January 14, 2015 Shabbat Services: Message from Rabbi Bob Introduction to Bible Shabbat Va’era Friday January 16, 2015 8:15 PM Shabbat Evening Service Brotherhood/Sisterhood Shabbat Oneg Hosts: Members of the Brotherhood & Sisterhood. Saturday January 17, 2015 9:30 AM Torah Study with Ashley Rose & Jordie Trafimow Shabbat Bo Friday January 23, 2015 7:30 PM Shabbat Evening Service with the Life Tree Ramblers Oneg Hosts: Members of the Life Tree Ramblers Saturday January 24, 2015 9:30 AM Torah Study with Ashley Rose & Jordie Trafimow This spring I will again teach an Introduction to Bible course at Elmhurst College. We will explore the Biblical texts using scholarly, literary and traditional approaches. We will look at what these texts meant to the original authors, what they have meant throughout the centuries and what they mean today. The course will meet on Wednesday evenings at Elmhurst College from 6:30 to 9:30 PM beginning February 4. Some of the texts we will read together will be completely new for everybody. We will also explore texts very familiar in a brand new way. We will look at questions like: Why are there two stories of creation in Genesis? Why does Deuteronomy contain commandments not found in other books of the Torah? Why does God speak to “Moses and Aaron” in Leviticus but to “Moses” elsewhere? Using investigative tools we will determine who wrote the books of the Bible and why. Most Jews know very little about Christian scripture. This course will also provide entry into that world. We will read the four Gospels and seven of Paul’s Epistles. Elmhurst College is affiliated with the United Church of Christ. The fact that one can take Introduction to Bible at a church affiliated college and learn about the Gospels from a rabbi says a great deal of the state of inter-faith relations in America. If you would like to know more about this class please contact me via email. Childcare is available on Friday nights during services in our nursery 1 Message from Our President Je Suis Charlie Tot Shabbat Services ~ 6:30 PM February 6 March 6 April 10 May 1 June 12 Shabbat Family Service ~ 7:30 PM January 30 February 20 March 27 April 17 May 22 June 19 SHABBAT CHAVERIM Our next Shabbat Chaverim is THIS Friday morning, January 16 at 10:00 AM. This program is for young children and a parent/guardian. Carrie Barrera will guide the group in a simple Jewish themed craft, often related to a holiday. These have included making edible Torahs out of pretzel sticks and fruit roll ups, colorful bookmarks with stick-on stars of David, delicious hamentashen, Hebrew alphabet snowflakes, dried orange slice pendants, and matzoh s’mores, to name a few. Cindy Michelassi will tell a story relevant to the parsha of the week or current holiday and leads everyone in song. Some involve a little dancing, and others offer each child the opportunity to keep time with one of a variety of percussion instruments. The program will end with an oneg. Everyone blesses the candles, juice and challah. Following blessings a variety of tasty snacks and conversation are enjoyed around the table. Yes I am jumping on the bandwagon. No, this is not an original essay. However, it is important that this gets said again and again and again and again. When two thugs murdered twelve people at Charlie Hebdo for speaking their minds it was a crime against all of us. The preamble to the United Nations’ Charter states that one of its goals is ”to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights” and “to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom”. Freedom is a fundamental human right, especially freedom of speech. The first amendment to the United States Constitution “prohibits the making of any law… abridging the freedom of speech or of the press…” It is freedom that allows humanity to grow. It is the freedom of expression that allows us to move forward on social progress. It is freedom of the press that checks the power of institutions from limiting and eradicating our freedoms. Charlie Hebdo was helping to ensure our freedoms. We need everyone to speak up against the behavior of those that would oppress us. Right now there are many thugs in this world that want to remove our freedoms because they believe that our way of life is wrong and their way of life is the only true way to live. Many of these thugs want to kill all of us. We must speak out and we must act. Martin Niemöller, a prominent German Protestant pastor during the reign of the Nazi’s, said it best, First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. It is imperative that we teach our children the importance of freedom of speech, of freedom of religion and of freedom of the press. These three freedoms allow us to live meaningful lives. The journalists at Charlie Hebdo were leading meaningful lives; they were doing what we all want to do. They were living their lives as best as they saw fit and were expressing themselves as they wished. No one had to read their magazine, no one had to listen to their pontifications, but many chose to do so. They were living their most fundamental human right of self-expression and they did not deserve to die for this. I am proud of our congregation for teaching our children about freedom, about right vs wrong, and about what it means to be an American and a Jew. All the volunteer teachers here at Etz Chaim are doing a very noble service and I thank them for it. ִ יהְִננְנhere I am. Je suis Charlie. 2 2015 MAH JONGG CARD ORDER JOIN OUR CHAVURAH AND BECOME A CHAI MITZVAH Our tradition tells us that an integrated Jewish life involves study, ritual and social action. Explore all of these on your terms, with your personal interests through a new adult education initiative called Chai Mitzvah. You will participate in a monthly learning group with a specially designed curriculum that focuses on real life, relevant issues. You will also choose an individual study topic that is personally interesting to you, adopt a new ritual or deepen an existing practice, and engage in a social action activity in your community. Then, at the end of the nine-month program, you can celebrate your journey! It's time to order your Mah Jongg card for 2015! Sisterhood will once again be placing the Mah Jongg card order for the synagogue. The congregation receives a donation for each card that we order, so please ask your maj buddies to order through us. Last year, we received over $250 from the National Mah Jongg League for our order. Cards will be mailed directly to you, to the address that you designate on your order. If you are ordering for multiple people, please be sure to list each person's name and address. The prices are the same as last year: $8.00 for a small print card and $9.00 for the large print card. Group meets monthly for nine months. Our first meeting is scheduled for Sunday January 25, 2015 at 12:30 PM in the library. Ongoing dates will be chosen at that time by the group. Cost to participate is $18. The deadline is Friday, January 23. Please make out your check to CEC Sisterhood and mail the order to Etz Chaim or place your order in the Sisterhood box in the work room. Please make sure you mark the envelope Sisterhood mah jongg card. The 2015 cards will be sent by the National Mah Jongg League, to the addresses you designate, around April 1. To become a Chai Mitzvah, or for more information, contact Alice Heinz or Susanna Perrett. Go to the Chai Mitzvah website (www.chaimitzvah.org) to learn more. Program is supported by the Lifelong Learning Committee. Fridays 12:00 PM: February 6, 13, 20, 27 March 6, 13, 20, 27 April 10, 17 Each week I share with the class a verse from the Book of Jonah, excerpts from the medieval commentaries to that verse and other relevant texts. You need no prior knowledge to be part of this group. This is a study group not a course. You do not need to attend every session to participate. We read selections from the Book of Jonah and explore what they have to teach us concerning how we lead and understand our lives. The Book of Jonah raises key questions about the purpose of our lives, including: Who am I? Why are we here? What is evil? For many years I have devoted my January study leave to understanding the Book of Jonah. I am pleased to have the opportunity to share what I have learned with the members of our community. 3 Part 2 of 4 Just Do It: Korean Zen in America Please join us on Tuesday, January 27 from 7:30-9:00 PM in the Social Hall. We are delighted to welcome Mary McKenzie, who will share with us the history of Buddhism, its three main schools, Zen and her own tradition, and the integration of some Buddhist practices into American culture. She also will discuss the strong bonds between American Buddhist practice and Judaism. Margaret McKenzie has been a member of the Kwan Um School of Zen, a Korean school of Zen Buddhism, for more than 20 years. She is a Senior Dharma Teacher and currently the abbot of the local Zen community. Margaret is a licensed clinical social worker and has worked with individuals and families for the past 40 years. She currently works with caregivers of people with dementia and other issues of aging, and supervises social work interns at the People's Resource Center in Wheaton. “I deeply appreciate the view that Zen Practice has given to my practice of social work.” For more information, or to RSVP, please go to [email protected], or phone the synagogue office, 630.627.3912. 4 MAH JONGG Mah Jongg is being played on Monday afternoons in the synagogue library at 1:00 PM. Mary Jo Wolsky is the contact person for this group. PINOCHLE You can RSVP at http://doodle.com/ yg4wxyiakg39wit6 for the dates you are available. You may also contact Merle Erlich. Monday night pinochle 7:00 PM is now being held at the home of the Bogolubs in Willowbrook. Tuesday afternoon pinochle 1:00 PM is played at the synagogue. Please call Harve Bogolub for more information. SNOW DAY SCHOOL CLOSING INFORMATION If we need to close for some unforeseen reason, not due to bad weather, we will contact you via phone. If we need to cancel school because of bad weather we will do three things. Send an email blast by 7:30 AM on a Sunday and by 2:00 PM on a Wednesday. Post it on the home page of our Etz Chaim webpage. Post it on the Etz Chaim facebook page. Like us on Facebook. 5 The Connections Team and the Membership Committee are spear-heading an ongoing initiative to expand our Chavurah offerings, and you are invited to consider being a part of one. Some have been going on for many years, some started this summer, and others are forming now. The participation form is located on the Etz Chaim website, in the Newsletter and in the synagogue Lobby. Chavurot at Etz Chaim are small groups of members who come together to share Jewish and/or secular experiences -from learning, to worship to social or cultural or even community volunteerism. Chavurot can be groups of people who live in the same neighborhood or groups with children of similar ages or groups with similar interests. Over 40 congregant families have indicated interest. The establishment of Chavurah groups is an ongoing endeavor of the Membership Committee and Connections Team. Find the Chavurah interest form on the Etz Chaim website at https:// congetzchaim.org/sites/default/files/uploaded_documents/chavurah_form_2.pdf or in the synagogue Lobby. Contact Merle Erlich with questions. TZEDAKAH BOX IN THE LOBBY DECEMBER – FEBRUARY 2015 HELP THE HEALTH WAGON KEEP ROLLING! The Health Wagon is a nonprofit organization providing mobile health services to the medically underserved in Southwest Virginia. Many people in this area are the working poor. They can't afford Obama Care, but are not eligible for Medicaid. A Winnebego gets driven through the mountains to provide medical care to many because they lack adequate and reliable transportation to get to a health care facility. The Health Wagon's staff consists of two full time certified family nurse practitioners, one registered nurse, two licensed practical nurses, a Director of Operations, a Director of Development, Data Systems Coordinator, and an Administrative Assistant. Every Dollar donated to the Health Wagon is approximately $100 reaped in health care benefits. The Health Wagon provides: Acute Disease Management Chronic Disease Management Low Cost Lab Services Immunization Programs Dental and Eye Clinics Cardiac Specialty Clinics Health Teaching Components Women's Health Care Community Health Fairs And much, much more..... As Reform Jews, we have an obligation of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) through tzedakah (charity). Please show your support by making a generous donation today! IF YOU ARE A JOBSEEKER, CAREER CHANGER, PROFESSIONAL, DOWNSIZED OR MATURE WORKER JEN (Jewish Employment Network) under JVS Career Moves can help you : Plan a career path, Tune you up for that Important Interview Revamp your Resume, Teach you how to Network succcesfully Submit you to positions listed with JVS by our employer partners For information about our services call JVS Career Moves at 1-855-463-6587 6 COUNTRY MUSIC FUNRAISER RECAP On Saturday evening, January 11 Andie Jennings and Jane Hawthorn (Rabbi and Jane Cosnowsky) rocked the house (sanctuary) with music and banter which highlighted their years of singing and songwriting in Nashville, Tennessee, 20 years ago. Guitarists Bruce Miller, Jen Gesinski and Josh Miller, drummer Brian Collins, keyboardist Bobby Schiff, and Life Tree Ramblers Cindy Michelassi, Sue Leftwich and Terry Shapiro provided musical back-up, while Roberto Michelassi performed his usual magic with sound. While a few well-known songs given personal spin by Jennings and Hawthorn brought loud applause, it was the many original pieces that brought additional cheers and led to two standing ovations. Most audience members were drawn to the concert already familiar with Rabbi Cosnowskys creative songwriting skills, beautiful voice and mischievous sense of humor, but it was the revelation of Jane’s talent as a writer of moving lyrics, her clear, passionate voice and sense of humor equally playful that thrilled one and all. As for the social hall, the Lifelong Learning Committee organizing team turned it into the Etz Chaim version of a Nashville cafe, where the more than 200 audience members enjoyed snacks, beverages and conversation prior to the concert and during intermission. Volunteers from outside as well as inside the LLC made the event run smoothly. Ticket sales surpassed expectations. In addition, sponsorships, donations and a split-the-pot raffle helped us more than double our goal for the Sophie and Jack Edwards Scholar-in-Residence Fund. Needless to say, the evening was a total success and a labor of love from start to finish. *More pictures can be found on the website Submitted by Barbara Turner 7 The congregation offers its condolences to… Kaddish January 16 – 17 01/11 Lillian Greenspan 01/11 Shlomo Kessler 01/11 Adrienne Warshawsky 01/12 Miriam Cohen 01/12 Louis Nadler 01/12 Sherry Vinnick 01/13 Diane Baruch 01/13 Farla Hoffer 01/13 Hyman Linda 01/13 Celia Neimark 01/14 Philip Bolton 01/14 Helen East 01/14 Oscar Gardner 01/14 Philip Gintzler 01/14 Helen Nicolopulos 01/15 Benjamin Weininger 01/16 Ruth Blumenstein 01/16 Harry Heftman 01/16 Mary Safer 01/16 Robert Stamm 01/17 Ted Elsberg 01/17 Lori Goldman 01/17 Thelma Taub Kaddish January 23 – 24 01/18 Felipe Chejfec 01/18 Sam Steinberg 01/19 Shayne Kroll 01/20 Otto Armin 01/20 Norman Becker 01/20 Helene Bogolub 01/20 Cheryl Corriveau 01/20 Joseph Herschander 01/20 Sam Merkovitz 01/20 Manuel Ostroff 01/20 Arthur Samuels 01/20 Bernard Yellin 01/21 Harriet Kaluzna 01/21 Suzanne Kaufman 01/21 Heather McTaggart 01/21 Willard Meiller 01/21 William Orenstein 01/22 Pearl Cera 01/22 John Gumpman 01/22 Sharon Hirsch 01/23 Adele Bearman 01/23 Celia Feinstein 01/23 Dorothy Hugenberg 01/23 Hershal Layne 01/23 Charles Mays 01/23 Goldye Mendelssohn 01/23 Albert Neimark 01/23 Miriam Stein 01/24 Eleanor Barrett 01/24 Harry Burstein Kaddish January 30 – 31 01/25 Walter Beck 01/25 Ida Leviton 01/25 Besse Schneider 01/26 Majorie Layne 01/26 Kurt Salomon 01/26 Diana Seres 01/26 Joseph Singer 01/26 Jack Sommerfeld 01/26 Beatrice Zoll 01/28 Minerva Balon 01/28 Rose Burke 01/28 Zina Carpenter 01/28 Wilma Dalzell 01/28 Jack Kaplan 01/29 Anne Ross 01/29 Solomon Rubinson 01/29 Ida Stein 01/30 Frances Fisher Ann Mehrman and her family on the death of her mother, Marie Caulfield. Joan Balon and Ronni Markwell and their family on the death of their husband and father, Morton Balon. Kaddish List February 6 – 7 02/1 Hatzkel Frumkin 02/1 Marvin Sirota 02/2 Betty Dunn 02/2 Herbert Hoffman 02/2 Fred Mitnick 02/2 Annette Primack 02/3 Ann Berland 02/3 Emily Dubiel 02/3 John Dubiel 02/3 Paul Solomon 02/4 Gerald Benson 02/4 Mary Scott 02/4 Alvin Silver 02/5 Fannie Etzkowitz 02/5 Anne Hagan 02/5 Abe Paskin 02/6 Sol Kaplan 02/6 Ben Margolis 02/7 Marvin Cooperman 02/7 Jennie Mandel 02/7 Jim Mann 02/7 Libby Weinstein Jim Gentile and his family on the death of his sister, Barbara Van Beek. Judy Stein and her family on the death of her father, Hymen Rosen. 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNITY PROGRAMS Or Tzedek Teen Institute for Social Justice 2015 Go to: https://jcua.or g/sslpage.aspx?pid=661&er id=589483&tr id=aee4e981-4acf-425e-8e1a-95c17552118c Pushing the Envelope Farm Go to: http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=09b9e8f7efd51e3bac2578b10&id=1d1a07e7b0&e=1579f2d21d NFTY Convention 2015 Go to: http://view.mail.r j.or g/? j=fe9915767760057d7d&m=fe8c1570726d077a7d&ls=fe28137173640d7a771675&l=fef716787d6006&s=fe3015707d650575721574&j b=ffcf14&ju=fe581776746003747111&r=0 AIPAC 2015 Go to: https://congetzchaim.or g/sites/default/files/uploaded_documents/aipac_2015.pdf Indiana University Incoming Freshman Jewish Studies Scholarship Go to: https://congetzchaim.org/sites/default/files/uploaded_documents/2015-16_incoming_freshman_scholarship_blue_4pgr_2.pdf PADS Volunteer Training Go to: http://dupagepads.org/solutions/volunteer/ Taglit Birthright Israel Go to: http://www.gokesher.org/ Upcoming Programs at Spertus Go to: http://spertus.edu/programs-events/all Jewish Healing Network of Chicago Go to: http://www.jcfs.org/jhnc Jewish Child and Family Services Go to: http://www.jcfs.org/ Jewish Employment Network Go to: http://congetzchaim.org/Jewish_Employment_Network 9 NFTY - EIE Spend a semester at the NFTY-EIE High School in Israel and take your own! Why just look at pictures in your history textbook? Earn High School Credit. Apply for the Spring or the Fall semester. Live in the picturesque Judean Hills on Kibbutz Tzuba. Discover your Jewish past as you live the Jewish present Learn to converse in modern Hebrew. Climb Masada, swim in the Dead Sea, hike from Sea to Sea, explore and camp out in the Negev. Travel to Poland for a week to continue your study of Modern Jewish History. Make new NFTY friends and build a strong Reform Community. For more information please contact Stacy Chassen Director of Admissions (212) 650-4073 A NOTE FROM THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE: WHERE TO DONATE BOOKS Etz Chaim is fortunate to have a vibrant and vital library. Thanks to the efforts of a dedicated corps of volunteers and the generous contributions of the congregation to the Robert Glass Memorial Library Fund, the library collection grows and is kept up-to-date. If you have books that you no longer wish to keep as part of your library, please consider donating them to your public library or to SCARCE - School and Community Assistance for Recycling & Composting Education (www.bookrescue.org), located at 799 Roosevelt Rd., Bldg. 2, Suite 108, Glen Ellyn. Please do not bring books to the Etz Chaim library unless previous arrangements with the library chair have been made. Thank you. 10 PLEASE SUPPORT THESE BUSINESSES WHO SPONSOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN OUR BULLETIN ______________________________________________________________________________ Crowne Plaza The newest Bar/Bat Mitzvah location in the Western Suburbs! Weddings Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Social Events Banquet Facilities for 10 to 200 1250 Roosevelt Road, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 mailto:www.cpglenellyn.com Contact: Sara at [email protected] Phone: 630-629-6000 Ask for Sales ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We're the only classic Jewish delicatessen west of Chicago. Visit us for overstuffed sandwiches, fresh baked bagels, honest-to-goodness homemade soups, meats by the pound, fabulous desserts and traditional Jewish foods. We cater, too! 1512 North Naper Boulevard, Naperville (630) 245-7595 http://www.schmaltzdeli.com ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Celebrating your daughter or son's Mitzvah? We can help decorate for any theme. We also can create one-of-a-kind candle-lighting pieces. Call to schedule an appointment to discuss how to make your Mitzvah the talk-of-the-town 518 S. 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It should be about having a service where you want it: chapel, synagogue, or graveside. It should be about being able to pre-plan for your family. It should be about the way you want to mourn. For immediate assistance with a death please call: 888.509.5011 http://www.chicagojewishfunerals.com/ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pinstripes features a distinctive entertainment and dining venue. Celebrate “sophisticated fun” in our warm and inviting 45,000 square foot indoor/outdoor facility complete with eighteen bowling lanes, six bocce courts, exceptional Italian-American bistro and wine cellar, outdoor patio and fireplace and beautifully appointed event and party rooms that can accommodate groups from 20-600. 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