L I F E P H OTO ILD IA W INTERNATIONAL PRINT CIRCUIT PSA 2015-113 WPAI N OF IN D SAM PRINT CIRCUIT 2015 APHY ASSO C TIO IA GR WPAI 007/2015 SIX SECTIONS (EIGHT DIVISIONS) WITH SIX DIFFERENT JUDGINGS 387 MEDALS 576 CERTIFICATES OF MERIT Mail your Entry, Entry form, fee and all Correspondence to: CHITRANGAD KUMAR APSA, MPSA, Hon. FBSPA, AIIPC, IIPC URANIUM, CIRCUIT CHAIRMAN B-54 Shashi Garden, Gali No.-9, Patpar Ganj Delhi – 110091, INDIA, Ph. + 91- 9810056207 Email - [email protected] I [email protected] th CLOSING DATE 16 JUNE 2015 INVITATION You are cordially invited to submit Monochrome - Open, Monochrome (Theme- City Life), Color - Open, Color (Theme City Life), Nature, Wildlife, Photojournalism and Photo Travel Prints. SAM Print Circuit consists of six separate Exhibi ons, each complete with separate judging. No fica on will be online for each separate judging. We solicit your par cipa on. MOST IMPORTANT NOTE "The exhibi on is open to anyone; however, an entry may be rejected when the sponsoring organiza on or its agent in its reasonable discre on believes the entry does not conform to exhibi on rules and condi ons". Some mes the Prints are held up in customs for checking, it takes 4-5 weeks for release hence all foreign entrants are requested to post entries sufficiently in advance. CASH IN THE MAIL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED IN INDIA. DO NOT ENCLOSE CASH WITH THE ENTRY IN THE PACKET UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Entry forms are also available on: www.wpaidelhi.com FOR OVERSEAS ENTRANTS ENTRY FEE Entry fee of US $ 40 for single sec on and for each addi onal sec on US $ 20 by Swi Transfer. Also one can pay through paypal email id - [email protected] .The entry fee is for the en re circuit and cannot be divided for less than the full circuit exhibi ons. For Group entries (more than 5) fee for single sec on will be US $ 30 and for each addi onal sec on will be US $ 15 (For Swi Transfer, please visit our website.) FOR INDIAN ENTRANTS For single sec on Rs. 300/- and for each addi onal sec on Rs. 200/- by Online Transfer, Bank Dra or Money Order only in the name of CHITRANGAD KUMAR, Payable at New Delhi. Outsta on Cheques will not be accepted. The entry fee is for the en re circuit and cannot be divided for less than the full circuit exhibi ons. For Group entries (more than 5) fee for single sec on will be Rs. 250/- and for each addi onal sec on will be Rs. 150/{For Online Transfer (NEFT/RTGS), Please visit our website.} ADD-ON FEE IF PRINTS TO BE RETURNED BACK FOR OVERSEAS US $ 20 FOR INDIANS Rs. 200/- NOTE:- Entrants are required to mail the details of their remi ance to: [email protected] SIX JUDGINGS CONTACT NO. New Delhi 09810056207 Itarsi 07898472755 JUDGING DATE 26-28 Jun. 2015 19-21 Jul. 2015 31st Jul. 2015 NOTIFICATION DATE 8th Jul. 2015 EXHIBITION END DATE 14th Jul. 2015 6th Aug. 2015 16th Jul. 2015 8th Aug. 2015 TRANSFER DATE Indore Mumbai Udaipur Pilakhuwa 09425062599 09819232806 09829050939 09899530952 11-13 Aug. 2015 03-05 Sept. 2015 26-28 Sept. 2015 19-21 Oct. 2015 23rd Aug. 2015 15th Sept. 2015 8th Oct. 2015 31st Oct. 2015 29th Aug. 2015 21st Sept. 2015 14th Oct. 2015 6th Nov. 2015 8th Nov. 2015 31st Aug. 2015 23rd Sept. 2015 16th Oct. 2015 Entries received back at H.Q. New Delhi - 18th November 2015 Mailing of Awards, DVD (Accepted work of Entrants) by surface mail: 3rd January 2016 PANEL OF JUDGES WPAI, NEW DELHI: S. S. Sharma, EPSA, APSA, ARPS, FSIIPC, AIIPC, FPSG, AFIAP, Vinod Bhar , Pawan Kumar NIC, ITARSI: Capt. Santosh, AIIPC, Sanjay Kumar, Sarabjit Kaur ICC, INDORE: Akhil Hardia, AFIAP, AIIPC, Padmekar Gade, AIIPC, Mahendra Rathore PSI, MUMBAI: Aspi Patel, AFIAP, APSI, Subhash Jirange, AFIAP, AIIPC, FFIP, R.B. Pednekar , AFIAP, APSI, FFIP LCC, UDAIPUR : Devendra Sharma, AIIPC, Kailash Soni, Dinesh Pagaria, Rakesh Sharma 'Rajdeep' NPC, PILAKHUWA: Kanchan Raikwar, IIPC Gold, Pankaj Raikwar, IIPC Gold, Rajendra Singh Rathi PSA DEFINITIONS 1. PICTORIAL - An image is considered to be Monochrome only if it gives the impression of having no color(i.e. contains only shades of gray which can include pure back or white) OR it gives the impression of being a grayscale image that has been toned in one color across the en re image. (For example by Sepia, red, gold etc.) A grayscale or mul -colored image modified or giving the impression of having been modified by par al toning, mul toning or by the inclusion of spot coloring does not meet the defini on of monochrome and shall be classified as a Color Work. 2. NATURE - Nature photography sec on is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict observa on from all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archeology, in such a fashion that a well informed person will be able to iden fy the subject material and to cer fy as to its honest presenta on. The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality. *Human elements shall not be present, except where those human elements are integral parts of the nature story such as nature subjects, like barn owls or storks, adapted to an environment modified by humans, or where those human elements are in situa on depic ng natural forces, like hurricanes or dal waves. *Scien fic bands, scien fic tags, or radio collars on wild animals are permissible. *Photographs of human created hybrid plants, cul vated plants, feral animals, domes c animals, or mounted specimens are ineligible as is any form of manipula on that alters the truth of the photographic statement. *No techniques that add, relocate, replace, or remove pictorial elements except by cropping are permi ed. *Techniques that enhance the presenta on of photograph without changing the nature story or the pictorial content, or without altering the content of the original scene, are permi ed including HDR, focus staking and dodging/burning. Techniques that remove elements added by the camera, such as dust spots, digital noise, and film scratches, are allowed. *S tched images are not allowed. *All allowed adjustments must appear natural. *Color images can be converted to grayscale monochrome. *Infrared images, either direct-captures or deriva ons, are not allowed. 3. WILDLIFE - Images entered in the Wildlife sec on mee ng the Nature Photography Defini on above are further defined as one or more extant zoological or botanical organisms free and unrestrained in a natural or adopted habitat. *Landscape, geological forma ons, photographs of zoo or game farm animals or of any extant zoological or botanical species taken under controlled condi ons are not eligible in Wildlife sec ons. *Wildlife is not limited to animals, birds and insects. Marine subjects and botanical subjects (including fungi and algae) taken in the wild are the suitable wildlife subjects, as are carcasses of extant species. Images mee ng the Wildlife Defini on may be entered in Nature sec ons as well as Wildlife sec ons. 4. PHOTOJOURNALISM - Photojournalism entries shall consists of images or sequences of images with informa ve content and emo onal impact, including human interest, documentary and spot news. The journalis c value of Prints shall be considered over pictorial quality. In the interest of credibility, images that misrepresent the truth and model or staged set ups are not permi ed. Techniques that enhance the presenta on of the image, without changing the photojournalism content, are permi ed. All adjustments must appear natural. Color images can be converted to grayscale monochrome. 5. PHOTO TRAVEL - A Photo Travel image must express the feeling of a me and place, and portray a land, its dis nc ve features or culture in its natural state. There are no geographical limita ons. Closeup pictures of people or objects must include dis nguishable environment. Techniques that add to, relocate, replace or remove any element of the original image, except by cropping, are not permi ed. All adjustments must appear natural. Conversion to full monochrome is acceptable, deriva ons including infrared are unacceptable. NOTE: Entries must originate as Photographs (image-captures of objects via light sensi vity) made by entrant on photographic emulsion or acquired digitally. By virtue of submi ng the entry, the entrant cer fies the work as his own (aliases are not permi ed). The entrant permits the sponsors to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publica on and/or display in media related to the exhibi on. This may include low resolu on pos ng on a website. “Images may be altered, either digitally or otherwise, by the maker and artwork or computer graphics created by the entrant may be incorporated if the photographic content predominates.” NOTE: TITLES OF PRINTS ARE NOT READ AT THE TIME OF JUDGING CUT AND USE RETURN ALL 3 SELF-ADDRESS LABLES DUELY FILLED BUT DO NOT CUT For collec ve or club entry send only one set of Labels. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR EXHIBITION ONLY OF NO COMMERCIAL VALUE TO BE RETURNED TO SENDER PHOTOGRAPHS FOR EXHIBITION ONLY OF NO COMMERCIAL VALUE To, SAM PRINT CATALOGUES / PRINTED MATTER To, E.No. _____________ To, CHITRANGAD KUMAR B-54 SHASHI GARDEN, GALI NO. -9 PATPAR GANJ DELHI-110091, INDIA Mobile: + 91-9810056207 PH NO………………………………................. PH NO……………………….....................………. 4 B) MONOCHROME (THEME- CITY LIFE) PRINTS 1 2 3 4 C) COLOR (OPEN) PRINTS 1 2 3 4 D) COLOR (THEME- CITY LIFE) PRINTS 1 2 3 4 E) NATURE PRINTS 1 2 3 4 F) WILDLIFE PRINTS 1 2 3 4 G) PHOTOJOURNALISM PRINTS 1 2 3 4 H) PHOTO TRAVEL PRINTS 1 2 3 4 Signature of Author........................................................................................... Copyright of Images........................................................................................... ....................................................... HONORS PSA / FIAP / RPS................................................................................................................................................... .............................................. Address......................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................... City ..................................................... Zip code .................................. Country ................................................ Photo Club ..................................... Email (Fill Clearly) ....................................................................................................................................... Phone................................. ........................................................................................................................ ENTRY FORM Name ......... Surname ........................................................................................ (Please fill in BLOCK LETTERS only) INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHOR SAM PRINT CIRCUIT ENT. NO. TITLE OF PHOTOGRAPHY A) MONOCHROME (OPEN) PRINTS 1 2 3 CONDITIONS OF ENTRY 1. The circuit is open to everyone, everywhere on a payment of entry fee and it will follow the recommended procedure of PSA. The circuit will consists of Six sec ons (Eight Divisions): (a) Monochrome - Open (b) Monochrome (Theme- City Life) (c) Color - Open (d) Color (Theme- City Life) (e) Nature Prints: Monochrome and Color (Combined) (f) Wildlife Prints: Monochrome and Color (Combined) (g) Photojournalism Prints: Monochrome and Color (Combined) (h) Photo Travel Prints: Monochrome and Color (Combined). 2. Each entrant may submit a maximum of 4 prints in one sec on. The size of the prints should not be more than 12” X 18” inches and smaller than 8.5” X 12” inches and for Photojournalism sec on, prints unmounted not over 8.5” X 12” inches. Each containing one or more prints monochrome or color mixed. Only pressure sensi ve (self adhesive) labels may be used on the back of unmounted prints. 3. On the back of each print (a) Name and address of the entrant (b) Honors © Title of the picture (d) Sec on (e) Serial number as per entry form must be clearly men oned on the lower right hand corner of the print. Without these entries may be rejected. 4. Each entry must be accompanied by a filled-in entry form and complete set of 3 mailing labels. For collec ve and club entries send only one set of self address label. Photo copies or typed copies of the entry form and labels will be accepted. Copies must be of same size as original Entry form. All prints must be en rely the work of an entrant. 5. All entries must be sent by Registered Post and must be properly packed to avoid damage in transit. 6. Accepted and awarded images obtained in this exhibi on will count towards PSA “Star Ra ngs” and “Who’s Who”. 7. Prints already exhibited in previous SAM PRINT CIRCUIT will not be eligible for selec on. 8. Unless otherwise at specified in the entry form, permission to reproduce selected mono or color work in any way in the press or catalogue etc. in connec on with the exhibi on is assumed. 9. Utmost care will be exercised in handling the prints but no responsibility will be assumed by the organizers in any manner for loss or damage to the entries during exhibi on or transit. 10. No acceptance Labels for accepted entries. 11. Title of pictures should not exceed 25 le ers to facilitate computer lis ng for catalogue. Use only (A-Z or 0-9) in tles. Each photo can be presented in only one sec on. Each image must have unique tle. 12. The submission of entries signifies the acceptance of the above condi ons by the entrants. 13. Read carefully enclosed note sent with your entries and follow. Keep it in your salon file for future use also. 14. In Nature, Wildlife, Photojournalism and Travel sec on modifica ons, adding or removing elements from images, combining separate images or re-arranging or cloning in images will not be accepted. 15. No fica on will be online for each separate judging. 16. Entries will be judged by YES/NO system. An Entrant’s four images will be distributed throughout four rounds of judging. 17. Titles of Prints are not read at the me of judging. WPAI GR A P H Y A SS O C IA D IA WPAI N OF IN ILD TIO L I F E P H OT O IS ALL ABOUT PHOTOGRAPHY AND EXPOSURE IT DESERVES W Organised WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY ASSOCIATION OF INDIA B - 54, Shashi Garden, Gali No. - 9, Patparganj, Delhi - 110091(INDIA) Mobile No. +91 - 9810056207 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.wpaidelhi.com Best of Child Study Best of Figure Study Best of Potrait Best of Still Life Best of Child Study Best of Figure Study Best of Potrait Best of Still Life Best of Figure Study Best of Potrait Best of Still Life Best of Figure Study Best of Potrait Best of Still Life Best of Insect Best of Action Best of Action Best of Animal Best of Animal Best of Insect Best of Birds Best of Landscape Best of Architecture Best of Story Telling Best of Story Telling Best of Sports Best of Festivals Best of News Best of Festivals BEST ENTRANT SALIM ALI “SAM” MEMORIAL AWARD (FOR BEST PRINT) Best of Child Study Best of Child Study Best of Birds Certificate of Merit: 12 Certificate of Merit: 12 Certificate of Merit: 12 Certificate of Merit: 12 Certificate of Merit: 12 BEST INDIAN ENTRANT Certificate of Merit: 12 Certificate of Merit: 12 Certificate of Merit: 12 WPAI Bronze WPAI Bronze WPAI Bronze WPAI Bronze WPAI Bronze WPAI Bronze WPAI Bronze WPAI Bronze WPAI Silver WPAI Silver WPAI Silver WPAI Silver WPAI Silver WPAI Silver WPAI Silver WPAI Silver WPAI Gold WPAI Gold WPAI Gold WPAI Gold WPAI Gold WPAI Gold WPAI Gold PSA Gold WPAI Gold PSA Gold PHOTO TRAVEL PHOTO (H) JOURNALISM (G) PSA Gold WILDLIFE (F) PSA Gold NATURE (E) PSA Gold PPD COLOR (THEME- CITY LIFE) (D) PSA Gold PPD OPEN (COLOR) (C) PSA Gold PPD MONO (THEME- CITY LIFE) (B) PSA Gold PPD OPEN (MONO) (A) INDIVIDUAL ENTRIES AWARD - 2015 SAM PRINT CIRCUIT
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