Juniper Hills Community Association Newsletter January – April 2015 Upcoming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Community Association News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Town Council News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Junibees' Buzz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Kudos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 - 4 Announcements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Advertisers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - 8 2015 Community Calendar & Helpful Contacts . . . . . . 9 JH Community Center 31401 106th St. East Juniper Hills, Calif. JHCA Mailing Address P.O. Box 192 Littlerock, CA 93543 Website Email [email protected] JHCA OFFICERS President Kaaren Jones (944-4967) Vice-President Mark Benz (944-0010) Treasurer David Borden (944-1130) Recording Secretary Carol Pierce (944-1019) JHCA BOARD MEMBERS Junibees President Leslie Jones (944-4531) Member At Large Terry Jones (944-4967) Maintenance Evert Kempenaar (944-2729) Membership/Historian Viki Kempenaar (944-2729) Member At Large Karen Ostler (944-9844) Events Coordinator Carlene Rechenmacher (944-4675 or [email protected]) Member At Large Bob Witt (944-0377) JHCA MEETINGS • Monthly Board Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month (except June and December) at 7 p.m. at the home of the President. • General Meetings are held potluck-style at the Community Center the first Saturday of June and December. UPCOMING EVENTS PANCAKE & WAFFLE BREAKFAST 8 – 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 7 The weather outside might be frightful but the pancakes are so delightful! Let’s not wait… let’s go, let it snow, let it snow! As usual, the sausages will be served on the side, the coffee will be steaming hot, and the orange juice will be icy cold. What will be on the Toppings Table this time? Will Chefs Mark and David introduce a new flavor (in addition to blueberry)? Karen will be whipping up HOT & CRISPY waffles. The ticket price is still at bargain prices: $5 for Adults and $3 for children under 12. We will need plenty of helpers in the kitchen and dining areas! Also we are looking for Chefs-in-Training to help when our regular Chefs are not available. If you can work an hour or so that day, please call Carol at 944-1019. VEGAS NITE 6 – 10:30 p.m. Saturday, March 21 Whether you are feeling lucky or just want to enjoy a fun evening, this event is a great “bet.” The bar will be open from 6 p.m. until 10 p.m. with beer, wine and mixed drinks. A special Italian dinner will be served before the gaming starts. Black Jack, Texas Hold’em, Wheel of Fortune, Up and Down the River, and Chuck-A-Luck will be available. That night we will need Dealers, Spinners and other Game Leaders. Prior to the event we will need assistance with cooking, baking and serving. After the event we will need helpers to put away gaming supplies and general cleanup. Prizes will be available for participants. Prize donations are welcomed! If you can help with any of the mentioned activities, call Carlene at 944-4675 or Carol at 944-1019. Pre-sale tickets are $13; at-the-door tickets are $15. PANCAKE & WAFFLE BREAKFAST 8 – 11 p.m. Saturday, April 18 PLUS ** YARD SALE ** 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Saturday, April 18 Spring has sprung, and so are your closet shelves, cupboards and garages. So feed your waffle and/or pancake hunger with the famous “Juniper Hills House of Pancakes & Waffles” specials. We are again offering the same low prices of $5 for Adults and $3 for Children under 12. Call Carlene at 944-4675 or Carol at 944-1019 to volunteer for the event. Get stated searching the nooks and crannies in your home and garage and see what you can part with. The cost is $10 for a 10' x 10' space and $20 for a 20' x 20' space. Call Louise at 944-5227 to reserve your space. COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION NEWS MESSAGE FROM JHCA PRESIDENT KAAREN JONES: At our December General Meeting three Directors whose terms were completed agreed to serve another three years. There were no further nominations presented so Mark Benz, Viki Kempenaar and Terry Jones were elected by acclamation. Officers were selected by the Board of Directors and remain the same: Kaaren Jones, President; Mark Benz, Vice-President; David Borden, Treasurer; and Carol Pierce, Secretary. Our Association is fortunate that we continue to have members willing to take on these responsibilities; however, without bringing in new members with fresh ideas we risk a slow decline that could result in the eventual loss of the Community Center. To sustain ourselves and provide a future we need to encourage our neighbors to join the JHCA and participate in events. We also need to rethink some of our events and plan activities that will appeal to a younger generation and families with children. Let us hear your suggestions. After all, this is your Association and you own the Community Center. JUNIPER HILLS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP: It's that time of year again! Membership dues are a very reasonable $40 per year. You may be asking, “What do I get for my $40?” While we do not offer a swimming pool, tennis courts or a gated community, we do have a beautiful Community Center that members may rent, and a group of hard-working people that plan, organize and host events at the Community Center for our friends and neighbors to attend and socialize. We feel lucky to live in such an amazing community! Please complete and return the attached membership envelope (and notify us if you have a new mailing address). LET’S ALL GO GREEN! SIGN UP TO RECEIVE THE JHCA NEWSLETTER BY E-MAIL: To reduce the costs of printing and postage required to produce this newsletter, the JHCA is offering an option to distribute the newsletter by email. If this interests you, please send an email as follows. TO: JHCA@juniper SUBJECT: “Receive JHCA Newsletter by Email” BODY OF E-MAIL: Enter your name and e-mail address (Example: Mary Smith HINT: Make sure you add the e-mail address “[email protected]" to your “Friends/White List" in your spam filter. The newsletter will be a PDF file which requires a PDF-reader application (such as Adobe Reader). REMINDER: The first newsletter of each year will continue to be mailed in paper format via USPS because that issue includes the Annual Dues Statement and return mailing envelope. RENT THE COMMUNITY CENTER: With a minimum JHCA membership of six months, you may rent our facilities for $250. A refundable $300 security deposit is required. Call 944-4967 for information. BARRY BROWN MEMORIAL FUND: Congratulations to Francisco Fernandez! Francisco and his mother, Alicia, attended the JHCA General Meeting on Dec. 6, where Bonnie Brown-Duecker presented Francisco with a $200 check from the Barry Brown Memorial Fund to help with college expenses. Francisco is a Littlerock High School graduate who applied for the Barry Brown Scholarship. He is currently enrolled at Antelope Valley College with future plans to transfer to a university. TOWN COUNCIL NEWS MESSAGE FROM JHTC PRESIDENT JAN WISE: CALL FOR TOWN COUNCIL CANDIDATES: We had four positions open (for re-election) on the Juniper Hills Town Council (JHTC) for the 2014-2016 term. The four council members up for re-election opted not to run, and we received no Candidate Forms by the deadline. We are looking to appoint at our meeting on Feb. 4, 2015, interested Juniper Hills residents who would like to take an active role in representing our community. Please contact the JHTC Election Committee for more information: Sheila Whitehouse ([email protected]) or Don Pierce ([email protected]) ANGELES NATIONAL FOREST AS A NATIONAL MONUMENT: President Barrack Obama, on Oct. 10, 2014, designated 346,177 acres of existing federal lands as the San Gabriel Mountains National Monument, including 342,177 acres of the Angeles National Forest. The boundaries abut Juniper Hills. The JHTC will be monitoring how this designation may affect our community. For more information go to MONTHLY MEETINGS: The JHTC meets on the first Wednesday of every month (except January and July) at 7 p.m. at the Juniper Hills Community Center. 2 JUNIBEES' BUZZ MESSAGE FROM JUNIBEES PRESIDENT LESLIE JONES: The Junibees always manage to keep busy! We have been involved in our Community Association functions, not only as attendees, but also in the set up and take down for many of these functions. We did not have meetings in July and August, but came back in September. Our speaker was Connie Lashin from the Friendship Bridge, an organization that helps to sponsor independent cottage industry businesses for women in Guatemala. October’s meeting was a time to clean up some of our business, and in November our speaker was Joellen Perkins from the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. She was able to give us an overview about the services that the department offers. We also elected a new board for the next two years: Leslie Jones, President; Sandy Fry, Vice-President; Karen Ostler, Secretary; and Mary West, Treasurer. Our heartfelt thanks go to Ingrid Fulcher, our retiring Treasurer, for her many years of service to the Junibees. Our holiday potluck and social was held in December. We always manage to have fun while we keep busy! We are looking forward to the New Year with new speakers and new events! We will be sponsoring the Yard Sale on Saturday, April 18, so save your sellable treasures that need a new home and join us for the fun! Contact Louise at 944-5227 to reserve a space at the yard sale. We wish everyone in the community a very happy and healthy 2015! KUDOS JUNIPER HILLS WEBSITE: If you have not recently visited the JH Website ( please do so. You'll see the upgrades made by Mark Benz. You can see our Events Calendar, most recent newsletter and some interesting history and geographic information about our area. Businesses that advertise in our newsletter are listed and you are encouraged to support these businesses. HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE: Many thanks to Louise Whitt for organizing the Holiday Boutique again this past year. Also, we appreciate her amazing talent and energy in decorating tables for each Junibee luncheon. Call her at 944-5227 to reserve your table at the Yard Sale on April 18. JUNIBEES SUPPORT: Thanks to the Junibees for their help making our community events happen. We can always count on "the ladies" to step up and help - whether cooking food, serving, or cleaningup. They have even been known to involve their "hubbies" in the fun. EXERCISE CLASS PARTICIPANTS: We would like to acknowledge those in the Exercise Class for helping to set up many of our events. If you have not yet given the exercise class a try, drop in on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. for a fun fitness workout. CLEANUP OF ILLEGAL DUMPING: In mid-November, a large amount of trash was dumped on the dirt road connecting 106th St. East to 96th St. East. Many thanks to Evert Kempenaar, Bruce Love, Mike Gosselaar, and Larry Mick for cleaning up this unsightly mess (SEE PHOTO ON NEXT PAGE). The trash filled Bruce Love's trailer and Evert Kempenaar's truckbed; they delivered the trash to the Waste Management landfill. USPS mail items in the trash cited a Palmdale resident's name and address. Keep an eye out for vehicles carrying trash in Juniper Hills and note the vehicle description and license number. Cellphone cameras can record this data. According to Larry Levin, a member of the Los Angeles County Trash Task Force, illegal dumpings such as this will be investigated and prosecuted by Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and the District Attorney only if the reporting parties are willing to go to court. 3 KUDOS, CONTINUED Many thanks to Evert Kempenaar, Bruce Love, Mike Gosselaar, and Larry Mick for cleaning up a large amount of trash dumped on the dirt road connecting 106th St. East to 96th St. East in November. They delivered the trash to the Waste Management landfill. USPS mail items in the trash cited a Palmdale resident's name and address. ANNOUNCEMENTS 2015 WINE TASTING EVENT TASTE-TESTING TO START IN APRIL: The 2014 Wine Tasting was a huge success and would not have happened without all of our wonderful workers! Success depends on community participation; if you’ve never volunteered, step up! It’s a great chance to meet your neighbors and help the community. The 2015 Wine Tasting event will move from the first weekend in November to October 24th (one week earlier). The first taste-testing will begin in late April. Tasters: get your taste buds ready! Watch for details in future newsletters. CALLING ALL BOOK WORMS: The Juniper Hills Book Circle meets the first Thursday of the month from 7 to 9 p.m. at members’ homes in Juniper Hills. We each read different books and give brief reports on them. Books are shared and/or circulated. For information call Barbara at 944-5537. EXERCISE CLASSES: If you’re down and out, lift up your head and shout... exercise will make it a great day. Join local ladies at the Community Center and get your heart pumping and the blood to your brain. Exercise sessions are held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 to 10 a.m. (except holidays). For more information call Louise at 944-5227. CERT (COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM): Our CERT supplies container has been given a coat of paint and CERT lettering applied by Lori Weatherbie's daughters, Deni and Terri. We continue to accumulate emergency supplies for storage in our container. CERT meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at the Berean Church, 38050 30th St. East, Palmdale, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Juniper Hills and the foothill communities are included with the Palmdale CERT. To stay updated on current information, go to If you want to be a part of our FRS (Family Radio Service), join us every Monday night at 7:30 p.m. on Channel 14. It's important to be able to reach our neighbors in an emergency. FRS radios can be purchased at Target, Costco and Best Buy. CERT Tips: 1) Be sure you have at least one week’s supply of necessities to get you through the possibility of bad weather; and 2) Always keep your vehicle's gas tank at least half-full. JUNIPER HILLS COMMUNITY EMAIL NOTIFICATION SYSTEM: Join the list by emailing your email address, name and Juniper Hills residence address to [email protected]. HILLTOP CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES: Another busy Christmas season has gone by. We thank the Junibees for their help in donating food used for our Thanksgiving baskets. As this letter arrives at your door we hope you all had a Happy New Year and will join us for our Easter Sunrise Service. Several churches are involved in this early morning service. The event includes live music, a spiritual message and fellowship with your neighbors. We would love to see you there. – Pastor Rick Whitehouse LOST & FOUND: A ring was recently found in the kitchen of the Juniper Hills Community Center. Please call Leslie Jones at 944-4531 to identify your lost ring. 4 5 ADVERTISERS TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS NEWSLETTER: Send a check (payable to the Juniper Hills Community Association) and your business card or advertising copy to David Borden, P.O. Box 192, Littlerock, CA 93543. Once processed, your ad will appear in the JHCA newsletters for the following twelve-month period. If possible, send an electronic version of your business card to [email protected]. Annual ad costs are: • $25 for one-sided business card • $50 for two-sided business card • $100 for one-half page 6 ADVERTISERS, CONTINUED TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS IN THIS NEWSLETTER: Send a check (payable to the Juniper Hills Community Association) and your business card or advertising copy to David Borden, P.O. Box 192, Littlerock, CA 93543. Once processed, your ad will appear in the JHCA newsletters for the following twelve-month period. If possible, send an electronic version of your business card to [email protected]. Annual ad costs are: • $25 for one-sided business card • $50 for two-sided business card • $100 for one-half page 7 ADVERTISERS, CONTINUED AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DOWSERS Sharen S. Connelly E.A. Enrolled to practice before the I.R.S. Accounting-Bookkeeping-Income Tax WILLIAM GREGORY (661) 944-0225 661.944.1180 "WE SPEAK TAX" ENROLLED AGENTS the taxpayers' tax experts Let my 30+ years experience help you with your Accounting & Tax needs. [email protected] 7193 Pearblossom Hwy., Littlerock, CA 93543 - Individual Income Tax Returns - Small Business Bookkeeping - Payroll & Payroll Returns, W-2's - Sales Tax Returns - Partnerships, Trusts & Estates - Corporate, S-Corp & LLCs - Help with Personal Bookkeeping & Bill paying - IRS problems ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS HERE! 8 2015 JUNIPER HILLS COMMUNITY CALENDAR Date February 7 March 21 April 18 April 18 May 2 Time 8 – 11 a.m. 6 – 10:30 p.m. 8 – 11 a.m. 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. May 16 June 6 July 25 August 22 September 19 October 24 November 14 December 5 8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. 6 – 9 p.m. 6 – 10:30 p.m. 7 – 10 p.m. 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. 4 – 7 p.m. 8 – 11 a.m. 6 – 9 p.m. 1st Wednesday 1st Thursday 7 p.m. 7 p.m. 2nd Wednesday 7 p.m. 3rd Wednesday Noon Event Pancake & Waffle Breakfast Vegas Nite Pancake & Waffle Breakfast Yard Sale $10 for 10’ x 10’ or $20 for 10’ x 20’ Chipping Day DATE DUBJECT TO CHANGE Work Day General Meeting & Potluck Dinner Burgers ‘N Brew & Band Dessert Under The Stars Work Day Wine Tasting Event Pancake Breakfast & Holiday Boutique General Meeting & Potluck Dinner Cost/Notes Adults $5; Children $3 Presale $13; On Site $15 Adults $5; Children $3 Call 944‐5337 for reservations. Branches under 4” only. No Trash! Donations to YOYO Welcome! Lunch provided for workers Free! Bring salad, main dish or dessert for 10‐12 Presale $14; On Site $16; Children $6 Donation to Speaker and Junibees Lunch provided for workers $30 per person PRICE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Adults $5; Children $3 Free! Bring salad, main dish or dessert for 10‐12 JH Town Council Meeting YOYO (You’re On Your Own) Committee JH Community Association Board Meeting Junibees Meeting & Luncheon No meeting in January and July Meetings held only in even‐numbered months No meeting in January, June and December No meeting in July and August HELPFUL CONTACTS A.V. Union High School District County of Los Angeles 5th District Supervisor Michael Antonovich Field Deputy Norm Hickling Animal Care Center (Lancaster shelter) Assessor AVECC (hazardous waste) Fire Department Littlerock Library Mental Health (Antelope Valley) Mental Health (Palmdale) Public Health 24‐hour Hotline Sheriff’s Department (Palmdale) Devil’s Punchbowl Natural Area Junibees Representative Juniper Hills Community Association Juniper Hills Community Center Rentals Juniper Hills Town Council Juniper Hills YOYO Committee Keppel Union School District Road Closures in California USDA Forest Service (District Ranger) US Post Office ‐ Littlerock US Post Office ‐ Pearblossom (661) 948‐7655 (213) 974‐5555 (661) 726‐3600 (661) 940‐4191 (661) 940‐6700 (888) CLEAN LA (323) 881‐2411 (661) 944‐4138 (661) 723‐4260 (661) 575‐1800 (888) 700‐9995 (661) 272‐2400 (661) 944‐2743 (661) 944‐4531 (661) 944‐4967 (661) 944‐4967 (661) 944‐1130 (661) 944‐1351 (661) 944‐2155 (800) 427‐7623 (661) 269‐2808 (661) 944‐4002 (661) 944‐2418 9 Website: Email:‐mail/ Dial 911 for Emergencies Dial 911 for Emergencies http://www.juniperhills‐ http://www.juniperhills‐ You’re On Your Own Committee‐bin/roads.cgi
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