BUXTON METHODIST CHURCH The Church in the Market Place Rev Andrew Parker Tel: 01298 23556 Church Office: Tel: 01298 27065 Email: [email protected] and [email protected] website: www.buxtonmethodistchurch.org.uk CCL licence no. 1176263 Sunday 26th October 10.30am MORNING WORSHIP and SUNDAY CLUB Mr Colin Pearson Please join us for coffee/tea after the morning service 6.00pm EVENING WORSHIP Mrs Janet Evans Sunday 2nd November 10.30am HOLY COMMUNION and SUNDAY CLUB Rev Andrew Parker Please join us for coffee/tea after the morning service 6.00pm At Fairfield At Fairfield. United Service Miss Ruth Hayter Communion and Prayers - Tuesdays at 10.30am in the Church. Choir Practice - Sundays at 10.00 am. MESSY CHURCH The next Messy Church will be Tuesday November 18th, from 3.30pm. WEEKLY NOTICE SHEET – Notices received by note, telephone or email: [email protected]. Notices to be received by 9am Fridays please. NETWORK – We enjoyed tackling some of the new hymns/songs in Singing the Faith this last Wednesday, under the guidance of Christine Hodkinson. We also used the Singing the Faith CDs, which the church has bought to help both the church and the circuit when there is no organist. On Wednesday next, 29th October at 2.30pm, Janet Evans will be leading the afternoon on the subject of her Favourite Places. Network meets in the Lower Room and is for men and women. Please take your notice sheet home with you! FAIRFIELD METHODIST CHURCH Autumn Fair 2pm Saturday 8th November 2014 Cakes, stall, knitwear and refreshments SAMARITAN’S PURSE SHOE BOX APPEAL Quite a lot have been taken – thank you!! More needed to go though. Don’t forget the bin for ‘FILLERS’. Collection day is Monday November 24th and boxes can be returned to ‘The Source’ on Terrace Road, as well as to our church. Thank you, Iris. CIRCUIT PLAN The latest Circuit Plan (to cover the period 1st December 2014 to 28th February 2015) is now available at the back of the church. Have you considered giving to the Church directly from your bank? We would welcome contributions by standing order, which then reduces administration and streamlines the recovery of Gift Aid. Please give thought to whether you could give in this way – forms are available at the back of Church, at buxtonmethodistchurch.org.uk/finance or speak to Colin Parker (tel. 78831). Please take your notice sheet home with you! HOLLINSCLOUGH CHAPEL Meat and Potato Pie Supper Friday November 14th ENTERTAINMENT Talk by Olivia and Arthur Slack at 7pm FRIDAY CLUB (ECUMENICAL YOUTH GROUP) The group has been very busy. Recently members have used money raised at the September Table Top Sale to go out and buy items for the Samaritan’s Purse projects, they have welcomed a visitor from the United Reformed Church who sought the members’ help in completing a Prayer Reflection Wall and there has been a craft workshop. They are now planning Christmas events and hope to offer, instead of a "Sleep Over", a "Stay Awake" at the end of November. They have enough volunteers for this, but if anyone has a hobby or talent that they would like to share with the group, they would love to hear from you. Musicians and craft enthusiasts would be especially welcome to offer sessions for the New Year programme. Please don't forget that new members are very welcome and they don't need to belong to any church congregation to join. Contact Johanna, Di, Mary Lou or Aileen for further details. (Tel: 07912 617135). Please take your notice sheet home with you! TRAIDCRAFT AT CHAPTER AND VERSE The range of Traidcraft items stocked by Chapter and Verse, the Christian Bookshop on Buxton Market Place, covers pasta, rice, four kinds of sugar, tea bags, fresh ground coffee, coffee powder (both ordinary and decaffeinated), cocoa, drinking chocolate, toilet rolls and kitchen towels. The farmers and producers in the countries of origin deserve our support in buying these fairly traded goods. CHURCH MAGAZINE Please help. We strive to make our magazine interesting and relevant to our congregation and the wider community, but we really need more articles to put in it. Perhaps you have a particular hobby you could tell us about or have read a great book, or tried a new recipe, perhaps you’ve seen a wonderful film, or won a competition, perhaps as a gardener you can give some seasonal advice? Whatever your talents or interests are we would love to hear from you! Please send your articles to Anna Quick [email protected] or hand them to her at Church. If you need help writing an article, please contact Tracey Elder 01298 78451. Thank you. THE HAWTHORNS CHRISTMAS FAIR - The Hawthorns Salvation Army Care Home, Burlington Road, Buxton is holding its Christmas Fair on Saturday 22nd November. Doors open at 2.30pm. Admission £3 (includes refreshments). Christmas gifts and crafts, Guess the Name of the Dog, delicious home made cakes and treats and lots more! BUXTON CHURCH CAFÉ Tuesdays 10.00 - 12 noon and Saturdays 10.00 to 12.30pm. Fairly-traded tea & coffee, toast, tea cakes, soup. All welcome! Please take your notice sheet home with you!
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