Parish of St. Michael, Waialua w/Mission of Saints Peter and Paul, Waimea Bay 67-390 Goodale Avenue, Waialua, HI 96791 59-810 Kamehameha Hwy. Haleiwa, HI 96712 Ph.: (808) 637-4040 Fax: (808) 637-4287 School: (808) 637-7772 Fax: (808) 637-7722 Father Lusius Nimu,, Pastor Father Benny Kosasih,, Priest In Residence Mrs. Deanna M.B. Arecchi, School Principal Email: [email protected] St. Michael School: [email protected] Website: To the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary: Honor and Glory Forever—Amen! MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Saturday 7:00AM St. Michael Church Saturday 5:00PM St. Michael Church Sunday 7:00AM & 10:00AM St. Michael Church 7:30AM & 9:30AM Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul LITURGY OF THE HOUR MORNING PRAYERS Monday—Friday 6:40A.M. St. Michael Church RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Saturday Only (Or by appointment) 4:00-4:30PM St. Michael Church St. Michael Church and School, Waialua Church established 1853 School established 1944 Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul, Waimea Bay Established 1953 OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 9:00AM to 3:00PM CLOSED HOLIDAYS Here I am Lord, this is the response of Samuel to God’s calling. The Lord wants us to respond just the way Samuel does in the first reading. God calls each of us to discipleship through lives of stewardship. Just as Samuel was confused, we, too, may fail to understand what God is calling us to at times. Nevertheless, just like Samuel we do need to respond “Here I am Lord.” That is not always easy and it can be uncomfortable at times. Eli instructs Samuel to respond “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” Samuel does so and “the Lord was with him.” Our challenge is first to hear God’s call. It is there always, but we must listen for it. Then we need to respond to that call, and we need to respond in ways that show we recognize that the call is to service and the call is for us to be disciples. It is only implied initially, but it is clear that the Lord is calling Samuel by name. In the same way, God calls each of us by name. We need to hear that as Samuel did, and we need to respond as Samuel did, “Here I am Lord. I come to do your will.” Let us, too, as a community hear God’s calling and hopefully we answer His calling through different ministry that we are willing to be involved in. God Bless You All, Fr. Lusius Nimu Biography of Father Benny Kosasih, I am the youngest in the family of 4 children. My hobbies are playing guitar, watching movie, reading good books (philosophy, psychology, spirituality, computer technology and web design etc.). My favorite sports are ping pong, badminton and hiking. 1992: Joined the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Indonesian province. 1999: Graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Theology and Philosophy at Parahyangan University, Bandung Indonesia. 2001-2002: Studied English in Singapore. June, 2002: Ordained as Priest by Bishop of Bandung, Indonesia, Alexander Djajakusuma. July, 2002-January, 2006: Assigned as Parochial Vicar at St. Gabriel Bandung, while also teaching for sscc postulant. October, 2006 - March 2013: Assigned as Parochial Vicar at St. Ann’s, Kaneohe, Hawaii USA. April, 2013: 1 year Study at Seattle Central Community College, Seattle. WA. January, 2015: Priest in residence at St. Michael Parish. SUNDAY JANUARY 18, 2015 SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19/Psalm 40/ 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20/John 1:35-42 TWO (2) SECOND COLLECTIONS JANUARY 24 & 25, 2015 CHURCH IN LATIN AMERICA & BLACK AND INDIAN MISSIONS Next week we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America. Your gifts will fund catechesis, marriage and family life programs, and seminarian formation. We also will take up collection for the Black and Indian Mission. This Mission exists to help diocesan communities to build the Church and preach the Gospel of Jesus among the African American, Native American, and Alaska Native people of God. The support you give will provide opportunities for years to come. Please support these collections and be please be generous in today’s collections. EPIC MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENT (Joshua Kapika, Director of Youth and Young Adults) EPIC Waialua will be joining our sister EPIC Wahiawa for a special guest speaker on Monday, January 19th at Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Wahiawa at 7:00PM. The guest speaker will be Meg Hunter-Kilmer a speaker, blogger and hobo for Christ. Meg has traveled across the nation giving talks to Youth and Young Adults. She will be joining the EPIC ministry for a night of Faith Sharing and will be presenting on “What Makes US Catholic: The Reformation and What Truly Separates Us”. I strongly encourage our Young Adults of the parish to join EPIC Waialua and EPIC Wahiawa for a night of faith and fellowship at Our Lady of Sorrows Church. ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL NEWS This was our first full week of school and the students have settled into the 3rd quarter. The school had their first Mass with Father Lusius on Wednesday. It was a time for the students to meet and greet him as our new Pastor. The homily was about helping others around us and Father Lusius went into the student body asking students what they would do in the scenario that Father gave them. It was very positive and reflective. Father and Mrs. Arecchi then gave the students homework to be aware if they were helping others. They will check with students throughout the week leading up to next week Wednesday’s Mass on how much they helped others and themselves. No school on Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We’ll see everyone on Tuesday! Thank you for your support! COMMUNITY OUTREACH TODAY ~ 4:00PM Hale`iwa Beach Park & Hale`iwa Boat Harbor Volunteers please meet at St. Damien Hall At 3:45PM FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENT MANDATORY MEETING Sunday, January 25th St. Damien Hall at 11:10AM Calling all St. Michael Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion, and Ushers need to attend this important meeting. Fr. Lusius is calling this meeting, first of all, to personally meet each one of you and to discuss plans for these ministries. THIS MEETING IS ALSO OPEN TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN SERVING ON THESE MINISTRIES. PLEASE JOIN US. SALOME JAVIER Wake Service: Sunday, January 25th 5:30-9:00PM Viewing at Mililani Mauka 6:30PM Service Funeral Service: Monday, January 26th 9:30AM Viewing St. Michael Church 11:00AM Service 12:30AM burial at Mililani Memorial Park. Salome Javier, age 76, retired from Turtle Bay Resort. She is survived by sisters Ladisla Corpuz and Juanita Arinio; stepdaughter Remy Erroc; nieces and nephews. STEWARDSHIP: JANUARY 11, 2015 $3,300.00 Sunday Collections 121.00 Initial Envelope 70.00 Donations 35.00 Baptism 90.00 Mass Intentions 116.00 Candles 1,259.00 Maintenance Fund 19.25 SPP Hospitality 300.00 Confirmation Retreat $5,310.25 TOTAL Mahalo for your generous contribution. January 25 Carla Manglallan Lois Pacolba Donna Rosa MONEY COUNTERS LECTORS Saturday, January 24 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Gregory McCaul Sunday, January 25 St. Michael Church 7:00AM Julie Ann Battista Marie Raquel 10:00AM Carla Manglallan Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30AM 9:30AM Numy Tampon Nick Pascual ALTAR SERVERS Saturday, January 24 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Charles Butz Sunday, January 25 St. Michael Church 7:00AM 10:00AM Alaina Bayudan Athea Bayudan Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30AM Peter Takahashi Vance Farrant 9:30AM February 1 Debbie Hookala Gerry Franks Gloria Samala Denia Jamora EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Saturday, January 24 St. Michael Church 5:00PM Bridget McCaul Bonnie Sales Marie Deuz Sunday, January 25 St. Michael Church 7:00AM Francisco Cabico Petra Casimero Tina Padron 10:00AM Beverly Orillo Marie Munguia Joel Sabugo Mission of Sts. Peter & Paul 7:30 AM Lynn Cicatko Darlani Young 9:30AM Priscilla Tampon Helen Pascual Linda Thorp Sunday, January 18 *Filipino Catholic Club Mass w/Hospitality 7:00AM St. Michael Church *Religious Education Classes 8:30AM SPP/SM; 8:00AM Confirmation SM *Community Outreach 4:00PM Hale`iwa Beach Park and Boat Harbor *Youth Choir Practice 11:00AM St. Michael Monday, January 19 *Finance Meeting 6:30PM Rectory *EPIC Faith Sharing 7:00PM Our Lady of Sorrows Tuesday, January 20 *RCIA 7:00PM Outreach Wednesday, January 21 *SM School Mass ~ 8:15AM St. Michael Church *Baptism Prep Class ~ 7:00PM St. Michael Church Thursday, January 22 *Choir Practice 1:30PM Sts. Peter & Paul *Scripture Reading/Sharing 6:30PM Outreach Friday, January 23 *Choir Practice 6:30PM St. Michael Church Saturday, January 24 *Youth Church Cleaning St. Michael Church Sunday, January 25 *Religious Education Classes 8:30AM SPP/SM; 8:00AM Confirmation SM *St. Michael School Catholic School Week Mass 10:0AM St. Michael Church *Youth Meeting 11:00AM Parish Center *Mandatory St. Michael Ministry Meeting 11:10AM St. Damien Hall (See Page 2) REQUEST FOR PRAYERS Sick: Helen Abanes, Mercedes Baldonado, Norman Baker Sr. & Jr., Juliette Blas, Alexander Bolosan, Liberty & Patrocenia Bunda, Anthony Cadiz, Cely Cala, Ladisla Corpuz, Felix Galicinao, Claudia F. Gazmen, Joe Grilho, Mary Ann Ho, Richard Holmberg, Joseph Hoopai Sr., Elpidio Ildefonso, Caroline Kahawaii, Brandon Kikuchi, Eustaquia Lendio, Paul E. Long, Andres and Flor Macadangdang, Rick Malvas, Lily Mito, Roxanne Sumile Munoz, Dennis Nakamura, Josephine Ocampo, Ethan Pacolba, Mary Gloria Palalay, Alton Pao, Douglas & Susan Parrish, Domingo Pascual, Rosario Pedro, Wendell Peiler, Josephine & Glenn Powell, Bonnie Sales, Richard & Josephine Sarno, Kathleen Smith, Roland Sumile, Tracy Walker, Alyssa, Carrie Ann, Malia, & Richard Yamanouchi Deaths: Loretta Dela Cruz, Salome Javier ST. MARIANNE COPE CHARITY WALK ~ Saturday, January 31, 2015 We invite you to follow in the footsteps of a Saint. The short, one-mile stroll will begin at 7AM from Kewalo Basin Park, around the harbor and back. You are encouraged to put together a team and join us in this healthy walk followed by a park clean-up. Walking with fellow parishioners, friends or family members is always more fun. You’ll be not only supporting a good cause but doing something for you. Prizes will be awarded to the largest team and to the team that raises the most donations. Cost is $25 per person if received by January 16th; there is a late fee of $35 after January 17th. The fee includes a commemorative t-shirt and goody bag. Proceeds from the walk supports St. Francis Healthcare System’s Charity Care Fund that provides financial assistance to seriously ill patients who need care but are unable to afford it. Registration forms and information are available at the front of the church.
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