Document 70419

Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
A Not-for-Profit Organization
Member: National Association for Olmsted Parks
Member: North Essex Chamber of Commerce
Dedicated to the maintenance, restoration and enhancement of the Grover Cleveland Park
Vol. XII Issue I
June 2013
The Centennial anniversary of the initial purchase of land for the Grover Cleveland Park is underway!
Jeanne Kolva kicked off the GCPC lecture series on March 3 enlightening a large crowd at the West
Caldwell Library on Olmsted Parks in New Jersey. In her book, she uses 1915 as the anniversary date of
the park as construction began in that year. Thanks to the forethought of the Essex County Park
Commission (now Essex County Park System), and the landscape architectural expertise of the
Olmsted Firm in Brookline, MA, this special park, affectionately dubbed the “hidden gem of Essex
County,” is located here in Caldwell and Essex Fells. The second lecture was presented by Dick
Cummings on April 17 at the Caldwell Library about the History of Grover Cleveland Park. Mr.
Cummings, through years of research, has discovered that the park was once the site of a paper mill
and various farms. The topography of the park has changed, but the brook has drawn both people and
animals for centuries and is the focus of the park.
Warren Marchioni spoke on the Natural History of GCP on May 22 at the Caldwell Library educating the audience about the
plants and animals of the park. The park has an abundance of flora to attract animals, but of course the pond and brook are
major attractions for all. The last lecture will be on October 13 GCPC and the Future of the Park: Restoring and Preserving its
Woodlands, which will be presented by Claudia Kolster and Caroline Mescia at the West Caldwell Library at 2 p.m.
In May, the Caldwell Library featured historic post cards of Grover Cleveland Park provided by the GCPC. These will be
available for viewing again at future park events. On June 1, the Conservancy had a booth at Art on the Avenue in Caldwell
displaying artwork featuring the park. Lisa Palombo, Pat Flaherty, Janet Calvert, Harriet Kushins, Diane Mensinger, and the late
Dr. David Frisch’s works displayed for visitors to admire.
Join us at future events to celebrate the park which has been a place of peace, tranquility, congregation, recreation and
inspiration to area residents for 100 years:
Model Sailboat Demonstrations – June 30, 1 p.m. – at the pond. Watch and take a turn controlling large scale model sailboats,
courtesy of the Sunset Lake Model Yacht Club.
Concert in the Park and Anniversary Reception – August 1
Individuals are encouraged to give $100 in honor of the 100th
Reception – 5:30 p.m. – tent in the pond field - $25 pp
suggested donation ($20-members). Enjoy appetizers, wine
and beer catered by Tierney’s Copperhouse in Fairfield.
anniversary this year to help with costs associated with this
event as well as to fund future landscape rehabilitation projects.
Also, if you have a business that can sponsor, please consider
additional levels of support:
Concert – The Kootz, 7 p.m. – pond field. Part of the Essex
$100 – Sponsor
$200 – Patron
County Summer Concert Series, The Kootz is a local band
$750 – Benefactor (Carnegie)
that plays classic rock ‘n roll. Dinner will be available for a
$1,000 – Architect (Olmsted)
$1,500 – Revolutionary (Caldwell)
charge from Hog Wild in Caldwell (vegetarian and
$2,000 – Presidential (Cleveland)
chicken options too). Historic park photos and photos of
The Kootz’s founding member, the late Dr. David Frisch, will be on display.
Centennial Celebration – September 21, noon – 4 p.m. – pond field. Fun for the whole family – demonstrations, crafts, games,
scavenger hunt, food, music. Co-sponsored with Essex County Park System.
50/50 drawing – Tickets on sale now – contact the GCPC to purchase; available also at the events. Drawing at 3:30 p.m. on
September 21. Three winners to receive 1/3 each of 50% of the amount received. Winner need not be present.
Lecture: GCPC and the Future of the Park – October 13, 2 p.m., West Caldwell Library.
Halloween Parade – October 26, 10 a.m. The Halloween Parade returns to the Park! Costumed children through grade 3 are
welcome to this fun display of creativity. Co-sponsored with West Caldwell Parks and Recreation.
P.O. Box 203, Caldwell, New Jersey 07006
973-618-9154 [email protected]
Page 2
Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
June 2013
Thank you for your commitment to the Grover Cleveland
Park Conservancy for 5 or 10 years! Your support has made
our work possible!
5 Year Members
Bell, Frederick & Evelyn
Callaghan, Jerry & Wendy
Cordaro, Barbara Ann
Frelinghuysen, Rodney P.
Pak, Kristin
Spillane, Tom & Barbara
10 Year Members
DeFilippis, Carl
Dell, Amy
Kent, Gregory & Phyllis
Kolster, David & Claudia
Lally, Tim & Kathleen
Michelsen, Deborah
Pirozzi, Michael & Jenny Loan
Travers, Stephen & Diane
Wefferling & Co., CPAs, LLC
All meetings open to the public.
June 20, 7:30 p.m. – Business Meeting. Caldwell Municipal Building, 2nd
Floor Conf. Room.
July 18, 7:30 p.m. – Open Meeting. Caldwell Municipal Building, 2nd
Floor Conf. Room.
Sept. 19, 7:30 p.m. – Open Meeting. Caldwell Municipal Building, 2nd
Floor Conf. Room.
Centennial events listed on Page 1.
The GCPC is proud to introduce a new line of clothing
merchandise which is available for purchase by contacting the
GCPC and at all of our events.
The GCPC has discovered that
the beloved concrete turtle
that used to reside in the
playground is somewhat of a
celebrity or at least an artifact
of mid-twentieth century
design. The GCPC preserved
playground was renovated in
2003 because many felt it was an icon. It was relocated to the
children’s garden next to the playground and incorporated as
part of the landscape. This project was completed in 2005 by
Girl Scout Troop 850 of Caldwell/W. Caldwell. These girls are
now in college!
“Tommy” was created by Play
Scapes in the 1960s and could
delivered. The turtle was built
to climb on and under, and
According to the Play Scapes
website blog, the Grover Cleveland Park turtle is one of only
four in New Jersey!
The Garden Club of the Caldwells invited representatives of
GCPC as their guest speakers at their May meeting. Claudia
Kolster and Warren Marchioni gave a history of the park and
Conservancy and shared the Conservancy’s plans for the
There was one glorious day of skating on January 27.
Remember to keep your skates or trade them (we will help
connect you with a pair to swap) as there is always hope for
skating in future years.
Cap: $15
T-shirt – sizes youth M – adult XL: $12
T-shirt – sizes 2XL-3XL: $14
Women’s t-shirt: $12
Hoodie: $25
(large logo on back of t-shirt and hoodie)
The Annual Meeting of the GCPC was held on February 21 in
the Caldwell Municipal Building. The Annual Report was
reviewed and plans for 2013 discussed.
The three Trustee positions were filled by Paul Boeckel, Lisa
Garrity and Claudia Kolster. Janet Calvert and Douglas
Morrison volunteered to serve on the Advisory Board. They
will be a great addition. The officer positions remain:
President Claudia Kolster, Vice President Paul Boeckel,
Treasurer Loren Betros and Secretary Lisa Garrity.
The Centennial Committee reported that plans are
progressing and 2013 will continue to be a busy, fun year to
celebrate the park’s 100th anniversary. Volunteers are still
needed for planning and assisting at events. Please let us
know of your interest to help.
Become a member or renew
your membership and receive
a GCPC car magnet. Proudly
display your support of Essex
County’s gem on your car!
Page 3
Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
June 2013
Children’s House Roof Repairs Many thanks to Bay Roofing & Construction who will donate repairs of roof leaks on the
Children’s House in June. The roof is natural slate which requires specialized repair. Bay Roofing also donated repair work for
the Children’s House in 2002.
Landscaping Privatized In 2012, Essex County completed the privatization of the maintenance in all of the parks. Grover
Cleveland Park is maintained by a private landscape firm. The County workers are still involved in special projects and
structural maintenance, but not grass cutting and general landscaping.
Landscape Enhancements At the GCPC’s suggestion, the County
built planters at the base of the year-old entrance signs at Westville
Avenue and Runnymede Road. The GCPC funded and planted
these new gardens designed by Claudia Kolster.
The Conservancy also purchased 5 new Zelkova trees; three were
planted to the left of the Children’s House where many trees were
removed last year due to their decline, and two were planted in the
area of the Turtle Garden. These trees were chosen as they are
stately shade trees. They are considered to be a substitute for the
American Elm. The GCPC also contracted for the grinding of the tree stump near the Turtle Garden. The GCPC continues to be
vigilant in the assistance given to address broken or damaged items. Additionally, the GCPC helps to identify and correct
dangerous or unsightly conditions in the park.
The GCPC planted and maintains the Gould Street triangle garden. Every year new perennials are added and
some have to be replaced. The lucothoe which borders the garden has been especially stressed by dog urine.
This, of course is toxic in large quantities. To encourage dog owners to prohibit their dogs from “watering”
these plants, the County produced signs and placed them in the garden. The plants seem to appreciate the
reduced pet watering.
Maintenance Essex County installed two ADA accessible picnic tables near
the Buttonwood Road parking lot in March. These tables are accessed via a
new paved pathway from the parking lot and enhanced by plantings around
the pavement. The GCPC will purchase two similar tables to be placed near
the Children’s House.
The Pond Curly-leaf pondweed again plagued the pond this spring. This plant was originally introduced into the US for use in
aquariums. The plant’s flowers grow above the water in May and the plant dies by July. Unfortunately, during decomposition,
oxygen is consumed which can significantly diminish these levels in the water. There are two methods to remove this invasive
weed – chemicals or physical removal, neither of which is perfect. The GCPC and Essex County will work together to determine
if there is a successful solution that can be implemented in 2014.
Did you know the clay court near the playground is intended
for bocce?
This game is generally recognized as
one of the oldest on the planet.
Bocce, or a game comparable to it, is
depicted on a 7,000 year old tomb
painting in Egypt. Developed into its
present form in Italy during the Roman empire, the game
spread far and wide and versions of it are now played in
nearly every country. The game consists of eight balls
("bocces") that are about the size of grapefruits, and one
smaller ball (like a golf ball) called the pallino (or "jack"). The
game is played on a court with wooden sides and compacted
soil for a surface. The court is 90 feet long and varies in width
from 7 to 13 feet. The court in our park is 9'4" wide.
A game can be played with two players or teams of two, three
or four. After the pallino is rolled down the court, the object is
for each team or individual player to try to get their ball as
close to the pallino as possible. The team or player receives a
point for each of their balls that are closer to the pallino than
the closest ball of their opponent. Game length may vary but
is typically between 7 and 13 points. What adds excitement to
the game is that players can try to hit either the pallino or an
opponent's ball to change its position. Thus, a ball that may
have scored initially might not end up scoring at all by the
end of the round. Competition can generate a good deal of
emotion during a game.
We know that the bocce court was not installed in the park at
its inception but became quite popular once they were.
However, as with all recreational pursuits, the game seems to
have fallen out of favor in the past decade or so and the
courts, though maintained, appear abandoned. Perhaps,
sometime in the future, the appeal of this classic game will
once more bring out the players. Bocce balls for park goers’
use are available in the Children’s House game box.
Directions are also stored for your convenience. Please return
all game equipment.
Page 4
Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
June 2013
Dec. 2012 – “Congratulations to all of you on the many
achievements accomplished in the last 11 years. And best
wishes as you celebrate the 100th anniversary of this
much-improved and beautiful park.”
The date on your address label is the date of your last
donation. If there is no date on your label, you have received a
complimentary newsletter. Please make a donation to support
the work of the Conservancy and to continue to receive news
of the Grover Cleveland Park. We gladly accept your
employer’s matching gift. Continue to support the GCPC!
Renew your yearly membership: $20 per household. Receive a
GCPC logo car magnet with each $20 membership.
Jan. 2013 – “We appreciate all you do to keep the Park a great
place. We are very lucky to live near such a gem and have
such caring people involved. We look forward to this to
Over 50 people volunteered on April 20 to clean the park. The
support of individuals is critical to keeping the park beautiful!
Numerous bags of trash were collected and some spring
planting was done in the Gould Street Triangle Garden. The
park always shines after so much TLC. The volunteers are
listed on the last page. Thank you to all!
If you notice any lights out in the park, please feel free to contact
PSE&G with this information. All you need is the number on the
light stanchion and the general location. You can enter this
information on their web site:; then click on the
“Town/City” option under “PSE&G Customer Service;” then click
on “Report a Streetlight Outage.” Or you can call: 1-800-436-PSEG
(7734). Everyone can help!
Playground House – pre-2003 – boarded up and not used.
Note cards of scenes of
Grover Cleveland Park
purchase. Ten cards and
envelopes are $15. Each
package has two cards
each of five different
seasonal scenes of the
park taken by the late
Fri sc h.
The se ma k e wonderful
gifts! Contact GCPC to purchase.
Playground House – 2004 – post renovation
Wendy Callaghan
Janet Calvert
Patty McGrogan-Fost
Douglas Morrison
Sharon Morrissey
Suzy von Lengerke
Lisa Garrity
Claudia Wilcke Kolster
Caroline Mescia
Suzy von Lengerke
President, Claudia Kolster ‘16*
V. Pres., Paul Boeckel, ‘16
Treasurer, Loren Betros ‘15
Secretary, Lisa Garrity ‘16
Kathleen Carrara ‘15
Warren Marchioni ‘14
Caroline Mescia ‘14
Barbara Pucciarello ‘14
Susan Zayas ‘15
*year term expires
Page 5
Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
Anne Filkin Lamps and Shades
Caldwell Collision, Inc.
Caldwell Plumbing
Conceptual Interiors
James R. Haas Landscape Spectrum
K. Macken Landscaping
Lakeland Bank
Rotary Club of Fairfield
Smith & Co.
Spencer Savings
Weffering & Co., CPAs, LLC
West Caldwell Animal Hospital
Calandra’s Italian Village
Caldwell Seafood
Print Shack
Original Pancake House
R. Ventola Landscaping LLC
John Young Realtors
Dancy Funeral Home
Bay Roofing & Construction
Cloverleaf Tavern
Forté Pizzeria & Ristorante
Jack’s Super Foodtown
Presidential – Grover Cleveland ($2,000+)
Revolutionary – James Caldwell ($1,500)
Architect – Frederick Law Olmsted ($1,000)
Benefactor – Andrew Carnegie ($750)
Essex – Lewis Lockward ($500)
Patron ($200)
Sponsor ($100)
Bold indicates donations received December 1, 2012 – June 7, 2013
Chris, Ellen & Pete Knipshild – 1955
(shows the pond house as it was originally as an open air pavilion)
June 2013
Alvarez, Yolanda
Basile, Salvatore & Stephanie
Bell, Frederick & Evelyn
Berisso, Jane
Betros, Bruce & Loren
Bionde, Gary & Betty Lou
Blumberg, Irene
Brown, Florence in memory of
Ronald F. Brown
Callaghan, Wendy
Calvert, Janet
Cane, Linda
Carrara, Doug & Kathleen
Collura, Pat & Grace
Cordaro, Barbara Ann
Cummings, Richard & Anne
Dassing, Ann
DeFilippis, Carl
Dell, Amy
Dromgoole, Gary & Cathy
Eicher, Barbara
Emanuele, Jim & Bea
Essex Lodge #7 F. & A.M.
Fedlman, Stuart & Jackie Davidson
Fischer, Kathleen
Flaherty, Patricia
Fost, David & Patty McGrogan
Frelinghuysen, Rodney
Garden Club of the Caldwells
Garfinkel, Linda
Garrity, Francis & Lisa
Glazier, Gwen
Goldstein, Neil & Joyce
Halprin, Arthur & Doris
Hann, Linda
Hunter, Robert
Jones, Ellen
Kaplan Robert & Barbara
Kelley, John & Susan
Kent, Gregory & Phyllis
Kolster, David & Claudia
Krupp, Edward & Monika
Kuczborski, Anthony & Roxanne
Lally, Tim & Kathleen
Langer, Jason & Margie
Leonard’s Barbershop
Lynch, James
Maguire, Mike & Julianne
Majzner, Israel & Linda
Mannell, Matthew & Lara
Marchioni, Warren & Ann
McCabe, Eileen
Mello, Susan
Mescia, Peter & Caroline
Michales, Greg, Carole &
Michelsen, Deborah
Mondsini, Frank & Natalie
Morrison, Doug & Susan
Morrissey, Sharon
Nordstedt, Mary Ellen in honor of:
Marie Mazzeo
Pak, Kirstin
Piccoli, Lenore in memory of:
Marie Mazzeo
Pirozzi, Michael & Jenny Loan
Pucciarello, Barbara
Reilly, Lawrence & Keara
Roth, Rebecca
Sachs, Michael & Cathryn
Sandler, Richard & Susan
Scott, Andrew & Stacey
Searing, Claire
Slattery, Michael & Kay
Spillane, Thomas & Barbara
Stairiker, Peter & Ginny
Stewart, James & Louise
Thibodaux, Jay & Jennifer
Travers, Stephen & Diane
Vellekamp, Roger & Jessie
Vitkowsky, Barbara
Vogelsang, Jane
von Lengerke, Justus & Suzy
Wefferling & Co., CPAs, LLC
Weil, Gil & Shirley
West Essex Woman’s Club
White, Brad & Ellie
Witt, Penelope
Wood, Lin & Diane Mensinger
Zatta, Leo & Janet
Zayas, Jeff & Susan
Zhang, Heng & Kim Wing Cheung
• Memorial donation for Marie Mazzeo from Lenore Piccoli.
• Memorial donation for Ronald F. Brown from Florence Brown.
ADP Business Wire
Benjamin Moore Paints
The Prudential Foundation
James Caldwell Circle ($2,500+)
Olmsted Circle ($1,000+)
Andrew Carnegie Circle ($500+)
Lewis Lockward Circle ($250+)
Sponsors ($100+)
Donors ($50+)
IN-KIND DONATIONS (December 1, 2012 – June 7, 2013):
•John Badagliacca, Esq. and the law firm of Garrity, Graham, Murphy,
Garofalo & Flinn
Bridge to parking lot – 1941
The Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy!
Thank you to those who volunteered their time and effort in
the spring of 2013. Without these people, the work of the
Conservancy would not be possible. If you are interested in
volunteering, please let us know!
Araneo Family
Aranowitz, Stephanie
Avarino, Christina
Basile, Sophia
Basile, Stephanie
Blumberg, Irene
Borham, Doug
Bubb, Greg
Callaghan, Abigail
Callaghan, Jerry
Calvert, Janet
Casale, AJ
Casale, Hope
Courtright, Gregory
Cummings, Dick
Diercksen, Doug
Dromgoole, Cathy
Dromgoole, Colin
Durkin, Ed
Fano, Steven
Farrell, Shane
Fox, Matthew
Glazier, Gwen
Grasso, Nick
Gutierrez, Nick
Hann, Linda
Helsel, John
Jamiler, Courtney
Kearns, Avery
Kearns, Chris
Kearns, Laney
Kelley, John
Kerrigan, Grace
Kerrigan, Tim
Kolster, David
Kong, Alice
Layton, Ethan
Layton, Stacey Li, Dennis
List, Leslie
Marchioni, Anne
Marsh, Jacob
Marsh, Tracy
Mescia, Perry
Mescia, Trevor
McGrogan-Fost, Patty
Mensinger, Diane
Pace, Joe
Pezzola, Jaden
Pucciarello, Jonathan
Rivera, Christian
Rodrigues, Audrey
Spezzacatena, Ryan
Staehle, Jaime
Stairiker, Ginny
Thibodaux, Jay
Thibodaux, Jennifer
Topolewski, Ana
Topolewski, Ava
Ving, Zoe
von Lengerke, Suzy
Ward, Shannon
Wilson, Gary
Zayas, Jeff
Brownie Troop 2286
Jefferson Elementary School – 13
GCPC Trustees & Advisory Board
Please Join Us!
Check if your contact information has changed.
Annual Membership Levels:
I’d like to volunteer
I’d like to receive email
Lewis Lockward Circle
I’d like to receive the
Andrew Carnegie Circle
newsletter via email
$1,000+ Olmsted Circle
$2,500+ James Caldwell Circle
$5,000+ Grover Cleveland Circle
I have enclosed my employer’s matching gift form.
Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law
Note: Donations of $20 or more entitle you to a GCPC Annual Membership.
Please make checks payable to:
Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
Send to:
P.O. Box 203
Caldwell, NJ 07006
You can also contact us at:
973-618-9154 or [email protected]
Grover Cleveland Park is located in Caldwell along Brookside Avenue and
in Essex Fells along Runnymede Road.
Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
P.O. Box 203
Caldwell, NJ 07006
[email protected]
A New Jersey Not-For-Profit Organization