How to reach Government Polytechnic, Pen Patron Hon’ble Shri P. A. Naik (Director, MSBTE, Mumbai) Hon’ble Dr. V. M. Mohitkar (Secretary, MSBTE, Mumbai) Hon’ble Shri. V. D. Vaidya (Dy. Secretary, MSBTE, Mumbai) MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION Sponsored Competition Organizing Committee STATE LEVELS TECHNICAL PAPER PRESENTATION COMPETITION -Chief Co-ordinator- ON Mr. A. V. Joshi (Principal) “ENVIRONMENT & ENERGY CONSERVATION TECHNOLOGY” Govt. Polytechnic, Pen -Programme Co-ordinatorMr.S.U. Patil Lecturer (Chemical Engg.) Mob.9422159890 -Co-ordinatorMr. A. B. Sahu Lecturer (Electronics Engg.) Mob.9967319066 9TH FEBRUARY 2015 ORGANIZED BY GOVERNMENT POLYTECHNIC, PEN Shivajinagar, Ramwadi, Pen. Tal. Pen, Dist. Raigad. Phone No. 02143-253389 Web site: Email:[email protected] ABOUT INSTITUTE PRIZES FOR GROUP For more information refer circular at The institute was established in 1990 by Government of Maharashtra for Raigad district at Shivajinagar, Ramwadi, Pen. The Institutes spread over an 5 acre approximately. It is ½ K.M. from Pen Railway station & in the vicinity of Ramwadi ST Bus depot. It is situated at 5 minutes walking distance from Mumbai-Goa national highway NH-17 First prize Second prize Consolation prize Paper Format - Rs 7500/- Rs 5000/- Rs 2500/- IMPORTANT DATES Date of competition: - 9th Feb 2015 Last date of submission of full paper: - 30th Jan 2015 Confirmation of paper acceptance: - 2nd Feb 2015 FACILITIES PROVIDED BY INSTITUTE Consultancy and testing facilities of building material by Civil Engg. Department Testing facilities for testing rickshaw meters Centre for community development through polytechnic scheme Sr. No. Course intake 1. Instru. and control Engg. 40 2. 3. 4. 5. Mechanical Engg. Civil Engg. Computer Technology Chemical Engg. 60 60 60 40 OBJECTIVE OF PROGRAMME Objective Of this competition is to provide an opportunity to student to upgrade the technical skill in in relevant areas and to undergo activity which will enable them to develop confidence and personality. Competition will be platform to bring out ingenuity and innovation from every participant. RULES AND REGULATION (For final year of diploma engineering students only) THE THEMES Energy saved today is asset for future Energy Conservation or Innovation Energy and Environment The maximum number of author/s per paper will be two. Duly filled in and signed registration from along with the identity card is compulsory for the participation. The student author will deliver a seminar on their topic for maximum of 10 min. Full length paper should be submitted on or before 30th Jan 2015 on [email protected] Only one paper per college will be accepted. Final decision is reserved by organizing institute Selection will be intimated through email or contact number. It is compulsory for author to submit two hard copies and soft copy of submitted paper at the time of registration. Selected topic of paper should be technical & related to theme mentioned for competition Paper size :-A4, 70GSM,WHITE Font :-Times New Roman Font size :a) Title of paper -14 Bold b) Sub title -12 bold with underline c) Text -12 normal +12 points d) Margins -Top-0.75”,Bottom-0.5” Left-1.25”,Right-1.0” Gutter-0”, Gutter position-left e) Line spacing -1.5 Page Numbering on Right Bottom of each Page Printing only in One Column & One Side of Paper CONTENT OF PAPER Title of Paper Name of Author/s Abstract Contents Conclusion References For any further queries you are kindly required to contact Student co-ordinator Rushikesh Waghare - 8446882989 Shripad Divekar - 8983310532
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