WTCE Press Release - World Tea & Coffee Expo 2015

Mumbai to host the 3rd Edition of “World Tea & Coffee Expo” ™ 2015
International destination Mumbai ensures substantial participation of Indian & International companies
Global Market for RTD Tea & Coffee growing at a healthy rate annually
Buying delegations from Iran, Dubai, Nepal, Russia & UK planned
Mumbai, the commercial capital of India, shall host the 3 World Tea & Coffee Expo 2015, India's only International
trade show dedicated to the Tea & Coffee Sectors. With over 100 exhibitors from 10 countries and dedicated country
pavilions, this International Tea Coffee show in India promises an even bigger presence to provide the perfect
environment for the hot beverage industry to meet face-to-face and develop real business opportunities. The 2015
edition is to be held at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai INDIA from 1st Oct to 3rd Oct 2015 and shall cater to a
prospective visitor base of over 6000 buyers from across India and abroad – up from the visitor count of 4100
witnessed during the second edition held in Sept 2014.
In addition to a display of innovative and exotic products, machineries, accessories, technologies, vending machines
and certifications from the entire gamut of the Hot beverage sector, additional activities planned at the Expo include:
B2B match-making, Workshops & Championships, a High Level 2-day Conference by Industry leaders, academicians
and policy makers, export/import guidance kiosks, Knowledge zone etc.
Says Priti M Kapadia, Director, Sentinel Exhibitions Asia P Ltd, the organizer of the show, “Mumbai is a city where
the best and the most serious converge for doing business. Mumbai attracts the serious players from the length &
breadth of India and also from aboard which results in high value deals and alliances. The 2015 edition of this unique
trade fair will also see buying delegations from Iran, Nepal, Dubai, and Russia.
The stupendous success of the 2nd World Tea & Coffee Expo 2014 @ Mumbai, INDIA in September 2014, has
established this Expo as the official Industry show with just two editions under its belt. This is India's only
International Trade Show dedicated to Tea & Coffee and is supported by Ministry of Commerce through Tea Board
of India and leading associations and chambers from across the world have pledged their support to this important
industry initiative.
The Expo offers huge potential for appointing Distributors, Bulk orders, joint ventures, franchising, networking,
knowledge-sharing, meeting government officials, marketing alliances, and overall branding. WTCE has become the
platform for the launch of new and exotic tea & coffee products. For a visitor, Workshops and seminars are the other
important part of the event, which will help them to understand the depth of this industry, gain knowledge,
understand benefits and also to taste the products on the spot. Skill development shall be the main theme of the
workshops which will be conducted by experts in the field. Adds Kapadia, “For the International Tea & Coffee
conference, we are in touch with a number of international speakers and some of them have already confirmed.”
The global market for RTD (Ready-to-Drink) Tea and Coffee is expected to reach $125 billion by 2017 with an annual
growth rate of 11%. The Asia-Pacific region is the largest market and also showing maximum growth. To capitalize
on the growth trend in the RTD Tea & Coffee, companies are investing heavily on modernization of machineries,
Quality Up-gradation & Product Diversification as also branding, innovations and market expansion. The Upscale
café culture has contributed significantly to the growth of both Coffee & Tea in India with exotic branding and
packaging coupled with a dynamic product mix are driving the demand. Drinking habits and lifestyles have changed
in the last 8 - 10 years and people are now willing to pay more for quality. India is the 2 largest producer, 2 largest
consumer and 4 largest exporter of tea with a 23% share in global production, a 12% share in world tea exports and a
per capita consumption of about 725 grams (2013-14 figures). The 6th largest producer of the coffee in the world, India
exports more than 80% of its coffee presently but a rising domestic demand at 7% annually may change this scenario
completely over the next decade or so. The trend towards health consciousness, coupled with increased competitive
pressure, will further push new product development in the next five years, which will in turn boost industry demand.
Most International companies which have entered India are doing brisk business and expanding their operations. The
World Tea & Coffee Expo is the catalyst for International companies to target this huge market.
WTCE will determine trends, create awareness on optimization of product lines, enable networking with peers,
industry stalwarts, academia and government officials. The vision of the World Tea & Coffee Expo is to facilitate
and expand the Indian Beverage business by providing all sourcing requirements under one roof. Organized by
Sentinel Exhibitions Asia P Ltd [SEA], a part of the Mumbai-headquartered Sentinel media group, WTCE is
established as the VOICE OF THE INDUSTRY and as the Gateway to Indian markets. For further information please
log onto or call on +91 22 28625133 or email to
Mitesh M Kapadia +91 98205 03876.
Sentinel Public Relations Pvt Ltd
Tel: (91 22) 28625131/32. Fax: (91 22) 28625133.
Email: mitesh@publicrela URL: www.publicrela
January 2015