“I’m lovin’ it!” 2015 Champions of Children Conference March 9-10, 2015 Hyatt Lodge 2815 Jorie Blvd. Oak Brook, IL 60523 Monday, March 9th SESSION 1 9:45-11:15 A.M. A. Trauma Assessment Laurie Rheim, Executive Director Stillwaters Behavioral Health A model for Trauma Assessment will be provided along with an explanation of how the results of assessment benefit various members of the MDT. This training will utilize case examples and methods for gathering reliable information in difficult cases. B. KEYNOTE 8:30-9:30 a.m. Laughing Just for the Health of It Karen Valdino Child Abuse Investigations Eliciting Verbal and Non-Verbal Solicitation Part I Special Agent, Polygraph Examiner United States Secret Service We are Cavemen - Understanding certain evolutionary and biological concepts in order to increase your ability to detect deception and subsequently illicit information. First Impressions - Grasping the importance of the “primacy effect” and how we can improve the initial impression that we impart upon the individual we are interviewing. As part of this we will address the psychology of effective communication. Rapport building - An essential key to effectively resolving any type of interpersonal conflict. This section will focus on how an investigator can effectively develop and subsequently leverage rapport in an interview setting. Case studies will focus on real world examples of how rapport was established, maintained, and utilized to obtain a positive outcome. C. Prosecuting Cases with Children with Disabilities Christina Rainville, Chief Deputy State’s Attorney Bennington County, Vermont Children with disabilities are sexually and physically abused at very disproportionate rates compared to their non-disabled peers. Yet their cases are often not prosecuted because the very disability that made them vulnerable also makes it difficult to prosecute the case. In this seminar, you will learn how to successfully prosecute cases for children with autism, communications disabilities, intellectual disability, deafness, post-traumatic stress disorder and other disabilities that are common among child abuse victims. By using special techniques at every stage of the prosecution, from before the interview through the jury trial, you can learn to take cases to trial for the most vulnerable of victims. D. Beyond “Tell Me About That”: Using Narrative Practice to Take Your Forensic Interview to the Next Level Kim Mangiaracino, Coord of Training & Ed Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois Narrative practice is a common phrase used in the forensic interviewer field these days. Even with all the research supporting the practice, many interviewers struggle with seeing its benefits and how to incorporate it into their interviews. Some feel that it’s either too difficult or not necessary due to factors such as age, developmental level, and time restraints. This session will focus on the practical application of narrative practice and how it can help to increase the child’s accuracy and details in their report, ultimately increasing the quality of the forensic interview. SESSION 2 Monday, March 9th 1:30-3:00 P.M. A. Proving Child Sexual Abuse Cases Using Evidence of PTSD Christina Rainville, Chief Deputy State’s Attorney Bennington County, Vermont Evidence of post-traumatic stress disorder can be the strongest evidence that a child has been sexually assaulted, but the evidence is often missed by the prosecution team. Child sexual abuse cases are notoriously difficult to prosecute because of the lack of corroborating evidence, especially in delayed disclosure cases, where there often is no evidence other than the child's word that it happened. But 90% of children who are sexually assaulted develop PTSD, and you can prove your he-said/she-said case with that evidence. Learn the signs of PTSD and where you can find them in the medical records, school records, and from reports of family and friends. Learn how to use that evidence effectively in front of a jury, and how to win cases that you thought were unwinnable. B. Child Abuse Investigations Eliciting Verbal and Non-Verbal Solicitation Part II United States Secret Service Special Agent, Polygraph Examiner Pre-interview preparation- This learning block will focus on how an interviewer can adjust aspects of their environment prior to an interview to enhance the open exchange of information. Also, the importance of checking the background of the individual to be interviewed will be covered in great depth. The ability of obtain potential theme material through proprietary background and social networking websites will be examined. Sales – Utilizing traditional sales principles in an order to enhance interpersonal communication. Linguistics – The importance of word choice and delivery is examined. C. All Stressed Up and No One to Choke Karen Valdino, MSW, LPCC, OCPSII This stress management workshop is designed to help participants recognize stressors, and become aware of their own stress level and discover some healthy, effective methods to reduce stress. D. KEYNOTE 12:15-1:15 p.m. The Trail to Triumph Margaret Hoetzler KEYNOTE SPEAKER Karen Valdino 8:30-9:30 A.M. BREAK 9:30-9:45 A.M. SESSION 1 9:45-11:15 A.M. LUNCH 11:15 A.M.-12:15 P.M. KEYNOTE SPEAKER Margaret Hoezler 12:15-1:15 P.M. Building a CAC Brotherhood/Sisterhood Arbinger Institute Principals. CAC DIRECTORS ONLY Andre Agatston, CEO and General Legal Counsel Children’s Advocacy Centers of Georgia BREAK 1:15-1:30 P.M. Through use of a series of personal stories, participants are able to develop a mentality of responsibility rather than of blame in their work, focus on achieving organizational goals, rather than narrow individual or team goals, conceive of, plan, and evaluate their work in a way that improves collaboration and their ability to positively influence others, and establish a justification-free culture of accountability within their work teams and across the organization *Additional cost of $80 per person. CACI will cover $30 per person. BREAK 3:00-3:15 P.M. SESSION 2 1:30-3:00 P.M. SESSION 3 3:15-4:45 P.M. END OF DAY Monday, March 9th SESSION 3 3:15-4:45 P.M. A. Building Sustainable & Effective Treatment Teams Laurie Rheim, Executive Director Stillwaters Behavioral Health The “How To’s” of creating a program that promotes client recovery, maintains a loyal and resilient team of clinicians, coordinates care with multidisciplinary team member, provides education to the community and survives financially. B. Child Abuse Investigations Eliciting Verbal and Non-Verbal Solicitation Part III Special Agent, Polygraph Examiner United States Secret Service Attention CAC Directors & Development Staff! Please join CACI Development & Communication Coordinator, Lara Gephart, for a round table discussion regarding bringing your fundraising efforts to the next level from 11:15 to 12:15 p.m. on Monday, March 9. We will discuss current fundraising efforts (what is and isn’t working), ways to bring CACs throughout the state together, and new ideas to raise money. This will also be a great way for you to meet and network with development professionals from across the state! Decoding Body Language / Kinesics – Discussion on the role Kinesics plays in effective communication. This will include examining the traditional views of “deceptive” body language and how we can utilize mirroring and body language in order to facilitate open communication. Theme Development – Effective themes utilized in previous physical and sexual child abuse cases will be discussed. False Confessions – What to look out for in order to lower your risk of obtaining a false confession. Previous case studies involving child abuse will be also examined. These cases serve as a forum in which the group explores the advantages and disadvantages of certain types of communication approaches. C. Advocacy From The Front Line: Working Within The Multidisciplinary Team Ana Correa & Traneeka Mickel, Advocates Chicago CAC The advocates role in understanding and articulating the families’ perspectives and needs to the MDT. The presentation will provide additional knowledge and skills necessary to carry out the responsibilities of the Advocates as an integral part of the MDT. D. Building a CAC Brotherhood/Sisterhood—Arbinger Institute Principals (continued) CAC DIRECTORS ONLY Andre Agatston, CEO and General Legal Counsel Children’s Advocacy Centers of Georgia Through use of a series of personal stories, participants are able to develop a mentality of responsibility rather than of blame in their work, focus on achieving organizational goals, rather than narrow individual or team goals, conceive of, plan, and evaluate their work in a way that improves collaboration and their ability to positively influence others, and establish a justification-free culture of accountability within their work teams and across the organization *Additional cost of $80 per person. CACI will cover $30 per person. Monday, March 9th HYATT LODGE KEYNOTE SPEAKER Karen Valdino 8:30-9:30 A.M. BREAK 9:30-9:45 A.M. 2815 JORIE BLVD, OAK BROOK, IL 60523 (888) 421-1442 $103 PER NIGHT MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS ONLINE AT: WWW.CACIONLINE.ORG/HYATT HAMBURGER UNIVERSITY SESSION 1 9:45-11:15 A.M. LUNCH 11:15 A.M.-12:15 P.M. KEYNOTE SPEAKER Margaret Hoezler 12:15-1:15 P.M. SESSION 2 1:30-3:00 P.M. BREAK 3:00-3:15 P.M. SESSION 3 3:15-4:45 P.M. In 1983, McDonald’s invested $40 million in Hamburger University a 130,000square foot facility on an 80-acre campus located at McDonald’s Corporate Offices in Oak Brook, IL. This industry-leading facility includes: 13 teaching rooms 300-seat auditorium 12 interactive education team rooms 3 kitchen labs State-of-the-art service training labs The Hyatt Lodge is close to shopping, restaurants and more! Oak Brook Mall Maggiano’s Cheesecake Factory Nordstrom Rack The Container Store Mike Ditka’s Tuesday, March 10th SESSION 1 10:30 A.M.-12:00 P.M. A. Human Trafficking Overview and Q&A Stacy Sloan, Human Trafficking Coord. DCFS Have you ever suspected a child might be a victim of sex trafficking, but weren’t sure? This presentation will provide an overview of domestic sex trafficking and the intersection of child welfare. B. Mandated Reporter Training Julie Strehlow, MSW DCFS KEYNOTE 9:00-10:00 a.m. Unleash Your Inner Super Hero Jeff Stafford As adults, we are responsible for keeping children safe. Mandated reporters play an essential role in this process. While often necessary to keep children safe, mandated reporting can be challenging to navigate for the various human service professionals who must call the hotline when they suspect child abuse. This training will review important elements of mandated reporting process and review relevant case scenarios. The training will discuss the importance of one’s initial response to a disclosure as well as the necessity to have critical thinking, self-awareness and adequate supervision around calling the hotline. Participants will increase their knowledge of how to support children, families and themselves through the mandated reporting process. C. Preventing Legal Mistakes by CACs Andrew Agatston, CEO and General Legal Counsel Children’s Advocacy Centers of Georgia It is inevitable that a CAC’s involvement with children who are suspected victims of child abuse will involve legal matters. A review of specific areas in which CACs may make legal mistakes that will impact the organization and its MDT members is a worthwhile discussion. But we will also address potential “mistake areas” that can be made by CAC professionals in the legal arenas that may impact justice for a child. D. Erin’s Law Prevention Programs for CACs Erin Merryn This session will a brief overview of Erin’s Law, assistance in planning prevention programs and how to implement these programs into schools in your area. Erin Merryn will provide hands-on assistance as well as provide examples of prevention programs currently being used in other states. Tuesday, March 10th SESSION 2 1:00-2:30 P.M. A. Cubical Nation-Learning Strategies to Working with People That You Just Can’t Stand Jeff Stafford, Leadership Educator, Speaker & Trainer Orange Slice Training Understanding human behavior and the intentions of others will provide you with a different perspective on how to get things accomplished while working in tight quarters. We all have a certain way in which we deal with conflict, this sessions busts through the myths and provides actions to take to have a dialogue when talking might be the last thing you want to do. B. The Forensic Sexual Medical Exam— What Can Be Expected From It? Careyana Brenham, M.D. SIU School of Medicine Often times there are concerns about referring children for a forensic sexual medical exam. Dr. Brenham will take you through the steps of the medical exam process including the lab testing that is done and the basic history that is taken. She will also discuss what findings can be expected in these cases, including a “normal” exam, and the importance of making these referrals. C. M*A*S*H Unit Legal Needs for CACs, “Creating a CAC Legal Toolkit for Effective Legal Responses In and Out of Court.” Andrew Agatston, CEO and General Legal Counsel Children’s Advocacy Centers of Georgia If we accept the premise that CACs will be involved in pre-litigation and litigation matters – and we do! – then it is worth considering whether your CAC individually or collectively with other CACs could design a legal toolkit full of practical information about legal matters that routinely involve your CACs. We’ll create a roadmap today. D. Erin’s Law Educator Workshop OPEN TO SCHOOL EDUCATORS ONLY Erin Merryn Educators will receive an in depth look at Erin’s Law and prevention education programs as well as receive hands-on assistance from Erin Merryn with preparing prevention education materials to take back to their schools. *See registration form for special pricing for educators KEYNOTE SPEAKER Jeff Stafford 9:00-10:00 A.M. BREAK 10:00-10:30 A.M. SESSION 1 10:30 A.M.-12:00 P.M. LUNCH 12:00-1:00 P.M. SESSION 2 1:00-2:30 P.M. BREAK 2:30-3:00 P.M. SESSION 3 3:00-4:30 P.M. END OF DAY Tuesday, March 10th SESSION 3 3:00-4:30 P.M. A. Understanding Generations at Work-Identifying Values and Expectations of Boomers, X-er's, GenY's So That You Can Bridge the Generation Gap Jeff Stafford, Leadership Educator, Speaker & Trainer Orange Slice Training According to recent research, 65% of employees agree that generational differences in the workplace make it hard to get things done. This session equips participants with knowledge and skills to best engage others from different generational backgrounds. By acknowledging and understanding specific clash points around Feedback, Motivation, and Recognition you’ll turn obstacles into opportunities that will create a more productive and effective work environment. B. Interview vs. Interrogation: Walking the Sometimes Fine Line with Non-Disclosing/Reluctant Children Kim Mangiaracino, Coord of Training & Ed Children’s Advocacy Centers of Illinois Many of us are familiar with children who come in for a forensic interview and when asked about abuse, they say that nothing has happened. The hope is that nothing did happen. However, as an interviewer or a member of a multidisciplinary, one of the challenges we face is when kids aren’t disclosing but there is information available to suggest that a crime may have occurred. Now what? We’ll talk about how and when to consider moving forward with the interview, balancing the needs and the safety of the child with a solid non-leading interview. C. Parent to Parent Murder Laurie Rheim, Executive Director Stillwaters Behavioral Health Helping to identify the traumatic response and clinical needs of children who have witnessed their parent kill another parent or child. Will discuss tools for effective communication (evidence gathering), methods for understanding the family’s dynamics prior to the homicide, and interventions for promoting the best possible recovery for the child. D. Erin’s Law Educator Workshop (continued) OPEN TO SCHOOL EDUCATORS ONLY Erin Merryn Educators will receive an in depth look at Erin’s Law and prevention education programs as well as receive hands-on assistance from Erin Merryn with preparing prevention education materials to take back to their schools. *See registration form for special pricing for educators SHOP WITH OUR VENDORS Shop with our vendors and collect raffle tickets to win amazing prizes from CACI! OUR SPONSORS: Registration Form Please complete ALL applicable fields. Name _______________________________________________________________________________________ Organization _________________________________________ Title _______________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ State _______________ Zip _______________ Phone ______________________________ Email ________________________________________________ Registration Pricing (please check all that apply) ☐ Full Conference: Single Registration – $199 (before February 20) Includes breakfast & lunch both days $225 (after February 20) ☐ Full Conference: Group Registration - $169/ea. (before February 20) 5 or more MDT members $195/ea. (after February 20) ☐ Educator Workshop: Full Day - $99 Includes breakfast & lunch ☐ Educator Workshop: Afternoon Only - $75 No meals provided ☐ CAC Director Workshop with Andrew Agatston: $50 In addition to full conference tuition Method of Payment Total: $ _____________________ ☐ Check enclosed, made payable to CACI ☐ Invoice or voucher enclosed (with permission) ☐ Credit/Debit Card Payment (complete below) Card # _________________________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date ____________ Security Code ___________ ☐Visa ☐Mastercard Signature _________________________________________________________ Date ______________ Single Registration Only ☐ Yes, I am interested in receiving CEUs for this conference. Discipline _________________________________________________ Session Preference: To help ensure that there is adequate seating for all participants, please check your first choice in each set of sessions. Day 1: Day 2: Session 1: ☐A ☐B ☐C ☐D Session 2: ☐A ☐B ☐C Session 3: ☐A ☐B ☐C ☐Andrew Agatston Workshop* Session 1: ☐A ☐B ☐C ☐D Session 2: ☐A ☐B ☐C Session 3: ☐A ☐B ☐C ☐Erin’s Law Workshop* Note special pricing ☐Check if you would prefer a vegetarian lunch option. Note special educator pricing Group Registration Only Attendee Names *If you have more than 6 attendees, please include their names on a separate sheet of paper. ☐ Yes, we are interested in receiving CEUs for this conference. Disciplines ________________________________________________________________ 1. _____________________________________ 4. _____________________________________ 2. _____________________________________ 5. _____________________________________ 3. _____________________________________ 6. _____________________________________ Session Preference: Please indicate the number of attendees for each set of sessions. Number of vegetarian lunches ___________. Day 1: Day 2: Session 1: ___A ___B ___C ___D Session 2: ___A ___B ___C Session 3: ___A ___B ___C ___Andrew Agatston Workshop* Session 1: ___A ___B ___C ___D Session 2: ___A ___B ___C Session 3: ___A ___B ___C ___Erin’s Law Workshop* Note special pricing Note special educator pricing Mail registration form to: CACI 400 S. 9th St, Ste. 203 Springfield, IL 62701 Register online at: http://www.cacionline.org/2015CofC KEYNOTE SPEAKERS MONDAY, MARCH 9TH MONDAY, MARCH 9TH TUESDAY MARCH 10TH 8:30-9:30AM 12:15-1:15PM 9:00-10:00AM KAREN VALDINO MARGARET HOEZLER JEFF STAFFORD LAUGHING JUST FOR THE HEALTH OF IT THE TRAIL TO TRIUMPH UNLEASH YOUR INNER SUPER HERO Karen Valdino is a Motivational Speaker, Humorist, Trainer and Consultant. In her thirty-plus years as a human service professional, most of Karen’s experience has been in the field of chemical dependency, both as a licensed clinician and as a certified prevention specialist. Margaret is a two time Olympic swimmer as well as a survivor of child sexual abuse. Margaret will speak about her excellence with her swimming career, as well as her recovery and healing from the traumatic experience of abuse that she faced as a child. Jeff Stafford is the owner and founder of Orange Slice Training – a company taking a juicy approach to leadership and learning. As author of the book LEARN2 Lead, Jeff takes an inside out approach to providing leaders with the tools they need to be successful at work – and beyond! His experiences are 100% engaging, lively and inspire people to succeed. Karen draws from her extensive and varied experience to form the foundation of her unique and distinctively humorous approach to life and work. For the past fifteen years, she has been a nationally recognized speaker and trainer sharing her inimitable insights with thousands of people – adults and youth – each year. Karen has been described as “one of those rare people who can make you laugh and cry in the same moment." As an adjunct faculty member at the University of Minnesota, Jeff teaches personal leadership courses in the Organizational Leadership & Policy Development department. Additionally, he worked for the last six years as an Organizational Development Consultant where he coached and consulted with organizations and individuals in the areas of Organizational Effectiveness, Leadership, & Team Development. 400 S 9th St Suite 203 Springfield, IL 62701 217.528.2224 217.528.3834 fax
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