ST. MARK’S VISION JANUARY 2015 Christmas Cantata & Cookie Bake Tree Cutting & Snow Angels A Monthly Newsletter of St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church ST. MARK’S VISION Page 2 St. Mark’s Evangelical Lutheran Church PO Box 381/ 2840 Cold Springs Road Baldwinsville New York 13027 [email protected] (315) 638-0406 ST. MARK’S MISSION STATEMENT St. Mark’s Lutheran Church exists to embrace all persons we meet with the Good News of God’s unconditional love in Jesus Christ and to empower all for joyful service in the church and the world. CHURCH INFORMATION Interim Pastor ~ Rev. Paul Dreher-Wiberg (315) 420-4543 Hours: Tues, Wed, Thurs 9-12 Church Office ~ 638-0406 Email: [email protected] Website: St Mark’s 2014 Council Officers President ~ Andy Olson Vice President ~ Renee Mooney Secretary ~ Mary Anderson Treasurer ~ Mark Hopkins PLEASE CALL THE CHURCH OFFICE WHEN You or a family member is sick or in the hospital. You are planning a meeting or scheduling an event, so it can be placed on the church calendar. A baby is expected in your family. You want to arrange for a Baptism or Wedding. A family member has passed away. Your telephone number or address has changed or if you are planning to move, locally or out of town. You feel the Church can help you in any way. Volume VII, Issue 1 Page 3 WORSHIP & MUSIC Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas to all! As you read this newsletter, we are still in the Christmas season. The Twelve Days ends on Epiphany, January 6, the original day of the Christmas celebration. On that day, we celebrate the arrival of the kings with their gifts, and enter a season filled with the light of Christ, as his glory is manifested to us through his baptism, his mission and finally his transfiguration on the mountain. In the baptism vein, on January 11, the feast of the Baptism of Christ, we will be having an adult forum on the link between communion and baptism. This is an important discussion, as many churches in the ELCA, like ours, have an open table, but do not continue with Christian education if someone is communing without being baptized. The ELCA has asked us to guide a discussion related to this, and I will lead our adult forums throughout the month of January, focusing on this and the Means of Grace. Please join us each Sunday at 9:15am. ~ Julie Choir Rehearsal Schedule Tuesday, January 6th Bells @ 5:45p Choir @ 7p Wednesday, January 14th Bells @ 5:45p Choir @ 7p Wednesday, January 21st No Choir or Bells Rehearsal Wednesday, January 28th Bells @ 5:45p Choir @ 7p PASTOR PAUL’S PONDERINGS As we look toward a new year of ministry, of challenges, of hope, and of expectation, I simply want to share with you (a bit late, since Advent is already behind us!) the wonderful writing of Ann Weems, from her book, Kneeling in Bethlehem. The piece is titled… The Church Year The church is Advent. the unwrapping of God’s greatest gift is near. Advent--coming. God will take away the tinsel and decorate our hearts in hope so that Christians can sit laughing in the rain, knowing that the Lord is going to shine in upon their being, For no matter how long the darkness, God will send the Light. In spite of cursing and violence and the massacring of human dignity, we will dance in the streets of Bethlehem, for He will be born! The church is Epiphany We are the Magi, searching, resplendent in this world’s accouterments of knowledge and wealth and achievement. But we search for something more, and—of all unlikely places— in a stable the Deity appears. The borning of our Lord bursts in upon our ordinary lives like fireworks in the snow. Only God would send a little baby King, and we are on our knees, where we are within reach of our full personhood. The church is Good Friday. Darkness burnt into blackness, abysmal absence of anything good. We acknowledge that death is real and we tremble for a world that would kill its God. Our feet stand in quicksand; our voices echo sterile silence. We huddle together to meet the dark and the death, forgetting what was taught us, forgetting that somewhere a seed is sprouting, somewhere a child is growing. All we see is Christ crucified. The church is Easter Out of Death: Life. Out of darkness: a lush green world flowers in the ice sunrays in the storm mustard seeds galore. Our souls enter a spiritual springtime, our bodies given over to leaping and dancing, our very beings saturated with hosannas. Our shouting crashes in upon this world: the Lord lives! we live! Resurrection resounds throughout our community. CONFIRMATION CLASS SCHEDULE: January 4th Class January 11th Class January 18th Class January 25th Class February 1st Class The church is Pentecost February 8th The Holy Spirit is poured out upon us Winter Retreat and sends us out together No Class aflame with new life, inheritors of the wealth of God: February 15th life abundant. No Class We are liberated from the prisons of pettiness, jealousy, and greed, February 22nd liberated to be the church. Class We are freed to free others. We are affirmed to affirm others. We are loved to love others. We are family; we are community. We are the church triumphant— you, me, anyone who would come unto the Lord— renewed, redirected, empowered to change things and lives together in love and wholeness. We are the Lord’s church, the church of justice and mercy, the people sent to open prisons, to heal the sick to clothe the naked to feed the hungry to reconcile to be alleluias when there is no music. The mantle is upon our shoulders. Joy is apparent in our living. We have been commissioned to be the Church of Jesus Christ. Volume VII, Issue 1 Page 6 ELCA MISSIONS THE HOLY INNOCENTS Right after Christmas, we commemorate the massacre of the Innocents, when King Herod killed all the baby boys hoping that one of them was the new Messiah, Jesus. Today, 2 million newborns die each year, 1/3 of them in Africa, from diseases, malnutrition, and various other preventable problems. The ELCA has many programs to help eradicate this statistic: The Malaria Campaign: a child dies every 60 seconds from malaria, but the good news is, it used to be every 45 seconds! World Hunger: 1 in 8 people globally are hungry. HIV and Aids: resources help eliminate HIV through prevention and reducing poverty. Lutheran Disaster Response: dealing with Ebola, typhoons, humanitarian crises, tornados and floods. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service: Remember, the reason Jesus survived was because he and his family were refugees in Egypt. Social Ministries: serve 60 million people in the US and Caribbean. A portion of your regular offering is sent by your congregation to the ELCA to help fund these programs. Thank you! Detroit Coffee Sale Coffee - $12 a bag Coffee Sleeves - $5 each Chocolate Spoons - 50c each as a fundraiser for Detroit. Save the Date! Blood Drive Saturday, February 14th Volume VII, Issue 1 Page 7 Women’s Breakfast Saturday, January 3 @ 9a Saturday, February 7 @ 9a Canal Walk Café Men’s Breakfast Saturday, January 10 @ 8a Saturday, February 14 @ 8a Canal Walk Café COFFEE & CONVERSATION Thursday, January 8th Thursday, February 5th See you at 10am! Book Club The Shoemaker’s Wife by Adriana Trigiani January 11th @ 4pm Hosted by Lori Honan Community Dinner January 15th 4:30-6pm Turkey Tetrazzini & Shepherd’s Pie Donations Needed: Styrofoam & Plastic Cups, Dinner Napkins, 2L Sodas, Dinner & Dessert Plates, Bottled Juice, Parmesan Cheese Please label all donated items clearly. Food of the Month We are starting to collect a single food each month for the local food pantry. Check here for a different food each month! January - Ramen Noodles February - Canned Stews & Meats CALENDAR @ ST. MARK’S JANUARY 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 29 30 31 Al-Anon Bible Study OFFICE @ 7p @ 11a CLOSED 4 5 6 7 WORSHIP Al-Anon Bible Study @ 8a & 10:30a @ 7p @ 11a OFFICE CLOSED 8 Coffee & Convo @ 10a Youth Leader Meeting @ 6:30p Friday 2 HAPPY NEW YEAR! NO CHOIR Boy Scout @ 7p CONFIRM & HIGH SCHOOL @ 9:15a Thursday 1 Saturday 3 College & Women’s HS Youth Breakfast Tacky 9a Sweater @ Canal Social Walk @ 7p 9 10 Committee Men’s Reports Breakfast Due 8a @ Canal Walk Bell Choir @ 5:45p NO SUNDAY SCHOOL (K-5th) Combined Choirs @ 7p Worship & Music Meeting @ 11:30a 11 12 13 14 WORSHIP Al-Anon Bible Study Bell Choir @ 8a & 10:30a @ 7p @ 11a @ 5:45p 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WORSHIP Luther Bible Study NO CHOIR @ 8a & 10:30a Bowl @ 11a 10a-4p SUNDAY SCHOOL Al-Anon @ 9:15a @ 7p 23 24 25 26 27 28 WORSHIP Al-Anon Bible Study Bell Choir @ 8a & 10:30a @ 7p @ 11a @ 5:45p 30 31 SUNDAY SCHOOL @ 9:15a Book Club Hosted by Lori Honan @ 4p SUNDAY SCHOOL @ 9:15a Worship & Music @ 7p Combined Choirs @ 7p 15 Vision Articles Due Community Dinner @ 4:30p Council @ 7p Combined Choirs @ 7p 29 Please arrive 15 minutes before the service. Please find your own substitute if needed and let the office know of the change. Snow Removal Altar Care Coffee Hour Children’s Mmt Nursery Care Counters Acolyte Lector Asst. Minister Children’s Mmt Coffee Hour 10:30 AM Greeter & Usher (s) Com. Assist Lector Acolyte Greeter(s) 8:00 AM Nick Lakomski The Earles Julie Burke-Keenan Lori Honan Kathie Ambrose Pastor Paul Mary Jo Lakomski Ann Kohler The Foucarts Tom Grindle Lori Honan Lorna Dupre Irv Candee Diane & Jonathan Oad David Grindle Tracy Hopkins David Grindle The Foucarts Karl Wolff Bob Sterner Andy Olson Bob Dupre Will Bishoff Andy Olson Andy Olson Lori Honan Lisa Cardella Ryan Carson Pastor Paul Cardella - Fries Family The Foucarts David Grindle Lori Honan Joe Cole Sue Sterner Katrina Hays-Peterson Will Grindle Valerie Cole The Kellars Judy Arendt Bente Haerum Sue Sterner Val Cole Sue Sterner The Foucarts Bob Dupre Sign Up Alex Lakomski Mary Jo Lakomski Julie Taylor Judy Earle Christa Carson Jean Goulet Martin Luther King Beckers Mooneys Lori Honan Lorna Dupre David Grindle Pastor Paul Greg Lamb Pastor Paul Tom Henry JAN 25 Christa Carson Katrina Wolff Tom Henry Mike Arendt Skylar Ronacher JAN 18 Ingrid Lindeqvist Jean Goulet Andy Olson Andy Olson Hannah Quimby JAN 11 Judy Earle Pat Andersen Judy Earle Judy Earle Sign Up JAN 4 Mark & Kathie Ambrose Mark Ambrose Katrina Wolff Brett Mooney JANUARY SERVANTS @ ST. MARK’S Volume VII, Issue 1 Page 10 St. Mark’s Youth Our youth were super busy this month! They baked 130 loaves of pumpkin bread for local seniors, cut down our Christmas Tree, taught May how to make snow angels, baked Cookies for the Cantata Coffee Hour, performed our Christmas Cantata and made Care Packages for the Homeless! All of our youth did such a great job during the Christmas Cantata! We are so proud of you all! The artwork, the singing, the playing and the reading! What a beautiful way to celebrate the holiday! Thank you to everyone who purchased coffee during our coffee sale. We will be selling it again for Valentine’s Day so if you are interested in any, please let Megan or one of the youth know! We have some great events coming up including Lutherbowl and our Winter Retreat! Be sure to sign up for both!! Please be sure to complete a Permission Slip for this upcoming year! You can find them on the Youth Bulletin Board! Mark Your Calendars Friday, January 2nd High School & College Tacky Sweater Social Monday, January 19th Lutherbowl Sunday, February 1st Souper Bowl Sunday February 6th-8th Winter Retreat @ Vanderkamp March 6th & 7th Volleyball Marathon Volume VII, Issue 1 Page 11 UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS Tacky Sweater Social: Friday, January 2nd Wear your tacky holiday sweater, bring a friend and be ready for a night of games. See you at 7pm. Lutherbowl: Monday, January 19th Day full of community service, worship & bowling! We will be meeting at King of Kings at 10:15am. Cost is $15 includes all bowling and lunch. Parents can pick you up at Flamingo Bowl at 4pm. Souper Bowl Sunday: Sunday, February 1st We will be collecting change and can goods for the local food pantry!! Look for more events to come!! Still working out the schedule! NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING FUNDRAISERS Bottle Drive: Saturday, January 3rd Katrina & her mom will be hosting our next fundraiser! Please join them at 9am for a bottle drive in their neighborhood. All those who help will get money towards their trip! Coffee Sale: Saturday, February 14th We still have some coffee left for sale. We will be selling it during the Blood Drive at the Church for Valentines Day. Please let Megan know if you can work the sale. Family Fundraisers: Each family is required to organize a fundraiser in the next few months. Be sure to let Megan know what you would like to do! Youth email: [email protected] Youth Coordinator: Megan Wolling 315-396-2006 Confirmation: Pastor Paul 315-638-0406 Teen: Tom Henry: 315-695-6677/ Katrina Wolff: 315-652-5069 Volunteers are always needed to help with youth events Email/call/talk to Megan to volunteer! Sunday School (K-5th) Schedule: January 4th - No Class January 11th - Class January 18th - Community Service Event January 25th - Class We still need volunteers to help with Community Service Events, see Megan or email the office for more information. Volume VII, Issue 1 Page 12 The Simply Giving Program A Simple Choice, A Generous Response Through the Church’s electronic giving program, Simply Giving, your offerings are made through a pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account. You determine the frequency - weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly and your donation is deposited in the church’s bank account the same day as the withdrawal. This benefits allowing you to share your donations through planned giving and activates your generosity into ongoing stewardship. Because your donation is given consistently, you don’t need to worry about year-end “catch -up” or forgotten checkbooks on Sundays. This benefits St. Mark’s...through steady, more predictable revenues throughout the year, more efficient bookkeeping and greater confidence in meetings financial commitments. You can choose to register for Simply Giving for: Your annual Regular Giving pledge for the general operating fund, or The Capital Fund, or Both the choice is up to you. You can also discontinue the program at any time, or change your amount or frequency of donations. To see a copy of the enrollment form, ask Sandy Lamb, or find a copy in the Gathering Room. Youth Winter Retreat @ Vanderkamp Our Annual Winter Retreat is for youth 6th grade and up! February 6-8th Cost: $25* Get ready for a weekend of great food, good fellowship, fun games and time in the snow! Adults are welcome too! There is plenty of space for everyone! If you are interested in helping out speak to Megan. * We reduced the price this year due to the large cost for Detroit. Volume VII, Issue 1 Page 13 Come Learn and Grow with Friends Learning Opportunities presented by Central Crossroads Learning at the Crossroads * = Satisfies Deacon Training Requirement http://Learningat Winter/Spring 2015 Cost: $20 Feb. 7 and March 21. 9 am registration; 9:30-2:30 classes, lunch included February 7-- *Get the First Hand Information! on poverty through the eyes of the Rescue Mission. Meet at the Rescue Mission, Eat with the folks, learn from the experts. Note if you want to car pool and/or can drive. March 21 --*Tom Henry Returns—To guide us in pondering issues of the church today with a historical perspective. Set the date aside now and plan to join us for this popular teacher. May 20—Stain Glass Workshop at VanderKamp—LIMITED TO THE FIRST 20 WHO REGISTER! Rev. Dan Hoffman will help each participant create their own work of art in the beautiful setting of VanderKamp in Cleveland, NY. Lunch is included. COST: $35 + $15 for supplies = $50. We have the camp from 9 am – 3 pm. Other Learning Opportunities to Consider: January 28, 2015—*Poverty Simulation: Registration 8:30 a.m. Event ends at 12 pm. Place: Genesee Grande Hotel, 1060 E Genesee St, Syracuse. Cost $5 per person payable to Visions for Change. Limited Seating. To register, Call 315-218-0938 before January 26. Poverty affects over 46 million Americans including 13.4 % of Onondaga County Residents—that’s 58,000 individuals in our back yard. This powerful simulation will help you better understand the issue, causes, and implications. January 30-31, 2015—*Boundary Workshop: Overnight (Friday pm to Saturday 2 pm) at St. Margaret’s Retreat Center in Utica, NY. Cost of $100 includes lodging and 3 meals (Fri. dinner, Sat. breakfast and lunch). To register, contact Sandy Shear at 518-852-6218. Taught by Rev. Diane Wheatley this meets boundary training requirements. Pick up a Registration Form on the Information Table! JANUARY BIRTHDAYS 2 6 8 9 10 13 14 17 18 20 22 Kirsten Roppel Lachlan Cole Judith Medina Wilda Loos Lisa Sidorakis Jeffrey Gaulrapp Sheena Switzer Irving Candee Brian Selberg Amy Sidorakis Robert Sterner Katherine Hopkins Timothy Stay Andrew Gallo 23 Patricia Andersen Garrett Church 24 Christa Carson 26 Katrina Wolff Kelley Hull 27 LeaAnn Quimby 28 Robert Scherfling Robert Chadwick Elizabeth Graydon 29 Sandy Lavier 31 Frank Mayosky III Lori Honan Linda Steinacher JANUARY BAPTISMS Donald Morrison 1 Charles Watkins Kathie Ambrose Heike Hays-Peterson Steven Hays 3 Alexis Quimby 5 Judy Earle 6 Colleen Henry 28 Katherine Gleason 30 Robert Foucart KEEP IN OUR PRAYERS Aaron Eden Apgar Edith Meissner Andrea Michaels Jacob Arnold Elizabeth Michand Kevin Bitter Joe Cole, Jr Jane Miller Jim & Pat Mooney Jelenne Cook Helen Neufang Bobbi Costaldo Mary Neufang Lori Dalton William Neufang, Jr. Gene Eckley Warren Noble Marie Everett Sandra Paone Richard Ferris Julie Peterson Filippi Family Rhonda Quimby Dan Fleming Bud Randall Joe Folchemer Bob Foucart Debbie Foster Fulton Family Suzanne Rivenburgh Sanctification of My Family John Sassaman Camryn Scott Lyle Goodman Sharon Smetzer Don Greene Janice Thompson Bill Harris Dewey Valentine David Hays Matthew Watkins Terry Kalenak Claire Wicks Carol Manville Pat Woods Dick Manville Mighty God, we give thanks for those who have sacrificed for the sake of peace. We ask you to guide and protect all those who serve our country, especially: Adam, Brandon, Donald, Christopher, Jeff, Jon, Justin, Lee, Liz and Stephen. Bring an end to all hostilities and war and increase the cooperation among the people of the world. We pray for our partner Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe and our mission partner Immanuel Lutheran Church in Clay. God of our salvation, strengthen your Church in its witness to your redeeming grace and inspire us to service in the Church and the world. We pray for our leaders for our bishops Elizabeth Eaton and John Macholz. GO GREEN!! Stop your paper copy - email us at: [email protected] St. Mark’s Lutheran Church PO Box 381 Baldwinsville, NY 13027 Return Service Requested US Postage No. 19 Baldwinsville, NY 13027 Non-Profit
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