
Compendium of the Virgin Mary in Lebanon
¿É`` æ` ` ` `Ñ`d »`` a º`` ` jô`` e AGQò`` ` ` `©dG á`` ` `Yƒ``°Sƒ``e
Compendium of the Virgin Mary in Lebanon
This is a religious and historical illustrated compendium on present and
former churches and shrines dedicated to the Virgin Mary in Lebanon.
It is published in volumes according to the administrative districts
(known also as cazas or cada’). Its language of authorship is Arabic and
it includes excerpt translations in English.
The Virgin Mary is the centerpiece of this work. But, the work in
general is one of global, rigorous and indicative survey of the status
quo of every village, town and city in Lebanon, starting with the name
and passing through the nature of the land, activity, architecture,
monuments and important figures up to the present day. The reader is
presented with a series of comprehensive and integrated portraits that
form the general cultural and civilizational scene of Lebanon on the
threshold of the Third Millenium.
Furthermore, in addition to the different sources and references cited,
this work provides field studies, pictures and maps.
Compendium of The Virgin Mary in Lebanon
¿É`` ` æ` Ñ` `d »`a º`jô`e AGQò``©dG á`Yƒ``°Sƒ``e
¿ÉæÑd »a ºjôe AGQò©dG ¢ùFÉæc ∫ƒM IQƒq °üe áq«æjO áq«îjQÉJ áYƒ°Sƒe »g
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¿ÉæÑd »a ºjôe AGQò©dG áYƒ°Sƒe
The Virgin Mary in Lebanon
District of Akkar
The District of Akkar includes 73 shrines
dedicated to the Virgin Mary: 34 Maronite,
23 Orthodox, 2 Greek Catholic, 2 Latin
and 12 in Muslim villages. Akkar, which in
Syriac denotes obstacles and impediments
despite the district’s level roads, embraced
Christianity before the inhabitants of
Mount Lebanon, and this was the case with
all the inhabitants of the coast.
Akkar is the largest district in Lebanon after Baalbek. It has an area of 713.10 km2
and its capital is Halba. It is divided into regions, each having particular geographical
characteristics: El Sahl (the Plain), El Shaft,
El Kayteh, El Joumeh, El Jird, El Dourayb,
Akroum, Wadi Khaled, and El Boukay’a.
The oldest archeological ruins in Akkar
date back to the Neolithic Age, and include
dozens of megalithic tombs.
The inhabitants of Akkar belong to three
main sects as well as to other minority
sects. The main sects are the Sunnites, the
Maronites and the Greek Orthodox. The
minorities include Shiites, Greek Catholics,
Protestants and Nussayris.
Author: Anwar Saber
¿ÉæÑd »a ºjôe AGQò©dG
QÉqμY AÉ° b
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,k’hq CG áfQGƒªdGh ¢ùcPƒKQC’Gh áqæ°ùdG øªa É¡fÉqμ°S ÉqeGC
∂«dƒKÉc ΩhQh ø«jô«°n üofh á©«°T :äÉ«q ∏bCG øe kÉ«dÉJh
ôHÉ°U QƒfCG :∞qdDƒªdG
ISBN: Total Series 9953- 418- 10- 1
Vol 1 9953-418-11-x
Edition; 2000
Languages: English and Arabic
Number of pages: 188
¿ÉæÑd »a ºjôe AGQò©dG áYƒ°Sƒe
2000 :á©ÑW
áqjõ«∏μfE’Gh áq«Hô©dG :á¨∏dG
188 :äÉëØ°üdG O~Y
The Virgin Mary in Lebanon
Districts of Tripoli, MeniehDounnieh, Zgharta-Zawyeh
In this volume we tackle three districts as
per the official divisions of 1930.
Father Henry Lamens says, “Maronos was
the first bishop of Tripoli. St. Peter, the
Apostle, appointed him when he passed
through the city and ordained twelve ministers with him.” During the times when
Christians were oppressed and persecuted, these districs of Tripoli gave the
Church many martyrs. Today, Tripoli is the
Episcopal See of the Maronites, the Orthodox and the Catholic Melkites. It also includes a number of churches, five of which
are dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
Despite the relatively small number of
churches in Donnieh, six of them dedicated to the Virgin Mary. The name of the region is probably a distortion of the word
Al-Zonnieh, in reference to the Noussayriyyine, who were known as the people
of Al-Zan and who came to the region during the time of the Crusaders.
The Christian presence in the region regressed with the invasion of the Mamluks
and the clashes that took place between
the Shiites and the Sunnites, as well as the
slaughter of the Hmadeh clan by the Raad
As for the caza of Zgharta-Al Zawyeh, at
present it constitutes 54 towns and villages, most of which are of the Maronite
confession. It is surrounded on its four
sides by Our Lady of the Fort (Al Hosn),
Compendium of the Virgin Mary in Lebanon
¿ÉæÑd »a ºjôe AGQò©dG
- ÉJôZR ,¬q«qæ° dG - ¬«æªdG ,¢ù∏HGôW á«° bCG
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ôHÉ°U QƒfCG :∞qdDƒªdG
Our Lady of Mezyarah, Our Lady of Zgharta and Our Lady of Hamatoura. Further,
there are 41 shrines dedicated to the Virgin Mary distributed over 27 towns and villages of Zgharta-Al Zawyeh.
Author: Anwar Saber
ISBN: Total Series 9953- 418- 10- 1
Vol 2 9953-418-12-8
Edition: 2002
Languages: English and Arabic
Number of pages: 261
¿ÉæÑd »a ºjôe AGQò©dG áYƒ°Sƒe
2002 :á©ÑW
áqjõ«∏μfE’Gh áq«Hô©dG :á¨∏dG
261 :äÉëØ°üdG O~Y
The Virgin Mary in Lebanon
District of Jibbet Bsharry - The
Qadisha Valley
This is a mountainous district that was converted to Christianity by the disciples of St.
Simon Stylites. Later, it began receiving
Christian missions influenced by the life of
St. Maroun and acquired the Maronite
identity with Patriarch John (Youhanna)
Maroun, which was reinforced with the
transfer of the Maronite Patriarche from
Eleej to Qannoubeen under the protection
of its patron the Virgin Mary, whom Ibn
Sirakh described as tall like the cedars of
Lebanon. The Sacred Valley of Qannoubeen is considered the cradle of
monastic life, for it is a natural reserve of
holiness and sanctity.
Author: Anwar Saber
¿ÉæÑd »a ºjôe AGQò©dG
É°ûjOÉb …OGh - …qô°ûH áqÑL AÉ° b
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ôHÉ°U QƒfCG :∞qdDƒªdG
ISBN: Total Series 9953- 418- 10- 1
Vol 3 9953-418-13-6
Edition: 2002
Languages: English and Arabic
Number of pages: 343
Compendium of the Virgin Mary in Lebanon
2002 :á©ÑW
áqjõ«∏μfE’Gh áq«Hô©dG :á¨∏dG
343 :äÉëØ°üdG O~Y
The Virgin Mary in Lebanon
District of Al Koura
The level nature of the land in most of Al
Koura encouraged Christianity to spread
there before it reached other mountainous
regions in Lebanon. In fact, the landscape
of Al Koura largely resembles that surrounding the coastal citeis of Lebanon
where Christianity first took root. However, it was not until 380 A.D. that Christianity really took hold in Al Koura, during the
days of Emperor Theodosius.
The region is characterized by its ancient
Christian remains and ruins and rare are
the towns or villages in Al Koura that do
not have a church decorated with frescos.
At present, there are 167 shrines dedicated to the Virgin Mary in Al Koura. The
Mother of God is the first patron of the Orthodox, Maronite and Muslim inhabitants
of the region.
Author: Anwar Saber
¿ÉæÑd »a ºjôe AGQò©dG
IQƒμdG AÉ° b
»a IQƒμdG »°VGQCG º¶©ªd áq«∏¡°ùdG á©«Ñ£dG â∏q¡°S
¿~ªdG »a ¿Éc Ée QGôZ ≈∏Y ,É¡«a á«q ë«°ùªdG QÉ°ûàfG
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I~∏H ƒ∏îJ ɪq∏b πH ,áªj~≤dG áq«ë«°ùªdG QÉKB’ÉH õq«ªàJ
O~Y ≠∏Ñj PEGh .äÉjq QG~édG É¡æjq õJ á°ù«æc ºdÉ©e øe
q¿EÉa ,kÉeÉ≤e 167 Ωƒ«dG IQƒμdG »a á«q æj~dG äÉeÉ≤ªdG
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.kÉ° jCG ¿ƒqj~qªëªdG É¡eqôμjh ,áfQGƒªdGh ¢ùcPƒKQC’G
ôHÉ°U QƒfCG :∞qdDƒªdG
ISBN: Total Series 9953- 418- 10- 1
Vol 4 9953-418-14-4
Edition: 2003
Languages: English and Arabic
Number of pages: 389
¿ÉæÑd »a ºjôe AGQò©dG áYƒ°Sƒe
2003 :á©ÑW
áqjõ«∏μfE’Gh áq«Hô©dG :á¨∏dG
389 :äÉëØ°üdG O~Y
The Virgin Mary in Lebanon
District of Al Batroun
From the artifacts discovered, it is concluded that the region has been inhabited since
the Stone Age, with a succession of civilizations occupying Batroun, as shown by the
remains found there. Also, Batroun is a
land of holiness that has seen the appearance of Al Hardini, Estephan, Rafqa and St.
John Maroun. As for the Virgin Mary, her
presence radiates in most of the villages;
she alone has 90 churches and shrines dedicated to her, while other saints are the patrons of around 200 present and former
churches and shrines.
Further, due mainly to the amplitude of the
material, it was deemed necessary to divide our work on the District of Al Batroun
into two volumes: the first covers the villages from Ijdabra to Hilta and the second
the villages from Dooq to Neeha.
Author: Anwar Saber
¿ÉæÑd »a ºjôe AGQò©dG
¿hôàÑdG AÉ° b
øμ°S n¿É°ùfE’G q¿GC áØ°n ûàμªdG äÉq«fGƒ°q üdG øe øq«Ñàj
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.áÑbÉ©àe QÉKBG øe É¡«a Ée π«d~H áØ∏àîe ä
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q¿EÉa ºjôe AGQò©dG ÉqeCG .kÉ° jCG á°SG~b ¢VQCG ¿ÉØ£°SGh
Ég~Mh É¡d GPEÉa ,äG~∏ÑdG á«q ÑdÉZ »a ™t °p ûjn ÉgQn ƒ° M
ø«°ùj~q ≤d 200 ≈dGƒM πHÉ≤e »a ,kGQGõeh ká°ù«æc 90
.ôKGOh ºFÉb ø«H ,äÉ°ùjq~bh
∫hq C’G :øjCGõL »a ™≤J ¿CG qOGƒªdG ºéM ≈° àbG ~bh
.Éë«f ≈dEG ¥h~q dG øe »fÉãdGh ,Éà∏M ≈dEG GôH~LG øe
ôHÉ°U QƒfCG :∞qdDƒªdG
ISBN: Total Series 9953- 418- 10- 1
Vol 5 9953-418-15-2
Vol 6 9953-418-16-0
Edition: 2005
Languages: English and Arabic
Number of pages Vol. 5 & 6: 653
Compendium of the Virgin Mary in Lebanon
2005 :á©ÑW
’Gh áq«Hô©dG :á¨∏dG
653 :6 h 5 AõédG äÉëØ°U O~Y
The Virgin Mary in
District of Jbeil
The name of the district is the same as
that of its capital. Jbeil, mother of the
alphabet, is famed for its fortress, souk
and the church of St. John Mark. The
district of Jbeil contains the greatest
number of villages in Lebanon, some
of which are still covered by virgin
woodland. Around Jbeil, fossils are
found in the rocks, and remains from
the stone age, Phoenicians, Pharaonic,
Hebrews, Babylon, Greeks, Romans,
Crusaders and Ottoman periods.
Christians and Muslims of different
rites and confessions live in this district,
home of Maronite patriarchs and
saints such as St. Sharbel, St. Rafqa, St.
Neemtallah, St. Hardini and others. This
district includes around 522 churches
and shrines, ruined and standing,
of which 117 are dedicated to the
Virgin Mary, the inspiration and the
centerpiece of this compilation.
Author: Dr. Christian A. El Khoury
‫العذراء مرمي في لبنان‬
‫قضاء جبيل‬
،‫اسم القضاء من اسم عاصم ِته أ ِّم األبجد ّية‬
‫واملشهور ِة بقلع ِتها وسو ِقها وكنيس ِة مار يوحنّا‬
ُ ‫ وما زال‬،‫ وهو أكث ُر أقضي ِة لبنا َن قر ًى‬.‫مرقس‬
‫يتّسم بالطابع‬
ٌ‫ فيه اكتُشفت ص ّوان ّيات‬.‫احلرجي‬
‫ وتوالت حضاراتٌ فين ّيق ّي ٌة فرعون ّية‬،‫ومتحجرات‬
،..‫عبر ّي ٌة بابل ّي ٌة يونان ّي ٌة رومان ّي ٌة صليب ّي ٌة عثمان ّية‬
،‫ومذاهب مسيح ّية وإسالم ّية‬
‫وتن ّوعت‬
‫ شربل ورفقا‬:‫وقديسون‬
ّ ‫واستق ّر بطارك ٌة موارن ٌة‬
،‫كنائسه ومزارتُه‬
ّ ...‫ونعمة اهلل واسطفان‬
‫ على‬117 ‫ بينها‬،522 ‫ فعددُها نحو‬،‫قائم وداثر‬
.‫ ع ّل ِة املوسوع ِة ومحورِها‬،‫اسم الس ّيدة العذراء‬
‫ اخلوري‬.‫ كريستيان أ‬.‫ د‬:‫املؤ ّلف‬
ISBN for the Total Series: 1-10-418-885
ISBN for Vol. 8-88-457-9953-978 :7
Edition: 2008
Language: Arabic $ English
Number of pages: 880
Compendium of the Virgin Mary in Lebanon
2008 :‫الطبعة‬
‫ العرب ّية واإلنكليز ّية‬:‫اللغة‬
880 :‫الصفحات‬
ّ ‫عدد‬
The Virgin Mary in
‫العذراء مرمي في لبنان‬
Aside from the ultimate goal of the
‫ فضالً عن غاية املوسوعة وهي‬،‫يتناول هذا اجلزء‬
Virgin Mary in Lebanon compendium,
‫ مباحثَ في اسم بيروت‬،‫العذراء مرمي في لبنان‬
this volume tackles the etymology of
،‫وتاريخها وجغراف ّيتها ومختلف حاالتها وأحوالها‬
‫يقدم للقارئ صور ًة بانورام ّي ًة كامل ًة متكامل ًة‬
ّ ‫ما‬
the word Beirut, the city’s history, geography, and its various facets across the
ages. The reader can enjoy an inclusive
synopsis of this cosmopolitan capital—
rulers, eras, ruins, role in history, etc.—
since its founding until the present. ‫عن املدين ِة الكوزموبوليتان ّي ِة منذ كانت وإلى‬
‫ والوجه‬..‫ احلقب والعهود واملعالم واألدوار‬:‫يو ِمنا‬
‫كنائس مسيح ّييها ولدى‬
‫املرميي ا ّلذي يتج ّلى في‬
‫أيضا عالم َة شراك ٍة وطن ّي ٍة ال َمحي َد‬
ً ‫املسلمني‬
The volume also reveals the Marian face
in Christian churches and Muslim places
of worship, a symbol of national unity. Author: Jean M.Sadaka
‫ صدقه‬.‫ جان م‬:‫املؤ ّلف‬
ISBN: total Series 9953-418-10-1
Vol 8 978-9953-457-89-5
Edition: 2010
Language: Arabic & English
Number of pages: 245
2010 :‫طبعة‬
‫ العرب ّية واإلنكليز ّية‬:‫اللغة‬
245 :‫عدد الصفحات‬
The Virgin Mary in
Al-Matn District
This volume sheds light on more than
100 churches and monasteries dedicated to the Virgin Mary, including a
similar number of shrines found along
the shoulder of roads across the Matn.
This survey was done within precise
geographical and historical frameworks, which emphasized the etymology of the names of villages and towns,
their main characteristics, key sites, and
notable figures. In each of its volumes,
this compendium provides readers with
condensed statistical figures on modern-day Lebanon.
Author: Jean M.Sadaka
‫العذراء مرمي في لبنان‬
‫قضاء املنت‬
‫يضيء هذا اجلزء على أكثر من مئة دير وكنيسة‬
‫ وعلى عددٍ مماثل من‬،‫على اسم الس ّيدة العذراء‬
‫ من أصل‬،‫العامة‬
‫املزارات منتشر ٍة على الطرقات‬
‫ وقد‬.‫ مقا ًما ومركزًا دينيًّا في القضاء‬480 ‫نحو‬
،‫أُجري هذا املسح في أطر جغراف ّية وتاريخ ّية‬
‫أبرزت معاني أسماء القرى والبلدات‬
‫ على جاري العادة في‬،‫مم ّيزاتها ومعاملها وأعالمها‬
‫ ا ّلتي تعكس في بعدها األخير صور ًة‬،‫املوسوعة‬
.‫مصغرة للبنان اليوم‬
‫إحصائ ّي ًة‬
‫ صدقه‬.‫ جان م‬:‫املؤ ّلف‬
ISBN: total Series 9953-418-10-1
Vol 9 978-9953-457-90-1
Edition: 2012
Language: Arabic & English
Number of pages: 585
2012 :‫طبعة‬
‫ العرب ّية واإلنكليز ّية‬:‫اللغة‬
585 :‫عدد الصفحات‬