PIMA COUNTY JUNIOR SOCCER LEAGUE 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO: Club Presidents FROM: Dawn Marie Bogdanowich, PCJSL Secretary Ted Schmidt, President DATE: January 13, 2015 [email protected] All voting (member clubs) and non-voting members (individual club and team members) are cordially invited to attend and participate in the AGM of the PCJSL on Tuesday, March 10th, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at the Patrick Hardesty Midtown Tucson Police Substation. Mark Hamilton, First Vice President [email protected] Kadar Hamilton, Vice President of Competition [email protected] Dawn Marie Bogdanowich, Secretary [email protected] Curt Cannon, Treasurer [email protected] Pat Dunham, Registrar [email protected] Becky Barry, Communications Commissioner [email protected] Bob Barton, Fields Commissioner [email protected] Ricardo Hinds, Director of Coaching [email protected] Larry Luckett, Referee Commissioner [email protected] Mack Romero, District II Commissioner [email protected] Ted Schmidt, President of PCJSL, will preside over the meeting. Elections will be held for the following Board positions listed below with attached descriptions. Our complete By-Laws can be found on our web site. Anyone interested in running for an open position, please email PCJSL Secretary, Dawn Marie Bogdanowich @ [email protected]. President: The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the League and shall be subject to the control of the Board of Directors and have general supervision, direction and control of the business and the officers of the League. The President shall preside at all meetings of members of the League and at all meetings of the Board of Directors. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall have the general powers and duties of management usually vested in the President of an organization, and shall have other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or by the Bylaws. (March 30, 2015 – March 30, 2017) Secretary: The Secretary shall keep a book of minutes of meetings at such place as the Board of Directors may order, of all meetings of the League and all meetings of the Board of Directors, with the time and place of holding, whether regular or special, and if special how authorized. The Secretary shall reserve an appropriate space for meetings of the members of the League and of the Board of Directors as required by the Bylaws. The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, a book or books containing true and correct copies of all documentation submitted to the Secretary by any Directors or officers of the League, including copies of correspondence sent in the name of the League by any Director or officer, to be kept in the official records of the League in a current and up-to-date status at all times. The Secretary shall maintain a calendar of events and reports due and bring these to the attention of the appropriate Director responsible for the same. The Secretary shall tender all such documents and records to the successor Secretary immediately following the next annual election, and shall have other powers and perform other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors and the Bylaws. (March 30, 2015 – March 30, 2017) Vice-President of Competition: The Vice President of Competition shall be responsible for overseeing all League competitions. The Vice-President of Competition shall oversee the appropriate person, company, agency or committee responsible for scheduling games held under the auspices of the League. He or she will review all cancellations and assign or assign with the assistance of a committee, duly approved by the Board of Directors, appropriate sanctions and/or fines for said cancellations. (March 30, 2015 – March 30, 2017) Pima County Junior Soccer League 9420 East Golf Links Road Suite 108, Box 286 Tucson, AZ 85730 www.pcjsl.com PIMA COUNTY JUNIOR SOCCER LEAGUE 2015 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Referee Commissioner: Obtains the assignment of referees for all games under the jurisdiction of the League, including intra-district and tournament games played within the boundaries of PCJSL; organizes and conducts clinics, registration, licensing and training of all referees not licensed and trained by the AYSA. (March 30, 2015 - March 30, 2016) Ted Schmidt, President [email protected] Mark Hamilton, First Vice President [email protected] Kadar Hamilton, Vice President of Competition [email protected] Dawn Marie Bogdanowich, Secretary [email protected] Curt Cannon, Treasurer [email protected] Pat Dunham, Registrar [email protected] Becky Barry, Communications Commissioner [email protected] Bob Barton, Fields Commissioner [email protected] Ricardo Hinds, Director of Coaching [email protected] Larry Luckett, Referee Commissioner [email protected] Mack Romero, District II Commissioner Director of Coaching: Recruits, organizes, trains and, where appropriate, licenses coaches for all the teams within the jurisdiction of the League. (March 30, 2015 - March 30, 2016) Fields Commissioner: Establishes and obtains new fields within the boundaries of the League; maintains and improves existing fields within the boundaries of the League; and reserves facilities and schedules practice fields. (March 30, 2015 - March 30, 2016) Communications Commissioner: The Communications Commissioner shall be responsible for communications between the league, clubs and members. He or she shall also be responsible for promoting the interests of PCJSL through communications with governmental agencies providing fields and/or other services to PCJSL and its member clubs, through communication with the local press and through communications with AYSA. The Communications Commissioner will also oversee operations of the website, www.pcjsl.com. (March 30, 2015 - March 30, 2016) Special Projects Commissioner: Special Projects Commissioner shall be responsible for overseeing Pima Cup and other special projects as voted on by the PCJSL Board of Directors (March 30, 2015 – March 20, 2016) District II Commissioner: NOT A PCJSL Board Position. Direct the business of the District; Report in writing at each AYSA Board of Directors’ meeting on the state of the District; Designate one District Commissioner as a liaison between the District Commissioners and the AYSA Board of Directors. This liaison shall have a vote as a member of the Executive Committee; Be present, where possible, at Annual General Meetings of the Clubs/Leagues in the district; Ensure that all teams and players in the district are properly registered; Hold district wide meetings on a bi-monthly basis; Designate one assistant to Aid in the performance of duties; Oversee and promote growth within the district; and, Perform other responsibilities assigned by the Board of Directors or the President. (March 30, 2015 – March 30, 2017) (JOB DESCRIPTION IN AYSA BY-LAWS) Please advise your club members of the meeting date and time and encourage any members interested in a position on the PCJSL Board of Directors to contact PCJSL Secretary, Dawn Marie Bogdanowich, for more information about open board positions. Nominations from the floor will be accepted at the AGM. The AGM is your opportunity to get involved and more fully participate in the governance of your league. We encourage you and your members to attend. [email protected] /dmb Pima County Junior Soccer League 9420 East Golf Links Road Suite 108, Box 286 Tucson, AZ 85730 www.pcjsl.com
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