ANNUAL REPORT 2014 OF MISSIONARY MOVEMENT “JESUS IN THY NEIGHBOUR” People are neither clay nor a simple piece of meat. Being a human being should automatically entitle one to the right to live and to be loved. We are here in solidarity with you and to work hand-in-hand to give strength to the weak, to heal those who are wounded, to feed the hungry, to walk with the disabled and to educate the ignorant. To breathe life and bestow rightful dignity upon these thousands of children, other NGOs, philanthropic associations and movements will be joining up with the Missionary Movement, thus assisting us wholeheartedly to reach our aim. To mention but a few – Reaching Out (Malta), Raise (Malta), GibMissionAfrica (Gibraltar), Amici di Don Giorgio (Italy), Das Distributors (USA) and friends of America (USA) ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS IN ETHIOPIA DIOCESE OF JIMMA REFRESHER COURSE FOR TEACHERS IN JIMMA The prefecture of Jimma, Bonga, as it did last year, is once more organizing a course for teachers who are in charge of homes under the responsibility of the Missionary Movement Ġesu‟ fil-Proxxmu. The attendance for this week long course was 97%. His Lordship Markus Medhin was also present for this course and as a conclusion he delivered a message in his name and in the name of the Movement. TECCHO – BLESSING OF A th KINDERGARTEN On Feb 8 , in the presence of H.L. Bishop Markus and of a group of volunteers from Malta, a new kindergarten was inaugurated. This is a unique project, aiming to start the path of education for hundreds of children coming from extremely poor families. The financial support for this undertaking came from the Italian family of Franco Rossi. YEBA- THE BLESSING OF WORKERS INVOLVED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF A KINDERGARTEN - On Feb 9th, the Church of the Saviour was consecrated in the village of Yeba. Thousands attended this ceremony. H.L. Bishop Markus blessed this first school and all those involved in its construction. Rev. George Grima who was also present along with the Maltese volunteers emphasized the importance of education and implored all parents present to send their children to school. WOCHA – BLESSING KINDERGARTEN OF A NEW Once more H.L. Markus blessed the first school in the village of Wocha, where he admitted that he had never witnessed so much joy on the faces of those present for this blessing. For these people this school was a dream which had materialized for the benefit of their offspring. The blessing took th place on Feb 10 . A generous Maltese person paid for the erection of this school. The happiness of the people was twofold; first because, at long last, they had their first school and second because they could meet the Maltese volunteers who were white. BITA-GENET – BLESSING OF A KINDERGARTEN On Feb 11th, H.L. Bishop Markus of Jimma blessed the first kinder in the small village of Bita-Genet. The parish priest of this village worked tirelessly so that the money that the Maltese contributed through the Movement would be well spent. The enthusiasm of the people resulted in traditional singing and dancing. More than 120 toddlers will be attending this school at the beginning of March. SHEBA – BLESSING OF SCHOOL KITCHEN The Movement has built a number of schools in different villages. These schools are benefiting a good number of children. Recently the Ethiopian Government has decreed that each school must have its own kitchen. To prevent the schools that the movement opened from being closed down, each of these schools has to be provided with a kitchen. The kitchen at the Sheba school is nearly ready and by the time this report is published the kitchen will hopefully be functioning. His Lordship and the volunteers visited this village where the bishop imparted his blessing. GURECH – BLESSING OF A SCHOOL KITCHEN. The school kitchen makes sure that pupils eat food in a clean environment. Besides, as the smell of food attracts wild animals, the persons working in food preparation are protected and not exposed to attacks. The blessing of the Gurech kitchen took place on Feb 11th by Bishop Markus. KUTA SHORA – BLESSING OF A KINDERGARTEN. In the presence of twelve Maltese volunteers another school was opened on Feb 11th. The first pupils who will be attending met their distinguished guests with flowers and kisses. Bishop Markus who blessed the school praised the great help that the Movement gives to his diocese through the generosity of the Maltese and Gozitan population. CARDINAL VAN THUAN HOME FOR THE DISABLED – BONGA The principal walls and staircases of this home are now in place. For several months the work had to come to a standstill as the Ethiopian Government wanted to finish the principal road first. Thankfully, works on this project have recommenced. On Feb 12th, Fr George Grima together with Bishop Markus and the contractor visited the site. The Maltese volunteers who went along with them marvelled at the size of this undertaking and could hardly believe how big was the generosity of the Maltese and Gozitans. While this report was at the press we received word that the first block was finished. BOQA – A CHAPEL DEDICATED TO ST JOSEPH. The building of this chapel is moving apace. On Feb12th the first procession with the painting of St Joseph was held. This painting is the work of the Maltese artist George Apap. As usual the local population celebrated the event with their joyful participation. This chapel is being built by funds coming from the parish of Qala, Gozo, whose patron saint is St Joseph. On March 19th, St Joseph feast day, the roof of the chapel was finished. On the same day the parish priest of this chapel, Rev Abba Girma, received a photo of the most generous benefactor of this chapel, Mgr Anton Sultana, archpriest emeritus of Qala. The new St Joseph chapel is the largest chapel in the whole diocese. LIBRARY IN GINYO With the help of Maltese volunteers a library is being built in the village of Ginyo, where as yet, there is no electricity. Here we are working principally with children coming from families suffering from leprosy. The Movement is supplying the primary school children with a library which we hope will be beneficial for those kids. DIOCESE OF GAMBELLA BURE – A NEW PROJECT. Education is making great strides in the diocese of Gambella. Recently the Movement has started building the first school in the town of Bure with the participation of the group „Reaching Out „ under the leadership of Keith Marshal. On Feb 20th, Fr Grima accompanied by Bishop Angelo visited the site and were happy to see the progress on this project. BONGA – BLESSING OF A BOREHOLE. On Feb 20th Fr. Grima blessed another borehole sponsored by the Movement . This borehole offers a much better future to the inhabitants of Bonga. In Bonga the water is close to the village, but it is the children who have to carry water home, and so miss school. OPENGA – BLESSING OF A BOREHOLE. On Feb 22nd another borehole was blessed by Bishop Angelo in the village of Openga. The local people live in very primitive conditions. The borehole project has shown that the people in charge of the village care about improving the environment and primary education will be starting soon. OPENGA – BLESSING OF A NEW PROJECT. On Feb 22nd Fr G. Grima, together with the chaplain of the village of Openga, blessed the works at the start of the construction of the first school. As yet there is no formal education in this village, but hopefully, in two years‟ time, this situation will be remedied. When the local people have any problem they seek the advice of the „Wise Man‟ who is the oldest man in the village. They strongly believe in the Maltese saying : “Be guided by the council of an old man”. This project is taking shape with the help of volunteers from Gibraltar who are members of the Movement. PINKYO- BLESSING OF A BOREHOLE. On Feb 22nd the parish priest of Terfaye Petros took Fr G Grima and the volunteers he had with him, to the village of Pinkyo to bless the borehole that a year before another group of volunteers had dug up. Kevin Grech and Mark Cremona organized various activities to collect funds for this borehole. Up to a short time ago women and children used to go to the river to get water. As the river is infested with crocodiles, some of them never returned home. ABOL WITHOUT WATER. The town of Abol in the diocese of Gambela suffers from lack of water. As a result the whole population suffers especially the children who are made to bring home water for the family. To do this they have to walk for long distances. As their time is taken up with this duty, they have no time to attend school. With the goodwill and generosity of some Maltese people we have been entrusted to dig a borehole where it is most needed. Hopefully, within a few months, this town will have water and a school for the youngsters. DIOCESE OF NEKEMTE KETCHI - A NEW KINDERGARTEN. A new school has been blessed by the Vicar General of the diocese of Nekente. Abba Solomon Berhahu instead of Bishop George, who happened to be in Rome on an „ad limina‟ visit. In the meantime the parish priest Mikitu Kebede has already started a learning program for 150 children. SOMBU – CONTINUATION OF BUILDING OF A NEW KINDERGARTEN After a petition by the parish priest Berhanu ASsrat , diocese of Nekemte, the Movement has started building the first school in the village of Sombo. When the parish priest met Fr. Grima he told him how parents of school age children are helping in the actual building as they are so anxious for their children to start their schooling. AMBO – DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD AND HOMES TO LEPERS. On March 3rd the volunteers of the Movement went to the town of Ambo and gave out food to those lepers that still live amongst the graves, as these people are the poorest in the community. On the same occasion Fr. Grima informed the parish priest of the lepers that the Movement is offering financial help so that more homes are built for people suffering from leprosy. AMBO – DISTRIBUTION OF WHEELCHAIRS. Fr. Grima, along with the volunteers and the parish priest of Ambo, visited several families and heard their many heartbreaking stories. As a result two children coming from extremely poor families were given a wheelchair each. SHIKI WATER PROJECT. The water project in the village of Shiki has started. At the moment thousands of people are drinking contaminated water. It is hoped that by the end of January 2015 this project will be finalized and clean water will be made available. It has long been the ardent wish of Sister Grace that at least these people will have safe drinking water. ALEKU LAGA DANO – A NEW WATER PROJECT. During the last three months the people of Aleku Laga have been working tirelessly to have water close to their village. Now that it has been finished, everyone is enjoying this very necessary commodity. It has always been the dream of these people that one day they will not have to walk for two hours or more to get their water, a job assigned to children. Now with this borehole we have killed two birds with one stone; there is water close by and children can go to school. GIVING OUT OF WHEELCHAIRS IN BABICHE AND IN AMBO The Movement has purchased wheelchairs which will be distributed in two towns, Ambo and Babiche where adults as well as children need them. KENYA PROJECTS REFORM IN ALIMENTAITA. Elections in Kenya are a time of violence and death. Innocent people are killed and houses and families destroyed. This is the result of fierce fighting among the many different tribes of this vast land. As a result, thousands have fled their homeland and ended up in the diocese of Nakuru. The Catholic Church there made them welcome and supplied them with land close to Alimentaita. The Movement is doing its utmost to help these persecuted people. It provided their children with their first school, dug a borehole and supplies children under ten with daily food. This year a new hall has been built to serve as a refectory. Now these children no longer eat sitting on the floor. KAKAMEGA DIOCESE BIRTH OF A REFECTORY AT KAKAMEGA. Last year the Movement installed a good sized kitchen for the local children. Now the St Michael Foundation has offered funds to the Movement so that a refectory be built at Kakamega. Hopefully this summer some young volunteers will give a lick of paint to the place. THE LAUNCH OF A GREENHOUSE PROJECT. As the saying goes, it is better to give a man a fishing rod than a fish. Guided by this maxim we have this year started an agriculture project. We have already built a glasshouse and are teaching adolescents how to work the land so that they have a better future. A NEW PROJECT AIMED TO HELP THE POOREST FAMILIES, Last year Fr. Grima was accompanied by a Maltese couple who were moved by the great poverty that they witnessed. This couple asked Fr Grima to give a helping hand to the most needy families; so the programme „SOS Families‟ was launched. Direct monthly help is given to various families, mostly to those where there are serious illnesses like AIDS. These families cannot support themselves and many of the benefactors in this scheme have not adopted just one child but whole families. DIOCESE OF KISUMU A REFORM IN THE KITCHEN AND REFECTORY OF THE RANGALA ORPHANAGE.The need has long been felt to upgrade both the kitchen and the refectory of the orphanage which looks after a good number of small children. Fr Grima undertook the necessary works and now the project is finished and will soon be blessed. NEAR COMPLETION OF THE CHAPEL AT BONGA. It appears that the long awaited chapel of the Holy Family complex is now nearly ready and we hope that it will soon be opened to welcome its new, young parishioners. It is hoped that by the end of this year Archbishop Zacchaeus Okoth of Kisumu will bless it. This home will open its doors to children suffering from aids, deaf mutes , blind and Albino children. The nuns‟ religious Order of St Anne based in Kisumu not only receives help from the Movement but also from the Mother House in Holland. A NUNS‟ CONVENT IN NYAMONGE. With God‟s help the nuns‟ convent at Nyamonge is now finished. In the near future we will be taking in orphans who suffer from AIDS. This home was possible because of funds given by the Movement and with the help of he parish of St Mary Magdalene in the diocese of Philadelphia. BRAZIL- DIOCESE OF CROATA PERITORO – A COURSE IN MUSIC The town of Peritoro situated to the north of Brazil is very poor. Here, the mission of the Movement is to look after adolescents who are threatened with drugs and violence. The Movement helped by Italian nuns is doing its utmost to keep these young people away from vice. To further enhance the life of these youngsters courses in music have started and are well attended. KM 17 – THE NUMBER OF CHILDREN KEEPS INCREASING. The nuns of Amor de Deus run a school which has been a great success. The increasing number of children and poor families find refuge here. This year the number of children has increased from 120 to a daily attendance of 432 children. Here children under twelve years of age eat daily and are helped to build a good and strong character. DIOCESE OF MARANHAO UPGRADING OF THE OUR LADY OF GRACE HOME, This home is situated in a very poor quarter of Brazil where there is a leprosy hospital. In this home we accept children coming from families suffering from this illness. As the number of children is continuously swelling there is a dire need for expansion. With the help of the Hard Rock Cafe‟ of Malta we are adding new halls and renovating other areas.
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