WWW.REDROCKBIBLECAMP.COM 1 GENERAL INFORMATION Dear Parents, Our theme for the summer of 2015 is “I AM”. When God sent Moses to rescue His people from the Egyptians, He told Camp Moses to tell the Israelites that “I AM” had sent him. This summer, our campers will learn about God, the Great I AM of Scripture. Birth They will also learn more about who they are in Christ, such as, “I AM a child of God”. Once again, we will endeavor to recruit the Addre best team of staff that we can in order to accomplish our mission and provide the kind of care and leadership for your son or daughter Paren that you would expect. Our staff will also model the Christian life through all of the camp activities in a fun and wholesome environment. Thank you for entrusting your child to us for a week of camp at Red Rock. Kim Coursey, Executive Director Paren Every campe Campers will be assigned to a cabin group with 7 other campers and 2 counselors. They will have the opportunity of choosing two or Cabin three primary skill activities and one or two secondary skill activities. They will also be able to enjoy many of the other camp activities, Churc including chapels, special programs, swimming, and various other recreational activities. Mini-Kindle is an exception, as campers will Has c sample several different skills. Perso Kindle is for campers who will be in grades 3 to 6 in the fall, except Mini-Kindle, August 4-8, which is open to those who will be in Does grades 2 to 5 in the fall. Kindle campers will be assigned to a cabin group with 7 other campers and 2 counselors. They will have the includ opportunity of choosing two or three of our skill activities to participate in daily, but will also be able to enjoy many of the other activities, including chapels, special programs, swimming, and various other recreational activities. Mini-Kindle, a five day camp, is an exception, as campers will sample several different skills. Kindle 1 from July 6-11 and Kindle 2 from August 10-15, are six day camps. Spark is a six day camp August 17-22 for campers who will be in grades 5 to 7 in the fall. The program will be similar to Kindle camp. Childr Ignite 1 is for campers who will be in grades 6 to 9 in the fall, and Ignite 2, is for campers who will be in grades 6 to 8 in the fall. Campers will be placed in cabin groups of 8 campers and 2 counselors and may choose three skill activities which they will participate in daily. They will have opportunity to enjoy many of the other activities during their free time. Our chapel speakers are local youth Waiv pastors who are in touch with the needs of today's youth. Dates are July 13-18, and August 24-29. 1. The Summer Scorcher is July 27-August 1 and is for campers who will be in grades 9 to 12 in the fall. Campers can choose three of our skill guard activities to participate in daily. This is a week when our staff will go all out with some high energy programs like our annual Homemade Jam, an evening of comedy acts, music and skits that our staff will perform for the campers. There is always something fun to do at Summer Scorcher with many all group activities, beach volleyball and plenty of time to just hang out together! reject tobac 2. The comm Summer Sizzler is July 20-25. It is for campers who will be in grades 7 to 10 in the fall. Summer Sizzler will be a blend of some of the 3. The features of our Ignite and our Summer Scorcher sessions. We think it is going to be a sizzling hot week! child, Developmentally Challenged Campers are integrated into the regular camp activities to the degree that their special needs and our ex- 4. The pertise allows. Children who participate in this program must be able to look after their personal needs and function independently at 5. Wh times. This is not a program for children who need 24-hour-a-day, one-on-one supervision. Please call for details and our integra- of fac tion coordinator will contact you. the ap Skill Activities include: Wall Climbing, Water Exploration, Crafts, Drama, Fishing, Canoeing, Archery, Sports, Water-skiing, Skim 6. The Boarding, SUP Boarding, Frontier Wilderness Survival and Mountain Biking, Photography and Wakeboarding. Other skills also availa- neces ble during Ignite, Summer Sizzler, Summer Scorcher and CIT Camp, are Kayaking and Board Sailing. Recreational Activities: Besides formal skills, campers can play beach volleyball, basketball, various field and water sports. Counselor-In-Training (CIT) Camp is a co-ed camp for Christian youth with leadership potential who will be entering grade 11 or 12 in the fall. This two week camp, August 17-29, includes learning camping and counseling skills, participating in cabin group Bible Studies, a weekend camp out and the opportunity to be a big brother or sister to young campers. Besides Christian leadership training and spiritual growth, CIT Camp is a time for fun and building lasting friendships with a small group of committed Christians. Call the Red Rock Office for more information. camp possib 7. The in a se I hav Paren 2 SUMMER CAMP 2015 REGISTRATION old Camper’s Name: re. Birth date: Day he Address: ter Parent\Guardian 1: Home phone ( ) Parent\Guardian 2: Home phone ( ) nor First Last Month Year Male [ ] Age on July 1, 2015 [ ] City Camper lives with: mother [ ] father [ ] both [ ] guardian [ ] Postal Code Email: Work phone ( Work phone ( ) ) Every effort is made to honor requests for cabin mates at the discretion of the camp administration. However, the cabin mates your camper requests must also request your camper to be their cabin mate. Cabin Mates must be the same age or grade. One or two names only. or Cabin mates requested (must be same age or grade), 1 or 2 names only! 1. es, Church camper attends if any: will Female [ ] Grade in Fall 2015 [ ] Has camper attended Red Rock summer camp before? Yes [ Personal Health Number 2. Town\City ] No [ ] ____ ____ ____ \ ____ ____ ____ \ ____ ____ ____ If yes, last year attended was? Health Registration number: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ in Does the camper have any health, dietary, physical, emotional or behavioral needs which may require special attention while at camp? No [ ] he include a brief explanation. If yes, the integration coordinator will contact you to ensure a positive camp experience for your child. Yes [ ] If so, please ac- an Children’s Agency Contact Person if any: Work Phone: ( ) all. ate uth kill eto Waivers and Conditions of Enrolment 1. The camp director reserves the right to dismiss a camper, who in his opinion, is a hazard to the safety and rights of others, or who appears to have rejected the reasonable controls of camp. Transportation in such cases shall be provided by the parents, guardians or sponsoring agency. The parent/ guardian certifies that the applicant camper is normal in condition and habits and is amenable to necessary camp discipline. Possession of and or use of tobacco products, non-prescriptive drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited. 2. The parents or guardians submitting this application are those having legal custody over the child. Conditions of custody, if applicable, will be fully communicated in writing to the camp, including a photocopy of the section of any court order referring to visitation rights. he 3. The parents or guardians submitting this application give their permission for any photographs or videos of camp activities which may include their child, to be used in camp promotional materials (including the world wide web) and brochures without any financial compensation. exat ra- 4. The parent/guardian grants permission for the camper to participate in all Red Rock Bible Camp activities. 5. While every precaution is taken for the safety and good health of our campers, Red Rock Bible Camp, its directors and staff members, or the employees of facilities outside of the campgrounds are hereby released from any and all liability in the event of an illness, accident or misfortune that may occur to the applicant camper. Each camper must be covered by Provincial Health or equivalent medical insurance. 6. The signature of the parent/guardian on this application shall give the Camp Director the right to arrange for any special services or other requirements a- necessary for the best interest of the camper and shall give the Camp Director the right to approve and obtain medical attention necessary for the camper's welfare and good health including injection, anesthesia or surgery. In such situations, the camp will attempt to notify the parents as soon as possible. The parents/guardians are responsible for any additional expense that may result from such services. 7. The parent/guardian understands that personal information gathered by Red Rock Bible Camp is used by the camp for it’s own purposes and is stored in es, ir- ock in a secure place. I have read and hereby accept the waivers, conditions, cancellation policy and other terms of this registration: Parent/Guardian Signature:______________________________ Date:____________ 3 CHOICE OF SESSION AND CALCULATION OF FEES Fees: Please put 1 before first choice, 2 before second choice, 3 before third choice. Circle the fee below your first choice and write the amount on line 1 below. Camp ( ) Kindle 1 ( ) Ignite 1 ( ) Sizzler ( ) Scorcher ( ) Mini Kindle ( ) Kindle 2 ( ) Spark ( ) Ignite 2 Date July 6-11 July 13-18 July 20-25 July 27-Aug. 1 Aug. 4-8 Aug. 10-15 Aug. 17-22 Aug 24-29 Grade in fall 3-6 6-9 7-10 9-12 2-5 3-6 5-7 6-8 Classic $355 $385 $385 $405 $256 $355 $355 $385 Classic Water Ski *$392 $422 $422 $443 NA *$392 *$392 $422 NA $422 $422 $443 NA NA NA $422 Classic Wakeboard 1. Camp Fees include: GST, crafts and tuck (canteen). Campers do not need to bring money. Fee 2. Siblings : Deduct $30 for the second & any additional siblings, when 2 or more siblings attend camp. -Family Rate 3. Transportation Fee to camp is $26. PARENTS MUST SUPPLY RETURN TRANSPORTATION. +Bus 4. You may pre order a camp t-shirt for $16. If ordering a t-shirt, circle the size. Youth S, Youth M, Youth L,: Ladies S, Ladies M, Ladies +Shirt L, Ladies XL; Men’s S, Men’s M, Men’s L, Men’s XL. 5. Optional gift for summer staff support (We will send you a charitable receipt). +Gift 6. Total Fees Total *Campers will be given the option to participate in a variety of power water sports like waterskiing, wakeboarding, knee boarding & tubing. Classic waterskiing and wakeboarding openings are limited and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Camperships: A campership fund has been established to enable children from low income families to attend camp. Contact the camp office for information. Counsellor In Training Camp is August 17 to 29. Cost is $675, including camp fee, required text, T-shirt and GST. Contact the camp office for more information. Travel to camp: Please put a check by your choice: Coming to camp by: Car Winnipeg bus or vehicle Steinbach Bus or vehicle Parents\Guardians must provide return transportation for their children. Please indicate the name of the person who will be picking up this camper. ( Please Print) _______________________________________________________ Payment Options: 1. 2. Register and pay On line www.redrockbiblecamp.com Paying by cheque will save credit card fees for Red Rock. To register and pay by cheque(s), please enclose one $100.00 cheque currently dated as a deposit, and a second, post dated cheque for the total from line 6 less the $100.00 deposit . Post-dated cheques must be dated no later than June 15, 2015). Both cheques must be included with the registration. 3. If you are paying by credit card, the total camp fee will be charged to your account upon receiving this registration. To register and pay by credit card, please complete: Check one ( ) MasterCard Card # _________|_________|_________|_________ Expiration Date _______/ _______ MM ( ) Visa Total to be charged to your credit card $___________ YY Name ______________________________________ Signature __________________________________________ Today’s Date: _____\ _____\ 2015 Please print DD MM Mail the health form, registration and fees made payable to: RED ROCK BIBLE CAMP 204-320 Main Street, Steinbach, MB, R5G 1Z1. When the camp has received your completed registration and full payment, an acceptance letter, list of things to bring, and transportation information will be sent to you. If you are paying by credit card, you may fax your registration to (204-326-1387). Applications without a health form will not be processed. Refund Policy: If cancellation is made THREE WEEKS or more prior to the camp session, the fee LESS the deposit will be refunded. If cancellation is made LESS THAN THREE WEEKS prior the camp session, there is NO REFUND except for medical emergencies. There is no refund for campers who withdraw from camp for any reason during the camp session, or who are sent home for disciplinary or medical reasons. Bible Memory Program: Help earn your way to camp by participating in the Bible Memory Program. You will receive a refund of $10.00 per assignment memorized (max. 12 assignments). The refund will be mailed to you following your week at camp. To participate, please choose one of our Bible Memory programs that you will find at: http://tinyurl.com/redrockbiblememory e2 29 2015 RRBC CAMPER HEALTH FORM PAGE 1 4 Please mail Registration together with Medical form to: Red Rock Bible Camp, 204 – 310 Main St, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z1 This medical form must be returned with the Camp registration form. Camper will NOT be accepted without it. First name: Last Name: M F Mailing Address/Town and Province: Postal Code: Phone #: Birthday ____/ ____/ ______ dd mm Age: MHSC #: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ PHIN #: __ __ __ /__ __ __ /__ __ __ yyyy Camper’s Doctor: Phone #: Session attending Camp: Dates attending: In case of Emergency: Mother’s Name: _______________________ Home #: ________________ Work #: __________________ Father’s Name: _______________________ Home #: ________________ Work #: ___________________ Phone # parent can be reached at during camper’s stay at camp (if different than above): Alternate contact person: Phone#: Relationship to camper (Please circle) Grandparent Aunt Uncle Friend Other Health History: Date of last physical exam: Are immunizations up to date: Yes No Date of last Tetanus shot: Please list any allergies to food, medication or other (such as pollen, dust, pets etc.) Reaction: Allergy: Treatment: be r d, uring (max. nd at: Asthma: No Yes, what triggers an attack? Treatment: If your child has asthma, or if your child has any allergic reactions that require medication or medical attention to treat it, please attach a treatment plan to the health form . NOTE: Red Rock’s closest medical facility is about one hour from camp. Is the camper subject to: (please check) ear aches bedwetting sore throat stomach aches cough frequent head aches migraines sleep walking eye problems seizure disorder other: To assist the nurse in providing treatment for any of the above, please explain how you treat the condition (e.g. 1 Tylenol, rest, etc.) _______________________________________________________________________________ 5 Red Rock Bible Camp Medical Form Page 2 Does the camper have any other current physical/psychological/emotional or behavioral conditions? (e.g. Diabetes, epilepsy, attention deficit disorder, any phobias) Please list and explain treatment. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Activity restrictions None Yes, please explain. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Females: menstruating Yes No Is aware of it’s possible onset/concerns ___________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Medications: List any medication, dosage and time (s) camper is taking: _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: All medication must be sent to camp in the ORIGINAL CONTAINER. Please send a sufficient supply plus detailed instructions regarding the administration. Medications will be administered by the camp nurse. ** I herewith give consent for the camp administration to secure medical treatment in the event of an emergency. I give permission for the medical staff to administer medication. I give permission for qualified staff to administer an Epi pen if needed. In such situations, the camp will attempt to notify the parents as soon as possible. ** I the parent/guardian am responsible for any additional expense that may result from such services. ** I will notify the camp in writing if any change occurs in the camper’s health within 6 weeks prior to attending camp. ** I certify that the information given in this medical form is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: Note: In the event of serious illness, accident or other emergency, parents/guardians will be contacted. ___ ___ ___ ___ 6 RED ROCK RETREATS & EVENTS Red Rock Cyclathon 46 Winter Camps June 6, 2015 Father and Son January 30 to February 1, 2015 The Cyclathon is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Proceeds will help subsidize our summer camp program Father & Son Camp is an opportunity for fathers of all ages and and provide camperships for needy campers. Invite some their sons age seven and up to enjoy a weekend of recreation, friends to ride with you. Ask people to sponsor you and fellowship and worship together in the unique setting that can only do the 125 kilometer ride. Support this ministry that is making a difference by making and growing disciples of be found at camp. Christ through Christian Camping. ___ ___ Mother and Daughter January 16-18 2015 ___ Mother and Daughter Camp has a long tradition at Red Rock. It is a ___ spend some quality time together building relationships and enjoy- time for moms of all ages and their daughters ages seven and up to ing each other’s company. Red Rock Bible Camp Open House June 7, 2015 ___ Everyone is invited! This is a great opportunity for parents to see the camp and for first time campers to become familiar with our site. Join ___ ___ us per- d- us for a worship service, camp tours, swimming and other camp activities. Activities at Winter Camps Include: 11:00 AM Worship Service 12:15 PM Barbecue Lunch (no charge) Chapel Services, Cross-country skiing, Tubing, Snowshoeing, 1:00 PM Swimming, Canoeing, Boating, Tours and other Activities Skating (bring your own skates), Broomball, Crafts (Mother & 2:00 PM Tuck Shop (snacks, t-shirts) Daughter Camp), Snowmobiling (bring your own), Ice Fishing 3:00 PM Departure (bring your own fishing tackle), Table Games and more. To register for Father and Son or Mother and Daughter Camp, call our office (204-326-9784), go to our web site at www.redrockbiblecamp.com, or, use your smart phone and scan one of the QR Codes above. 7 7 7 CONTACT INFORMATION Red Rock Bible is located in the heart of the Whiteshell CONTACT INFORMATION CONTACT INFORMATION RedBible Rockis Bible is located in theofheart of the Whiteshell Red Rock located in the heart the Whiteshell Provincial Park, 17km North of Rennie Manitoba on Office:: 204-320 Main Street, Steinbach, MB R5G 1Z1 Provincial Park, North 17km North of Rennie Manitoba on Office:: Office:: Park, 17km of Rennie Manitoba on Provincial 204-320 MainSteinbach, Street, Steinbach, MB 204-320 Main Street, MB R5G 1Z1R5G 1Z1 Hwy #307, approximately 150 km N.E. of Winnipeg and Phone: 204-326-9784 Fax: 204-326-1387 Hwy approximately #307, approximately 150 of Winnipeg and #307, 150 km58.503 N.E.km of N.E. Winnipeg Hwy Steinbach. GPS coordinates are: N49 W95 30.952 and 204-326-9784 Fax: 204-326-1387 Phone: Phone: 204-326-9784 Fax: 204-326-1387 Steinbach. GPS coordinates are: N49 58.503 W95 Steinbach. GPS coordinates are: N49 58.503 W95 30.952 30.952 Email: [email protected] From Winnipeg, travel East on Hwy 15 to Elma. Turn North Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] From Winnipeg,East travel East on Hwy 15 toTurn Elma. Turn North Hwy 15 (right) to Elma. North From (left) Winnipeg, on Hwy 11 travel to Hwy 44.on Turn East on Hwy 44 past on Hwy 11 44. to Hwy 44. Easton (right) on 44 past (left) on(left) Hwy 11 to Hwy EastTurn (right) Hwy(left) 44 Hwy past Rennie to Provincial RoadTurn #307. Turn North on Rennie to Provincial Road #307. Turn North (left) on Rennie to Road Provincial Road #307. Turn North (left) on Provincial #307 and watch for the camp sign on the right Provincial Road #307 and watch for the camp sign on the right Provincial Road and watch and the ER road#307 sign #70 on thefor left.the camp sign on the right and the ER road sign #70 on the left. and the ER road sign #70 on the left. Camp Site:: Camp Site:: Camp Site:: Phone: 204-348-7267 Fax: 204-348-7081 204-348-7267 Fax: 204-348-7081 Phone: Phone: 204-348-7267 Fax: 204-348-7081 redrockbiblecamp.com redrockbiblecamp.com redrockbiblecamp.com
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