Grace E-Notes Our Vision: Living in the Grace of God’s love, we worship, learn and serve. A weekly publication for Grace Lutheran Church & Friends Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Please excuse any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Deadline for article submission is 3:00 p.m. on Mondays! There is but One Name - Jesus A virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him “Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). Matthew 1:23 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: “King of kings and Lord of lords.” Revelation 19:16 Son of God… Lamb of God… the Resurrection and the Life… the Alpha and Omega (the beginning and the end)... Names and phrases for Jesus of Nazareth. Phrases that stretch the boundaries of human language in an effort to understand and capture that which is beyond human understanding the grandeur of God. All these names and images by themselves fall short. Hearing them is somewhat like hearing a Salvation Army Christmas band on the street corner playing Handel’s Messiah. No one name does justice to God! But individually they come together like individual pieces of a puzzle – to help us to better understand who this Lord of Life is. But there is one name. Jesus. A name so common that if he were here today, his name might be John or Bob or Jim. As a person, Jesus was touchable, approachable, reachable. I can almost hear him say, “Just call me Jesus.” Those who walked with Him remembered Him not with a title or designation, but with his name ~ Jesus! It’s a beautiful name and a powerful name. The day is coming when at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord! (Philippians 2:10) Advent Blessings, Pastor Scott Zimmerer Advent Schedule 12/21/2014—Advent 4 Worship—8:30 & 11:00 AM 9:30 AM Nativity Display Coffee Hour 12/24/2014—Christmas Eve Worship—7 & 10:30 PM Bring bells to the 7:00 service to ring during The Hymn of Praise 12/28/2014—Christmas 1—8:30 & 11:00 AM A Service of Carols Between the services we will have a concert . . . Coffee and Cocoa provided. Bring cookies to share -1- Weekly Calendars Tuesday 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Wednesday 7:00 PM Thursday 10:00 AM 7:00 PM Friday 6:30 PM Saturday 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM Sunday 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM Monday 7:00 PM Tuesday Wednesday 7:00 PM 10:30 PM Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 12:15 PM INSIDE THIS ISSUE 12/16/2014 Pack 114 Worship/Music 12/17/2014 Choir Practice 12/18/2014 Quilting Via de Cristo 12/19/2014 Pack 115 Den 5 12/20/2014 Keep Carrollton Beautiful Trash Pick Up WELCA Bible Study Parents Day Out 12/21/2014 Worship Nativity Display Coffee Hour Sunday School Worship GSA 4756 All Youth Christmas Party 12/22/2014 BSA 723 12/23/2014 12/24/2014 Office Closed Christmas Eve Worship Christmas Eve Worship 12/25/2014 Office Closed Merry Christmas! 12/26/2014 12/27/2014 12/28/2014 Worship/Schones Baptism Sunday School Worship Nat’l Gathering Crew BYOL Meeting Internship Committee -2- Advent Coffee Hour 3 Calendar 2 Children’s Page 7 Metrocrest Social Services 4 Nativity Festival 2 Prayer Concerns 9 Prayer Ventures 10 Recipe 11 Sunday’s Readings & Psalm 10 Sunday School Choir Flash Mob Pic 4 WELCA 8 Worship Assistants 3 Yellow Page 12 Youth 5-6 Grace Lutheran Church 1200 E. Hebron Parkway Carrollton, TX 75010 Assisting With Worship 12/21/2014 Phone: (972)492-4474 Office Hours: Mondays – Thursdays 9:00–3:00 Website: Sunday Morning Schedule Worship 8:00 AM & 11:00 AM Sunday School Programs 9:45 AM Nursery Available at 11:00 AM Service Pastor: Rev. Scott Zimmerer [email protected] Miles Holder, Vicar Gregg Schockman Director of Music Ministries [email protected] Aaron Colwick Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] 8:30 AM 11:00 AM Rebecca Wagner Acolyte Colleen Stack Acolyte Judy Gruber & Al Bem Greeters Mike & Allison Mihavics Greeters Karen Schmid Lay Reader Aaron Colwick Lay Reader George & Theresa Ward Ushers Toni & Nicole Gomez Ushers Greg Streder Worship Assistant Kathy Doyle Worship Assistant Musicians Gregg Schockman. Director of Music Ministries—Piano Tracey Flood, Judy Cheshier & Rob Lorentzen—Cantors Bethany Lorentzen—Vocalist Grace Lutheran Choir Katrina Colwick Director of Children’s Ministries [email protected] Paula Parker Administrative Assistant [email protected] [email protected] Altar Guild Stephanie Holowak & Caroll Scott Communion Set Up, Clean Up & Pour Debra Campbell—Bread Greg Streder & Brenda Altenhofen Counting Sybil Roop Welcome Center -3- Jan Wilson Welcome Center Demonstrate your thankfulness this season Each holiday season, Grace Lutheran anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through the offerings and gifts of every individual and family in the congregation that we are able to carry on our ministries now and throughout the year. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at and locate the Online Giving button. Or if it's easier, complete a paper authorization form available at the Welcome Center and return it to the church office. Sunday School Choir Flash Mob Thank you for your generosity and support! Your Stewardship Committee Serv t s ocre Metr ices est u q e on R rve to se r o v a se, ende Chee their n & i s c rvice d or r Ma brea st Se ed fo e e n r n r c t o o etr , c grea place flour the M ave a , t h r r o y a ., and p e g c p h u e u t s s , ( D ly Dec. f to oods rrent nth o g day, u tinue o n n C g u m o n S . i c e ak ut th ounty ns on n will and B ugho hera ton c natio o t s n o r u e e d l h L D t r b e , er ou geta ies in Grac tions ll s a t m deliv dona l munit ed ve l i r n m u v We w o n o e c a e y B C e g t W h @gm n , c . t i r a p r x e t u e b d n o l h ed s lease n the Nart s, please co brigitteho Cann s). P e ion x rt i i er at ng ca quest in m H o ld e t t muff the shoppi rest. Any i g r Bri in etroc com o . M them g e n i h . to t brand 28th ation n i g a im bev@ ati n o D ER B M E C DE ! u o y ank Th -4- Tom Thumb has Mac & Cheese 10 for $10 John Storey, thanks for the info -5- -6- -7- WELCA Fellowship Opportunities Please join us for any or all of our activities! ALL women of Grace are welcome!!! MONDAY Knitting/ Crocheting/ Handwork: 2nd Monday of the month at 7 PM. Place announced on the Sunday before. Please Join Us! THURSDAY Quilting 1st and 3rd Thursdays 10 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Bring scissors! Join us Thursday, December 18th! SATURDAY Bible Study 3rd Saturday of the month at 9 AM in the Parlor. We use the Bible study from Gather magazine and we always have copies to share. Join us December 20th! ******************************************************************************************************** Did you know that WELCA has a free app to download onto your iPhone or android phone? Reflect, pray and prepare for the day! Need an on-the-go companion for your faith journey? Daily Grace offers brief reflections every day in which you’ll encounter God’s extravagant, boundless and often surprising grace. Be comforted, challenged, inspired, consoled and confronted. See more at: Here’s a sample: Do you feel a sense of real longing this Advent, longing for justice in a world of injustice, yearning for hope and deliverance? This might be a good time to spend Advent reflecting and journaling on Mary’s words in the Magnificat (Luke 1:45-55). Spend time thinking about what a revolutionary message Mary proclaimed. No passive, sweet young thing, this Mary. No, she was courageous, strong and insightful! And the baby she carried within her body brought reconciliation to the world. This baby brought a radical message of love to a world more interested in power, prestige and who’s in and who’s out, who’s up and who’s down. This is adapted from A Different Kind of Journey: Advent as a Walk, Not a Sprint, a free downloadable resource written by Sonia Solomonson. It’s available at - See more at: ***************************************************************************************** -8- PRAYER CONCERNS NOTE: Due to privacy concerns all persons on prayer list MUST give their permission to be listed. MEN & WOMEN OF THE ARMED FORCES Richard Cox LT Chuck Cranston, US Navy Scott Gulliksen, US Marine Corps Jay Lundberg, Navy GRACE MEMBERS Blake Cavagnaro & Family Kaitlyn Cheshier Joe Dzikonski (Jill Sullivan’s dad) Amy Gulliksen (YAGM—Ministry) Miles Holder Nikki King Scott McClenaghan Louise Norris Barbara Olson Max Raulins Buster Roop Jo An Stanley Bryan Swenson Rev. Nolan Sucher Charlotte Weirich Ebola & Malaria Victims & Medical Personnel Christians, Jews, & Palestinians being persecuted The Unemployed & their families FAMILY & FRIENDS Darrell Abston Chris Adkins Nan Andrews Baby Camilla Mavis Barrow David Baxter Janet Brown Sandy Devine Brian Ellis Ulane Franklund Mary Beth Girowski Ruby Gorman Merle Gregory Rachel Jevaseely Tony Kenworthy Maria Lapaglia Arik Logan Lorraine, J Gulliksen’s mother Ashley M. Scott Nietubicz’ friend’s dad Brian Peterson Megan Raley Joseph Reinert Vickie Roberts Mary Singley Dale Swenson Kerri Tamberelli’s parents Irene Thorson Adam Tjosvold Ethel Zimmerer GRACE MEMBERS in ASSISTED LIVING Mary Frank Dorothy Hicks Cherrylin Langley Inez Moilan Kay Sembrick Peggy Smith Richard Tjosvold OUR SYMPATHY TO THE FAMILY & FRIENDS OF Mary Howard—12/11/2014 Lord God, you alone are the source of all healing and so we give you thanks for all your gifts of strength and life, and above all we thank you for the gift of your Son, through whom we have faith and strength. Grant health to the ill, strength to the weak, comfort for the sad, patience to those with chronic infirmities, hope to the distressed and anxious, healing to the addicted, and peace to the dying; in your name we pray. Amen -9- Readings & Psalm December 21, 2014 4th Sunday of Advent PRAYER VENTURES —— December 2014 —— These petitions are offered as guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the church. 16: Almighty God, we lift before you those impacted by Ebola. Bless our accompaniment with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone and the Lutheran Church in Liberia. 17: We give thanks for ELCA members and others who have contributed more than $2.5 million to support humanitarian assistance for survivors of Typhoon Haiyan, which struck the Philippines one year ago. 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16 Romans 16:25-27 Luke 1:26-38 18: We give thanks for the congregations of this church and lift up their commitments restoring and reconciling communities in a fragmented world. Amy Gulliksen – YAGM Ministry in Jerusalem 19: Through the ELCA Book of Faith Initiative encourage all members, from children to adults, to dig deeper into our book of faith, the Bible. Keep up with Amy's work by following her blog: and by receiving her newsletter by emailing her at [email protected]. 20: We praise you for your servant Katharina von Bora Luther, renewer of the church, whom we commemorate on this day. Like Katharina, raise up in our own day teachers and prophets with voices that give strength to this church. If you would also like to financially support the YAGM ministries, please call 800-638-3522 for credit card payment, or send a check to: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America PO Box 71764 Chicago, IL 60694-1764. Please write: "Amy Gulliksen GCS 3092" on the memo line. 21: As we light the four candles for Advent, open our eyes to see Christ’s presence among us. 22: As congregations are invited to study The Use of the Means of Grace, guide our worshiping community’s conversation. Grace Lutheran Nursery Care Do you enjoy spending time with the youngest members of our Grace family? Please consider volunteering in the nursery during late service. This is a great way to get to know our young families at Grace and give them a short break to enjoy worship service. Thanks for your prayerful consideration. To sign up, go to: go/20F0D4CA5A628A2FB6-nursery/11456520 -10- Grinch Kabobs! Layer mini marshmallow, strawberry, banana slice, and a grape on a small stick and you get Grinch Kabobs! — Christmas tree made up with Candy 2 Miniature Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, 1 Regular Reeses Peanut Butter Cup, 1 Hershey Kiss then decorate with a tube of green cake icing and sprinkles. Cute! -11- GRACE YELLOW PAGES Below are services and businesses that our members provide. We simply present them for your information. We are not able to officially endorse any of them for liability reasons. Please consider them when you are planning repairs, lessons, etc. If you would like to list your business or service please bring a business card by the office or send an electronic copy to: [email protected] -12-
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