Shire of Esperance COUNCILLOR’S INFORMATION BULLETIN ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 26th February 2013 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 2 DISCLAIMER No responsibility whatsoever is implied or accepted by the Shire of Esperance for any act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee meetings. The Shire of Esperance disclaims any liability for any loss whatsoever and howsoever caused arising out of reliance by any person or legal entity on any such act, omission or statement or intimation occurring during Council or Committee meetings. Any person or legal entity who acts or fails to act in reliance upon any statement, act or omission made in a Council or Committee meeting does so at that person‟s or legal entity‟s own risk. In particular and without derogating in any way from the broad disclaimer above, in any discussion regarding any planning application or application for a licence, any statement or intimation of approval made by a member or officer of the Shire of Esperance during the course of any meeting is not intended to be and is not to be taken as notice of approval from the Shire of Esperance. The Shire of Esperance warns that anyone who has any application lodged with the Shire of Esperance must obtain and should only rely on written confirmation of the outcome of the application, and any conditions attaching to the decision made by the Shire of Esperance in respect of the application. ETHICAL DECISION MAKING AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Council is committed to a code of conduct and all decisions are based on an honest assessment of the issue, ethical decision-making and personal integrity. Councillors and staff adhere to the statutory requirements to declare financial, proximity and impartiality interests and once declared follow the legislation as required. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 3 SHIRE OF ESPERANCE Index SHIRE OF ESPERANCE 1. REPORTS 1.1 ENGINEERING SERVICES 1.1.1 Plant Maintenance Foreman‟s Report 1.1.2 Rural Road Works Report: David Spencer – Manager Engineering Operations 1.1.3 Town Works Report: David Spencer – Manager Engineering Operations 1.1.4 Parks & Gardens 1.1.5 Grading Report 1.2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1.2.1 Building Services 1.2.2 Planning Services 1.2.3 Subdivision Applications Recommended for Approval 1.2.4 Subdivision Decisions – Western Australian Planning Commission 1.2.5 State Administrative Tribunal Proceedings Update 1.2.6 Health Services 1.3 EXECUTIVE SERVICES 1.3.1 Human Resources 1.3.2 Occupational Safety and Health Report 1.4 COMMUNITY SERVICES 1.4.1 Ranger Services 1.4.2 Tourism & Events Report 1.4.3 Library Services 1.4.4 Recreation & Youth Services 1.5 CORPORATE SERVICES 1.5.1 Records Services 2. INFORMATION CORRESPONDENCE 3. MINUTES AND NOTES OF MEETINGS HELD DURING PERIOD 4. PAPERS 3 4 4 4 7 9 10 11 12 12 18 20 20 20 22 23 23 23 26 28 29 32 40 40 43 43 43 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 1. Page 4 REPORTS 1.1 ENGINEERING SERVICES 1.1.1 Plant Maintenance Foreman’s Report Report: Craig Shearer – Workshop Foreman Plant Asset Number Description Work Completed TR 27 Box Top Trailer Repair light wires / replace wheel bearings TR 49 Rubbish Trailer Check wiring / grease wheel bearings L47 Backhoe Replace O rings on hydraulic control valve G41 Grader Repair alternator wiring LV540 Ute Replace air flow meter / injectors VR11 Vib Roller Remount Dash and radio TR48 Fuel Trailer Replace throttle cable L54 Loader Repair fwd / rev lever TC19 Tractor Replace air con compressor / PTO seal and check over TR71 Paint Trailer Replace Seal in pump T100 Truck Remount tail gate air valve MR12 Roller Replace brake booster / clean up TC34 Tractor Broken wiring on alternator / seal up cab G37 Grader Faulty wire on transmission C27 Caravan Repair Davie water pump / replace wheel bearings T100 Truck Replace tow hitch VR12 Vib Roller Replace drum rubbers ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 G39 Grader Replace door window L47 Backhoe Replace transmission pipe L54 Loader Repair hydraulic oil leak under cab T95 Truck Clean radiator / check cooling system L46 Backhoe Replace air con fan T88 Truck Replace tow hitch MR12 Roller Rewire rotating lights on cab G37 Grader Replace gas strut in steering column G41 Grader Replace blade wear strips L52 Skid Steer Loader Shim up bucket and pins RB2 Rock Buster Weld up safety chains T99 Truck Repair hoist stool valve G37 Grader Remove radios / phone for trade in L45 Loader Remove radios L46 Backhoe Replace hydraulic hose 11 Service 18 Service Light Vehicles Heavy Plant Work in progress T100 Truck Hydraulic valve block (hoist) L48 Backhoe Hydraulic valve block G42 Grader Replace blade slippers Work Scheduled Page 5 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 TC33 Mower Replace cutting disc L47 Backhoe Replace air cleaner group G43 Grader 12 M Westrac L56 Loader 624 H Westrac New Plant Page 6 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 1.1.2 Page 7 Rural Road Works Report: David Spencer – Manager Engineering Operations FUNDING SOURCE WORKS COMPLETED Parmango Rd 4 km North of Heywood Rd Reconstruct to 7.4m MRWA Parmango Rd 5 km North of Shearer Rd Limestone Resheet MUNI Parmango Rd 2km section 6 km North of Heywood Rd Reconstruct to 7.4m MRWA Speddingup Rd West 2 km East of Dalyup Rd Resheet MUNI FUNDING SOURCE WORKS IN PROGRESS Cascades Rd 4 km Reconstruct to 7.4m MRWA Fisheries Rd 6 km section East of Parmango Rd Reconstruct to 7.4m MRWA Dalyup Rd Browning Rd to Boydell Rd Resheet FUNDING SOURCE WORKS PROGRAMMED Murrays Rd SLK 8.50 – 10.00 MUNI Construct to Gravel Standard MUNI ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 1.1.1 Page 8 Town Works Report: David Spencer – Manager Engineering Operations FUNDING SOURCE WORKS COMPLETED Tanker Jetty Foreshore Area Combine 2 Ocean Outfalls to 1 MUNI/GRANT Woods St Simpson – Sheldon Rd Industrial Area Kerbing MUNI The Esplanade 120 m S.West of Dempster St Drainage, Kerbing & Footpath MUNI Sims St West of Harbour Rd Install Pipe & Manholes R to R FUNDING SOURCE WORKS IN PROGRESS Andrew/Windich St‟s Roundabout Relocation of Horizon Power Infrastructure George St Freeman St to Residential College Entrance Construct & Bitumenise Mungan Roundabout William St, Corry St, Mungan St, Stubbing St Intersection New Path & Retaining Wall G.P.T William St Outfall Yacht Club Gross Pollution Trap BLACK SPOT MUNI BLACK SPOT R to R FUNDING SOURCE WORKS PROGRAMMED Forrest St Library DUP to Woolworths Carpark Install Raised Pedestrian Plateau MUNI Frank Freeman Drive & McCarthy St Intersection Kerb & Drainage Widening of Kerb MUNI Sewer Infill Various Roads & Footpaths Reinstatement of Surface PRIVATE WORKS ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 1.1.3 Town Works Report: David Spencer – Manager Engineering Operations Page 9 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 1.1.4 Page 10 Parks & Gardens Report: Jason Rhodes - Parks & Gardens Supervisor Area Comments Playgrounds All Playgrounds were inspected as per the inspection schedule during the month with minor maintenance carried out as required. Staff are currently looking into the possibility of recording inspections electronically with a portable device to make the process more efficient. Mowing Staff continued to work to the new Mowing Program during the month. Some lower profile areas did become out of schedule due to the Christmas holiday period but have since been serviced and are back on schedule. Irrigation The irrigation upgrade project at the Greater Sports Ground is well underway and on schedule for commissioning in the second week of February. All main lines have been laid and work has started on the installation of lateral pipes and sprinklers. Staff have been keeping in close contact with sporting groups and to date there has been no disruption to fixtures. Trees There was a noticeable increase in tree branch failures during month. Particularly in the Norfolk Pines and Tuarts around town. An Arborist was contacted regarding the issue, he believes the trees are just under stress due to the extreme hot dry conditions we have been having especially after the 47 degree day early in the month. Staff are monitoring the trees that have caused issues. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 1.1.5 Grading Report Page 11 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 1.2 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1.2.1 Building Services Building Permits for the Month of January 2013 Page 12 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 13 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Building Activity Table/ Month by Month – 2012/13 Page 14 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Comparison of Monthly Building Licence Stats 2011/12 & 2012/13 Page 15 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Building Activity Table – 2009/10 to 2012/13 Page 16 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Yearly Approved Building Stats – 2004/05 – 2012/13 Page 17 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 1.2.2 Page 18 Planning Services Development Applications Approved 1st January 2013 to 31st January 2013 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 19 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 20 1.2.3 Subdivision Applications Recommended for Approval NIL this month 1.2.4 Subdivision Decisions – Western Australian Planning Commission NIL this month 1.2.5 State Administrative Tribunal Proceedings Update “State Administrative Tribunal Proceedings: The Shire of Esperance was formally notified of a directions hearing (SAT reference DR 24/2013: Campbell v Shire of Esperance, Planning and Development Act 2005 - Section 252 [2]) in writing on 21 January 2013 in relation to the Council Refusal of Development Application 10.2012.2044.1 for a proposed „Industry - Noxious‟ use to facilitate the production of zinc phosphide mouse bait on Lot 1492 Bukenerup Road, Monjingup. The application was refused by Council in the Ordinary Council Meeting in December of 2012. The directions‟ hearing is scheduled for 13 February 2013.” ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 21 Status of LPS 23 Scheme Amendments Amendment Details of Active Amendments No 2. 11. 12. 13. Rezoning of Lot 64 Bandy Creek Road, Bandy Creek from "Agriculture - General" to "Special Use" Modifying Rural Residential 2 (RR2) provisions by supporting subdivision of lot 9501 (formerly part of already subdivided lot 775) where it is consistent with an outline development plan approved by the Shire of Esperance and endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission Rezoning of Lots 1 and 5 Wharton Road, Condingup from 'Tourism' to 'Special Use' Rezoning of Lot 100 Coolgardie-Esperance Highway from "Agriculture - General" to "Rural Smallholdings" Date Amendment Initiated by Council 23 March 2010 24 July 2012 27 November 2012 24 July 2012 Current Status Awaiting modifications to Scheme Amendment report to facilitate referral to EPA for consent to advertise Adopted by Council in December 2012 Awaiting final approval from the Hon Minister for Planning Amendment initiated by Council November 2012 Amendment referred to EPA for consent to advertise Adopted by Council in November 2012 Awaiting final approval from the Hon Minister for Planning ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 22 1.2.6 Health Services Environmental Health Services – January 2013 Report: Paul Clifton – Manager Health and Environment Inspections Food Premises: Recurrent High Medium Low Exempt Alfresco Dining Temporary Food Premises Food Safe Re-Inspections Hair Dressing / Skin Penetration Premises Aquatic Facilities Accommodation 9 8 7 4 2 1 Offensive Trade Public Buildings Noise Effluent Disposal Systems Initial Final Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Nuisance Asbestos Recreational Waters Waste Management Unauthorised Works / Discharges House Unfit 1 5 4 2 1 2 12 Monitoring and Sampling Food Safety Coordinated State Health Projects - Aquatic Facilities - 4 1 Recreational Waters Noise Unauthorised Discharges Myrup Truckwash and Liquid Waste Facility Asbestos Landfill monitoring Asset Management Meter Reading 35 17 Parks and Public Open Space Groundwater Quality Sprinklers Water Quality - Irrigation Water Quality: General Chemistry 28 Water Quality Microbiological Groundwater Chemistry & Standing Water Levels (Southern & Eastern Groundwater Suburbs Water Supply Abstraction Rates – Schemes & Flinders) Meter Reading 25 Local Sampling Program Food Microbiological Chemical Potable Water Microbiological Chemical Eastern Suburbs Water Supply SchemeWater Quality Microbiological Irrigation Rates – Meter Reading - 14 6 5 15 4 Delegated Authority Information Instrument Food Act 2008 Health Act 1911 Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995 Number 98 2 Other Food Recalls Property Enquiries 2 Notifiable Disease Notifications 7 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 1.3 EXECUTIVE SERVICES 1.3.4 Human Resources Report: Lee Anderson Manager Human Services 1. RECRUITMENT Current Recruitment Manager Administration Services Pool Operator – Bay of Isles Leisure Centre Admin Officer – Visitors Centre Media and Communications Officer Assistant Rural Supervisor Assistant Accountant Business Systems Coordinator – Bay of Isles Leisure Centre Registered Nurse – Home Care – Permanent Part Time Recent Appointments Isabel Sanford - Team Leader Swim School To commence 13 March 2013 Eldrian Basson – Environmental Health Officer To commence mid February 2013 1.3.5 Occupational Safety and Health Report for January 2013 Incidents: Shire Employees Contractors Equipment General Public Total Number of Incidents 6 0 0 1 7 New Compensation Claim 1 (Recurring claim ) Continuing Workers Compensation Claims 6 Page 23 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Incident/Near Miss/ Hazards (Shire Employees) 14 Incidents per month 12 10 8 6 Series1 4 2 Jan-13 Dec-12 Nov-12 Oct-12 Sep-12 Aug-12 Jul-12 Jun-12 May-12 Apr-12 Mar-12 Feb-12 0 Incident/Near Miss/ Hazards Incidents per Month 20 15 10 Series1 5 OSH Inductions: Shire Employees Contractors Work Experience Site Visits: Depot Brazier Street Wylie Bay Facility 3 0 0 Jan-13 Dec-12 Nov-12 Oct-12 Sep-12 Aug-12 Jul-12 Jun-12 May-12 Apr-12 Mar-12 Feb-12 0 Page 24 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 25 Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) The following graph shows the amount of lost time injuries per one million hours. Lost Time Injuries per million hours Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 - *Note: Frequency Rate is the number of Lost Time Injury and Diseases for each one million hours worked. Formula for calculating the frequency rate is: No. LTI’s/No. Hrs Worked x 1,000,000. Number of hours worked is defined as total number of hours worked by employees covered by workers compensation system during this period. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 1.4 Page 26 COMMUNITY SERVICES Crossroads Leadership Program Grant $25,000 The Shire of Esperance has received $25,000 from the Community Crime Prevention Fund to support implementation of the Crossroads Leadership Program in Esperance. This program targets “at risk” youth identified by their tendency to be truant from school on recurring occasions. A planning meeting has been convened on Thursday 7th February at 2.00pm to discuss the program plan below and to set the wheels turning for its implementation. The planning and implementation team will be lead by Brent Montgomery, Youth Participation and Retention Officer at the Esperance High School. The program comprises 4 stages delivered in partnership with the Education Department, Esperance Senior High School, Esperance Parent Support Group, Juvenile Justice Department, Department of Environment and Conservation, local Aboriginal elders and the Shire of Esperance. A significant part of the grant application relates to the purchase of camping equipment which will be stored and managed by the Esperance Senior High School for use in continuing this program beyond the term of this grant period. Stage 1 - Group Mentorship. Over the first 5 weeks of this program students will participate in a series of workshops run by the Esperance Senior High Schools Retention and Participation Officer and Chaplain. These workshops will prepare the students for a 12 day wilderness expedition, including elements of first aid, GPS skills, bush survival, flora and fauna survey processes, bush tucker and cooking, hiking and a building and construction course. Education Dept. staff, Department of Environment and Conservations Wild Life Officer, an Aboriginal elder and specific skills teachers will assist the students to build personal skills, including elements of self observation, family and peer issues, problem solving, trust building, beliefs and values, anger management, consequential thinking, personal goal setting, and capacity building. These skills will assist the students to initiate positive changes within their homes and the community. Stage 2 - Wilderness Experience. The targeted students and Esperance High School Retention and Participation Officer, along with at least 1 Aboriginal elder, youth workers and teachers will take part in a 12 day wilderness expedition at Kangawarri which is located on crown land adjoining National Park lands approx. 120 km east of Esperance. A DEC Ranger will spend at least 1 day with the students. This experience will involve camping, hiking, mapping, conducting flora and fauna surveys, and designing walk trails for future tourism purposes. During this time students will be challenged to put their learning from the stage 1 workshops into practice. The students will be made responsible for the group‟s progress, decision making and problem solving. The adults in attendance will act as facilitators and mentors in this process, not active participants. The program will be auspiced by the Esperance Senior High School under its Excursions Policy and Liability Insurance requirements. The maps and walk trails will be developed into tourist information brochures and the flora and fauna surveys will be utilised by the Dept Environment and Conservation to identify noxious weeds and dieback zones, and the impact of feral animals. Stage 3 - Parent Workshops. Whilst the students are away on their Wilderness Experience their parents will be invited to attend a series of Positive Parenting Workshops run by the Esperance Parent Support Group. These workshops will assist parents to develop strategies to use the children‟s wilderness experiences in a positive way within the home. Parents will be introduced to a range of support agencies in the community. This may include the school nurse, chaplain, drug and alcohol counsellors and youth and family support agencies. Stage 4 - One to One Mentoring. This wraps up the program. The experiences, achievements and success of the wilderness camp are documented in a journal and celebrated at an Awards Night. This will be followed up by the school providing mentoring and support for these students. This will include exploring short and long term goals, supporting the youth in taking up leadership roles, monitoring self esteem, behaviour and academic progress and facilitating relationship building with peers, parents and teachers. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 27 The Shire of Esperance will be responsible for acquittal of the grant, therefore the community services department will provide administration and purchasing support to the project team. Esperance Coastal Management Plan Review Expressions of Interest and quotes have been invited from consultants to review the Esperance Coastal Management Plan and to develop works and action plans for implementation over the next 10 years. At the August 2012 Coastal Reserves Working Party meeting it was discussed that consideration be given to conducting a review of the Coastal Management Plan. It was suggested that the review consider: 1. Management options for coastal camping grounds including maximum occupancy rates, facilities development, maximum length of stay, and recommended camping fees. 2. Identification of focus areas – a hierarchy of reserves need to be established identifying high use areas and areas of conservation and these areas prioritised for identified actions. 3. An assessment of maintenance, restoration, preservation, and conservation requirements 4. Identification of facility requirements – day use areas and camping areas and the identification of future camping areas 5. An implementation plan – works and action plans for implementation over next 10 years The Esperance Coastal Management Plan 2002 was prepared to provide a framework for coastal management within the Esperance Region from Munglinup in the west to Israelite Bay in the east for the period 2002 to 2020. Whilst the Management Plan is an all encompassing report, implementation has been spasmodic and reactive and restricted by the lack of capacity to develop integrated works and action plans. The major requirements of this project are to : Review and revise Esperance Coastal Management Plan 2002 to determine which management actions have been achieved since its inception including the identification of any gaps in data and information. Develop and include into the Esperance Management Plan 2002 specific management actions for high use coastal areas, including day use areas and camping grounds, (current and future) with a focus on the provision of facilities, access, protection of the natural environment, land use management, and identify the critical time factors and trigger points which will drive or limit implementation over the period 2012 to 2022. Identify and prioritise rehabilitation and restoration works for degraded environmentally sensitive areas Identify, describe and provide clear site locations of registered sites of Aboriginal Heritage Develop a prioritised Action and Implementation Plan as an addendum to the revised Esperance Coastal Management Plan 2012 - 2022 with time frames and resource requirements to address the revised management actions and recommendations Develop a public education program to inform the public of responsible use of coastal reserves. It is anticipated that a consultant will be appointed during February and the review concluded during this financial year. Funding is available from the Coastal Camping Grounds Expenses account. Salmon Gums Development Group – CSRFF Grant Success The Salmon Gums Development Group has been successful in obtaining $260,000 from the Department of Sport & Recreation as a contribution towards construction of the Salmon Gums Community Centre on Recreation Reserve 30224 (Lot 126 Moore St. Salmon Gums) The total cost of this project is estimated at $932,000. The following funding sources are proposed to finance the remainder of this project: Shire of Esperance $220,000 (committed) Salmon Gums Development Group $100,000 (committed) Australian Sports Foundation $100,000 (application to be submitted) GEDC (Royalties for Regions) $50,000 (at risk due to elections) ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 28 Lotterywest $200,000 (at risk if full funding commitments cannot be guaranteed) Self supporting loans, if approved by council, to fund any gaps The project will be managed by the Salmon Gums Development Group. Council‟s role will be to: provide support funding ($220,000) and potential self supporting loans administer development approvals and building compliance, and initiate a land lease – Council has power to lease for up to 21 years Unresolved matters include: council commitment to financing future renewal and replacement potential sharing of maintenance costs what to do with the Salmon Gums Town Hall (the building to be replaced with the Community Centre) sustainability should the Salmon Gums Development Group “fall over” 1.4.4 Ranger Services 1. Ranger services welcomed a new staff member with the addition of Justin Rhodes to replace Rohan MacKenzie who is leaving us to take on an apprenticeship as at the 31 st January 2013. We welcome Justin who comes with a balance of management and hands on experience and certainly hope he enjoys his new found role in ranger services. We wish Rohan all the best in his new position and his future and I would like to say on behalf of Ranger Services that Rohan has been an extremely valued team member with his fantastic hands on and practical approach to everything He will be greatly missed. He has grown in his role in the past 18 months and I am very proud of his achievements good luck Rohan. 2. Coastal reserves at Alexander Bay and Quagi have been extremely busy with high visitation. The collection of fees at Alexander Bay has been constant and Ken and Gail Stocoe have greatly contributed to this increase in fees. It is planned that Quagi will have a entrance statement installed by Easter (this is currently in works at Top Signs) and advertising for a camp host will continue. 3. The Overflow was open over xmas New Year with just over $8000.00 being taken and excellent feedback. We are now preparing for Easter. 4. We currently have two dogs in the pound which is amazing considering the time of year. We are hoping this will continue. We are continuing to issue written warnings and infringements for errant dog owners and feel that the message is certainly getting through to people with ongoing education and commitment from the team at ranger services. 5. Illegal dumping continues to be an ongoing issue for ranger services with the difficulty being in proving who is the offender. Unless ranger services locate paperwork at the scene or have an eye witness with a registration number or something similar infringing offenders is not possible. Ranger services actively encourage KABC (registration as a litter reporter). Suggestions have been made to perhaps provide to all rate payers an ongoing “membership” card to Wylie Bay thus ensuring at least that the 5000 odd rate payers have access to free use of the facilities out there and can perhaps assist other people in this regard. 6. In January 2013 -7 infringements were issued to dog owners for “Dog Causing Nuisance” resulting in fines of $100.00 per infringement. A number of written warnings were also issued to dog owners. 7. One dog attack complaint has been finalised – on a sheep out at Gibson with the dog owner being infringed and warned to ensure his dog is secured. A second dog attack complaint is still ongoing with the owners already being infringed but further information received (29/1) that the dog had been out again. Ongoing inquiries continuing. 8. Fire Break issues are ongoing and there are a couple of matters that are pending which could result in the issue of infringements. These matters should be finalised in the next couple of weeks. 9. Ranger services are dealing with ongoing welfare complaints and working with the RSPCA both in Albany and Kalgoorlie to resolve these. Intermittently Helen Milne from Albany or Peta Inwood from Kalgoorlie visit to resolve complaints received. 10. Early morning patrols for illegal campings operational until Easter and this year is definitely quieter than last year. Written cautions being issued with one infringement issued last week to campers found two mornings running at Pink Lake. 11. Ongoing issues with vehicles driving onto Pink Lake and having to be rescued. Resolution – New signage to be erected with a motor vehicle with a big red cross through it and a generic international symbol for danger underneath. Fencing to be strengthened at main entry area to deter people going onto lake. (The fencing has been re erected three times in last few months for information of councillors). ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 29 1.4.5 Tourism & Events Report Civic Centre: Entertainment: There were no shows presented in January. Shows on the way: 02 February – WA Opera‟s “Opera in The Park” (live free simulcast at the Sound Shell) 09 February – “Sticks, Stones and Broken Bones” 28 February – Pete Murray* 06 March – “Beatlemania”* 03 April – George Orwell‟s “Animal Farm” 04 April – Jane Germain and The Lazy Boys 20 April – “Freefall” 15 May – Akmal* 18 May – “360 Allstars” 02 June – Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow * - Venue hire. Venue Hire / Use: The Civic Centre had one meeting day and two funerals in January. Forward Bookings: February has ten meeting days, one funeral and one private party currently booked. Staff: James Hilton is having three weeks annual leave in February – this will necessitate employing casual techs for some of that time. Visitors Centre: The Visitor Centre was very busy during January with our usual Summer Holiday but nothing significant or out of the ordinary has happened. Cruise Ships: The first cruise ship of 2013 is due in Esperance on the 13th of February and two „Cruise Ready‟ workshops have been arranged for the 7th and 14th of February (to be held at the Esperance Civic Centre). 13 February – “Celebrity Solstice” 22 February – “Silver Shadow” 24 March – “Radiance of the Seas” Statistics: Visitor Centre Door Entries ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 30 20000 18000 16000 2006/07 14000 2007/08 12000 2008/09 10000 2009/10 8000 6000 2010/11 4000 2011/12 2000 2012/13 Jun May Apr Mar Feb Jan Dec Nov Oct Sep Aug July 0 Accommodation Sold $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 Commission earned from Sales 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 31 $20,000 $18,000 $16,000 $14,000 2009 $12,000 2010 $10,000 2011 $8,000 2012 $6,000 2013 $4,000 $2,000 $0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 32 1.4.6 Library Services Staff and services Public Library Structural Reform update: No new updates available. Library Manager schedule of meetings/training for January/February: Attended Tipit phone training January 11 Met with ECA Executive Officer January 14 Attended SEAC meeting January 17 Attended ECA meeting January 17 Met with Museum Volunteers January 23 Attended Leadership Group meeting January 23 Attended Twin Towns meeting February 4 Attended Museum Management Committee meeting February 6 Will attend Occupational Safety and Health training February 14 Will attend Leadership Group meeting February 28 Will attend Public Libraries WA (PLWA)meeting March 7 Will meet with Anne Chapple (WA Museum) March 7 Will attend PLWA Conference March 8 The Library Manager will visit Perth early in March to attend the Public Libraries WA (PLWA) Biennial Conference, do a Book Exchange and attend meetings. Regular Toddler and Storytime sessions for young children will resume on 11 February 2 new volunteers started work at the Library in January Building and Facilities No items this month Promotions Holiday activity sessions in January were well attended An Esperance Library Friends Discard Book Sale during January made over $500 Promotion of the Housebound Service and E-Magazines will be the focus for February and March Displays in February will highlight Valentines Day/Rotary/E-Magazines ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 1.4.7 Page 33 Recreation and Youth Services Recreation Sport and Recreation Facilities Plan o Draft Report Due February . Indoor Sports Stadium Feasibility Study o 20 year financial impact assessment, identifying potential funding opportunities, life cycle cost analysis currently being completed. o Draft report due February. BOILC Health & Fitness Redevelopment Options o Proposed redevelopment options are currently being costed by builders. o Draft report due February 2013 Met with Department of Sport and Recreation Goldfields Acting Manager to discuss Shire of Esperance needs from DSR into the future. Highlighted CDO extension, ISS possible CSRFF application and updated on various sport and rec plans. Met with Lesa Blackam to discuss possible funding for One and All Inclusion project. Possible funding application via Escare. Youth Manager Recreation and Youth currently sourcing quotes for the planning and design element of a upgraded/new skate park. A report to council will be prepared in March with several options looking at the future of the skate park. $1000 grant from the Department of Communities to the Shire to run a skate competition to be held in April Youth Week. Competition to be run by Skate Australia. Operations nd Our Spa Pool has been a hive of activity over the last month. Planned work began on the 2 of January and was estimated to take 1 month to complete. Removal of tiles, repairs and encasement of the structural supporting beams, preparation of the surfaces for the new tiles and laying tiles are tasks that have been completed. Work also took place in the plant room to ensure that the spa system performs to its potential when re opened. The main recirculation pump and jet action pump were removed and serviced. The heat exchanger for the spa pool was also removed and serviced while the pool was closed. With tiling now th complete we refilled the pool on Tuesday the 5 of February, balanced chemistry and achieved correct temperature. The pool will now be tested and cleared to be opened to public by Health Department. Heat exchangers from our Lap pool and Lagoon pool systems were removed from operation and sent to W.A. Heat Exchangers for inspection and servicing. The task was timed to take place in summer and while no swimming lessons were taking place to have the least impact on the community possible. As well as prolonging the life expectancy of the equipment, servicing is also expected to improve the efficiency of the heat exchangers which will assist to reduce operation costs at the Leisure Centre. All pool heat exchangers have been serviced over the past few months. While removing and reinstalling the heat exchangers some failing pipe work attached to the heating system was also repaired. 5 Water meters have been fitted in strategic locations in our plant room and on the supply lines to change rooms so that we have a better idea where our water is used the most. From here we can plan to be more efficient in these areas. The meters will also give us the ability to not only identify that we have a hidden leak, it will also assist us in finding the area that the leak is in, a task that has been very difficult in the past. The new TIPT phone system is a welcome upgrade from the old Commander system. Brochures, newsletters, booking forms and staff emails have been updated to reflect the Centre‟s new numbers. Having direct access to all Shire staff makes us feel less isolated and more part of the team. New passage carpet was laid early January. The same carpet tiles from the refurbished front entrance were continued along the passage to the recently painted gym completing the dry-side renovation. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 34 Kiosk & Pro Shop Our Kiosk Supervisor has been on 4 weeks leave. Admin Officer Tammy Smithson took on additional hours to manage stock in her absence and did an excellent job. Currently doing stock-takes to reconcile to Centaman Stock & Inventory module. Crèche th Creche carpets were steam cleaned January in time for the Creche reopening on Monday 14 January coinciding with the resumption of the 2013 Health & Fitness class timetable. Creche has averaged 21 kids per day since reopening - a huge 110% increase on last January. Centaman Program Coordinator Jaye Jose & Admin Officer Tammy will be attending a Centaman User Group Seminar th on Tuesday 26 February. Promotions: Swim School enrolments have been advertised through Facebook, notices around the centre and Council Connections in the paper. This resulted in 123 enrolments occurring on the first day Health & Fitness: The Hospital Physio Department and BOILC have meet and will be working together to present 4 Post Natal sessions during 2013. The first session will commence Friday 8 February 2013. The BOILC has been in consultation with Bay of Isles Community Outreach the last 3 months to introduce a Health and Wellness Program at the BOILC for their clients. Medicare Local has also been invited by the BOILC to participate in this program as the rooms at their facility would enable the group to meet in a non threatening environment and enable health education blocks to be presented. After 6 weeks of participating in this program the participants will be introduced to the BOILC gym with an Instructor similar to the HealthWise program currently offered at the BOILC to our senior members. Medicare Local is currently awaiting approval. H&F classes were in recess from 24/12/2012 to the/01/2014, combined with the Australia Day weekend this has resulted in fewer classes being held this month. ABT is leading the class average stats with 12 as average attendance this month and a surprise increase has been recorded in Circuit that has increased from 3.75 average attendances in December to 8 an average attendance this month. With school now returned class stat should rise. Group Fitness Class Averages by Month Group Fitness Class Totals By Month 9.00 1500 8.00 1300 700 500 2011.12 6.00 5.00 2012.13 4.00 2013.14 3.00 2014.15 300 1.00 100 0.00 Month July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June 2.00 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June Participants 900 7.00 Participants 2011,1 2 2012.1 3 2013.1 4 1100 Month Swim School: The position of Swim School Coordinator has been accepted by Isabel Growden who will starting in March. Current Swim School Instructors were offered the position and even though training was offered no internal applications were received. Until the position is filled the Program Coordinator and other staff will be acting in this role. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 35 2013 Term 1 late enrolments are currently taking place and there are currently 409 participants enrolled. This number will hopefully continue to increase over the next few weeks. Anglican Senior High School will be participating in lessons at the BOILC this year with 115 students enrolled to participate in the Bronze Medallion and other swimming stages over a period of 6 weeks. 13 Swim Instructors will be delivering the Swim School programs this term. Club Development Officer EDRA Sports Star of the Year honour board has been updated at the BOILC. CDO to take Team of the Year Shield to Top signs early in the New Year. Esperance Volunteer Fire & Rescue Juniors need to be added. Emailed Gavin from ABV consultants what would be needed if Sports House tenants were located in the new Basketball Stadium. 1. EDRA office – Separate access 2. EDFA (football currently lease Sport House)office – Separate access (maybe the same door as EDRA) 3. Access to a large meeting room (1 in the stadium would be enough). 44 Clubs affiliate with EDRA and about 12 to 20 use the current meeting room. 4. Access to toilets and kitchen from offices. The EDRA committee and members along with the EDFA would need to be able to enter the building from a separate external entrance that wouldn‟t impact the Sports in the main hall (alarms etc). But they still would need to be able to use the offices, meeting room, toilets and a kitchen. Completed a Milo in2Cricket survey on how to improve the online service and the packs etc. Received 2013 KidSport Club Registration form from DSR. CDO to edit and send to Matthew Hunt in Ravensthorpe. Preparing ESN 2013 February to June Sporting Calendar. Would like to get it out late in January or early February. Met with Dean Holder regional manager for DSR Goldfields (Mike Brewer replacement-temporary). He would like to meet again whilst in Esperance with the CDO and RAYS manager- Callan Hatchman. th John Toomey sent details of the planned Esperance Adventure Race on the 27 of April 2013. For now our info. is on the website . CDO to promote as it gets closer. RAYS manager has th confirmed that they can use the BOILC meeting room for a meeting on Saturday the 26 of January at 1pm (no charge). CDO met again with Dean Holder regional manager for DSR Goldfields and talked about the future of the CDO position and what support DSR can offer the position etc. Terry Maloney from the Clay Target Club contacted the CDO about possible funding information for a variety of projects in 2013. CDO forwarded DSR Regional manager Dean Holders information along with Perth contacts Clayton White and Kent Burton. CDO contacted the Esperance cricket association about the upcoming disruption to fixtures due to the new th reticulation planned for the GSG from the 7 of January. Also confirmed that Softball has booked the Multi rd sports Oval for the Grand final on the 23 of March. Continuing the ESN Feb to June Sporting calendar. Confirmed and registered payment of 26 KidSport applications (Basketball, Surf Club and Softball). CDO contacted by the Esperance junior Squash Club about encouraging new junior members. The ESC has had an amazing run with juniors but it seems things are starting to dry up and long term coach Jane McCrea is moving on. CDO to meet with Sunny when he gets back from holidays at the end of January. The Triathlon Club would like to use the DSR Blow Up arch for the Australia day Swim through. CDO has th th been in contact with Ali DSR Kalgoorlie and she has booked it from the 25 to the 29 of January. Tri Club just need someone to bring it down to Esperance. Dave Green from the Esperance Express is running a filler story on Sports Star of the Year 2013. CDO has almost completed the 2013 nomination form. CDO has completed and updated the SSOTY 2013 nomination form so that it is a little easier to fill in and understand. CDO the Goldfields nomination form as a guide. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 36 Ravensthorpe had a 20/20 Cricket match in Hopetoun on the weekend which had about 30 players and the same amount of spectators. They are planning on having another couple of games including a big one on Australia Day. Then early in February starting a 5 match competition. They plan to affiliate with the WACA and become a senior Club. Also they plan to run Milo in2Cricket in February for the children. Matthew Hunt has been making all of the above happen. CDO contacted by the Red Hats ladies fund raising group (Daphne Diack [email protected] ) wanting some information on events during the year that they could get involved in (like the xmas pageant, Races, Markets, Australia day etc). The Esperance Visitor centre has a great monthly list of community events . Due to the increased cost of using the indoor stadium the Esperance Soccer association only plan to book for th 2 weeks for summer Street 4‟s. If it is popular they will book more weekends. It starts on Sunday the 10 then th 17 of February 4pm to 5:30pm. CDO met with Shire Parks and Gardens manager, Jason Rhodes to put a plan as the new reticulation is being th installed on the GSG. The main lines are going down on the 16 and should take a week. The lateral lines may impact sport a little so we plan to do one oval at a time. With Cricket (2 weekends) and Softball (1 weekend) having a bye during January the disruptions shouldn‟t be too bad. Send Health ways healthy Club funding opportunity for 2013 $3000 to Club land. CDO contacted Club land about the reticulation plan for the GSG. Lauren Vardy from the Esperance Express called to see if it would be OK to put the information about the reticulation upgrade on the GSG into the paper. CDO directed Lauren to contact the Shire CEO Matthew Scott to get approval. Contact by Kylie Rothnie from Ravy Tigers Netball to see if the CDO can help with a Netball Carnival in Ravensthorpe before the season commences in late term 1 2013. CDO can contact ENA and Netball WA for help. Contacted by KidSports Judi Donald to organise an extension of the KidSport acquittal date. Currently we have used about half of the funds so the CDO suggested the end of 2013(31/12/2013). A letter has been sent for RAYS manager to sign. Energy Gas 2200 2000 1800 1600 Series1 1400 1200 1000 Gas use July to end of December 2012 (gj) Gas use continues to decline in line with weather conditions is Esperance. With the repairs now completed on the building management system we should see consistency in gas consumption. January should also see reduced gas consumption due to essential maintenance closing some water bodies for a short time. Water ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 37 3200000 2789899 2700000 2271413 2200000 2011 1700000 2012 1200000 700000 Water use in litres for financial year July to end of November Water consumption is on target for some good savings over the financial year. Electrical 8500 8222 8000 7421 7500 7000 2011 6500 2012 6000 5500 5000 electrical units consumed July to end of December Electrical consumption is also on track for good savings achieved over this financial year. Customer Feedback & Incidents Customer Feedback Forms January customer feedback summary; Request for bigger weight plates (50kg) Concerns about boys (children) in the female toilets and vice versa Cleanliness in toilets also an issue All feedback responded to within our 14-day internal response timeframe (100% timeliness). Patrons Requiring First Aid/Assistance Two incidents o Child was rescued during vac swim classes with a lack of swimming ability and parent supervision contributing factors. o Child split her chin whilst jumping and spinning into the pool from edging. First aid was administered. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 38 For the same period last year 10 incidents were recorded Pool Deck staff are to be congratulated on this significant reduction in a busy period for the BOILC. Staffing Staff Current Vacancies o Pool Operator – Closes 8/2/2013 o Business Systems Coordinator – Closes 15/2/2013 Matt Lantzke resigned in January to take up a position with Esperance Communications. He will be replaced by existing casual staff member Jessica Vibart who is taking a gap year. Danielle Campbell has completed her gap year and is about to commence Uni. She will be replaced by another gap year student and casual employee Talor Bradley. The position of Swim School Coordinator has been accepted by Isabel Growden who will starting in March. Looking Forward Gymnastics th Will be moving to their new premises on the 17 February. Major works Painting of the exterior entrance to the BOILC will be completed in early February. Spa and Sauna will reopen in February after major refurbishment of the spa. Attendance & Income INCO ME STATS Income up a huge 50% on last January due mainly to: Memberships – aquatic and class memberships showed growth but gym memberships increased 90% Swim School – late enrolments done earlier this year. In Feb 2012 $18425 taken in Swim School enrolments MEMBERSHIP STATS Not including the mini memberships (10 visit vouchers) the Centre‟s membership numbers have grown 21% since last January. It‟s been a busy start to the year. For the month of January the Centre has sold 123 memberships: 67 mini memberships 25 x 3 month memberships 22 x 6 month memberships 9 x 12 month memberships ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 INCOME $ Page 39 ACTIVE MEMBERSHIPS Jan-12 Jan-13 Jan-12 Jan13 Pool Admissions $18,401 $20,285 Aquatic 10 visit multipass 253 Pool Membership $4,150 $7,340 Gym 10 visit multipass 22 Gym Admissions $3,794 $3,224 Class 10 visit multipass 24 Gym Membership $6,846 $13,070 12 Class Admissions $644 $1,615 Creche 10 visit multipass Personal Training 10 visit multipass 2 New Sept 2012 Class Membership $2,432 $3,974 Mini Membership Totals Hire Equipment $536 $308 3 Month Bronze 87 107 Misc Income $1,395 $258 3 Month Silver 22 40 Swim School $664 $12,597 3 4 Creche $305 $541 3 Month Gold 3 Month Membership Totals 112 151 Kiosk $10,646 $10,261 6 Month Bronze 60 97 Pro Shop $1,332 $2,207 6 Month Silver 33 52 Room Hire Sporting Club Hire (ISS & Tennis) $409 $1,447 6 Month Gold 9 4 $309 6 Month Paysmart 20 53 6 Month Fly In/Fly Out 6 Month Membership Totals 18 5 140 211 12 Month Bronze 59 93 12 Month Silver 52 68 12 Month Gold 14 8 12 Month Paysmart 147 104 2 6 274 279 $ 51,554 TOTAL INCOME $ 77,436 ATTENDANCE # Jan-12 Jan-13 12 Month Fly in/Fly Out 12 Month Membership Totals Aquatic - member use 3192 2308 TOTAL MEMBERSHIP Aquatic - casual use 5873 5201 Gym - member use 2615 2688 Gym - casual use 433 276 Classes - member use 172 2614 128 New Sept 2012 181 140 281 Pool Use 49 12 12602 13563 Classes - casual use Creche - member use Creche - casual use Sports Hall use TOTAL USE 526 less m/member 313 954 313 641 SHIRE ATTENDANCE Jan-12 Jan13 90 83 Gym Use 89 138 TOTAL SHIRE USE 179 221 14 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Page 40 1.5 CORPORATE SERVICES 1.5.4 1. Records Services Complaints Registered: The Shire of Esperance received 0 complaints in January 2013. Council Customer Service Decision Nature of Complaint 0 0 =0 Complaints by Financial Year 18 16 14 12 10 Customer Service 8 Council Decision 6 4 2 0 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Definition: A complaint is a grievance against a process or the quality of service that a customer receives when dealing with the Shire (i.e. poor customer service, inappropriate staff behaviour etc), as distinct from a service request, which is a request for the Shire to undertake certain works or rectify a particular problem (i.e. notification of a pot hole in road, dangerous tree branches; stray dogs/livestock etc). Service requests are lodged with the relevant department for action as soon as they are received. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 Letters of Appreciation Registered: The Shire of Esperance received 4 letters of appreciation in January 2013. P Lorraine Upkeep and Maintenance - Quagi Beach Anglican Parish of Esperance Painting of Car Parking Bays N Halls Student Exchange - Esperance Gifts B W Baldock Service Request - Road Condition - White Rd Dalyup Letters of Appreciation by Financial Year 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 Page 41 ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 2. Page 42 TRIM Statistics Month – January Record Actions Executive Services Community Services Corporate Services Development Services Engineering Services Total Assigned 148 44 258 430 101 981 Documents Entered Executive Services Community Services Corporate Services Development Services Engineering Services Records Services Total 141 1074 187 511 127 721 2761 Overdue ^ Completed (all periods) 89 38 19 20 235 25 330 161 78 23 751 267 - Overdue action is based on standard timeframes and does not take into account actions that require longer timeframes such as Development based application, items going to Council or things requiring a third party response. They are provided as a general guide only. ^ ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING: INFORMATION BULLETIN 26TH FEBRUARY 2013 2. INFORMATION CORRESPONDENCE 3. MINUTES AND NOTES OF MEETINGS HELD DURING PERIOD 4. PAPERS Page 43
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