Charter: The IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Digital Strategy will consider IEEE’s digital footprint, both the face IEEE presents to the world, and the way(s) in which the world views IEEE. The committee will explore ways to maximize the value of current digital platforms such as, IEEE Xplore®, mobile efforts, social media channels, other IEEE digital presences as well as consider other platforms including a volunteer extranet. The scope of this committee covers the entire IEEE web presence, which includes thousands of society, conference, section, and other sites, along with defining guiding principles to ensure alignment and best-in-class digital experiences that are unmistakably IEEE. This will relate to the branding strategy. A primary goal by the end of 2015 will be to provide a draft digital strategy framework that encompasses 2015-2018 inclusive. If recommendations are expansive, the committee should provide a roadmap related to gathering input from the breadth of IEEE and a socialization plan. Membership: Diogo Monica (chair) [member(s) awaiting confirmation] Primary Professional Staff Prakash Bellur Additional Professional Staff John Wettlaufer Priscilla Amalraj John Day Francine Tardo IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Disruptive Innovations Scope/Charter: The IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Disruptive Innovations is charged with focusing on ‘what’s next’ in our ever-changing world. The committee should examine and experiment with what it means to be a publishing/membership/convening/fill-in-the-blank organization in 2020, 2025 and 2030 and beyond. The committee, focusing both inwardly and outwardly, will examine ways to incorporate measured risk into IEEE’s endeavors. The committee is charged with generating both implementable and possibly un-implementable ideas, with the ultimate goal of producing actionable, forward-thinking possibilities for IEEE to explore further. The committee will function in the manner of a “skunkworks”, focused on projects/processes to advance IEEE as an organization, with an emphasis on creativity and the out-of-the-ordinary. The exploration of possible collaborations with other committees/boards is encouraged, and, whenever possible can and should be reflected in any materials generated. Membership: Mike Andrews (chair) Karen Panetta Cheri Warren Lee Stogner William Hurley Jim Plummer Pam Jones Kartik Kulkarni [additional member(s) awaiting confirmation] Primary Professional Staff David Goldstein IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Election Oversight Scope/Charter: The IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Election Oversight will, in general, assist the President, the Board of Directors, IEEE Staff, candidates in IEEE elections, and other IEEE volunteers in conducting the Annual Election and other IEEE elections, focusing on the following areas: • electioneering matters addressed in IEEE governing documents; • electioneering matters not covered by IEEE governing documents; • verifications and presentation of candidate credentials; • compliance of candidates and other volunteers with election-related bylaws, policies and Board directives. In the areas outlined above, the Committee will perform the following tasks: • Process questions from candidates and others; provide advice, guidance and interpretation of IEEE by-laws, policies, and other pertinent regulations (solicited or unsolicited). • Assist in reviewing and processing complaints and protests. • Make recommendations to the President, the Board and other governing bodies and organizational units about proposed disposition of queries and complaints on candidates and other volunteers. • Make recommendations to the pertinent bodies on changes in IEEE governing documents. • Make recommendations on needs for education and information dissemination. • Engage in collection, analysis and presentation of pertinent data. • Accept and perform other relevant duties, as directed by the President or the Board of Directors. Membership: Moshe Kam (chair) Bruce Eisenstein Arthur Winston [Additional member(s) awaiting confirmation] Primary Professional Staff Julie Cozin Additional Professional Staff Carrie Loh IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Engagement in Europe Scope/Charter The Ad Hoc Committee on Engagement in Europe will work to expand IEEE’s engagement with, and support of, the European engineering community, which includes nearly 60,000 IEEE members, consistent with the four priorities adopted by the IEEE Board of Directors in 2013. In particular, the committee will: • Lead and manage the IEEE European Public Policy Initiative (EPPI), which is working to expand dialogue between the European engineering community and appropriate bodies of the EU, to enable technologists to more easily share their concerns and to enable the EU government to more easily obtain technologists’ input in matters of importance in IEEE fields of interest. o The EPPI, which began in 2012 and received its initial funding from the Board in 2013, is described in detail in the proposal made to the IEEE New Initiatives Committee, and in subsequent progress reports. o Primary tasks for 2015 will include expanding engagement with EU offices and officials through direct contact and the development of policy statements, the organization of a second IEEE Summit on a topic of current policy interest (perhaps energy), and work toward a strategy for sustaining the work of the Initiative after 2016. • Consider whether IEEE should open an office (or offices) in Europe. If the committee concludes that it should, it will recommend a development plan to the Board, including objectives, location, timeline, funding, measures of success, and potential exit strategy. o Examples of needs and opportunities may include greater support for practicing engineers, greater collaboration with industry, greater adoption of IEEE Standards, public policy, and greater access to IEEE information and education resources • Collaborate with the IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Global Public Policy on areas of mutual interest and related responsibilities. Membership: Marko Delimar (Chair) Martin Bastiaans Costas Stasopoulos Marina Ruggieri Gianluca Setti David Law Dirk Van Hertem Axel Richter Christopher James Gordon Day Primary Professional Staff Tara Wisniewski Additional Professional Staff Karine Iffour Cheryl Sinauskus Konstantinos Karachalios IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Enhancing Financial Management Scope/Charter: The IEEE Chief Financial Officer and the IEEE Finance Committee work together to provide the IEEE Board of Directors with the information and recommendations they need on budget and finance to guide the IEEE into an even more successful future. Working together, they have earned a reputation for honesty and reliability. This ad hoc committee is appointed to help them transition to a clearer accounting system and to present information in new ways to better address the evolving needs of the IEEE. This is an appropriate activity for an ad hoc committee because in steady state, the existing structures can handle the issues that arise. The ad hoc is only to assist during the transition. To assure success and continuity the ad hoc committee works with the IEEE Finance Committee and the Office of the Chief Financial Officer so that, to the extent possible committee recommendations are supported by all relevant parties. This ad hoc committee will work with the Office of the Chief Financial Officer to provide advice and counsel on: • The ways in which financial documents need to reconcile cash-based accounting with IEEE-approved use of generally accepted accounting principles based on the accrual method of accounting • Progress on rationalizing the IEEE chart of accounts • Progress on utilizing technology to make financial information more readily available in a way that supports transparency and user acceptance • The identification how to improve the basis of financial information presented within the IEEE Treasurers Report so that it is consistent with the accrual method and to ensure the requisite changes are considered for budgeting purposes • The format and content of reports to be adopted across IEEE as part of the standard reporting package • The merits of moving to a contribution margin approach to reporting that would show how business like activities support the non-incomegenerating programs and projects that are deemed vital to IEEE’s mission The ad hoc committee will work closely with the IEEE Finance Committee to frame and address some emerging financial questions including: • Financial incentives and disincentives to adding content to IEEE Xplore • Modernization of the definition of infrastructure • Guidelines for determining the appropriate amount of infrastructure and capital spending • Guidance on when and why to revisit revenue allocations fundamentally in addition to the marginal adjustments made in annual budgets. The activities with the Office of the Chief Financial Officer and the IEEE Finance Committee are intertwined, so the committee will work to facilitate communication on these topics between the staff and volunteer organizations. In addition, the ad hoc committee will work closely with IEEE staff members and IEEE Finance Committee to make certain the summaries presented to the Board are traceable to the IEEE budget and accounting systems. Membership: Robert Hebner (chair) Joseph Lillie Jose Moura Susan Land Thomas Coughlin John Barr Jerry Hudgins Alex Acero Mary Ellen Randall Primary Professional Staff Thomas Siegert Additional Professional Staff Jason Shapiro IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on the Future of Information and Convening Scope/Charter: The IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on the Future of Information will examine possible scenarios pertaining the way in which information will produced, made available and consumed in a five-, ten- and fifteen-year horizons, and what actions IEEE should be undertaking in the present to anticipate and address those activities. The committee will oversee a number of presentations made to the Board of Directors, not limited to: (all dates are tentative) • February o The nature of the future of work and "the way technologists and engineers work” o The future of convening • June o The future of information and the nature of journal publications; addressing questions such as: How can we make sure the information delivered can be more efficiently brought to fruition? Can we easily make research reproducible to ensure a better impact for the benefit of humanity? Will journals matter as “information containers” in 2030? How will information be vetted? Will Xplore exist/matter in 2030, or even 2020? • November o Synthesis and plan to move forward including possible pilot(s) for the IEEE Reports to the board should not just be “traditional” reports but interactive discussions on what the board should be focusing and working on for the immediate and long-term future. The exploration of possible collaborations with other committees/boards is encouraged, and, whenever possible can and should be reflected in any materials generated. Membership: Gianluca Setti (chair) [member(s) awaiting confirmation] Primary Professional Staff Tony Durniak Additional Professional Staff Mary Ward-Callan IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Global Public Policy Scope/Charter: The IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Global Public Policy will develop and recommend a framework for an IEEE Global Public Policy Program. It will build upon and carry forward the work of the 2014 IEEE Strategic Planning Committee, consistent with IEEE’s 2013-adopted priority, “to provide governments, nongovernmental organizations, and other groups with innovative, practical recommendations to address public policy issues.” The recommended framework should include: • A mission statement • A description of the scope and limitations of IEEE’s present and future engagement in public policy o This should include a database of IEEE’s present position statements • Robust processes for the development, approval, and sunsetting of public policy statements by IEEE and IEEE entities. o This should include a review of IEEE Policies, Section 15 • A volunteer leadership structure including qualifications and selection of participants • A staffing plan, to provide sustainable support • An analysis of the costs and budget implications of a sustainable program, including start-up and continuing costs, and a recommended funding model • Milestones, metrics and impact measures • Changes to the IEEE Bylaws and Policies required for implementation The Committee will include a Chair, a Core Team of representatives of each of the Major IEEE OUs, a Consultation Team which will provide advice and guidance to the Core Team, and a Review Team, to provide additional guidance as needed. Two members of the Management Council will provide staff support and liaison to IEEE management, as needed. Membership: Gordon Day (chair) Core Team: Karen Bartleson Robert Hebner Ralph Ford John Baillieul Ned Sauthoff Tech Low Marko Delimar Consultation Team: Axel Richter (DE) Francisco Martinez (MX) Rodney Tucker (AU) Consultation Team (continued): Kazuo Kyuma (JP) Terrance Malkinson (CA) K. P. Lau (US) Michael Lightner (US) Jon Peha (US) Konstantinos Karachalios (EUR) ….. Review Team: OU VPs/Ps Management Council Strategic Planning Ad Hoc Primary Professional Staff Chris Brantley Additional Professional Staff Konstantinos Karachalios IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Global Strategy Scope/Charter: Membership: Joe Lillie (chair) Keith Brown Peter Magyer Marcel Keschner Anil Roy Lance Fung Ted Hissey Jennifer Trelewicz The IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Global Strategy is charged with overseeing the continued execution of the objectives contained in the 2014 Globalization Strategy final report. These include, but are not limited to: • Crafting a global strategic plan; • Clarifying the relationships among Corporate Activities, OUs, global offices and local volunteers and establish a workable framework; • Creating a formal business case template for opening a new office including strategic objectives, metrics of success, financial implications, exit strategy, etc. • Clarifying role of existing national society and sister society agreements efforts as part of global strategy efforts, expanding our reach throughout the national society and sister society global community, and exploring ways in which to maximize existing and new agreements; • Determining what and how information about our global activities should be delivered to the Board of Directors The exploration of possible collaborations with other committees/boards is encouraged, and, whenever possible can and should be reflected in any materials generated. Primary Professional Staff Elena Gerstmann Additional Professional Staff Cecelia Jankowski Konstantinos Karachalios Mary Ward-Callan IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Holistic IT Development Scope/Charter: The IEEE Ad Hoc on Holistic IT Development will focus primarily on the IT needs of IEEE business units on a 3- to 5-year time horizon. This committee’s emphasis will be on the longer-term IT needs of IEEE based on the strategic needs of OUs. For example, projects like IEEE Collabratec™ would have arisen as a result of an ad hoc committee like this one, had it been in place several years ago. Another example would be significant upgrades to the IEEE Xplore platform, or projects of similar scale, scope, and long-term impact. A primary goal by the end of 2015 will be to provide a draft roadmap for the long-term needs of IEEE that can be used as a framework for further efforts. This is an inward-focused committee. The exploration of possible collaborations with other committees is encouraged, and, whenever possible can and should be reflected in any materials generated. Membership: David Green (chair) Francisco Martinez Deborah Cooper Jim Isaak [additional member(s) awaiting confirmation] Primary Professional Staff Donna Hourican Additional Professional Staff Tony Durniak Providence More Marie Hunter Vera Sharoff IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Humanitarian Initiatives Scope/Charter: The IEEE Ad Hoc on Humanitarian Initiatives will act upon the envisioned future chosen by the IEEE BoD at its November 2014 meeting: • It will work with Governance Committee to create 2016 and beyond Committee of the Board bylaws and charter for BoD approval by April 2015. This will allow the 2016 Chair and committee to be appointed by the BoD in November 2015 through the normal N&A process; • It will immediately begin program development based on the BoD’s decision to support the “boots-on-the-ground” approach to humanitarian activities. The programmatic vision endorsed by the BoD is that IEEE will possess a large network of volunteers around the world carrying out and/or supporting impactful humanitarian activities on the local level. This work is broken into five core areas: • Projects providing local solutions, including the housing of the IEEE Special Interest Groups on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) program; • Monitoring/evaluation/best practices, including metrics and impact assessment; • Volunteer support activities, such as workshops, newsletter, training, awards, etc.; • IEEE-external partnerships, such as with NGOs, governments, corporations, etc.; • Operations, including awareness/promotion, budget, and committee support. In addition, the ad hoc is tasked with further developing the partnership with Engineering for Change (E4C) – in particular, maximizing the benefit this initiative has for IEEE and the connection of IEEE volunteers to the E4C project and governance structure. Two committee members will be designated as E4C volunteer leads to ensure progress. Updates on E4C will be included in the reports to the BoD. A project specialist staff position for the humanitarian activities was part of the budget approved by the Board. Hiring this person will be an early priority. Membership: Michael Lightner (Chair)* Kapil Dandekar Laura Jacob Kartik Kulkarni Ray Larsen Norberto Lerendegui Daniel Lottis* Amarnath Raja Saurabh Sinha Peter Staecker Sheree Wen *Current E4C volunteer leads Primary Additional Professional Staff Professional Staff Holly Schneider Brown Tara Wisniewski IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on IEEE in 2030 (IEEEin2030) Scope/Charter: The 2015 IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on IEEE in 2030 (IEEEin2030) will assist the IEEE Board of Directors address the question: “What changes must we make now to best position IEEE for success in 2030, while still supporting the needs of technologists between now and then?” IEEEin2030 will use the output from the January 2015 Board of Directors Retreat as the foundational material to develop a roadmap of activities and target dates required to position IEEE for success in 2030. IEEEin2030 will integrate input from across the IEEE and include input from external sources as necessary. Membership: Barry L. Shoop (chair) Marko Delimar Ralph Ford Ellen Yoffa Tom Coughlin Norberto Lerendegui Bill Moses Kathy Land Lawrence Wong Primary Professional Staff Jim Prendergast Additional Professional Staff Elena Gerstmann Providence More IEEE Internet Initiative Ad Hoc Committee Scope/Charter: The IEEE Internet Initiative Ad Hoc Committee is charged with overseeing the continued execution of the Initiative strategic plan which includes these goals: 1. Engage the technical community in shaping policies surrounding Internet governance to inform decision making that impacts the Internet ecosystem 2. Deliver technology policy program for cyber‐security 3. Deliver technology policy program for cyber‐privacy 4. Establish Initiative management processes and communications platforms The Committee will build upon the foundation of work accomplished in 2014. By the end of 2015, it is expected that: The framework for delivering technology policy programs in both cyber‐ security and cyber‐privacy has been established Milestones are established for evolution and deployment of the technology policy programs Initiative management processes and communications platforms are fully operational In addition, the Committee should be prepared, by the end to 2015, to provide a draft roadmap for the continued evolution of the IEEE Internet Initiative that explores options for the period of 2016‐2018, inclusive. Membership: Oleg Logvinov (chair) John Cioffi Roberto de Marca Jose Ribeiro Greg Shannon Mary Ward‐Callan Konstantinos Karachalios [member(s) awaiting confirmation] Primary Professional Staff Karen McCabe Additional Professional Staff Bobby Wong Kathy Clark‐Fisher Jim Wendorf IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Roles and Responsibilities Scope/Charter: The IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Roles & Responsibilities will focus on describing a positive, productive, and collaborative working relationship among the Board of Directors, the President and the Executive Director. Its work will be data driven and include benchmarking the structures of leading peer organizations and examining trends in not-for-profit leadership consistent with the future we aspire to. The operations of the Board, President and Executive Director will continue as defined by the IEEE Constitution, bylaws and the existing Executive Director’s contract so there is no violation of current legal documents. Membership: Barry Shoop (chair) Jim Prendergast Roger Fujii Jerry Hudgins Jim Jefferies Individual with legal expertise in Board Governance still to be identified IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Serving Individuals From Industry Scope/Charter: The primary focus is to develop an understanding of how IEEE can better serve the needs on professionals in IEEE fields who work in industry. Many of IEEE’s current products and services are developed for academics and professionals working in R&D. This committee will focus its attention on the needs of the contemporary and future engineers and related professionals and define new IEEE products and services in support of them. The use of a technology readiness model may be needed to provide focus to the committee as it works to provide for professionals who engage in activities in the middle of the model. The goals include: • Requirements for new IEEE products and services • 3 top potential new IEEE products and services • Roadmap of how to transition IEEE to deliver new products and services within next 2-4 years The exploration of possible collaborations with other committees/boards is encouraged, and, whenever possible can and should be reflected in any materials generated. Membership: Dejan Milojicic (chair) Wanda Reder Laura Jacob Dan Coode Hironori Kasahara Danny Lange Hasan Alkhatib Roberto Saracco Paul Nikolic Shmuel Schottan Michael Condry Primary Professional Staff Cecelia Jankowski IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Planning Scope/Charter: The IEEE Ad Hoc Committee on Strategic Planning (SPC) will develop and write an IEEE Strategic Plan. The goal is to review a draft of the plan with the IEEE Board of Directors by November 2015. This plan must be based on appropriate input from the breadth of IEEE. In addition, SPC will work on the strategy coordination between IEEE Boards and strategic planning committees across IEEE. Plans may include: • a plenary session for all February 2015 Meeting Series attendees on a strategy issue • quarterly strategy webinars in 2015 with invitations sent to a wide breadth of volunteers in all OUs • supporting of sharing of strategy among staff in different OUs • providing input to 2015 President regarding the value and role of a strategy committee in facilitating the Board’s strategic planning activities Additionally, SPC will work with IEEE Finance Committee and IEEE New Initiatives Committee to better align the budgeting process to support IEEE strategic priorities. The exploration of possible collaborations with other committees/boards is encouraged, and, whenever possible can and should be reflected in any materials generated. Membership: Ellen Yoffa (chair) Amir Aghdam Antonio Ferreira Kazuhiro Kosuge William Moses Mary Ellen Randall Saurabh Sinha Jacek Zurada Primary Professional Staff Elena Gerstmann Additional Professional Staff John Keaton Providence More
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