St. John Vianney Church January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time RECTORY 1110 Vaughans Lane Gladwyne, PA 19035 610-642-0938 Phone 610-642-1432 Fax PARISH MEMBERSHIP We welcome all new members to our Parish Family. In order to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation and Matrimony, to be granted Letters of Eligibility for sponsorship at Baptism or Confirmation, or to have the priest give you personal recommendations, it is necessary that you be registered here at St. John Vianney Church. Please call the rectory for an appointment to register. If you move or change your phone number, please notify the Rectory so our records may be kept current. Parish Office Hours are 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, Monday-Friday. WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] FACEBOOK: SJVgladwyne SERVED BY Rev. Msgr. Donald E. Leighton, M.A., Pastor Rev. Msgr. Francis W. Beach, M.A., M.Div., In Residence Deacon Paul R. Kern, Permanent Deacon Dr. Cara Latham, Music Director 484-580-8618 Mrs. Joanne Sohoski, Parish Secretary Mrs. Mary Anne Monroe, M.A. Director of Religious Education Mrs. Alicia McGowan, Assistant to the DRE PARISH ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Edward Baxter Chair Alicia McGowan, Barbara Termini Secretary and Chair Devotional and Liturgical Committee Mrs. Susan Stern, Parish Business Manager Mr. Bernie Sohoski, Maintenance Supervisor Mr. Steven Suganob, Weekend Sexton Angela McKelvey Chair Activities Committee Patrick Kelley and Chip Hughes MASS SCHEDULE St. John Vianney Church Saturday: 8:00 AM Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM Weekday: 7:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:15 PM - 4:45 PM Holy Day Vigil: 7:30 PM. Holy Day: 7:30 AM and 12:00 Noon Co-Chair Building and Grounds Committee Mike Greenly Chair Charitable Committee Cosmo DeNicola and Charles Riale Co-Chair Communications and Technology Committee Leigh Lingle and Maripeg Bruder Co-Chair Development and Stewardship Committee Christopher Molineaux and Chris Dougherty WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY Co-Chair Education Committee The parish bible study takes place each Wednesday morning at 6:30 AM in St. John Vianney Parish Hall. Bible Study Program is open to everyone. Pat Coyne and Jerry Nichols Co-Chair Finance Committee 1 January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Dear Parishioners, This Thursday, January 22nd, will be the 41st anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing Abortion in our country. It is without doubt a low point in our country’s history that allows our government to approve and condone the killing of innocent unborn children. While there can be many different reasons why someone would not want a child at a particular time, it is never the right decision to kill a baby in the womb. Did you ever notice that the language used in promoting abortion never speaks about a mother carrying a living child. People speak about the rights of the mother to her own body. They speak about an unwanted pregnancy or a fetus as if it were a thing and not a human being. However, what the mother is carrying is not a thing, but a living, undeveloped, innocent human person. Given a few months, the “pregnancy” will be a new born baby with a life ahead that will take years to become fully developed. I’m not naive enough to think that there are no problems when women who don’t want a baby or who can’t take care of a baby become pregnant. However, in a civilized society such as ours is supposed to be, isn’t it possible to find better ways of resolving the problem than by killing the innocent unborn child? We need to ask God to guide us in discovering and promoting better solutions so that we can eliminate the scourge of abortion. The “Right to Life March” will take place on Thursday, January 22nd. At that time, a large group of citizens from all over the country will travel to Washington to demonstrate for the value of human life. We hope that this demonstration clearly signals to our government the need to create laws that will respect every human life from the first moment of conception to the last beat of the human heart. It is important for us to keep in mind that Respect for Life is not just a Catholic issue. Citizens from every faith ... Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Moslem and many others ... are opposed to abortion and will march for the life of the unborn. They understand abortion as the killing of innocent human life, something which is abhorrent in the mind of the all loving, creating Deity. In recognition of the violations to the dignity of the human person wrought by Roe v. Wade, the dioceses of the United States will observe January 22nd as a special day of Penance and Prayer. All the faithful are encouraged to take part in any of the following ways. Go to Church on Thursday, January 22nd, to pray for life. Spend some time in Eucharistic Adoration and ask Jesus to enlighten people on the horrors of abortion. Perform some kind of penance, such as fasting, as reparation for sins against life. Offer an act of sacrifice or charity. For example, skip television and pray for life instead, or make a donation of time or money to a crisis pregnancy center. Pray as a family for respect for life by saying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary or using some other prayers. God works through human beings. We are all called to be witnesses to God’s will and God’s presence in this world in which we live. May the Holy Spirit guide us all in ways that will promote respect for all human life in our own community and throughout our country. Have a good week ahead. God bless you all. Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Msgr. Donald E. Leighton Pastor 2 January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time PRAY FOR All those serving in defense of our Country, both at home and abroad, especially Captain Christopher S. Zipf, USMC, Ensign Thomas H. Coffey, USN, Lt. Col. Michael Clarke and SGT Christopher Rogers. Please pray for our soldiers assigned in Afghanistan and in other parts of the world. MASSES OF THE WEEK Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, January 18, 2014 , 2014 8:00 AM Julie & Albert Piscini RB Julie Margasak REMEMBER OUR SICK Please pray for those members and friends of our parish who are ill: Bradley Basile, Suzanne Birch, Thomas Birkmire, Anthony Bonanno, Alice Cary, Dr. Edward D’Alessio, Nancy Deusch, John Dougherty, Debra Dziak, Debbie Fields, Fr. Carney Gavin, Matt Genser, Patricia Giest, Gordon C. Gladden, Ellen Goldstein, Mary Hechmer, Carolyn Henry, Audrey Holton, Paula Huguley, Marie Judge, Daryl Jones, Mrs. Albert Keegan, Mary Killeen, Jeffrey Leighton, Anne Macy, Kevin McCauley, Mary McClain, Agnes McLaughlin, Ruth Ann McNamara, Robert (Bobby) Parillo, Audrey Robinson, Kenneth Seal, Michael Seal, Jennifer Storm, and Antoinette Vitone. May the healing hands of the Lord grant them full health in body and spirit. If you would like to have a loved one’s name placed on the Prayer List, please call the Rectory – 610-642-0938. Jan. 4, 2015 $8,741.00 Jan. 5, 2014 $6,619.00 Jan. 11, 2015 $8,720.00 Jan. 12, 2014 $9,302.00 9:30 AM Dinah Reilly RB Mr. & Mrs. Walter McIlvine 11:00 AM Emmett Fitzpatrick, Jr. RB Mr. & Mrs. John Herron Monday, January 19, 2015 7:30 AM Deceased Members of St. John Vianney Parish Tuesday, January 20, 2015 7:30 AM John J. Fiedler RB Felix & Rita DiPrinzio Wednesday, January 21, 2015 7:30 AM J. Gordon Cooney RB Mrs. J. Gordon Cooney Thursday, January 22, 2015 7:30 AM Constance Dean RB Mr. & Mrs. Peter McGowan Friday, January 23, 2014 7:30 AM Dr. F. William Bora RB Mrs. F. William Bora Saturday, January 24, 2014 8:00 AM Deceased Members of St. John Vianney Par Thank you for your generosity. Next week our parish will take up the Catholic Relief Services Collection. Catholic Relief Services approaches emergency relief and long-term development holistically, ensuring that all people, especially the poorest and most vulnerable, are able to participate in the very fullness of life — to have access to basic necessities, health care and education — all within peaceful, just communities. Their work is about more than helping people survive for the day. Please be generous. 5:00 PM Jane & Walter Polett RB Mr. & Mrs. Dan Polett “When God created each of us, He did so with precision and purpose, and He looks on each of us with love that cannot be outdone in intensity or tenderness. USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities 3 January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage! Letters of Thanks The Retrouvaille Marriage Program offers help for struggling marriages. Tens of thousands of couples have successfully saved their marriages by attending a Retrouvaille weekend and the six post sessions that follow it. Retrouvaille is not just a social gathering or series of seminars, but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. The next program begins on the weekend of February 1315 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. For more information, or to register for our upcoming weekend, visit our web site at: or call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are kept strictly confidential. Dear Msgr. Leighton, Please accept my sincerest gratitude and appreciation to you and your parishioners for your kindness to St. Cyprian Parish. You generous check of $5,000.00 is a wonderful gift. It allows me to help parishioners who are in most need. Please be assured your generous gift is used wisely and much consideration to those in need. As always, you and your parishioners are remembered in my daily Mass. Again, thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and kindness to St. Cyprian Parish. Have a Blessed New Year. Sincerely yours, Rev. Msgr. Federico A. Britto First Reading: I Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 A young Samuel hears the Lord calling in the night, and when prompted by Eli, responds to the third call by saying “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” Dear Don, Thank you very much for your extraordinary gift of $ 5,000 to our Church. I truly appreciate this financial help. This money will be used to help us serve the poor and needy of this community. On behalf of the many people who will be blessed by this gift, I offer my gratitude. I wish you and the people of Saint John Vianney Parish many blessings in this New Year. Sincerely in Christ, Reverend Stephen D. Thorne, Pastor Second Reading: I Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20 Casual sex was rampant in the community, which Paul had to fight against by a powerful statement that “our bodies are not our own,” and are instead temples of the Lord. Gospel: John 1:35-42 Right at the start of His public ministry, Jesus attracts people. His cousin John the Baptist directs his own disciple Andrew, the brother of Peter, to Jesus by calling Him “the Lamb of God.” When they meet, Andrew and his unnamed friend hear Jesus ask: “What are you looking for?” Dear Don, Happy New Year! Once again, I am most grateful to you and your parish for your assistance to Holy Innocents. Your gift of $5,000.00 will be applied to our parish’s tuition assistance program. This year our tuition assistance funds have assisted some 78 families with $29,000 in assistance. Your donation will allow us to continue helping those in most need. Thanks again for considering us for your Christmas giving. I appreciate your kindness to us. May God continue to bless you and your parish family throughout the new year. Sincerely yours, Rev. Thomas M. Higgins, Pastor Simply prepare an extra portion of meat, starch, and vegetable when you cook. Containers are available at the entrances of the church. Just cover them with foil, freeze, then bring them to the freezer in the kitchen of the church hall. Frozen dinners from the supermarket are always welcome. So think about the needy when you are shopping too. Here am I, Lord; I’ve come to do your will. If you have any questions call Clara Hilberts 484-4204261 or Jane Young, 610-941-1160. THANK YOU for any help you can give. Psalm 40: 8a-9a 4 January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time LECTORS Welcome Olivia and Rhys Saturday, January 17, 2015 5:00 PM Ann Schwarz, Lynn Heth We were blessed to have two Baptisms here at SJV last weekend. On Saturday, January 10, Olivia Valimaki was Christened. Olivia’s parents are Jukka and Christina Valimaki. Sunday, January 18, 2015 8:00 AM - Pat Coyne, Steve Zipf 9:30 AM - Angela McKlevey, Leigh Lingle 11:00 AM - Bernadette Stitt, Gene Pratter The Baptism of Rhys Buchakjian took place on Sunday, January 11. Rhys is the daughter of Jeffrey and Tara Buchakjian. EXTRAODINARY MINISTERS Saturday, January 17, 2015 5:00 PM - Tim Greco, Dan Polett, Martie Gillin God Bless Olivia and Rhys. Sunday, January 18, 2015 8:00 AM - Donna Zipf, James De Camp, Len Keating 9:30 AM - Elvie Reusora, Frank Burdo, David Birkmire 11:00 AM - Colleen Daley, Barbara Termini, Vince Termini Partners in Faith Formation of Children with ASD, IDD & Other Disabilities: Parents of children with disabilities are invited to attend this mini-conference on January 24, 2015, focused on the religious education of children with special needs. It will be held at Gwynedd Mercy University from 8:30 AM -12:30 PM. National, regional and local leaders in the fields of disability and faith formation will present keynote and breakout sessions geared to DRE’s, Catechists, parents and clergy. LECTORS Saturday, January 24, 2015 5:00 PM - Camille Polski, Mary Anne Monroe For information contact: [email protected] or call 215-587-3530. To register on line go to: Sunday, January 25, 2015 8:00 AM - Len Keating, Sarah Long 9:30 AM - Patricia Connolly, Maripeg Bruder 11:00 AM - Portia Bonavitacola, David Maxey Now that the Christmas break is over, PREP classes are again being held on Wednesdays at 4:00 PM in the Church Hall. EXTRAODINARY MINISTERS Saturday, January 24, 2015 5:00 PM - Jane Brown, Joanne Keenan Some important date that you should mark your calendars: PREP Distribution of Ashes - Feb. 18 (Ash Weds.) - 4:00 PM PREP Lenten Penance Service - March 25 - 4:00 PM Holy Week (No Classes) - April 1 (Wed) May Procession - May 13 (Wed) - 7:00 PM (in lieu of PREP) 1st Penance & 1st Communion Parent Meeting Feb. 25 (Wed) - 7:00–8:00 PM 1st Penance Celebration - March 14 (Sat) - 10:30 AM 1st Communion Practice (mandatory) May 6 - (Wed) - 4:00-5:15 PM 1st Communion Celebration - May 9 (Sat) - 11:00 AM 1st Communion Presentation Mass May 10 (Sun) - 11:00 AM Sunday, January 25, 2015 8:00 AM - James DeCamp, Tom Coffey 9:30 AM - Kate Livesey, Kevin Livesey 11:00 AM - Barbara Termini, Gerry Zipf, Colleen Daley Thank you for your commitment to St. John Vianney Parish. If you are unable to keep your assignment, please find a substitute. 5 January 18, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 6 Wm. P. 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