Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 " The Shrine " St. Odilo Parish National Shrine of the Poor Souls St. Odilo Church is the only parish in the United States dedicated to the Souls in Purgatory. It was founded and sanctioned as the Shrine of the Poor Souls by His Eminence, George Cardinal Mundelein, in 1928, with a special indulgence of 200 days granted upon each visit to the shrine. Rectory: 2244 East Avenue, Berwyn, IL 60402 School: 2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 Convent: 2319 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 CCD Office: 2301 S. Clarence, Berwyn, IL 60402 Web Address: Fax: Pastor: Rev. Anthony Brankin Priests: Rev. Msgr. Richard Saudis Deacon: Mr. Alfonso Salgado School Principal: Mr. William Donegan School Secretary: Mrs. Virginia Uphues CCD Coordinator: Mrs. Idalia Gonzalez Mass Schedule: Monday thru Friday: 6:30 and 8:10AM (Sat. 8AM) Saturday: 8:00AM, 4PM Sunday: 7AM (Sp.), 8:00 (Eng.), 9:30 (Latin) & 11AM (Eng.) & 12:30PM (Sp.) Holy Days: 6:30PM (Eng.) the previous evening; 6:30, 8:10AM, 12:00 Noon and 6:30PM (Sp.) Church is open: Weekdays from 6AM - 4PM Confessions: Saturday 11:15AM - 12Noon & by appointment. Rectory Office hours: Monday thru Friday: 9AM -9PM Saturday 9AM-9PM Sunday 9AM-9PM (708) 484-2161 (708) 484-0755 (708) 680-0909 (708) 484-5321 (708) 788-0565 Music Director: Mr. Paul Rau Parish Bookkeeper: Mrs. Beth Ritzenthaler Secretary: Mrs. Gail Kunce All Sacraments and ceremonies are available in Italian, Latin, Spanish & of course English. Baptisms: Every Saturday at 10:30AM & Sunday at 1:30PM. Parents are required to register for baptism with a priest. Parents should be registered parishioners. Please call to make an appointment. Marriages: Arrangements should be made at least six months in advance with a parish priest. Please call the rectory to make an appointment. Visits to the Sick: Please inform the rectory for hospital or homebound visits. Quinceaneras: Cotillion Masses are available for our girls who have been confirmed-please call. Ramblings - Fr. Brankin Baptism of Our Lord Today is the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. We celebrate the moment when John the Baptist, the cousin of Jesus, the Prophet who finally announced the coming of the Messiah, baptized Jesus in the River Jordan. Of course, this was a symbolic baptism. Jesus did not need baptism. He was God and Man—and therefore utterly sinless. He allowed John to baptize Him as an example of something that we must do. He wanted to teach us how necessary Baptism is for us. In fact, Jesus told us that Baptism is so necessary that unless we are born of water and the Spirit we shall not enter into the Kingdom of God. This means that in a true baptism, that when the water is poured over the head of the person and the words of Jesus are spoken, that is Baptism of water and the Spirit because in that sacrament—God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit pour themselves into the empty, hopeful, soul of the person—Original Sin is washed away and the Blessed Trinity begins to dwell within. When a person is baptized something actually happens in their soul. The person is really and truly changeddeeply and forever. They are marked—by Baptism—as Christians—for all eternity. They are now identified with Jesus—and can not ever lose that mark. They are reborn—literally—and truly. Where they were dead—before Baptism because of the Sin of Adam and Eve—they are now—by means of the waters of Baptism—given new Life—the Life of God in their soul—and the hope of heaven at the end of their earthly life. Every single human being—since Adam and Eve is conceived with their sin—sort of the original Absence of God in which we come into this world—apart from God—separated from Him—empty of His life. Strangers to Him. God owes us nothing—just because we were born we have to be saved? Not at all. If we—as babies—should die unbaptized—we then have a problem: Where do our souls go? Think of all the children that die in utero or before their parents can take them to church for Baptism—or even those who are killed in abortions in the United States alone. If Jesus said, “Unless you are born of water and the Spirit, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven” then what happens to the soul of a child who dies before Baptism? The truth is: We do not know. We can be sure they don’t go to hell. They have done nothing wrong. But are we sure they go to heaven? They have done nothing good either. Remember that God—in justice—owes nothing to the children of Adam and Eve. We have no reason to assume that the souls of children who die before being baptized go to heaven. Maybe they go to Limbo, a place of perfectly earthly happiness. All of this is to say that we do not know the fate of children who die before Baptism. And that behooves us to baptize our babies as soon after birth as possible. Children should be baptized at least within a month of their birth. We should not wait until the first birthday of the baby—or the second or third birthday. That is not right. It is in fact dangerous. First of all—by delaying Baptism, we deny the child all those extra months of God’s grace in their souls. If they are born into our human families, why should we prevent them from being born into God’s family? Secondly, by baptizing that child as soon as possible after birth, we are guaranteeing that child a place in heaven if something—God forbid—should happen. The baptized baby is a child of God now, and nothing can hurt him. People might complain they need the extra months or year to prepare for the Baptism. They need to choose the godparents. They need to get ready for the party. They need to tell their place of work. Excuse me. Don’t we already have nine months to prepare for a Baptism? Nine months to choose godparents? Nine months to get everything ready for time off and for the celebration? And this business of having the first birthday and Baptism on the same day? I think it is unfair to the child. I think that baby deserves two parties. And we must remember that the Baptism is more important than the birthday because God has now saved that baby’s soul—and that is all the reason in the world to celebrate. What a beautiful opportunity to think about our own baptisms on the Feast of Our Lord’s Baptism. St. Odilo School welcomes and encourages all families to please join us for our annual Open House on Sunday, January 25th from 12-3pm for an opportunity to tour our school and meet our teachers. La escuela San Odilo anima y le da la bienvenida a todas las familias de por favor acompanarnos a nuestro Open House anual el Domingo 25 de Enero de 12-3pm para la oportunidad de recorrer nuestra. TS E CK ALE I T S Y N O DA TO Jesus Christ– A Sacred Concert St. Odilo Sinfonietta Festival Bel Choir Canto Music by: Bach, Buxtehude, Bruckner, Faure, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, and Schubert Plus the debut of the newly installed Wicks Pipe Organ Sunday, January 25, 2015, 3pm, St. Odilo Church 2244 East Ave, Berwyn, IL 708-484-2161 Free offsite parking and free shuttle service from Vacin Parkway, 1/2 blk north of Cermak Tickets are $10 each, $5 students 18 or under Available at, at the rectory, or at the door. Tickets are available at the rectory. They will be sold in Church the weekend of January 17 & 18 and January 24 & 25. Please help us get ads for our program book for the concert! Do you have a business? What about asking your employer ? We need advertisers for our concert program. For more information call the rectory 708-484-2161 Jesus Christ—A Sacred Concert on January 25th Sponsorship Opportunities ____ 50.00 (eighth page) ____ 100.00 (quarter page) ____ 175.00 (half page) ____ 300.00 (full page) ____500.00 (covers) Please enclose a business card. Business/Contact Name________________________________ Address_____________________________ City______ State__________ Zip______ Phone________________e-mail______________________ This form can be return to the rectory .Thank you! Attention English Mass Lectors Please join Rich Faron for a meeting to discuss the upcoming year and to also review the Lector schedule for 2015. Rich will be succeeding Dick Kosensky as the individual working to schedule and coordinate Lectors for Saturday 4pm and Sunday 8am and 11am Masses. The Lector meeting will be held on Thursday, January 22nd at 7pm in the Prayer Room at the Saint Odilo Rectory. Looking forward to seeing everyone there especially all of the new volunteers. Happy New Year! Any Questions? Please call Rich Faron at 708-484-4311 Group Contact Information Armory of Christ-708-681-6879 Guadalupanos-708-484-2161 Legion of Mary-708-623-9280 Knights of Columbus-708-204-3761 Little [email protected] Market Day-708-484-0755 ESL-708-287-7347 Spred-708-714-2885 Ushers-708-788-8136 Come Dance and Learn for Your Our Health! BAILA: Being Active, Increasing Latinos healthy Aging is a research study that examines how a dance program and health education program can affect the health of Latinos. Eligibility criteria: Latino/Hispanic, age 55 years or older, do NOT exercise regularly. Please call Maria Caceres at 312-996-9635 or email ([email protected]) if you are interested. Eligible participants ill be compensated for their time. *************************************************** ¡Ven a bailar y aprender para tu salud! BAILA Baila es un Proyecto de investigación que examina como un programa de baile y un programa de educación de salud puede afectar la salud de los Latinos/ Tu puedes ser elegible si: Eres Latino/Hispano, Tienes 55 años o mas, y NO haces ejercicio regularmente Por favor, llama a María Cáceres al (312) 996-9635 o envía un correo electrónico a [email protected] si estas interesado. Los participantes elegibles serán compensados por su tiempo. We sincerely thank Joe and Alan Linhart from Linhart Funeral Home, 6820 W. Cermak Road, for donating the 2015 English and Spanish calendars to St. Odilo Parish. Your generosity is greatly appreciated by our parish. Parish Leadership Day February 21, 2015 Living the Sacraments: Healing - Community - Discipleship As Catholics we are always seeking to embrace God's grace, which is made visible in the rich history of our faith. Although there are many challenges in the world and in our Church today, we are called to be united in Christ’s love to overcome these challenges using the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the grace bestowed upon us through the sacraments. The theme of this Parish Leadership Day (PLD), Living the Sacraments, follows the fourth year of the Strategic Pastoral Plan: Year of the Sacraments: Pope Francis’ Vision of Healing and Communion. The program is designed to provide you and your parish with knowledge, ongoing initiatives and opportunities to bring the sacraments to life in your parish through discussion, healing, technology, catechesis and prayer. Parish Leadership Day is for every ministry leader, clergy, parish pastoral council member, and other parishioners considering a more active role in the life of the parish. We are ALL called to discipleship, a community of followers working together to spread God’s healing message. To accomplish this we must be living a sacramental life in outward signs of service and actions that will result in drawing others closer to Christ and to the life that we live as Catholics. Viviendo los Sacramentos: Reconciliación - Comunidad - Discipulado Como católicos siempre estamos en busca de aceptar la gracia de Dios, la cual se hace visible en la historia de nuestra fe. Aunque hoy en día hay muchos retos en el mundo y en nuestra iglesia, estamos llamados a mantenernos unidos en el amor de Cristo para sobrellevar estos obstáculos utilizando los Dones del Espíritu Santo y la gracia que se nos ha otorgado por medio de los sacramentos. El lema del Día de Liderazgo Parroquial este año es, Viviendo Los Sacramentos, acorde con el cuarto año del Plan Estratégico Pastoral: El Año de los Sacramentos: La Visión del Papa Francisco sobre la comunión y la sanación/reconciliación. El programa está diseñado para proveerte a ti y a tu parroquia con el conocimiento, iniciativas continuas y oportunidades para traer los sacramentos a la vida en tu parroquia por medio de discusión, reconciliación, tecnología, catequesis y oración. El Día de Liderazgo Parroquial es para para todo líder de ministerio, clérigo, parroquia, miembros del concilio pastoral, y otros parroquianos considerando un rol más activo en la vida de la parroquia. TODOS Nosotros somos llamados al discipulado, una comunidad de seguidores trabajando juntos para compartir el mensaje reconciliador de Dios. Para lograr esto, nosotros debemos de vivir una vida sacramental que se refleje en signos exterior de servicio y acciones que puedan resultar en traer a otros más cerca a Cristo y a nuestra vida como católicos. Share Your Faith Support the Church in Latin America. De La Salle Institute Honor Roll Comparte tu fe Apoye a lo Inglesia en America Latina. Austin Cunat There is a basket in church for your donations. SICK RELATIVES & FRIENDS MASSES FOR THE WEEK Please remember the sick - Regina Szatkowski, Josephine Sprovieri, Michael Termini, Ernest Karamas, Charlie Turek, Dolores Termini, Alice Kowalski, Henry Kereluk, Marlyn Misek, Barbara Andrews, Bertha Martinez, Joseph Cairo, Rosario Garcia, Sharon Voelz, Lynne Manning, Fernando Davalos, Sr. Johanna Trisoliere, Rosa Gonzalez, Joan Janda, Rev. Jim Clavey, Senorina Castillo, Robert Williams, Marco Tulio Camacho, Patricia Stalzer, Kimberly Lightford, Louise Kuzin, Milly Kosinar, Shirley Klein, Danny Gale, Carmel Tahir, Frank Horsky, Steve Gutierrez, Ruth Petkiewiz, Linda Lancaster, Ernie Kin, Amelia Juliano, Cardinal George, Arlene Sparti, Jim Kinpel, Gussie Ellis, Iris Scurlock, Martin Oborski, Kyle Mochl, Arthur Mantucca, Clelia Reato, Dorothy Honek, Karen Halter, Virginia Florek, Greg Florek, Eric Manning, Sylvia Levine, Jerry Hanzelin, George Kasper, Rudy Herrera, Andre Nickerson, Dick Burns, Norma Kmet, Marge Shatas, Mary Ann O’Malley, Ramon Marentes, Frank Stepnowski, Jody Stepnowski, Jim Reilly, Diane Reilly, Richard Wenc, Carolyn Johnson, William Stepanek, Karen Lewis, Mark Alexander, Paul Rosko, Joseph Kirchoff, our Veterans, Patricia Mars, Barbara Defina, Louis Russo, Ralph Cannataro, Mike Kadrowicz. MONDAY, JANUARY 19-WEEKDAY 6:30AM-Ludwig Andrejek (Linda Andrejek) 8:10AM-Anthony J. Nasharr (Richard Prohaska & Joanna Yeh) TUESDAY, JANUARY 20-SAINT FABIAN, POPE AND MARTYR; SAINT SEBASTIAN, MATYR 6:30AM-Stanley Shutay (Wife) 8:10AM-Louise M. Acerra (Friend) -Health of Bernadette Valladao (Family) -Phyllis Trisoliere (Stan Lulinski) -Robert & Boyd Hatzell (Friend) WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21-SAINT AGNES, VIRGIN AND MARTYR 6:30AM-Rose Gorman (Family) 8:10AM-Evelyn Derma (Daughter, Geri) 3PM-Divine Mercy 4PM-CCD Mass THURSDAY, JANUARY 22-DAY OF PRAYER FOR THE LEGAL PROTECTION OF UNBORN CHILDREN 6:30AM-Birthday Blessings for Renee Lorenz (R. Lorenz) 8:10AM-Bill Jungblut (Lafin Family) -Edwardo Veregara (Family) -Lillian Socki (Joan Stockhausen) -William Villadao (Family) -Patricia Jordan (Phil & Irene Smith) FRIDAY, JANUARY 23-SAINT VINCENT, DEACON AND MARTYR; SAINT MARIANNE COPE, VIRGIN 6:30AM-Steve Grah (Linda Andrejek) 8:10AM-Ignatius & Catherine Kutz (Mary Helen) SATURDAY, JANUARY 24-SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES, BISHOP AND DOCTOR OF THE CHURCH 8AM-Anna D’Agostino (Mary, Frank & Kay D’Agostino) 2PM-Anniversary of Juvetino & Delia Rivera 4PM-Jozef & Karolin Suity (Dan Stalmasek) SUNDAY, JANUARY 25-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7AM-Oscar Martin Rodriguez (Jesus Nueñz) 8:00AM-Edward & Helen Zielinski & William & Emily Kubeczko (Granddaughter, Susan Kubeczko) 9:30AM-Eric Manning (Rick & Nancy) 11AM-Adan Zuñiga (Friend) 12:30PM-Manuel Marentes (Family) REST IN PEACE Please remember all those God has called to Himself from our parish family, especially Eleanor Ulrich. OUR WEEKLY OFFERING January 11, 2015 Last Year $ 9,583.52 $13,172.43 Thank you Fr. Brankin SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MONDAY… No School 6:30-Legion of Mary (PrR) TUESDAY… 3PM-Jr. High Choir (SCH) 7PM-Little Flowers (PH) 6:30-Sacrament Class (CH) WEDNESDAY… 3PM-Hanbells (CH) 7PM-Festival Choir (PR) THURSDAY… 3PM-Children’s Choir (SCH) 6PM-ESL (Sch) 7PM-Bible Study (PR) 7PM-Armory of Christ (CB) 7PM-Lector Meeting (PrR) SATURDAY… 8AM-Armory of Christ Retreat (PH) (CB) 10:30-Festival Concert Practice (CH) 2:30-Arts & Crafts (PR) SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEK January 24 & 25 Eucharistic Minister 4PM J. Garcia A. Kowalski 7AM (Esp.) E. Mendoza M. Marin 8AM R. Cerino N. Kmet B. Ouska Lector Altar Servers C. Gleeson P. Gleeson G. Gleeson L. Banet R. Cruz Miguel Lopez John Garcia B. Banda C. Ramirez 9:30AM D. Soto S. Carroll E. Gonzalez 11AM R. Lorenz D. Oborski T. Zielinski 12:30PM (Esp.) M. Garcia E. Marquez L. Gonzalez S. Huess I. Gamboa L. Pliego E. Sanchez B. Ramirez L. Centero R. Navarette J. Diaz A. Cruz, C. Cano Servers for week of January 19-24: C. Gleeson, P. Gleeson, G. Gleeson
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