KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL WINTER BREAK HOLIDAY HOME WORK - [2014-2015] CLASS : VI ENGLISH 1. Prepare five sets of dialogues between Mullah Nasruddin and his neighbor based on the story “Mullah Nasruddin and the Nail” in your practice note book. 2. Write the process description of any two of your favourite dishes in passive voice(to be done in the practice note book). 3. Read any one book from „Secret Seven‟ series by Enid Blyton and write its review.(for example The Secret Seven, Secret Seven Adventure, Well done Secret Seven, Secret Seven on the Trail, Go Ahead Secret Seven etc) HINDI Winter Holiday Project Work is based on Activity-4 as mentioned in syllabus / Assignment book. Teachers will explain and do the needful in classes before Holidays. Kindly refer to Page No.13, Activity 4. MATHEMATICS 1. Do all the questions given in assignment IV. 2. Make a Project file showing different geometrical shapes using match sticks. Also draw their lines of symmetry and mention the type of symmetry.(make 5 geometrical shapes) SCIENCE I. Prepare for Activity 4 as mentioned in syllabus booklet and complete it in Activity note book. II. Think & Answer . Write the answers of following questions in the note book: 1. Why does a transparent object not form a clear shadow and water in a clean pond forms a clear image? 2. An iron strip becomes magnetised but a plastic rod does not. Why? 3. How does a landfill site pollute air for a long time? 4. What will happen if the earth becomes warmer? a) Will more water evaporate? b) Will more clouds form? c) Will it cause more rain in certain regions? d) Will it cause frequent clouds in some regions? e) What will happen to the ice in the region? 5. What does LED stand for? How do LED‟s work. What are the benefits of using LED‟s III. Take a vessel as a measuring unit, and calculate water consumed (in liters) in your house for one day. Complete the table(8 lines) accordingly in your science Activity Note book. S.No. Activities using water Water Consumed (Ltr) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SOCIAL SCIENCE 1. Complete the map pages in the Map Work Book- Page 37 – 1. Eastern and Western Ghats 2. Eastern & Western Coastal Plains 3. Area of Deccan Plateau 4. Central Highlands of Peninsular Plateau Page 67 – Extent of Ashoka‟s Empire 2. Complete Assignment IV. 3. Answer the following questionsHistory 1. Which measures did Ashoka adopt in order to spread Buddhism ? Collect and paste pictures of Ashokan Pillars and various monuments constituted by him for spreading Buddhism. Geography 2. Discuss the formations of Fold and Block mountain with a labelled diagram. State examples of each type of mountain. SPL : 3. Enumerate the compulsory functions of the village panchayat with the help of pictures. - Revise complete syllabus for UT IV. A class test after the winter vacations on Jan.15, 2015 will be conducted. - Submit your map work book and Social Science note book on Jan.16, 2015. COMPUTER SCIENCE Q1 Create a winter screen in flash 8.0. The structure of the scene is given below. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Use your creativity 2. Make use of animations in pictures. 3. Mention your name, class section and topic in the subject line of e-mail Send your animated file between 10/1/15 - 15/1/15 at the e-mail ID [email protected] laLd`r lgk;d iqLrd ls fdlh ljy ukV~;ka”k dks okrkZyki ds #i eas d{kk esa izLrqr djsaxsA ¼ukVd ds vk/kkj ij ik=ksa ds vyx&vyx ny cukdj xfrfof/k izLrqr djsx a sA½ okrkZyki dks pkVZZ ij lfp= fy[ksaA gLrys[k o orZuh ij fo”ks’k /;ku nsAa FRENCH :- Prepare a Project file of six famous monuments of France. Paste pictures and write few lines in French. DRAWING : Make a book mark on any one of the following topic: a) Good Day b) Best Wishes Size 8”X2” Any medium of colour can be chosen. KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL WINTER BREAK HOLIDAY HOME WORK - [2014-2015] CLASS : VII ENGLISH 1. Read any edition of short stories by Ruskin Bond and write a short review in an A4 size sheet. For example – Rusty –The Boy From Hills - Room On The Roof - The Adventure of Rusty - A Town Called Dehra - Funny Side Up 2. Write an article on the topic “Man‟s influence on the environment” in your practice note book.(150 words). HINDI Winter Holiday Project Work is based on Activity-4 as mentioned in syllabus / Assignment book. Teachers will explain and do the needful in classes before Holidays. Kindly refer to Page No.13, Activity 4. MATHEMATICS 1.Students will use A4 size colour paper to find the Area of a Circle using cutting and pasting. For guidelines & instructions refer to page 380 of your Maths text book.. 2. Students will solve their Assignment-IV. SCIENCE 1. Prepare for Activity 4 as mentioned in syllabus booklet. Complete it in activity note book. 2. Draw the following diagrams in Activity note book. a) Electric bell b) Dispersion of light c)Image formation in plane mirror d) Symbols used in electric circuit 3. Make an electromagnet and use it for picking up paper clips. Fill in the table on basis of your observations: Number of cell No.of turns of wire No.of paper clips picked 1 50 2 80 4. Go for evening walk this winter.Note the time taken to take one round of the park. Make a table in following manner and then find average speed of yours. Day Distance Travelled (m) Time Taken (sec) 1 2 3 4 5 The result of tables 3 & 4 to be written in activity note book. SOCIAL SCIENCE Map Work- Complete the following pages in the Map Work Book. Map Work Book -Page 21- Natural Vegetation ;- Page 29-Major Grasslands - Page 35 Hot & Cold Deserts ;-Page 67-India Under Sher Shah Suri(extent) - Page 69- India Under Akbar(Extent) ;- Page 71 –India Under Aurangzeb(extent) -Page 73 India The Marathas (Extent) 2. Complete Assignment IV. 3. Prepare for UT IV during the winter break. 4. Do these questions in your Social Science notebook. History – Q1. Caste based and tribal societies were interdependent. Discuss. Geography – Q2. Marsupials like the Kangroo abound in the temperate grasslands. Find out what kind of animals marsupials are and what features help them to survive in this area. SPL: Q3. Cut out any two of your favourite advertisements from the newspaper. Now, look at each of these and answer the following questions: a) What visuals and text is being used in these advertisements to attract people attention? b) What values are being promoted in these advertisement? c) Who is this advertisement speaking to and who is it leaving out? Submit your Map Work Book and Social Science notebook on Jan.16, 2015. COMPUTER Q1 Prepare a colourful Presentation of about 10 slides on “e- WASTE”. Instructions: Use your creativity and take reference from (text book and internet) Select appropriate colour scheme Make use of animations and slide transition Insert appropriate pictures in your Presentation Mention your name, class & section and topic in the subject line of e-mail Send your PPT(file) between 10/1/15 – 15/1/15 at the e-mail ID [email protected] laLd`r okrkZyki ¼Nk= 2&3 ds lewg esa ljy laLd`r Hkk’kk esa vkil esa okrkZyki djsAa ½ ¼fdlh Hkh lkekU; fo’k; ij½ okrkZyki dks ,d pkVZ isij ij fy[ksa o d{kk esa izLrqr djsAa gLrys[k o orZuh ij fo”ks’k /;ku nsaA FRENCH :- 1. Prepare a Project File on any one of the following: a) Perfumes of France b) Cars of France c) Cheese and Food d) Fashion in France Paste pictures and write a few lines in French.(atleast 3 pages) DRAWING : Draw a Landscape using medium – Poster Colour / Oil Patel, , size- ½ ivory sheet. KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL WINTER BREAK HOLIDAY HOME WORK - [2014-2015] CLASS : VIII ENGLISH 1. Prepare a comic strip on the topic: “My encounter with a ghost‟. Depict atleast four scenes on ¼ of chart paper. 2. Write an article on the topic „Importance of peace and harmony in one‟s life‟ in about 150 words in practice notebook. HINDI Winter Holiday Project Work is based on Activity-4 as mentioned in syllabus / Assignment book. Teachers will explain and do the needful in classes before Holidays. Kindly refer to Page No.13, Activity 4. MATHEMATICS 1) Make a project file on the following:I) Make a time table of your activities in 24 hours and construct a pie chart with that information. II) Collect data from your class on how many children watch television for more than 4 hours in a day and construct a histogram. III) Cut and paste nets of a rectangular prism, tetrahedron and a square pyramid . 2)Complete Practice questions given in the class based on Probability, statistics and data handling. SCIENCE 1. Prepare for Activity 4 as mentioned in the syllabus booklet. Write down the activity in the science activity copy. 2. Think and answer in your Science note book : a) Find out names of five liquids that can act as electrolytes and 2 liquids that cannot be used as electrolytes. b) Find out two materials that can act as electrolytes (remember electrodes have to be good conductors). c) Anwar‟s car has broken down and he is caught in a thunderstorm. He sees a tree some distance away. Would he be safer if he i) stands under the tree or stays in the car? Why / Why not. 3. In an acoustic guitar, find out the role of – sound hole, tuning pegs, frets, strings and hollow body produce different notes or sounds.(think of the properties of sound). SOCIAL SCIENCE 1. Complete the map pages in the map workbook: Pg.No.6 – main types of soil Pg No.10- World minerals Pg.No.23 – Major Grasslands Pg.No.40- World: Iron & Steel Industry Pg.No.44- India: Industrial Regions Pg.No.77- Important sessions of the Indian National Congress 2. Complete Assignment IV. 3. Answer the following questions in your Social Science notebook. History – Q1. Collect pictures of various social reformers who worked for the upliftment of the under privileged sectors of the society and prepare a brief profile on each (atleast five) Geography – Q2. Discuss the major problems faced by Indian farmers. SPL – Q3. Since Independence, India has adhered to the policy of secularism. Justify how. Submit your map work book and Social Science notebook on Jan.16, 2015. COMPUTER SCIENCE Q1. Create a web site and set its title as “e- NEWS PAPER” Instructions : Set the background color of the web page to “blue”. Underline the heading Insert the images according to topic or text Enter the details of 7 wonders of the world using an unordered list Use the bullet type „disc‟ for the list Use font size – „6‟ ,font face –„monotype corsiva‟ and font color-„white‟ Make use of Hyperlink to connect web pages Mention your name, class section and topic in the subject line of e-mail ID Send your file between 10/1/15 – 15/1/15 at the e-mail ID [email protected] laLd`r ^”yksdokpu* ¼vkpj.k] Kku] fe=rk] x#] ekr`Hkwfe bu fo’k;ksa ij vk/kkfjr fdUgha ik¡p “yksdksa dks vFkZ lfgr pkVZ isij ij fy[ksa o daBLFk dj d{kk esa lquk,¡A orZuh o gLrys[k dk fo”ks’k /;ku j[ksaA½ FRENCH : - Prepare a Project File on any one of the writers and write a Biography in French along with pictures.(at least 3 pages) 1. Victor Hugo 2) Moliere 3) Alexander Dumas DRAWING : Make a Paper Mask of size -1/4 using Ivory sheet or handmade sheet of any one of the given topic1.Cartoon 2.Tribal face of mask Any medium can be chosen by the student. KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL WINTER BREAK HOLIDAY HOME WORK - [2014-2015] CLASS : IX ENGLISH - Radio Show - Prepare a radio show by writing a script that contains an advertisement, an interview, a song, jingle of the radio station. - As discussed in the class each group member will prepare the task assigned. HINDI Winter Holiday Project Work is based on Activity-4 as mentioned in syllabus / Assignment book. (Kindly refer to Page No.22). MATHEMATICS The Holiday Assignment consists of the following 2 parts. A. Practice Questions B. Crosswords on topics Areas of parallelograms and triangles - Linear equations in two variables Circles -Statistics -Probability Instructions: - Solve practice questions in Assignment Sheets. - Crossword puzzle will be presented in a file. - Submit your holiday home work by Jan.15, 2015. A. Practice Questions: 1 1. In C (O, r), AB is a chord of a circle with centre O. if AOB = 60o, prove that AB= diameter. 2 1 1 2. In ∆PQR, base QR is divided at X such that QX = XR. Prove that ar (∆PQX) = ar (∆PQR). 2 3 3. ∆ABC is an equilateral triangle with each side of length 10 cm and O is a point in the interior of the triangle. If P, Q and R are the mid-points of AO, BO and CO respectively, then find the perimeter of ∆PQR. 4. In ∆ABC, AD is the median through A, E is the mid-point of AD and BE produced meets AC in X. 1 prove that AX = AC. 3 5. In the figure, AB and CB are chords of a circle equidistant from the centre O. prove that the diameter DB bisects ABC and ADC . 6. In the figure, LPEA is a parallelogram. Points M, N and O, are taken on LP such that LM = MN = NO = OP and AL ll BM ll CN ll DO ll EP, prove that ar(OPR) = ar(ABF) 7. A pipe empties a hemi-spherical tank full of water at the rate of 3 74 litres per second. How much time will it take to empty half the tank, if radius of the tank is 1.5 m? 8. In the given figure, a point O is taken inside an equilateral quadrilateral PQRS such that OP = OR. Show that Q, O and S lie on the same straight line. 9. In ∆ABC, D is a point on BC such that it divides BC in the ratio 3:5 i.e. BD: DC = 3:5. Find ar(ADC) : ar(ABC). 10. Bisector AD of BAC of ∆ABC passes through the centre O of the circumcircle of ∆ABC as shown in the figure. Prove that AB =AC. SCIENCE: Complete your Physics , Chemistry , Biology practical files; Prepare for Practicals I . PHYSICS PRACTICAL 1. To find the density of an unknown mass using measuring cylinder and spring balance. 2. To verify the laws of reflection of sound. 3. To find the pressure of a wooden block when placed with its three different faces on three different position. 4. To calculate the velocity of a pulse as produced by a slinky. BIOLOGY PRACTICAL I. 1.To study the characteristics of Spirogyra / Aquarius moss/ fern, Pinus (either male or female cone) and an angiospermic plant. Draw a labeled diagram and give two identifying features of each group they belong to. 1. To study the external features of root, leaf and flower of monocot and dicot plants. 2. To study, observe and draw the given specimens of earthworm, cockroach, bony fish and any bird. For each specimen record one specific feature of its phylum and one adaptive feature with reference to its habitat. 3. To study the life cycle of mosquito. CHEMISTRY PRACTICAL 1. To verify the law of conservation of mass in a chemical reaction. II. Download OTBA text from CBSE site study the material. Group discussion will be held on Jan.15. Groups have been made in each class. Each student should participate. Each team will have a team leader. Time 5-6 mins. SOCIAL SCIENCE Geography & Economics Based on OTBA Text , write the following question & answers in register. - Poverty is not an economic abstraction, it is a human condition. Justify the statement. - Why do the developing nations have more slums than the developed nations? Mark the following in Map Book. - A) vegetation distribution B) Population Distribution c) Rainfall Distribution Date of Submission – Jan.16, 2015. History & Political Science 1. Collect information on various tools and implements used by the peasants during Renaissance. Paste pictures and information in your History note book. 2. Write a short note on the composition and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India. 3. What were the clauses of the Mandal Commission? When was it implemented and why? Prepare for a class test in January from the syllabus covered in Nov. & Dec. COMPUTER SCIENCE Create the following table in Ms.Excel and do the following: Roll Name Eng Hindi No. . Maths C.Sc. (100) (100) (100) (10 Science (100) S. Studies (100) Per Phy Chem Bio His Civics Geo Eco cen (33) (33) (34) (25) (25) (25) (25) atge 30 28 32 20 25 22 21 0) 1 Ankit 89 77 90 98 A. Insert 9 more records in a similar way as shown above. The maximum marks are written along with the subject name. B. Calculate the total marks in Science and store the result in the cell O2 for the first student. C. Also, calculate the total marks in Social Studies and store the result in the cell P2 for the first student. D. Now, copy the formula of cells O2 and P2 to calculate the total marks in Science and Social Studies for the rest of the students. E. Calculate the Percentage for the first student and copy the formula to the rest of the cells. F. Find the maximum marks in each subject and store the results in the cell C12 (for English) , D12( for Hindi), E12(for Maths) and so on. G. Give a different background to each column. H. Give a suitable heading to the table created. General instructions 1 Reference can be taken from the text book 2 Mention your name , class and topic in the subject of email. 3 Soft copy of the Excel file to be sent on the following mail id‟s 1. IX A , IXD ----- [email protected] 2. IX B,IXC--- [email protected] LIFE SKILLS Answer the following questions on an assignment sheet. 1. Write any two reasons why it is important to treat everyone who help us in our environment with respect. 2. What does happiness mean to you? 3. Write any of your three best qualities. 4. Write any 2 ways through which you can act and feel positive. laLd`r ^lekpkj okpue~*A ¼fdUgha ik¡p eq[; ?kVukvksa o mUgha esa ls ,d ?kVuk dk foLr`r okpu izLrqr fd;k tk,xkA½ ,d QksYMj esa mu ?kVukvksa dks laLd`r esa fy[ksa o d{kk esa lquk,¡ A orZuh dk fo”ks’k /;ku j[ksaA FRENCH - Complete all the Exercises from the book- Lesson 7 to 12. Drawing : “Poster Making” Instructions– A poster must carry one slogan in English / Hindi. - Its should be vertical instead of horizontal. Topic – Social Awareness / LoPNrk vfHk;ku Medium Poster Colour / Acrylic Colour Paper – ½ imperial size of ivory sheet KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL WINTER BREAK HOLIDAY HOME WORK - [2014-2015] CLASS : X ENGLISH Activity 4 Take a scrap book and write a story with the help of the hints given in the syllabus booklet along with relevant – Pictures and drawings Slogans to be written A suitable title is to be given.. HINDI Winter Holiday Project Work is based on Activity-4 as mentioned in syllabus / Assignment book. (Kindly refer to Page No.22). MATHEMATICS INSTRUCTIONS: PART 1 will be done in a graph copy. PART 2 will be done in assignment sheets. NOTE: It should be submitted by 15th January 2015. PART 1: Image of a geometrical figure in two dimensional plane. Draw 8 geometrical figures (different triangles, square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram and circle) in 2 dimension plane (X-Y plane). Take their mirror image, considering x-axis and y- axis as plane mirror. Note down the changed coordinates of the mirror image of the respective figures. Applying the knowledge of distance formula, check the length of the sides. Establish that the lengths of the sides of the images are same as object. A. Draw in 2 dimensional plane one square, one rectangle and one equilateral triangle. Rotate any one of the side of each figure in 60 angle and note down the changed coordinates. PART 2:Practice few questions of volume and surface area for enhancing the skill of calculations and applications of formulae. a) A vessel in the form of a hemispherical bowl is full of water. Its contents are emptied in a right circular cylinder. The internal radii of the bowl and the cylinder are 3.5cm and 7cm respectively. Find the height to which water will rise in the cylinder. b) The height of a conical tent made of a canvas is 8m and the radius of the base is 15m. Find the cost of canvas at Rs. 3.50/ sq. m. c) A golf ball has diameter equal to 4.1cm. Its surface has 150 dimples, each of radius 2mm. Calculate the total surface area which is exposed to the surrounding (assuming dimples are all hemispherical). d) A reservoir in the form of a frustum of a right circular cone contains 44 x 10 7 liters of water which fills it completely. The radii of the top and bottom of the reservoir are 100m and 50m respectively. Find the depth of the water. Also find the lateral surface area of the reservoir. e) A tent consists of a frustum of a cone capped by a cone. If the radii of the ends of the frustum be 13m and 7m, the height of the frustum 8m and the slant height of the conical cap 12m, find the no. of sq. m. canvas required for the tent. f) Two circles touch externally. The sum of their areas is 130π cm2. The distance b/w their centers is 14cm. Find the radii of the circles. g) A field is in the form of a circle. The cost of ploughing the field at Rs. 1.50/ sq. m is Rs. 5775. Find the cost of fencing the field at Rs. 8.50/m. h) The diameter of a circular cone is 17.5m. It is surmounted by a path of width 3.5m. Find the area of the path. SCIENCE : Complete your Physics, Chemistry, Biology practical file; Prepare for Practicals PHYSICS PRACTICAL 1. To trace the path of a ray falling obliquely on a glass slab, measure angle of incidence, refraction and emergence. 2. To trace the path of a light ray on passing through a glass prism. 3. To find the rough focal length of a concave mirror by obtaining image of a distant object. . 4. To draw the rough focal length of a convex lens. 5. To draw the images of an object formed by an object formed by a convex lens when placed at various positions. CHEMISTRY PRACTICAL 1. To study two physical and two chemical properties of CH3COOH. 2. To study saponification reaction for preparation of soap. 3. To study the comparative cleaning capacity of a sample of soap in soft and hard water. BIOLOGY PRACTICAL 1. To study binary fission in amoeba with the help of a permanent slide. 2. To study budding in yeast with the help of a permanent slide. 3. To identify different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed(pea, gram or red kidney bean) 4. To study homology and analogy with the help of preserved / available specimen of either animals or plants. SOCIAL SCIENCE Geography & Economics 1. Assignment IV has to be completed and submit on Jan.12, 2015.. 2. Map Activity Book – Page-37, 39,41, 45, 49,51, 55, 57 3. Extra Questions: i) Describe the ways by which the NTPC has preserved the natural environment and other resources like water. ii) “The rich households are availing cheap credit from formal lenders whereas the poor households have to pay a heavy price for borrowing”. Comment. iii) “Globalisation and competition among producers has been an advantage to the consumers”. Give arguments in support of this statement. History & Political Science 4. Complete Assignment IV and submit on Jan.12, 2015.. 5. Prepare for stream allotment exam. 6. On an outline map of India, mark the following: -The place where movement began on oppressive plantation system. -Jallianwala Bagh massacre(the place) - The place from where the Dandi March started and culminated. - The place where the satyagraha movement against the cotton mill workers started. - Kheda- A movement for non payment of revenue. - The congress session where demand for Purna Swaraj was placed.(city) - The incident after which non cooperation movement was withdrawn.(city) 4. Extra Questions a) Has democracy led to the development, security and dignity of the people? b) What values can be imbibed from the statement? Date of Submission :Jan.16, 2015 COMPUTER SCIENCE Make a project in MS Access on the following topic: Personal Data Management System: Id_No Name Address Gender Age Salary Married No.of Family Members Do the following. A. Insert the records of 10 different people. B. Choose a field to be assigned a primary key. C. Assign the data types to each field. D. The length of the gender column should be 1 and that of the age column should be 3. E. The length of the Married column should be 1. F. The default value of the Gender column is “F” and married column should be “N”. G. The allowed values in the gender column should be “M” or “F”. H. The allowed values for Married column should be “Y” or “N”. General instructions 1. Reference can be taken from the text book 2. Mention your name , class and topic in the subject of email. 3. Soft copy of the project to be sent on the following mail id‟s X A ,XB ----- [email protected] X C,XD ------ [email protected] LIFE SKILLS- Answer the following questions on Assignment Sheet. Q1. What makes you the happiest person? Q2. When you are angry , what do you want to do to control your anger? Q3. How do you express yourself when you are sad? Q4. Do you think managing emotions is important? Why?(any 2 reasons) laLd`r ^lwfDr ys[ku o vFkZ lfgr mudk okpu* ¼pkVZ isij ij nl lwfDR;k¡ vFkZ lfgr fy[ksa o d{kk esa mudk okpu djs½a orZuh o izLrqfr ij fo”ks’k /;ku nsa A FRENCH - Complete all the exercises from the book from Lesson 6 to 10. - On A3 sheet draw a table on one of the following: - Subjonctif - Direct / Indirect - All the conditions of Si DRAWING : Abstract Art Topic : Figures (maximum two – male and female figure) Medium of colouring – Poster / Acrylic Paper – ½ imperial size of ivory sheet only Instructions: - beautifully draw two figures in abstract (modern painting) way - Using poster colour with shades of light the dark. - Painting should be in vertical style - Colours can be used in monochrome or contrast colour medium technique - Painting should be presented neatly. KHAITAN PUBLIC SCHOOL WINTER BREAK HOLIDAY HOME WORK - [2014-2015] CLASS : XI Science , Commerce, Humanities - Prepare for Block Exams - Complete your Practical / Project File/ Register Work.
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