Knight Times Nativity of Our Lord Catholic School January 16, 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS Jan. 19 NO SCHOOL – MLK Day Jan. 20 Gr. K-2 Talent Show Try Outs SAC Mtg. 6:30 pm (8A) Jan. 21 Advanced Band begins Jan. 22 Sonshine Prayer Group 8:00 am (KK,6B) Beginning Band begins Jan. 23 8:00 am Mass (3B) Gr. K-2 Talent Show Rehearsal Jan. 23-29 Scholastic Book Fair Jan. 24 7th Gr. Open Speech Meet (All Souls) Intermediate Spelling Bee (Notre Dame) Jan. 25-31 National Catholic Schools Week Jan. 26 Talent Show Gr. K-2 9:00 am (Ryan) HFHS Band Concert 1:00 pm Gr. 5-8 Spring Athletic Mtg. 7 pm (Ryan) Jan. 27 Basketball & Bowling team pictures (gym) Jan. 28-29 OPEN HOUSE Jan. 29 Sonshine Prayer Group 8:00 am (KK,6B) Chick-fil-A Spirit Night (Flatirons) Jan. 30 NO SCHOOL TEACHER APPRECIATION Feb. 2-6 Iowa Assessments Feb. 5 Sonshine Prayer Group 8:00 am (KK,6B) Feb. 6 8:00 am Mass (8A) Feb. 7 NATIVITY GALA Feb. 12 Sonshine Prayer Group 8:00 am (KK,6B) Feb. 13 8:00 am Mass (5H) NO UNIFORM DAY – VALENTINE’S DAY Feb. 16 NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day Feb. 17 SAC Mtg. 6:30 pm (8A) Feb. 18 ASH WEDNESDAY 9:30 am Mass (4G) Feb. 19 Sonshine Prayer Group 8:00 am (KK,6B) Feb. 20 8:00 am Mass (7T) Friday Fellowship following Mass PTO Mtg. following Friday Fellowship Stations of the Cross 2:30 & 7:00 pm 2015-16 school registration due Feb. 23 Science Fair-Public viewing 3:15-5:30 pm Feb. 24 Science Fair-Public Viewing 8-10:30 am Feb. 26 Sonshine Prayer Group 8:00 am (KK,6B) Regular School Day – SPRING CONFERENCES 5-8:00 pm Feb. 27 NO SCHOOL SPRING CONFERENCES 8:00 AM-noon Stations of the Cross 7:00 pm Feb. 28 Advanced Spelling Bee (St. Louis, E) NATIVITY SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Nativity of Our Lord School is to continue the ministry of Jesus within the tradition of our Catholic heritage in order to educate the whole person, spiritually, intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally. SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK – JANUARY - BE GENEROUS JANUARY 20-23, 12015 “Let not your hand be open to receive and clenched when it is time to give.” Sirach 4:31 POPE FRANCIS & HIS WORDS TO YOUNG PEOPLE This week on morning announcements, two fifth graders daily have been sharing the following Pope Francis quote, “Dear Young People, put your talents at the service of the Gospel, with creativity and boundless charity.” As we continue to spend time with our students reflecting on the Nativity Attitude to Be Generous, the words of Pope Francis offer to all of our Nativity students the importance of sharing their faith with others. SPIRIT DAYS Next week we begin Spirit Days on Wednesday, January 21st, which is sponsored by our Student Council. We want this to be fun and stressfree. Listed below are the themes for each day; we do not want anyone to spend money on purchasing new items. Please be creative and enjoy these days. Wednesday, January 21st, is crazy hair and knee high socks day; gather your hair in braids or put a little hairspray on your curly locks, and knee high socks are the fad—they look cool. Thursday, January 22nd, is suspenders/overalls day or color day— choose a favorite color and wear as much of that color as you can—no colored hair! Friday, January 23rd, is sports day—easy one for all of us. Monday, January 26th, is opposite/clash/backwards day; wear stripes and plaids, put your sweatshirt on backwards, wear yellow and orange together! We ask that students that would like to participate pay 50 cents for the four days, not per day. This money will go to sponsor our 3rd student at Nativity Secondary School in Uganda. INTERESTED IN BAND? Advanced band will begin on Wednesday, January 21st, and beginning band will begin on Thursday, January 22nd. Both meeting times are 3:15-4:15 in the music room. Please call Mr. Teto at 303-288-4166 if you are interested in signing up your child(ren) for the band program. He will be able to explain the fees and renting/purchasing instruments. Nativity does not discriminate on the basis of age, handicap, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of their educational policies, employment practices, scholarship and loan programs, or athletics or other school administered programs. Please visit our website – UNIFORMS FOR 2015 – 2016 Next school year all of our K-8 students will wear uniforms. This is a change for our kindergarten students who, up to this time, have not worn uniforms. Another change in our uniforms for the 2015 -2016 school year will be the addition of navy blue or red cardigan sweaters as an option for our students. These sweaters can be purchased only through Dennis Uniforms and will have the Nativity logo on them. EXPLORE AN OCEAN OF BOOKS Please join us on January 23-29 for our Book Fair – Under the Sea. This is the BIG ONE! You’ll find lots of new titles and some old favorites too. Buy a book for yourself or a friend, and donate to classrooms. We’ll be in the library and Murphy Hall during the following hours: Friday, Jan. 23rd, 9:00 am – 2:45 pm, Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 26th and 27th, 8:30 am – 2:45 pm, Wednesday, Jan. 28th, 8:30 am – 4:00 pm, and Thursday, Jan. 29th, 8:30 am – 1:30 pm. Dive into reading at the Fair. NATIVITY’S GOT TALENT; K-2 Attention students in kindergarten, first, and second grades. If you have a talent and would like to participate in the talent show on Jan. 26th, start practicing now. Our tryouts will be held Tuesday, Jan. 20th, with rehearsal on Friday, Jan. 23rd. A registration form was sent home this week with information. If it has not yet been returned, please make sure to send it with your child on Tuesday. The Talent Show is scheduled for Monday, Jan. 26th, 9 a.m., in Ryan Hall. JUNIOR GREAT BOOKS Our Junior Great Books program for students in grades 2-5 will begin in February. If you are interested in leading an enthusiastic group of young readers for thirty minutes for 10-12 weeks, please send a FastDirect message to Mrs. O’Connell by Monday, Jan. 26th. Make sure to indicate your choice of grade level and/or homeroom. Parents of younger and/or older students are also welcome to volunteer. Student registration/permission slips are coming home today. If your child wishes to participate, please return the signed slip to the homeroom teacher no later than Thursday, Jan. 29th. PTO IN THE KNOW Going forward until the end of this school year, Jamie Merrion will be assuming the role of PTO chair and Michael Ventimiglia will be co-chair due to newly added work commitments that now conflict with Michael’s role as chair. If you have any questions, please contact either one through Fast Direct. It has been suggested to the PTO officers that Teacher Appreciation Week (TAW) should become its own PTO committee instead of it being the responsibility of the Room Parents Committee. It is one week a year, and this year it takes place the week of April 20th. It is a great way to celebrate and support our teachers! It requires volunteers for set/up and clean-up for 5 meals (one each day), meal donations, and stuffing teacher mailbox with trinkets. It is a great opportunity for working parents who wish to be involved by dropping off food or buying trinkets for the teachers. We will be discussing this transition and looking for chair/co-chair volunteers in future PTO meetings. Please feel free to contact Jamie Merrion or Michael Ventimiglia through Fast Direct if you can help! Wilma Fuller and Lois Sheahen have agreed to organize this year’s Kids’ Appreciation Day (KAD). The theme is the “Wild West.” They are looking for several volunteer groups, each of which will organize a single event during KAD. Please let Wilma or Lois know of your interest as soon as possible. This event takes place in May, and the earlier that planning begins, the better to plan out the subsequent details. Our next PTO meeting is February 20, 2015, after Mass and Friday Fellowship! Coffee and pastries are provided by the school immediately after Mass and, we invite all those attending to join us for the subsequent PTO meeting. ALL ABSENCES AND TARDIES MUST BE REPORTED TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE BY 8:15 AM. PLEASE CALL (303-466-4177), EMAIL ([email protected]), OR VIA FASTDIRECT MESSAGE TO MRS. CLAEYS IN THE SCHOOL OFFICE. THANK YOU FOR YOR COOPERATION. THOUGHTS FROM OUR KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS On Monday, January 19th, we observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The kindergarten students from Mrs. Rowan’s class were asked what their dream would be. It’s quite interesting to hear their thoughts and wishes. I have a dream… that all people will be nice to each other. No matter what color your skin is, you should be able to play with anyone. (by Jillian) that there are no fights or wars in the world. (by Michi) that there is freedom for everybody. I want everyone to be able to go wherever they want. (by Tanner) that everyone would be kind to each other and play together. (by Sean) that no matter who you are you can get along with everyone. All children can play together. (by Alexis) that everyone can go to the same school. It doesn’t matter if you have black skin or white skin. (by Samantha) that no one is mean to each other. I wish all kids could get along. (by Nolan) that all people are free. I wish that everyone would be peaceful. I wish all brothers would get along. (J. Connor) that everyone can play together at the same playgrounds. I wish that no one would fight. (by Will) that everyone can be kind to each other. Children can all play together. (by Clarisse) that I can be friends with everyone and everyone can play together. (by Jack) that everyone can go to whatever school they want. I pray that all people live together in peace. (by Emily) that everyone can go wherever they want no matter what color their skin is. We can be friends with everyone. (by Priya) that everyone can get along and there would be no fighting. (by Makayla) that we can all live in peace. I want everyone to get along together. (by Landyn) that everyone was peaceful. I wish that everyone would solve their problems with their voices and not fight. (by Silas) 2014-15 PATRIOT’S PEN ESSAY CONTEST Patriot’s Pen is a VFW sponsored youth essay competition that gives students an opportunity to write essays expressing their views on democracy. The competition is open to students in grades 68, who are enrolled in public, private, or parochial schools in the U.S., its territories, or its possessions. The theme for the 2014-15 competition was “Why I Appreciate American Veterans.” Students submitted a 300-400 word original essay on this theme. Congratulations to the following students who entered the competition for VFW Post 7845: 8th GRADE 7th GRADE 6th GRADE st st 1 Place – Julia Hilmas 1 . Place – Maham Malik 1st Place – Julia Sanchez nd nd 2 Place – JJ Albrecht 2 Place – Brendan Coca 2nd Place – Kiara Kingsley rd rd 3 Place – Kyle Helbig 3 Place – Makayla Salter Congratulations to the following students who entered the competition for VFW Post 4444: 8th GRADE 7th GRADE 6th GRADE st st 1 Place – Anna Wood 1 Place – Cavin Alderfer 1st Place – Bennett Meyers nd nd 2 Place - Sebastian Martinez2 Place – Kate Shoulders 2nd Place – Megan Smolky Canedo 3rd Place – Cara Fabian 3rd. Place – Jeremy Orbus rd 3 Place – Caroline Smolky FOOD DRIVE Neighbor Outreach Colorado Food Bank needs our help again. Their cupboards are getting bare. The greatest need is for foods high in protein, so we ask each class to bring in the itmes listed below. All donations are due by Thursday, Jan. 29th. Kindergarten – Canned Tuna Fish 1st Grades – White Rice 2nd Grades – Brown Rice 3rd Grades – Canned Ravioli 4th Grades – Pinto Beans 5th Grades – Canned Chicken 6th Grades – Peanut Butter 7th Grades – Black Beans 8th Grades – Canned Chili FROM OUR LEANRING SPECIALIST, MRS. HULQUEST: MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS: WHAT’S YOUR LEARNING STYLE? Your child is studying Martin Luther King Jr. When asked to describe him, would she rather write about the topic, talk about it, or act out a skit? The answer is an indicator of your child’s “learning style”—the way she learns best. Share these suggestions to help her make the most of her strengths. 1. Visual (learns by seeing) Characteristics: Understands lessons better when material is written down. Takes good notes and likes sitting up front. Study tips: Color-code notes (write dates in red and people’s names in blue, for instance). Make outlines and flash cards. Draw graphs and charts. 2. Auditory (learns by hearing) Characteristics: Remembers what the teacher says. May talk while writing. Study tips: Read notes out loud. Make up songs or rhymes to remember facts and formulas. Explain ideas to a parent or friend. 3. Kinesthetic (learns by doing) Characteristics: May doodle in class. Enjoys hands-on projects (science experiments, arts and crafts). Study tips: Rewrite notes or type them on the computer. Take stretch breaks while studying. Use objects (pour water into measuring cups to explore fractions). REPORT CARDS Report cards were posted online yesterday afternoon. Each student’s parent is asked to make a copy of their child’s report card, sign it, and return it to their child’s homeroom teacher on/by Jan. 23rd. Gradebook viewing will be turned off until Jan. 20th. 9TH ANNUAL NATIVITY SCHOOL FUND GALA PROM KNIGHT ...then & now SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 5:30 - 11:30 PM MARRIOTT WESTMINSTER Join us for all the fun and excitement mobile bidding has to offer for this year’s silent auction, a delicious sit down dinner of either steak or salmon, the live auction, the crowning of our Prom king and queen, dancing to music through the decades, and much more! All monies raised benefit all students and faculty members at Nativity of Our Lord School! Reservations made by January 25, 2015: $90 individual seat $900 table of ten $1000 premier table of ten* *Front row seating - only ten tables available Reservations made January 25 to February 5, 2015: $100 individual seat $1000 table of ten $1200 premier table of ten Donations for teachers, aides, and staff: $90 teacher sponsorship $900 teacher table sponsorship To make reservations, just click on the Prom Knight link on our website:
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