Politz Hebrew Academy HaKesher Licht Bentching 4:42pm Friday, January 16, 2015 What's Happening at Politz Dear Parents, Dear Parents and Friends, I was waiting rather anxiously for my last ophthalmic procedure which IY"H will give me a clearer view of my precious world. One of the surgical nurses struck up a conversation with me and relayed a rather humorous story - superficially humorous. One of the patients had returned for her post-op visit and was quite angry. She stated that her eye surgery had given her wrinkles. She assertively told the surgeon to look at her face and confirm that indeed she had wrinkles. She felt victorious when he affirmed that she did have wrinkles around her eyes. "See?" she aggressively stated, "I told you. Now you have to remove them It is your fault that I have wrinkles." But Ma'am," he replied, "those wrinkles were there prior to the surgery. It is because of the surgery that you can see clearer now, and, therefore you see the wrinkles." She was not assuaged and stormed off with a litany of threats. "Aha," I thought, "there is definitely a "newsletter" ensconced inside this story." (I cannot testify to its veracity, but it is definitely a story from which one can extract a life lesson) to be learned here. Boruch Hashem my procedure went well, and the next day various thoughts about the "wrinkle" story went racing through my mind. I did not have to think very long, for Friday morning's news greeted us with the horrific events that were unfolding in Paris. (Cont'd on page 2) This winter is proving to be harsh - not for snow but for illness. Unfortunately we have several children out due to flu, stomach virus, and strep. To minimize the global impact on the school we ask that you please follow the protocol below: 1. Please keep your child home for twentyfour hours following a fever. 2. Please err on the side of caution. If you believe your child is sick, or your child is complaining of not feeling well please keep your child home. 3. If your child has been diagnosed with a communicable illness, please inform the school. We will do our best with sanitizing common areas and maintaining as healthy an environment as possible. May Hashem keep everyone well! Sincerely, Mrs. Katz We were still shaking our heads in great sadness over the attack in the French newsroom when, once again, we were shaken to the core when we heard of the hostage situation in the Kosher supermarket. Erev Shabbos....customers making routine purchases...their experience would end up being anything but routine. Once again we had our Tehillim in our hands, our tefilos in our hearts, and pain radiating throughout the world. How many more times would we have to mourn the loss of brothers and sisters? How much longer would our enemies prevail? When would all the pain and strife come to a final end? These are rhetorical questions for which only Hashem has the answers, but the solution lies in our hands. What is the solution? To extricate the encrypted messages lying inside each painful tribulation that we have to endure. Once we have heard the messages, internalized the messages, and acted upon those messages, perhaps, then we will merit the final Geulah. Waiting all day to hear hopeful news, I finally understood the lesson to be gleaned from the story of the lady and her wrinkles. Of course, the woman came into surgery with wrinkles. But it was not until she could actually see them and not deny their presence that she believed they were there. What was her reaction? It was the surgeon's fault! It was too difficult for her to accept that no one caused her wrinkles; they were manifestations of the aging process. But since she did not want to accept the fact that she was aging, blame had to be placed on someone else. Dear parents and friends, human nature is such that we are all myopic when it comes to our spiritual, social, emotional, and physical flaws. It is very difficult for us to see them on our own. What happens when we are made to face them, accept them, and not deny their existence? We become far sighted. We look far beyond ourselves to rationalize that our "wrinkles" have no root cause from within us. "We don't learn enough Torah? There is not enough time in the day to dedicate to a consistent learning Seder? We don't daven properly? How can we with our myriad of obligations beginning at almost dawn. We don't give enough tzedakah? Not our fault.... With tuition costs and the ever increasing cost of living, how can we give more tzedakah? Apologize to my friend when she was clearly in the wrong? Why should I? She started the argument..." The list of flaws and the reasons why they are not our fault is endless. Hashem created each person in His image. He gave us the mandate to replicate His qualities of kindness and compassion as best as we can. He gave us the Holy Torah to follow as our blueprint for life, and He gave us the Mitzvos as the bricks and mortar to build from that blueprint. Klal Yisroel does Chesed, does learn Torah, does give tzedakah. But do we do enough? Do we look at ourselves closely and really see our "wrinkles"? Can we accept them and own them and not blame others or circumstances? Perhaps once we all "repair our vision" and see our precious world with greater clarity, perhaps then we will claim victory over all the perpetrators of hatred. May it be Hashem's Will to replace exile with redemption; terror with serenity; tears of sorrow with tears of joy, and may the day come soon when our happiness will be complete with the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu. Good Shabbos, Mrs. Katz ___________________________________________ Dear Parents, I have been informed by the teachers that several families will be taking extended vacations. While family trips make for wonderful memories and have their own unique educational benefits, there is an impact on school studies. Therefore, if your are planning to take your child(ren) out for more than two days, we ask that you follow the protocol: • • • Please inform Mrs. Katz in writing that your child(ren) will be out of school and for the length of time the child(ren) will be absent. In order for the absence to be considered "excused" we must be informed of the absence. The teachers should be informed as well. Please understand that we cannot provide your child(ren) with all the lessons/work that will be taught. We can provide general projections and basic timelines of tests and assignments. However, we cannot provide all the teachermade materials, study guides, etc. The teacher will do their best to help your child(ren) upon their return, but we cannot provide personal tutoring. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. May everyone who is traveling have a safe sojourn. WHAT’S HAPPENING Orot is studying different habitats (biomes). This is a mural that also shows the food web with producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, scavengers, and decomposers. Politz Vs. Politz - Guess Who Won? Chai Lifeline money is due now! Please bring your money in now. Please bring your money into the office as soon as possible. There will be a second collection this Wednesday. Thank you. Mr. & Mrs. Toby Bernstein and Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bohm on the birth of a granddaughter, Maytal Chana, to Russi and Joey Bohm. Both Russi and Joey are alumni of Politz Hebrew Academy. Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Lynn on the birth of a baby boy. Semester Break Jan. 29 - Feb. 1 Rabbi & Mrs. Zushe Gurevitz on the birth of a baby girl, Hennia. Class Resume Rabbi & Mrs. Mordecai Terebelo on the marriage of their son, Yitzi, to Russi Neuberger. Yitzi is an alumnus of Politz Hebrew Academy. 1st Grade Chumash Party Sunday, March 15th Politz 33rd Annual Dinner Watch for your Ad Journal Materials and Invitation coming soon! Feb. 8 Presidents' Day No Classes Feb. 15 - 16 Purim Carnival March 3 Taanis Esther March 4 Purim No Classes Shushan Purim No Classes March 5 2nd Report Card March 10 33rd Annual Dinner March 15 Noon Dismissal Save The Date Mon., Feb. 2 March 6 REMINDER: KYW 1060 SCHOOL CLOSING NUMBER: 3314 בס"ד We are proud of the following 6, 7, & 8th grade תלמידים that reviewed over the midwinter break all the גמראthey learned this year. **these boys reviewed with a חברותא. Their incentive was doubled. 6th Grade Boys Moshe Badush **Yonatan Elstein **Uri Meth **Aaron Terebelo Aleksander Becker Shlomo Feldman **Elchonon Miller **Yonaton Yermish Gavriel Dopiro **Yechiel Greenspan Joshua Rosen **Eliezer Zeffren 7th Grade Boys **Nadav Alon **Yisrael Arbiv **Yehuda Biberfeld **Hillel Friedman **Shmuel Kotlar Chaim Preschel Ovadiah Yitzhak **Edan Bitas **Yosef Greenspan **Nechemya Lando Dovid Shmulevich **Binyomin Zeffren **Yosef Yitzchak Bettoun Eliyahu Bucholz **Yisroel Kelemer **Meir Nosenchek **Baruch Ber Svei 8th Grade Boys **Ayal Agami Menachem Jacobs **Aharon Nulman **Isaak Bass **Binyomin Kahn **Eli Saks **Daniel Horwitz **Zev Meth
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