Delivering GCC 2030 Vision through Excellent PROJECT MANAGEMENT 19-21 January 2015 GICC, Gulf Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain Project Management InsƟtute - Arabian Gulf Chapter Making Project Management Indispensable for Business Results Under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa Bin Salman Al Khalifa Prime Minister, Kingdom of Bahrain President’s Message Dear Chapter members, conference delegates and sponsors. GCC Governments realise the importance of strategic planning and execution as a way to ensure economic growth and prosperity Hashim M. Al-Rifaai are achieved through initiated portfolios, programs and projects to make the changes necessary to deliver the region 2030 vision. Project Management Institute - Arabian Gulf Chapter (PMI-AGC) promotes the professional competencies that are critical to successful execution of best methodologies and has a crucial role to play in helping GCC countries realise their Vision for 2030. There seems to be no let-up in the pace of the growth of the GCC, but the key to future success lies in: more intelligent and sustainable procurement; more robust action in response to project governance; integrated PMIS systems linking portfolio management to strategic performance information; robust management reviews; optimum levels of productivity and performance; and a more direct involvement for GCC nationals as stakeholders making the right decisions at the right time. On behalf of the Board of Directors and members of the Project Management Institute – Arabian Gulf Chapter (PMI-AGC), I am pleased to invite you to participate in the PMI-AGC 15th International Conference, “Delivering GCC 2030 vision through excellent project management”, from 19 to 21 January 2015. The conference theme shows our dedication as project managers and PM community to support the delivery of the region vision. Project management is strongly linked to the successful execution of national and organizational strategies and we, as project managers, position ourselves as partners in delivering strategic transformations. With a high-powered technical program, relevant seminars and training, as well as a major exhibition supporting the main conference event, delegates will interact with thought-leaders and peers to explore how project management can better enable the Gulf States to achieve ambitious 2030 visions. 4 The region 2030 visions set stretching targets for economic growth as well as excellence in other dimensions deemed critical for a healthy and vibrant nation that can compete on the world stage. The GCC is not one country, one culture and one economy, but a collective of dynamic goals which is deeply rooted by history and bound by a common belief. The plans launched to deliver these stretching goals require strong, project management practices. Good project management will help mitigate failures and increase the probability of project success, through better alignment, communication and collaboration among all stakeholders. This conference will ensure that the discipline can be applied in all industry and government sectors, e.g., technology, healthcare, hospitality and service industries as well as engineering and oil and gas. We hope to see all of these critical sectors and industries well represented at this prestigious event. The Technical Committee carefully selected International feature speakers and comprehensive technical presentations for the forthcoming conference. Please refer to the Technical Program inside the brochure. We anticipate more than 1000 delegates from GCC major companies, corporations, public sectors organizations as well as prominent individuals from the region and beyond. VIP guests will include top executives from governments and major organizations in the Gulf. PMI-AGC is dedicated in fulfilling its role as the focal point for assisting its members and ensuring that the project community get maximum value from the conference. Both private and Government sectors are involved in the project planning and delivery the courses in terms of education, training modules, and certification. Please join us at this prestigious event to learn how we can all work together to ensure the success of Vision 2030. AGC Membership & PMP Growth 5 About the Conference COMMITTEE MEMBERS Conference Chairman Eng. Abdul Nabi Al-Sabah Mr. Hammad Khaliq email: [email protected] Tel: +973 39683719 email: [email protected] Tel: +973 39917627 Technical Leader The theme of the conference is “Delivering GCC 2030 Vision through Excellent Project Management”. This event serves as a forum for project management practitioners, engineers, planners, academicians and management to interact, share their experiences, improve their knowledge and showcase their projects and best practices. The conference lasts for three days and is accompanied by an exhibition. A number of parallel tailored pre and post conference tutorial workshops will be held. IT Leader Dr. Fred Rahbar Mr. Emad Naeemi email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Tel: +973 38886667 Logistics & Conference Materials The 15th PMI-AGC Conference will be held at the Gulf Hotel in the Kingdom of Bahrain from January 19 – 21, 2015. Based on our last conference success, we are pleased to continue meeting the demand to hold this prestigious international conference in the region. Training Leader Conference Branding Eng. Jameel Khalaf Al Alawi Ms. Nada Khonji email: [email protected] Tel: +973 36980010 email: [email protected] Tel: +973 39419421 Treasurer Conference Coordinator Mr. Salim Bhuria Ms. Saliha Ismail email: [email protected] Tel: +965 6592 2392 email: [email protected] Tel: +973 33729933 Conference Objectives t 5PQSPNPUF1SPKFDU.BOBHFNFOU'VOEBNFOUBMT1SBDUJDFTJOUIF3FHJPO Keynote Speakers t 5PEJTDVTTUIFSPMFPG1SPKFDU.BOBHFNFOUJOUIFQMBOOJOHFYFDVUJPOPGQSPKFDUTBOE7JTJPO More than six local and internationally recognized speakers will address the KEYNOTE speeches of the conference. t 5PQSFTFOUUIFMBUFTUUIJOLJOHBOEDPODFQUTJOBQQMZJOH#FTU1SBDUJDFTBOEJOOPWBUJWFUFDIOJRVFT t 5PTIBSFLOPXMFEHFBOEFYQFSJFODFBNPOHBMMTUBLFIPMEFSTJOPVSSFHJPO t 5POFUXPSLXJUIQFFSTBTXFMMBTLFZmHVSFTBOESFDPHOJ[FEMFBEFSTJOQSBDUJDFBDBEFNJBDPOTVMUBOUTTFSWJDFT and suppliers and vendors. t 5P FYIJCJU UIF TUBUFPGUIFBSU 1SPKFDU .BOBHFNFOU TPGUXBSF DPOTVMUJOH FOHJOFFSJOH DPOTUSVDUJPO *5 Telecommunications and other services. Conference Language English is the official language for the Technical Presentation. However, we do accept abstracts/papers in Arabic with the English translations. 6 Conference Opening Ceremony 19th January, 2015, Monday, Al Dana Hall (07:00 PM - 09.00 PM) 1. $POGFSFODF&YIJCJUJPO*OBVHVSBUJPO3JCCPO$VUUJOH 'PMMPXFECZ,FZOPUF"EESFTT 1. 3FDJUBMPG5IF)PMZ2VSBO 08:00 - 08:10 PM H.E. Eng. Essam Bin Abdulla Khalaf .JOJTUFSPG8PSLT.VOJDJQBMJUJFT"GGBJST6SCBO1MBOOJOH Kingdom of Bahrain 08:10 - 08:20 PM Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez PMI Board Director Head of Project Portfolio Management 08:20 - 08:40 PM Light Wonder Show 08:40 - 08:50 PM Edward Merrow 'PVOEFSBOE$&0 Independent Project Analysis, Inc. IPA 08:50 - 09:00 PM Hashim M. Al-Rifaai PMI-AGC President General Secretary for the Supreme Council for 1MBOOJOH%FWFMPQNFOU 1. 4QPOTPST3FDPHOJUJPO 09:10 PM onwards Dinner 7 Day One - 20th January, 2015, Tuesday, Al Dana Hall (08:30 - 10.45) Technical Program (Tentative) Keynote & Featured Speakers Session Chairman 'FBUVSF4QFBLFS 'FBUVSF4QFBLFS Eng. Abdul Nabi Al-Sabah Sh. Mohamed Bin Khalifa Al-Khalifa Dr. Michel Thiry "EWJTPS3PBET5SBGmD Vice President, PMI-AGC Bahrain Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez Chief Executive Officer NOGA holding Co-founder and Managing Partner, Valense Ltd PMI Board Director Head of Project Portfolio Management 10:45 - 11:15 am 11:15 – 12:45 am Dana I Coffee Break Technical Track Program Morning Dana II Dana III Dana IV Dr. Shadi khawandanah Alfonso Bucero Thomas S. Regnet Wael S. Khalil Chairman of the Board / CEO, Special Direction Group, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Managing Partner and CEO #6$&301.$POTVMUJOH Spain Entrepreneur and Senior Consultant 6"& PMCCCH Consultancy Kuwait How to apply LEAN Project Management How to lead effective Change in your project i6TJOH7JSHJOJB4BUJSDIBOHFQSPDFTTNPEFMw Effects of Leadership, Motivation and Empowerment on Organizational Performance Building the project manager’s credibility: A real case study Ferdinand R Karbowski Jr Imad M. Alsadeq Dr. Ahmad Al Qattan Essam Mohamed Lotfi Saudi Arabian Oil Company Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Management Consultant Araamis Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Team Leader Performance Management KPI Kuwait MEP Construction Manager, 530+"/ 6"& 4FUUJOHVQ1SPKFDU$POUSPMT3FRVJSFNFOUTGPS MENA Owners What are the lead and lag PMBOK Knowledge Areas? What would be an optimal Project management system for evaluating projects in the oil downstream industry? Labor Productivity improvement in Construction QSPKFDUTVTJOH8#40#4JOUFHSBUJPO Ahmed Samir Khalil Ghazi Osman Nadeem Iqbal Olaide Nurudeen Yusuf Director EPMO "'J5$0,VXBJU Kuwait Vice President Al Gihaz Holding Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Specialist Saudi Aramco Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2VBOUJUZ4VSWFZPS Ministry of Works Kingdom of Bahrain “KSMM” a framework for project success through stakeholder’s strategic management 12:45 - 14:00 pm 8 'FBUVSF4QFBLFS Project Management at The Time of Building Information Modeling BIM Best Practices for Evaluating Construction Contractor Performance during Project Execution Perspective of Project Participants in the allocation of risks associated with Bahrain’s infrastructure: Case study of Ministry of Works (MOW) Prayer & Lunch Note: Technical Track Program Speakers Order is Tentative Day One - 20th January, 2015, Tuesday, Al Dana Hall (contd..) 14:00 – 14:45 pm 1SPKFDU3JTL.BOBHFNFOU5IFPSZBOEBQQMJDBUJPOJONFHBQSPKFDU Who owns the cost and schedule risk on the project? Is it the client or the contractor? How can you transfer the risk to the contractor if you as a client like to have your budget under control? Some of these intriguing questions will be answered in the presentation with real projects examples. Mohammed A. Hammad Program Director Ma’aden MWSPC Saudi Arabia 14:45 – 15:15 pm Coffee Break 15:15 – 16:45 pm Technical Track Program Afternoon David Rochford Radhia Benalia Dr. Khaled Medallah Suresh B. Choksi Chief Operating Officer, Maxwell Stamp, Co-author: Ian Mitchell Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Head of Engagement (MPCBM6OJWFSTJUZ Lebanon Engineering Manager 4"6%$0/46-5 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Mechanical Design Engineer 4IVBJCB3FmOFSZ,/1$ Kuwait %FMJWFSJOHZPVS4USBUFHZBOE3FTVMUT through an EPMO 1SPKFDU4QPOTPST3PMFJO0SHBOJ[BUJPOBM Change Management Projects Managing Training a Structured Approach 1SPKFDU'PS3FWJTJPOPG1JQJOHBOE *OTUSVNFOUBUJPO%JBHSBN1*%T PGBO0JM 3FmOFSZUP"T#VJMU$POEJUJPO Saadi Adra Clarence P. Leu Henrique Moura Yousif Amin General Manager CMCS Lebanon SAL Lebanon Senior Project Engineer, Yasref $PBVUIPST."M0UBJCJ4"M Motairi, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Project Management Consultant XPM Consulting, Portugal Member of Team on PMBOK PMP Head, Knowledge Management Ministry of Works, Kingdom of Bahrain OPM in Practice: Developing a Governance Standard for managing Portfolio, Program and Project within an Integrated LifeCycle Stakeholder Management ,FZ3PMFJO:BTSFG1SPKFDU4VDDFTT 3FTDVJOH5SPVCMFE1SPKFDUT Overview of Ministry of Works Strategic Plan for Projects Knowledge Sharing Raed S. Haddad Omar Hashimi Steve Huyghe Tarik Al Hraki Managing Director ESI International Singapore Managing Director PMO ME 6"& $&0'PVOEFS $03&*OUFSOBUJPOBM 64" #VT.BOBHFS"KNBO6OJW 6"& 5 Ways to Boost Your AND your PMO’s Value Note: Technical Track Program Speakers Order is Tentative Top 5 challenges and solutions for successful strategy execution Scheduling as a Management Tool 4PDJBM.FEJBGPS#VJMEJOH.BOBHJOH1PSUGPMJP 1SPHSBNT1SPKFDUT 9 Day Two - 21st January, 2015, Wednesday, Al Dana Hall (08:30 - 10.45) Session Chairman 'FBUVSF4QFBLFS 'FBUVSF4QFBLFS Dr. Fred Rahbar Peter de Jager Gina Schreck Francis Hung Chairman, Technical Committee Speaker, writer and consultant Chief Executive Officer, SocialKNX Managing Director, TenStep China 10:45 – 11:15 pm Coffee Break 11:15 – 12:45 am Technical Track Program Morning Dana I Dana II Dana III Dana IV Thomas Mazejian Raja Yousif Al Zayani M Asgharuddin Ahmed Sameh Makky Chief Information Officer VivaCell-MTS Armenia Chief, Strategic Planning Ministry of Works, Kingdom of Bahrain 1SJODF.PIBNNBE6OJWFSTJUZ Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Project Management Consultant, CMCS, Co-Author: Dr. Akram Hassan, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia How to manage difficult stakeholders Strategy-Aligned Portfolio Management *OTJHIUUP4."35$*5:4."35$0..6/*5: - ICT Project Management Peter Manson Mohamed Khalifa Hassan Abdulla J. Alkuwaiti Contract Advisor Saudi Aramco Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Director -*'&-0/( Kuwait Project Management Advisor Department of Municipal Affairs "CVEIBCJ6"& Building an Effective Bid Technical Evaluation Process Innovation, Portfolio Management and "HJMJUZBTB)BQQZ'BNJMZ 6TJOH(BNFTUP5FBDI3JTL.BOBHFNFOU PMO Daily Operations using Scrum Methodology (Case Study) Ziayana Ali Hinai 2VBOUJUZ4VSWFZPS 1VCMJD"VUIPSJUZGPS&MFDUSJDJUZ8BUFS Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Sustaining project management competencies through education at post-graduate level Chris Bragg Bassam Alwarith Raed S. Haddad Moataz Yousif Hussein Director TenStep Middle East Kingdom of Bahrain Chief Strategy Officer 3FE4FB)PVTJOH4FSWJDFT Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Managing Director ESI International Singapore Consultant 1SPKFDU4USBUFHZ.BOBHFNFOU o01.$POTVMUJOH01.$ 2BUBS What can Governments learn from project NBOBHFSTUPIFMQUSBOTGPSN7JTJPOTUP3FBMJUZ 12:45 - 14:00 pm 10 'FBUVSF4QFBLFS Peripheral Vision for Project Managers How to get value from the training/skill development investment Program Management Outsourcing Capability Chain: Why Program Management Outsourcing does not work as expected Prayer & Lunch Note: Technical Track Program Speakers Order is Tentative Day Two - 21st January, 2015, Wednesday, Al Dana Hall (contd..) 14:00 – 15:50 pm 'FBUVSF4QFBLFS Session Chairman 'FBUVSF4QFBLFS 14:00 – 14:30 pm 14:30 – 15:10 pm 'FBUVSF4QFBLFS 15:10 – 15:40 pm A. Majeed Al-Gassab Abid Mustafa Jack S. Duggal Dr. David Hillson Chairman, Council for Organizing Engineering Practice 1SFTJEFOU1.*"($#BISBJO3FHJPO *$51.0&YQFSU International speaker, Change-maker and Executive 1.*'FMMPX$.HS'34"'*3. '$.*)PO'"1. 15:40 – 15:50 pm 15:50 – 16:20 pm Session Chairman Question & Answers Coffee Break 16:20 - 16:30 pm Closing Session 16:20 – 17:30 pm Hashim M. Al-Rifaai General Secretary for the Supreme $PVODJMGPS1MBOOJOH%FWFMPQNFOU PMI-AGC President 16:30 - 17:30 pm Note: Technical Track Program Speakers Order is Tentative General Assembly Meeting (PMI - AGC Members only) 11 Professional Training Program Description Workshop No. 1 Workshop Title: Program Management to Deliver Strategies (14 PDUs) Workshop description : How will I benefit? Effective change management is critical to translating ambiguous and/or uncertain strategic goals into tangible benefits for the organization. Program management (PgM) is recognized as the best way to achieve this. Michel Thiry is a core reviewer of the PMI Standard for Program Management 3rd Edition and author of the book: i1SPHSBN.BOBHFNFOUw5IJTEBZ4FNJOBSJTCBTFEPOUIFMBUFTU1H.TUBOEBSET1.*SE&E.41 BOE UIF 1H.1 &YBN 4QFDJmDBUJPO 3FRVJSFNFOUT BOE DPWFST UIF DPOUFYU PG QSPHSBN NBOBHFNFOU BOE UIF whole program life cycle through a series of sessions and exercises based on a case study. Develop and enhance the contributions you make to your organization by learning how to: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) areas covered: Knowledge Area Build credibility, establish rapport and maintain communication with stakeholders at multiple levels. 2. Define program scope in alignment with strategic business and organizational objectives. 3. Define and initiate program components and assign project managers to manage component projects. 4. Coordinate the management of multiple, related components to maintain continuous alignment with objectives. 5. Share and coordinate resources across constituent projects to ensure the ultimate success and acceptance of program. 6. Make recommendations to modify the program to enhance effectiveness toward the business result or strategic intent. 3FDPHOJ[FXIZXIFOBOEIPXUPVTFQSPHSBNNBOBHFNFOU Percent of Content t1SPKFDU*OUFHSBUJPO.BOBHFNFOU t1SPKFDU4DPQF.BOBHFNFOU t1SPKFDU5JNF.BOBHFNFOU t1SPKFDU$PTU.BOBHFNFOU t1SPKFDU2VBMJUZ.BOBHFNFOU t1SPKFDU)VNBO3FTPVSDF.BOBHFNFOU t1SPKFDU$PNNVOJDBUJPO.BOBHFNFOU t1SPKFDU3JTL.BOBHFNFOU t1SPKFDU1SPDVSFNFOU.BOBHFNFOU This course also covers the whole of The Standard for Program Management 3rd Edition. Who should attend? This seminar is for program managers, chief project officers, project directors and senior managers who need to manage multiple projects to deliver business strategies. Also for experienced project managers who have a reasonable experience as project leaders and are interested in PgMP Certification and in understanding the strategic influences exercised on projects. What will my seminar experience cover? In this two-day seminar you will learn the entire program life-cycle and key program components, including stakeholder and benefits management, governance and decision management. You will develop techniques for aligning multiple projects with organizational objectives and strategic goals. You will also learn how to formulate and organize a program, develop a sound business case and manage it to realize strategic and business objectives. This course features a series of group exercises based on a real-life case study. DAY 1 - Program Context:t%FmOJUJPOTt1H.4UBOEBSET.BUVSJUZt,FZ1SPHSBN$PNQPOFOUTt1H.-JGF Cycle Formulation (Formulation):t4USBUFHJD7BMVF#FOFmUTt4UBLFIPMEFS"OBMZTJTt#FOFmUT.BQ.FBTVSFT DAY 2 - Organization (Preparation):t#VTJOFTT$BTFt1SPHSBN4USVDUVSFTt#FOFmUT.BOBHFNFOU4USBUFHZ t#FOFmUT3FBMJTBUJPO1MBO Development (Benefits Delivery):t1SJPSJUJTFSFTPVSDFTJOUFSEFQFOEFODJFTt.BOBHF1SPKFDUT Appraisal (Benefits Delivery): t1SPHSBNPVUDPNFT Dissolution (Closure): t1SPHSBNDPNQMFUJPO 12 1. Note: Aligned with PgMP® Certification Handbook Which instructional materials will be used? -FDUVSF 4JNVMBUJPOT%FNPOTUSBUJPOT 7JEFPUBQFT 'BDJMJUBUFE(SPVQ%JTDVTTJPO $BTF4UVEJFT 3PMF1MBZJOH *OEJWJEVBM&YFSDJTFT (BNFT (SPVQ&YFSDJTFT 0UIFS1MFBTF4QFDJGZ #PPL)BOEPVU Workshop Instructor: Dr. Michel Thiry Michel Thiry has an extensive worldwide experience and has worked in many cultural environments. He has supported the development and implementation of a number of strategic programs for major corporations in various fields, including construction, financial, pharmaceutical, IT and IS, telecom, water treatment, transportation (air and rail), local government and others using agile and change concepts. He is a regular Keynote Speaker for major International events and Seminar Leader for PMI® SeminarsWorld since 2001. He has published 2 books and multiple book chapters and articles. a “Significant Contributor” to the PMI® Standard for Program Management 3rd Edition (2013) and was on the core team of the new PMI® Practice Guide to Managing Change in Organizations (2013). .JDIFMJTBMTPBO"EKVODU1SPGFTTPSGPS6544ZEOFZBOE6OJWFSTJUÏ*OUFSOBUJPOBMFEF3BCBU.PSPDDP)FJTBO author of books and book chapters as well as a regular Keynote Speaker for major International events. Date: 18-19 Jan 2015 Days: 2 Fees (US$): Member - 1,250/Non Member - 1,350 Workshop Description : t 6OEFSTUBOEIPXUPSFDPHOJ[FCPUIPQQPSUVOJUJFTBOEUISFBUTXJUIJOQSPKFDUTBOENBOBHFUIFNQSPBDUJWFMZ through a common risk process t 6TFFGGFDUJWFiUXPEJNFOTJPOBMwUFDIOJRVFTGPSJEFOUJGZJOHCPUIPQQPSUVOJUJFTBOEUISFBUT t %FWFMPQSFBMJTUJDTDBMFTEFmOJOHQSPCBCJMJUZBOEJNQBDUTJOMJOFXJUIPSHBOJ[BUJPOBMSJTLBQQFUJUF t 1SJPSJUJ[FPQQPSUVOJUJFTBOEUISFBUTUPEFUFSNJOFUIPTFSFRVJSJOHGPDVTFEBUUFOUJPO t %FWFMPQBQQSPQSJBUFSFTQPOTFTUSBUFHJFTGPSJEFOUJmFEPQQPSUVOJUJFTBOEUISFBUT A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) areas covered: t &OTVSFFGGFDUJWFNBOBHFNFOUPGSJTLBOENBYJNJ[FUIFMJLFMJIPPEPGBDIJFWJOHQSPKFDUPCKFDUJWFT $IBQUFS1SPKFDU3JTL.BOBHFNFOU Which instructional materials will be used? All projects are risky, and effective risk management is a key contributor to project and business success. Project risk management is well established, with an agreed process, accepted methods and proven techniques. Despite this consensus, some elements of risk management are still problematic. This intermediate level Project 3JTL.BOBHFNFOU.BTUFS$MBTTBEESFTTFTUIFTFTUJDLJOHoQPJOUTQSFTFOUJOHQSBDUJDBMTPMVUJPOTUPUIFNPTU difficult parts of the risk process. Who should attend? The course is designed for : In addition to formal presentations, the course includes a number of exercises to allow delegates to practice the areas discussed, providing a safe learning environment where skills can be developed before returning to the workplace. Ample time is also given to open facilitated discussion to ensure that the specific questions of delegates are addressed during the class. t "OZPOFJOWPMWFEJOBQSPKFDUXIJDIJTTVCKFDUUPVODFSUBJOUZ The division between these three elements is approximately as follows: t 1SPKFDUNBOBHFSTBOESJTLQSBDUJUJPOFSTXIPXJTIUPFYUFOEUIFJSTLJMMTUPNBOBHFSJTLNPSFFGGFDUJWFMZ t 'PSNBMQSFTFOUBUJPOT t (SPVQFYFSDJTFTXJUITUSVDUVSFEEFCSJFG t 'BDJMJUBUFEEJTDVTTJPO t "OZQSPKFDUTUBLFIPMEFSXJUIBOJOUFSFTUJONBYJNJ[JOHUIFDIBODFTPGQSPKFDUTVDDFTT Prior experience of project risk management would be helpful though not essential. What will my seminar experience cover? The two-day course covers the following main topics : t ,FZDPODFQUTSFMBUJOHVODFSUBJOUZSJTLUISFBUPQQPSUVOJUZ t 4VNNBSZPGUIFSJTLQSPDFTT t *TTVFTXJUIJEFOUJmDBUJPOmOEJOHBOEEFTDSJCJOHSJTLT t "TQFDUTPGBTTFTTNFOUEFmOJOHTDBMFTBOEVOEFSTUBOEJOHFYQPTVSF t 3FBMJTUJDSFTQPOTFTTUSBUFHJFTBOEUBDUJDT t *NQMFNFOUBUJPOJTTVFTSFWJFXTBOEVQEBUFT t ,FFQJOHJUBMJWFDPNNVOJDBUJPOBOECVZJO How will I benefit? Workshop Instructor: Dr. David Hillson %S %BWJE )JMMTPO 1.*'FMMPX $.HS '34" '*3. '$.* )PO'"1. JT 5IF 3JTL %PDUPS )F JT recognized globally as a leading thinker and expert practitioner in risk management, and he has made several innovative contributions to the field. He consults, writes and speaks widely on the topic and. David’s consulting, speaking and writing is shaped by his motto i6OEFSTUBOEQSPGPVOEMZTPZPVDBOFYQMBJOTJNQMZwXIJDIFOTVSFTUIBUIJTXPSLSFQSFTFOUT both sound thinking and practical application. David has received several awards for his work. These include four major awards from the 1SPKFDU.BOBHFNFOU*OTUJUVUF1.* XIFSFIFJTUIFPOMZ&OHMJTI1.*'FMMPX)FJTBMFBEFSJOUIF1.*3JTL$01 and has been an author for the PMI PMBoK® Guide risk chapter since 1998, as well as a core author for the 1.*1SBDUJDF4UBOEBSEJO1SPKFDU3JTL.BOBHFNFOU David has over 25 years’ experience in risk consulting and he has worked in nearly 50 countries, providing support to clients in every major industry sector. David’s input includes strategic direction to organizations facing major risk challenges, as well as tactical advice on achieving value and competitive advantage from effectively managing risk. Develop and enhance the contributions you make to your organization by learning how to: t %JTUJOHVJTICFUXFFOVODFSUBJOUZSJTLUISFBUBOEPQQPSUVOJUZ Date: 18-19 Jan 2015 Days: 2 Fees (US$): Member - 1,250/Non Member - 1,350 13 Professional Training Program Description Workshop No. 2 Workshop Title: Project Risk Management Master Class (14 PDUs) Professional Training Program Description Workshop No. 3 Workshop Title: Next Generation PMO & Portfolio Management (14 PDUs) Workshop Description : The project/program management office (PMO) has been a growing trend in recent years, although the reality of a turbulent business environment is posing new challenges for implementing and sustaining PMOs. The pressure to deliver more with less and reduce overhead has created a need to find innovative approaches. Whether you are building a PMO to support and enhance your project management capabilities or to focus on the strategic aspects of portfolio management, you may encounter implementation challenges and mixed results. Although the PMO can offer tremendous benefits and have a strategic impact, the challenge is on the focus of the PMO and the way it is implemented and sustained. This seminar is designed to anticipate and answer the questions associated with the creation, implementation and sustenance of PMO and portfolio management excellence. Beside the traditional elements of a PMO, this seminar will outline the steps necessary to establishing or enhancing and transforming to a next-generation PMO that focuses on both the operational and strategic aspects. You will learn how to apply next generation approaches to transform your PMO to an agile and adaptive PMO to support and integrate the changing complexity of today’s project/program environments. This seminar will also focus on creating the right environment for portfolio management by providing a framework for project selection, prioritization, oversight and governance. Every organization is unique, and this seminar will provide a framework that will help you to assess your organizational environment and culture and craft a customized plan to evolve your PMO and portfolio to the next level. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) areas covered: *OUFHSBUJPO .BOBHFNFOU 4DPQF .BOBHFNFOU 5JNF .BOBHFNFOU $PTU .BOBHFNFOU )VNBO 3FTPVSDF .BOBHFNFOU$PNNVOJDBUJPOT.BOBHFNFOUBOE3JTL.BOBHFNFOU Who should attend? t t t t t t 1SPKFDUNBOBHFST 1SPHSBNNBOBHFST 1SPKFDU1SPHSBNPGmDFTUBGG .BOBHFSTBOEDPOTVMUBOUTXJUIBOVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUDPODFQUTXIPBSFJOUFSFTUFEJO setting up or enhancing project offices 4FOJPSNBOBHFSTXIPXBOUUPTUBOEBSEJ[FQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUQSPDFTTFTBOENFUIPEPMPHJFT &YFDVUJWFTPSDPOTVMUBOUTJOUFSFTUFEJOFTUBCMJTIJOHPSHBOJ[BUJPOBMQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOU01. QSBDUJDFTPS advancing project management capabilities What will my seminar experience cover? t t t 14 #VJMEJOHB1.03FWJFXUIF%/"PGUIF1.0oUIFDPSFFMFNFOUTOFDFTTBSZGPSBTVDDFTTGVM1.0BOE design a PMO structure that is appropriate for your needs. "HJMF 1.0 *EFOUJGZ UIF OFDFTTBSZ FMFNFOUT UP USBOTGPSN ZPVS 1.0 UP BO BHJMF BOE BEBQUJWF 1.0 UP support and integrate agile practices /FYU(FOFSBUJPO1.0%JTUJOHVJTICFUXFFOUSBEJUJPOBMBOEOFYUHFOFSBUJPO1.0BOEUIFOFFEUPUSBOTGPSN and re-invent the PMO for today’s business environment. t t t t t 1PSUGPMJP NBOBHFNFOU 3FWJFX BOE DVTUPNJ[F B QSPDFTT UIBU XJMM XPSL GPS ZPVS PSHBOJ[BUJPO 1SPNPUF organization-wide consistency with regard to portfolio management objectives, processes, roles and responsibilities. 1.0JOBCPY&WBMVBUFBQSPKFDUBOEQSPDFTTNBOBHFNFOUGSBNFXPSLGPSZPVSPSHBOJ[BUJPO .FBTVSJOH SFTVMUT BOE EFNPOTUSBUJOH 1.0 WBMVF %FWFMPQ B 1.0 TDPSFDBSE BOE QSPKFDU EBTICPBSE BQQSPBDIUPNFBTVSJOHSFTVMUTBOEEFNPOTUSBUJOH30* 5PPMTBOEUFDIOPMPHZ3FWJFXUIFMBUFTUDBUFHPSJFTPGQSPKFDUBOEQPSUGPMJPNBOBHFNFOUTZTUFNTBOESFBM world examples of pros and cons of implementing enterprise project management tools and technology. $IBSUJOHBOBDUJPOQMBO$SBGUBCMVFQSJOUBOEEFWFMPQB1.0QMBOUBJMPSFEUPZPVSPSHBOJ[BUJPOTOFFET How will I benefit? Develop and enhance the contributions you make to your organization by learning how to: t*EFOUJGZUIFLFZFMFNFOUTOFDFTTBSZGPSCVJMEJOHB1.0%FUFSNJOFUIFBQQSPQSJBUF1.0TUSBUFHZUBDUJDTBOE PQFSBUJPOTGPSZPVSFOWJSPONFOUBOEUIFBQQMJDBUJPOPGUIF1.0-JGFDZDMFUPZPVSPSHBOJ[BUJPOt"TTFTTZPVS organization’s level on the PMO continuum and review and discuss the PMI’s Organizational Project Management .BUVSJUZ.PEFM01. t"QQMZUIFDPODFQUTPG1PSUGPMJP.BOBHFNFOUBOEQMBOUIFFWPMVUJPOBOEMJOLBHFUP UIF1.00VUMJOF1PSUGPMJP.BOBHFNFOUPCKFDUJWFTQSPDFTTFTSPMFTBOESFTQPOTJCJMJUJFTt3FWJFXUIFDPODFQU PGi1.0JOB#PYwo&TUBCMJTIJOHBOFOUFSQSJTF1SPKFDUBOE1SPDFTT.BOBHFNFOU.FUIPEPMPHZ'SBNFXPSLGPS ZPVSPSHBOJ[BUJPOt%JTUJOHVJTICFUXFFOUSBEJUJPOBMOFYUHFOFSBUJPOBQQSPBDIFTt"TTFTTUIFDSFBUJPOPG1. DPNNVOJUJFTGPSPOHPJOH1.0EFWFMPQNFOUBOEGPTUFSJOHBLOPXMFEHFTIBSJOHBOEDPMMBCPSBUJWFQSPKFDUDVMUVSFt *NQMFNFOU1.04DPSFDBSECBTFEPONFUSJDTNFBTVSFNFOUDSJUFSJBUIBUEFNPOTUSBUFTUSBUFHJDWBMVFCFOFmUT t%JTDVTTTVDDFTTTUSBUFHJFTBOEXBZTUPBWPJEQJUGBMMTJOFTUBCMJTIJOHBOETVTUBJOJOHUIFFOUFSQSJTF1.0 Which instructional materials will be used? 'BDJMJUBUFEJOUFSBDUJWFEJTDVTTJPOTDBTFTUVEZFYBNQMFTHSPVQXPSLIBOETPOFYFSDJTFTUPPMTEFNPOTUSBUJPO video and accelerated learning techniques. Workshop Instructor: Jack S. Duggal, MBA, PMP Mr. Duggal is a sought after international keynote speaker, change-maker and executive. His passion is to provide new perspectives on how to manage the DANCE of projects and life in today’s disruptive world and inspire people and organisations on how to Change the World! Jack is an internationally recognized expert in Organizational Project Management (OPM) and PMO. He is a top-rated seminar leader for PMI’s SeminarsWorld®. He is also BO"EKVODU1SPGFTTPSBUUIF6OJWFSTJUZPG/FX)BWFO64"+BDLJTUIF$&0PG1SPKFDUJ[F (SPVQ64"XPSLJOHXJUIMFBEJOHDPNQBOJFTBSPVOEUIFXPSMEJODMVEJOH64"&VSPQF"TJB and Middle East. He also has extensive experience in leading strategic initiatives in the GCC region including Dubai Government, Executive Affairs Authority in Abu Dhabi and other leading organizations and Government in, Kuwait, Oman and Saudi Arabia. Date: 18-19 Jan 2015 Days: 2 Fees (US$): Member - 1,250/Non Member - 1,350 Change Management : From Initial Idea to Implementation Initiative (14 PDUs) Workshop description : DAY ONE - Session 1 - A Change Management Overview t 5IPTFFNQMPZFFTBUBMMMFWFMTUPBDRVJSFTLJMMTFOBCMJOHUIFNUPCFUUFSDPQFBOESFTQPOEUPQFOEJOH$IBOHF What will my seminar experience cover? An open discussion exploring the myths and realities of Change Management. One of the most important ‘lessons’ in this seminar is that we already know a tremendous amount about why Change fails and succeeds in our organizations. The information collected in this section will allow us to evaluate the accuracy of the Change Process models discussed in later sections. t 5IF,àCMFS3PTT(SJFG$ZDMFoXJUIFNQIBTJTPOBQQMJDBCJMJUZUPPSHBOJ[BUJPOBMTJUVBUJPOT t 5IF7JSHJOJB4BUJS$IBOHF1SPDFTT.PEFMoUIFCBTJTGPSUIF$PNNVOJDBUJPO5FNQMBUFEFWFMPQFEPO%BZ t %JGGVTJPO5IFPSZCBTFEPO&WFSFUU3PHFSTXPSLoGPDVTFTPOUIFEJGGFSFOUBHFOUTXJUIJOUIF$IBOHFQSPDFTTo 'SPN&BSMZ"EPQUFSUP-BHHBSE*OnVFODFSTBOE$IBOHF"HFOUT DAY ONE - Session 2 - Comparing Experience to Theory How will I benefit? We will explore three Change Process models in some depth referencing the data collected in Session 1. 5IF,àCMFS3PTT(SJFG$ZDMFoXJUIFNQIBTJTPOBQQMJDBCJMJUZUPPSHBOJ[BUJPOBMTJUVBUJPOT Develop and enhance the contributions you make to your organization by learning how to: t .PWFGSPNUIF5IFPSZPG$IBOHF.BOBHFNFOUBOEBDRVJSFUIFBCJMJUZUPSFTFBSDIJOUPEBZUPEBZQSBDUJDF t 5IFSFBSFOVNFSPVT$IBOHF.BOBHFNFOUNPEFMTBWBJMBCMFUPUIFNPEFSOQSBDUJDJOH$IBOHF"HFOUVOEFSTUBOEJOH how they differ, what they have in common, is key to understanding how your organization responds to Change. t %JTDPWFSUIFLFZNPUJWBUJPOTCFIJOEXIZQFPQMFPSHBOJ[BUJPOTCPUISFTJTUBOEFNCSBDFDIBOHF t %FWFMPQDPNNVOJDBUJPOQMBOTUIBUSFTQPOEUPUIFVOJRVFBTQFDUTPGZPVS$IBOHF*OJUJBUJWF t -FBSOIPXUPBWPJEUIFNPTUDPNNPOQPJOUTPGGBJMVSFJO$IBOHFJNQMFNFOUBUJPOT t 8IZUIFSPMFPG$IBOHF"HFOUJOBOZJOJUJBUJWFJTJOIFSFOUMZEJGmDVMUBOEXIBUUPEPUPNJOJNJ[FUIFEJGmDVMUJFT DAY TWO - Session 4 – Developing a Change Initiative Communication template t %JTDPWFSLFZTLJMMTGPSNBOBHJOHBOETUFFSJOHUIFEJSFDUJPOPG$IBOHFXJUIJOZPVSPSHBOJ[BUJPO Communicating Change is recognized by most practitioners as perhaps the most important aspect of any Change initiative. Despite this, it poses the most difficulty for Change Agents. This session will explore why it is not sufficient to merely answer the typical Who, What, Where, When, Why and How questions – but must instead focus on the key issues raised by the Change Management Models explored in Session 2. The take away from this Session is a template which attendees can immediately apply to existing Change initiatives. Which instructional materials will be used? - The Virginia Satir Change Process Model – used as the basis for the Communication Template developed on Day 2 %JGGVTJPO5IFPSZCBTFEPO&WFSFUU3PHFSTXPSLoGPDVTFTPOUIFEJGGFSFOUBHFOUTXJUIJOUIF$IBOHFQSPDFTTo'SPN Early Adopter to Laggard, Influencers and Change Agents. DAY ONE - Session 3 - Extracting and applying Rules from Change Theory & Experience. This seminar is intended to provide attendees both a deeper understanding of Change and a set of tools with immediate applicability. This specific session is intended to use case studies from the class to identify possible strategies for immediate deployment. DAY TWO - Session 5 – Implementing Change in Small vs. Huge Organizations: Piece by Piece Small Change is ‘easy’ – Large Change can get ‘complicated’. This session explores some of that complexity. 5IF%VOCBS/VNCFS*ODMVTJPOCZ1SPYZi#VZJOwUPTPMVUJPOT74i#VZJOwUPQSPCMFNT)FBEPGmDF74'JFME0GmDF - Virtual Teams - Empowerment - Group Think in action - Consensus - Homophily vs. Hetrophily - Trust- Team Building - Motivational Models DAY TWO - Session 6 - In Class Case Study The goal and purpose of this scenario is to focus attention on how the different Change Process Models apply in whole and in part when attempting to understand a real world problem. A difficult – though fairly typical – change management problem is presented for solution. Why certain approaches fail – with references to the CM models – and how a solution is arrived at by using key concepts from the CM models is central to the exercise. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) areas covered: 5IFBSFBNPTUDMPTFMZNBUDIFEUPUIF$IBOHF.BOBHFNFOUUPQJDJTUIF)VNBO3FTPVSDFTFDUJPOPG1.#0, Who should attend? t 3FDFOUMZ BQQPJOUFE PS GVUVSF .BOBHFST BOE 4VQFSWJTPST t &YQFSJFODFE.BOBHFSTMPPLJOHGPSOFX$IBOHF.BOBHFNFOUUFDIOJRVFT t $IBOHF .BOBHFNFOU UFBNT FNCBSLJOH PO B $IBOHF *OJUJBUJWF BT XFMM BT TQPOTPST BOE PUIFS TUBLFIPMEFST wishing to gain an understanding of “How Change projects fail and succeed” tJOUFSBDUJWFEJTDVTTJPOTtQSFTFOUBUJPOtDBTFTUVEZBOBMZTJTtHSPVQXPSLtIBOETPOFYFSDJTFTtUPPMToNPEFMTBOE UFNQMBUFTtJODMBTTEFNPOTUSBUJPOTPGIPXXFSFTQPOEUP$IBOHF Workshop Instructor: Peter de Jager Peter de Jager is a keynote speaker/writer/consultant on the issues relating to the issue of managing change of all shapes and sizes in all types of organizations. He has published hundreds of articles ranging from Problem Solving, Creativity and Change to the impact of technology on areas such as privacy, security and business. His articles have appeared in 5IF8BTIJOHUPO1PTU5IF8BMM4USFFU+PVSOBM5IF'VUVSJTUBOE4DJFOUJmD"NFSJDBO He is best known to IT audiences for his efforts to create responsible awareness of the :,JTTVFo'PSXIJDIIFSFDFJWFETFWFSBMBXBSETGSPN*5BTTPDJBUJPOTBOE(PWU"HFODJFT*OBEEJUJPOUP presentations and seminars on the topics above, he’s written several regular columns. These have included; "TTPDJBUJPO5SFOET$*14BDSPTT$BOBEB&OUFSQSJTF(MPCF.BJMPOMJOFBOE.VOJDJQBM8PSME He is spoken in 40 countries and is recognized worldwide as an exciting, humorous, provocative and engaging TQFBLFS)JTBVEJFODFTIBWFJODMVEFEUIF8PSME&DPOPNJD'PSVN5IF8PSME#BOLBOE5IF#BOLGPS*OUFSOBUJPOBM Settlements. His presentations and workshops are highly interactive, fun, irreverent to mistaken ideas and most distinctively - provocative. He forces (entices?) the audience, by demonstrating conflicts between their stated beliefs and behaviours, to think differently about what they thought they knew. You can read much of his work in the publications section of or contact him at [email protected] Date: 18-19 Jan 2015 Days: 2 Fees (US$): Member - 1,250/Non Member - 1,350 15 Professional Training Program Description Workshop No. 4 Workshop Title: Professional Training Program Description Workshop No. 5 Workshop Title: To Get Ahead, To Rise to the Top, to be Seen as Leader you must take Action Today (14 PDUs) Workshop Description : Which instructional materials will be used? There has never been a better time to be a project manager. Today’s social media tools allow us to connect with experts and influencers to learn from, share with, and help us get our expertise out to the world. Those who embrace the new digital tools will lead the rest into the future. In this workshop participants will dive into each of the most popular social media sites and digital trends to discuss which make the most sense for each person. Participants will learn about tools such as Klout, to measure influence, Twitter to connect with a large community of experts, and even hashtags for strategic searching and connecting. Participants will learn how to optimize their LinkedIn profiles to be found and stand out. We will also work in groups to search for and find thought leaders and groups on LinkedIn and find helpful presentations on Slideshare. This session will be interactive and include group work, and tools demonstration. Who should attend? This workshop is intended for those who feel as if technology has left them behind and they would like to learn to use the latest social tools to build personal influence and connect with project management experts and resources worldwide. How will I benefit? Develop and enhance the contributions you make to your organization by learning how to: t $POOFDUXJUIFYQFSUTBOESFTPVSDFTJOQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUXPSMEXJEF t #FTFFOBTUIFMFBEJOHSFTPVSDFBOEFYQFSUJOZPVSmFMEVTJOHTPDJBMNFEJBUPPMT t .BYJNJ[FZPVSTPDJBMNFEJBQSPmMFTUPCFGPVOECZUIFSJHIUQFPQMF t %JTDPWFSFBTZXBZTUPTIBSFZPVSFYQFSUJTFBOEEFWFMPQUPNPSSPXTMFBEFST 16 Workshop Instructor: Gina Schreck Gina Schreck is the president and founder of SocialKNX, a digital media and social media marketing company. Gina has been using innovative technologies to connect teams and organizations with their communities since 1990. Involved in 3D immersive technologies. Gina’s company designed learning programs and virtual learning campuses for IBM, Sun .JDSPTZTUFNTBOEPUIFST7PUFEPOFPGUIFUPQGFNBMFJOnVFODFSTPOMJOFCZ'BTU$PNQBOZ and one of the top 10 coaches on social media tools in 2014, Gina helps people understand how to utilize today’s technology tools to connect, share knowledge and build relationships. Date: 18-19 Jan 2015 Days: 2 Fees (US$): Member - 1,250/Non Member - 1,350 Proactively Managing Projects and Resolving Disputes (7 PDUs) Workshop description : Construction litigation in today’s world is ever increasing and continuing to plague troubled projects. This session is a multi-media presentation that outlines the key points regarding an actual claims mitigation training program used to manage your project, timely mitigate claims and avoid costly litigation. This training program has been and is being used effectively on large complex multinational construction projects totaling in the billions of dollars. The session is presented by using “state of the art” multi-media demonstrative material to help educate all managers understand the protocols successfully being implemented and tools available to identify and help plan from the outset a way forward to deal judiciously with the common pitfalls that can disrupt and delay your projects. It emphasizes the Do’ and Don’ts regarding to the modus operandi needed to manage large international projects in advance of when construction commences and during the course of construction. This session is segregated into the following sections: t 1SPKFDU.BOBHFNFOU$PODFQUT t #FGPSF$POTUSVDUJPO#FHJOT t "T$POTUSVDUJPO1SPHSFTTFT t %JTQVUF3FTPMVUJPO This session was created by using over two decades of experience in the actual “hands on” construction of large industrial projects combined with the same amount of time analyzing and monitoring large troubled construction projects and lastly the process of litigation if all other avenue’s fail. Workshop Instructor: Steve Huyghe Steve has worked on large international projects world-wide in countries such as Brazil,India, "VTUSBMJB*OEPOFTJB.BMBZTJB.FYJDP%VCBJ4BVEJ"SBCJB5BJXBO$BOBEB1VFSUP3JDP (VBNBOEBMMUISPVHIUIF64")BWFQSPWJEFEDMBJNTNJUJHBUJPOTFSWJDFTUISPVHIPVUUIF DPVSTFPGDPOTUSVDUJPOBOEFYQFSUUFTUJNPOZJO*$$*$4*%%*"$BSCJUSBUJPOT'FEFSBM$PVSUT State Courts and Board of Contract Appeals. .FNCFS PG UIF 3PZBM *OTUJUVUJPO PG $IBSUFSFE 4VSWFZPST "DBEFNZ PG &YQFSUT )BWF developed a methodology for on-site implementation of analyzing delays “real time” and has been implemented and successfully used on many large, complex projects. Over 22 years on delay, disruption, labor QSPEVDUJWJUZEBNBHFT2VBOUVN DPOTUSVDUJPONFBOTBOENFUIPETBOEDPOUSBDUPSEVFEJMJHFODF)BWFBMTP DSFBUFEBMBCPSQSPEVDUJWJUZNPEFMGPSBOBMZ[JOHMBCPSJOFGmDJFODJFTUIBUIBTCFFOSFDPHOJ[FECZ'FEFSBM$PVSUT and in ICC Arbitration. Workshop Instructor: Dr. Fred Rahbar %S'SFEIBT0WFS5IJSUZOJOFZFBSTPGFYQFSJFODFJOQSPKFDUDPOUSPMTQMBOOJOHTDIFEVMJOH BOE DPTU DPOUSPM 'JFMET PG &YQFSJFODF JODMVEF *OGSBTUSVDUVSF 0JM (BT 1FUSPDIFNJDBM Transportation, power, wastewater plants, and other Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) projects. This included hands-on experience, developing, reviewing, and teaching all phases of UIF QSPKFDU GSPN 'SPOU &OE &OHJOFFSJOH %FTJHO '&&% UP %FUBJMFE %FTJHO 1SPDVSFNFOU Construction, and Commissioning with international Owners, Consultants and EPC Contractors. Date: 19 Jan 2015 Days: 1 Fees (US$): Member - 1000/Non Member - 1,100 17 Professional Training Program Description Workshop No. 6 Workshop Title: Professional Training Program Description Workshop No. 7 Workshop Title: Value Engineering and Innovation in Project Management (7 PDUs) Workshop description : This workshop is aimed at much value can be added to a project using the concept of Value Engineering and Innovation throughout the project lifecycle. Value Engineering and Innovation can bring new life into new products apart from a me-too ordinary production. The process, methodology and discipline are being presented in this workshop with many actual real life examples experienced by the speaker. Workshop Instructor: Francis Hung, PMP, P. Eng, MBA, RCDD, PRINCE2, MSP, ITIL, P3O, Agile Career highlight: Current: Project Sponsors, PMO officers, Project Managers, Product Managers, Manufacturing Managers, Purchasing Managers and Executives involve in new product development t t t t t t t t What will my seminar experience cover? t A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) areas covered: Initiation, Planning, Execution Who should attend? t -FBSOIPXUIFQSPDFTTPG7BMVF&OHJOFFSJOHBOE*OOPWBUJPOUIBUDBOCFBQQMJFEUP1SPKFDU.BOBHFNFOU t 5PPMTBOE5FDIOJRVFTJO7BMVF&OHJOFFSJOHBOE*OOPWBUJPO t %FMJWFSBHSFBUQSPKFDUSJHIUGSPNUIFPOTFUPGTUBSUJOHVQBOFXQSPKFDU t t t 1.1¥QSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUQSPGFTTJPOBM1.*PG64" $FSUJmFEUSBJOFSJOUIFGPMMPXJOH 13*/$&¥1SBDUJUJPOFSQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOU6,0GmDFPG(PWFSONFOU$PNNFSDF "HJMF1SPKFDU.BOBHFNFOU"UFSO¥"1.( 1SPKFDU1SPHSBNBOE1PSUGPMJP.BOBHFNFOU.41106,$BCJOFU0GmDF .BOBHJOH4VDDFTTGVM1SPHSBNT.416,$BCJOFU0GmDF *54FSWJDF*OGPSNBUJPO-JCSBSZ*5*-¥WQSPHSBN6,$BCJOFU0GmDF )BWF MJDFOTFT UP EFMJWFS $BCJOFU 0GmDF FYBNT JO UIF BCPWF 13*/$&¥ *5*-¥ BOE P3O® courses 1VSDIBTJOHNBOBHFNFOUMFDUVSFSGPSUIF&VSPQFBO*OTUJUVUFPG1VSDIBTJOH.BOBHFNFOU 'SBODF&*1. 1SPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUDPOTVMUBOUBU5FO4UFQ*OD64" .BOBHJOH%JSFDUPSPG5FO4UFQ$IJOB "YFMPT"1.( *5*-¥ 10¥ 4VCKFDU .BUUFS &YQFSU GPS UIF OFX TUBOEBSE SFWJFX committee Previous: How will I benefit? Develop and enhance the contributions you make to your organization by learning how to: t )PX UP DPMMFDU JOGPSNBUJPO BOE JEFOUJGZ PQQPSUVOJUZ GPS B XJOOJOH QSPEVDU EVSJOH UIF QSPKFDU GPSNBUJPO stage t 8IFSF7BMVF&OHJOFFSJOHBOE*OOPWBUJPONBLFTJUTNPTUJNQBDUEVSJOHUIFQSPKFDUMJGFDZDMF t #FBCMFUPBQQMZ7BMVF&OHJOFFSJOHDPODFQUTJOOFYUOFXQSPKFDU Which instructional materials will be used? t 1SFTFOUBUJPOXJUIJOUFSBDUJWFEJTDVTTJPOT t $BTFTUVEZBOBMZTJT t (SPVQXPSL t .PEFMCVJMEJOHFYFSDJTF t 4FOJPS71PG4ZTUFL*OGPSNBUJPO5FDIOPMPHZ-JNJUFEBMJTUFEDPNQBOZJO)POH,POH <o> t 4FOJPS.BOBHFSPG/PSUFM/FUXPSL/PSUFM$IJOBBOE/PSUFM$BOBEB <o> t 1SPHSBNNBOBHFSBU#FMM/PSUIFSO3FTFBSDI/PSUFM $BOBEB<o> t 1SPKFDUNBOBHFSBU.VSBUB&SJF"FSPTQBDF-JNJUFE$BOBEB<o> Education: t 1I%DBOEJEBUF4XJTT.BOBHFNFOU$FOUFS<UPQSFTFOU> t .#"/BOKJOH/PSNBM6OJWFSTJUZ/BOKJOH$IJOB<> t #BDIFMPSPG&OHJOFFSJOH.D.BTUFS6OJWFSTJUZ0OUBSJP$BOBEB<> 'SBODJT)VOHJTB$BOBEJBO$IJOFTFGVMMZCJMJOHVBMJO&OHMJTIBOE$IJOFTFQSPGFTTJPOBMTQFDJBMJ[JOHJOQSPKFDU management and product management. A certified trainer for the Project Management Institute and the European Institute of Procurement Management (EIPM) programs. He is strong in PMI® project management GSBNFXPSLBOEUIF13*/$&¥BOE5FO4UFQ¥QSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUNFUIPEPMPHZUSBJOJOHBOEJNQMFNFOUBUJPO )FJTBMTPB1I%DBOEJEBUFJOTUSBUFHJDQPSUGPMJPQSPHSBNNBOBHFNFOU'SBODJTJTBMTPBDFSUJmFEUSBJOFSGPS 13*/$&¥*5*-¥.41¥"HJMFBOE10¥VOEFS6,(PWFSONFOUT$BCJOFU0GmDF 'SBODJT IBT ZFBST PG FYQFSJFODF JO QSPKFDU NBOBHFNFOU BOE CVTJOFTT EFWFMPQNFOU USBJOJOH IBT B TPMJE background and extensive work done in business planning, product management and the implementation of project management office (PMO) for large corporations. He holds six patents in his previous work. Date: 22 Jan 2015 18 Days: 1 Fees (US$): Member - 1000/Non Member - 1,100 Workshop Description : Which instructional materials will be used? This workshop aims to delve into the depths of strategy leadership through a series of case studies. The instructor engages the participants by introducing a series of engaging case studies from real business contexts and excites the participants to explore key issues using a participant-centered case study method of learning pioneered by Harvard Business School (HBS). Each participant will receive a course folder that include case studies and lecture notes. Who should attend? This workshop is appropriate for managerslooking to improve their knowledge and skills on strategy leadership. What will my seminar experience cover? The seminar experience willinclude the following: t *OUSPEVDUJPOPGTFMFDUDBTFTUVEJFTGSPNSFBMMJGFCVTJOFTTXPSME t "OBMZTJTPGUIFTFMFDUFEDBTFTUVEJFTJOBHSPVQTFUUJOH t 'BDJMJUBUFEDBTFEJTDVTTJPOBOEBOBMZTJTUP t SBJTFUIPVHIUQSPWPLJOHJTTVFT t VOFBSUIBOEVOEFSTUBOEUIFDPOnJDUJOUIFDBTF t BQQSFDJBUFEJGGFSFOUBOEEJWFSHFOUWJFXQPJOUTBOEEFDJTJPOBMUFSOBUJWFT t FOHBHFJOBOETIBSFUIPVHIUGVMSFnFDUJPOBOESFMBUFJUUPUIFPSZ t 5PBHSFFEJTBHSFFPSBHSFFUPEJTBHSFFPOTUSBUFHJDDIPJDFTBOEBDUJPOTUFQT The case studies will be selected based around the key challenges in today’s strategy leadership landscape. Selection and sequencing of case studies aim to facilitate real-time reflective learning. Workshop Instructor: Dr. Azad Chalikuzhi, PhD, MBA, PgMP,PMP Dr.Azad has more than 18 years of professional experience as a Management Consultant 5SBJOFS CPUI JO UIF QVCMJD QSJWBUF TFDUPS PSHBOJ[BUJPOT )F JT XPSLJOH XJUI B A$BSFFS Mission’ to consistently create and deliver value, forging win-win partnerships with people and organizations that he is working with; and to excel and leave a legacy in the field of A4USBUFHZ1SPHSBN1SPKFDU.BOBHFNFOU )F IBT XPSLFE XJUI $FOUSBM *OGPSNBUJDT 0SHBOJ[BUJPO #BISBJO .JOJTUSZ PG *OUFSJPS 2BUBS "3"4$0 ,4" 1.* "SBCJBO (VMG $IBQUFS 5BUXFFS 1FUSPMFVN #BISBJO $PPLTPO 1MD Infodata Ltd., Parsn Technologies, Sadbhavana World School (India) etc Azad regularly trains Project and Program managers for their Project Management Professional (PMP) and Program Management Professional (PgMP) certification examinations. He also conducts Leadership $PNNVOJDBUJPOT4LJMMTXPSLTIPQTGPSTFOJPSFYFDVUJWFTBOEQSPKFDUNBOBHFST"EEJUJPOBMMZIFIBTBMTPUBVHIU NBOBHFNFOUDPVSTFTJOUIF6OJWFSTJUZPG#BISBJOBOE4USBUIDMZEF6OJWFSTJUZ.#"QSPHSBNJO#BISBJOCFTJEFT leading many strategy development and implementation projects. )FJTBDPOUJOVPVTMFBSOFSBOEIPMETB1I%JO4USBUFHZ1SPHSBN1SPKFDU.BOBHFNFOUGSPN4LFNB#VTJOFTT 4DIPPM 'SBODF BOE IBT BO .#" JO .BSLFUJOH UPHFUIFS XJUI 1.1 BOE 1H.1 DFSUJmDBUJPOT GSPN 1SPKFDU Management Institute (PMI) and Competent Communicator (CC) and Advance Toastmaster (ATM) certifications from Toastmasters International (TMI). Azad is also a Graduate of PMI Leadership Institutes Masters Class 2005. He has been a Consultant to many new businesses and two social initiatives. He has also worked in 4 countries in the Middle East and in India and has traveled to more than 20 countries. Azad is a natural leader who passionately believes in the power of leadership and project management in bringing about business and social changes. How will I benefit? The course requires no prerequisite. However the participants will be required to read the case studies prior to the case discussion and actively participate in the workshop. t *NQSPWFELOPXMFEHFBOEVOEFSTUBOEJOHPGTUSBUFHZMFBEFSTIJQJOUIFDIBOHJOHXPSME t *NQSPWFNFOUJOBOBMZUJDBMTLJMMT t *NQSPWFNFOUJODPNNVOJDBUJPOBOEJOUFSQFSTPOBMTLJMMT t *NQSPWFNFOUBCJMJUZUPFWBMVBUFTUSBUFHJDPQUJPOTBOEUPNBLFEFDJTJPOT t *NQSPWFNFOUJOFNQBUIZBOEMJTUFOJOHTLJMMT Date: 22 Jan 2015 Days: 1 Fees (US$): Member - 1000/Non Member - 1,100 19 Professional Training Program Description Workshop No. 8 Workshop Title: Strategy Leadership Through Case Studies (7 PDUs) Professional Training Program Description Workshop No. 9 Workshop Title: Earned Value Management (14 PDUs) Toward effective Project Performance Measurement and efficient Project Performance Management Overview Earned value management is a set of project management best practices. Simply it is a project management methodology that facilitates an objective measurement for the project performance. EVM helps in measuring the project progress, project status, project trend and project forecast. In this 2-day workshop, participants will be introduced to the EVP concepts and how to implement the EVM as the most effective and the efficient approach for project performance measurement and project performance management. Participants will experience creating an earned value management baseline, determining earned value from project status, calculating earned value management indices, and estimating final cost and completion date. The workshop includes the new earned schedule method to improve schedule prediction. This workshop is perfect for team leads, cost account managers, financial and schedule control staff, project and program managers, and chief project officers. This workshop covers all the essential knowledge needed to apply earned value management to your projects. When completed, you participants will understand the role of control account managers (CAM), and how to determine where to place control accounts within projects. Participants will also experience how earned value data analysis provides insight into cost and schedule performance. The AACEI (Association of Advancement for Cost Engineering International) Earned Value Professional certification (EVP) is the only industry recognized professional certification for career minded earned value management professionals. This workshop will prepare the participants for all four sections of the AACEI day long (EVP) exam. The workshop also includes a sample of (EVP) exam questions involving analysis of EVM data. Who should attend? Project managers, team members, project engineers, design engineers, project leaders, industrial engineers, program managers, operations managers, functional managers, information technology professionals, and all Individuals need to learn the Earned Value Management and apply them to their projects to add values and improve the rate of return. Which instructional materials will be used? t $PNQSFIFOTJWFDPVSTF*O#PPL5SBJOJOHNBUFSJBM t "1SBDUJDBM(VJEFUP&BSOFE7BMVF.BOBHFNFOU&7. t $PNQMFUJPO$FSUJmDBUF$POUBDU)PVST 20 Workshop Instructor: Osama Bakir RMP, PMP, Masc. P.Eng. Eng. Bakir has more than 28 years experience in implementing best practices of project management while assuming senior positions in project management working for various international consulting firms in many different industries, including Constructions Management, Telecom, Information Technologies, Oil and Gas and Business Management. Eng. Bakir is an experienced program management consultant, certified Project Management 1SPGFTTJPOBM 1.1 DFSUJmFE 1SPKFDU 3JTL .BOBHFNFOU 1SPGFTTJPOBMT 1.*3.1 UBMFOUFE and highly accomplished information technology professional, with extensive background in Project Management. &OH #BLJS IPMET B #TD *O $JWJM &OHJOFFSJOH GSPN ,VXBJU 6OJWFSTJUZ B .BTD JO &OHJOFFSJOH 5SBOTQPSUBUJPO 1MBOOJOH GSPN 6OJWFSTJUZ PG 8BUFSMPP $BOBEB BOE B .TD JO $PNQVUFS 4ZTUFNT BOE *5 .BOBHFNFOU GSPN 6OJWFSTJUZ PG 8BTIJOHUPO 64" *O BEEJUJPO &OH #BLJS JT B $FSUJmFE 1SPGFTTJPOBM &OHJOFFS JO 0OUBSJP Canada (P.Eng.) Date: 18-19 January 2015 Days: 2 Fees (US$): Member - 1,250/Non Member - 1,350 15th International Conference, 19-21 January, 2015, Bahrain PMI-Arabian Gulf Chapter - Conference & Seminar Registration Form Company Information Delegate Information (Please print legibly or type) -BTU/BNF .JEEMF/BNF Company: Job Title: 0GmDF1IPOF 'BY/P Mailing Address City: Country: Post Code: E-mail Address PMI Membership No.: 'PSDPOmSNBUJPOPGSFHJTUSBUJPOZPVNBZGBYUIJTGPSNUP 'JSTU/BNF 1.*"SBCJBO(VMG$IBQUFS'BY 'PSNPG1BZNFOU REGISTRATION FEES Conference $POGFSFODF'VMM5FDIOJDBM1SPHSBNPOMZ1%6T Date: 19-21 January, 2015 Workshops 1. Program Management to Deliver Strategies %BUF+BOVBSZ1%6T PMI Members 64 700 Non Member 64 800 1,250 1,350 1SPKFDU3JTL.BOBHFNFOU.BTUFS$MBTT %BUF+BOVBSZ1%6T 1,250 1,350 /FYU(FOFSBUJPO1.01PSUGPMJP.BOBHFNFOU %BUF+BOVBSZ1%6T 1,250 1,350 $IBOHF.BOBHFNFOU'SPN*OJUJBM*EFBUP*NQMFNFOUBUJPO*OJUJBUJWF %BUF+BOVBSZ1%6T 1,250 1,350 5PHFU"IFBEUP3JTFUPUIF5PQUPCFTFFOBT-FBEFS:PV.VTU5BLF"DUJPO5PEBZ %BUF+BOVBSZ1%6T 1,250 1,350 1SPBDUJWFMZ.BOBHJOH1SPKFDUT5P"WPJE0S3FTPMWF%JTQVUFT %BUF+BOVBSZ1%6T 1,000 1,100 7BMVF&OHJOFFSJOH*OOPWBUJPOJO1SPKFDU.BOBHFNFOU %BUF+BOVBSZ1%6T 1,000 1,100 Amount $IFDLQBZBCMFUP1SPKFDU.BOBHFNFOU*OTUJUVUF Please mail check to: Mr. Salim Bhuria Treasurer 15th International Conference Committee PMI-Arabian Gulf Chapter, P.O. Box 4316, Shuwaikh – 70654, Kuwait. 'BY.PCJMF +966.5068.10102 Email : [email protected] Account Name : Project Management Institute - Arabian Gulf Chapter Account No. : 99094398 Bank : National Bank of Bahrain (NBB), Manama, Bahrain. Swift Code : NBOBBHBM IBAN : BH37 NBOB 0000 0099 0943 98 Print Name Signature Delegates Cancellation and Refunds: Cancellation must be received in writing to the Conference Secretariat. "DBODFMMBUJPOGFFPG64XJMMCFDIBSHFEGPSDBODFMMBUJPOSFDFJWFE before 19th December 2014. After this date no refund will be considered. Accommodation Arrangement: The chapter has reserved blocks of rooms during the conference, seminars and exhibition at the conference venue Gulf Hotel, Manama, Bahrain with special rates which will be available on a first come first serve basis. The hotel reservation is the responsibility of the participant. Group Discounts 8. Strategy Leadership Through Case Studies %BUF+BOVBSZ1%6T 1,000 1,100 9. Earned Value Management %BUF+BOVBSZ1%6T 1,250 1,350 Total Amount Due in US Dollars Group discounts are available for companies and organizations sending delegates of 10 or more. Visit to obtain more information about our group discount offers. All participants who register for the conference will be entitled to claim 14 PDUs: * Send by email to [email protected] or 'BY+965.2482.1406 21 Exhibition Stand Booking Form I5th PMI-AGC International Conference 19-21 January 2015; Gulf International Convention Centre (GICC), Gulf Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain Company: Date: /BNFPG3FQSFTFOUBUJWF Position: Mailing Address: City: Country: 5FMFQIPOF .PCJMF Postal Code: 'BY Email: Products or services to be displayed: Select the desired stand options Option A - Shell Scheme Package Participation fees: Participation fees: #%PS64%QFSN2) Stand Space Only (min. 6m2) No. of stands required 1BSUJDJQBUJPOGFFT#%PS64QFSN2 Stand Nos. Stand Nos. Booked Shell Space Booked Space Only: Participation includes: Participation does not include any stand construction except one 240 volt power supply. (It is not permitted to use wall partitions of adjacent stands). 8IJUF XBMM QBOFMT N IFJHIU $BSQFU 'MPPS 5BCMFT with three chairs, two fluorescent lights, one 240 volt power socket. Note 1: All efforts will be made to accommodate your stand location request based on availability. 22 Option B - Stand Space Only /PUF"EFQPTJUPGJTSFRVJSFEBUUIFUJNFPGCPPLJOHBOE the full payment by 1st November, 2014. 'PS DPOmSNBUJPO PG SFHJTUSBUJPO ZPV NBZ GBY UIJT GPSN UP 1.*"SBCJBO(VMG$IBQUFS'BY Form of Payment: Check payable to Project Management Institute Please mail check to: 15th International Conference Committee, PMI-Arabian Gulf Chapter, P.O. Box 4316, Shuwaikh – 70654, Kuwait, 'BY.PCJMF Email : [email protected] Account Name Account No. Bank Swift Code IBAN : : : : : Project Management Institute - Arabian Gulf Chapter 99094398 National Bank of Bahrain (NBB), Manama, Bahrain. NBOBBHBM BH37 NBOB 0000 0099 0943 98 Exhibition Information C7 4x3 4x3 C11 4x3 C12 C13 4x3 4x3 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 6x5 6x5 6x5 6x5 6x5 11 x 5.5 4x3 11 x 5.5 11 x 5.5 C2 C3 C4 C5 4x3 4x3 4x3 4x3 F9 F10 F11 3x3 3x3 3x3 B1 6x5 F6 F7 F8 3x3 3x3 3x3 C6 4x3 4x3 Provisional booking for sponsors exhibition stands may be made by Contacting: C10 4x3 C15 Sponsorship provides unique opportunities for you to boost your company’s visibility and image via your booth at the exhibition. C9 4x3 The Exhibition will be the stepping stone to foster a close relationship between industry experts and service providers to build better ties for the future development in the Gulf 3FHJPO 5IF $POGFSFODF JO HFOFSBM XJUI JUT theme “Delivering GCC 2030 Vision Through Excellent Project Management” is an exclusive event for communicating with your business partners and associates. C8 4x3 C14 About 66 sponsors/exhibitors are anticipated to participate in this conference. Joining the exhibitions are project Investors and financiers, DPOTUSVDUJPO $POUSBDUPST &OHJOFFSJOH 'JSNT .BOVGBDUVSFST'JOBODJBM*OTUJUVUFTBOE1SPKFDU Services Providers from North America, Europe and Middle East. The Exhibition to be held concurrent with the conference, and will be a unique opportunity for project engineers, specialists, product suppliers, consultants and contractors to introduce their latest products, services and technologies. F1B F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 3x3 Booking for Exhibition Stands The Exhibition F1A 3x3 Exhibition: Eng. Jameel Khalaf Al Alawi email: [email protected] Tel: +973 36980010 PMI Arabian Gulf Chapter (PMI-AGC) P.O. Box 4316, Shuwaikh – 70654, Kuwait 'BY Mobile : +965.6592.2392; +966.5068.10102 Email : [email protected] Freighter Contact: Dynamic Freight - #FBDI5PXFS4IPQ(3PBE/P#MEH/P#MPDL &YIJCJUJPO3PBE.BOBNB,JOHEPNPG#BISBJO5FM'BY Mob: +973 39440902 Email: [email protected], 23 Sponsors/Exhibitors Benefits Official Sponsor Diamond Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Dinner Sponsor Lunch Sponsor 64 64 64 64 64 64 54 Sq. Mtr 30 Sq. Mtr 12 Sq. Mtr 9 Sq. Mtr 6 Sq. Mtr 6 Sq. Mtr 6 Sq. Mtr 'SFF1.*"($%FMFHBUF.FNCFSTIJQ 15 12 10 8 6 4 4 Delegates from the sponsoring company may attend the conference with full package free of charge. 15 12 10 8 6 4 4 Publicity materials will be included in the conference pack. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Company name and logo will be published in the conference website which shall be connected to the sponsors website. 'VMM4J[F 'VMM4J[F 'VMM4J[F Half Size Half Size Half Size Half Size Advertisement shall be provided in the Exhibition Guide at free of cost. 'VMM1BHFT 'VMM1BHFT 'VMM1BHF 1/2 Page 1/4 Page 1/4 Page 1/4 Page Company will be honoured with a Plaque by the Conference Patron at the Opening Ceremony. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Executive Officers will be treated as VIPs during the event and official lunches and dinner. 10 8 6 4 3 2 1 1.5m x 1.5m 1.25m x 1.25m 1m x 1m 0.75m x 0.75m 0.75m x 0.75m 0.5m x 0.5m 0.5m x 0.5m 4FQBSBUF3PMMVQT 4FQBSBUF3PMMVQ 4FQBSBUF3PMMVQ Yes Yes Yes Benefits Entitles for exhibition stand space with stand fittings at the exhibition hall. Company logo will be displayed in the conference hall along with the conference banner. 3PMMVQXJMMCFEJTQMBZFEPVUTJEFUIFMPCCZBMPOH with company logo. Company name, logo and profile will be published in the conference proceedings. $PNCJOF3PMMVQ $PNCJOF3PMMVQ $PNCJOF3PMMVQ $PNCJOF3PMMVQ Yes Yes Yes The exhibition booth will include: t6QHSBEFETIFMMTDIFNFCPPUIXJUIXIJUFQBOFMt0OF5BCMF5XP$IBJST'BTDJBOBNFPGZPVSDPNQBOZXJUICPPUIOVNCFSt0OF8BTUF#BTLFUt0OF"TIUSBZ t0OF".14PDLFUt5ISFF84QPUMJHIUTt4FUVQBOE%JTNBOUMJOHt)PUFMCBTFDBSQFUt&YIJCJUJPO$BUBMPHVFt&YIJCJUJPO.FNPSJBM(JGU*UFN 24 Conference Bag Sponsor 64 Yes Sponsorship Form I5th PMI-AGC International Conference 19-21 January 2015; Gulf International Convention Centre (GICC), Gulf Hotel, Kingdom of Bahrain Company Name: Contact: Title: Mailing Address: City: Country: Postal Code: 5FMFQIPOF 'BY &NBJM Signature: Date: Company Seal: Our organization is pleased to sponsor the 14th PMI-AGC International Conference at the following level: 0GmDJBM4QPOTPS 64 %JBNPOE4QPOTPS 64 1MBUJOVN4QPOTPS 64 (PME4QPOTPS 64 %JOOFS4QPOTPS 64 -VODI4QPOTPS 64 $POGFSFODF#BH4QPOTPS 64 The amount as mark will be paid as follows: Please tick mark for selection. 'PSJOGPSNBUJPOPO4QPOTPSTIJQ#FOFmUT please contact PMI-AGC Head Office at Tel: +965.5692.2392; +966.5068.10102, 'BY Email : [email protected] Wire Transfer to Chapter’s Bank Account Account Name : Project Management Institute - Arabian Gulf Chapter Account No. : 99094398 Bank : National Bank of Bahrain (NBB), Manama, Bahrain Swift Code : NBOBBHBM IBAN : BH37 NBOB 0000 0099 0943 98 Authorized by (Name): Note: Due to big demand in the sponsorship, acceptance will be based on the first come first serve basis. Completed registration form should be faxed at +965 2482 1406 Mr. Salim Bhuria Signature: Project Management Institute-Arabian Gulf Chapter 15th International Conference Committee PMI-Arabian Gulf Chapter, P.O. Box 4316, Shuwaikh – 70654, Kuwait Job title: Salim Bhuria, P.O. Box 4316, Shuwaikh – 70654, Kuwait 'BY.PCJMF +966.5068.10102 Email : [email protected] Payable to: ++Project Management Institute++ Please mail check to: 25 Conference Venue & Attractions of Bahrain Conference Venue The conference and exhibition will be held at the Gulf International Convention &YIJCJUJPO$FOUFS(VMG)PUFM,JOHEPN of Bahrain. The Gulf Hotel offers luxurious hospitality. A landmark in Manama, just 10 minutes away from the Bahrain International Airport and 5 minutes from the City Centre. It offers 366 well-appointed rooms of gracious style, uncompromising efficiency and thoughtful technology. The (VMG*OUFSOBUJPOBM$POGFSFODF&YIJCJUJPO Centre offers exhibition, meeting and prefunction areas with unequalled state ofthe-art facilities. The hotel houses many of Bahrain’s leading restaurants. Gulf Hotel 26 Bahrain, an archipelago of 33 islands, is rich in history ancient civilizations and is situated in the Arabian Gulf, off the east coast of Saudi Arabia. The country offers a fascinating blend of Eastern and Western cultures. The capital Manama is a quite modern cosmopolitan city, which boasts world class restaurants, TIPQQJOHDFOUFSTBOEUPVSJTUBUUSBDUJPOT5IFDMJNBUFJTIPUJOTVNNFSBOENJMEJOXJOUFS'SPN/PWFNCFS to April the weather is very pleasant, with temperatures ranging from 15 to 24 degree centigrade. Arabic is the official language, but English is widely used by most businesses. Bahrain International Circuit Bahrain Fort The Bahrain International Circuit is a venue used GPSESBHSBDJOH(1BOEBOBOOVBM'PSNVMB0OF (SBOE1SJY'PSUIFmSTUUJNFJOUIFSFXBT a V8 Supercar race, named the Desert 400, and BMTP B )PVS 3BDF 5IF DPOTUSVDUJPO PG UIF Bahrain circuit was a national objective for Sakhir, Bahrain, initiated by the Crown Prince, Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa. The Crown Prince is the Honorary President of the Bahrain Motor 'FEFSBUJPO The fort is at a distance of nearly 7 kilometers from the city of Manama and situated at Karbabad, the village well known for its traditional basketry on the North Central coastline. It is also known as 2BMBU #VSUVHIBM PS UIF IJTUPSJDBM TJUF UIBU IBE become the seat of successive civilizations, the last of which was the Islamic era. The fort was built by Portuguese in 1522. The Portuguese added the high walls, the huge square tower and surrounding moat which is still visible to visitors. 5IF #BISBJO 'PSU PDDVQJFE B TUSBUFHJD NJMJUBSZ position and boasted a navigation ammunition depot and a secret passageway. #BISBJO'PSU Bahrain International Circuit Bait Al-Qur’an -PDBUFEJOUIFDJUZPG.BOBNB#BJU"M2VSBOPS )PVTFPG2VSBOXBTJOBVHVSBUFEJO.BSDI It is a typical specialized museum consisting of several floors and characterized by most EJTUJODUJWF *TMBNJD EFTJHO 5IF #BJU "M2VSBO IPVTFT BODJFOU NBOVTDSJQUT PG UIF )PMZ 2VSBO that have been collected from the Islamic world in general and from North Africa, Iran, India and China in particular. It also displays rare Islamic artifacts, Jewelry and gold-ornamented glass utensils, including the great Islamic heritage arts that had an influence through out the world. The building also includes a lecture hall provided with sophisticated equipment, a library of scientific, Islamic reference books, and Arabic calligraphy BOEUIFFYIJCJUJPOUSBOTMBUJPOTPGUIF2VSBOJOUP several languages. It is definitely worth visiting as part of Bahrain’s tourist landmarks Grand Mosque Bahrain The PMI-AGC will once again serve as the regional focus for the Middle East project management community. Since its inception in 1992, PMI-AGC has built an enviable reputation for its high quality technical program and for its consistent ability to attract major names in the industry to UIFQSPKFDUNBOBHFNFOUBTTPDJBUFEDPOGFSFODFFYIJCJUJPO 15th International Conference, Seminars & Exhibition 19-21 January, 2015, Gulf Hotel, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPOQMFBTFDPOUBDU PMI-AGC Head Office email: pmi-agc 'BY/P Salim A. Bhuria P.O. Box 4316, Shuwaikh – 70654, Kuwait Mobile : +965.6592.2392; +966.5068.10102 Email : [email protected] 27 OFFICIAL SPONSORS SUPPORTED BY PLATINUM SPONSORS Consolidated Contractors Company GOLD SPONSORS CONFERENCE BAG SPONSOR OTHER SPONSORS
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