Copyright Tom Tryniski 2006 309 South 4th Street Fulton NY 13069 f Thursday, June 8,1967 WAYUGA COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS, INC. Page Six Goings. Comings, Doings • • • Strictly Hannibal District No. 13 Ira News Notes Hannibal Center There will be a chicken barNancy Mateae*— apron^Sheax On Decoriation Day* Mr.' and -beette-*e44* *t the church. FriMrs. Ida Purdy was a supper Mrs. Leta Butler, and Mrs. Pelton, apron; Brenda Say lor, Mrs, Robert Dennison entertainday, June 16 starting at 5 pjn. Myrtle Scott and sons visited Mr. guest of Mrs. Marie Van Wie and ed in honor of the birthday andress; Linda Smith, apron; Krysa The public is invited. .Sunday evening — and ail is 3 or 4 tablespoons cornstarch unand Mrs. Wright Hampton recent- guest Morns. Smith Wednesday niveisary of tneir daughter Willard, dress. Also participatevening. til thick. Cool and pour over the Mr. and Mrs. Norman CoLtard quiet—except the girls singing lyMr. and Mrs. Wilson VanNos- themselves to sleep (and the TV) raw berries, serve with whipped Louise. Present for the celebra- ing was Mary Fadden of the of Baldwinsville, William GrassMr. and Mrs. Albin Johnson tiand and sons Rusty and RoyWhat a nice weekend this has cream. tion were Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Hannibal Happy Homernakers, man of Syracuse and Miles Reed and Fred Bennett were Memorial were Memorial Day dinner guests been . . . Shouldn't be any comKinville, Gayle and Jimmy of an apron. Shirts and Skirts 4-H of Port Byron were Decoration Day dinner guests of Mr. andof Mr. and Mrs. Donald Streeter. plaints from campers, gardeners, Reading, Mass., Mr. and Mrs.Club, Jackie Clark, apron; Rose- Day dinner guests of Mr. and Thank you, Elsie. Both sound Richard Mr* Pat Gromny at Mattydale. Griffin and Amy of mary Keeney, 2-piece wool out- Mrs. George Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Brand were picnickers or those who just like like delectably cool toppings for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prentice supper guests of their parents, to be outside. Hannibal, Mrs. Rowena Godfrey fit with matching blouse. Judges a summer meal. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brackett were weekend guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Van Wie. of Cains Corners, Mrs. Rhona were Mrs. David Kimball and Looks like summer is here, but spent a day recently with his Mrs. Lyman Groot at their camp Perkins and Mr. and Mrs. RiMr. and Mrs. Leo Lunkenheim- what happened to spring? Wasn't Mrs. Howard Welling. Commenaunt, Mrs. Lela Havens of HerkIn the request department: "Do in Canada. chard Godfrey and family. er and family enjoyed a picnic at it short? tary was given by Mrs. Frances you suppose any of your readers imer. Mr. and Mrs. James Dallas, their camp at Fair Haven Sunwould have any suggestions on Children's Day exercises will Davey, a former member of the Mrs. Ralph Rogers, Mrs. Lena daughter Cindy and sons Jimmie, day. be held Sunday, June 11 at Hannibal Center Bluebirds. what to put in a lunch for a perKyle, Mrs. Verna Kyle and Mrs. Paul and Donald and Mrs. Helen Mrs. Leo Lunkenheimer and Here's a couple recipes which son on a bland diet? I know my 10:30 a.m. at South Hannibal Hopkins were Sunday luncheon daughter Nancy attended the Mrs. Harris Brewster of WeedsSaturday Mrs. Gordon Dibble Lena Hannum had dinner ThursFederated Church. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clair graduation of Miss Anne Lunken- port received from her landlady husband likes peanut butter and with her sister, Mrs. Pearl Mer- day evening at Iroquois Village. jelly sandwiches — but for how Mr. and Mrs. Carl Foley and riam of Fulton, attended the Dallas. Mrs. Harold Yarrow and heimer at LeMoyne College Sun- in Florida. long when he has to eat them sons Thomas, Peter and Adam wedding of their cousin Miss Mr. and Mrs. Elias Turner and day. daughters, Mrs. Arlene ThompCherry Pie With Cream Cheese four and five times a week." of Buffalo were weekend guests son Robert enjoyed a picnic supLinda Barlow of Oswego and son of Rochester and Mrs. Ruth Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Milton r baked pie shell To retain Mr. X's privacy, call of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.Richard Clark of Fulton, at St. Kio of Granby Center were reper with Mr. and Mrs. Don Bald- Doty and family Sunday were or send your ideas to me and I'll Joseph Hines. win and daughters Saturday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Philip Smith and 1 4-oz. package cream cheese cent weekend guests of the latMrs. Beulah Goebel of Utica Mary's Church in Oswego. send them on to Mrs. X. Vz cup sugar ning. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stone, ters daughter and family, Mr. Ronny and Arthur Hotaling of Vz pint cream, whipped and son William and his son Patricia Welch visited her cous- Manlius, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bratt Karen and Kevin have enjoyed and Mrs. Kevin Rowlee of RoanWilliam Jr., of Fulton, were in Diane Champion in Baldwins- and sons of Tater Rd., Mr. and 1 can prepared cherry pie filling The following is Grandma Thursday visitors of Clifford a weeks vacation in Buffalo, and oke, Va. Beat cream cheese and sugar Frail's recipe I mentioned a ville over the weekend. Canada, and spent a few days Mrs. Glenn Kelly of Peru, Mr. together until nice and creamy. couple of weeks ago. Mrs. Ralph Rogers and Mrs. Mansfield. Mrs. Vera Weber in company and Mrs. Allen Parsons, daughter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Callers during the week of Add whipped cream. Put into pie (Continued on Page Seven) with Mr. and Mrs. Ed LaRock at- Brenda and mother Mrs. Pille. Frozen Waldorf Salad Mrs. Frank Williamson were Mr. Alfred Stone of Moria. shell and top with cherry pie tended the Alumni Banquet at Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bishop filling. Let stand in refrigerator 1 9-oz. can crushed pineapple, and Mrs. Earl Williamson of v the Oswego College. and family were supper guests of two or three hours before servGranby Center, Mr. and Mrs. drained (reserve syrup) Mrs. Marie Van Wie, Mrs. Vera Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gilfus and HAM AND George Erhart Sr. of Fulton and 2 eggs'slightly beaten ing. Weber, Mrs. Ida Purdy and Mor- family Saturday. Miss Suzanne Duger. y* cup- sugar ris Smith enjoyed dinner at the Miss Vivian Gallop and friend Mrs. Norine Blodgett of JorVA cup lemon juice Portage in Fulton Sunday. called on Mrs. Mildred Van Wie Strawberry Pie dan was a Saturday caller of V* teaspoon salt Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hoyt, Mrs. last Monday evening. her mother, Mrs. Rhona Perkins. Pineapple syrup from can THURSDAY, JUNE 15th Richard Blais and daughter AnMr. and Mrs. Wilson Van Nos- 1 pie shell, baked Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Blake Vi cup mayonnaise nette were Sunday dinner guests trand and sons attended MYF 1 quart strawberries In the Friendship Room of the and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.meeting at Fair Haven Sunday. Arrange enough raw , straw- 2*4 cups apples, unpeeled and Blake of Bowens Corners were VICTORY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH diced Clarence Hoyt. Mrs. Mildred Van Wie, Mrs.berries in pie shell <to cover bot- % cup celery, diced Sunday afternoon callers of Mrs. Auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society ^ Mr. and Mrs. John Bond and Jessie Prent and daughter Cheri tom. Sprinkle with sugar. Isaac Blake and Philip. Vz cup nutmeats, coarsely Serving from 5 o'Clock On ■■— family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whit- were shopping in Auburn Friday. Cook \ the rest of the berries Ernest French of Minetto was chopped with 1 cup water, 1 cup sugar. ney and son Danny of Syracuse Monday. ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN 50c 1 cup miniature marshmallows a Sunday afternoon visitor of called on Mr. and Mrs. Wright PUBLIC INVITED % cup whipping cream, chilled his sister Mrs. Rhona Perkins. Hampton Memorial Day. Apple wedges, unpared, lem- Saturday Mrs. Gordon Dibble Mr. and Mrs. William Chamcalled on her niece, Miss Reta on watered pion spent the weekend with Mr. Men-ram of Fulton. Miss Merand Mrs. Ole Larson and Mr. and Drain pineapple, reserve juice. riam is suffering with a sprained Cayuga Health Association. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halstead Mrs. David Champion at Remson. Mix together beaten eggs, sugar, Morris Smith called on Mr. and and Marian visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Loretto Reid, Mrs. Tomlemon juice, salt and reserved ankle. Tom Welling and girls one eve- Welling and Mrs. Mary B. Cra- juice. Cook over low heat, stir- The Hannibal Center BlueMrs. Don Baldwin, Saturday. mer visited their iSather and bro- ring constantly until slightly birds 4-H Club held their Dress Gail Ball, George TindalL Mr. ning last week. CONSULT ther, Jerry Maroney at the Cay- thickened, about 20 minutes. Cool. revue Thursday, June 1, at the and Mrs. Adolph Rosti and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Welling, uga County Infirmary in SenSchool. Those participatand Mrs. Walter Pierce called on Sally and Marsha called on Mr.nett, Saturday afternoon. Other Fold in mayonnaise. Combine Fairley ing were^Connie skirt Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hull during and Mrs. Donald Weaver and visitors this past week included well - drained pineapple, diced and top; Brenda Brackett, Carter, cotton Virginia of South > Butler early apples, celery, nuts and marshthe week. dress; Mary Jane Conn, apron; Saturday evening to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reid, Mrs. mallows. Mix well. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond TerpenDewey Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Captain and Mrs. Richard WeavMaple Ave^ Cato, N. T. Beat whipping cream in chilled Shirley Deforest, apron; Clara ing and son Scott and Mr. and Clarence VamWie and children bowl. Fold into cooled egg mix- Fadden, apron; Joyce Kyle, Mrs. William Champion were er and son Michael, who wasand Mrs. Durwood Killough. ture. Pour over the fruit mixture apron; Judy Kyle, 'best dress; guests of Mr. and Mrs. George home on a 10-day leave from T«L 626-2592 — If N o An*w#r Call 626-2465 Malone, skirt; Darlene MaMr. and Mrs. Thomas Beman Lamie Sunday evening for a the air base at Meridian, Miss. and children James and Janis of and toss lightly to mix thorough- Dale Captain Weaver is a pilot of the ly. Fill an 8x8x1 Vi-inch pan or lone, skirt; Debra Malone, dress; chicken barbecue. visited her mother, Mrs. 6 cup mold and freeze until firm. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eno spent big B-24 bombers and expects Lyons Loretto Reid and family Sunday Unmold on serving plate. Dip to be sent <to Thailand upon Tuesday evening with Mr. and afternoon. Other callers there apple wedges in lemon water and their return to his base. Mrs. Ralph Hull. included Mr. Joseph Reid and surround mold. Makes atbout 9 Mr. and Mrs Harry Johnson Miss Christine Murphy was a Mrs. Tom Welling and girls. visited Mr. and Mrs. Albin John- junior contestant Saturday at the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reid were servings. annual Dairy Princess Contest, able to bring Mrs. Reid's bro- This can be served chilled inson Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Cham- held at the Farm and Home ther Mr. Marvin Flint home stead of frozen. pion received word that their Building at Auburn. from the Upstate Medical Cen"Do you know any recipes for granddaughter Lori Young was Mr. and Mrs. Peter Krais have ter in Syracuse last Wednesday. 2 quarts of ice cream—made in able to return to her home after purchased a trailer home former- Helping him celebrate his birtha regular ice cream freezer?" asks being hospitalized after being run ly owned by the late Mrs. Swad- day Sunday, dinner guests inPaulie Chapman. over by a farm tractor at her ling and are now living on Jen- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Francis home. Her mother Mrs. Richard kins Road at Red Creek. Fults of Oneida, Mrs. Mary A timely request, Paulie. I'm Young is confined in bed at her George Cooper, Claude Hough- Gates and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice sure the soon-to-be-here Fourth of July will ibring out a lot of home. taling, Norris and Harold Jones Gates of Carthage. the stored freezers. Homemade Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Eno and boat-camped at Grenadiere IsMrs. Edward Timerson acice cream brings back a lot of Mrs. Margaret Massey visited Mr. land Saturday night and Sunday. companied by her daughter, happy ahiidJhood memories. and Mrs. Ralph Hull and daughMembers of Victory MYF at- Mrs. James Gallup were in Syra- Send your recipes to Paulie or ter Doris, Sunday. tended the sub-district picnic at cuse for the weekend. They at- me. Maybe there are others who Mrs. Homer Barrett and broth- Fair Haven Sunday afternoon. tended the 50th reunion of the received freezers for Cairistmas! er Harlow Roulstin of Baldwinsclass of 1917 at Syracuse UniJean Butts called on his brothville called on Mr. and Mrs. versity of which Mrs. Timerson Don't forget to get your voteer and sister-in-law the Morris Thaddeus Barrett Sunday afterwas a member. Butts, at Sodus Saturday. in on your favorite recipe from noon. Mrs. Richard Semans and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Henderson these columns. And keep the conMrs. Mary Dreverman and childaughter Pauline were at the and family spent Sunday at tributions of material coming. dren and Mrs. Marie Van NosTimerson home during the weektrand called on Mrs. Emma Bond Oneida Lake. The Over 60 Club met Friday end. Mr. Semans and daughter -and family Sunday. evening at the home of Mr. and Vivian and Mr. and Mrs. Leigh PAT RYAN Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Burr and Mrs. Walter Richardson. TwentyPittroff and family joined them daughters Beverly and Barbara 36 Mechanic St., Weedsport Mr. Renwick Sprague has been spent Saturday at Redfield and six were present. Renwick Sprague is receiving in Auburn Memorial Hospital Sunday at Bramingham Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawyer treatment at Auburn Memorial for nearly two weeks for treatHospital where he has been a ment. ;and family. patient about 10 days. Michael, 2Vz year old son of Judy and Joy Bond attended The Morris Joneses drove to Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hall, had the Brownie and Girl Scout cookBuffalo Friday morning for a emergency treatment at Auburn out at the Youth Center Saturweekend with the Paul Foley Memorial Hospital Wednesday day. family. evening after he fell on a glass Mrs. Charles Hermann of PomThe Rev. and Mrs. William at his home. Fourteen stitches pey Center visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Barrett Howell plan to move soon to were .required to close the Avoca where he has accepted a OTCXTOVIA. Ilia AMA\*\f» church. The Gerald Butts* flew to RutAs is the custom, Victory Meth- land, Vt., Sunday and did some Mr. * and Mrs. Harry Snider odist Church met following serv- sight-seeing at the marble quarry. Out-of-town callers Memorial had dinner watih Mrs. Myrtle ices Sunday for a covered dish dinner which is always held Day included Mrs. Clayton Smith Pierce Sunday and called on Ask your dealer tofinanceyour monthly on the first Sunday of of Auburn, her brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones. Mrs. Letha Prior and Mrs. Ida the month. Thirty nine attended Maurice Smith of Florida, who boat the right w a y . . . Rowe called on Mr. and Mrs.the dinner. Among the out-of- has been visiting his son at WorClaude Lont Wednesday and also town people who attended were cester, Vt.; H. L. Hubbard and the bank way. Dist. Supt. Lester Schaff of Ge- son Herman, who live at Jack's on Mrs. Sophia Hakes. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rowe neva who was in charge of the Reef; Mrs. Paul Henry of Wol•were supper guests Saturday at church service and Mrs. Schaff cott. Mr. and Mrs. Gilman Rowes. who installed the WSCS officers. The_average family in this They also called on Mr. and The Rev. and Mrs. Wilcox of Red Creek" wereTalso present at the country is getting its food with Mrs. Neil Cole, dinner. less than one day of work out of Harrison Wilde was home on Mrs. Tom Welling was in Au- a five-day week—a figure which • RANGES leave over the weekend at his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton burn Monday evening to attend no other nation matches. • WATER HEATERS an executive committee meeting Wilde. READ THE WANT ADS • CLOTHES DRYERS Mrs. Pearl Titus called on of the Board of Directors of the Mrs. Ida Rowe Thlursday. • ROOM HEATERS Rowena Godfrey and Fred Wilde spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Godfrey. 103 E. SENECA — COR E. 9th ST. Mrs. Ida Rowe called on Mrs. Louise Godfrey Saturday night. OSWEGO, N . Y. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Presley and Mr. and Mrs. Leiand Rieiey called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoag Sunday. Friday and Saturday 9-1 a* modern at tomorrow — CALL — Mrs. Ida Rowe called on Mr. INTCRLAKEN OFF1CK and Mrs. George Chase SaturLEGAL BEVERAGES Bed Creek 754-6411 day and called on Mrs. ThorSCNCCA PALLS Pete Wiltsie, Prop. nton Cummings at Fair Haven, Fulton 592-5450 Monday. MEMBER FEDERAL OEPOtlT INSURANCE CORPORATE STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE SUPPER VICTORY PERSONALS Be Insurance Wise •. • Be Tax Wise G. STUART GUMAER k- * First National Bank offers COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE WITH A LOW-COST BOAT LOAM CAINS CORNERS THE SENECA LOUNGE BILL COOK'S COMBO PDF compression, OCR, web-optimization JOHNSTON'S L. P. GAS SERVICE First National Bank Waterloo, New York W with CVISION's PdfCompressor
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