From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. Interleukin-9 Stimulates the Proliferation of Human Myeloid Leukemic Cells By Roberto M. Lemoli, Alessandra Fortuna, Agostino Tafuri, Miriam Fogli, Marilina Amabile, Alexis Grande, Maria Rosaria Ricciardi, Maria Teresa Petrucci, Laura Bonsi, GianPaolo Bagnara, Giuseppe Visani, Giovanni Martinelli, Sergio Ferrari, and Sante Tura Human interleukin-9 (IL-9) stimulates the proliferation of primitive hematopoietic erythroid and pluripotent progenitor cells, as well as the growth of selected colony-stimulating factor (CSF)-dependent myeloid cell lines. To further address the role of IL-9 in the development of acute leukemia, we evaluated the proliferative response of three leukemic cell lines and 32 primary samples from acute myeloblastic leukemia IAML) patients t o recombinant human Irh)-IL-S alone and combined with rh-IL-3, granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF), and stem cell factor ([SCFI c-kit ligand). The colony-forming ability of HL60, K562, and KG1 cells and fresh AML cell populations upon IL-9 stimulation was assessed by a clonogenic assay in methylcellulose, whereas the cell-cycle characteristics of leukemic samples were determined by the acridine-orange flow cytometric technique and the bromodeoxyuridine (BRDU) incorporation assay. In addition, the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase assay (TDTA) and standard analysis of DNA cleavage by gel electrophoresis were used t o evaluate induction or prevention of apoptosis by IL-9. 11-9, as a single cytokine, at various concentrations stimulated the colony formation of the three myeloid cell lines under serum-containing and serum-free conditions, and this effect was completely abrogated by anti-IL-9 monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs). When tested on fresh AML samples, optimal concentrations of IL-9 resulted in an increase of blast colony formation in all the cases studied (mean k SEM: 19 2 10 colony-forming unit-leukemic [CFU-Ll/105 cells plated in control cultures v 107 +. 32 in IL-9-supplemented dishes, P < .02). IL-9 stimulated 36.8% of CFU-L induced by phytohemagglutinin-lymphocyte-conditioned medium (PHA-LCM), and it was the most effective CSF for promoting leukemic cell growth among those tested in this study (ie, SCF, IL-3, and GM-CSF). The proliferative activity of IL-9 was also observed when T-cell-depleted AML specimens were incubated with increasing concentrations of the cytokine. Addition of SCF t o IL-9 had an additive or synergistic effect of the t w o cytokines in five of eight AML cases tested for CFU-L growth (187 -I: 79 colonies Y 107 r 32 CFUL, P = .05). Positive interaction was also observed when IL9 was combined with IL-3 and GM-CSF. Studies of cell-cycle distribution of AML samples demonstrated that IL-9 alone significantly augmented the number of leukemic cefls in Sphase in the majority of cases evaluated. IL-9 and SCF in combination resulted in a remarkable decrease of the Gocell fraction (38.2% k 2496 Y 58.640 f 22% of control cultures, P < .05) and induced an increase of G,- and S-phase cells. Conversely, neither IL-9 alone nor the combination of IL-9 and SCF had any effect on induction or prevention of apoptosis of leukemic cells. In summary, our results indicate that IL-9 may play a role in the development of AML by stimulating leukemic cells t o enter the S-phase rather than preventing cell death. Moreover, IL-9 acts synergistically with SCF for recruiting quiescent leukemic cells in cell cycle. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. I Within the myeloid differentiation lineage, IL-9 has shown burst-promoting activity (BPA) on erythroid clonogenic cells derived from very primitive CD34‘CD33 -DR’ progenitor cells.’ as well as more mature lineage-restricted precursors (CD34‘ cells).’ More recently, IL-9 has proven to induce the proliferation of multipotent hematopoietic CD34’CD33 DR-- cells in combination with c-kit ligand (SCF).“’ Early studies provided evidence that 1L-9 may also be involved in the regulation of myeloid leukemic cell growth. It stimulates murine IL-3-dependent cell lines and synergizes with SCF to promote proliferation of the human megakaryoblastic cell line, M07e.’.’ In these cells, IL-9 induces a rapid and transient tyrosine phosphorylation of at least four proteins different from those activated by SCF. suggesting that this novel cytokine retains a specific and unique signal transduction pathway.’ To further define the role of IL-9 in the development of myeloid leukemia, we have evaluated the colony-forming ability and changes in cell-cycle distribution of fresh acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) cell populations and continuously growing cell lines in response to exogenous IL-9 alone and combined with SCF, 1L-3, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Moreover, we assessed the effect of IL-9 on leukemic cell programmed cell death. The results presented here indicate that IL-9 is a major proliferative factor for AML by stimulating leukemic cells to enter the S-phase. NTERLEUKIN-9 (IL-9) has been originally isolated from the conditioned medium of a human T-cell leukemia virus- 1 -transformed T-cell line, based on its ability to stimulate proliferation of the M 0 7 e cell line.’ In vitro biologic characterization has demonstrated that the growth of T-cell clones is induced by IL-9, mast cell lines by IL-3,2.3and mouse fetal thymocytes by IL-2 in the presence of IL-9.‘ More recent data demonstrated the close association of IL9 expression and tumor cells in Hodgkin’s disease and largecell anaplastic lymphoma (LCAL), suggesting an IL-9-mediated autocrine growth loop.”’ Moreover, it has been shown that this cytokine may influence the development of thymic lymphomas by preventing apoptosis.’ From the Institutes of Hematology and Histology and Embryology., University of Bologna, Bolognu; Institute of Biological Chemistry, University of Modenu, Modena: and Institute of Hematology, Univer.vity of Rome, Rome, Italy. Submitted August 7, 199.5; nccepted December 13, 1995. Supported by MURST 40% and MURST 60%. Itdiun Associution for Cancer Research, and Italiun Nntioriul Research Council Grunt No. 94.01200. PF39 (to G.B.). Address reprint requests to Roberto M . k m o l i , MD, Institute of Hematology “ L . & A. Seragnoli, Via Massurenti 9, 40138 Bologna, Italy The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordrmce with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 I996 by The American Society of Hemutology ” 0006-4971/96/8709-0007$.3.00/0 3852 ’ ’ MATERIALS AND METHODS Recombinant hematopoietic CSF.s. Four human recombinant growth factors were used in this study. IL-9 and IL-3 were supplied Blood, Vol 87, No 9 (May 1). 1996:pp 3852-3859 From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 3853 INTERLEUKIN-9 STIMULATES AML CELLS A L I was established by morphologic criteria, cytochemical staining, and surface-marker analysis using a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs). Leukemic specimens were subclassified according to the French-American-British (FAB) classification system.I5 The mononuclear cell fraction was collected and cryopreserved as previously described.16 After thawing, viable cells were recovered by FicollHypaque gmhent (Lymphoprep; Nycomed Pharma, Oslo, Norway). Although the majority of AML samples contained more than 90% blast cells (Table l),to rule out the possibility that rare contaminating activated T cells may interfere with the proliferative effects of JL9, some experiments were performed after T-cell depletion by immunomagnetic separation. Briefly, mononuclear cells were incubated for 30 minutes at 4°C with an excess concentration of an anti-CD3 MoAb (UCHTl, a kind gift from Professor P.C.L. Beverley, ICRF, London, UK). After two washes, target cells treated with the primary antibody were incubated with immunomagnetic monodisperse microspheres coated with a sheep antibody to mouse IgG (Dynabeads M-450; Dynal, Oslo, Norway; bead to cell ratio, 20: 1) for 1 hour at 4°C. The beads, together with the rosetting cells, were retained along the tube wall with a magnet, and the supematant medium containing the T-cell-depleted cell fraction was then recovered. A second round of incubation with the same MoAb followed by immunomagnetic separation (bead to cell ratio, 1O:l) was performed in case the per- Table 1. Cllnical Charncterlsticsof the AML Case8 Fig 1. Proliferative response of leukemic cell lines to increasing concentrntlons of IL-9. Cells ware cultured in the presence (A) end absence (Bl of exogenous serum. by Genetics Institute (Cambridge, MA) and were used at a concentration of 10 U/mL and 50 ng/mL, respectively. IL-9 was derived from the conditioned medium of CHO cells. Its biologic activity by the M07e proliferation assay was 2.4 X lo5 U/mL. Purified human IL9 of greater than 98% purity based on sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (Intergen, Purchase, NY) was also used in selected experiments. SCF and GM-CSF were provided by Amgen (Thousand Oaks, CA) and were added to the cultures at a concentration of 100 ndmL and 1,OOO U/mL. The optimal concentration of IL-9 was chosen after review of our previous experience” and a preliminary dose-response study of colony formation from leukemic cell lines (Fig 1). Stock solutions of CSFs were stored at -80°C. and dilution vials were kept at -20°C (CSFs were diluted in Iscove’s modified Dulbecco’s medium, [IMDM] with 2% fetal calf serum ([FCS] Sera Laboratory, Sussex, UK). Leukemic cell lines. Three human myeloid cell lines maintained in exponential growth conditions were studied. HL60 is a human acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line growing with a doubling time of 24 hours.’* K562 cells derive from a chronic myelogenous leukemia blastic crisis” with a doubling time of 20 hours. The KGl myeloblastic leukemic cell line’4 grows with a doubling time of 36 hours. These cell lines were cultured in IMDM supplemented with 10% FCS, 1% conventional antibiotics, and 1%L-glutamine at 37°C in a fully humidified atmosphere of 5% CO, air. Cell viability was always more than 90% at the time of study. All cell lines were free of Mycoplasma contamination. AML samples. Cells were obtained from peripheral blood or bone marrow of 32 AML patients (Table 1). The diagnosis of AML Patient No. AgalSex FA6 Classification 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 22lM 34/F 401M 67lF 54/M 57/M 28/M M2 M4 M2 MI M4 M4 M5b M1 M2 M5a M5a M5a M4 M5b M4 M5a M5a M4 M2 M1 M5a M5b M2 M2 M4 MI M3 MI M2 M4 M3 M3 32/F 17/F 29lF 18/F 52/M 82lF 28/F 49/F 50/M 52/F 27/M 36lM 621F 45/M 631F 32lM 40/M 681F 401F 18/F 35lF 60/F 27/F 41/M 24/M Blasts (%I* Source of Cells 95 98 50 92 94 90 96 95 98 84 93 94 91 92 90 95 99 78 70 80 50 98 75 91 98 98 99 90 95 90 100 100 PB PB PB PB BM PB PB BM PB PB BM BM PB BM PB BM PB BM BM BM BM PB BM PB BM PB PB BM BM BM BM BM ~~ ~ Abbreviations: PB, peripheral blood; BM, bone marrow. * Percentage of blast cells was obtained by counting 200 calls from May-GrUnwaId-Giemsa-stained cytocentrifuge smears prepared from thawed light-density mononuclear cell fractions. From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. 3854 centage of lymphocytes was more than 1%. The number of contaminating T cells was always less than 0.5% at the end of the procedure. Clonogenic assay. Colony-forming unit-leukemic (CFU-L) were assayed as previously described.16 Briefly, the culture medium consisted of IMDM supplemented with 24% FCS, 0.8% bovine serum albumin (Sigma Chemical, St Louis, MO), m o l n 2-mercaptoethanol (Sigma), and methylcellulose at a final concentration of 1%. To measure the optimum cloning efficiency, 20% phytohemagglutinin-lymphocyte-conditioned medium (PHA-LCM) was added to leukemic samples. The number of cells plated was adjusted to produce approximately 100 colonies per plate. Quadruplicate cultures were incubated at 37°C in 5% C 0 2 air, and colonies (>20 cells) were scored after 10 to 14 days. The clonogenic assay for myeloid cell lines was the same as that used for CFU-L without addition of PHA-LCM. Colonies (>50 cells) were recorded after 10 to 14 days of culture. The clonogenic efficiency of HL60, K562, and KGl cell lines was 25%, 12%, and 18%, respectively. Where indicated, FCS was replaced by a combination of 1% deionized-crystallized bovine serum albumin (Sigma), 57 pg/mL iron-saturated human transferrin (Sigma),4.2 pg/mL sodium selenite (Sigma), and 4.8 mg/mL lecithin (Sigma) in serum-free cultures."' Blocking experiments were performed by growing the cell lines, in the presence and absence of FCS, with and without 5 pg/mL MoAbs directed to IL-9 (a kind gift from Dr E.M. Alderman, Genetics Institute, Cambridge, MA). Cell-cycle studies. The percentage of AML cells in active Sphase was determined by the bromodeoxyuridine (BRDU) incorporation assay as described elsewhere." In brief, leukemic cells were seeded at 5 X lo5 cells/mL in a liquid culture of serum-containing IMDM. Cultures were maintained for 3 days in the presence of different growth factors as indicated. At the time of analysis, IO pL stock BRDU solution (1-mmol/L) were added to the cell suspension for 30 minutes in 5% COz at 37°C. After two washes, slides were obtained by cytocentrifugation, air-dried, fixed in a mixture of methanol and acetic acid (3: I), and denaturated in 0.07 mol& NaOH for 12 seconds. For nuclear BRDU staining, slides were first incubated with 5 pL anti-BRDU MoAb (Becton D i c k " , Mountain View, CA) diluted 1:15 with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with 0.5% Tween 20 (Sigma) for 30 minutes at room temperature. Finally, they were treated with TRITC-conjugated antimouse Ig (Dako, Glostrup, Denmark) diluted 1:30. Preparations were then washed overnight with PBS, and positive cells were scored with a fluorescence microscope. To evaluate the effects of CSFs on cell-cycle distribution, an acridine orange (AO) flow cytometric technique was used. Cellular DNA and RNA content (percentage of cells in Go, G I , S, and GzM, mean RNA content per cell in each phase of the cell cycle) was measured as previously described.I8 RNA content of G I cells was expressed as an RNA index (RNA-I GI) determined as the ratio of the mean RNA content of GI cells of the samples times 10, divided by the median RNA content of control lymphocytes." G,, cells were defined as cells with RNA content equal to or less than that of control lymphocytes. Evaluation ofapoptosis. Cellular apoptosis was determined after 72 hours of liquid suspension culture by AO, in situ terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) assay (TDTA), and assessment of DNA fragmentation by gel electrophoresis. Using AO, apoptotic cells were evaluated as a sub-G, peak on DNA-frequency histograms, since they can be recognized by their diminished stainability with DNAspecific fluorochromes such as AO." Moreover, to discriminate between early and late events in cell death, we used the TDTA technique. TDTA assay allows determination of DNA strand breaks occurring before (during cell cycle) and after loss of DNA and RNA, using biotinylated dUTP in the presence of exogenous TdT.2' Briefly, leukemic cells collected from the culture were fixed in 1% buffered LEMOLI ET AL formaldehyde (pH 7.4) for 15 minutes on ice. After two washes in PBS, the cells were resuspended in 70% ethanol at -20°C for 3 days. After cells were rehydrated in PBS, approximately I x 10' cells were resuspended in 50 pL 0.1-mom sodium cacodylate (pH 7.0), 0.1 mmol/L dithiothreitol, 0.05 mg/mL bovine albumin, 5 U TdT, and 0.5 nmol/L biotin-16-dUTP. The cells were incubated for 30 minutes at 37"C, and then rinsed in PBS and resuspended in 100 pL staining buffer containing 2.5 pg/mL fluorescein-avidin, 4X concentrated saline-sodium citrate buffer, 0.1% Triton X- 100, and 5% (wt/vol) nonfat dry milk. Following 30 minutes of incubation at room temperature in the dark, the cells were washed in PBS containing 0.1% Triton X-I00 and resuspended in 1 mL PBS with 5 pmol& propidium iodide (PI) and 0.1% RNase. A modified FacScan (Becton Dickinson) was used to measure fluorescence upon excitation at 488 nm. Five thousand cells were measured for each analysis at a separate wavelength band for greedDNA and red/RNA (AO) and greenhiotin-dUTP-avidin-FITCand r e m 1 (TDTA). Samples were analyzed using a Hewlett Packard microcomputer (San Diego, CA) and Becton Dickinson software including Consort 32, Cellfit, and Lysis 11. The activity of study cytokines on induction of apoptosis was also evaluated by standard analysis of DNA cleavage by gel electrophoresis as previously described.*' In brief, cells were suspended in 20 pL IO-mmol/L EDTA plus 50-mmol/L Tris hydrochloride (pH 8.0) containing 0.5% (wt/vol) sodium lauryl sarkosinate and O S m g * m I - ' proteinase K and then incubated at 50°C for 1 hour. Ten microliters 0.5-mg-mL-' RNase A was added to each sample, and incubation at 50°C continued for an additional hour. Leukemic samples were then heated to 70°C, and 10 pL IO-mmol/ L EDTA containing 1% (wt/vol) low -gelling-temperature agarose, 0.25% (wt/vol) bromophenol blue, and 40% (wt/vol) sucrose was mixed with each sample before loading with a siliconized pipette tip into the dry wells of a 2% (wt/vol) agarose gel containing 0.1 pg * mL-' ethidium bromide. Electrophoresis was performed in 2 mmol/L EDTA plus 800 mmol/L Tris phosphate (pH 7.8) overnight. The gels were photographed under UV light. Statistical analysis. Results are expressed as the mean 2 SEM of at least three separate experiments. Statistical analysis was performed using the paired nonparametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test. RESULTS Proliferative response of leukemic cell lines to IL-9. The stimulatory activity of IL-9 on three well-documented myeloid cell lines is shown in Fig 1 . Proliferation in response to the cytokine was dose-dependent, and maximal stimulation of HL60 and KG1 cells was observed at concentrations of 10 U/mL in the presence and absence of serum (Fig 1A and B, respectively). KS62 cells were optimally stimulated by S U/mL IL-9 in serum-containing cultures. The same cell line did not show clonogenic activity in serum-free medium. Blocking experiments using an anti-IL-9 MoAb counteracted the proliferative activity of IL-9 on the cell lines and this effect was reversed by a large excess of IL-9 (SO U/mL; Fig 2). IL-9 stimulates CFU-L growth. The clonogenic response of primary leukemic samples to 10 U/mL IL-9 is reported in Table 2. To minimize nonspecific cell interactions, each sample was plated to produce approximately 100 colonies per dish. Six of eight AML patients showed some spontaneous growth. IL-9 induced significantleukemic colony proliferation in eight of eight cases (107 2 32 v 19 ? 10 colonies in control samples, P < .OS). IL-9 used as a single cytokine stimulated 36.8% of CFU-L induced by PHA-LCM, and it From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. INTERLEUKIN-9 STIMULATES AML CELLS 3855 A 600 n .-- n.. I I - 20 0 0 1 0 5 1 10 IL-9 CONDITIONED MEDIUM ~~ 70 50 Ulml PURIFIE~ ~~ Fig 3. Dose-responsecurve of IL-9 on 4 T-cell-depleted AML samples. Two different preparations of the cytokine were assayed. In this set of experiments, the mean number of CFU-Ls stimulated by PHALCM was 361 ? 31. Fig 2. Abrogation of IL-9-mediated colony formation by an anti11-9 MoAb. Clonogenic assays were performed in serum-containing (A) and serum-free (Bl conditions. The inhibitory effect of anti-IL-9 antibody was reversed by an excess concentration of the cytokine. CTR, control. showed a higher blast colony-forming ability than SCF, IL3, and GM-CSF (Table 2). Addition of SCF to IL-9 resulted in an additive or synergistic effect of the two CSFs in five of eight cases (no. 4, 9, 5, 10, and 12: 187 -t 79 colonies v 107 2 32 for the whole group, P = .05), whereas no increase in the size of CFU-L was observed (data not shown). The combination of IL-9 and IL-3 or GM-CSF produced a higher number of CFU-Ls, as compared with the same cytokines used alone, in three cases (no. 9, 5, and 12) and two cases (no. 13 and IO), respectively. To rule out the possibility that residual T cells may interfere with the proliferative effect of IL-9. four additional experiments (no. 25. 26, 27, and 32) were performed after T-cell depletion (Fig 3). In the same set of experiments we also demonstrated that highly purified IL-9 has the identical activity of COS cell-derived cytokine. Taken together. these results suggest that IL-9 activity is directed to target cells and is not mediated by accessory cells or unwanted proteins present in COS cell -derived conditioned medium that could have an effect on cell growth. IL-9 increases the proportion of A M L cells in S-phase. By the BRDU incorporation assay, IL-9 augmented the number of S-phase leukemic cells (>20% increase v control sample) in five of eight cases (12.9% -+ 4 8 v 9% 5 3% for the whole group, P < .OS: Table 3). Significant proliferation was also induced in some cases by IL-3 and GM-CSF (13.7% Table 2. Effect of Recombinant Human IL-9 on AML Blast Colony Formation No. of Colonies Type M1 M2 M4 M4 M5a M5a M5a M5a Mean 2 SEM Patient No. Medium (IMDMI 4 9 5 13 10 11 12 16 2 82 3 31 11 0 25 0 19 2 10 PHA-LCM IL-9 SCF IL-3 GM-CSF IL-9. SCF IL-9, IL-3 IL-9, GM-CSF 65 1,405 70 95 145 473 48 30 291 2 167* 44 267 7 124 82 219 45 67 107 2 32* 20 70 45 25 16 0 10 ND 27 2 9 27 170 52 45 90 24 64 ND 67 2 19* 40 180 143 80 64 16 35 ND 81 2 23' 68 720 70 97 197 214 76 56 187 2 79' 4 428 80 120 138 128 180 56 142 2 45 46 308 125 310 158 130 60 20 145 z 39 Results are expressed as the number of CFU-L/105 cells plated and represent the mean of triplicate counts. Abbreviation: ND, not determined. IL-9, IL-3, and GM-CSF induced, as single cytokines, a CFU-L growth rate significantly higher ( P < .05) than that of control (medium) samples. The IL-9 and SCF combination resulted in an increased blast colony formation as compared with the same CSF used alone ( P < .05 v SCF; P = .059 v IL-9). From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. LEMOLI ET AL 3856 Table 3. Effect of 11-9 on the Proportion of AML Cells in S-Phase Evaluated by BRDU Incorporation Assay S-Phase i%P Medium (IMDMI IL-9 SCF IL-3 M1 8 10 18 18 10 11 M2 M2 1 3 2 6 7 14 15 26 2 2.8 17 4 7 3.5 9 f3 32 ND ND 12 7 18 4 15.1 f 4 t 31.5 2.4 3.7 18 6 20 3.7 12.9 f 4 t 25 2.5 5 14 7 6 4.3 9.2 t 2 37 3 5 11 9 30 3.5 13.7 f 4 t Type M4 M4 M5b M5b M4 Mean -c SEM Patient No. PHA-LCM IL-9, SCF IL-9, IL-3 IL~9,GM-CSF 20 30 2 4 19 7 38 5.8 15.7 fr 5 18 34 2.1 4.3 16 5 35 5.5 14.9 5 5 22 40 3.7 7 23 8 39 4.5 18.4 5 5 t GM-CSF 16 34 1.5 6 25 5 12 3.3 12.8 f 4 * T h e number of cells in S-phase was determined by the BRDU incorporation assay after 3 days of liquid culture. BRDU-positive cells at day 0.3% 2 1%. t Statistically significant v control samples or single cytokines ( Pi.05). ? 4% and 12.8% 2 4% BRDU-positive cells, respectively). Addition of SCF or IL-3 to IL-9 resulted in an increase of the DNA synthesis rate in two cases (no. 14 and 15). The two-factor combination consisting of GM-CSF and IL-9 was the most effective for inducing proliferation of AML cells ( P < .05 v both cytokines used alone). To further address the effects of IL-9 on cell-cycle distribution of leukemic cells, eight additional AML samples (no. 17 to 24) were studied by AO. The mean results are shown in Table 4 and confirm the capacity of IL-9 to induce leukemic cells to enter S-phase (14.7% +- 11% v 11.3% 2 lo%, P = .04). Addition of SCF to IL-9 further increased the percentage of AML cells undergoing DNA synthesis (20.7% ? 12% v 11.3% ? lo%, P = .01). More interestingly, the cytokine combination also induced a significant recruitment of quiescent leukemic cells in cell cycle by decreasing the Go cell fraction (from 58.6% ? 22% to 38.2% ? 24%, P < .03) and increasing the RNA content of GI cells (ie, RNAI G I : 19.2 ? 2 v 16.8 '-c 2 , P = .003). A representative example (case no 18) of kinetic changes induced by IL-9 and SCF in combination is shown in Fig 4. IL-9 does not affect programmed cell death. Evaluation of apoptosis by A 0 did not show any significant effect of IL-9, whereas the combination of IL-9 and SCF provided some protection from programed cell death, but it was not statistically significant (Table 4). Moreover, to evaluate early apoptotic events, AML samples were also analyzed by the TDTA technique (no. 17 to 24) and by gel electrophoresis (no. 25 to 32, assessed after T-cell depletion), which confirmed the absence of protective effects of IL-9 on leukemic blasts (Table 4 and Fig 5). DISCUSSION Several investigators have demonstrated that a group of glycoproteins termed CSFs, which are essential for in vitro proliferation and differentiation of normal hematopoietic cells, are also involved in the process of malignant transformation." The constitutive expression of the mRNA of several CSFs (ie, GM-CSF, G-CSF, IL-1, and SCF) and their production by AML cells have provided evidence of the pivotal role of growth factors in acute le~kemia?~.'~ Moreover, the recruitment of accessory or stromal cells to increase cytokine supply by IL- 1 or tumor necrosis factor-alpha secretion has also been rep~rted.'~ The newly described cytokine, IL-9, has been shown to be expressed by activated CD4+ T cells.28It was first isolated and characterized for its ability to stimulate a megakaryoblastic cell line'; subsequently, IL-9 has demonstrated BPA on erythroid burst-forming units derived from immature CD34TD33-DR' progenitor cells' and colony-promoting ability on earlier precursors (CD34TD33-DR- cells) before the determination of erythroid commitment." Previous investigations have shown that IL-9 may also be involved in the regulation of myeloid leukemic cell growth.'." However, Table 4. CellGycle Effects of 11-9 and SCF on AML Blast Cells %APO Parameter Day 0 A0 2 2 2 TDTA %Go %G, %S %G2M RNA-I G, NE 67.6 2 19 19.3 f 7 10.7 t 12 2.3 f 2 16.9 t 1 10.4 It 1 11.7 2 2 10.9 2 7 58.6 f 22 61.1 f 19 38.2 2 24" 28.6 f 25 24.7 f 22 39.1 2 25 11.3 -t 10 14.7 2 11* 20.7 f 12* 1.4 f 1 1.5 t 1 1.8 f 1 16.8 C 2 16.7 f 2 19.2 Z 2* Day 3 CTR IL-9 IL-9, SCF 18.1 f 17 18.1 2 16 12.5 f 8 Results are expressed as the mean f SEM of 8 different experiments (cases no. 17 to 24 in Table 1). Abbreviations: NE, not evaluated; APO, apoptotic. * Statistically significant v control samples at day 3. From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. INTERLEUKIN-9 STIMULATES AML CELLS Fig 4. Representativeexample of AML cells (case no. 181recruited in cell cycle by 11-9 and SCF. BM. bone marrow. those preliminary studies were performed on continuously growing CSF-dependent cell lines. which may not be fully representative of the stem cell compartment of primary leukemic samples. The aim of the present study was to investigate the proliferative activity of fresh AML cells upon stimulation with IL-9 alone and combined with other cytokines. SCF, IL-3, and GM-CSF were chosen because earlier studies demonstrated a positive interaction with IL-9 for stimulating the growth of both normal and leukemic myeloid cells."'," Our results demonstrated that IL-9, as a single cytokine, promotes the growth of three myeloid cell lines under serumcontaining and serum-free conditions and stimulates the proliferation of a majority of fresh AML samples studied. The degree of response to IL-9 did not appear to correlate with the FAB classification or any clinical manifestation. Results of the experiments performed using T-cell-depleted leukemic populations (Fig 3) and data derived from serum-free medium clonogenic assays (Figs I and 2) ruled out that 1L9 activity might be mediated by accessory cells or exogenous proteins contained in FCS. Furthermore, two different IL-9 Fig 5. DNA fragmentation of 3 representative leukemic samples. Cells were incubated in the absence (lanes2,7, and 9) and presence (lanes 3,6,and 11) of IL-9 and IL-9 and SCF (lanes4, 5, and 12). DNA fragmentation before liquid culture is shown in lanes 1, 8, and 10. 3857 preparations were compared to evaluate whether contaminant proteins in COS-conditioned medium may interfere with IL-9-mediated proliferative activity (Fig 3). We have also used 16 AML samples for studying the effects of IL-9, singly and combined with c-kit ligand, on apoptosis and cell-cycle status. Through kinetic analysis. we have been able to demonstrate that the greatest fraction of S-phase cells were found in the presence of IL-9 and SCF. Moreover, this cytokine combination induced a significant recruitment of leukemic cells out of GI, phase. This is in agreement with mapping and kinetic studies of normal blast cell colonies that suggested that the transition of cells from GI' depends on the simultaneous presence of two or more CSFs including an early-acting cytokine."' However, IL-9 alone augmented the clonogenic efficiency and active synthesis of DNA in 12 of I2 and I3 of I6 AML cases tested, respectively. In contrast to previous reports' indicating IL-9 as a major antiapoptotic factor for thymic lymphomas, we were not able to demonstrate significant protection against apoptosis in AML cells after incubation with 1L-9 or IL-9 and SCF. Thus, the putative role of IL-9 in the development of AML seems to be restricted to cells dependent on this factor for proliferation. Taken together, these results suggest that IL-9 effects on AML-derived cells differ from those exerted on their normal counterparts. IL-9 individually showed little if any proliferative activity on highly purified hematopoietic progenitor cells."' In the same report, we also showed that simultaneous stimulation with IL-9 and SCF or IL-3 or GM-CSF in the presence of erythropoietin remarkably enhanced the proliferation of early precursors. In this study, we observed a strong stimulatory effect of IL-9 alone on AML samples that was higher than that of SCF, IL-3, and GM-CSF. Moreover, addition of IL-9 to the other CSFs resulted in an additive or synergistic stimulation in only half the cases. One potential explanation for the activity of IL-9 alone is the endogenous production of other cytokines by leukemic cells. Thus far, we have detected the presence of high concentrations of IL-6, GM-CSF, and IL-3 in the supernatant of some AML samples stimulated with IL-9 (manuscript in preparation). If the differences between normal and leukemic cells are confirmed by additional studies. the use of IL-9 might be clinically relevant for entering AML blasts into cell cycle before exposure to S-phase drugs. Several reports have documented that certain human recombinant hematopoietic growth factors, including IL-3. GM-CSF, and G-CSF. can enhance cytosine arabinoside cytotoxicity on leukemic cells by recruiting quiescent AML cells in S-phase."."' However, the responsiveness of leukemic progenitors to CSFs seems to reflect that of normal bone marrow cells.'' Thus, their clinical use may be limited by potential enhancement of the myelotoxic effect of antileukemic drugs. Recent clinical trials that did not show an improved response rate when GM-CSF or GCSF were administered before induction chemotherapy in AML patients may partly reflect these limitations."." In this regard, IL-9 may offer some advantages in comparison to other cytokines because of its negligible activity on normal marrow cells. Early investigations have demonstrated a consistent pat- From by guest on January 21, 2015. For personal use only. LEMOLI ET AL tern of expression of IL-9 in human malignant lymphomas, suggesting a possible role for this cytokine as an autocrine growth factor for Hodgkin's disease and LCAL.h Furthermore, the constitutive expression of IL-9 in vivo resulted in a high incidence of thymic lymphomas in transgenic mice.73 Conversely, it has been recently reported that there is a lack of constitutive expression of IL-9 in bone marrow and peripheral blood of healthy individuak3' In this regard, preliminary data from our laboratory indicate that IL-9 mRNA is not expressed in four myeloid cell lines studied (ie, K562, HL60, KG1, and U937; data not shown), suggesting that a paracrine rather than an autocrine growth stimulation may be operative in AML. In summary, this report provides the first evidence that IL-9 may play a role in the development of AML cells by triggering cells to enter S-phase. Moreover, IL-9 acts synergistically with SCF to recruit quiescent leukemic cells out of GO phase. 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For personal use only. 1996 87: 3852-3859 Interleukin-9 stimulates the proliferation of human myeloid leukemic cells RM Lemoli, A Fortuna, A Tafuri, M Fogli, M Amabile, A Grande, MR Ricciardi, MT Petrucci, L Bonsi, G Bagnara, G Visani, G Martinelli, S Ferrari and S Tura Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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