2015 DIARY & FIXTURES LES MIELLES GOLF CLUB & LES MIELLES LADIES GOLF CLUB les mielles golf club 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 1 1990—2015 22/12/2014 09:20:24 Les Mielles Golf Club Diaries Single Pages_Layout 1 02/02/2012 13:45 Page 2 2012 Winners The financial recruitment specialists t Permanent tTemporary & Contract positions tInterview technique training tCareers advice Call into our Broad Street office for a discreet and confidential discussion www.asl-jersey.co.uk 100’s of financial positions online 13 Broad Street, St Helier, JE2 3RR | [email protected] | Telephone 871185 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 2 22/12/2014 09:20:24 ge 2 Les Mielles Golf Club Captain Richard Cornick 07797 711 310 Captain Elect Damion Harrison 07797 747 309 [email protected] Secretary Neville de Gruchy 07797 741 174 [email protected] Treasurer Hedley Cox 07797 819 511 [email protected] Competitions Secretary Chris Frost 07797 787 439 [email protected] Jersey Golf Union Rep Chris Frost 07797 787 439 [email protected] Membership Secretary Ashley Reddyhoff 07797 770 727 [email protected] [email protected] Seniors Harry Carver Representative 07797 765 811 Handicaps Secretary 07797 745 841 [email protected] Richard Taylor [email protected] Club Assistant Dave Belo 07797 711 906 [email protected] Social Secretary Steve Chapman 07797 755 423 [email protected] General Members Fabio Nascimento 07700 354 619 [email protected] Scott Henry 07797 838 821 [email protected] Richard McCann 07700 326 360 [email protected] Juniors Liaison pending Officer verification club postal address: po box 792 , st helier, jersey je4 0sr website: www.lesmiellesgolfclub.com e-mail: [email protected] 1185 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 3 22/12/2014 09:20:25 Les Mielles Ladies Golf Club Lady Captain Annette Laffoley 07797 749 541 [email protected] Lady Vice Captain Hilary Nicholson 07797 738 871 Honorary Secretary Sharon Parsons 07797 737 901 [email protected] Honorary Treasurer Maureen Cox 07797 731 279 Handicap Secretary Sue Thomas 07797 814 359 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Asst. Handicap Sharon Parsons 07797 737 901 [email protected] Secretary Competition Secretary Lyn Rafferty 07797 887 859 [email protected] Asst. Comp. Secretary Anne Carolan 840 689 Social Secretary Elizabeth (Margo) Dick 07797 758 243 [email protected] Membership Secretary Gloria PallotBrown 07797 720 424 [email protected] [email protected] Team Manager Ann Cross 07797 731 506 [email protected] JLGA Rep Jane Lansdell 07797 841 513 Seniors Team Manager Irene Journeaux 07797 778 190 [email protected] Junior Girls Coordinator Sue Evans 07700 755 115 [email protected] [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] website: www.lesmiellesladies.com 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 4 22/12/2014 09:20:25 Captain’s Notes which a new trophy and honours board will Dear Members be introduced. This is a handicap series de- In compiling the 2015 Diary, the Committee signed to test golfers under all conditions and I have tried to make everything a little throughout the seasons and will be decided more organised so that you will always have by the accumulated nett score (best five some idea of what will be happening at any from six), although each event will still be given time of the month. a stand-alone competition as well. Some so- The first thing we have addressed is the monthly Medals. These have all been cial events may be attached to these rounds along the way. brought to the beginning of the month and We will also reintroduce some festive (with just one unavoidable exception) al- prizes as we get close to Christmas, but these ternate between the first Saturday and first will be a part of the pre-Christmas Winter Thursday of each month. We will be opening League rounds and are listed as ‘Christmas more late afternoon slots for the Thursday Bonus’ rounds. Quite simply, if you win the Medals during the months that offer suffi- Winter League for that week, you’ll be get- cient daylight as we know these are popular ting a little Christmas-based bonus! with people who work during the week. I’m pleased to confirm that the regular La For the same reason, we have also made Moye and RJGC matches remain in place the Wednesday League series a weekly and our old friends St Clements are now event over a shorter period this year. It will back on board too. Apart from L’Ancresse, be played during the summer months when who wish to get our annual match back on the light allows later tee times and we hope track in 2016, it would seem that the other this will attract more support from those who Guernsey inter-club matches are now dead have found it difficult to get away from work and buried, which is a great shame and not any earlier. for lack of trying! However, I’m pleased to We then have the general Trophy matches close by informing you that we now have around the middle of the month, alternating several excellent French clubs who have wherever possible between Stableford and expressed a very strong interest in forging Strokeplay rounds. a relationship with a view to having an an- There is also a new series of competitions nual match, possibly even annual home and at the end of every other month called the away legs. We will continue to develop this LMGC Classics. Some of these are new but and keep you informed accordingly. most are existing trophy events. This series of 6 competitions throughout the year will produce a LMGC Classics Master, for 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 5 Have a great year and enjoy your golf! Richard Cornick captain 22/12/2014 09:20:25 General Information Fixture colour coding of contact. If you have any issues regarding your use of the course and its facilities, either The colour coding used throughout this before, during or after a club event, please diary is as follows: talk to the Rangers first. The shop staff, bar Black: Mens events staff, professionals and greenkeepers should Blue: Seniors events not be involved in any such matters. The Red: Ladies events Rangers have been given full responsibil- Green: Mixed events ity to handle all course-related issues and Violet: Junior events will quickly attend to any problems that are Communication identified to them. If they can not respond immediately, they will quickly relay the Please note that your Captain and Com- information through the appropriate chan- mittee will keep you informed at all times nels to someone who can. This should be with regard to any changes to the scheduled of great assistance in keeping club events programme of events, course changes, com- running smoothly, but in all circumstances, petition format changes etc. and will commu- please address the rangers calmly and re- nicate this via email and / or notices posted spectfully. They are there to help you and on the club notice boards. Email has now unacceptable behaviour towards them will become universally accepted as the most not be tolerated. efficient form of communication and it is up to every member to keep up to date with club matters by ensuring that the club has their correct email address. If you are in any doubt Gents Club Adverse Weather Policy for Competitions In the event of inclement weather caus- about this, or need assistance with setting up ing the course to be closed on competition a free email account, please contact a com- days, the following policy will be followed, mittee member who will be happy to help. If as agreed and reviewed annually by the you change any of your key contact details Gents Club Committee. (home address, telephone number or email) • If the course is closed all day the competi- throughout the year, please ensure that your club secretary is informed immediately. Course Rangers – Important! tion is regarded as cancelled. • If the course is open at the start of the competition it will go ahead whatever the weather or number of entrants. Regarding matters pertaining to the course, • If the course is closed for whatever reason the Course Rangers are your primary point e.g. frost, flooding etc at the first scheduled 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 6 22/12/2014 09:20:25 tee slot and is still closed 1½ hours after that first tee slot the competition will be regarded as cancelled. • If during play of the competition the pole, but must give priority to players on the 4th tee. 3. MOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS (Rule 24-1) Stones in Bunkers are moveable course closes for any reason e.g. flood- obstructions. ing, hail, lightning etc. and re-opening is 4. IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS delayed for more than 1 hour, the compe- (Rule 24-2) tition will be regarded as null and void a.All Staked trees and any trees or shrubs for those players. If less than half of the less than 1 club length in height. competition entrants complete their round b.Fixed sprinkler heads. In addition: if a as a result of this closure the competition ball lies off the putting green but not in will be cancelled for all players. a hazard and such an obstruction on or • A cancelled competition is not guaranteed to be rescheduled. within two club lengths of the putting green and within two club-lengths of the The Committee reserves the right to retain ball, intervenes on the line of play between flexibility in the above. the ball and the hole, the player may obtain Local Rules relief as follows:- the ball shall be lifted and dropped at the nearest point to where the 1. OUT OF BOUNDS ball lay which (a) is not nearer the hole (b) (Rule 27) A ball is deemed Out of Bounds if avoids such intervention, and (c) is not in it lies outside any of the boundaries towards a hazard or on a putting green. The ball any public road, or the fencing towards the Driving Range, or on or within the Club- may be cleaned when so lifted. c.Wooden surrounds to tee boxes or paths, house, Practice Putting Green or surround- yardage markers, fences and bins. ing tarmacadam areas, or any other bound- d.The pump house on the 17th hole. ary of the Course defined by white stakes. e.The menhir stones on the 10th and 17th 2. INTERNAL OUT OF BOUNDS a.11th, 13th & 15th holes - ground to the left of the white stakes is Out of Bounds. b.5th hole - ground to the right of the white stakes is Out of Bounds. Note: LADIES hole (Rule 24-2b). f.All artificially constructed paths and course furniture. g.The sewage plant, dustbin store and compressed air cleaner. may play onto the 4th fairway beyond h.The Jack A’Court Memorial Stone on the an imaginary line drawn between the 9th hole. NOTE: A drop without penalty red / white stake and the Clubhouse flag- may be taken within one club-length of 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 7 22/12/2014 09:20:25 the nearest point of relief and no nearer Other the hole, in accordance with Rule 24-2. IN THE EVENT OF LIGHTNING PLEASE i.White stakes or boundary ditch markers COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING: which have no relevance to the hole be- One prolonged sound the of Claxon = Dis- ing played and which interfere with the continue Play Immediately and leave the player’s stance or intended swing. course. Three consecutive sounds of the 5. LATERAL WATER HAZARDS Claxon, repeated = Discontinue Play as soon (Rule 26-1) Defined by red stakes. as possible. Two short sounds of the Claxon, Provisional Ball (Appendix 1 - Local Rule 2b) repeated = Resume Play. Permitting the play of a provisional ball for a BLUE FAIRWAY YARDAGE MARKERS ball which may be in a water hazard of such Red-capped markers = 100 yards, yellow- character that if the original ball is not found, capped markers = 150 yards, and white-capped there is reasonable evidence that it is lost in markers = 200 yards to the centre of the greens. the water hazard and it would be impracti- PERSONAL RISK Please Note: Les Mielles cal to determine whether the ball is in the Golf & Country Club cannot be held respon- hazard or to do so would unduly delay play. sible for any damage, injury or loss caused The ball shall be played provisionally under to members of the public, or their property, any of the available options under Rule 26-1. whilst on the premises. In such a case, if a provisional ball is played PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE All and the original ball is in a water hazard, the course green fees include Public Liability player may play the original ball as it lies or Insurance. If a Golfer is involved in an in- continue with the provisional ball in play, cident i.e. ball in car park, that causes injury but may not proceed under Rule 26-1 with or damage to other persons or property, a regard to the original ball. claim form is available from the Booking 6. MAXIMUM PLAYING TIME Office which should be directed to Reeds (Rule 6–7) The maximum playing time for Insurance Associates. 18 holes of golf is 4 hours and 19 minutes. GPS DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES Time penalties may be incurred in competi- are permitted. tion rounds in accordance with Rule 32-1. TEMPORARY LOCAL RULES See Club- 7. SAFETY RULE house notice boards for Temporary Local Please do not Tee Off if People or Vehicles Rules. are within your field of play. 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 8 22/12/2014 09:20:25 2014 Roll of Honour Club Champion: Kenny Mitchell Open Champion: Scott Simpson knockouts Singles H/C: Loftur Loftsson Francis Pairs: Andrew Barton & Martin Smith Wednesday League: Fabio Nascimento Winter League: Craig Hartley Pinnacle Trophy (most improved): Wayne Joseph Medals MONTH SCRATCH GOLD SILVER December Alan Cabot Dave Belo Nick Fry January Gary Stubbs Gary Stubbs Colin Streets February Mathew Hague Bob Dawson Andy Wood March Shane Fitzsimons Matthew Price Frank Booth April Martin Smith Chris Jones Daniel McLaughlin May Joe Fernandes Joe Fernandes Frank Booth June Matt Duffy Matt Duffy Gert Mouton July Shane Fitzsimons Ray Grant Richard Cadoret August Shane Fitzsimons Shane Fitzsimons John Le Brocq September Shane Fitzsimons Adam Cook Phil Hunt October Matt Hague Steve Inman Daniel McLaughlin November Shane Fitzsimons Kenny Mitchell Phil Hunt Medal League Winners Silver Division Phil Hunt Gold Division Shane Fitzsimons Rocco (Net) Shane Fitzsimons Scratch Shane Fitzsimons 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 9 22/12/2014 09:20:25 Competition Winners COMPETITION SCRATCH Jubilee Cup Spring Medal Mons Hamon L'Etacq Cup Clerical Medical Grantez Cup Mings Dynasty Les Mielles Salver Elaine Plain (sponsors prize) Dolmens Atlantic Cup Corbiere Cup Charrington Perpetual Alderney Cup Eclectic Cup Deontic Cup, Scratch sponsors prize Bogey Cup Autumn Medal Val de la Mare Cup Cad Trophy COMPETITION 12 & Under Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Overall Best 2 from 4 13 & Over Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Overall Best 2 from 4 WINNER Steve Pearson Alan Maclachlan Richard McCann Alan Maclachlan Richard McCann Phil Hunt Tim Phelan Marcus Bailey Colin Streets Phil Hunt 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 10 Ashley Reddyhoff Alan Maclachlan Steve Pearson Josh Ozard WINNER Nic Butt Ashley Reddyhoff Stephen Coffey Carlos Sidonio Colin Streets Stephen Coffey Dale Laffoley Andrew Perchard Steve Pearson Peter De Momme Wayne Joseph David Somma Trevor Simon Steve Inman Andrew Perchard Dave Belo Craig Hartley Michael Connolly James Lees Phil Hunt COMPETITION WINNER Winter League week 1 week 2 week3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8 week 9 week 10 Craig Hartley Craig Hartley Gert Mouton Chris Haws Nick Fry Craig Hartley Alan Maclachlan Alan Cabot Adam Cook Dave Belo 22/12/2014 09:20:25 Ladies COMPETITION WINNER Club Champion Jack A’Court Trophy Sue Trower Trophy Annie Ramsden Trophy EWGA Medal Winner Jill Davies Most Improved Silver Player Jill White Most Improved Bronze Player Eclectic Winners – Silver Eclectic Winners – Bronze Club Knockouts Strokeplay Trophy Sarah Amy Matchplay Trophy Scratch Matchplay Trophy Pairs Winners Ladies Open Trophies Randalls Limited Cup EQR Finance Rosebowl C.I. Engravers Prize Lloyds TSB Rosebowl Les Mielles Salver Invitation Day Sue Evans Margo Dick Hilary Nicholson Janet Walton Sharon Parsons Maureen Cox Cordelia Miller Annette Laffoley Linda Loftsdottir Jane Lansdell Lesley Hill Gloria Pallot-Brown Gudrun Bjarnadottir & Linda Loftsdottir Gudrun Bjarnadottir Irene Griffiths Anne Carolan Janet Walton Olga Maciel Sharon Parsons & Kath Hickson Varian, Sharon Parsons, 25th Anniversary Laffoley Chapman Trophy Dympna Margo Dick Ladies EWGA Medal Winners 1. Janet Walton 9. Lyn Rafferty 2. Hilary Nicholson 10. Jane Osborne 3. Irene Fadden 11. Maureen Cox 4. Anne Carolan 12. Betty Le Luan 5. Irene Fadden 13. Lyn Rafferty 6. Margaret Vautier 14. Jane Lansdell 7. Linda Loftsdottir 15. Annette Laffoley 8. Cheryl Brint 16. Margo Dick Mixed Competitions Broadland Estates Pairs Open Frances Shaw & Stephen Coffey Mixed Pairs Greensomes Sharon Parsons & Chris Frost 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 11 22/12/2014 09:20:25 January sunrise sunset 1 Th NEW YEAR’S DAY 08:03 16:21 2 Fr Seniors (NQC) North 08:03 16:22 3 Sa January Medal Winter League Week 6 Eclectic (NQC) 4 Su 5 Mo Hutchings Trophy (3) Stableford 08:03 16:25 6 Tu Eclectic (NQC) 08:03 16:26 7 We 08:02 16:27 8 Th 08:02 16:28 9 Fr 08:02 16:30 10 Sa 11 Su 12 Mo Seniors Comp 08:00 16:34 13 Tu Matchplay Competition (NQC) 07:59 16:35 14 We 15 Th Atlantic Cup (Stableford) 07:58 16:38 16 Fr Seniors (NQC) South 07:57 16:39 08:03 16:23 08:03 16:24 Matchplay Competition (NQC) 2 08:01 16:31 08:01 16:32 3 07:59 16:36 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 12 22/12/2014 09:20:25 2015 Winter League Week 7 Nines Competition (NQC) 07:57 16:41 17 Sa 18 Su 19 Mo Jack A’Court Trophy (3) Strokeplay 07:55 16:44 20 Tu Nines Competition (NQC) 07:54 16:45 21 We 07:53 16:47 22 Th 07:52 16:48 23 Fr 07:51 16:50 24 Sa 25 Su 26 Mo Seniors Comp 07:48 16:55 27 Tu Nines Competition (NQC) 07:47 16:56 28 We 07:45 16:58 29 Th 07:44 17:00 30 Fr Seniors (NQC) North 07:43 17:01 31 Sa Winter League Week 8 Yellow Ball (NQC) 07:41 17:03 07:56 16:42 LMGC Classics 1: Winter Medal. Nines Competition (NQC) 4 07:50 16:51 07:49 16:53 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 13 5 22/12/2014 09:20:25 February sunrise sunset 07:40 17:04 1 Su 2 Mo Hutchings Trophy (4) Stableford 07:39 17:06 3 Tu Yellow Ball (NQC) 07:37 17:08 4 We 5 Th 6 Fr 7 Sa 8 Su 9 Mo Seniors Comp 07:28 17:18 10 Tu Texas Scramble (NQC) 07:26 17:20 11 We 07:25 17:21 12 Th 07:23 17:23 13 Fr Seniors (NQC) South 07:21 17:25 14 Sa Dolmens Trophy (Stableford) Chatsworth Pairs Greensomes, Stableford (NQC) 07:20 17:26 15 Su 16 Mo 6 07:36 17:09 February Medal 07:34 17:11 07:33 17:13 Texas Scramble (NQC) 07:31 17:14 07:30 17:16 7 07:18 17:28 Jack A’Court Trophy (4) Strokeplay 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 14 07:16 17:30 8 22/12/2014 09:20:25 2015 07:14 17:31 17 Tu 18 We 19 Th 20 Fr 21 Sa Winter League Week 9 Individual Stableford 1 (QC) 07:07 17:38 22 Su Match v La Moye (Away) 07:05 17:39 23 Mo Seniors Comp 07:03 17:41 24 Tu Individual Stableford 1 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 07:01 17:43 25 We 06:59 17:44 26 Th 06:57 17:46 27 Fr Seniors (NQC) North 06:56 17:48 28 Sa Champagne Scramble (NQC) 06:54 17:49 Chatsworth Pairs Greensomes, Stableford (NQC) 07:13 17:33 Jubilee Cup (Stroke) 07:11 17:35 07:09 17:36 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 15 9 22/12/2014 09:20:25 March sunrise sunset 06:52 17:51 1 Su 2 Mo Hutchings Trophy (5) Stableford 06:50 10 17:52 3 Tu Champagne Scramble (NQC) 06:48 17:54 4 We 06:46 17:56 5 Th 06:44 17:57 6 Fr 06:41 17:59 7 Sa 8 Su 9 Mo Seniors Comp 06:35 11 18:04 10 Tu EWGA Medal 2 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 06:33 18:05 11 We 06:31 18:07 12 Th 06:29 18:08 13 Fr Seniors (NQC) South 06:27 18:10 14 Sa Tombstone Competition (QC) (Reduction Only) 06:25 18:11 15 Su 16 Mo March Medal Winter League 10 Final Week EWGA Medal 1 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 06:39 18:00 06:37 18:02 06:23 18:13 Jack A’Court Trophy (5) Strokeplay 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 16 06:21 12 18:14 22/12/2014 09:20:26 2015 06:19 18:16 17 Tu 18 We 06:16 18:18 19 Th 06:14 18:19 20 Fr 06:12 18:21 21 Sa 22 Su 23 Mo Seniors Comp 06:06 13 18:25 24 Tu Individual Stableford 2 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 06:04 18:27 25 We 26 Th Clerical Medical (Stableford) 05:59 18:30 27 Fr Seniors (NQC) North 05:57 18:31 28 Sa EWGA Medal 3 (QC) and End Of Winter Eclectic / Southnines (QC) 05:55 18:33 29 Su START OF BST CLOCKS GO FORWARD 06:53 19:34 30 Mo Boudins Trophy (1) Stableford 06:51 14 19:36 31 Tu EWGA Medal 4 (QC) and End Of Winter Eclectic / Southnines (QC) 06:49 19:37 Tombstone Competition (QC) (Reduction Only) LMGC Classics 2: Spring Medal. Individual Stableford 2 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 06:10 18:22 06:08 18:24 06:02 18:28 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 17 22/12/2014 09:20:26 April sunrise sunset 1 We Away Match v La Moye (NQC) 06:47 19:39 2 Th April Medal 06:45 19:40 3 Fr GOOD FRIDAY 06:43 19:42 4 Sa EASTER SATURDAY Mons Hamon Pairs BetterBall Ping 4BBB Comp, UK Qualifier (NQC) 06:40 19:43 5 Su EASTER SUNDAY 06:38 19:45 6 Mo EASTER MONDAY 06:36 15 19:47 7 Tu Ping 4BBB Comp, UK Qualifier (NQC) 06:34 19:48 8 We 06:32 19:50 9 Th 06:30 19:51 10 Fr Seniors (NQC) South 06:28 19:53 11 Sa Jack A’Court Trophy (Stroke) Strokeplay 1 & Committee Cup (QC) and Start Of Summer Eclectic / Southnines (QC) 06:26 19:54 12 Su 13 Mo JLGA Seniors League Round 1 (Les Ormes) (NQC) Seniors Comp (am) Seniors League 1 (pm) – St Clements 14 Tu Strokeplay 1 & Committee Cup (QC) and Start Of Summer Eclectic / Southnines (QC) 15 We 06:24 19:56 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 18 06:22 19:57 16 06:20 19:59 06:18 20:00 22/12/2014 09:20:26 2015 16 Th 06:16 20:02 17 Fr 06:14 20:03 18 Sa 19 Su 20 Mo CI Engravers – Elizabeth Bowl (1) Strokeplay 06:08 17 20:08 21 Tu EWGA Medal 5 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 06:06 20:09 22 We 23 Th Grantez Cup (Stroke) 06:02 20:12 24 Fr Seniors (NQC) North 06:00 20:14 25 Sa Individual Stableford 3 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 05:59 20:15 26 Su 27 Mo Seniors Comp (am) 05:55 18 20:18 28 Tu Home Match v St Clements Individual Stableford 3 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 05:53 20:20 29 We 05:51 20:21 30 Th 05:50 20:23 LMG&CC Major 1 06:12 20:05 06:10 20:06 06:04 20:11 05:57 20:17 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 19 22/12/2014 09:20:26 May sunrise sunset 05:48 20:24 1 Fr 2 Sa 3 Su 4 Mo MAY BANK HOLIDAY 05:43 20:29 19 5 Tu Stableford 4 & Bette Normington Cup (QC) / Southnines (QC) 05:41 20:30 6 We 05:39 20:32 7 Th 05:38 20:33 8 Fr Seniors (NQC) South 05:36 20:34 9 Sa EWGA Medal 6 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 05:35 20:36 10 Su Match v RJGC (Away) 05:33 20:37 11 Mo JLGA Matchplay Championships (La Moye) Qualifying Day 1 (QC) Hampshire County Championships Day 1 (QC) (Meon Valley GC) Seniors Comp (am) Seniors League 2 (pm) - Les Ormes 12 Tu Eclectic (NQ) JLGA Matchplay Championships (La Moye) Day 2 (NQC) 05:30 20:40 13 We JLGA Matchplay Championships (La Moye) Day 3 (NQC) 05:29 20:42 14 Th JLGA Matchplay Championships (La Moye) Day 4 (NQC) Rumbald Trophy - Les Mielles 05:27 20:43 15 Fr JLGA Matchplay Championships (La Moye) Finals Day (NQC) Hampshire County Championships Final Day (NQC) 05:26 20:44 16 Sa LMG&CC Major 2 05:25 20:46 May Medal Stableford 4 & Bette Normington Cup (QC) / Southnines (QC) 05:46 20:26 05:44 20:27 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 20 05:32 20:39 20 22/12/2014 09:20:26 2015 05:23 20:47 17 Su Annual Cup & Supper (NQC) 18 Mo JLGA Seniors League Round 2 (Wheatlands) (NQC) Knockouts Round 1 Deadline Seniors Comp 19 Tu Eclectic (NQC) Royal Jersey Ladies Open (QC) 05:21 20:50 20 We Wednesday League 1 05:20 20:51 21 Th Mings Dynasty (Stableford) 05:19 20:52 22 Fr Seniors (NQC) North 05:17 20:53 23 Sa LMGC Classics 3: Captain’s Trophy. EWGA Medal 7 (QC) / Southnines (QC) La Moye Salver (Open – up to 18 hcp) 05:22 20:48 21 05:16 20:55 24 Su JW Messervy Salver 36 Holes (cat 1/2) at Royal Jersey 05:15 20:56 25 Mo SPRING BANK HOLIDAY 05:14 22 20:57 26 Tu EWGA Medal 8 (QC) / Southnines (QC) St Clements Reunion Trophy (NQC) 05:13 20:58 27 We Wednesday League 2 05:12 20:59 28 Th 29 Fr CI Engravers – Elizabeth Bowl (2) Strokeplay 05:11 21:02 30 Sa Elaine Plain 36 Holes Rainbow Tees (NQC) 05:10 21:03 31 Su 05:11 21:00 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 21 05:09 21:04 22/12/2014 09:20:26 June sunrise sunset 1 Mo Boudins Trophy (3) Strokeplay 05:08 23 21:05 2 Tu Rainbow Tees (NQC) 05:08 21:06 3 We Wednesday League 3 05:07 21:07 4 Th June Medal Away Match v Les Ormes (NQC) 05:06 21:08 5 Fr Seniors (NQC) South 05:06 21:08 6 Sa EWGA Medal 9 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 05:05 21:09 7 Su 8 Mo JLGA Seniors League Round 3 (La Moye) (NQC) Seniors Comp (am) Seniors League 3 (pm) – Wheatlands 9 Tu EWGA Medal 10 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 05:04 21:12 10 We Wednesday League 4 05:04 21:12 11 Th Les Ormes Invitation Day (NQC) 05:03 21:13 12 Fr 13 Sa LES MIELLES OPEN (PBS Qualifier) Hoskins Cup in Alderney (QC) 05:03 21:14 14 Su Hoskins Cup In Alderney (QC) Mixed KO Round 1 Deadline 05:03 21:15 15 Mo CI Engravers – Elizabeth Bowl (3) Strokeplay 05:03 25 21:15 16 Tu Braybrooke Salvers (Stableford) (NQC) & Snack Lunch 05:03 21:16 05:05 21:10 05:04 21:11 24 05:03 21:14 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 22 22/12/2014 09:20:26 2015 Wednesday League 5 La Moye Team Am-Am (NQC) 05:03 21:16 17 We 18 Th 19 Fr Seniors (NQC) North 05:03 21:17 20 Sa LMG&CC Major 3 05:03 21:17 21 Su CI Champs Finals In Jersey (NQC) (La Moye) 05:03 21:17 22 Mo Seniors Comp 05:03 26 21:17 23 Tu Les Mielles Ladies GC Open Day (QC) & Dinner 05:04 21:18 24 We Wednesday League 6 05:04 21:18 25 Th Alderney Cup (Stroke) 05:04 21:18 26 Fr 27 Sa Individual Stableford 5 (QC) / Southnines (QC) Start of the 2015 Island Games 05:05 21:18 28 Su 2015 Island Games 05:05 21:18 29 Mo 2015 Island Games Tony Sartin Trophy - Stableford Yellow Tees 05:06 27 21:17 30 Tu Individual Stableford 5 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 2015 Island Games 05:07 21:17 05:03 21:16 05:05 21:18 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 23 22/12/2014 09:20:26 July sunrise sunset 1 We Wednesday League 7 2015 Island Games 05:07 21:17 2 Th 2015 Island Games 05:08 21:17 3 Fr Seniors (NQC) South Final Day of the 2015 Island Games 05:08 21:16 4 Sa July Medal Strokeplay 2 & Club Repair Classic (QC) / Southnines (QC) 05:09 21:16 5 Su 6 Mo Knockouts Round 2 Deadline Boudins Trophy (4) Stableford 7 Tu Strokeplay 2 & Club Repair Classic (QC) / Southnines (QC) & Summer Presentation & Dinner Royal Guernsey Ladies Open (QC) 8 We Wednesday League 8 9 Th 10 Fr The President’s Trophy Mixed Open (NQC) *provisional date 05:14 21:13 11 Sa EWGA Medal 11 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 05:15 21:12 12 Su 13 Mo JLGA Seniors League Round 4 (Les Mielles) (NQC) Seniors Comp (Am) Seniors League 4 (Pm) – Royal Jersey 14 Tu Eclectic (NQC) Home Match v Royal Jersey (NQC) St Clements Ladies Invitation Day (NQC) 15 We Wednesday League 9 16 Th 05:10 21:16 05:11 21:15 28 05:12 21:15 05:12 21:14 05:13 21:13 05:16 21:11 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 24 05:17 21:11 29 05:18 21:10 05:19 21:09 05:20 21:08 22/12/2014 09:20:26 2015 05:21 21:07 17 Fr 18 Sa 19 Su Mixed KO Round 2 Deadline 20 Mo Royal Jersey Am-Am Sponsored Open 4BBB (NQC) CI Engravers (4) Strokeplay 21 Tu EWGA Medal 12 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 05:26 21:03 22 We Wednesday League 10 05:27 21:02 23 Th Val De La Mare (Stableford) La Grande Mare Open (QC) 05:28 21:01 24 Fr 25 Sa 26 Su 27 Mo Colin Sutton Memorial at Royal Guernsey (QC) Five Oaks Ironworks – Stableford – White Tees 05:33 31 20:56 28 Tu Individual Stableford 6 & Copper Trophy (QC) / Southnines (QC) 05:35 20:54 29 We Wednesday League Texas Scramble and Presentation 05:36 20:53 30 Th 31 Fr Seniors (NQC) North LMG&CC Major 4 05:22 21:06 05:24 21:05 05:25 21:04 30 05:30 20:59 LMGC Classics 4: Summer Medal. Individual Stableford 6 & Copper Trophy (QC) / Southnines (QC) La Moye Trophy Open 36 Holes (cat 1/2) 05:31 20:58 05:32 20:57 05:37 20:52 Seniors (NQC) South 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 25 05:39 20:50 22/12/2014 09:20:26 August sunrise sunset 05:40 20:49 1 Sa 2 Su 3 Mo Boudins Trophy (5) Stableford 05:43 32 20:46 4 Tu Greensomes (NQC) 05:44 20:44 5 We La Moye Ladies Open (QC) 05:45 20:42 6 Th August Medal 05:47 20:41 7 Fr Husbands & Wives Comp 4BBB (NQC) With Dinner 05:48 20:39 8 Sa Strokeplay 3 & Thorpe Plate (QC) / Southnines (QC) 05:50 20:38 9 Su 10 Mo JLGA Seniors League Round 5 (St Clements) (NQC) Seniors Comp (am) Seniors League 5 (pm) - La Moye 05:52 11 Tu Strokeplay 3 & Thorpe Plate (QC) / Southnines (QC) Royal Jersey Ladies GC Invitation Day (NQC) 05:54 20:32 12 We 13 Th BATTLE OF FLOWERS Corbiere Cup (Stroke) 05:57 20:29 14 Fr Match v St Clements (Home) Seniors (NQC) North 05:58 20:27 15 Sa LMG&CC Major 5 06:00 20:25 16 Su Broadlands Mixed Greensomes Open (NQC) 05:41 20:47 05:51 20:36 20:34 33 05:55 20:31 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 26 06:01 20:23 22/12/2014 09:20:26 2015 17 Mo CI Engravers (5) Strokeplay 06:02 34 20:22 18 Tu Eclectic (NQC) Les Ormes Ladies Open (QC) 06:04 20:20 19 We 20 Th 21 Fr 22 Sa 06:05 20:18 JLGA Cat 1&2 Strokeplay Championships 36 Holes (QC) (At Les Mielles) 06:07 20:16 06:08 20:14 Les Mielles Golf Club 25th Anniversary Competition and Gala Dinner (Hotel L’Horizon) EWGA Medal 13 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 06:10 20:12 23 Su Mixed KO Round 3 Deadline 06:11 20:10 24 Mo Raj Watts Trophy – Stableford Yellow Tees 06:13 35 20:08 25 Tu EWGA Medal 14 (QC) / Southnines (QC) 06:14 20:06 26 We 06:15 20:04 27 Th 06:17 20:02 28 Fr Seniors (NQC) South 06:18 20:00 29 Sa Eclectic/Deontic 1 Lady Captain’s Day & Afternoon Tea (NQC) 06:20 19:58 30 Su 31 Mo 06:21 19:56 AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY Knockouts Round 3 Deadline 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 27 06:23 36 19:54 22/12/2014 09:20:26 September sunrise sunset 06:24 19:52 1 Tu 2 We 06:25 19:50 3 Th 06:27 19:48 4 Fr 06:28 19:46 5 Sa 6 Su 7 Mo JLGA Seniors League Round 6 & Supper (Royal Jersey) (NQC) Seniors Open - Stableford - White Tees 06:33 37 19:39 8 Tu Lori Baker Par Competition (QC) St Clement’s Ladies GC Open Day (QC) 06:34 19:37 9 We La Moye Ladies Invitation Day (NQC) 06:36 19:35 10 Th Eclectic/Deontic 2 06:37 19:33 11 Fr Seniors (NQC) North 06:38 19:31 12 Sa EWGA Medal 15 (QC) and Breakthrough Breast Cancer contribution Wheatlands Open (QC) / Southnines (QC) 06:40 19:29 13 Su 14 Mo Seniors Comp (am) Seniors League 6 (pm) – Les Mielles 06:43 38 19:25 15 Tu Les Mielles Ladies GC Invitation Day (NQC) Pairs Stableford & Lunch 06:44 19:22 16 We Lady Captain’s Day & Lunch (NQC) September Medal Lori Baker Par Competition (QC) Pallot Bowl Open at Royal Jersey 06:30 19:44 06:31 19:42 06:41 19:27 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 28 06:46 19:20 22/12/2014 09:20:26 2015 17 Th 06:47 19:18 18 Fr 06:48 19:16 19 Sa 20 Su 21 Mo Boudins Trophy (6) Stableford 06:53 39 19:09 22 Tu EWGA Medal 16 (QC) and Breakthrough Breast Cancer contribution Southnines (QC) 06:54 19:07 23 We 24 Th Charrington Perpetual (Stableford) 06:57 19:03 25 Fr Seniors (NQC) South 06:59 19:01 26 Sa LMGC Classics 5: Autumn Medal. Parkins Putting Comp (NQC) 07:00 18:59 27 Su Mixed KO Round 4 Deadline (Semi-Finals) 07:02 18:57 28 Mo Seniors Comp (am) 07:03 40 18:54 29 Tu Home Match V Royal Guernsey (36 Holes) (NQC) Parkins Putting Comp (NQC) 07:04 18:52 30 We LMG&CC Major 6 Western Foursomes at La Moye 06:50 19:14 06:51 19:12 06:56 19:05 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 29 07:06 18:50 22/12/2014 09:20:26 October sunrise sunset 1 Th 07:07 18:48 2 Fr 07:09 18:46 3 Sa 4 Su 5 Mo Knockouts Round 4 Deadline (Semi-Finals) CI Engravers (6) Strokeplay 07:13 41 18:40 6 Tu Individual Stableford 7 (QC) & End Of Summer Eclectic / Southnines (QC) 07:15 18:38 7 We 8 Th October Medal 07:18 18:33 9 Fr Seniors (NQC) North 07:19 18:31 10 Sa Eclectic/Deontic 3 Drives & Putts (NQC) 07:21 18:29 11 Su 12 Mo Gorvel Trophy – Stableford Yellow Tees 07:24 42 18:25 13 Tu Home Match v La Grande Mare (NQC) Drives & Putts (NQC) 07:25 18:23 14 We 07:27 18:21 15 Th 07:29 18:19 16 Fr LMG&CC Majors Final Individual Stableford 7 (QC) & End Of Summer Eclectic / Southnines (QC) 07:10 18:44 07:12 18:42 07:16 18:35 07:22 18:27 LMLGC Captains Past & Present & Lunch (NQC) 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 30 07:30 18:17 22/12/2014 09:20:26 2015 17 Sa Captain v Vice Captain and Dinner Practice Round 07:32 18:15 18 Su Mixed KO Round 5 Deadline (Final) 07:33 18:13 19 Mo Boudins Trophy (7) Stableford 07:35 43 18:11 20 Tu PGA PRO-AM Day 1 (at tba) 07:36 18:09 21 We PGA PRO-AM Day 2 (at tba) 07:38 18:08 22 Th PGA PRO-AM Day 3 (at tba) L’Etacq Cup (Stroke) JLGA AGM (at Royal Jersey) 6.30pm 07:39 18:06 23 Fr Seniors (NQC) South 07:41 18:04 24 Sa Bogey Cup Individual Stableford 8 (QC) & Start of Winter Eclectic 07:43 18:02 25 Su END OF BST CLOCKS GO BACK 06:44 17:00 26 Mo Mixed Texas Scramble (Gents Seniors V Les Mielles Ladies) (NQC) CI Engravers (7) Strokeplay 06:46 44 16:58 27 Tu Individual Stableford 8 (QC) & Start Of Winter Eclectic / Southnines (QC) 06:47 16:56 28 We 29 Th 30 Fr 31 Sa 06:49 16:55 Eclectic/Deontic 4 06:51 16:53 06:52 16:51 Progressive Stableford (NQC) 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 31 06:54 16:50 22/12/2014 09:20:26 November sunrise sunset 06:55 16:48 1 Su 2 Mo Hutchings Trophy (1) Stableford 06:57 45 16:46 3 Tu Progressive Stableford (NQC) 06:59 16:45 4 We 07:00 16:43 5 Th 07:02 16:41 6 Fr Seniors (NQC) North 07:03 16:40 7 Sa November Medal Eclectic (NQ) 07:05 16:38 8 Su 9 Mo AGM / New Captain’s Induction Seniors Comp – Beans & Irish v The Rest 07:08 46 16:35 10 Tu Captain v Vice Captain (NQC) 07:10 16:34 11 We 12 Th 13 Fr 14 Sa 15 Su 16 Mo 07:07 16:37 07:11 16:33 12&Under / 13&Over 1 07:13 16:31 07:15 16:30 Winter League Week 1 / Turkey Xmas Bonus Captain’s Drive In Prize Giving Night Texas Scramble (NQC) 07:16 16:29 07:18 16:27 Knockouts Round 5 Deadline (Finals) Jack A’Court Trophy (1) Strokeplay 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 32 07:19 47 16:26 22/12/2014 09:20:27 2015 07:21 16:25 17 Tu 18 We 07:23 16:24 19 Th 07:24 16:23 20 Fr Seniors (NQC) South 07:26 16:22 21 Sa LMGC Classics 6: Les Mielles Salver. Ladies Fun Competition (NQC) 07:27 16:21 22 Su 23 Mo Seniors Comp 07:30 48 16:19 24 Tu Ladies Fun Competition (NQC) 07:32 16:18 25 We 07:33 16:17 26 Th 07:34 16:16 27 Fr 07:36 16:16 28 Sa 29 Su 30 Mo Texas Scramble (NQC) 07:29 16:20 Winter League Week 2 / Port ‘n’ Brandy Xmas Bonus Matchplay Comp (NQC) 07:37 16:15 07:39 16:14 Hutchings Trophy (2) Stableford 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 33 07:40 49 16:14 22/12/2014 09:20:27 December Silver v Bronze (9 Holes) LMLGC AGM and Winter Presentation & Dinner sunrise sunset 07:41 16:13 1 Tu 2 We 3 Th December Medal 07:44 16:12 4 Fr Seniors (NQC) North 07:45 16:12 5 Sa Cad Trophy (Stableford) Eclectic (NQ) 07:46 16:11 6 Su 7 Mo Jack A’Court Trophy (2) Strokeplay 07:49 50 16:11 8 Tu Xmas Mixed 4BBB Stableford (Ladies Comp) (NQC) 07:50 16:10 9 We 07:51 16:10 10 Th 07:52 16:10 11 Fr 07:53 16:10 12 Sa 13 Su 14 Mo Texas Scramble Xmas Lunch Shotgun / Seniors Prizegiving 07:55 51 16:10 15 Tu Ladies 9 Hole Xmas Comp (NQC) & Lunch 07:56 16:10 16 We 07:43 16:13 07:47 16:11 Winter League Week 3 / Hamper Ladies 9 Hole Xmas Comp (NQC) & Lunch 07:54 16:10 07:55 16:10 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 34 07:57 16:11 22/12/2014 09:20:27 2015 07:58 16:11 17 Th 18 Fr Seniors (NQC) South 07:59 16:11 19 Sa 12&Under / 13&Over 2 3 Clubs & A Putter Comp (NQC) 07:59 16:11 20 Su 21 Mo Happy Xmas Comp 08:00 52 16:12 22 Tu 3 Clubs & A Putter Comp (NQC) 08:01 16:13 23 We 08:01 16:13 24 Th 08:02 16:14 25 Fr CHRISTMAS DAY 08:02 16:15 26 Sa Winter League Week 4 BOXING DAY 08:02 16:15 27 Su 08:03 16:16 28 Mo 08:03 53 16:17 29 Tu 30 We 08:03 16:18 31 Th 08:03 16:19 08:00 16:12 Mixed Texas Scramble (Gents Comp) (NQC) & Lunch 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 35 08:03 16:18 22/12/2014 09:20:27 January sunrise sunset 1 Fr New Year’s Day Seniors (NQC) North 08:03 16:20 2 Sa January Medal Eclectic (NQ) 08:03 16:21 3 Su 4 Mo Seniors Comp (TBA) 08:03 16:23 5 Tu Eclectic (NQ) 08:03 16:25 6 We 08:03 16:26 7 Th 08:02 16:27 8 Fr 08:02 16:28 9 Sa 10 Su 11 Mo Seniors Comp (TBA) 08:01 16:32 12 Tu Matchplay (NQC) 08:00 16:33 13 We 08:00 16:35 14 Th 07:59 16:36 15 Fr Seniors (NQC) South 07:58 16:37 16 Sa Nines Comp (NQC) 07:58 16:39 08:03 16:22 Winter League Week 5 Matchplay (NQC) 2 08:02 16:29 08:01 16:31 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 36 3 22/12/2014 09:20:27 2016 07:57 16:40 17 Su 18 Mo Seniors Comp (TBA) 07:56 16:42 19 Tu Nines Comp (NQC) 07:55 16:43 20 We 21 Th 22 Fr 23 Sa 24 Su 25 Mo Seniors Comp (TBA) 07:49 16:53 26 Tu Nines Comp (NQC) 07:48 16:54 27 We 07:47 16:56 28 Th 07:46 16:57 29 Fr Seniors (NQC) North 07:44 16:59 30 Sa LMGC Classics 1: Winter Medal. Ladies Fun Comp (NQC) 07:43 17:01 31 Su 4 07:54 16:45 Atlantic Cup (Stableford) 07:53 16:46 07:52 16:48 Winter League Week 6 Nines Comp (NQC) 07:51 16:49 07:50 16:51 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 37 5 07:42 17:02 22/12/2014 09:20:27 Notes 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 38 22/12/2014 09:20:27 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 39 22/12/2014 09:20:27 Telephone Book Ladies A–Z Member Telephone Member Telephone Donna Anfray 07797 719 787 Linda Loftsdottir 07797 919 765 Glynis Billington 07797 732 402 Margaret Le Herissier 07797 716 560 Gudrun Bjarnadottir 07797 710 774 Betty Le Luan 07797 771 742 Cheryl Brint 07797 712 051 Olga Maciel 07797 770 674 Isobel Brocken 07797 716 493 Hazel Mccausland 07797 774 030 Nicki Cameron 07797 834 026 Caroline Michel Anne Carolan Pauline Mitchell 07797 851 797 Sue Carre 07797 821 599 Cordelia Miller 07829 888 816 Kathleen Chapman 07797 732 427 Tracey Mollet 07797 738 108 Maureen Cox 07797 731 279 Anne Moon 07797 780 124 Ann Cross 07797 731 506 Hilary Nicholson 07797 738 871 Elizabeth Dick 07797 758 243 Michaela Nobes 07797 772 284 Sue Evans 07700 755 115 Mary O’Brien 07829 808 000 Irene Fadden 07797 831 802 Jane Osborne 07700 335 550 Rita Fagan 07797 750 950 Annette Payne Judy Farley 07797 746 551 Kerry Pledger 07797 814 195 Hannah Fennel 07797 821 861 Gloria Pallot Brown 07797 720 424 Anne Frith 07797 734 491 Sharon Parsons Agnes Garrett Katina Gell Hilary Gleave Breeda Graham 07797 783 603 Irene Griffiths 857 954 Jenny Healey Lesley June 840 689 481 897 875 551 07797 737 901 07797 755 639 Sandra Peters 07797 717 912 Lyn Rafferty 07797 887 859 June Roberts 07797 747 074 Raydene Stracy 07797 760 204 Fiona Tyrer 07831 291 601 Hill 07797 775 915 Sue Thomas 07797 814 359 Hoyle 07797 745 678 Margaret Vautier Janie Jackson 07797 738 223 Sandra Vignando Jayne Jackson 07797 758 826 Janet Walton 07797 761 328 Gail Johnson-Deeley 07797 746 001 Liz Webster 07797 852 293 Irene Journeaux 07797 778 190 Jill White 07797 734 013 Annette Laffoley 07797 749 541 Janine Whitehead Jane Lansdell 07797 841 513 Stephanie Williams 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 40 07797 832 394 Ann-Marie Pereira 482 478 741 537 630 792 481 692 07829 970 000 734 802 07797 779 339 22/12/2014 09:20:27 Telephone Book Gents A–C Member Telephone Member Telephone Graeme A’Court 07797 795 661 Denzil Boschat Jack A’Court 07797 761 076 Anthony Boyd Knight 07700 325 434 07797 752 112 Ronald Adair 07797 716 956 Steven Brady 07829 915 368 Andrew Adlington 07941 050 981 Derek Breed 07797 745 429 Stephen Alexander 07797 729 291 Michael Brooks Stephen Allaway 07797 710 950 Edward Brown 743 863 William Anders 747 245 Robert Brown 07700 327 921 Bernard Arthur 07797 758 047 Tom Brown 07797 744 620 Paul Ashton 07797 811 425 Anthony Bruce 07700 346 707 Jason Aspland 07797 748 514 Jonathon Buesnel 07829 746 941 William Asprey 07797 744 767 Elik Jan Bults 07797 781 823 Marcus Bailey 07797 732 314 Michael Burley 07797 833 633 William Baines 07797 714 680 Tony Burlison 07797 847 977 James Banks 07797 760 641 Alexander Burnett 07797 716 857 David Barber 730 152 Edward Burns 07797 715 770 David Barry 07797 752 942 Tony Burt 07797 724 531 Andrew Barton 07797 755 479 Nic Butt 07797 759 782 Duncan 735 050 Baxter 871 229 Paul Byrne 07797 753 276 Alan Joseph Beadle 07797 719 205 Alan Cabot 07797 777 023 Peter Beamish 07700 710 793 Richard Cadoret 07797 718 290 John Beattie 07797 755 632 Steve Campbell 07797 748 460 Chris Beek 07797 845 113 Robert Canavan 875 422 Martin Carolan 07797 742 593 875 547 07829 718 033 Christopher Belhomme 789 997 Mark Belhomme Derek Carter Dave Belo 07797 711 906 Harold Carver 07797 765 811 Mark Berresford 07829 732 307 Stephen Chapman 07797 755 423 Paul Biddulph 07797 766 369 Smoden Chimbalu 07700 707 427 David Bisson 07797 729 971 Chifundo Chimwaza 07829 105 527 Ian Blackman 07797 710 337 Dale Clark 07797 729 609 Graham Bone 07797 761 258 Peter Clark 07797 735 758 Gary Boner 07797 749 124 Charles Clarke 07797 713 540 Francis Booth 07797 746 587 Stephen Cleary 07797 726 069 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 41 22/12/2014 09:20:27 Telephone Book Gents C–G Member Telephone Member Telephone Robert Clifford 07797 733 119 Mark Duckett 07797 730 026 Trevor Clutton 07797 748 528 Matt Duffy 07700 888 611 Stephen Coffey 07797 758 651 Christopher Dwyer 07797 841 915 Michael Connolly 07797 748 828 Arran Eagar 07797 724 269 Adam Cook 07700 857 368 Carl Ecobichon-Gray 07797 720 296 Kenneth Coppell 07797 719 364 David Edgar 07797 781 006 Richard Cornick 07797 711 310 John Evans 484 557 Philip John Cornock 07797 719 632 John Fagan Fred Cottignies 07797 822 434 Robert Fairhurst 07797 754 040 Clive Coutanche 07797 720 856 Robert Farley 07797 740 366 Michael Cox 07797 819 511 Joe Fernandes 07797 747 206 Nigel Cox 07797 810 515 Dave Ferre Ross Crick 07797 722 079 Jon Fitzmaurice 07700 703 376 Jospeh Crill 07797 798 482 Shane Fitzsimons 07700 326 015 John Cronin 07797 722 155 Harry Fletcher Alan Cross 07797 720 943 Joe Francis Thomas Cummins 07797 789 758 Ben Freeman Michael Cushing 07700 700 142 Christopher Frost 07797 787 439 Danny Dawson 07797 778 584 Nicholas Fry 07797 746 285 Robert Dawson 07797 736 839 Anthony Gammell 07711 399 507 Alan De Gruchy 07797 728 145 Peter Garforth 07797 728 940 Walter Garrett 07797 919 670 Roy Geddes 07797 889 045 744 115 867 858 877 200 726 729 07797 818 593 Martin De Gruchy 07797 740 323 Neville De Gruchy 07797 741 174 Steve De La Haye 876 730 John Germain 07797 887 182 Peter De Momme 07797 728 100 Paul Gicquel 07797 723 984 Frank Deeney 07797 730 664 Nigel Gillard 735 026 Max Delph 07797 755 461 Donald Gillyett 07797 713 810 Robin Denton 07797 770 475 Troy Gleeson 07797 799 113 Jarlath Dervin 07797 746 459 Michael Gorvel George Dick 07797 718 013 David Grant 07797 811 608 Jason Donaldson 07829 706 458 Ray Grant 07700 705 955 Tony Doull 07797 818 156 Philip Grehan 07829 807 109 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 42 768 749 22/12/2014 09:20:27 Telephone Book Gents H–L Member Telephone Member Telephone Mathew Hague 07797 757 155 Paul Isham 07760 184 806 Stuart Hall 07797 815 335 John Jackson 07797 733 504 Malcolm Hamon 07797 772 607 Stephen James 07797 747 026 Daniel Hare 07797 842 911 Malcolm Jenkins 07797 715 242 Ken Harries 07797 754 915 Herbert Jennett 07797 798 798 Andrew Harrington 07797 772 090 Nicholas Jewell 07797 725 051 John Harris 07797 729 215 Nigel Johnson Roger Harris 481 356 Chris Jones Damion Harrison 07797 747 309 Robert Jones 07797 823 235 Craig Hartley 07797 726 364 Wayne Joseph 07797 723 442 Christopher Haws 07797 758 512 Kevin Jubb 07797 766 100 Graeme Hebenton 07797 752 326 Martyn Jubb 07797 788 029 Dennis Helleur 862 580 Stephen Kearns 07797 757 107 Simon Hendry 07797 795 449 Archie Kelly 07797 716 648 Scott Henry 07797 838 821 Richard Kemp 07797 811 476 Stephen Herbert 07781 165 800 Michael Kenny 07797 740 627 Tom Hicks 07797 842 725 Charlie Kiberd 07797 742 533 Stephen Higginson 07797 886 929 Josef Klampfl 07797 741 918 Gary Hirst 07797 712 595 Arthur Kuenze 735 065 Michael Holley 863 286 Dale Laffoley 07797 737 208 Andrew Hood 07797 737 667 Peter Langdon 07797 729 849 David Horn 07797 730 568 William Langley 07797 721 271 Adrian Huckson 07797 740 625 James Laverty 07797 775 496 Brian Hudson 481 789 Neil Le Boustouler 07797 739 879 Tom Hughes 07797 710 424 Derren Le Breton-Glover Cameron Hunt Jonathan Le Brocq 07700 707 305 Philip Hunt Michael Le Brocq 07797 730 698 Andy Hurley 864 045 Jack Le Brun Stephen Inman 07797 776 595 John Le Brun 863 078 Stanley Irvine 07797 781 236 Jon Le Brun 482 629 Steven Irvine 07797 781 250 Stefan Le Brun Andrew Isham 07797 741 166 Brian Le Chevalier 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 43 07797 752 310 481 322 07797 772 898 07797 711 934 482 629 482 629 07797 736 006 22/12/2014 09:20:27 Telephone Book Gents L–N Member Telephone Member Telephone Russell Le Feuvre 07797 715 991 Dr Callum McClymont 07781 107 008 David Le Monnier 07797 714 134 Jonatho McCulloch 07700 753 326 Maurice Le Mottee Dennis McEnery 07797 813 358 David Le Roux 07797 817 085 Maurice McEwan 07797 716 492 Michael Le Signe 07797 710 313 Brian McGarry 07797 756 605 Mark Le Vesconte 07797 758 401 Daniel McLaughlin 07829 996 611 Joseph Lee 07797 741 278 Patrick McLaughlin 851 634 Mark Lee 07829 900 527 Dave Mcloughlin 07797 718 394 James Lees 07797 787 919 James McManus 07797 799 626 Warren Lees 07797 751 282 Anthony Mehigan 07797 788 303 Reuben Legge 07797 797 549 Kenneth Mitchell 07797 845 333 John Leggett 07797 721 736 Steven Mitchell 07797 765 980 Craig Leitch 07797 799 223 Steve Morgan 07797 728 147 David Liddiard 07797 720 953 David Morley 07797 725 466 John Lindsay 07797 922 547 Paul Mottram 07797 721 301 Peter Ling 855 368 Gert Mouton 07797 749 341 Darren Livesey 07797 767 429 Kevin Mundy 07797 773 349 John Lloyd 07797 734 321 Tim Murphy 07797 962 579 Loftur Loftsson 07797 735 556 Erique Mvalo 07829 954 440 Anthony Love 07700 702 962 Govind Naidu 07797 711 290 Stephen Lowes 07797 749 598 Fabio Nascimento 07700 354 619 Gerry Lozach Barrie Newbould 07797 715 303 Stuart Lusby 07797 739 051 Mike Newman Peter Lynch 07700 886 372 Peter Nicolle 07797 719 718 Peter Mackay 07797 756 161 Tommy Noel 07797 724 551 Alan Maclachlan 07829 723 378 John North 07911 744 556 Derek Maltwood 861 907 Peter Nowell 07797 737 417 Anthony Markey David O’Brien 07797 855 681 Barry Masefield 07797 855 446 Ian O’Brien 07797 719 024 Stanley Matthews 07797 773 235 Chris O’Connor 07797 711 483 Paul McCabe 07797 713 692 William O’Dwyer 07829 979 338 Richard McCann 499 138 Mark Oliver 07797 726 935 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 44 726 329 744 711 07797 718 571 876 188 22/12/2014 09:20:28 Telephone Book Gents N–S Member Telephone Member Telephone David Osborne 07700 702 285 Ian Ritchie 07797 740 887 Michael Osborne 07797 788 939 Graeme Robertson 07700 722 232 Joshua Ozard 07797 851 128 Karl Rockett 07797 787 280 Malcolm Pallot 07797 773 421 Phil Romeril 07797 735 716 Angelo Palomba 07797 787 905 Tino Rossi Gerry Paradiso 07797 811 943 Peter Sains 07797 728 428 Tom Park 07797 820 310 Eric Salaun 07797 765 488 Peter Paturel 07797 816 753 Brian Salsac 07797 715 386 Danny Paxton 07797 742 957 Martin Saunders 07797 735 188 Steven Pearson 07797 915 315 Philip Sewell 07797 765 580 Richard Pemberton 07797 858 053 James Shaw Andrew Perchard 07797 729 534 Thomas Shepherd Anthony Perchard 07797 766 785 Carlos Sidonio 07797 716 355 Tim Phelan 07797 711 254 Alex Sieroczuk 07797 767 948 Alan Pick 07829 801 393 Peter Simon 07797 756 980 Joel Pinto 07797 734 981 Trevor Simon 07797 727 612 Nigel Pinto 07797 721 040 Scott Simpson 07797 819 246 Nicholas Plain 07700 704 314 Stephen Sims 07797 728 648 David Plowright 07797 796 829 Brian Smith 07797 721 694 James Plumley 07797 735 719 Ian Smith 07797 716 003 Alan James Porter 07797 722 532 Martin Smith 07797 726 771 Matthew Price 07797 753 880 Robert Smith 743 481 Fernando Quijada 07797 913 604 Robin Snart 737 282 Noel Quinn 07797 720 734 David Somma John Ramsay 07797 727 001 David Speed Ashley Reddyhoff 07797 770 727 Ewan Spraggon Kenneth Renouard 07797 734 977 Jonathan Sproson Neville Renouf Stephen Rentsch Mark Jimmy Kenneth 07700 329 909 07797 729 414 07797 825 317 07700 348 583 Kevin Stewart 07797 714 553 07797 854 766 Joe Straiton 07797 887 541 Reynolds 07797 729 772 Colin Streets 07797 840 414 Rice 07797 841 355 Peter Strickley 07797 718 831 Richard 07797 817 279 James Strong 07797 712 365 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 45 742 258 484 006 07797 758 835 22/12/2014 09:20:28 Telephone Book Gents S–Z Member Telephone Member Telephone Gary Stubbs 07797 746 411 Dominic Willmott Toby Sturgeon 07797 752 615 Andrew Wood 07797 818 318 Greg Sykes 07797 716 559 Anthony Wood 07797 725 097 Roy Syvret John Wood 07829 929 828 Simon Tait John Taylor 858 675 Richard Taylor 07797 745 841 Danny Teixeira 07829 936 615 Kevin Therin 07829 740 334 Matthew Thompson 07797 832 700 Steven Tindall 07700 722 412 Andy Toland 07797 746 644 Daniel Treacy 07797 780 763 Maurice Trigg 07797 767 253 Richard Trott 07797 750 910 Ben Trousdale 07700 354 922 Craig Tucker 07700 326 340 John Varcoe 07797 714 515 Roy Vautier 07797 900 834 Franco Vedovatti 07797 720 526 Tristan Vellam 07797 815 236 Chris Vibert 07797 782 256 Peter Vincenti 07797 727 844 Richard Wakeham 07797 788 493 David Walker 481 149 Thomas Walker 07797 827 421 Derek Walters 07797 723 429 Geooffrey Walton 07797 755 252 Peter Webster 07797 719 834 Christopher Whur 744 717 07700 706 214 07797 724 471 Ray Wilkinson 07797 715 122 Philip Williams 07797 814 913 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 46 07797 746 390 22/12/2014 09:20:28 2015 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 1 2 3 18 9 10 22 23 24 25 16 17 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 8 1 2 3 15 9 10 22 16 17 23 24 25 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8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 8 7 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 28 29 30 31 30 22/12/2014 09:20:28 Les M 2016 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 14 15 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 28 29 30 31 APRIL MAY JUNE Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 1 2 3 17 9 10 22 23 24 16 17 25 26 27 28 29 30 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 8 6 7 15 13 14 22 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 5 6 7 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 29 26 27 28 29 30 30 31 22 23 24 25 OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su 3 4 5 6 7 13 14 1 2 8 9 7 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 10 11 12 16 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 48 22/12/2014 09:20:30 Les Mielles Golf Club Diaries Single Pages_Layout 1 02/02/2012 13:46 Page 43 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 49 22/12/2014 09:20:30 727 Les Mielles Golf Club Diary 2015.indd 50 booking office: 01534 482 787 LES MIELLES GOLF CLUB PO Box 792 St Helier Jersey JE4 OSR www.lesmiellesgolfclub.com [email protected] LES MIELLES LADIES GOLF CLUB www.lesmiellesladies.com [email protected] 22/12/2014 09:20:30
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