THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION If you are in any doubt as to any aspect of this circular or as to the action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, other registered dealer in securities, bank manager, solicitor, professional accountant or other professional adviser. If you have sold or transferred all your shares in China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (the “Company”), you should at once hand this circular together with the enclosed proxy form and reply slip to the purchaser or transferee or to the bank, or a licensed securities dealer or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the purchaser or transferee. The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Hong Kong Stock Exchange”) take no responsibility for the contents of this circular, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this circular. PROPOSED NON-PUBLIC ISSUANCE OF A SHARES; PROPOSED ADOPTION OF SHAREHOLDERS’ RETURN PLAN FOR THE COMING THREE YEARS; PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND THE RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR GENERAL MEETINGS; PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING; PROPOSED OVERSEAS LISTING OF KCRC; NOTICE OF EGM; AND NOTICE OF H SHAREHOLDERS’ CLASS MEETING A notice convening the EGM to be held at the CRCC Bureau Building, No. 40 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the People’s Republic of China at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 5 February 2015 is set out at the end of this circular. A notice convening the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting to be held at the CRCC Bureau Building, No. 40 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the People’s Republic of China in the morning on Thursday, 5 February 2015 immediately following the conclusion of the EGM and the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting or any adjournment thereof, is set out at the end of this circular. Reply slips and forms of proxy to be used at the EGM and the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting respectively were enclosed in the notices of the EGM and the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting dated 17 December 2014 and have been despatched to Shareholders. The relevant notices, reply slips and forms of proxy are also published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ( If you are eligible and intend to attend the EGM/H Shareholders’ Class Meeting, you should have completed and returned the reply slip(s) in accordance with the instructions printed thereon on or before Thursday, 15 January 2015. Shareholders who intend to appoint a proxy to attend the EGM/H Shareholders’ Class Meeting shall complete and return the form(s) of proxy in accordance with the instructions printed thereon not less than 24 hours before the time fixed for holding the meetings or any adjournment thereof (as the case may be). Completion and return of the form of proxy will not preclude you from attending the EGM/H Shareholders’ Class Meeting or any adjourned meeting and voting in person if you so wish. 20 January 2015 Contents Page Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Letter from the Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1. Resolution in Relation to the Satisfaction of the Conditions for the Non-Public Issuance of A Shares of the Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. Resolution in Relation to the Non-Public Issuance of A Shares of the Company. . . . 4 3. Resolution in Relation to the Plan on the Non-Public Issuance of A Shares of the Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 10 Resolution in Relation to the Feasibility Analysis Report on the Use of Proceeds to be Raised from the Non-Public Issuance of Shares of the Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Resolution in Relation to the Report on the Use of Proceeds from Previous Fund Raising Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. 11 18 Resolution in Relation to the Authorization to the Board and its Authorized Persons to Deal with Matters Relating to this Issuance at Their Absolute Discretion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. 18 Resolution in Relation to the Shareholders’ Return Plan for the Coming Three Years (2015–2017) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Resolution in Relation to the Amendments to the Articles of Association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. 21 Resolution in Relation to the Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited. . . . . . . . . 11. 21 Resolution in Relation to the Amendments to the Administrative Measures on Fund Raising of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. 20 22 Resolution in Relation to the Plan of the Overseas Listing of Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.*. . . . . . . . . . . . —i— 23 Contents 12. Resolution in Relation to the Compliance of the Overseas Listing of Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.*, a Subsidiary of the Company, with the Circular on Issues in Relation to Regulating Overseas Listing of Subsidiaries of Domestic Listed Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. Resolution in Relation to the Undertaking of Maintaining Independent Listing Status of the Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. 28 Resolution in Relation to the Explanations on the Sustainable Profitability and Prospects of the Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. 24 28 Resolution in Relation to the Authorization to the Board and its Authorized Persons to Deal With the Spin-off and Listing Matters of Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 16. EGM and H Shareholders’ Class Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 17. Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Appendix I Shareholders’ Return Plan for the Coming Three Years (2015–2017) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix II 32 Amendments to the Articles of Association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Appendix III Details of Amendments to the Administrative Measures on Fund Raising of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Appendix IV Details of Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Notice of EGM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Notice of H Shareholders’ Class Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 — ii — Definitions In this circular, unless the context requires otherwise, the following expressions have the following meanings: “Articles of Association” means the Articles of Association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited “A Share(s)” means the domestically-listed shares in the ordinary share capital of the Company with a nominal value of RMB1.00 each, which are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange “A Shareholder(s)” means holders of A Shares “A Shareholders’ Class Meeting” means the 2015 first A Shareholders’ class meeting of the Company to be held at the CRCC Building, No. 40 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the PRC in the morning on Thursday, 5 February 2015 immediately following the conclusion of the EGM or any adjournment thereof “Board” means the board of directors of the Company “Company” means China Railway Construction Corporation Limited, a joint stock company incorporated in the PRC with limited liability, whose H Shares and A Shares are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange respectively “Company Law” means the Company Law of the PRC “CRCCG” means China Railway Construction Corporation ( 中國鐵道建築 總公司 ), which is the controlling Shareholder of the Company “CSRC” means China Securities Regulatory Commission “Directors” means the directors of the Company (including independent non-executive directors) “EGM” means the 2015 first extraordinary general meeting of the Company to be held at the CRCC Building, No. 40 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the PRC at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 5 February 2015 — iii — Definitions “Hong Kong” means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the PRC “Hong Kong Listing Rules” means the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, as amended from time to time “Hong Kong Stock Exchange” means The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited “H Share(s)” means the overseas-listed foreign invested shares in the ordinary share capital of the Company with a nominal value of RMB1.00 each, which are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and are traded in Hong Kong dollars “H Shareholder(s)” means holders of H Shares “H Shareholders’ Class Meeting” means the 2015 first H Shareholders’ class meeting of the Company to be held at the CRCC Building, No. 40 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the PRC in the morning on Thursday, 5 February 2015 immediately following the conclusion of the EGM and the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting or any adjournment thereof “KCRC” means Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.* ( 昆明中鐵大型養路機械集團有限公司 ), a whollyowned subsidiary of the Company “Latest Practicable Date” means 15 January 2015, being the latest practicable date prior to the printing of this circular for ascertaining certain information contained herein “Non-Public Issuance” means the proposed non-public issuance of not more than 1,380 million A Shares of the Company to not more than 10 target investors “Overseas Listing of KCRC” means the proposed initial public offering of H shares of KCRC to be listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange after it is reorganized and reformed to be a joint stock company — iv — Definitions “PRC” means the People’s Republic of China which, for the purposes of this circular, excludes Hong Kong, the Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan “RMB” means Renminbi, the lawful currency of the PRC “Rules of Procedure for means the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of China General Meetings” Railway Construction Corporation Limited “SASAC” means the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council(國務院國有資產監督管理委 員會) “Share(s)” means the share(s) in the ordinary share capital of the Company with a nominal value of RMB1.00 each, including A Share(s) and H Share(s) “Shareholder(s)” means shareholder(s) of the Company, including A Shareholders and H Shareholders; and “%” means per cent * for identification purpose only —v— LETTER FROM THE BOARD Directors: Mr. MENG Fengchao (Chairman and Executive Director) Mr. PENG Shugui (Vice Chairman and Executive Director) Mr. ZHANG Zongyan (President and Executive Director) Mr. ZHUANG Shangbiao (Executive Director) Mr. GE Fuxing (Non-executive Director) Mr. WANG Huacheng (Independent Non-executive Director) Mr. Patrick SUN (Independent Non-executive Director) Mr. CHENG Wen (Independent Non-executive Director) Ms. Amanda Xiao Qiang LU (Independent Non-executive Director) Registered office: East, No. 40 Fuxing Road Haidian District Beijing, PRC Principal place of business in Hong Kong: 23/F, Railway Plaza 39 Chatham Road South Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Hong Kong 20 January 2015 To H Shareholders Dear Sir or Madam, PROPOSED NON-PUBLIC ISSUANCE OF A SHARES; PROPOSED ADOPTION OF SHAREHOLDERS’ RETURN PLAN FOR THE COMING THREE YEARS; PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND THE RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR GENERAL MEETINGS; PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING; PROPOSED OVERSEAS LISTING OF KCRC; NOTICE OF EGM; AND NOTICE OF H SHAREHOLDERS’ CLASS MEETING INTRODUCTION The Company has published an announcement dated 11 October 2014 in relation to, among others, the Board’s resolutions on the initial public offering and listing of H shares of KCRC on the Main Board —1— LETTER FROM THE BOARD on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange upon the overall restructuring of KCRC into a joint-stock company with limited liability. The Company has published two announcements dated 17 December 2014 in relation to, among others, the Board’s resolutions on the proposed non-public issuance of no more than 1,380,000,000 A Shares to not more than ten specified investors and the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association and Rules of Procedures for General Meetings, respectively. The purpose of this circular is to provide you with further information on the Non-Public Issuance, the Overseas Listing of KCRC and the amendments to the Articles of Association, etc. so that you may make an informed decision on voting in respect of the following resolutions at the EGM and the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting: (1) Resolution in Relation to the Satisfaction of the Conditions for the Non-Public Issuance of A Shares of the Company; (2) Resolution in Relation to the Non-Public Issuance of A Shares of the Company; (3) Resolution in Relation to the Plan on the Non-Public Issuance of A Shares of the Company; (4) Resolution in Relation to the Feasibility Analysis Report on the Use of Proceeds to be Raised from the Non-Public Issuance of Shares of the Company; (5) Resolution in Relation to the Report on the Use of Proceeds from Previous Fund Raising Activities; (6) Resolution in Relation to the Authorization to the Board and its Authorized Persons to Deal with Matters Relating to this Issuance at Their Absolute Discretion; (7) Resolution in Relation to the Shareholders’ Return Plan for the Coming Three Years (2015–2017) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited; (8) Resolution in Relation to the Amendments to the Articles of Association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited; (9) Resolution in Relation to the Amendments to the Administrative Measures on Fund Raising of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited; (10) Resolution in Relation to the Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited; (11) Resolution in Relation to the Plan of the Overseas Listing of Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.*; —2— LETTER FROM THE BOARD (12) Resolution in Relation to the Compliance of the Overseas Listing of Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.*, a Subsidiary of the Company, with the Circular on Issues in Relation to Regulating Overseas Listing of Subsidiaries of Domestic Listed Companies; (13) Resolution in Relation to the Undertaking of Maintaining Independent Listing Status of the Company; (14) Resolution in Relation to the Explanations of the Sustainable Profitability and Prospects of the Company; and (15) Resolution in Relation to the Authorization to the Board and its Authorized Persons to Deal with the Spin-off and Listing Matters of Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.* The above resolutions 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 10 will be considered as special resolutions, and each of the remaining resolutions will be considered as an ordinary resolution. In addition, the above resolution Nos. 2 and 3 are subject to the approval of A Shareholders and H Shareholders by way of special resolution at the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting and the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting. To the knowledge, information and belief of the Directors, no Shareholder is required to abstain from voting on the abovementioned resolutions at the EGM, the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting or the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting, as applicable. PART I: RESOLUTIONS IN RELATION TO THE NON-PUBLIC ISSUANCE 1. Resolution in Relation to the Satisfaction of the Conditions for the Non-Public Issuance of A Shares of the Company Pursuant to requirements of relevant laws and regulations such as the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China, Measures for Administration of the Issue of Securities by Listed Companies (《上市公司證券發行管理辦法》) and the Implementation Rules for the Non-public Issue of Shares by Listed Companies (《上市 公司非公開發行股票實施細則》), after item-by-item examination and careful demonstration of the actual condition of the Company and the relevant matters, it is concluded that the Company has a sound organizational structure and compliant operation with sustainable profitability and sound financial condition with its financial and accounting documents free from false statements, and is free of any material non-compliance, with the investment projects proposed to —3— LETTER FROM THE BOARD be financed by the proceeds to be raised being in compliance with relevant requirements of the State, and therefore the Company satisfies all the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and other regulatory documents on the non-public issuance of A Shares to specified investors and all qualifications and conditions for the non-public issuance of A Shares to specified investors. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board, for which the independent directors of the Company have given their independent consent, and will be submitted, by way of ordinary resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. 2. Resolution in Relation to the Non-Public Issuance of A Shares of the Company 2.1 The detailed plan of the non-public issuance of A Shares of the Company is set out as follows: (1) Class and nominal value of A Shares to be issued The shares to be offered under the Non-Public Issuance are RMB denominated ordinary shares of the Company with a nominal value of RMB1.00 per share, which will be listed domestically (A Shares). (2) Target subscribers The Non-Public Issuance is proposed to target not more than ten specified investors, which shall be securities investment fund management companies, securities firms, trust investment companies, finance companies, insurance institutional investors, qualified foreign institutional investors in compliance with the stipulations of CSRC and other corporate bodies, natural persons and legitimate investors in compliance with relevant regulations. The target subscribers do not include the controlling shareholder, de facto controller of the Company and the related parties under their control. After the Company has obtained the approval in respect of the Non-Public Issuance, the final subscribers will be determined by the Board and its authorized persons and the sponsor (the lead underwriter) based on the relevant requirements of the CSRC and the price quoted by them, with priority to be given based on the price quoted. The subscription of Shares under this Non-Public Issuance by the target subscribers shall not result in the change of the controlling Shareholder of the Company. —4— LETTER FROM THE BOARD As at the Latest Practicable Date, the Company has not entered into any agreements with any potential investors pursuant to the Non-Public Issuance. To the best knowledge, information and belief of the Directors, the Company (i) is not aware that any potential investors and their respective ultimate beneficial owners are connected persons of the Company; and (ii) is not certain whether they will become substantial Shareholders of the Company after their respective subscription for the Shares pursuant to the Non-Public Issuance. The Company will make appropriate disclosure in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Hong Kong Listing Rules should there be any changes or if otherwise necessary. The Company will use its best efforts to ensure that the specified investors and their ultimate beneficial owners are third parties independent of the Company and its connected persons and will seek independent Shareholders’ approval should any of the specified investors be a connected person of the Company. (3) Size of the issuance and method of subscription The number of A Shares to be issued under the Non-Public Issuance will not exceed 1,380 million Shares. The final number of Shares to be issued under the Non-Public Issuance will be determined by the Board and its authorized persons according to the market conditions at the time of the issuance after consultation with the sponsor (lead underwriter) of this issuance. The maximum number of shares to be issued will be adjusted if any ex-rights or ex-dividends events occur during the period from the price determination date to the date of the issuance. All Shares to be issued under the Non-Public Issuance shall be subscribed in cash. (4) Method of issuance All new A Shares under this issuance will be offered to target investors by way of non-public issuance at an appropriate time to be determined, which shall be within six months upon obtaining the approval from the CSRC. —5— LETTER FROM THE BOARD (5) Price determination date, issue price and method of pricing The price determination date of the Non-Public Issuance shall be the date of the announcement on the resolutions passed at the 4th meeting of the third session of the Board (i.e. 17 December 2014) of the Company. According to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations and regulatory documents such as the Measures for Administration of the Issue of Securities by Listed Companies (《上市公司 證券發行管理辦法》) and the Implementation Rules for the Non-public Issue of Shares by Listed Companies (《上市公司非公開發行股票實施細則》), the issue price of the Non-Public Issuance shall be not less than RMB7.20 per Share, i.e. not less than 90% of the average trading price of the A Shares in the 20 trading days preceding the price determination date (the average trading price of the A Shares in the 20 trading days preceding the price determination date = the total value of A Shares traded in the 20 trading days preceding the price determination date/the total volume of A Shares traded in the 20 trading days preceding the price determination date). The issue price will be adjusted correspondingly in case of any ex-rights or exdividends events during the period from the price determination date to the date of issuance. Based on the abovementioned minimum issue price, the issue price of the NonPublic Issuance will be determined by a book-building process. The Board and its authorized person shall, after the approval of CSRC is obtained, determine the final issue price in accordance with the authorization of general meeting of the Company, the requirements of relevant laws and regulations and other regulatory documents and the price quoted by target subscribers based on the price priority principle after consultation with the sponsor (lead underwriter). The net price to the Company of each new A Share to be issued will be determined and disclosed upon completion of the Non-Public Issuance and the determination of relevant expenses incurred or to be incurred in relation to the Non-Public Issuance in accordance with the requirements of the Hong Kong Listing Rules. (6) Lock-up period arrangement The new A Shares to be subscribed by the specified investors under the Non-Public Issuance shall not be transferred within 12 months from the date of the completion of the issuance. —6— LETTER FROM THE BOARD (7) Place of listing Upon expiration of the lock-up period, the new A Shares to be issued under the Non-Public Issuance will be listed and traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. (8) Use of proceeds The total proceeds to be raised from the Non-Public Issuance will not exceed RMB9,936 million after the deduction of relevant issuance expenses and are proposed to be used in the following projects: Proposed Investment Amount from the Raised No. Project Name Proceeds (RMB’00 million) 1 Chongqing Rail Transit Construction BT Project (Phase II) ( 重慶市軌道交通環線二期工程 BT 項目 ) 2 25.00 Xiaohuilou to Shijiazhuang section of Phase I BT project of the Rail Transit Line 3 in Shijiazhuang ( 石家莊市城市軌道交通3號線一 期小灰樓站至石家莊站工程 BT 項目 ) 3 18.00 Chengdu Subway Line 10 Construction BT Project (Phase I) ( 成都市地鐵10號線一期工程 BT 項目 ) 4 16.00 Xiajing-Liaocheng section of BOT project of Dezhou-Shangqiu Expressway ( 德州至商丘高 速公路夏津至聊城段 BOT 項目 ) 5 Total 12.00 Repayment of bank loans and replenishing the working capital No more than 28.36 — No more than 99.36 —7— LETTER FROM THE BOARD If the actual proceeds raised from the Non-Public Issuance are less than the aggregate amount of the proceeds proposed to be invested in the aforementioned projects, the Company will adjust and finalize the specific projects, the order of priority and the specific investment amount of each project based on the net proceeds actually raised and the priority of each project and other conditions, and will make up for the shortfall by utilizing internal resources or through other financing methods. Before the actual receipt of the proceeds to be raised from the Non-Public Issuance, the Company will, depending on the actual situations of the progress of the projects, finance these projects by proceeds raised through other measures, which will be replaced once the proceeds have been received according to procedures required by relevant regulations. (9) Distribution of profits of the Company accumulated prior to the Non-Public Issuance The new and existing Shareholders will share the undistributed profits of the Company accumulated prior to the Non-Public Issuance. (10) Valid period of the resolution regarding the Non-Public Issuance The resolution regarding the Non-Public Issuance shall be valid for 12 months from the date of consideration and approval at the EGM, the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting and the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting. 2.2 Approvals required for the Non-Public Issuance The A Shares under the Non-Public Issuance will be issued pursuant to a specific mandate to be sought from the Shareholders at the EGM, the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting and the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting. According to relevant requirements of Chapter 19A of the Hong Kong Listing Rules, the Company will proceed with the Non-Public Issuance after obtaining approvals from Shareholders at the EGM by way of special resolutions and from A Shareholders and H Shareholders at the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting and the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting convened in compliance with the Articles of Association by way of special resolutions. The Non-Public Issuance is also subject to the approvals from SASAC and CSRC as required under relevant laws, regulations and regulatory documents. —8— LETTER FROM THE BOARD 2.3 Effects of the Non-Public Issuance on the Shareholding Structure of the Company Set out below is the information on the Company’s shareholding structure as at the Latest Practicable Date and immediately after the completion of the Non-Public Issuance: As at the Latest Practicable Date Percentage of the total issued share capital of the Shareholder Number of Shares held Company A Shareholders 10,261,245,500 83.17% H Shareholders 2,076,296,000 16.83% 12,337,541,500 100% Total Assuming (1) the A Shares to be issued under the Non-Public Issuance will be not more than 1,380 million shares; and (2) the Company will not issue any additional Shares from the Latest Practicable Date to the date of completion of the Non-Public Issuance, immediately after the completion of the Non-Public Issuance: Percentage of the total issued Number of Shares to share capital of the be held Company A Shareholders 11,641,245,500 84.86% H Shareholders 2,076,296,000 15.14% 13,717,541,500 100% Shareholder Total —9— LETTER FROM THE BOARD 2.4 Benefits of and Reasons for the Non-Public Issuance The funds raised from the Non-Public Issuance are able to replenish the capital strength, improve capital structure and financial condition of the Company, which will thus make the Company better positioned to grasp the historic opportunities arising from the economic growth and industrial structure remodelling to further expand and strengthen its principal businesses, propel management upgrade, operational innovation and technological progress, improve quality and efficiency of development and increase the overall core competitiveness of the Company. 2.5 Recent fundraising activities The Company did not conduct any fundraising activities involving the issuance of equity securities in the 12 months preceding the Latest Practicable Date. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board, for which the independent directors of the Company have given their independent consent, and will be submitted, by way of special resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM and the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting. 3. Resolution in Relation to the Plan on the Non-Public Issuance of A Shares of the Company In accordance with the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Measures for Administration of the Issue of Securities by Listed Companies and other requirements under relevant laws, regulations and regulatory documents, the Company prepared the Plan on the Non-Public Issuance of A Shares of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited(《中國鐵 建股份有限公司非公開發行 A 股股票預案》). The main contents of this resolution have been set out in other sections of the circular. For the full text of the Plan on the Non-Public Issuance of A Shares of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited, please refer to the relevant announcement dated 17 December 2014 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange by the Company. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board, for which the independent directors of the Company have given their independent consent, and will be submitted, by way of special resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM and the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting. — 10 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD 4. Resolution in Relation to the Feasibility Analysis Report on the Use of Proceeds to be Raised from the Non-Public Issuance of Shares of the Company 4.1 Proposed uses of the proceeds from the Non-public Issuance The total proceeds to be raised from the Non-Public Issuance will not exceed RMB9,936 million, after the deduction of relevant issuance expenses, and are proposed to be used in the following projects: Proposed Investment Amount from the No. Project Name Raised Proceeds (RMB’00 million) 1 Chongqing Rail Transit Construction BT Project (Phase II) ( 重慶市軌道交通環線二期工程 BT 項目 ) 2 25.00 Xiaohuilou to Shijiazhuang section of Phase I BT project of the Rail Transit Line 3 in Shijiazhuang ( 石家莊市城市 軌道交通3號線一期小灰樓站至石家莊站工程 BT 項目 ) 3 Chengdu Subway Line 10 Construction BT Project (Phase I) ( 成都市地鐵10號線一期工程 BT 項目 ) 4 18.00 16.00 Xiajing-Liaocheng section of BOT project of DezhouShangqiu Expressway ( 德州至商丘高速公路夏津至聊城 段 BOT 項目 ) 5 12.00 Repayment of bank loans and replenishing the working capital No more than 28.36 Total — No more than 99.36 — 11 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD If the actual proceeds raised from the Non-Public Issuance are less than the aggregate amount of the proceeds proposed to be invested in the aforementioned projects, the Company will adjust and finalize the specific projects, the order of priority and the specific investment amount of each project based on the net proceeds actually raised and the priority of each project and other conditions, and will make up for the shortfall by utilizing internal resources or through other financing methods. Before the actual receipt of the proceeds to be raised from the Non-Public Issuance, the Company will, depending on the actual situations of the progress of the projects, finance these projects by proceeds raised through other measures, which will be replaced once the proceeds have been received according to procedures required by relevant regulations. 4.2 Basic information and feasibility study on the projects to be financed by the proceeds from the Non-Public Issuance (1) Chongqing Rail Transit Construction BT Project (Phase II)(重慶市軌道交通環線 二期工程 BT 項目) Chongqing Rail Transit Construction BT Project (Phase II), being an important part of the Chongqing rail transit loop line construction work, starts from the Shanghao Station, going through Haitangxi, Luojiaba, Sigongli, Dashilu, then via the specialpurpose rail transit bridge across the Yangtze River to the south of Egongyan Bridge, Xiejiawan, Olympic Sports Center, Chenjiaping, Erlang and Hualong Avenue, ends at its terminal Chongqing West station. The line covers a length of approximately 18 kilometers in total, including approximately 13 kilometers underground. This project has commenced construction in February 2014 and is expected to be completed in December 2017. This project, representing the backbone of Chongqing’s road network, has a high traffic capacity and significant connection role, and will play an essential role in improving the urban functions at the downtown area of Chongqing, optimizing the urban space structure, relieving ground traffic pressure and strengthening the passenger transfer ability of the large-scale comprehensive traffic center. The project has a contractual amount of RMB9,283 million and the completed investment amount accumulated to RMB645 million up to now. The project intends to use RMB2,500 million of the proceeds from the Non-Public Issuance. Any shortfall will be financed by the Company through its internal resources. The estimated financial internal rate of return is 12.31% for this project. — 12 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD (2) Xiaohuilou to Shijiazhuang section of Phase I BT project of the Rail Transit Line 3 in Shijiazhuang ( 石家莊市城市軌道交通3號線一期小灰樓站至石家莊站 BT 項目 ) The Shijiazhuang Rail Transit Line 3 represents the east-west backbone line of the urban rail transit traffic in Shijiazhuang city. As a part of the phase I project of Line 3, the Xiaohuilou Station (previously the No. 2 High School Station) to Shijiazhuang Station (previously the New Shijiazhuang Station) section starts from Xiaohuilou Station, goes along to the south the main stem of Zhonghua Avenue, then turns to the east at the south from the Xisanjiao Station to pass underneath the newly-completed Shijiazhuang station where a single line will be put in place in that section, and returns through the main line. The line covers a length of approximately 6.372 kilometers in total, all being underground. This project has commenced construction by way of BT in April 2013 and is expected to be completed by the end of September 2017. The Zhonghua Avenue this project will pass is one of the roads in Shijiazhuang which have the most serious traffic congestion. Therefore, Xiaohuilou Station (previously the No. 2 High School Station) to Shijiazhuang Station (previously the New Shijiazhuang Station) section project of the Phase I of Rail Transit Line 3, upon completion, will relieve the traffic pressure, improve traffic structure of Shijiazhuang and facilitate the construction of integrated traffic hub of Shijiazhuang city. The project has a contractual amount of RMB3,450 million and the completed investment amount accumulated to RMB820 million up to now. The project intends to use RMB1,800 million of the proceeds from the Non-Public Issuance. Any shortfall will be financed by the Company through its internal resources. The estimated financial internal rate of return is 12.33% for this project. (3) Chengdu Subway Line 10 Construction BT Project (Phase I) ( 成都市地鐵10號線 一期工程 BT 項目 ) Chengdu Subway Line 10 Construction BT Project (Phase I) represents one of the urban rapid lines of Chengdu city, which, as the dedicated airport line, mainly serve the passenger traffic to the airport. The project starts from the Hongpailou South Station of Chengdu, going through Julong Road Station, Shenjiaqiao Station, Jinhang Road South Station, Air Harbor T1 Station, and ends at the Air Harbor T2 Station. The line covers a length of 10.9 kilometers in total, all being underground. This project has commenced construction by way of BT in August 2014 and is expected to be completed in June 2017. — 13 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD This project will effectively enhance the passenger transfer efficiency of Chengdu Shuangliu Airport and its service level and relieve road traffic congestion, thus driving the development of the industrial parks adjacent to the airport harbor, improving the rail transit network and contributing to the development of the southwest axis line. The project has a contractual amount of RMB3,000 million and the completed investment amount accumulated to RMB240 million up to now. The project intends to use RMB1,600 million of the proceeds from the Non-Public Issuance. Any shortfall will be financed by the Company through its internal resources. The estimated financial internal rate of return is 14.32% for this project. (4) Xiajing-Liaocheng section of BOT project of Dezhou-Shangqiu Expressway ( 德州 至商丘高速公路夏津至聊城段 BOT 項目 ) Located in the west of Shanxi province, Dezhou-Shangqiu Expressway passes through the western area of Shanxi province. Xiajing-Liaocheng section of DezhouShangqiu Expressway starts from the west hub interchange of Xiajin, going through Xiajin, Linqing and Dongchangfu District and connecting to Jinan-Liaocheng Expressway and Liaocheng West Loop Expressway through the west hub overpass of Liaocheng, and ends at the Anzhuang Village of Liaocheng. This project covers a length of approximately 63.5 kilometers in total. This project has commenced construction by way of BOT in mid of 2013 and is expected to be completed in mid of 2016. The implementation of this project is in line with not only the economic development strategy “Going beyond Heze, Driving the development of the west” of the provincial Party committee and provincial government of Shandong, but also the needs to further accelerate the development of expressway network in Shandong and promote the modern transportation construction of the province. The project has a total investment amount of RMB3,194 million and the completed investment amount accumulated to RMB1,720 million up to now. The project intends to use RMB1,200 million of the proceeds from the Non-Public Issuance. Any shortfall will be financed by the Company through its internal resources. The estimated financial internal rate of return is 8.28% for this project. — 14 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD (5) Repayment of bank loans and replenishing the working capital Apart from uses for the aforesaid projects, all the remaining proceeds from the Non-Public Issuance of A Shares (after deducting issuance expenses) will be used to repay bank loans and replenish the working capital of the Company. a. Analysis on the necessity to repay bank loans and replenish the working capital The short-term loans of the Company was RMB38,697 million, RMB47,062 million and RMB58,102 million respectively as at the end of 2012, 2013 and 30 September 2014. As at 30 September 2014, the asset-liability ratio of the Company was 83.99% (on consolidated basis), which is notably higher than the average level of comparable companies, with a relatively large size of short-term loans. Using part of the proceeds from the Non-Public Issuance to repay bank loans and replenish the working capital of the Company will provide capital support to the Company to accomplish its strategic development objectives, help the Company to optimize financial structure, strengthen solvency and operation capability, reduce financial risks, as well as help to underpin the continued business growth and consolidate the market position of the Company. b. Influence of repayment of bank loans and replenishing the working capital on financial condition and operation and management of the Company Influence of repayment of bank loans and replenishing the working capital on financial condition: Upon using part of the proceeds from the NonPublic Issuance to repay bank loans and replenish the working capital of the Company, the debt size of the Company will decline and the net assets value will increase with the capital strength being enhanced, the asset-liability ration falling and the working capital pressure being eased, which will help improve the financial condition of the Company and strengthen its ability to resist financial risks. The amount of proceeds which will be partly used for the repayment of bank loans is to set off the equivalent amount of interestbearing debts, which will help reduce the financial costs of the Company and further increase profitability. — 15 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD Influence of repayment of bank loans and replenishing the working capital on operation and management: Upon the completion of the Non-Public Issuance, the Company will see a further enhancement in its capital strength. Through using part of the proceeds from the Non-Public Issuance to repay bank loans and replenish the working capital, the Company could enhance its financing ability, which in turn will provide capital support necessary for the Company to further enlarge and strengthen its core businesses, implement the overall corporate development strategy of “being construction-driven, diversifying into relevant businesses, integrating operations and carrying out transformation and upgrades” and develop overseas business. 4.3 Influence of the projects to be financed by the raised proceeds on financial condition and operation and management of the Company (1) Influence of the projects to be financed by the raised proceeds on operation and management of the Company The projects to be financed by the raised proceeds, which stay in line with relevant industrial policy of the state as well as the overall future strategic development direction of the Company, have optimistic market prospect and desirable economic benefits. These projects, upon implementation, will further enhance the Company’s ability in urban rail transit and highway construction. The completion of these projects will further consolidate the Company’s market position, enhance its core competitiveness, create new profit-drivers and enhance its profit level, which will thus lay a solid foundation for the development of the Company over the coming certain period in the future. — 16 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD (2) Influence of the projects to be financed by the raised proceeds on the financial condition of the Company Upon the completion of the Non-Public Issuance, both the total assets and net assets of the Company will increase, while the asset-liability ration will decline, which in turn will enhance its profitability and greatly elevate its investment and financing ability, research and development strength and growth potential. Upon the completion of the Non-Public Issuance, the return on equity of the Company will be aversely affected to certain extent in the short term due to that the projects to be financed by the raised proceeds require a certain period of construction before generating profit. However, in the medium-long run, these projects, upon commencing to generate profit in succession, will bring the Company with new revenue and profit growth drivers, which will significantly increase the revenue and profit level of the Company and enhance its profitability and profit-making stability, and in turn help to further expand the projects of the Company and achieve further growth of the Company. In conclusion, the projects to be financed by the raised proceeds from the Non-Public Issuance stay in line with relevant industrial policy of the state as well as the overall future strategic development direction of the Company and have optimistic market prospect and desirable economic benefits, which are essential to improve the Company’s profitability and core competitiveness and reduce financial risks. The implementation of these projects will lay a solid foundation for the steady development of the Company over a relatively long period, which is in the interests of the Shareholders as a whole. Therefore, the aforesaid uses of proceeds from the Non-Public Issuance are feasible. For the full text of the Feasibility Analysis Report on the Use of Proceeds to be Raised from the Non-Public Issuance of Shares, please refer to the relevant announcement dated 17 December 2014 published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange by the Company. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board, for which the independent directors of the Company have given their independent consent, and will be submitted, by way of ordinary resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. — 17 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD 5. Resolution in Relation to the Report on the Use of Proceeds from Previous Fund Raising Activities As approved with the document (Zheng Jian Xu Ke [2008] No. 240) from CSRC, the Company issued 2,450,000,000 RMB denominated ordinary shares (A shares) on 10 March 2008 under its initial public offering, which were listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, at an issue price of RMB9.08 per share, with the total proceeds of RMB22,246,000,000 or actual net proceeds of RMB21,725,700,000 after deducting issuance expenses. The proceeds were received in full on 26 February 2008, and a capital verification report (Zhong Rui Yue Hua Yan Zi [2008] No. 2016) was issued after the fund raising was certified by RSM China Certified Public Accountants. As approved with the document (Zheng Jian Xu Ke Zi [2008] No. 149) from CSRC, the Company carried out the initial public offering of H Shares on 13 March 2008. Such shares were listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The H Shares listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange which were issued by the Company amounted to 199,696,000 shares in aggregate (including shares issued under the over-allotment option) at an issue price of HK$10.70 per share, with the total proceeds of RMB18,154,400,000 or actual net proceeds of RMB17,358,600,000 after deducting issuance expenses. A capital verification report (Zhong Rui Yue Hua Yan Zi [2008] No. 2047) was issued after the fund raising was certified by RSM China Certified Public Accountants. So far, the said proceeds raised from the above fund raising activities have been utilized in full. For the full text of the Report on the Use of Proceeds from Previous Fund Raising Activities of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (《中國鐵建股份有限公司前次募集資金使用 情況報告》), please refer to the relevant announcement dated 17 December 2014 published by the Company on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board and will be submitted, by way of ordinary resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. 6. Resolution in Relation to the Authorization to the Board and its Authorized Persons to Deal with Matters Relating to this Issuance at Their Absolute Discretion Under the plan of the proposed non-public issuance of shares, the Board proposes that authorization be granted to the Board at the general meeting of the Company to deal with matters relating to this issuance at their absolute discretion, of which the matters include but not limited to: — 18 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD (1) that the Board be authorized to formulate and implement the specific plan for this nonpublic issuance of shares according to the issuance plan passed at the general meeting and the specific conditions at issuance, which include but not limited to determining with the sponsor (lead underwriter) the final target subscribers, final issue price and final number of shares to be issued based on the actual situation; (2) that the Board be authorized to supplement, revise and adjust the specific plan and relevant application documents and supporting documents in accordance with relevant regulations, policy changes and the requirements of competent authorities; (3) that the Board be authorized to deal with the reporting matters in respect of the NonPublic Issuance and compile, revise and submit the reporting documents in relation to the Non-Public Issuance as required by the securities regulatory authorities; (4) that the Board be authorized to determine and engage intermediaries such as sponsor (lead underwriter) and revise, supplement, sign, submit, report and implement all agreements and documents in relation to the Non-Public Issuance, which include but not limited to underwriting and sponsor agreements, share subscription agreements and material contracts to be entered into in the course of utilisation of proceeds for investment in projects; (5) that the Board be authorized to increase the registered capital of the Company, make relevant amendments to the Articles of Association, undertake changes of relevant industry and commerce registration and make relevant filings; (6) that the Board be authorized to deal with the registration, lock-up and listing with the Shanghai Stock Exchange and China Securities Depository and Clearing Company Limited, Shanghai Branch upon the completion of the Non-Public Issuance; (7) that the Board be authorized to make adjustment to the issuance plan and the use of proceeds to be raised and continue to undertake this issuance in accordance with the relevant rules of the State, relevant government departments and securities regulatory authorities (including the review feedbacks on the application of this issuance) and based on the market condition and actual operation of the Company, where there are new requirements on the policies on non-public issuance as announced by laws and regulations and securities regulatory authorities and changes on market condition, except for those subject to re-voting at the general meeting as required by laws and regulations and the Articles of Association; (8) that the Board be authorized to make adjustment to the specific arrangement on the use of proceeds to be raised from this issuance within the scope of the resolutions passed at the general meeting; — 19 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD (9) that the Board be authorized to deal with other matters in relation to the Non-Public Issuance; (10) that the Board be authorized to re-designate the chairman, the president and the secretary to the Board and their authorized persons to deal with the above matters upon the above authorization has been granted to the Board at the general meeting; and (11) that the above authorization shall be valid within 12 months from the date the resolutions were passed at the relevant general meeting. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board and will be submitted, by way of special resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. PART II: RESOLUTIONS IN RELATION TO THE formulation OF AND/OR AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND OTHER DOCUMENTS 7. Resolution in Relation to the Shareholders’ Return Plan for the Coming Three Years (2015–2017) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Pursuant to the relevant requirements under “Notice Regarding Further Implementation of the Relevant Matters of Cash Dividend Distribution of Listed Companies” (《關於進一步落實上 市公司現金分紅有關事項的通知》) (Zheng Jian Fa [2012] No. 37) and the “Listed Companies Regulatory Guidance No.3 — Cash Dividends Distribution of Listed Companies” (《上市公司 監管指引第3號—上市公司現金分紅》) (CSRC Notice [2013] No. 43) issued by CSRC and the Articles of Association, the Company formulated the Shareholders’ Return Plan for the Coming Three Years (2015–2017) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited in respect of the Non-public Issuance. Please refer to Appendix I to this circular for the details of the Shareholders’ Return Plan for the Coming Three Years (2015–2017) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board, for which the independent directors of the Company have given their independent consent, and will be submitted, by way of special resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. — 20 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD 8. Resolution in Relation to the Amendments to the Articles of Association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Pursuant to the Guidelines for the Articles of Association of Listed Companies (2014 second revision) (《上 市 公 司 章 程 指 引(2014年 第 二 次 修 訂)》) (CSRC Notice [2014] No.47) and the “Listed Companies Regulatory Guidance No.3 — Cash Dividends Distribution of Listed Companies” (CSRC Notice [2013] No.43) issued by CSRC, the Company shall make corresponding amendments to the Articles of Association. Based on the principle of caution, appropriateness and necessity and on the premise that the amendments to the Articles of Association are in compliance with requirements under relevant laws and regulations as well as the listing rules where the Shares of the Company were listed, and taking into account the actual situation of the Company, the Company amended Article 107, Article 121, Article 125, Article 255 and Article 256 of the Articles of Association. Meanwhile, authorization was proposed to be granted to the secretary to the Board and his authorized person to deal with all necessary applications, submissions, registrations, filings and other related matters for the amendments to the Articles of Association (including revisions to wordings as requested by competent regulatory authorities). Please refer to Appendix II to this circular for details of the proposed amendments to the Articles of Association. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board, for which the independent directors of the Company have given their independent consent, and will be submitted, by way of special resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. 9. Resolution in Relation to the Amendments to the Administrative Measures on Fund Raising of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Pursuant to relevant laws and regulations such as the “Listed Companies Regulatory Guidance No. 2 — Regulations on the Management and Use of Proceeds from Fund Raising of Listed Companies” (《上市公司監管指引第2號 — 上市公司募集資金管理和使用的監管要求》) (CSRC Notice [2012] No. 44) and the “Shanghai Stock Exchange’s Administrative Measures on Fund Raising of Listed Companies (2013 Revision)” (《上海證券交易所上市公司募集資 金管理辦法(2013年修訂)》) (Shang Zheng Gong Zi [2013] No.13), the Company shall make corresponding amendments to the “Administrative Measures on Fund Raising of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited” (hereinafter referred to as “Administrative Measures on Fund Raising”). — 21 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD In addition, authorization was proposed to be granted to the secretary of the Board of the Company and its authorized person to deal with all necessary applications, submissions, registrations, filings and other related matters for the amendments to the Administrative Measures on Fund Raising of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (including revisions to wordings as required by competent regulatory authorities). Please refer to Appendix III to this circular for details of the amendments to the Administrative Measures on Fund Raising of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board, for which the independent directors of the Company have given their independent consent, and will be submitted, by way of ordinary resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. 10. Resolution in Relation to the Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Pursuant to the “Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of Listed Companies (2014 second revision)” (《上市公司股東大會規則(2014年第二次修訂)》) (CSRC Notice [2014] No.46) recently issued by CSRC, and taking into account the actual situations of the Company, amendments are required to be made to the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of the Company. In addition, authorization was proposed to be granted to the secretary of the Board and its authorized person to deal with all necessary applications, submissions, registrations, filings and other related matters for the amendments to the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings (including revisions to wordings as required by competent regulatory authorities). Please refer to Appendix IV to this circular for details of the proposed amendments to the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board, for which the independent directors of the Company have given their independent consent, and will be submitted, by way of special resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. — 22 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD PART III: RESOLUTIONS IN RELATION TO THE OVERSEAS LISTING OF KCRC 11. Resolution in Relation to the Plan of the Overseas Listing of Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.* KCRC intends to carry out the initial public offering and listing of its H shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, after its overall restructuring into a joint stock company with limited liability, the plan of which is as follows: (1) Type of securities to be issued: Overseas listed foreign invested shares (H shares) to be listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. (2) Method of issuance: Hong Kong public offering and international placing. (3) Par value per share: RMB1.00. (4) Size of issuance: The number of H shares to be issued will be no less than 25% of the total share capital after issuance and no more than 35% of the total share capital after issuance (before exercise of the over-allotment option); meanwhile, depending on the market conditions, the underwriter(s) may be granted the over-allotment option of no more than 15% of the number of H shares to be issued. (5) Over-allotment option: No more than 15% of the number of H shares to be issued. (6) Target subscribers: Foreign institutional investors, qualified domestic investors, enterprises and natural persons and other qualified investors. (7) Offer Price: The final offer price will be negotiated and determined together by the board of directors of KCRC or a subcommittee thereof as authorized by its general meeting and the lead underwriter(s) after full consideration of the interests of the existing shareholders of KCRC and domestic and foreign investors in accordance with international capital market conditions for the issuance, Hong Kong stock market conditions for the issuance, the normal valuation level of the industry that KCRC engages in, conditions of market subscriptions and the results of overseas road show and bookkeeping. (8) Issuing date: The issuance and listing of H shares will be completed at an appropriate window within the effective period of the resolutions of the general meeting of KCRC in due course. The specific issuing date will be determined by the board of directors of KCRC or the subcommittee thereof as authorized by its general meeting in accordance with the international capital market conditions and approval progress of domestic and overseas regulatory authorities. — 23 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD (9) Reduction of State-owned shares: Pursuant to the Interim Management Measures on the Reduction of State-owned Shares and Raising Social Security Funds (《減持國有股籌集 社會保障資金管理暫行辦法》) issued by the State Council on 12 June 2001, upon the public offering of the H shares by the restructured KCRC, State-owned shareholders of KCRC shall allocate shares equivalent to 10% of the new shares to be issued overseas (if the over-allotment option is exercised, then 10% of the shares of the over-allotment option shall be included as well) to the National Council for Social Security Fund, or pay cash equivalent and issue corresponding undertaking letters of decrease in shareholding. The cost incurred for the reduction of shares held in the Company will be fully borne by CRCCG, the State-owned controlling shareholder of the Company. The above arrangement is subject to the approvals from relevant competent authorities. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board and will be submitted, by way of ordinary resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. 12. Resolution in Relation to the Compliance of the Overseas Listing of Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.*, a Subsidiary of the Company, with the Circular on Issues in Relation to Regulating Overseas Listing of Subsidiaries of Domestic Listed Companies In accordance with the Circular on Issues in Relation to Regulating Overseas Listing of Subsidiaries of Domestic Listed Companies (Zheng Jian Fa [2004] No. 67) (《關於規範境內上 市公司所屬企業到境外上市有關問題的通知》(證監發 [2004]67號)) (the “Circular”) issued by CSRC, the Company, as the controlling shareholder of KCRC, complies with the following conditions under Article 2 in the Circular: (1) The listed company has been profitable in the latest three years consecutively Pursuant to the audit reports (An Yong Hua Ming (2014) Shen Zi No. 60618770_A01, An Yong Hua Ming (2013) Shen Zi No. 60618770_A01 and An Yong Hua Ming (2012) Shen Zi No. 60618770_A01) issued by Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP, the net profit attributable to owners of the parent company as realized by the Company for 2011, 2012 and 2013 amounted to approximately RMB7,854.29 million, RMB8,629.13 million and RMB10,344.66 million, respectively, which complies with the provision of “profitable in the latest three years consecutively”. — 24 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD (2) The businesses and assets in which the listed company has invested with the proceeds from its share issues and fundraisings within the latest three fiscal years shall not be used as its capital contribution to the subsidiaries for the purpose of applying for overseas listing As the Company has not issued shares for fundraising since January 2011, there is no such circumstance the businesses and assets in which the listed company has invested with proceeds from share issues or fundraisings within the latest three fiscal years as capital contribution to KCRC. (3) The net profit of the subsidiary that the listed company is entitled to according to the equity in the consolidated statements for the latest fiscal year shall not exceed 50% of the net profit in the consolidated statements of the listed company Pursuant to the audit report (An Yong Hua Ming (2014) Shen Zi No. 60618770_A01) issued by Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP, the net profit attributable to owners of the parent company in the consolidated statements of the Company for 2013 amounted to approximately RMB10,344.66 million. In accordance with the audit report (CHW Jing Shen Zi [2014] No. 0115) issued by CHW CPA Limited Liability Partnership (Special General Partnership) ( 中審華寅五洲會計師 事務所(特殊普通合夥)) for KCRC, the net profit attributable to the parent company of KCRC for 2013 amounted to RMB282.61 million. The net profit of KCRC that the Company is entitled to according to the equity does not exceed 50% of the net profit in the consolidated statements of the Company. (4) The net assets of the subsidiary that the listed company is entitled to according to the equity in the consolidated statements for the latest fiscal year shall not exceed 30% of the net assets in the consolidated statements of the listed company Pursuant to the audit report (An Yong Hua Ming (2014) Shen Zi No. 60618770_A01) issued by Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP, the equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company for 2013 of the Company amounted to RMB80,986.89 million. In accordance with the audit report (CHW Jing Shen Zi [2014] No. 0115) issued by CHW CPA Limited Liability Partnership (Special General Partnership) ( 中審華寅五洲會計師 事務所 ( 特殊普通合夥 )) for KCRC, the equity attributable to the shareholders of the parent company of KCRC for 2013 amounted to RMB2,437.93 million. — 25 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD The net assets of KCRC that the Company is entitled to according to the equity does not exceed 30% of the net assets in the consolidated statements of the Company. (5) There is no competition within the same industry between the listed company and the subsidiary, and they are independent from each other in assets and finance, and have no overlapping management a. There is no competition within the same industry between the listed company and the subsidiary. KCRC is principally engaged in the manufacture and repair of over 30 types of large railway maintenance machinery used for ballast cleaning, tamping and ballast distributing, stabilizing, materials, rail welding, etc. The principal businesses of the Company are different from those of KCRC. The Company (excluding KCRC) is principally engaged in construction, survey, design and consultancy, industrial manufacturing and real estate development, etc., of which the large machinery manufacture business apart from that of KCRC mainly focuses on underground engineering equipment and high speed rail spur, while the business of KCRC falls into a different sub-industry under the construction machinery industry. The businesses and products of the Company and KCRC are completely different from each other and cannot be replaced by each other. Meanwhile, there is clear delineation in respect of customers and major raw material suppliers, etc. There is no competition within the same industry between the Company and KCRC. b. The listed company and the subsidiary are independent from each other in assets and finance. The Company and KCRC have their own independent and complete operational assets with clear ownership. KCRC conducts registration, prepares accounts and carries out accounting and management independently for all its assets. The Company has never occupied or disposed of assets of KCRC, or intervened with the operation and management of assets by KCRC. The Company and KCRC have set up independent financial departments and established the financial accounting system and financial management system for the parent company and its subsidiaries. — 26 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD The Company and KCRC, a subsidiary of the Company, are independent from each other in assets and finance. c. The management of the listed company and the subsidiary do not hold any overlapping positions in each other. The senior management of the Company and KCRC do not hold any overlapping positions in each other. (6) The shares of the subsidiary held by the directors, senior management and related personnel of the listed company and its subsidiaries shall not exceed 10% of the total share capital of the subsidiary prior to the overseas listing The directors, senior management and related personnel of the Company and its subsidiaries do not hold shares of KCRC. (7) The funds or assets of the listed company are not in the possession of the individual, legal person or other organization and their related parties which has the actual controlling power over the listed company, and there are no major connected transactions that would prejudice the interests of the company The Company complies with the above condition. (8) The listed company has no acts of major violations of laws or regulations in the latest three years The Company complies with the above condition. In conclusion, the overseas listing of KCRC, a subsidiary of the Company, complies with the relevant provisions under the Circular. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board and will be submitted, by way of ordinary resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. — 27 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD 13. Resolution in Relation to the Undertaking of Maintaining Independent Listing Status of the Company The Company and KCRC will continue to be independent from each other in the aspects of staff, asset, finance, institution, business and others. They have respective independent accounting and independently undertake liabilities and risks. The Overseas Listing of KCRC will have no adverse impact on the sustainable operation of other business sectors of the Company, neither will it affect the Company in maintaining its independent listing status, which is in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules and regulatory documents as well as the requirements prescribed in the Circular. The Company will engage a securities institution registered with and included in the list of sponsors of the CSRC as the financial adviser of the Company to provide financial advice in relation to ensuring the ongoing independent listing status and maintaining the sustainable operation ability of the core assets and businesses of the Company upon the Overseas Listing of KCRC, as well as continue to supervise the Company to maintain its independent listing status. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board and will be submitted, by way of ordinary resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. 14. Resolution in Relation to the Explanations on the Sustainable Profitability and Prospects of the Company Each business of the Company is keeping excellent momentum at present. As KCRC keeps high business independency from the other business sectors of the Company, the Company considers that: The Overseas Listing of KCRC will not have any substantial impact on the sustainable operation of the other business sectors of the Company. As KCRC is still a relatively small business sector at present, its value is not reflected adequately. This overall restructuring, spin-off and listing can increase the estimated value of the professional machinery manufacturing sector of the Company, and accordingly realize the increase of the overall value of the Company. Through this spin-off and listing, KCRC is expected to further accelerate its development. Meanwhile, its revenue and profit will be reflected in the accounting statements of the Company, which will benefit the overall financial performance of the Company. In addition, the Overseas Listing of KCRC will firmly facilitate the strategic upgrade of the Company, further consolidate the core competitiveness of the Company and promote the sustainable development of the Company. — 28 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD In conclusion, upon the Overseas Listing of KCRC, the Company is able to continue to maintain favorable sustainable operation ability and sustainable profitability. The relevant transaction terms of the spin-off and overseas listing of KCRC by the Company are fair and reasonable, and are in the interest of the Shareholders as a whole. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board and will be submitted, by way of an ordinary resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. 15. Resolution in Relation to the Authorization to the Board and its Authorized Persons to Deal With the Spin-off and Listing Matters of Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.* Pursuant to the requirements of the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Articles of Association and based on the needs of the overseas issuance and listing of KCRC, the Board proposes that at the general meeting of the Company, the Board and its authorised persons are authorised to deal with matters relating to the Overseas Listing of KCRC at their full discretion, including but not limited to: (1) to exercise, at their full discretion, shareholders’ rights in KCRC on behalf of the Company to make the proposals in relation to the matters concerning the listing of KCRC which shall be made at the general meetings of the Company (other than those for which proposals must be made at a general meeting as required by the laws and regulations); (2) to make adjustments and modifications to the matters and plans relating to and the contents thereof of the Overseas Listing of KCRC based on the specific conditions; (3) to deal with relevant matters in respect of the submission of application for spin-off and listing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and submission of relevant applications to relevant authorities including SASAC and CSRC, including but not limited to the submission of application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for spin-off and listing, communication with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in respect of the matters relating to the application for spin-off and listing, as well as adjustments and modifications to the matters relating to the spin-off and listing of KCRC in accordance with the requirements of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange; and (4) to deal with other specific matters in connection with this overseas listing, including but not limited to the engagement of relevant intermediaries, execution, delivery and receipt of necessary agreements and legal documents and relevant information disclosure in accordance with applicable regulatory rules. — 29 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD The abovementioned authorization is valid for 18 months from the date of this resolution being considered and approved at the general meeting. This resolution has been considered and approved by the Board and will be submitted, by way of an ordinary resolution, to the Shareholders for approval at the EGM. PART IV: EGM AND H SHAREHOLDERS’ CLASS MEETING 16. EGM and H Shareholders’ Class Meeting The notice convening the EGM to be held at the CRCC Bureau Building, No. 40 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the People’s Republic of China at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 5 February 2015 is set out at the end of this circular. The notice convening H Shareholders’ Class Meeting of the Company to be held at the CRCC Bureau Building, No. 40 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the People’s Republic of China in the morning on Thursday, 5 February 2015 immediately following the conclusion of the EGM and the A Shareholders’ Class Meeting or any adjournment thereof is set out at the end of the circular. Relevant reply slips and forms of proxy to be used at the EGM and the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting respectively have been despatched to Shareholders together with the notices of EGM and H Shareholders’ Class Meeting on 17 December 2014, and such notices, reply slips and forms of proxy are also published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ( If you are eligible and intend to attend the EGM and/or H Shareholders’ Class Meeting, you should have completed and returned the reply slip in accordance with the instructions printed thereon on or before Thursday, 15 January 2015. Shareholders who intend to appoint a proxy to attend the EGM and/or H Shareholders’ Class Meeting shall complete and return the form of proxy in accordance with the instructions printed thereon not less than 24 hours before the time fixed for holding such meetings or any adjournment thereof (as the case may be). Completion and return of the form of proxy will not preclude you from attending the EGM and/or H Shareholders’ Class Meeting and voting in person if you so wish. The H Share register of members of the Company will be temporarily closed from Tuesday, 6 January 2015 to Thursday, 5 February 2015 (both days inclusive), during which period no transfer of H Shares of the Company will be registered. Any holders of H Shares, whose names appear on the Company’s register of members at the close of business on Monday, 5 January 2015, are entitled to attend and vote at the EGM after completing the registration procedures for attending such meeting. — 30 — LETTER FROM THE BOARD 17. RECOMMENDATIONS The Directors consider that all of the aforesaid resolutions are in the best interests of the Company and the Shareholders as a whole and accordingly recommend you to vote in favour of all of the said resolutions to be proposed at the EGM and the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting. Yours faithfully, By order of the Board China Railway Construction Corporation Limited MENG Fengchao Chairman * For identification purpose only — 31 — Appendix I Shareholders’ Return Plan for the Coming Three Years (2015-2017) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited SHAREHOLDERS’ RETURN PLAN FOR THE COMING THREE YEARS (2015–2017) OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED In order to further establish and refine a scientific, sustainable and stable dividend distribution mechanism and supervisory system, proactively give return to the investors and safeguard the lawful interests of all Shareholders, and pursuant to the principles in the Notice Regarding Further Implementation of Cash Dividends Distribution of listed Companies (Zheng Jian Fa [2012] No. 37) (《關於進一步落實上市公司現金分紅有關事項的通知》(證監發 [2012]37號)) issued by the CSRC and the Listed Companies Regulatory Guidance No. 3 — Cash Dividends Distribution of Listed Companies (CSRC Announcement [2013] No. 43) (《上市公司監管指引第3號 — 上市公司 現金分紅》(中國證監會公告 [2013]43號)) as well as the relevant provisions under the Articles of Association, the Board of the Company has formulated the Shareholders’ return plan as follows: I. FACTORS TO BE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION IN THE FORMULATION OF THE SHAREHOLDERS’ RETURN PLAN With focuses on the strategic objectives and the sustainable development in the future by the Company, taking into account factors such as the actual conditions of the Company’s development, development plan, the wishes and requests of Shareholders, the external financing costs and financing environment as well as the Company’s cash flows and with an aim to balance Shareholders’ short-term interests and long-term return, the Company establishes a sustainable, stable and scientific return plan and mechanism for investors and makes specific and systematic arrangements for the profit distribution of the Company, in order to ensure the continuity and stability of the profit distribution policies. II. THE PRINCIPLES ON WHICH THE SHAREHOLDERS’ RETURN PLAN IS FORMULATED The plan is formulated in accordance with the Company Law and other laws and regulations, regulatory documents and the Articles of Association. The Company adopts consistent and stable profit distribution policies and takes full account of opinions of Shareholders, particularly those of minority Shareholders, as well as opinions of the independent directors. The profit distribution of the Company attaches great importance to the reasonable investment return for investors and caters to the needs of the sustainable development of the Company. Upon satisfaction of the capital requirements for the Company’s production and operation as well as its sustainable development, the Company gives priority to dividend distribution in cash, refines the system of dividend distribution in cash and maintains the consistency, reasonableness and stability of the policy of dividend distribution in cash. — 32 — Appendix I Shareholders’ Return Plan for the Coming Three Years (2015-2017) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited III. DETAILS OF THE SHAREHOLDERS’ RETURN PLAN FOR THE COMING THREE YEARS (2015–2017) (I) Form of profit distribution The Company may distribute dividends in cash, in shares or in a combination of both cash and shares. The Company shall distribute profits in cash should the conditions on dividend distribution in cash are met. The profit distribution in the form of bonus shares shall be made after giving consideration to the real and reasonable factors such as corporate growth and dilution to net asset value per share. (II) Intervals of profit distribution The Company shall take full account of the return to investors and distribute dividends to Shareholders on a yearly basis in a specific proportion out of the distributable profit realized for the year as set out in that year’s consolidated financial statements. Under favorable circumstances, the Company may distribute interim dividends. (III) Conditions and proportions of profit distribution 1. Specific conditions, proportions and intervals of cash dividends: In the absence of certain special circumstances, if both the Company’s profit for the year and its total undistributed profit are positive, the Company shall distribute dividends in cash and such profit to be distributed in cash on a yearly basis must not be less than 15% of the distributable profit realized for the year as set out in that year’s consolidated financial statements. Such special circumstances refer to the following: (i) where the audit firm issues an non-standard clean opinion auditor report to the financial report of the Company for that financial year; (ii) where the Company has major investment plan or significant cash expenditure, excluding projects funded by raised proceeds. Such major investment plan or significant cash expenditure refers to the external investment and asset acquisition by the Company with accumulated expenditure within the following 12 months amounting to or exceeding 30% of the latest audited net assets. When the aforesaid conditions of cash distribution are met, in principle, cash dividends shall be distributed once a year by the Company. And the Board of the Company can propose a distribution of interim cash dividends according to the Company’s situation of profitability and capital needs. — 33 — Appendix I 2. Shareholders’ Return Plan for the Coming Three Years (2015-2017) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Differentiated policies for cash dividend In the coming three years, the Board of the Company shall take various factors into consideration, including its industry features, development stages, business model and profitability as well as whether it has any substantial capital expenditure arrangement, and differentiate the following circumstances to propose a differentiated policy for distributing cash dividend pursuant to the procedures stipulated in the Articles of Association of the Company: (1) Where the Company is in a developed stage with no substantial capital expenditure arrangement, the dividend distributed in the form of cash shall not be less than 80% of the total profit distribution when distributing its profits; (2) Where the Company is in a developed stage with substantial capital expenditure arrangement, the dividend distributed in the form of cash shall not be less than 40% of the total profit distribution when distributing its profits; (3) Where the Company is in a developing stage with substantial capital expenditure arrangement, the dividend distributed in the form of cash shall not be less than 20% of the total profit distribution when distributing its profits; If it is difficult to distinguish the Company’s stage of development but if it has significant capital expenditure arrangement, the profit distribution may be dealt with pursuant to the preceding provisions. 3. Conditions for distributing dividends in shares Where the Company is in a sound operating condition, and the Board considers that the stock price of the Company does not reflect its scale of share capital and distributing dividend in shares will be in the interests of all Shareholders of the Company as a whole, the Company may propose the distribution plan of dividend in shares upon fulfilment of the above conditions concerning cash dividends. — 34 — Appendix I Shareholders’ Return Plan for the Coming Three Years (2015-2017) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (IV) Consideration procedures for profits distribution: The profit distribution plan of the Company shall be drawn up by the management before being submitted to the Board and the supervisory committee of the Company for consideration. The Board shall thoroughly discuss the rationality of the profit distribution plan and form a specific resolution, which will then be submitted to the general meeting for consideration after explicit independent opinions concerning the profit distribution plan was expressed by independent directors. The Company shall provide access to online voting for Shareholders when such profit distribution plan is considered at the general meeting. When formulating specific plan for distribution of cash dividends by the Company, the Board shall study and identify with caution the timing, conditions and minimum proportion, conditions for adjustment and requirements for decision-making procedures involved in implementing the distribution of cash dividends, etc. Independent directors shall explicitly express their opinions thereon. Independent directors may collect opinions from minority Shareholders for putting forward a profit distribution proposal which can be directly submitted to the Board for consideration. Where the Company does not propose distribution of cash dividends due to the above mentioned special circumstances, the Board shall provide explanations with specific reasons for not distributing cash dividends, the exact purpose for the retained profit and the estimated investment return, submit such matters to the general meeting for consideration after the independent directors have given their opinions thereon, and disclose the same in the designated media of the Company. IV. THE PERIOD FOR FORMULATING THE SHAREHOLDERS’ RETURN PLAN AND RELEVANT DECISION-MAKING MECHANISM 1. The Company shall review the Shareholders’ return plan at least every three years and determine the Shareholders’ return plan for the following period after taking into account the Company’s conditions and the opinions of Shareholders, especially those of minority Shareholders. 2. The Company shall formulate its Shareholders’ return plan after taking full account of the Company’s amount of profit, cash flow conditions, development stage, existing capital requirements as well as opinions of Shareholders, particularly those of minority Shareholders. Such plan shall be held under special discussion by the Board and be submitted to the shareholders’ general meeting for consideration and approval after obtaining the independent opinions given by the independent Directors in this regard. — 35 — Appendix I V. Shareholders’ Return Plan for the Coming Three Years (2015-2017) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited ADJUSTMENT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS’ RETURN PLAN Where it is necessary to make adjustments to the established Shareholders’ return plan due to any changes in the Company’s external business environment or the needs of its own operation, the Board shall conduct specific detailed discussion over the grounds for such adjustment, form a written report to be considered by the independent Directors and then submit the same to the shareholders’ general meeting for approval by way of special resolution. In considering the alterations to its profit distribution policies, the Company shall provide the access to online voting for Shareholders. VI. SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS Any matters not covered in this plan shall be governed by the relevant laws and regulations, regulatory documents and provisions of the Articles of Association. The right to interpret this plan shall vest in the Board of the Company. This plan and its amendments (if any) will come into force as of the date of approval at the shareholders’ general meeting. The Board of Directors of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited — 36 — Appendix II Amendments to the Articles of Association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited AMENDMENTS TO THE ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED 1. Article 107 The existing text is: When a shareholder (or a proxy) exercises his or her voting rights based on the number of voting shares which he or she represents, each share shall entitle him or her to one vote. No voting rights shall attach to the Company shares held by the Company, and such shares shall not be counted among the total number of voting shares present at a general meeting. The Board of Directors, the independent non-executive directors and qualified shareholders have the right to solicit voting rights from shareholders. The solicitation of voting rights shall be done without consideration and information shall be fully disclosed to persons whose voting rights are solicited. Where any shareholder is, under the listing rules of the place where overseas listed foreign investment shares are listed, required to abstain from voting on any particular matter being considered or restricted to voting only for or only against any particular matter being considered, any votes cast by or on behalf of such shareholder in contravention of such requirement or restriction shall not be counted. is amended as: When a shareholder (or a proxy) exercises his or her voting rights based on the number of voting shares which he or she represents, each share shall entitle him or her to one vote. When material issues affecting the interests of minority investors are considered at a general meeting, the votes of minority investors shall be counted separately. The separate votes counting results shall be disclosed publicly in a timely manner. No voting rights shall attach to the Company shares held by the Company, and such shares shall not be counted among the total number of voting shares present at a general meeting. — 37 — Appendix II Amendments to the Articles of Association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited The Board of Directors, Independent Directors and qualified shareholders of the Company may solicit votes from shareholders publicly. While soliciting votes of shareholders, sufficient disclosure of information such as the specific voting preference shall be made to the shareholders from whom voting rights are being solicited. No consideration or other form of de facto consideration shall be involved in the solicitation of voting rights from shareholders. The Company shall not impose any limitation related to the minimum shareholding ratio on the solicitation of voting rights. The Board of Directors, the independent non-executive directors and qualified shareholders have the right to solicit voting rights from shareholders. The solicitation of voting rights shall be done without consideration and information shall be fully disclosed to persons whose voting rights are solicited. Where any shareholder is, under the listing rules of the place where overseas listed foreign investment shares are listed, required to abstain from voting on any particular matter being considered or restricted to voting only for or only against any particular matter being considered, any votes cast by or on behalf of such shareholder in contravention of such requirement or restriction shall not be counted. 2. Article 121 The existing text is: While ensuring the lawfulness and validity of general meetings, the Company shall facilitate the participation of shareholders in general meetings by various means and ways, including the provision of modern information technology means, such as an online voting platform, etc. is amended as: While ensuring the lawfulness and validity of general meetings, the Company shall facilitate the participation of shareholders in general meetings by various means and ways, with priority first giving to the provision of modern information technology means, such as an online voting platform, etc. — 38 — Appendix II 3. Amendments to the Articles of Association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Article 125 The existing text is: The shareholders present at a general meeting shall express one of the following opinions on motions that are put to a vote: consent, opposition or abstention. If a ballot is blank, marked erroneously, illegible or has not been cast, the voter shall be deemed to have waived his or her right to vote and the voting results for the number of shares that he or she holds shall be recorded as “abstained”. is amended as: The shareholders present at a general meeting shall express one of the following opinions on motions that are put to a vote: consent, opposition or abstention, except that securities registration and settlement institutions, being the nominal holders of shares subject to the Shanghai-Hong Kong stock connect, may express opinions according to the intentions of actual holders. If a ballot is blank, marked erroneously, illegible or has not been cast, the voter shall be deemed to have waived his or her right to vote and the voting results for the number of shares that he or she holds shall be recorded as “abstained”. 4. Article 255 The existing text is: The profit distribution policies of the Company are specified as follows: (1) Form of profit distribution: the Company may distribute dividends in cash, in shares or in a combination of both cash and shares. Under favorable circumstances, the Company may distribute interim dividends. — 39 — Appendix II (2) Amendments to the Articles of Association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Specific conditions and proportions of cash dividends of the Company: in the absence of certain special circumstances, if the Company’s profit for the year and its total undistributed profit are positive, the Company shall distribute dividends in cash and such profit to be distributed in cash on a yearly basis must not be less than 15% of the distributable profit realized for the year as set out in that year’s consolidated financial statements. Such special circumstances refer to the following: 1. where the audit firm issues a modified audit opinion for the financial report of the Company for that financial year; 2. where the Company has major investment plan or significant cash expenditure, excluding projects funded by raised proceeds. Such major investment plan or significant cash expenditure refers to the external investment and asset acquisition by the Company with accumulated expenditure within the following 12 months amounting to or exceeding 30% of the latest audited net assets. (3) Specific conditions for distributing dividends in shares by the Company: Where the Company is in a sound operating condition, and the Board of Directors considers that the share price of the Company does not reflect its scale of share capital and distributing dividends in shares will be in the interests of all shareholders of the Company as a whole, the Company may propose the distribution of dividends in shares upon fulfillment of the above conditions concerning cash dividends. is amended as: The profit distribution policies of the Company are specified as follows: (1) Form of profit distribution: the Company may distribute dividends in cash, in shares or in a combination of both cash and shares. Under favorable circumstances, the Company may distribute interim dividends. (2) Specific conditions, proportions and intervals of cash dividends of the Company: in the absence of certain special circumstances, if the Company’s profit for the year and its total undistributed profit are positive, the Company shall distribute dividends in cash and such profit to be distributed in cash on a yearly basis must not be less than 15% of the distributable profit realized for the year as set out in that year’s consolidated financial statements. — 40 — Appendix II Amendments to the Articles of Association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Such special circumstances refer to the following: (i) where the audit firm issues a modified audit opinion for the financial report of the Company for that financial year; (ii) where the Company has major investment plan or significant cash expenditure, excluding projects funded by raised proceeds. Such major investment plan or significant cash expenditure refers to the external investment and asset acquisition by the Company with accumulated expenditure within the following 12 months amounting to or exceeding 30% of the latest audited net assets. When the aforesaid conditions of cash distribution are met, in principle, cash dividends shall be distributed by the Company once a year. And the Board of Directors of the Company can propose a distribution of interim cash dividends according to the Company’s situation of profitability and capital needs. (3) Specific conditions for distributing dividends in shares by the Company: Where the Company is in a sound operating condition, and the Board of Directors considers that the share price of the Company does not reflect its scale of share capital and distributing dividends in shares will be in the interests of all shareholders of the Company as a whole, the Company may propose the distribution of dividends in shares upon fulfillment of the above conditions concerning cash dividends. 5. Article 256 The existing text is: 1. The profit distribution plan of the Company shall be drawn up by the management before being submitted to the Board of Directors and the supervisory committee of the Company for consideration. The Board of Directors shall thoroughly discuss the rationality of the profit distribution plan and form a specific resolution, which will then be submitted to the general meeting for consideration. In the event of any failure to distribute cash dividends in compliance with the requirements under the Articles of Association by the Company, or any special circumstances under which dividend shall not be distributed, the Company shall provide access to online voting for shareholders when such profit distribution plan is considered at the general meeting. — 41 — Appendix II 2. Amendments to the Articles of Association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited Where the Company does not distribute cash dividends under the special circumstances as provided for in the foregoing Article 255, the Board of Directors shall provide explanations with specific reasons for not distributing cash dividends, the exact purpose for the retained profit and the estimated investment return, submit such matters to the general meeting for consideration after the independent directors have given their opinions thereon, and disclose the same in the designated media of the Company. is amended as: 1. The profit distribution plan of the Company shall be drawn up by the management before being submitted to the Board of Directors and the supervisory committee of the Company for consideration. The Board of Directors shall thoroughly discuss the rationality of the profit distribution plan and form a specific resolution, which will then be submitted to the general meeting for consideration after explicit independent opinions concerning the profit distribution plan are expressed by Independent Directors. The Company shall provide access to online voting for shareholders when such profit distribution plan is considered at the general meeting. 2. When formulating specific plan for the distribution of cash dividends by the Company, the Board of Directors shall carefully study and identify the timing, conditions and minimum proportion, conditions for adjustment and requirements for decision-making procedures of the distribution of cash dividends of the Company, etc. Independent Directors shall explicitly express their opinions thereon. Independent Directors may collect opinions from minority Shareholders for putting forward a profit distribution proposal which can be directly submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration. 3. Where the Company does not distribute cash dividends under the special circumstances as provided for in the foregoing Article 255, the Board of Directors shall provide explanations with specific reasons for not distributing cash dividends, the exact purpose for the retained profit and the estimated investment return, submit such matters to the general meeting for consideration after the independent directors have given their opinions thereon, and disclose the same in the designated media of the Company. — 42 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 1. Article 1 In order to standardize the Article 1 In order to standardize the management and utilization of the proceeds management and utilization of the proceeds of China Railway Construction Corporation of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (the “Company”), safeguard the Limited (the “Company”), safeguard the interests of the Company, its shareholders, interests of the Company, its shareholders, creditors and all of its employees, and creditors and all of its employees, and according to the Company Law of the according to the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Securities People’s Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China, Law of the People’s Republic of China, Measures on Administration of Initial Measures on Administration of Initial Public Offering and Listing, Measures for Public Offering and Listing, Measures for Administration of the Issuance of Securities Administration of the Issuance of Securities by Companies, listing rules concerning by Companies, listing rules concerning securities or stocks of Shanghai Stock securities or stocks of Shanghai Stock Exchange and The Hong Kong Stock Exchange and The Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited (the “Listing Place Exchange Limited (the “Listing Place Stock Exchanges”), Notice of China Stock Exchanges”), Regulatory Guidelines Securities Regulatory Commission on Further for Listed Companies No. 2 — Regulatory Regulation of Utilization of Proceeds of Requirements on the Management and Companies (《中國證券監督管理委員會關 Use of Proceeds of Listed Companies, 於進一步規範公司募集資金使用的通知》) Administrative Measures on Proceeds Raised and other laws, regulations and regulatory by Listed Companies on the Shanghai Stock documents as well as the Articles of Exchange (revised in 2013) and other laws, Association of China Railway Construction regulations and regulatory documents as Corporation Limited (the “Articles of well as the Articles of Association of China Association”), taking into account the actual Railway Construction Corporation Limited situation of the Company, the Measures is (the “Articles of Association”), taking into hereby specially formulated. account the actual situation of the Company, the Measures is hereby specially formulated. — 43 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 2. Nil Article 4 The board of directors of the Company (“Board”) shall establish an internal control system regarding the deposit, utilization and management of proceeds, while specific provisions shall be established for aspects such as the deposit, utilization, changes, supervision and accountability of proceeds. The Company shall file the internal control system regarding the deposit, utilization and management of the proceeds with the Shanghai Stock Exchange in a timely manner and disclose such information on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange. 3. Nil Article 5 Controlling shareholder(s) and de facto controller(s) of the Company shall neither directly or indirectly appropriate or embezzle the proceeds of the Company, nor generate improper benefits by taking the advantage of the proceeds and the projects financed by the proceeds (the “Proceedsfinanced Project(s)”). 4. Article 12 The Company shall enter into a management agreement of special proceeds with the bank of deposit, and proactively urge the bank to execute the agreement. Article 14 The Company shall, within one month upon receipt of the proceeds, enter into a tripartite supervision agreement with the sponsor and the commercial bank designated for the deposit of proceeds. Such agreement shall at least include: — 44 — (i) The Company shall deposit the proceeds in the special proceeds saving accounts in a centralized manner; (ii) The commercial bank shall provide the statements of bank regarding the special proceeds saving account to the Company on a monthly basis and make a copy to the sponsor; Appendix III No. DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED Existing text Revised text (iii) Where the amount drawn by the Company once at a time or in aggregate from the special proceeds saving account within 12 months exceeds RMB50 million and accounts for 20% of the total amount of proceeds net of the issuance cost (the “Net Proceeds”), the Company shall timely notify the sponsor; (iv) The sponsor may at any time inquire the information on the special proceeds saving account from the commercial bank; (v) The liability of the Company, the commercial bank and the sponsor for breaching the agreement. The Company shall, within two trading days upon the signing of the above agreement, file with the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and make an announcement thereon. Should the above agreement terminate before the period of validity due to reasons such as change of sponsor or the commercial bank, the Company shall enter into new agreement(s) with related parties within two weeks from the date of termination of the agreement and shall, within two trading days upon the signing of the new agreement, file with the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and make an announcement thereon. — 45 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 5. Nil Article 18 The Company shall follow the following requirements in the use of proceeds: (i) The Company shall make specific provisions on the application, approval authority at different levels, decisionmaking procedures, risk control measures and information disclosure procedures of proceeds utilization; (ii) the Company shall use the proceeds in accordance with the utilization plan for the proceeds as committed in the offering document; (iii) In the event of any circumstances severely affecting the normal implementation of the utilization plan for the proceeds, the Company shall report to the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and make an announcement thereon in a timely manner; (iv) W h e r e a n y o f t h e f o l l o w i n g circumstances occur to a Proceedsfinanced Project, the Company shall re-discuss the feasibility and expected return of the project, decide whether to proceed with the implementation of the project and disclose in the latest periodic report the project progress, reasons for abnormality and the adjusted Proceeds-financed Project (if any): 1. — 46 — where the market environment for the Proceeds-financed Project has undergone material changes; Appendix III No. DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED Existing text Revised text 2. where the Proceeds-financed Project has been put on hold for over 1 year; 3. where the deadline of the Proceeds-financed Project has expired and the amount invested by the proceeds fails to reach 50% of the amount as set out in the relevant plan; 4. where other abnormal situations occur in the Proceeds-financed Project. 6. Article 18 Projects financed by the proceeds Article 21 The proceeds of the Company shall not involve financial investments such shall, in principle, be used in the principal as holding of transactional financial assets businesses. The Company shall not conduct and available-for-sale financial assets, lending the following acts with the proceeds: to others and entrusted financial management, and shall not be invested, directly or (i) Proceeds-financed Project involves indirectly, in companies principally engaged financial investments such as holding in the trading of marketable securities. of transactional financial assets and available-for-sale financial assets, Article 19 The Company shall not use lending to others and entrusted proceeds for pledged, entrusted loans, or financial management, and is invested, other investments that will change the use of directly or indirectly, in companies the proceeds in a disguised way. principally engaged in the trading of marketable securities; Article 20 The Company shall not invest in the trading of stocks and futures by using the (ii) change the utilization of proceeds proceeds unless it is resolved at the general in a disguised way through pledge, meeting in accordance with the law. entrusted loan or other means; — 47 — Appendix III No. DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED Existing text Revised text (iii) provide, directly or indirectly, with the proceeds to related persons such as the controlling shareholder(s) or de facto controller(s) to generate improper benefits from the Proceeds-financed Project for related persons; (iv) invest in the trading of stocks and futures by using the proceeds without the approval of resolution at the general meeting in accordance with the law. (v) other acts that led to the breach of any provision of proceeds management. 7. Article 28 In case the Company changes Article 29 The Company shall use the the venue or manner of implementing the proceeds according to the purposes specified investment project financed by proceeds, such in the prospectus or offering document. changes shall be subject to the consideration Changes of the Company’s Proceeds-financed and approval by the Board of the Company. Projects must be considered and approved by A report shall be filed within two trading the Board and at the general meeting, subject days with the Listing Place Stock Exchanges, to the explicit consent of the independent and the reasons for the changes shall be directors, the sponsor and the supervisory announced. committee. In case the Company merely changes the venue of implementation of the Proceedsfinanced Projects, such changes can be exempt from implementing the procedures of the previous clause but shall be subject to the consideration and approval by the Board of the Company. A report shall be filed within two trading days with the Listing Place Stock Exchanges, and the reasons for the changes and the opinion of the sponsor shall be announced. — 48 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 8. Article 29 Changes in the use of the Article 30 Proceeds-financed Project upon proceeds by the Company shall be subject to changes shall be invested in the principal the consideration by the Board and resolution businesses. at the general meeting. The use of Proceeds upon change shall be invested in the principal The Company shall scientifically and businesses in principle. prudentially carry out the feasibility analysis of the new Proceeds-financed Project, make sure such investment project has good market prospect and profitability, effectively prevent investment risks and improve the efficiency of the utilization of the proceeds. 9. Nil Article 31 In case the Company proposes to externally transfer or replace the Proceedsfinanced Project (except for Proceedsfinanced Projects which have completed entire external transfer or replacement in the material asset reconstruction implemented by the Company), it shall report to the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and make an announcement on the following within two trading days from the submission to the Board for consideration: (i) Specific reasons for the external transfer or replacement of the Proceeds-financed Project; (ii) the amount of proceeds invested in the project; (iii) Completion progress of the project and its realized benefit; — 49 — Appendix III No. DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED Existing text Revised text (iv) Basic information, feasibility analysis and risk warning (if applicable) of the replacement project; (v) The pricing basis of the transfer or replacement and relevant return; (vi) opinions on the transfer or replacement of the Proceeds-financed Project from the independent directors, the board of supervisors and the sponsor; (vii) Explanation on the transfer or replacement of the Proceeds-financed Project subject to submission to general meeting for consideration; (viii) Other contents as required by the Listing Place Stock Exchanges. The Company shall pay full attention to the receipt and utilization of the consideration of the transfer, the change in ownership of replaced assets and the continuous operation of replaced assets, and fulfill the obligations of necessary information disclosure. 10. Article 32 Where the Company proposes to Article 34 Where the Company proposes to change the use of proceeds, it shall inform change the use of proceeds, it shall inform the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and announce the followings within two trading announce the followings within two trading days after submitting the proposal to the days after submitting the proposal to the Board for consideration: Board for consideration: (i) (i) Basic information of the original Basic information of the original project and specific reasons for the project and specific reasons for the change; change; — 50 — Appendix III No. DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED Existing text Revised text (ii) (ii) Basic information, feasibility analysis Basic information, feasibility analysis and risk warning in relation to the new and risk warning in relation to the new project; project; (iii) Investment plan for the new project; (iii) Investment plan for the new project; (iv) Explanation on the approval obtained (iv) Explanation on the approval obtained or to be obtained from the relevant or to be obtained from the relevant authorities (if applicable) in respect of authorities (if applicable) in respect of the new project; the new project; (v) Opinions of the independent directors, (v) Opinions of the independent directors, the supervisory committee and the the board of supervisors and the sponsor on change in the use of sponsor on change in the use of proceeds; proceeds; (vi) Explanation on the change in the (vi) Explanation on that the change in project financed by the proceeds the project financed by the proceeds subject to submission to general subject to submission to general meeting for consideration; meeting for consideration; (vii) Other contents as required by the (vii) Other contents as required by the Listing Place Stock Exchanges. Listing Place Stock Exchanges. New Proceeds-financed Projects involving connected transactions, asset acquisitions or external investments shall also be disclosed according to the requirements of relevant rules. — 51 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 11. Nil Article 39 The temporarily idle proceeds may be used for cash management, and the invested products shall comply with the following criteria: (i) High safety to satisfy the requirement of principal guarantee, and the issuer of the products shall undertake to guarantee the principal; (ii) High liquidity and the normal implementation of investment plan for the proceeds shall not be affected. The investment products shall not be pledged, and the designated settlement account for such products (if applicable) shall not be used for the deposit of non-raised funds or any other purposes. In case of opening or cancelling a designated settlement account for such products, the Company shall file with the stock exchange and make an announcement in a timely manner. — 52 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 12. Nil Article 40 The investment products funded by idle proceeds shall be subject to the consideration and approval by the Board of the Company, with the explicit consent given by the independent directors, the board of supervisors and the sponsor. The Company shall, within two trading days after the Board meeting, announce the followings: (i) The basic information on this proceeds, including the raising time, the amount of the proceeds, Net Proceeds and investment plans, etc.; (ii) The use of the proceeds; (iii) The amount and term of the investment products funded by idle proceeds, whether there is any act of changing the purposes of the proceeds in a disguised way and the measures for ensuring the smooth progress of the projects financed by the proceeds; (iv) The income distribution method, investment scope and safety of the investment products; (v) Opinions issued by independent directors, the board of supervisors and the sponsor. — 53 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 13. Article 37 The idle proceeds may be used to Article 41 The idle proceeds may be used to temporarily replenish working capital by the temporarily replenish working capital by the Company, which shall meet the following Company, which shall meet the following requirements: requirements: (i) (i) Shall not change the purpose of use of the proceeds in disguised form; (ii) Shall not affect the Shall not change the purpose of use of the proceeds in disguised form; normal (ii) Shall not affect the normal implementation of the investment plan implementation of the investment plan for the proceeds; for the proceeds; (iii) The replenishment of working capital (iii) Shall be limited to the use in shall be no more than 6 months each production and operation related to the time; main business and shall not be used, directly or indirectly, for the allotment or subscription of new shares, or the (iv) The sponsor issues the opinions on transactions of stocks and derivatives explicit consent; thereof, convertible corporate bonds, (v) etc.; The independent non-executive directors give the opinions on explicit (iv) The replenishment of working capital consent. shall be no more than 12 months each time; The aforesaid events shall be subject to the consideration and approval by the Board of the Company, filing with the Listing Place (v) The proceeds (if applicable) due Stock Exchanges and make an announcement previously used for temporarily within two trading days. replenishing working capital shall have been paid back. — 54 — Appendix III No. DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED Existing text Revised text Article 39 While the proceeds are used to The temporary use of idle proceeds to temporarily replenish working capital, it replenish working capital by the Company shall be limited to the use in production and shall be subject to the consideration and operation related to the main business. It approval by the Board of the Company, shall not be used, directly or indirectly, for with the opinions on explicit consent given the allotment or subscription of new shares, by independent directors, the board of or the transactions of stocks and derivatives supervisors and the sponsor. The Company thereof, convertible corporate bonds, etc. shall report to the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and make announcement within two trading days after the Board meeting. Before the expiration date of replenishing working capital, the Company shall return certain proceeds to the designated account for the proceeds, and report to the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and make an announcement within two trading days after the full payback of the proceeds. 14. Nil Article 42 The excess of the actual New Proceeds by the Company over the amount of the funds planned to raise (the “Overraised Funds”) may be used to permanently replenish working capital and repay bank loans, and the cumulative amount of every 12 months shall not exceed 30% of the total amount of the Over-raised Funds. — 55 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 15. Article 38 Where using more than 10% Article 43 For the usage of the Over- of the idle proceeds from the fund raising raised Funds for the purpose of replenishing to replenish the working capital, such use working capital and repayment of bank loans shall be subject to the consideration and are subject to the consideration and approval approval by the shareholders’ meeting, with by the shareholders’ general meeting of the manner of online voting provided, and the Company, with the manner of online the opinions shall be independently issued voting provided, and the opinions on explicit and disclosed by Independent non-executive consent given and disclosed by independent directors and the sponsor. non-executive directors and the sponsor. The Company shall undertake that it will 16. Upon the expiry of the working capital not make high-risk investments or provide replenishment, the Company shall file to the financial assistance for others within 12 Listing Place Stock Exchanges and announce months after replenishing the working capital within two trading days. and make a disclosure. Article 41 Where the Company replaces Article 45 If the Company has deployed pre-invests its proceeds in a project to be self-financing fund in the Proceeds- financed by the proceeds, it is subject to financed Project, the Company shall rebate the consideration and approval of the Board the self-financing fund with the proceeds of Directors, a designated audit by an within 6 months upon the proceeds from accounting firm, and the opinions on explicit the fund raising has reached the account. consent given by the sponsor, except for The replacement shall be subject to the replaces pre-invests its proceeds in a project consideration and approval by the Board, to be financed by the proceeds as disclosed with a verification report issued by an in the application documents for issuance. accounting firm, and the opinions on explicit consent given and disclosed by independent directors, the board of supervisors and the sponsor. The Company shall report to the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and make an announcement within two trading days upon the Board meeting. — 56 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 17. Nil Article 46 Upon the completion of a single Proceeds-financed Project, the balance of the proceeds of the project (including interest income) to be used by the Company to finance other Proceeds-financed Projects shall be subject to the consideration and approval by the Board with the opinions on explicit consent given by the independent directors, the sponsor and the board of supervisors. The Company shall report to the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and make an announcement within two trading days after the Board meeting. For projects of which balance of the proceeds (including the interest income) is under RMB1 million or 5% of the committed investment amount of the proceeds of such project can be exempted from performing the procedures mentioned above. The usage of such balance shall be disclosed in the annual report. For the usage of the proceeds balance (including the interest income) of a single Proceeds-financed Project of the Company to finance other non-proceeds-financed projects (including the replenishment of working capital) shall refer to changes of Proceeds-financed Projects and fulfill the corresponding procedures and disclosure obligations. — 57 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 18. Nil Article 47 Upon the completion of all Proceeds-financed Projects, if the balance of the proceeds (including the interest income) exceeds 10% of the Net Proceeds, the use of such proceeds balance is subject to the consideration and approval of the Board and the shareholders’ general meeting with the opinions on explicit consent given by the independent directors, the sponsor and the board of supervisors. The Company shall report to the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and make an announcement within two trading days after the Board meeting. For the proceeds balance (including the interest income) under 10% of the Net Proceeds, the use of such proceeds balance is subject to the consideration and approval of the Board and the shareholders’ general meeting with the opinions on explicit consent given by the independent directors, the sponsor and the board of supervisors. The Company shall report to the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and make an announcement within two trading days after the Board meeting. For the proceeds balance (including the interest income) under 5 million or less than 5% of the Net Proceeds, the use of such proceeds balance is exempted from the above procedures. The use of such proceeds balance shall be disclosed in the latest periodic report. — 58 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 19. Nil Article 48 The Company shall truly, accurately and completely disclose the actual use of proceeds. 20. Nil Article 49 The Board shall comprehensively review the progress of projects invested with the proceeds semi-annually, and issue a Special Report on the Deposit and the Actual Use of Proceeds of the Company (“Special Report of Proceeds”) and disclose it. In annual audit, the Company shall engage certified public accountants to issue an attestation report on the deposit and use of proceeds of the Company. When the actual progress of Proceedsfinanced Project differs from the investment plan, the Company shall explain specific reasons in the Special Report of Proceeds. When idle proceeds were used in investment products in the current period, the Company shall disclose returns for the reporting period and investment share, parties, product name, term and other information as at the end of the period in the Special Report of Proceeds. The Special Report of Proceeds shall be considered and approved by the Board and the board of supervisors, and reported to the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and an announcement thereon shall be released within two trading days upon submission to the Board for consideration. In annual audit, the Company shall engage certified public accountants to issue an attestation report on the deposit and use of proceeds of the Company, which shall be submitted to the Listing Place Stock Exchanges when the Company discloses its annual report, meanwhile such report shall be disclosed on the website of the Listing Place Stock Exchanges. — 59 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 21. Article 45 The independent non-executive Article 53 The independent non-executive directors shall pay attention to if there are directors, the Audit Committee of the Board significant differences between the actual and the board of supervisors shall pay use of proceeds and information disclosure attention to if there are significant differences of the Company. As approved by over half between the actual use of proceeds and of the independent non-executive directors, information disclosure of the Company. the independent non-executive directors Over half of the independent non-executive may engage certified public accountants to Directors, the Audit Committee of the conduct a special audit on the actual use Board or the Supervisory Committee may of proceeds. The Company shall spare no engage certified public accountants to issue effort to cooperate with the special audit an attestation report on the deposit and the engagement and assume the necessary audit use of proceeds. The Company shall spare fees. no effort to cooperate with the special audit engagement and assume the necessary audit fees. The Board shall report to the Listing Place Stock Exchanges and release an announcement within two trading days upon the receipt of the attestation report mentioned in the preceding article. If the attestation report identifies any non-compliance in management and use of proceeds of the Company, the Board shall also announce the incompliance, the consequences of such incompliance that have occurred or may occur and actions that have taken or to be taken. — 60 — Appendix III DETAILS OF AMENDMENTs TO THE ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES ON FUND RAISING OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing text Revised text 22. Article 47 The sponsor and the Company Article 55 The sponsor and the Company shall agree on the Sponsor Agreement shall agree on the Sponsor Agreement that the sponsor shall conduct at least one that the sponsor shall conduct at least one onsite survey for the use of proceeds of the onsite survey for the use of proceeds of the Company quarterly. If the sponsor identifies Company quarterly. If the sponsor identifies any non-compliance in management of any non-compliance in management of proceeds of the Company in the investigation, proceeds of the Company in the investigation, it shall report to the Listing Place Stock it shall report to the Listing Place Stock Exchanges in a timely manner. Exchanges in a timely manner. The sponsor shall fulfil sponsor responsibilities for the management and use of proceeds of the Company and continuously supervise such work pursuant to the requirements of Measures for the Administration of the Sponsorship of the Offering and Listing of Securities of the PRC (《證券發行上市保薦業務管理辦法》). 23. Nil Article 56 Following the end of each fiscal year, the Board of the Company shall disclose the conclusive opinions of the special review report issued by the sponsor and the attestation report issued by certified public accountants in the Special Report of Proceeds. — 61 — Appendix IV Details of Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited DETAILS OF AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR GENERAL MEETINGS OF CHINA RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LIMITED No. Existing Text Revised Text 1. Article 36 The Company shall hold Article 36 The Company shall hold the general meeting at the residence of the general meeting at the residence of corporation or the place specified in the corporation or the place specified in the Articles of Association. Articles of Association. The general meeting shall set a meeting The general meeting shall set a meeting site and be held in the form of on-the-sport site and be held in the form of on-the-sport meeting. Under the precondition of ensuring meeting. Under the precondition of ensuring a legal (including not violating the rules of a legal (including not violating the rules of the stock exchange at the place of securities the stock exchange at the place of securities listing) and effective general meeting, the listing) and effective general meeting, the Company may provide convenience for Company shall provide convenience for shareholders to participate in the meeting shareholders to participate in the meeting by using safe, economic and convenient by using safe, economic and convenient network voting or other means. Shareholders network voting or other means. Shareholders participating in the general meeting by participating in the general meeting by aforesaid means will be deemed attend the aforesaid means will be deemed attend the meeting. meeting. The shareholders may attend the general The shareholders may attend the general meeting in person, and also may authorize meeting in person, and also may authorize others to attend and exercise the voting right others to attend and exercise the voting right within the scope of authorization. Both have within the scope of authorization. Both have the equal legal effect. the equal legal effect. Article 61 When the general meeting Article 61 When the general meeting considers matters relating to a connected considers matters relating to a connected transaction, the connected shareholders shall transaction, the connected shareholders shall avoid voting, and the number of voting shares avoid voting, and the number of voting shares represented by them shall not count into the represented by them shall not count into the total number of valid voting shares. total number of valid voting shares. 2. — 62 — Appendix IV Details of Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited No. Existing Text Revised Text When material issues affecting the interests of minority investors are considered at a general meeting, the votes of minority investors shall be counted separately. The separate votes counting results shall be disclosed publicly in a timely manner. The Company’s shares held by itself shall not carry voting rights, and those shares shall not be included in calculating the total number of shares carrying voting rights upon attendance at a general meeting. The Board of Directors, Independent Directors and shareholders who meet the relevant requirements of the Company may publicly solicit voting rights from shareholders. While soliciting voting rights from shareholders, sufficient disclosure of information such as the specific voting preference shall be made to the shareholders from whom voting rights are being solicited. No consideration or other form of de facto consideration shall be involved in the solicitation of voting rights from shareholders. The Company shall not impose any limitation related to the minimum shareholding ratio on the solicitation of voting rights. — 63 — Appendix IV Details of Amendments to the Rules of Procedure for General Meetings of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited No. Existing Text Revised Text 3. Article 67 The shareholders present at a Article 67 The shareholders present at a general meeting shall express one of the general meeting shall express one of the following opinions on motions that are put to following opinions on motions that are put a vote: consent, opposition or abstention. to a vote: consent, opposition or abstention, except that securities registration and settlement institutions, being the nominal holders of shares subject to Shanghai-Hong Kong stock connect, may express opinions according to the intentions of actual holders. 4. Article 76 If resolutions of the general Article 76 If resolutions of the general meeting violate the laws and administrative meeting violate the laws and administrative regulations, the shareholders are entitled to regulations, the shareholders are entitled to petition the people’s court to declare the petition the people’s court to declare the resolutions invalid. resolutions invalid. If the convening procedures and voting means The controlling shareholder(s) and actual of the general meeting violate the laws, controller(s) of the Company should not administrative regulations or the Articles of cause any restriction or obstruction on the Association, or the resolutions violate the exercise of their voting rights by minority Articles of Association, the shareholders investors in accordance with laws and should are entitled to petition the people’s court to not infringe the legal rights of the Company rescind the resolutions within 60 days since and minority investors. the resolutions are made. If the convening procedures and voting means of the general meeting violate the laws, administrative regulations or the Articles of Association, or the resolutions violate the Articles of Association, the shareholders are entitled to petition the people’s court to rescind the resolutions within 60 days since the resolutions are made. — 64 — Notice of EGM NOTICE OF 2015 FIRST EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2015 First Extraordinary General Meeting (the “EGM”) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (the “Company”) will be held at the CRCC Bureau Building, No. 40 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 5 February 2015 for the purposes of considering, and if thought fit, passing the following resolutions: ORDINARY RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution in relation to the satisfaction of the conditions for non-public issuance of A shares of the Company. 2. Resolution in relation to the feasibility analysis report on the use of proceeds from the fund raising of the non-public issuance of shares of the Company. 3. Resolution in relation to the report on the use of proceeds from the previous fund raising. 4. Resolution in relation to the amendments to the administrative measures on fund raising of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited. 5. Resolution in relation to the plan of the overseas listing of Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.*(昆明中鐵大型養路機械集團有限公司). 6. Resolution in relation to the compliance of the overseas listing of Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.*, a subsidiary of the Company, with the Circular on Issues in Relation to Regulating Overseas Listing of Subsidiaries of Domestic Listed Companies (《關於規範境內上市公司所屬企業到境外上市有關問題的通知》). — 65 — Notice of EGM 7. Resolution in relation to the undertaking of the Company to maintain its independent listing status. 8. Resolution in relation to the description of sustained profitability and prospects of the Company. 9. Resolution in relation to authorization to the Board and its authorized persons to deal with matters relating to the spin-off and listing of Kunming China Railway Large Maintenance Machinery Co., Ltd.*. SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution in relation to the non-public issuance of A shares of the Company: 1.01 Class and par value of shares to be issued 1.02 Target subscribers 1.03 Number of shares to be issued and the method of subscription 1.04 Method of issuance 1.05 Pricing benchmark date, issue price and method of pricing 1.06 Lock-up period arrangement 1.07 Place of listing 1.08 Use of proceeds from fund raising 1.09 Accumulated profit distribution of the Company prior to this issuance 1.10 Valid term of the resolution relating to this issuance 2. Resolution in relation to the plan on the non-public issuance of A shares of the Company. 3. Resolution in relation to the authorization to the Board and its authorized persons to deal with matters relating to this issuance at their absolute discretion. 4. Resolution in relation to the shareholders’ return plan for the coming three years (2015–2017) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited. — 66 — Notice of EGM 5. Resolution in relation to the amendments to the articles of association of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited. 6. Resolution in relation to the amendments to the rules of procedure for general meetings of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited. By order of the Board China Railway Construction Corporation Limited MENG Fengchao Chairman Beijing, the PRC 17 December 2014 * For identification purpose only Notes: (a) A circular containing the details in relation to the resolutions aforesaid will be despatched to the Shareholders as soon as practicable. (b) The H Share register of members of the Company will be temporarily closed from Tuesday, 6 January 2015 to Thursday, 5 February 2015 (both days inclusive), during which period no transfer of H Shares of the Company will be registered. Any holders of H Shares, whose names appear on the Company’s register of members at the close of business on Monday, 5 January 2015, are entitled to attend and vote at the EGM after completing the registration procedures for attending the EGM. The address of Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, the H Share registrar of the Company, is as follows: Shops 1712–1716 17/F, Hopewell Centre 183 Queen’s Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong — 67 — Notice of EGM (c) A Shareholder(s) and H Shareholder(s) of the Company, who intend to attend the EGM, must complete the written reply slips for attending the EGM and return the same to the Secretariat of the Board of Directors of the Company not later than 20 days before the date of the EGM, i.e. on or prior to Thursday, 15 January 2015. Details of the Secretariat of the Board of Directors of the Company are as follows: East, No. 40 Fuxing Road Haidian District Beijing The People’s Republic of China Postal code: 100855 Fax: (8610) 5268 8302 (d) Each holder of H Shares who has the right to attend and vote at the EGM is entitled to appoint in writing one or more proxies, whether a Shareholder or not, to attend and vote on his behalf at the EGM. A proxy of a Shareholder who has appointed more than one proxy shall only vote on a poll. (e) The instrument appointing a proxy by the shareholders must be signed by the person appointing the proxy or an attorney duly authorized by such person in writing. If the instrument is signed by an attorney of the person appointing the proxy, the power of attorney authorising to sign, or other documents of authorization, shall be notarially certified. (f) To be valid, for H Shareholder(s), the form of proxy, and if the form of proxy is signed by a person under a power of attorney or other authority on behalf of the appointer, a notarially certified copy of that power of attorney or other authority, must be delivered to the Company’s H Share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at the 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, not less than 24 hours before the time fixed for holding the EGM or any adjournment thereof. (g) Each A Shareholder is entitled to appoint in writing one or more proxies, whether a Shareholder or not, to attend and vote on his behalf at the EGM. Notes (d) and (e) also apply to A Shareholder(s), only that the form of proxy or other documents of authorization must be delivered to the Secretariat of the Board, the address of which is set out in Note (c) above, not less than 24 hours before the time fixed for holding the EGM or any adjournment thereof in order for such documents to be valid. — 68 — Notice of EGM (h) If a proxy attends the EGM on behalf of a Shareholder, he shall produce his identification document and the instrument or document signed by the appointer or his legal representative, and specifying the date of its issuance. If a legal person Shareholder appoints a corporate representative to attend the EGM, such representative shall produce his identification document and the notarised copy of the resolution passed by the board of directors or other authority or other notarised copy of the license issued by such legal person Shareholder. (i) Shareholders attending the EGM are responsible for their own transportation and accommodation expenses. — 69 — Notice of H Shareholders’ Class Meeting NOTICE OF 2015 FIRST H SHAREHOLDERS’ CLASS MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2015 First H Shareholders’ Class Meeting (the “H Shareholders’ Class Meeting”) of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (the “Company”) will be held at the CRCC Bureau Building, No. 40 Fuxing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) in the morning on Thursday, 5 February 2015 immediately following the conclusion of the 2015 first extraordinary general meeting and the A shareholders’ class meeting or any adjournment thereof for the purposes of considering, and if thought fit, passing the following resolutions: SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS 1. Resolution in relation to the non-public issuance of A shares of the Company: 1.01 Class and par value of shares to be issued 1.02 Target subscribers 1.03 Number of shares to be issued and the method of subscription 1.04 Method of issuance 1.05 Pricing benchmark date, issue price and method of pricing 1.06 Lock-up period arrangement 1.07 Place of listing 1.08 Use of proceeds from the fund raising — 70 — Notice of H Shareholders’ Class Meeting 1.09 Accumulated profit distribution of the Company prior to this issuance 1.10 Valid term of the resolution relating to this issuance 2. Resolution in relation to the plan on the non-public issuance of A shares of the Company By order of the Board China Railway Construction Corporation Limited MENG Fengchao Chairman Beijing, the PRC 17 December 2014 Note: (a) A circular containing the details in relation to the resolutions aforesaid will be despatched to the Shareholders as soon as practicable. (b) The H Share register of members of the Company will be temporarily closed from Tuesday, 6 January 2015 to Thursday, 5 February 2015 (both days inclusive), during which period no transfer of H Shares of the Company will be registered. Any holders of H Shares, whose names appear on the Company’s register of members at the close of business on Monday, 5 January 2015, are entitled to attend and vote at the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting after completing the registration procedures for attending the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting. The address of Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, the H Share registrar of the Company, is as follows: Shops 1712–1716 17/F, Hopewell Centre 183 Queen’s Road East Wanchai, Hong Kong (c) H Shareholder(s) of the Company, who intend to attend the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting, must complete the written reply slips for attending the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting and return the same to the Secretariat of the Board of Directors of the Company not later than 20 days before the date of the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting, i.e. on or prior to Thursday, 15 January 2015. Details of the Secretariat of the Board of Directors of the Company are as follows: East, No. 40 Fuxing Road Haidian District Beijing The People’s Republic of China Postal code: 100855 Fax: (8610) 5268 8302 — 71 — Notice of H Shareholders’ Class Meeting (d) Each holder of H Shares who has the right to attend and vote at the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting is entitled to appoint in writing one or more proxies, whether a shareholder or not, to attend and vote on his behalf at the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting. A proxy of a shareholder who has appointed more than one proxy shall only vote on a poll. (e) The instrument appointing a proxy by the shareholders must be signed by the person appointing the proxy or an attorney duly authorized by such person in writing. If the instrument is signed by an attorney of the person appointing the proxy, the power of attorney authorising to sign, or other documents of authorization, shall be notarially certified. (f) To be valid, for H Shareholder(s), the form of proxy, and if the form of proxy is signed by a person under a power of attorney or other authority on behalf of the appointer, a notarially certified copy of that power of attorney or other authority, must be delivered to the Company’s H Share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at the 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, not less than 24 hours before the time fixed for holding the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting or any adjournment thereof. (g) If a proxy attends the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting on behalf of a shareholder, he shall produce his identification document and the instrument or document signed by the appointer or his legal representative, and specifying the date of its issuance. If a legal person shareholder appoints a corporate representative to attend the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting, such representative shall produce his identification document and the notarized copy of the resolution passed by the board of directors or other authority or other notarized copy of the license issued by such legal person shareholder. (h) Shareholders attending the H Shareholders’ Class Meeting are responsible for their own transportation and accommodation expenses. — 72 —
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