sday, July 6,1961 >THE WANT ADS THE CATO CITIZEN, CATO, N. Y. Red Cross Fund Goes Over Top Page Fivt RED CREEK PERSONALS VICTORY my family and other shown me while in the hospital Mrs. William Killough and • • • • • • • • - • • » • • • • • • • • • • • • Mr* Mildred Pierce and family Paul Scalaglia and returned the I would like to thank everyone and since my return home. NorRed Creek had the h/*** of of Cato and Mrs. Josie Ti&he Scataglia children to their home Billy spent Thursday afternoon for the cards, offers of help to man Stafford. giving more than the <j.j,,ta ^ ^ iptnt the week-end at the home with Mrs. Tom Welling and Sally. after they had spent several days tor by the Wayn* tVunty H*d of P r i n c i p a l and Mrs. W. A. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Warford with their cousins, the Baker e W * c,hapter *** V*"i* waj Wright in Johnstown. and family left Sunday for a $380 and $401 75 •/.«.» i<-,!l«*Vrd. » -*ean Marie Henwood returned children. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Adle and week's vacation at the home of his Because of this «p^ r ^:d re- to her home from the Edith KartMr. and Mrs. Clair Younglove ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warspcme Red Creek ut;z*rru and *•*» Clinic. LeRoy. Friday, ~an those who generouUy tontributed! Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. were last week callers at the ford at New Hope. Pa. know they have htlpcd carry on Donald Roe and their daughter home of Mr. and Mrs. George Rev. and Mrs. Harold Knitter the many needs at home and Rebecca toured to Peon Yan Bates, treated Mr. and Mrs. Tom WellMiss Florence Harrison of Sy- ing to a steak roast dinner at abroad where such a great hu- where Mr. Roe officiated at the mamtarian organization tan op-1 wedding of Richard Ewell and racuse spent the week-end with Fair Haven Beach State Park er e ^| " i Marilyn Andrews. Miss Andrews her sister and family, Mr. and Thursday evening, celebrating local unit v.ill benefit i n ' * a s a member of the Middlesex Mrs. Gerald Bishop. Mrs. Welling's birthday. ' 1 theOurcontinued Kenneth Burnham, son of Mr. b l o o d program, { Methodist Church, the Roe's preMr. and Mrs. Tom Welling and and Mrs. Wilson Burnham, called Sally and Mrs. Helen Welling of water safety service and the Jo-*vious pastorate, cal loan closet. I Callers at the home of Mr. and Friday on his parents. DRIVE A SAFE CAR! Oswego were dinner guests Sun- \ To the energetic volunteer • Mrs. Lewis Terwilliger over the Mrs. Ernest Craine has been day of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hal-! workers and all who gave and I week-end were Mrs. Marjorie! confined to Auburn Memorial stead and Marian of Dexterville,' BE SURE OF THE helped to make this 1961 drive a Brian' of Auburn and Mr. and j hospital for the past several days. the occasion b e i n g both Mrs. • success 1 wish to exoress my ap- Mrs. Paul Angelo of Walworth. Linda Dates of Auburn spent WeHing's birthday celebration. rried about whether ! prociation and thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wray and the long week-end with her parMiss Kathy Reid left Saturday , have (omtfet* profamily of Maryland were the last j ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dates. Mrs. Clayton Nichols. f.-.r her summer job as Food Di(5oo against the risks week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Frappier rector at the College Settlement jriving? If you want Charles Jaeger. ' and daughter Tina moved to Os- Farm Camp at HorshajvPa., near New Version For any engine work, U**r*. »ee us. H ' e History- Teacher — Mr. SopMr. and Mrs. Paul Angelo ofjwego Saturday to make their Philadelphia. from a tune-up to a ri of our job to give holess, who was it that followed Macedon were guests for the home for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welling ,tkekindof help you Mr. and Mrs. Philip Craine and Anna from Jordan were FriKing Edward VI, of England? week-end and over July 4 of Mr. complete overhaul, it Mr. Sopholess — Queen Mrs. Dwight Stewart of spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. day evening visitors at their parjj in choosing car inpays to come to us! and Mrs. Howard Drum and fam- ents home. Teacher — And who followed Town Line rd. rcce that's right for Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Stewart ily at Blind Sodu^. Mary? rtStcp in and talk it Mrs. Kenneth K i n g and son Ann Stevens, 12, entertained Kevin and Mrs. Gerald Colvin and three children left Monday Mr. Sopholess —Her little lamb. re with us. AUTOMOTIVE morning for thier home in Levit- several of her friends at a birth- left Monday morning of last week SERVICE NOTICE town, Pa., after a visit with Mr. day party at her home Saturday. | f o r a n o r t h e r n trip. They visited NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN and Mrs. Dwight Stewart of Sunday the Stevens families | Ausable Chasm, Ticonderoga, P H O N E R L 4-6673 RED CREEK. N. Y. ! that License No. 6O-EB-306 has Town Line rd. enjoyed a picnic at the home of I Saratoga Springs, crossed Lake Roscoe Rogers and Ernest of j Merrill Ste% ens. The occasion was Charnplain by ferry and visited been issued to the undersigned to Lake City, Tenn. left Sunday af-' in honor of his two granddaugh- several interesting places in Versell cider and beer at retail for onBed Creek. N . Y . ter spending several days with ters; Joan Stevens, daughter of mont, among them a marble facpremises consumption in Greta's teRL 4-6284 Restaurant, Red Creek, N. Y., their daughter and family, Mr Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stevens and tory near Rutland. They returned rtttnting tk$ Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. to their homes Wednesday. Route 104A. under the Alcoholic and Mrs. Ralph Guthrie. Duane Stevens, who were both Herb and Jim Bacon are spendBeverage Control Law. Greta tford Fire Harold Jones spent a few days'; *m celebrating birthdays. ing the week fishing in Canada. Sporup. bda at Red Creek. New irusc* Company last week at Auburn Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rotach Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Episcopo York, Wayne County. S-29-w2 hospital for treatment of a carand family have moved to Syra- and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. buncle on his back. Robert Wood at Bridgeport Suncuse. (this Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Elmer. Jim Allen Sickman of Tully has re- day. and Beverly accompanied Norris Mrs. Harold Johnson and son Jones on a week-end fishing trip cently moved into the downstairs apartment of Carl Becker and is Steve from Newark were Sunday to the Cape Vincent area. working for the Becker Funeral evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Norris Hornburg was the J u n e 2 1 vicinity of Port Home. Ivyl Painter. i honored guest at a coffee party Byron, Male, 2 years old, Dean Griffis spent the week- Friday morning at the home of Mis Susan Craig of Rochester b r o w n and w h i t e , beagle spent the week-end and holiday end in Rochester with his family. Mrs. George Lynch. a n d hound. W i t h collar, li- with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caywood Mr. and Mrs. Fay Kasson enSympathy is extended to the tertained Miss Starr Gillette of Eversons, in the tragedy which and family at Blind Sodus. cense No. 222428. T Donald Nichols of New York W olcott for the week-end. struck the family in the early Mrs. Doris Kleege entertained hours Sunday morning. Their son City and Gary of Rochester spent Call JANES the long week-end with their par- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kleege and Joe, who resided at Syracuse was For Women Weedsport 854-6501 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Nich- family and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey killed in an automobile accident the homeward turn VanWie and family at a chicken along with Levi, his sister's husols at -Blind Sodus. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spock and barbecue Sunday in honor of the band. :V*£ and O son John arrived in town Satur- Jack Kleege's wedding anniverm Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jones re- ] a winding road . . . day. Mr. Spock returned, to New sary. turned Thursday from a honey-1 Barry Pearce, F. N., who is sta- moon trip in the Adirondacks. York Sunday and Mrs. Spock and j !e's road, wind though John remained at their home here tioned" aboard the U.S.S. RanKeith Lewis who lives at the | dolph, spent the week-end at the Merrill home is making a splendid nay through the years, GLASSES FITTED for the summer. F o r t h e Kid* Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spock and home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. recovery from his recent accident isgs us at last to our Mr. and Mrs. Clair Stone and Giles Pearce. He recently reHe is still at Auburn Memorial irnal home, where light turned from Guantanimo Bay1, hospital and it is expected that he their families were guests of Mr. d peace forever abide. *<• -Sv? and Mrs. Fred Kinney at Weeds- Cuba; Kingston, Jamaica and will remain a couple of weeks Dominian Republic. The Ran- m e r e . . However, h e . is up and port Sunday. ryiT-^iffiirvi MEN'S " H U H D " Mr. and Mrs. William Brenchley dolph received an "E" rating for about and seems to be feeling At Any Hour Call and four children of Windsor efficiency in the C. U. S. class very cheerfuL Bed Creek RL 4-62S2 spent the week-end with her [during maneuversMiss Margaret Tobin and Miss mother and brothers, Mrs. Mabel | Mrs. Norma Sutton and Mrs. Edith VanWie of Auburn called Phelps, Gerald and Laight jElla Roach were dinner guests on Mrs. Paul TifTt at the Butts OPTOMETRIST Mr. and Mrs. Milton Baker and j Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. home*one day last week. family were in Seneca Falls as 1 Ken Caywood and family at Blind Mr. and Mrs. Jean Butts were Wednesdays, Saturdays Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sodus. UNERAL HOME at S o d u s recently to visit his MEN'S "BIG Y A N K " brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. 10 A. M. to 3:30 P. M. Carl N. Becker Don't just coast around curves. Morris Butts and their daughter ni-. Above Palmer's Grocery Slowing down before you come to and family. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ambulance Service Wolcott P h . L X 4-4682 a curve, then using a little gas Barnes cf Riverside, Calif. coming out cf it will hold the Blue. Green. Charcoal Grey. Tan, U a h t Grey a n d Olive Mr. and Mrs. G e r a l d Butts, wheels on the road better. George and Helen drove to Silver Creek Friday night for a weekmeasure 177 feet The Sunday end with relatives. Saturday evePANTS O SHIRTS J* - ^ afternoon competition for drag- ning they attended the wedding : E x t r a Size* Slightly Higher " — sters will begin at 1:30 with the of Shirley's mother, Mrs. Clara ?£' (Cor.tinued from Page 1) track's gates opening at 9 a. m. Hulbert to Alfred Gordon Smith. Lake, md one brother, Ernest The Friday night stock car pro- The wedding and reception were THURSDAY, JULY 13 grain, which begins at 3:30 p. m„ held at the home of Shirley's sis:MM Yates of Savannah. WESTBURY METHODIST CHURCH Sheiwas a member of the Meth- should see even more cars entered ter. odist Church of Wolcott and its than ever befor?. P r o m o t o r Fred Jones arid daughter Eve5:30 P . M.— Dante "Lucky" Raponi has reWSCS. lyn spent Sunday at Auburn with Doris also leaves a paternal ceived indications from a number C H I L D R E N 60c 3ULTS S1.25 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Doan. **a grandmother, Mrs. Lulu Baity of of pilots in the Finger Lakes area Auburn and her maternal grand- as well as the North country that au: Roast beef and gravy, mashed potatoes, new peas, parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward they will be at the Milray races ked bearis, relish plate, rolls and muffins, strawberry shortP H O N E L X 4 2031 WOLCOTT READ THE WANT ADS Friday night te. iced tea. coffee and milk. Yates of Spring Lake. Wayne County Assistant District Attorney Maurice Strobridge who headed the investigation was assisted by Village Police Chief Lester Ta'ber. Sheriff R o b e r t Boms, State Troopers William E. Timmons, J. H. West, W. F. Townsend and LL C h a r l e s Curtin. -. t Troopers from the Wolcott substation moved in quickly after tho tragedy was discovered by Village Patrolman Robert Bradbury. CwnU of Thanks To be SURE, come to us for p in the air - about r insurance? BRAKES ROBINSONS l\e Douglass tirance Agency DOG LOST CANVAS SHOES .98 9a 2 $< $*|98 Eyes Examined P.F. FLYERS H. B. HALL WORK SHOES BECKER m ROAST BEEF SUPPER MATCHED SETS Double Rites for Slaying Victims BASEMENT **m THE FAMILY SHOP «£1 ANOIHER BIG REASON BEHIND THE BIG BOOM IN FORD SALES' No other wagon can match RMPCTS features (or popularity!) auxhall St. Wagon *1895 and N e w — Original Co«t $2400 —30 Miles to Gallon USED JEEPS 60—Like New 1957—Low Mileage 1954—flood and IXJW Priced %0 CHEVROLET 4-DR. BEL AIR 6 CYL. S t a n d a r d Shift — Gold Finish — 9.000 Mile* •57 CHEVROLET 1DR. STATION WAGON 6 CYL. 1957 PONTIAC 4-DR. STATION WAGON Very Good >57 CHEVROLET V-8 CONVERTIBLE $995 Stock Car Races At New Milray Strip in Fulton A full schedule of stock car races is planned for the new Milray Speedway thi* Friday night Fc'jn-five c^rs ar.1 drivers wcro rxi hand !a-t Friday night when Dutt Yar.r.i of Syrstu5e was thr w.-.r.rr rf the evening* races ry •A:-'. ~i a heat. «e:r.i-final race «r..i the feature event In an afterr>in pn'f™™ Tuesday, Ray (;-.h-:rt r( North Swaeu.**? dupli(a'M 20 Other Good Used Cars IADC0CK PONTIAC, Inc. WOLCOTT I Coaruriaet GMAC 'hrtftlA 4-6781 AruiljbU Qp^n Evening m 7>o Riutc Fult'-n tr;-k Yfl-.r.i".* -AinA. n c * r a c i n g f,x:My en 57. between rh.-er.ix and irvlu.-ic* a n e h ranke.J • r iutrr-ohi'e r^crs. two C.T?S >*> ••,p* a-d a «o*-n tn bo c r,v r"e*H ip^rts ear course. The drag strips will he u«<Ni for reiruUr competition fv->r the f,r?t tin* thi? SunJay A eoequarter rr:!e and » or*• eighth cf a mMc $tnp •sull be initiated by »rea dragster? Both strips feature concrete »Urtmg point* that \n Ther^'i a vwonloed of reeaom «hy people order Ford wmgooe. There's mote room. Ford** extended teed deck b the lonf«* "** *Uest *» *t» field. There's more convenience. Ton can here t power-operated roft-down rear window ID any Ford vefoa. There's more distinction. The Country Squire (above) is the only vefon la Ha n*M with body panels that look hke mahofaay, wear hkt steel. _ ^ «.»,«».—-^ t There are mare atTing*. Ford's Ranch Wagon is America's te^reat-priced/ ralNiae vagon. And tike afl Fords, m r y Joed wacoa Is bo2t to be more etrrice-free: toes I0300 mfiea between chassis fabrication*, 4,000 BsOas between oil chances. 9Cea waltinf tor that wagon you've always wanted. S*aj» lor a '61 Ford wafoa aovt Sart for a ^ 1 Ford, the wagon America loves most! SWAP...SAV1 ToiijiiAedijieSTOP C. FAY LUNKENHEIMER Inc. HANNIBAL, N. t . B O O T E 104 Oily Ynr Fsrd IttUr UUt •(& ISO CMS All TIKIS Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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