Grace E-Notes Our Vision: Living in the Grace of God’s love, we worship, learn and serve. A weekly publication for Grace Lutheran Church & Friends Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Please excuse any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Deadline for article submission is 3:00 p.m. on Mondays! -1- Weekly Calendars Tuesday 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Wednesday 9:30 AM 7:00 PM Thursday 12:00 PM Friday 6:00 PM Saturday 7:00 AM 11:00 AM Sunday 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:15 PM 6:00 PM 01/20/2015 DiscipleLife Fellowship Pack 114 Worship/Music @ Resurrection, Plano 01/21/2015 Book Club Choir Practice 01/22/2015 Small Group 01/23/2015 Pack 749 Pinewood Derby Set-Up 01/24/2015 Pack 749 Pinewood Derby WELCA Planning Meeting 01/25/2015 Blood Pressure Clinic Worship New Member Orientation Sunday School Worship/Scattered Seeds GLC Youth Game Day WELCA General Meeting/Lunch GLC Youth Nat’l Gathering Mtg Sunday Night Live Monday 7:00 PM Tuesday 6:30 PM Wednesday 9:30 AM 7:00 PM Thursday 6:30 PM Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 AM 3:00 PM 01/26/2015 BSA 723 01/27/2015 Adult Bible Study 01/28/2015 Book Club Choir Practice 01/29/2015 Adult Bible Study 01/30/2015 01/31/2015 02/01/2015 Worship Sunday School Programs Worship/Way of Grace/Scout Sunday Family Life Mtg GSA 4756 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Congregational Meeting February 8, 2015 9:45 A.M. 2015 Flower/Eternal Candle Chart Flowers ~ $30 Eternal Candle ~ $15 The following dates are available: Flowers; 2/8, 2/22, 3/1, 4/5, 7/5, 7/12, 8/2, 9/13, 9/20, 9/27, 11/1, 12/6, 12/13, & 12/20. Sign up in the Welcome Center! Please use provided envelopes for payment and drop in the offering.. Adult Bible Study 4 Book Club 4 Briarwood Lumberjack Retreat 13 Calendar 2 Children’s Page 6 Metrocrest 4 New Member Orientation 4 New Web Page 4 Prayer Concerns 11-12 Recipe 15 Scout Sunday 4 Silent Auction/Dinner 7 Sunday’s Readings & Psalm 12 WELCA -2- 9-10 Worship Assistants 3 Yellow Page 16 Youth 5 Assisting With Worship Third Sunday after Epiphany 1/25/2015 Grace Lutheran Church 1200 E. Hebron Parkway Carrollton, TX 75010 Phone: (972)492-4474 Office Hours: Mondays – Thursdays 9:00–3:00 Website: Sunday Morning Schedule Worship 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM Sunday School Programs 9:45 AM Nursery Available at 11:00 AM Service Pastor: Rev. Scott Zimmerer [email protected] Miles Holder, Vicar Gregg Schockman Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Aaron Colwick Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] Katrina Colwick Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] 8:30 AM McKenzie Williams Acolyte 11:00 AM Grace McClenaghan Acolyte Debra Campbell & Blake Cavagnaro Greeters The Nietubicz Family Greeters Greg Streder Lay Reader Chris Wagner Lay Reader Darrell Davidchik & Daniel Haas Ushers Christy Ehlers & Kerri Tamberelli Ushers Miles Holder Worship Assistant Miles Holder Worship Assistant Pam Streder Welcome Center Brenda Altenhofen Welcome Center Musicians Gregg Schockman, Director of Music Ministries—Piano Sarah McClenaghan, Tracey Floor, & Judy Cheshier—Cantors Grace Lutheran Choir Scattered Seeds—11:00 AM Service Paula Parker Administrative Assistant [email protected] [email protected] Metrocrest Services JANUARY Donation Request Altar Guild Gloria Davidchik & Brenda Altenhofen Communion Set Up, Clean Up & Pour Karen Schmid—Bread Grace Lutheran will continue to support the Metrocrest Services in their endeavor to serve the communities in Denton county. Currently, they have a great need for Infant Items (baby food, Jan Wilson & John Storey Counting diapers); Hygiene Items (shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste) and Baking Items (flour, sugar). Please bring your donations, throughout the month of Jan., and place them in Congregational Meeting February 8, 2015 9:45 AM the shopping cart in the Narthex. We will deliver our donations on Sunday, Feb. 1st to the Metrocrest. Any questions, please contact Bev Wells at [email protected] or Brigitte Holder at [email protected] Annual Reports due 1/28/2015 Thank you ! -3- ADULT BIBLE STUDY The Gospel of John New Member Orientation This Sunday, Feb 25th during the Sunday School hour in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Zimmerer will be teaching "Lutheranism 101" reviewing basic Lutheran theology, worship and beliefs. All those who are interested in joining Grace are encouraged to attend. Also, this is a good review for life-long Lutherans. All are welcome. Adult mid-week Bible Study will begin again on Tuesday, January 27 and Thursday, January 29. We will be studying the Gospel of John, using curriculum from John MacArthur. Workbooks are $10. The class will run 13 weeks and will be led by Miles & Brigitte Holder on Tuesdays and Debra Campbell on Thursdays. This is a great chance to study God’s Word in community, learning from one another and satisfying our hunger and thirst to know God better. Please sign up at the Welcome Center or send an email to Brigitte Holder at [email protected]. New members will then be received on Sunday, February 8th. Questions? E-mail or speak to Pastor Zimmerer. Scout Sunday We will be observing Scout Sunday on Sunday, February 1st at the 11:00 service. All of the troops and packs sponsored by Grace will be invited. We also invite our members who are involved in other Scouting troops or packs to be involved in our worship. If you are interested, please contact the church office to let us know what you'd like to do: greet, usher, lector, etc. Congregational Meeting February 8, 2015 9:45 AM Officers, Ministries, Committees, and Staff need to submit annual reports electronically no later than Wednesday, January 28th to : [email protected] Book Club This Wednesday we will begin reading "Lame Deer Seeker of Visions." This an interesting history/autobiography of John Lame Deer of the Sioux Tribe in South Dakota. join us Wednesday at 9:30 AM in the church parlor for this interesting read/ discussion. New Web Page in The Works Stay tuned... we will soon be unveiling our new web page with lots of extras. Soon you will even be able to bring your iPad to worship to download your bulletin. Exciting IT times await Grace Lutheran. Thanks to Rick Nietubicz, Greg Streder and their IT team for all their work to make this happen. Our "cut over" will be this Thursday - please bear with us if you experience some difficulties logging on to our website during this time. Copyright © 2011 The Zondervan Corporation -4- -5- -6- -7- -8- WELCA Fellowship Opportunities Please join us for any or all of our activities! ALL women of Grace are welcome!!! MONDAY THURSDAY Knitting/ Crocheting/ Handwork: 2nd Monday of the month at 7 PM. We will be meeting in the Parlor! Come and learn how to knit or crochet! Quilting 1st and 3rd Thursdays 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Bring scissors! Join us on February 5 & 19! SATURDAY Bible Study 3rd Saturday of the month at 9 AM in the Parlor. We use the Bible study from Gather magazine and we always have copies to share. Join us January 17! We always have a sweet treat at the end! Join us on February 9th! ***************************************************************************************** To all women of Grace…. You are invited to your WELCA General Meeting January 25 after the 2nd service! We will be honoring … “The Morning Star of Wittenberg”, Katie Luther. Katie Luther was a wife, mother, farmer, brewmaster, innkeeper, and more. In all that she did, she acted boldly on her faith in Jesus Christ. There’s a little bit of Katie in all of us. Come and find out more about Katie and enjoy a delicious soup and salad luncheon! Please sign up at the Welcome Center! ***************************************************************************************** -9- ***************************************************** Don’t Forget! Mark your calendars for April 11th! Grace Lutheran Church and WELCA will be hosting the North Central Conference WELCA retreat with Jill Miller!! Women’s Conference during the day AND Concert for EVERYONE in the evening!! Read more about Jill at and listen to a sample of her music! ************************************************** -10- PRAYER CONCERNS NOTE: Due to privacy concerns all persons on prayer list MUST give their permission to be listed. FAMILY & FRIENDS Chris Adkins Nan Andrews Baby Camilla Mavis Barrow David Baxter Janet Brown Sandy Devine Brian Ellis Ulane Franklund Mary Beth Girowski Ruby Gorman Rachel Jevaseely Tony Kenworthy Arik Logan Lorraine, J Gulliksen’s mother Ashley M. Scott Nietubicz’ friend’s dad Jean Perry Brian Peterson Rita Pitka Megan Raley Joseph Reinert Mary Singley Dale Swenson Kerri Tamberelli’s parents Irene Thorson Adam Tjosvold Ethel Zimmerer GRACE MEMBERS Blake Cavagnaro & Family Kaitlyn Cheshier Jan Ellis Amy Gulliksen (YAGM—Ministry) Miles Holder Nikki King Scott McClenaghan Louise Norris Max Raulins Jo An Stanley Rev. Nolan Sucher Charlotte Weirich Bev Wells Ebola & Malaria Victims & Medical Personnel Christians, Jews, & Palestinians being persecuted The Unemployed & their families GRACE MEMBERS in ASSISTED LIVING OR HOME BOUND Mary Frank Dorothy Hicks Cherrylin Langley Inez Moilan Barbara Olson Kay Sembrick Peggy Smith Richard Tjosvold MEN & WOMEN OF THE ARMED FORCES Richard Cox LT Chuck Cranston, US Navy Scott Gulliksen, US Marine Corps Jay Lundberg, Navy Lord God, you alone are the source of all healing and so we give you thanks for all your gifts of strength and life, and above all we thank you for the gift of your Son, through whom we have faith and strength. Grant health to the ill, strength to the weak, comfort for the sad, patience to those with chronic infirmities, hope to the distressed and anxious, healing to the addicted, and peace to the dying; in your name we pray. Amen -11- Readings & Psalm January 25, 2015 3rd Sunday after Epiphany PRAYER VENTURES —— January 2015 —— These petitions are offered as guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the church. 20: We remember all the lives lost to gun violence. Bless us with the wisdom and strength to put down our guns and be peacemakers. 21: In a living example of caring for our neighbor, we give thanks to those who, through the ELCA and Lutheran Disaster Response, are responding to the arrival of unaccompanied and migrant children to the United States with grace and compassion. 22: We give thanks for ELCA colleges and universities, where students are educated for a sense of calling or vocation, opening the path toward a meaningful life of contribution to the common good. 23: We give thanks for people who work or who have worked to protect our nation and world. We pray for our veterans, chaplains and volunteers who bring them spiritual comfort. 24: Welcoming God, with gracious and open hearts and minds, we give thanks to ELCA members and congregations invited and encouraged to engage in an important study and conversation centered around the invitation to Holy Communion. 25: On this last day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we pray for the day when all Christians know that unity among us is above all a gift of God. 26: Raise up, in every country, all who herald the gospel and who make the good news known, especially Timothy, Titus and Silas, missionaries whom we commemorate today. Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Psalm 62:5-12 Mark 1:14-20 Grace Lutheran Nursery Care Do you enjoy spending time with the youngest members of our Grace family? Please consider volunteering in the nursery during late service. This is a great way to get to know our young families at Grace and give them a short break to enjoy worship service. Thanks for your prayerful consideration. To sign up, go to: go/20F0D4CA5A628A2FB6-nursery/11456520 Amy Gulliksen – YAGM Ministry in Jerusalem Keep up with Amy's work by following her blog: and by receiving her newsletter by emailing her at [email protected]. If you would also like to financially support the YAGM ministries, please call 800-638-3522 for credit card payment, or send a check to: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America PO Box 71764 Chicago, IL 60694-1764. Please write: "Amy Gulliksen GCS 3092" on the memo line. -12- Congregational Meeting February 8, 2015 9:45 AM -13- -14- Sneaky Spaghetti Sauce Ingredients: 1 - lb ground turkey 2 - sweet Italian sausage links, remove casings 1 - small to medium onion, chopped 2 - cloves garlic, minced 1 - orange, green or yellow bell pepper, seeded and pureed 1/2 - cup carrots, shredded or pureed 1/2 - cup zucchini, shredded or pureed 1 - medium rib of celery, chopped or pureed 1 - 28 oz can Italian style tomatoes in puree 1 - 14 oz can Italian diced tomatoes, with juice 1 - 6 oz can tomato paste 1/2 - cup water (if using frozen pureed veggies omit the water) 2 - 3 tablespoon sugar 1 - bay leaf 1 - teaspoon dried basil 1/2 - tablespoon dried oregano 1/2 - teaspoon crushed thyme 1 - teaspoon salt 1 - 16 oz package spaghetti noodles Directions: In a large sauce pan, crumble the turkey and Italian sausage. Add the onion and garlic and cook over medium heat until the meat is cooked through. Drain off any fat. Add the meat mixture to a 4 - 6 qt crock pot. Stir in the tomato paste and all the canned tomatoes. Use a large spoon to break up the whole tomatoes. Stir in the pureed vegetables (bell pepper, carrots, zucchini, celery). Add the spices, sugar, water and bay leaf. Cover and cook on low for 6 8 hours. Stirring occasionally. Serve over cooked pasta. Shredded Vegetables: If using shredded vegetables add the carrots, celery and zucchini when the meat mixture is fully cooked and drained. Continue to cook, stirring, until the vegetables are limp, about 5 minutes. -15- GRACE YELLOW PAGES Below are services and businesses that our members provide. We simply present them for your information. We are not able to officially endorse any of them for liability reasons. Please consider them when you are planning repairs, lessons, etc. If you would like to list your business or service please bring a business card by the office or send an electronic copy to: [email protected] -16-
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