Leon A. Mathieu Senior Center January/February 2015 DONALD R. GREBIEN MAYOR MARY LOU MORAN DIRECTOR Dear Pawtucket Seniors: We say goodbye to 2014 and welcome in the New Year. As we begin 2015, my family and I would like to wish you the best—a very healthy and happy New Year. As I begin my third term as your Mayor, looking back last year we made some very tough fiscal choices to keep Pawtucket from sliding into bankruptcy. Tough choices were made at all levels of our city government to slash costs, decisions based on the right things to do for taxpayers. I was very pleased when the City’s bond rating moved up two notches, to a BBB+, in late 2014. The bond rating agency’s outlook for the city was upgraded from “stable” to “positive”. I was also extremely pleased that residents and businesses saw no tax increases. Even with tightening our belt, we continued to adequately fund key programs and services, like those offered at the Leon Mathieu Senior Center. For over six years, Mary Lou Moran and her capable staff have brought a dazzling array of activities, programming and services to Pawtucket’s older residents to improve their lives. The Senior Center is not only a place you can call home and enjoy the company of your friends, but is also where you can tap into important health and community resources. My administration remains committed to you and preserving the vital programming and services offered at the City’s Leon Mathieu Senior Center, and wish them well as they celebrate their 35th Anniversary in 2015. Sincerely, The mission of the Leon Mathieu Senior Center is to identify Pawtucket’s older adults and provide them with a safe, supportive and nurturing environment where they can access information about resources, programs and services available on the local, state and federal levels. The Center acts as an advocate for the rights and well being of older adults on a wide variety of issues. LEON A. MATHIEU SENIOR CENTER 420 Main Street Pawtucket, R.I. 02860 Phone: (401)728-7582 Fax: (401) 725-8220 Internet Address: www.pawtucketri.com Email Address: [email protected] Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Senior Center Director Mary Lou Moran Community Information Specialist & Case Worker Joan Newton Program Coordinator Karin Lavoie LEON MATHIEU SENIOR CENTER & BLACKSTONE HEALTH, INC. HOLIDAY CLOSINGS THE ENTIRE BUILDING WILL BE CLOSED ON: Thursday, January 1……………..……....In Observance of New Year’s Day & Monday, January 19………In Observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day NO ACTIVITIES, SENIOR SHUTTLE, OR BLACKSTONE CAFÉ. THE LEON MATHIEU SENIOR CENER WILL BE CLOSED ON: Monday, February 16………………...In observance of Presidents’ Day BLACKSTONE CAFÉ WILL BE OPEN EMOTIONAL WELLNESS CONSULTATIONS The LMSC offers a program to address the challenges facing many aging men and women. Our Elder Liaison from Gateway Healthcare, Nicole Vadnais, is available at the Center, by appointment, on Thursdays from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon to provide individual consultations for those seniors who wish to discuss issues affecting their emotional wellness. To schedule an appointment contact the Center at 728-7582 or visit the 2nd floor administrative offices. Outreach Worker Emilia Fernandes Secretary Julieth Cornejo Shuttle Van Drivers Marie Case & Kathy Greer BLACKSTONE HEALTH Nutrition Director Alyssa Joyce, RD, LDN 728-9290 Nutrition Assistant Susan Leal New Horizons Adult Day Center Director Melissa Smith 727-0950 Leon Mathieu Senior Center & Blackstone Health, Inc. Inclement Weather Policy Please be aware that the Leon Mathieu Senior Center will be closed for activities, transportation and meals when the Pawtucket Schools are cancelled. During school vacations listen to the radio and T.V. stations for any Leon Mathieu Senior Center cancellations. Please Note: For your own safety, and the safety of our drivers, please make sure your walkway and driveway are clear of snow and ice prior to your pickup. INTRODUCTORY COMPUTER CLASSES: The next session for computer classes will begin in mid January. If you are interested in taking the class, please call 728-7582 or stop by the 2nd floor office. Thanks to our volunteer instructors Maria Baxter, Claudette Gaffney, and Frank Billeri. The Programs and services offered at the Leon Mathieu Senior Center are funded in part by the City of Pawtucket, Community Development Block Grant, RI Department of Human Services - Division of Elderly Affairs, State Funding - Community Service Grant, U.S. Administration on Aging, donations and memberships. Thank you to all our donors! 2 Are You Nuts for Nuts?! Written By: Alyssa Joyce, RD, LDN Nuts are a super food packed with vitamins, minerals, protein, and healthy fat. However, you do not want to overdo it on nuts, because the fat and calories can add up quickly! The lowest calorie nuts, 160 calories per ounce, are almonds, pistachios, and cashews. Look for raw or dry roasted nuts to get them at their lowest caloric value. What are the worst nuts for your diet? Macadamia nuts (10 – 12 nuts) have 21 grams of fat, and Pecans (18-20 nuts) have 20 grams of fat. The best nuts for your heart are Walnuts! In 14 Walnuts there are 180 calories, and 18 grams of fat. They have a high amount of healthy fats and are similar to Olive Oil in terms of heart health. The best nuts overall are mixed nuts! This way you can get a variety of nutrients and still consume them in moderation. Funded in part by the U.S. Administration on Aging and State Funds through the Rhode Island Division of Elderly Affairs HAIRDRESSING SERVICE FREE NUTRITION EDUCATION PROGRAMS The Leon Mathieu Senior Center and Blackstone Health Inc. co-sponsor FREE nutrition education programs for adults 55+. Every Wednesday 8:30 am - 11:30 am On the 2nd Floor Services Include: Men’s Wash + Cut = $10 Women’s Wash + Cut = $12 Women’s Wash + Set = $12 Women’s Wash + Cut + Blow Dry Style = $18 Women’s Wash + Cut+ Set = $24 Perms & colorings are not available. Appointments are required. Please call 728-7582 or visit the 2nd Floor office. Payment is cash only. Free One-on-One Nutrition Counseling appointments are offered with Alyssa Joyce, Blackstone Health, Inc. nutritionist. Make an appointment with Alyssa for a one-on-one consultation specific to you! To make an appointment please call Alyssa at 728-9290. A monthly Weight Management Support Group, also led by Alyssa Joyce of Blackstone Health, Inc., occurs on the first Tuesday of each month at 12:30 pm in the First Floor Garden Room. The Support Group focuses on healthy weight management for people 55 and older. The group engages in interactive nutrition activities, weigh-ins (optional), and education focusing on topics such as heart health, nutrition for diabetes, cooking demos, and much more! The next meetings will be held January 6th and February 3rd. PARTNERSHIP WITH THE WARREN ALPERT MEDICAL SCHOOL OF BROWN UNIVERSITY Since the fall of 2007, Brown Medical students have visited the Senior Center under the supervision of Dr. David Anthony, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine at Brown University. The students benefit from being able to practice geriatric assessments and senior volunteers benefit from being able to help shape future doctors! If you would like to volunteer for this program see Karin Lavoie, Program Coordinator. Free Blood Pressure Screenings 1st Friday of each month with Bayada Home Health Care from 9-11 am R.I. College nursing students on Tuesdays during the Spring and Fall college semesters U.R.I. College of Pharmacy on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 10:30 -11:30am 3 SOCIAL SERVICES CORNER: Are you receiving all the benefits you are entitled to? We are here to help! The Senior Center’s Community Information Specialist and Case Worker, Joan Newton, is available to meet with you one-on-one to provide information, assistance, and options available to you. Topics include, but are not limited to: Health & Prescription Benefits Check-Up Housing Heating Assistance Retirement Planning Medicare Savings Program Medicare/Medical Assistance Identity Theft Home and Community Care Options SNAP Program (formally the Food Stamp Program) Living Wills and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Low-Income Subsidy Assistance for Prescriptions Eligibility Screening for Federal, State, and Local programs Health Care Fraud Protection To schedule an appointment contact the Senior Center at 728-7582 Monday-Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. AARP Volunteer Tax Preparation Service AARP volunteer tax preparers will be available during the 2015 tax season to assist seniors 60+ with their tax returns. No appointments will be taken and individuals will be seen on a first come first served basis. This service will be available on Tuesdays & Fridays, 9am-12pm from February 3, 2015-April 10, 2015. You will need to bring a photo ID and proof of all income (e.g. W-2s, 1099 Social Security Benefit Statement, etc.) with you. Service is limited to short forms only. LIHEAP: Low-Income Heating Assistance Program A single person can earn up to $2,283/month and a married couple can earn up to $2,985/month to qualify for heating assistance (based on 2014 guidelines). If you are interested in applying for Heating Assistance you can make an appointment in the Senior Center’s 2nd floor office or by calling 728-7582. Veteran Benefits Information Make a one-on-one appointment with Ron Plante, a Veteran Service Representative from the Department of Veteran Affairs to learn about the many VA benefits available to veterans and their spouses and/or dependents. Appointments are confidential and can be made by visiting the Center’s 2nd floor office or by calling 728-7582.. The next date for this service is Thursday, February 26th. Support Group The Senior Center, in collaboration with Gateway Healthcare, hosts a monthly support group meeting. The group meeting is facilitated by Nicole Vadnais, Gateway Healthcare Elder Liaison, and focuses on a variety of topics related to aging and how it can affect elders and their caregivers. The next meetings will be held on Tuesday, January 27th and Tuesday, February 24th from 3:15pm - 4:00pm. Parkinson’s Disease Support Group The American Parkinson’s Disease Association leads a monthly support group at the Senior Center. The group is led by volunteer Bernice Belt and is held in the 1st floor Garden Room. The next meetings will be held on Thursday, January 8th and Thursday, February 12th from 1:00pm-2:15pm. Alzheimer’s Alert Program The City of Pawtucket’s Alzheimer’s Alert Program is a joint effort between the City’s Division of Senior Services and the Pawtucket Police Department. The purpose of this program is to ensure the safety of registered participants who are suffering from Alzheimer's disease and related dementias. Client information is kept completely confidential. To learn more about this program contact the Senior Center at 728-7582. 4 SHOPPING & LUNCHEON TRIPS $2.00 per person/depart at 11:30 am Tickets go on sale Monday, January 5th at 9:00 am. Each person is able to sign up for any shopping trip, 1 lunch trip and 1 special trip initially. You may sign up for any additional lunch and special trips as space permits on Monday, January 12th at 8:30 am. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MAY ONLY SIGN YOURSELF UP FOR THESE TRIPS Los tiquetes estarán a la venta el 5 de Enero del 2015 a las 9:00 am. FEBRUARY SHOPPING TRIPS JANUARY SHOPPING TRIPS Thurs 8th Christmas Tree Shop Thurs 5th Christmas Tree Shop Thurs 15th Wal-Mart, N. Smithfield Tues Wal-Mart, N. Smithfield Thurs 22nd Warwick Mall Thurs 19th K-Mart, Cranston Thurs 29th Wamponaug Mall+ Marshalls Thurs 26th Target Plaza, Warwick FEBRUARY LUNCHEON TRIPS JANUARY LUNCHEON TRIPS Tues, Jan. 20th Mozzarella’s, N. Providence Mon, Jan. 26th Gregg’s, Providence 10th Mon, Feb. 9th Tues, Feb. 24th Spumoni’s, Pawtucket Hose Company, Pawtucket Note: If you miss the van or are not picked up as scheduled, please contact the Senior Center’s main number at 728-7582 so that the office can contact the driver. Trip payments are nonrefundable unless you are able to find a replacement or we are able to fill your place from the waiting list. January Special Trip February Special Trip Tuesday, January 27th Thursday, February 12th, Valentine’s Day Gala RISD Museum Tour & Lunch at Davenports Cost is $12.00 and covers transportation At the West Valley Inn in West Warwick + entrance to the museum. $22 per person Self-guided tour of the RISD Art Museum Price includes transportation on a chartered at 10:15 am, followed by lunch at Davenports school bus, meal, taxes, gratuity and in East Providence at 12:00 noon. entertainment. Depart the Center at 11:00 a.m. Cost of lunch is on your own. and return at approximately 3:30 p.m. Leave the Center at 9:30 a.m. and return at You will select your meal when you sign-up. approximately 2:30 p.m. BUS PASSES 2015 R.I. D.M.V. TRANSPORTATION SERVICE The LMSC provides transportation to the Cranston DMV on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (January 13 & February 17) departing the Center at 10:45am. Service is limited to RI State I.D. cards only. This service is free for Pawtucket seniors & disabled adults. Contact the Center for the DMV application, documents required, and to register. RIPTA bus passes will be issued at the Leon Mathieu Senior Center on Friday, January 16th & Friday, February 20th from 11:30am-2pm in the 1st floor Garden Room. Seniors (65+) and disabled adults will be charged $25.00 for a 5 year pass. 5 PODIATRY CLINIC with Dr. Mark Kuhar The next podiatry clinic will be held on Tuesday, January 27th from 10:30am to 12 Noon. An appointment is necessary. Please visit the 2nd floor office to schedule an appointment. Bring your insurance card(s) and a valid ID/License with you. R.I. Bar Association Legal Clinics: This program is sponsored by the RI BAR Association. The clinics consists of individual appointments with an attorney who can answer your legal questions. The appointment is private & confidential. If you would like to make an appointment please call 728-7582 or visit the 2nd floor office. Free Therapeutic Massage Victoria Tavares, a certified massage therapist will be available on the last Monday of each month from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm for free chair and hand massages. Appointments are required and can be made in the Center’s 2nd floor office or by calling 728-7582. FROM THE MAYOR’S OFFICE... Beth Roberge, Volunteer Seniors Liaison is available on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 10am to 2pm at City Hall in Room 210 or you can call her at 728-0500 Ext. 241. SEWING & ALTERATIONS Our seamstress, Zinaida Vygoder, is here on GOLDEN AGERS BOOK Tuesday afternoons from 1-3pm on the 2nd floor to provide a variety of sewing CLUB The Book Club meets once a month. They are scheduled to meet on: Thursday, January 15th & Thursday, February 19th from 12:00 pm to 1:00 p.m. Come & share what you have been reading! needs. Fees collected help support Senior Center activities. You may drop off 2 items at a time and alterations cannot be done on coats and formal outfits as our sewing machine cannot handle those items. Please note that all items must be in clean condition when dropped off. The Book Club is run by Dot Pelchat. Thank you Dot! Thank you Zina for volunteering your time! Prescription Drug Take Back Program Pawtucket Police Station, 121 Roosevelt Avenue Pawtucket residents can safely dispose of unused and/or expired medications 24 hours a day/365 days a year at the permanent collection box located in the foyer of the police station. Please place pills in a clear Ziplock-type bag prior to handing them over to the police officer on duty and please DO NOT include any personal medical information! Items that CANNOT be dropped off include: needles/syringes/lancets, IVs & equipment, personal care products, bloody or infectious waste, aerosol cans, thermometers, inhalers, or hydrogen peroxide. Thank you for helping to keep our community safe! For more information please call the Pawtucket Police Station at 727-9100. Notary Public Services Available Mary Lou Moran, Senior Center Director, is a Notary Public. If you need any documents notarized, she is available to assist you. Please bring in a photo I.D. along with the unsigned document you need to have notarized. This service is free! The Pawtucket Senior Citizens Council (PSCC) The PSCC is always looking for new members. This is a perfect way to give back to your community. Pawtucket residents 62 and older are eligible to volunteer on the council. The PSCC meets once a month, except for the months of January, July and August. If interested in serving on the PSCC contact Mary Lou Moran, Senior Center Director, at 728-7582 for more information. 6 DAILY ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY & FEBRUARY 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY 9:00 - 10:30 9:30 to 10:30 Line Dancing Muscle Strength with Florence $2 & Toning with Toba 9:30 - 10:30 9:30 - 11:00 Yoga for Seniors with Shri Studio $5 Knitting Class 10:00 - 11:00 Computer Class with Frank $8 10:00 - 11:30 Needlepoint on Plastic with Ginny 11:30 - 12:00 Lunch $3 suggested donation 11:30 - 12:00 Lunch 12:30 - 2:45 $3 suggested donation Hi-Lo Jack Club with Joan and Dick $2 12:15 - 3:00 Penny B-I-N-G-O 1:00 - 2:30 Watercolor Painting Class with Alice 12:30 - 1:15 Non-Impact Aerobics with Toba 1:00-3:00 Seamstress Services with Zina WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 8:30 - 9:30 9:30 - 10:30 Breakfast at the Café Salsacise with Toba $3 suggested donation 10:00 - 11:00 Computer Class 8:30 - 11:30 with Claudette Hairdressing Service and Maria $8 with Julie Silva 11:30 - 12:00 Lunch 10:00 - 11:00 $3 suggested donation Stretch Exercise with Jean 12:15 pm Afternoon Movie 11:30 - 12:00 Lunch $3 suggested donation 12:15 - 3:00 Penny B-I-N-G-O 11:30 - 12:30 Tai Chi Class 12:30 - 1:30 with Bob $10 Spanish Computer Class with Claudette 12:30 - 1:30 and Maria $8 Arthritis Exercise with Jean 1:30 - 2:30 Computer Lab 12:15 - 3:00 Cards & with Claudette Board Games and Maria JANUARY FRIDAY 8:30 - 9:30 Breakfast at the Café $3 suggested donation 9:00 - 11:00 Cribbage Club with John 10:00 - 11:00 Stretch Exercise with Jean 11:30 - 12:00 Lunch $3 suggested donation 12:30 - 2:30 Coffee Hour See Topics Below FEBRUARY Feb 6th at 12:30 pm Jan 2nd at 12:30 pm Bingo Blast with Karin Lavoie, Program Coordinator. Blackstone Valley Tourism Council presents “A History of Slater Park” Non-cash prizes to be awarded to all winners. Jan 9th at 12:30 pm Feb 13th at 12:30 pm The URI College of Pharmacy presents “Gallbladder Annual Valentine’s Day Party! & Gallstones” & January birthday celebration Entertainment provided by the Ro-Tones, featuring Rosalie Cartwright and Tony Pandolfo. $1.00 per Jan 16th at 12:30 pm person. Please sign-up in the 2nd floor office by “Assistive Devices 101” with Oak Hill Health and Wednesday, February 11th. Rehabilitation Center Feb 20th at 12:30 pm Jan 23rd at 12:30 pm URI College of Pharmacy presents “Skin Disorders Jeopardy” & February birthday celebration Blackstone Valley Community Action’s R.S.V.P. Senior Jazz Band will perform Jan 30th at 12:30 pm Feb 27th at 12:30 pm Nutrition Hour presentation with Alyssa Joyce, Blackstone Health, Inc. Nutritionist Art Appreciation Program with Toba Weintraub 7 LEON MATHIEU SENIOR CENTER……………………………………………………...… 728-7582 ELDER CARE INFORMATION SPECIALIST…………………………………………… 728-0146 BLACKSTONE HEALTH (formerly COASI)…………………………………………… 725-6444 BLACKSTONE HEALTH NUTRITION………………………………………………… 728-9290 BLACKSTONE CAFE MEAL RESERVATIONS…………………………………………… 728-5480 CITY OF PAWTUCKET SENIOR SHUTTLE…………………………………………… 725-8220 (for Pawtucket residents only) LOGISTICARE TRANSPORTATION……………………………………………………… 1-855-330-9131 (to all medical appointments & meal sites) 727-0950 NEW HORIZONS ADULT DAY CENTER………………………………………………… 462-3000 RI DIVISION OF ELDERLY AFFAIRS…………………………………………………… 784-9500 R.I.P.T.A. BUS PASS INFORMATION……………………………………………………… 1-866-931-7079 SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION………………………………………………… Leon Mathieu Senior Center 420 Main Street Pawtucket, RI 02860
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