june 2014 Celebrating 20 Years of Caring People, Caring for Kids Construction Begins on New Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida With more than 20 years of “caring people, caring for kids,” Lee Memorial Health System is taking the next step in keeping the youngest members of the Southwest Florida community close to home for the care they need. In This Issue The Rise of Pediatric Care Evolves into America’s Newest Children’s Hospital........2 Patients Benefit from Hospital’s Changes......................................3 Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida Timeline.................... 4-5 Hematology/Oncology Patient Holds Special Place in Unit’s History.....................6 Port Charlotte and Naples Clinics Work to Expand Care...................................6 Child Life Specialist Reflects on 20 Years of Growth and Caring...................6 Autism: Navigating a Difficult Diagnosis.......................................7 Auxiliaries Helping to Make Golisano Children’s Hospital a Reality.......................7 Lee Memorial Health System Campaign Update........................................8 Help for Kids.................................................8 Our Need......................................................9 Administrators, physicians, staff, community leaders, donors, and current and former patients were on-hand as crews broke ground on the new Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida this spring. “For the community, this is the next step to ensure that the future health care needs for children in Southwest Florida are met right here at home,” says Kathy Bridge-Liles, chief administrative officer, Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. “The new facility is designed to keep children as close to home as possible.” The new hospital will open with a total of 128 staffed and equipped inpatient rooms, and will have the capacity to expand to 160 rooms in the future. It also will have 17 emergency room bays to treat the more than 25,000 children who come through the emergency department doors each year. Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida, which currently includes 48 neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) beds, will increase the number of NICU beds to 64. “We serve the sickest children in the five-county area,” Kathy says. “We want to make sure we have the bed capacity to care for all of the critically ill and premature infants in the region in our Level III NICU. These infants need highly specialized care that our staff, physicians and surgeons are trained to provide. Caring for these newborns is a challenge. Some of these babies are so small; they can fit in the palm of your hand”. The new hospital will also have an increased number of pediatric intensive care beds for children and adolescents in the region who are fighting life-threatening illnesses and injuries.” Onward Toward the Goal............................9 Ways to Help..............................................10 Gift of a Lifetime........................................11 Map.............................................................12 Physician List.............................................12 Calendar.....................................................12 A large, diverse group of hospital employees, construction company employees and members of the Southwest Florida community attended groundbreaking ceremonies. Evan Hampel, age 4, Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida patient helps break ground at the ceremony. The new hospital will include: • An inpatient and outpatient pediatric cancer program • A dedicated pediatric pharmacy • Separate pediatric emergency department • Telehealth capabilities with Miami Children’s Hospital, allowing video physician consultations • Play areas • A classroom • A laundry room • Ronald McDonald Family Room • Parent Resource Center • A pediatric sedation unit “This hospital is a win-win for adults and children,” Kathy says. “Currently, adults and children share the same emergency department, so having a separate one for children will decrease wait times for everyone.” The budget for the new hospital and all associated work needed to make the hospital possible is $242 million, with a goal of raising $100 million in philanthropy to support the cost of the project. “We still need to raise $18 million to reach our goal,” Kathy says. “We hope that once people see the builders in action, they will see the reality of what’s happening and want to help us cross the fundraising finish line.” Kathy says the hospital is on-target to reach its fundraising goals. “We have often been referred to as ‘The Little Hospital That Could,’” she says. “Soon, we’ll be referred to as ‘The Golisano Children’s Hospital That Is.’ What a wonderful day that will be for the children and families we are honored to serve.” Artist’s rendering of the new Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida The Rise of Pediatric Care Evolves into America’s Newest Children’s Hospital As we look to future of the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida with excitement and anticipation, we also look back through history to see that the foundation for a comprehensive children’s hospital was laid many years ago. New programs and services were added little by little, year by year, just like building the foundation and floors of a new and expanded facility. The first dedicated pediatric unit opened at Lee Memorial Hospital in 1968 and services expanded during the 1980s. In 1984, Lee Memorial became a state-designated Level III neonatal unit with the capabilities of serving the tiniest premature newborns. As this successful program grew rapidly, Lee Memorial Hospital was challenged to provide adequate space. So, with the 1991 opening of HealthPark Medical Center, all obstetrical and children’s services were moved and, under the leadership of Dr. Bob Arnall—a pediatrician, Lee Memorial’s medical director and the person credited as “The Father of The Children’s Hospital”—the vision of a children’s hospital-within-a-hospital began to take shape. “We realized early on that we couldn’t do everything,” explains Jim Nathan, president of Lee Memorial Health System. “And we knew that establishing the only dedicated children’s hospital between Tampa Bay and Miami wasn’t going to be like turning on a light bulb. Instead, we incrementally grew each day— always sensitive to economic and clinical variables as we balanced the medical needs of adults, infants and adolescents in our community.” Kathy Bridge-Liles, chief administrative officer of Golisano Children’s Hospital, was a pediatric nurse at the time and remembers moving children and babies from Lee Memorial Hospital to HealthPark Medical Center in 1991. “There wasn’t enough space at Lee Memorial Hospital anymore, so we moved to HealthPark Medical Center, and at the same time, expanded services to include a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU),” Kathy says. “In 1994, we received recognition as a children’s hospital, and services continued to expand, including the addition of hematology/oncology in 1997. For this expansion, we needed to use space that was previously occupied by adults because even 15 years ago we were challenged by not having enough beds for children.” Since the beginning, one goal has been consistent: to keep children as close to home as possible for medical care. With 98 beds and 400 admissions a month, hospital administrators needed to improve operations or expand the space again. “We looked at time management, bed turns, length of stay and patient flow,” Kathy says. “If we hadn’t improved our operations, we would have needed 13 more beds; but at about $1 million per bed, we couldn’t afford it. So, everyone pitched in to find ways to better utilize our beds, avoid expansion costs and, at the same time, not have to send our pediatric patients out of town.” But, as local home and business construction increased, more schools were built, more people moved to the area, and technology and clinical capabilities expanded to serve more children close to home, the needs grew again. Increasingly, The Children’s Hospital had to turn patients away and send them to a hospital two hours away. “We knew we needed additional beds and a separate facility,” Kathy says. “We had children spread through various areas in HealthPark Medical Center and clearly needed to rectify fragmented services, and create a child-friendly environment and culture to care for children and their families the way they should be treated. So, we went to the Lee Memorial Health System Board of Directors and asked for their support to build a new facility.” Becoming The Children’s Hospital That Could Back when The Children’s Hospital opened at HealthPark Medical Center—before it was technically considered a children’s hospital—Lee Memorial partnered with the Nemours Foundation to acquire pediatric specialists. The first specialists and subspecialists included orthopedics, pediatric surgery, neurology, pulmonology, gastroenterology and ophthalmology. Emad Salman, M.D., hematologist/oncologist and current medical director of Golisano Children’s Hospital, trained with Nemours. After his training, he started a private practice in West Palm Beach until the mid-1990s when Nemours contacted him to see if he would be interested in starting a hematology/oncology program from scratch in Fort Myers. “I was very excited about the opportunity—the chance to build the program the right way,” Dr. Salman says. “April 1, 1997 we opened the unit and started serving patients. We got busy fast—we outgrew our space in one year and quickly realized that we needed more services. In September 1999, Barbara’s Friends outpatient clinic opened. Then, in 2005, we opened the Chrissy Brown Unit, which provided us more inpatient oncology beds.” In 2001, Nemours made the decision to consolidate their services in the Orlando area and leave Fort Myers. Because Lee Memorial Health System already committed to caring for our community’s children, the system stepped in and formed Doctors for Kids (D4K) to raise money to keep children’s services. Under D4K, physicians were funded by generous donations and community support that underwrote the programs and provided physician compensation. “That is one of the things I am most proud of,” Jim says. “When Nemours pulled out of Fort Myers, we didn’t just cave in and say ‘We can’t do this.’ Rather than being mad or shocked, we said, ‘We’re going to keep growing,’ and we came up with a solution. Dr. John Donaldson, medical director at the time, and Mike Ellis, former executive director, played major roles in helping hold this vision together.” Dr. Salman was the first employed pediatric specialist. More specialists and subspecialists were added over time, and today there are more than 70 children’s specialists—many are employed by Lee Physician Group, but all work collaboratively. “For many years it felt like a little hospital, as we coped with trying to figure out who was going to see certain patients and especially when we had to send patients away,” Dr. Salman says. “But we never said ‘we can’t’— instead, we always said ‘How can we do it?’ and ‘How are we going to continue to expand and grow?’” Health System Leaders Share Their Memories Twenty-plus years ago, Larry Antonucci, M.D., Lee Memorial Health System chief operating officer, was a practicing obstetrician/gynecologist. “Frequently, we would deliver a baby and it would have to be whisked off to Tampa or Miami because we didn’t have a neonatologist or the NICU capacity to care for the baby,” Dr. Antonucci says. “So, for me, one of the biggest advantages to The Children’s Hospital was having a NICU—that was a real game-changer for our community.” Dr. Antonucci and his wife also raised three girls here, so knowing specialized pediatric medical care was available in their community was important and made a huge difference for them. “It is exciting to look at the changes in the 20 years— the growth of specialists, services and programs,” he says. “As we look ahead, we will continue to assess the needs of our community and recruit and grow to meet those needs.” Donna Giannuzzi, Lee Memorial Health System’s chief patient care officer and chief administrative officer at HealthPark Medical Center, was a nursing administrator in the community when The Children’s Hospital first opened. “I remember thinking that having a dedicated children’s hospital was a brilliant idea, and significant for our community,” she says. “The demographics were changing and our area was getting younger. We had obstetrics well-defined in the community, but there was more we needed in order to serve children and families. Children can’t be treated like little adults—they need pediatric specialists caring for them. The creation of The Children’s Hospital brought dedicated, first-class specialists to care for our community’s children.” continued on page 3 www.LeeMemorial.org 2 HEALTHY NEWS is published as a community service by Lee Memorial Health System P. O. Box 2218, Fort Myers, FL 33902 [email protected] June 2014 System President Jim Nathan Vice president Strategic Services kevin newingham Editorial Kali Lynch Lynn Melvin JL Watson DESIGN KEVIN OWEN Lee Memorial Health System Board of Directors District 1 Stephen R. Brown, M.D. Marilyn Stout District 2 Richard B. Akin Nancy M. McGovern, RN, MSM District 3 Sanford N. Cohen, M.D. David F. Collins District 4 Diane Champion Chris Hansen District 5 Jessica Carter Stephanie L. Meyer, BSN, RN America’s Newest Children’s Hospital (continued from page 2) Now, with the construction under way on the new Golisano Children’s Hospital, Donna looks forward to seeing the building come alive. “If a hospital can be inviting, this one will be,” she says. “From the colors and the features, the environment will be both child and family friendly. Plus, having a dedicated children’s hospital that has its own emergency department will be the highlight of my career.” A truly special moment in the history of The Children’s Hospital came when Tom Golisano announced to a table of six people, including Jim, Kathy and Dr. Salman, that he was going to donate $20 million to the capital campaign to build the new facility. “I will never forget that moment,” Kathy says. “He believed in everything he saw and everyone he met. He knew we strived to provide the best possible outcomes for our children. It was an incredibly humbling and moving moment for all of us. After previous attempts and false starts, I realized that this gift, coupled with so much other community support being generated through the hard work of our Foundation, would bring a new children’s hospital to fruition.” There have been so many successes along the way, and so much to be proud of, Jim says. “I love the message of ‘The Little Hospital That Could,’” he says. “Through the years, we have become one of only 11 Regional Perinatal Intensive Care Centers in the state providing complex, high-risk obstetric and neonatal services which have consistently had the best outcomes in the state. We have a great cancer program that can do almost everything, but bone marrow transplants. Our child advocacy, child life, pediatric day care for children with complex medical needs and so many of our outreach programs are all special to me. But, it is the teamwork and collaboration that really sets us apart. We are blessed with so many dedicated, caring team members who come together to care for our youngest patients.” Looking Forward to 2017 Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida would not be what it is or what it will be in the future without philanthropic support from the community, leadership and commitment from the Lee Memorial Health System Board of Directors, administration and medical staff, and the dedication of truly caring staff and volunteers. Dr. Arnall was a huge advocate for children, specialized pediatric medical care and growing children’s services; he also served as the hospital’s first medical director. “Dr. Bob was a gentleman of gentlemen,” Kathy says. “He was a great partner to us. Without people like Dr. Bob and Dr. Salman, we wouldn’t be here—their dedication to the children never wavered.” Kathy and Dr. Salman also add that Joyce Puhalla, former vice president of nursing for adults and pediatrics, was instrumental in the process—she was the person who decided to pursue pediatric hospital designation and recognition from the National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Insititutions (NACHRI) back in 1994. As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Golisano Children’s Hospital and look forward to the grand opening of the new facility in three years, we know that the progress and the future of the hospital hasn’t always been obvious or visible to the community. But a dedicated group of caregivers and leaders knew what “The Little Hospital That Could” could be and worked hard to make it happen. Now, we look forward to opening the doors of the Golisano Children’s Hospital That IS! Patients Benefit from Hospital’s Changes For the past 20 years, parents and children have relied on Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida for everything from prenatal classes to advanced cancer treatment. As the hospital has grown, so have the number of services that help keep children in our community. “The biggest changes I have experienced would be the increased number of patients,” says Brigid Kleinschmidt, RN, educator for Pediatrics/Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). “When I started here 20 years ago we were one small ‘family’ of nurses all on the second floor. We had a 5-bed PICU, 6-bed pediatric progressive care unit and 18-bed pediatric unit. It was not unusual to have empty beds. Our staff was small by comparison and everyone knew each other well.” The addition of pediatric oncology added to the hospital’s growth and the patient population changed. “My first week here as a new grad in the PICU, I watched heartbroken as a family lost three children to meningitis,” Brigid says. “As technologies and treatment plans have evolved over the years, our success rate in saving our critical patients has soared.” Children who once had to go to Tampa or Miami can stay near their home for advanced treatments, including continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) for children whose kidneys fail. A new ultrasound machine will soon be in place. This machine reduces the need for X-ray confirmation for children who may need a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) on a long-term basis. The new hospital also will continue to provide numerous educational opportunities for employees. “I never had to leave The Children’s Hospital as I developed my career and furthered my education,” Brigid says. “I started working here directly from Edison Community College (as it was known). I have served in various roles throughout the years; Kelly Scher, childlife specialist preceptor, supervisor, charter staff at works with children of all ages. our Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care daycare, clinical instructor for nursing students, transport nurse, and currently as educator for Pediatrics and PICU. With each of these roles, I have had support through tuition reimbursement, system classes and financial grants for school.” orthopedics include complex spinal surgery, care of musculoskeletal infections and pediatric trauma,” he says. “The protocols and delivery systems are now in place to help ensure consistently Craig MacArthur, M.D., good outcomes pediatric hematologist/oncologist for patients.” examines a young patient. In addition, Dr. Shannon says that growing his knowledge base with the hospital’s growth has been rewarding. “The most exciting thing is integrating state-of-the-art technologies— minimally invasive surgery, robotics, 3-D real time imaging—in a state-of-the-art facility.” During Kathy’s tenure, the number of pediatric subspecialists has continued to grow. “We now employ more than 40 specialists and have a total of 70 pediatric specialists on staff,” she says. For Kathy Bridge-Liles, chief administrative officer, Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida, the development of the Child Advocacy/Injury Prevention Program has marked a milestone. “As in many other areas of health care, we used to focus only on making sick children better,” she says. “Now, we have a strong focus on actually preventing illness and injury.” During Kathy’s tenure, the number of pediatric specialists has continued to grow. “We now employ more than 40 specialists and have a total of 70 pediatric specialists on staff,” she says. The development of the “Giraffe Bed” (warming beds and incubators) for our tiniest neonates (infants within the first 28 days following birth) has played a significant role in helping those babies grow stronger here, rather than going to another hospital. “These beds are the latest technology and really help us provide a ‘womblike’ environment for premature babies,” Kathy says. “All of the giraffe beds that we have at Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida were funded through our philanthropic community.” Celebrating successes and mourning losses with families has defined the hospital in the past and will continue as the building of the new hospital progresses and future generations seek care and comfort from our staff. “To see the difference we make in the life of a child and a family is awe-inspiring,” Brigid says. “We have been at the bedside, comforting parents while we work furiously to save a life. Pediatric orthopedic surgeon F. Brett Shannon, M.D., has been with the hospital since the beginning. “The most significant changes I’ve witnessed involve the culture of patient safety,” Dr. Shannon says. “There is an emphasis on trying to get error rates to zero from the moment a patient enters the doors of the hospital. It is a fundamental principle that your safety is our highest priority.” “We see patients come back to visit and often don’t even recognize the healthy child that was once connected to so many tubes. Of course not all of our patients are critically ill. We have seen our young patients become parents and still come back to see us. We are here because we care, and we always will.” Dr. Shannon says he is proud to be part of a team that helped develop service lines for teens and children in the community. “Significant accomplishments unique to 3 1990 —Pediatric cardiologist/ intensivist and a pediatric otolaryngologist (ear, nose and throat physician) join the medical staff and begin practicing full time in Lee County. Prior to this, specialists from Tampa and Miami would come to Fort Myers periodically to treat Southwest Florida’s children 1984 —Lee Memorial becomes a state-designated Level III neonatal intensive care unit 1988 1940s —The first and only child-life specialist between Tampa and Miami joins the team —Lee Memorial Health System opens a four-bed pediatric ward on the first floor of Lee Memorial Hospital 1994 —The Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida officially opens. By the end of the year almost 30 area pediatricians utilize the hospital for care of their patients. An additional 20 specialists are available to treat patients in the areas of gastroenterology, cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, pulmonology, radiology, otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat physician) and neonatology. The Children’s Hospital partners with the Nemours Foundation to acquire the pediatric specialists 1997 —Health Education Center Scholarship is started —hematology/ oncology program started —Child care center opens I1940 I I I 1968 I I I I I1983 I I I I I I I I 1990 I I I I I I 1994 I I I I I I I I I I I 1983 —Pediatric services expand with the opening of a neonatal intensive care nursery for critically ill newborns 1968 —Dedicated pediatric unit opens in the new patient tower at Lee Memorial Hospital 1985 —Pediatric progressive care unit opens for critically ill children; hospital officials begin planning to become a children’s hospital —Lee Memorial takes a leadership role in the county’s Improved Pregnancy Outcome Program to ensure all pregnant women access to good prenatal care —Regional perinatal van with ultrasound equipment for high-risk moms and babies in five-county area debuts 1996 1991 —HealthPark Medical Center opens; the hospital includes a pediatric intensive care unit and pediatric progressive care unit for critically ill children; other services include pediatric outpatient oncology, orthopedic surgery and gastroenterology services. —Construction begins on the Ronald McDonald House. —Planning begins to create a children’s hospital within a hospital at HealthPark Medical Center. Pediatric areas are specifically designed and decorated for children and created with children and families in mind www.LeeMemorial.org 1995 4 —Seed money from the Boston Red Sox Celebrity Classic funds state-of the-art Pediatric Rehabilitation Program and Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care 2001* —The pediatric emergency department was added to provide specialized, ageappropriate emergency services 2007* —Two vein viewers are purchased for the pediatric intensive care unit —Nemours leaves Fort Myers to consolidate their services in the Orlando area. –Light monitor helps transport pediatric patients from HealthPark Medical Center to the operating room —Lee Memorial Health System forms Doctors for Kids (D4K) to raise money to fund physicians and keep children’s services and programs 2005 1999 —The Barbara’s Friends Hematology/Oncology Center was established by Frank and Betty Haskell, who lost their daughter to cancer and wanted to make a difference. Through the years, Barbara’s Friends grew thanks to donations from the Boston Red Sox Children’s Hospital Celebrity Classic —Construction begins on the Bright Ideas for Kids gift shop at HealthPark Medical Center 2012 —B. Thomas Golisano issues a $20 million dollar-for-dollar grant challenge to the Southwest Florida community. Golisano and members of the community reach their goal in 2013. 2008 —The Chrissy Brown Inpatient Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Unit opens. Named in memory of Dr. Steve and Lena Brown’s daughter Chrissy, who lost her battle with cancer, the unit took shape as a result of a special fund raising project spearheaded by the Browns and greatly enhanced the level of care available to young cancer patients. —The Boston Red Sox Children’s Hospital Celebrity Classic raises more than $663,000 to help build a six-bed expansion to the hospital—named the Shelley and Jack Blais Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, which expanded the NICU to 48 beds. —A five-bed pediatric observation area also opens to hold patients while they are waiting for an inpatient bed. 2013 —Children’s Hospital renamed to Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida I I I1999 I I I 2000 I I I I I I 2004 I I I 2005 I I I I 2008 I I I I 2010 I I I I I I I I 2014 I I I 1998 —Auxiliaries donate funds for a pediatric/ neonatal ambulance that serves a fivecounty area 2000 —Hospital acquires fiber optic intubation pediatric scope for treatment of cystic fibrosis and other respiratory diseases 2004* —Yawkey Counseling Center opens, providing psychological support and neuropsychological testing for patients 2006* —Radical Randy and His Inflatable Airways, a pediatric asthma education program, helps children learn about better breathing —Pediatric hospitalist programs begin 2010 —The Mom/Baby Unit/ OB Special Care expands to 43 beds 2014 —Ground breaks and construction begins on the new Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. Golisano Children’s Hospital now accepts more than 5,000 inpatient admissions, 67,000 outpatient visits and 25,000 emergency department visits each year. It also provides 1,200 inpatient surgeries and 4,000 outpatient surgeries each year. Today, we have 70 specialists representing 14 pediatric specialties. *Purchases made with funds raised by Lee Memorial Health System Auxiliaries 5 Hematology/Oncology Patient Holds Special Place in Unit’s History In August 1997, a few months after the hematology/ oncology unit opened at Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida, 10-year-old Julie Briggs came in for blood tests. After weeks of flu-like symptoms, lethargy, feeling weak, bruising more than usual and finding no relief with antibiotics, those blood tests confirmed the severity of her illness—Julie was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Emad Salman, M.D., pediatric hematologist/oncologist, delivered the news to the Briggs family. “I remember Dr. Salman taking my parents to an exam room next to the one I was in,” Julie says. “I put my ear against the wall and heard the word ‘cancer,’ but I was young and didn’t understand. When my parents returned to my room, they explained that I was going to have to stay at the hospital, but that I was going to be OK.” Julie immediately began chemotherapy. Though nothing can prepare a child and his or her family for a cancer diagnosis or the discomfort, pain or other side effects of treatment, Dr. Salman made the experience bearable, even fun. Julie has many fond memories of her time at Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. “Whether we were scrapbooking or having wheelchair races, we had fun,” Julie says. “Dr. Salman was fun and wild back then and he let us get away with a lot of things. To this day, he blames us for his gray hair.” Julie continued her treatment, and two-and-a-half years after her diagnosis, she entered remission. She continued seeing Dr. Salman as part of her ongoing treatment. Then, 18 months after she stopped chemotherapy, just as she was beginning her freshman year of high school, Julie relapsed. “When the bruising, lethargy and weakness returned, I knew I’d relapsed,” Julie says. “Dr. Salman ran blood tests. My dad and I Julie, age 14 were in the waiting room when Dr. Salman called my dad into a room. At this point, I was older and I didn’t want them to sugarcoat anything—I knew the answer.” Once again, Julie was admitted and began chemotherapy. The difference this time, though, was that Dr. Salman wanted her to have a bone marrow transplant to make sure that she would not relapse again. He referred Julie and her family to Duke Children’s Hospital in North Carolina, where the Briggs family learned that Julie’s younger sister, Kelsey, was a perfect match. “Julie is a special person,” Dr. Salman says. “She’s been part of our family at Golisano Children’s Hospital since the beginning. When she graduated from Florida Gulf Coast University, I was there. In fact, hers was the first college graduation of a patient that I attended, which is a Julie, age 26, with her mom Mary wonderful memory I cherish. Then, she returned and worked here as a child advocate program instructor before moving on to a different career path. She is a very special young lady.” In addition to her experience working for the children’s hospital, Julie has also spent time working as a counselor and volunteer at a camp for seriously ill children—the same camp she attended when she was a patient. Today, Julie is healthy and excited about the future. “I know I can get through anything,” she says. “My family has always taken things as they come, and they helped me realize that everything is manageable. I’m grateful I learned at young age to just live life, and not take anything for granted.” Port Charlotte and Naples Clinics Work to Expand Care Taking care of children close to home is not limited to just one area of Southwest Florida. Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida has opened pediatric clinics in Naples and Port Charlotte to serve children who live in or near those communities. “We want to serve children wherever they are in our part of the state,” says Emad Salman, M.D., medical director, Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. “We offer these multispecialty clinics in both Port Charlotte and Naples to keep patients as close to home as possible.” “By opening clinics that offer so many specialty areas, we are helping patients who may not be able to travel to larger cities,” Dr. Salman says. “We are bringing care to the community rather than have the community go to care.” The Port Charlotte clinic opened in November 2013 and added more specialties in early 2014. The Naples clinic opened in 2011. “We are proud of the work we accomplish in these communities,” says Latrice Davis, Lee Physician Group system director, Practice Operations. “Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida is a regional hospital and therefore needs to provide services outside of Lee County.” Naples specialties include: Port Charlotte specialties include: •Allergy •Audiology •Cardiology •Endocrinology •Gastroenterology •Hematology/ Oncology •Infectious disease •Nephrology •Cardiology •Endocrinology •Gastroenterology •Hematology/Oncology •Infectious disease •Neurology •Nephrology •Pediatric surgery •Pulmonology •Neurodiagnostics •Neurology •Orthopedics •Pediatric surgery •Physical, occupational and speech therapy •Pulmonology •Sleep medicine One of the First Child Life Specialists Reflects on 20 Years of Growth and Caring Michele King joined Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida in December 1993—a few months before the hospital gained recognition and accreditation as a children’s hospital. At the time, she was the only certified child life specialist, and it was her job to help children and families cope with and understand medical procedures. “Looking back it is interesting to see how some of our tools have changed, but others have stayed the same,” Michele says. “We still use bubbles, for instance, to help distract the children; movies are also always helpful, though we use DVDs now, not VHS cassettes. We didn’t have computers back then, but now one of our most popular distraction tools is the iPad. I remember using Polaroid cameras to take pictures of equipment to help prepare brothers and sisters and to help explain the machines.” While technology and tools have changed, Michele’s role also has evolved and she has earned more responsibility through the years. “I’ve been able to grow tremendously,” www.LeeMemorial.org she says. “Thankfully, we have always had great support for child life, especially because this type of care is not reimbursed. Child life is a very important component of care.” Today, there are six full-time certified child life specialists, a full-time hospital school teacher and a music therapist to help children and families through procedures, diagnoses and chronic conditions. Michele is now in charge of the whole department, as well as the hospital’s child advocacy programs and outreach. “These services are a requirement for a regional children’s hospital,” Michele says. “Our team is represented on all task forces throughout the health system, so someone is always advocating for the children.” Golisano Children’s Hospital also has grown to include a child life specialist internship program, which hosts and trains one intern in the fall and one intern in the spring. “We grew pretty slowly, gradually through the years,” Michele says. “But, all along it has been interesting to 6 Michele King circa 1990s Michele’s team uses many of the same tools to distract and teach pediatric patients. watch. Now, with the construction of the new hospital, we will continue to grow to meet the needs of our patients and families.” Autism: Navigating a Difficult Diagnosis Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) completed a study that found one out of every 68 children in the United States falls within the spectrum of autism. The condition is almost five times more likely to be diagnosed in boys than girls. Diagnosing autism can be a challenge, says pediatric neurologist Britt Stroud, M.D. “Often, a family will come to see me and want to be ‘tested’ for autism,” Dr. Stroud says. “I wish it were as easy as a lab test or an MRI of the brain—‘here is your test—normal or not normal.’” “Autism” is a term that the medical community and public use to describe a subset of common or similar behaviors that some individuals have. These behaviors involve impairment in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and often restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. “How is your child’s eye contact?” Dr. Stroud asks. “Does a child point and look at you and then look back at an object of desire? If you think about it, the idea that my finger should direct your eye to indicate a desire is a bit abstract, but it is a key element of communication that comes naturally to most children; but not many kids with autism.” Children with autism also may lack the ability to share emotions and they may engage in repetitive behavior, such as rocking or hand-flapping or rigidly adhere to the same routine with no variation. “Some behavior that is considered normal or abnormal may be defined, in part, by social norms,” Dr. Stroud says. “I don’t sing very well—It’s not a skill set that comes naturally to me. I am not the best or the worst. But for my daily activities it’s not very dysfunctional. If I lived in the land of musically-laden Mary Poppins, it might be a bigger issue—and I would have to work on that skill.” In the same way, more than the name or label itself, Dr. Stroud and other medical professionals want to direct children to the therapies that address the impairment. Usually, this includes speech therapy and behavioral therapy, and sometimes occupational therapy. In 2013, autism disorders were merged into one umbrella diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders. “With this update, we will see a decrease in the number of kids diagnosed with Asperger’s and it will change to autism spectrum,” Dr. Stroud says. “It doesn’t mean we will change the treatment, we just decided to change the name.” The rates of autism have increased in recent years. The CDC’s recent findings were an increase of about 30 percent from previous reports. There is no known cause for the condition. “There may be some underlying environmental changes accounting for it,” Dr. Stroud says. “We don’t really know. But there are certainly increases in our recognition of autism. Interestingly, minorities are less likely to be identified as having autism. I would predict that we will see a rise in these numbers to reflect true prevalence.” Children can receive an autism diagnosis as young as age 2. “The importance of early identification is not early labeling, rather early treatment or modification of the challenges that are present,” Dr. Stroud says. “I tell families with a new diagnosis that they now have a name that helps describe things we already knew. Many kids with autism grow up to be college professors, accountants, computer gurus and hold other jobs that capitalize their strengths. There are indeed some kids that will likely be better fitted for less intellectually rigorous jobs, but I would maintain that this depends more on a person’s inherent and learned set of skills than their autistic features.” FREE autism screenings for children younger than age 5. For more information, call 239-343-6838. Some parents and educators mistakenly confuse autism with low intelligence, which can actually create academic deficits. “Most children with autism do not have an intellectual disability,” Dr. Stroud says. “The plasticity of the brain is quite fantastic and allows for therapy to have a large influence. We want to identify and treat as early as possible to ensure the best possible outcomes. Navigating community resources can be extremely challenging but the Golisano Children’s Hospital neuroscience program is dedicated to helping bridge our families with community support. The autism navigator is our next step.” An autism navigator will soon be available for families of Collier County thanks to a generous grant from the Naples Winter Wine Festival. We are seeking support for an Autism Navigator in Fort Myers that will serve all of Southwest Florida. If you would like to help, contact the Lee Memorial Foundation at 239-343-6950. Visit the CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” website for free milestone checklists and other resources to help you track children’s development. Go to tinyurl.com/LearnAutism Auxiliaries Helping to Make Golisano Children’s Hospital a Reality As a public health system that does not receive direct tax support, Lee Memorial Health System relies, in part, on the fundraising support of three auxiliaries. Comprised of a diverse group of men and women, the auxiliaries— Lee Memorial Auxiliary, Cape Coral Hospital Auxiliary and Gulf Coast Medical Center Auxiliary—raise funds for equipment, programs, educational grants and other health system initiatives. Each Auxiliary also committed specific amounts for the Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida capital campaign to build ‘America’s Newest Children’s Hospital’. “The Lee Memorial Health System Foundation made a presentation to our Auxiliary boards,” explains Sandy Heise, Lee Memorial Auxiliary president. “The answer from the Lee Memorial Auxiliary was unanimous—we all agreed that this was a worthwhile cause to support. So our auxiliary, which includes Lee Memorial Hospital and HealthPark Medical Center, decided to budget and pledge $500,000 over five years to the capital campaign.” The Gulf Coast Medical Center Auxiliary generally raises money for specific programs and equipment at Gulf Coast Medical Center, but since it is part of the larger health system, the Auxiliary board made the decision to support the capital campaign. “We are the smallest of the three auxiliaries,” says Mary Ann George, Gulf Coast Medical Center Auxiliary president. “But, Golisano Children’s Hospital is very dear to us and it is sorely needed, so we pledged $50,000 over five years to the campaign.” Sue Twining, president of the Cape Coral Hospital Auxiliary, agrees—supporting the Golisano Children’s Hospital capital campaign was not a tough sell. “It was an absolute,” she says. “We didn’t even need to discuss it, but we decided to bring it for a vote to our general membership. Originally, we planned to pledge $50,000, but the discussion with our membership raised the question, ‘Why only $50,000?’ So we increased our pledge to $100,000. Then, when Mr. Tom Golisano announced that he would match donations, the Cape Coral Hospital Auxiliary contributed another $100,000. So, our total contribution to Golisano Children’s Hospital is $200,000.” All three Auxiliaries raise funds through special event sales supported by employees and visitors. Proceeds from the gift shops, uniform stores, and popcorn and candy sales are added to the Auxiliaries’ general funds. Additionally, a portion of the proceeds from Chocolatte’s 7 Coffee, Tea and Sweets—which are coffee shops located in each of the four hospitals—go to the auxiliaries’ funds. As a grandparent, Sandy has experienced the care provided at Golisano Children’s Hospital on multiple occasions. “Between the quality of the care and the dedication of the staff, the experiences couldn’t have been better,” she says. “It is such a worthwhile organization to support, and I’m so proud that we are all able to help finally get the expansion off the ground.” Sue adds that the Auxiliaries are proud to help strengthen our community. “As people—especially young families—look to relocate, they look for good schools and good hospitals,” she says. “It is exciting for all of us to know that the best medical care and technology will be here for children and families who need it.” Raising the funds for Golisano Children’s Hospital has been—and continues to be—a labor of love for the Auxiliaries. “It is so rewarding,” Mary Ann says. “We can’t imagine having missed the opportunity to support this amazing cause.” Campaign Update The Beginning When the five-year “Gift of a Lifetime” capital campaign to build a new children’s hospital kicked off in February 2011, those involved knew there would be significant challenges. Coming on the heels of tremendous downturns in both the national and local economies, to many the $100 million goal seemed insurmountable. Now, just three years into the campaign, generous donors have committed $82 million to provide lifesaving care for children from across Southwest Florida. A generous challenge matching gift of $20 million made by B. Thomas Golisano—namesake of The Children’s Hospital—provided a major boost to the campaign in mid-2012. The challenge, and the gifts made in response to it, have set the stage for the campaign’s ultimate success. Up To the Challenge B. Thomas Golisano’s challenge to the Southwest Florida community was simple— he would match, up to $20 million, every dollar donated to the Gift of a Lifetime capital campaign through May 15, 2014. Our generous community responded quickly, meeting the matching challenge a full eight months ahead of schedule. A generous $1 million gift from Chico’s FAS put the finishing touches on the matching challenge. Mr. Golisano’s generosity helped usher in a new era for children’s health care in Southwest Florida, while at the same time giving our community the opportunity to demonstrate the care and concern it has for local children. Lee Memorial Health System President Jim Nathan (left) and B. Thomas Golisano join children’s hospital “Sunflowers” to celebrate the matching gift challenge announcement. Closer to The Finish Line B. Thomas Golisano Help for Kids Each year, thousands of local children receive specialized care at Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. Yet, almost 20 percent of children in need of care have to leave their homes in Southwest Florida to receive treatment simply because we don’t have room to care for them. For more information about how you can help the campaign reach the finish line, visit www.ChildrensHospitalGoal.org or call Lee Memorial Health System Foundation at 239-343-6053. While thousands of generous people have already stepped forward to move the campaign to its current level, we still need to raise an additional $18 million to meet campaign goals. Those involved with the campaign recognize that while much has been accomplished, much more needs to be done to ensure all local children have access to the lifesaving hospital care they so desperately need and deserve. “We’re really pleased to have more than $80 million collected and pledged,” says Joseph Catti, chairman of the capital campaign and president and CEO of FineMark National Bank & Trust. “This has put us way ahead, but we still have to continue to get the message out that we’re not finished. We haven’t yet hit the $100 million goal.” Lee Memorial Health System Foundation Board of Trustees Officers Charles K. Idelson, Chairperson James W. Orr, Jr., M.D., Vice Chairperson Joseph R. Catti, Treasurer Elaine Hawkins, Secretary www.LeeMemorial.org Trustees John Blais Amanda Cross James Doyle, Jr. Dorothy Fitzgerald Joe Gammons Jonathan Gopman Jerry Hemmer William N. Horowitz Neil LeClair Michael Mullins Nick Naples Michael B. Peceri David M. Platt Guy F. Rhoades Sonya Sawyer 8 David Shellenbarger Madeleine Taeni Pablo Veintimilla Stuart Zaikov Trustees Ex-Officio Richard Akin Mary Ann George Kathy Bridge-Liles Sandy Heise Jim Nathan Sue Twining Emeritus Committee John Gleeson Frank Haskell Garrett “Buzz” Reasoner Alexander Roulston Joseph D. Zaks Our Need Golisano Children’s Hospital: • 28% increase in admissions from 2004 to 2010 • 18-20% of children leave our area annually for health care • 70% of patients are uninsured/Medicaid • Current hospital does not have all private rooms to accommodate 24/7 parent/grandparent stays • 45 adult beds will be recaptured, addressing community-wide shortage • Receives no direct taxpayer support • Receives no funding from Children’s Miracle Network • Not a United Way agency Onward Toward the Goal We express our sincere thanks and appreciation to those who have made gifts to support the Gift of a Lifetime capital campaign, including recent donations from those pictured here. The Southwest Florida Wine & Food Fest pledged $10 million to the Gift of a Lifetime capital campaign. Wine Fest Trustees taking part in the presentation of $2 million—representing proceeds from the 2014 event—to Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida and Lee Memorial Health System President Jim Nathan included (from left): Sandy Stillwell, Elaine Hawkins, Bev Cherry, Marshall Hanno, Lori Hanno, Fred Hawkins, Jim Nathan, Ron Fitzgerald, Vicki Pitbladdo, Art Cherry, Dorothy Fitzgerald and Todd Gates. Representatives of the FineMark Tour Players Tennis Classic at the Bonita Bay Club Tennis Center recently announced achievement of their $1 million fundraising goal for Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. Celebrating the milestone are, front - Most Valuable Patient Caliah Russell with, rear, from left, Frank Haskell of Barbara’s Friends, with 2014 event chairs Floyd Robinson and Maggie Otero. Funds will be used to construct a specialized pediatric pharmacy in the new facility. Barbara’s Friends—The Children’s Hospital Cancer Fund—will raise $10 million to support construction of the new Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida facility. Dreams became reality this past spring when organizers of “A Seahorse Dream”—a public art project—announced that a total of more than $380,000 had been raised through their efforts. Funds will be used to provide lifesaving care at Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida, through the capital campaign. Those taking part in the check presentation are, from left, David Eberhardt and Paula Castallo-Eberhardt, Jim Nathan, Jim Sherman, Jack and Joyce Thomas, Dr. Emad Salman, and Irma and Roger Spencer. Funds will be used to build a patient waiting area in the new children’s hospital. Once again, the Boston Red Sox stepped up to the plate and smacked it out of the park for local children. The annual Boston Red Sox Children’s Hospital Celebrity Classic tournament, held at The Forest Country Club, raised more than $1 million for Golisano Children’s Hospital. Those celebrating at JetBlue Park are (from left) John Farrell, manager, Boston Red Sox; Brett Bodine, manager of Florida business operations, Boston Red Sox; Ron McEwan, tournament chairman; matching sponsors Jack and Shelley Blais; Katy Martinez, tournament leader; Ken Shoriak, Lee Memorial Health System Foundation; Most Valuable Patient Jarrid Dodge and his brother Jaymmes and fan-favorite Wally. SanCap Cares committee members pause at the 2014 event benefiting Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida’s capital campaign. Hard work once again pushed the event to new heights and raised more than $1 million for the cause. Committee members in attendance included (from left): Cindy Brown, Jeannie Kendall, Paula Bentinck-Smith, Linda Kelly, Julie O’Neill, Billye Curtis, Doreen Ruane, Cannella Mullins, Sue Peltzman, Helene Hall, Karen Hall, Julie Smith, Debbie Szymanczyk, Pumfey Steffens, Holly Smith, Linda Mondelli, Event Chairperson Amanda Cross, Event Chairperson Mike Mullins, Event Chairperson Dorothy Fitzgerald, Spring Rosen, Diana Day, Brenda Harrity, Allie Fitzgerald, Linda Essig, Monica Albert, Mary Clare Lyons, Melissa Congress, Sherry Gentry and Marty Harrity. Residents of Captiva and Sanibel have committed to raising $10 million to help construct the emergency department in the new Golisano Children’s Hospital. 9 To Help It’s easy. Thousands of children’s hospital supporters have already donated/pledged more than $82 million to be sure kids treated at Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida have access to lifesaving care when most needed. While cash is the most popular means of giving, you should also consider other ways to support the Gift of a Lifetime capital campaign including: Cash and Pledges An outright gift of cash or a pledge of cash over a defined time frame, determined by the size of the gift, are perhaps the easiest ways to give. In most cases, pledges will be paid within five years. Appreciated Stock If you’ve owned stock for more than one year, you may be able to deduct the full fair market value of the stock as a charitable donation, not just the original cost, if you donate it to support the capital campaign. This may decrease tax liability and help bypass capital gains taxes. Ellie Gillespie, NICU survivor, her mother Erin and Sousan Akhaven-Yazdi, NICU nurse Honor or Memorial Gift Remember a cherished family member, friend or associate who has made a difference in your life. Consider a permanent major naming gift— starting at $25,000—to create a lasting tribute that will permanently honor your loved one. Estate Note Supporters age 70 1/2 or older, may consider making an irrevocable pledge or debt against their estate with the option of paying it off during their lifetime. This instrument binds the donor’s estate to the extent not paid during the donor’s lifetime and may be pledged for one or two lives. Wills Malia Niland, pediatric patient, and Dr. Cayce Jehaimi, pediatric endocrinologist Many donors prefer to support the capital campaign by naming Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida as beneficiary of their will as it allows current assets to remain untouched until after their death. Trusts Depending upon your circumstances and longterm goals, you may want to consider giving through a Charitable Lead Trust or Charitable Remainder Trust. Each offers distinct advantages to both the donor and the charity. Permanent Endowment Establish a legacy that will live on beyond your lifetime by making a gift to create a permanent endowment fund for a children’s hospital service/department that has special significance to you and your family. As everyone’s situation is unique and based upon personal circumstances, you should be sure to consult your tax professional, financial, legal or other trusted advisor before making a gift to Lee Memorial Health System Foundation. Jace Eddy, leukemia patient, and Ria Fewox, pediatric oncology nurse Visit www.ChildrensHospitalGoal.org for additional information on these and other giving vehicles. You can also call Lee Memorial Health System Foundation at 239-343-6053 for more information about giving to the capital campaign. For your will . . . The official bequest language for Lee Memorial Health System Foundation is: “I [name], of [city, state, ZIP] give, devise and bequeath to Lee Memorial Health System Foundation, Inc., a Florida non-profit corporation, located in Lee County Florida, [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.” www.LeeMemorial.org 10 Ben Klassen, cancer survivor, and Dr. Emad Salman, pediatric oncologist Your Gift of a Lifetime Caring People, Caring for Kids We invite you to join hundreds of other “caring people” whose gifts are helping to provide lifesaving care for children treated at Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida. Individuals, businesses, organizations and civic groups who make donations of $25,000 or more to the Gift of a Lifetime capital campaign may be permanently recognized with naming opportunities commensurate with giving level. Pledges of $50,000 or more can be recognized at the combined level of the new pledge plus any contributions made to special events supporting the capital campaign. A naming gift provides a wonderful opportunity to recognize family, friends, associates, businesses and civic organizations. Memorial naming gifts offer a unique opportunity to memorialize a deceased loved one through permanent and highlyvisible recognition. Your gift may take the form of cash, stock or pledge payable over five years. Lifesaving Naming Opportunities Floor Lobby...............................................$250,000 Rehabilitation Services............................$250,000 Child Life Area..........................................$150,000 Emergency EKG Rapid Access..................$150,000 Neonatal Intensive Care Patient Room...$125,000 Pediatric Intensive Care Patient Room...$125,000 Private Patient Room...............................$100,000 Emergency Department Bay...................$100,000 Exam Room...............................................$100,000 Private Infusion Room.............................$100,000 Procedure/Treatment Room......................$75,000 Parent Lounge............................................$75,000 Nurses’ Station............................................$50,000 Medication Room.......................................$50,000 Infusion Bay................................................$50,000 Physician Office..........................................$25,000 Nurse Director’s Office...............................$25,000 Reception Desk...........................................$25,000 Emergency Triage Room............................$25,000 Staff Lounge...............................................$25,000 Recovery Bay...............................................$25,000 Save A Life Visit www.ChildrensHospitalGoal.org, call 239-343-6053 or e-mail [email protected] to learn how your gift can save the life of a child as you become one of our “Caring People, Caring for Kids.” 11 nd vela e l C N. Exit 143 Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Craig MacArthur, M.D. Cameron Nicholson, M.D. Emad Salman, M.D. Pam Wojciki, ARNP 6. 9981 S.HealthPark Drive, Ste.156 Fort Myers, FL 33908 239-343-5333 Pediatric Surgery Rodrigo Mon, M.D. Amy Stanfill, MD. Indravadan Vyas, M.D. 5. 15901 Bass Road, Ste. 108 239-343-9890 Lee Blvd. Colonial Blvd. y. 4 o reg r G Mc d. Blv • Allergy & Immunology • Endocrinology • Hematology/Oncology • Infectious Diseases • Nephrology • Neurology • Sleep Medicine • Surgery Exit 131 Port Charlotte Tam iam i Tr ail Gladiolus Dr. No rt h Exit Clinic Specialty 22 9 Pediatric 128 5 6 Sum lin mer Alico Rd. Rd. Naples 8.1265 Creekside Pkwy., Ste. 200 Naples, FL 34008 239-254-4270 Pediatric Specialty Clinic Port Charlotte Pediatric specialties available: 3 Cochran Blvd. Pediatric Specialty Clinic Naples 9 .18316 Murdock Circle, Suite 106 Port Charlotte, FL 33948 941-235-4900 Exit 136 Six Mile Cypress Pk w Daniels Pkwy. Cape Coral Pkwy. Pediatric Sleep Medicine Jose Colon, M.D. 4. 13601 Plantation Road Fort Myers, FL 33912 239-343-0762 Exit 138 Immokalee Rd. Bonita Springs Convenient Care locations Lee Memorial Health System Hospitals 8 12 Bonita Springs Goodlette-Frank Rd. Pediatric Endocrinology Asjad Khan, M.D.P eriwinkle W Cayce Jehaimi, M.D. ay Dina Pearson, M.D. Sujana Reddy, M.D. Tammy McCarty, ARNP 5. 15901 Bass Road, Ste. 102 Fort Myers, FL 33908 239-343-9890 2 Rd. Pediatric Ear, Nose and Throat Douglas Gottschalk, D.O. 5. 15901 Bass Road, Ste. 108 Fort Myers, FL 33908 239-343-9890 Cape Coral Fort Myers Bass Pediatric Cardiology Eric Eason, D.O. 5. 16281 Bass Road, Ste. 301 Fort Myers, FL 33908 239-343-7490 1 Tamiami Trail North Pediatric Specialties d ck Br o Hanc Bea Plantation Rd. 3. 260 Beth Stacey Blvd., Ste. C Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 239-343-9888 (Hematology/Oncology) Kim Shimoda, Ph.D. 6. 9981 S. HealthPark Drive, Ste. 158 Fort Myers, FL 33908 239-343-5333 m Pal Metro Pkwy. 1. 650 Del Prado Blvd., Ste. 107 Cape Coral, FL 33990 239-343-9888 Pediatric Psychology y. g Pkw . lvd B ch Vanderbilt Drive 2. 4751 S. Cleveland Ave. Fort Myers, FL 33907 239-343-9888 lan Is Pine Pediatric Nephrology Irina Gershin-Stevens, D.O. 5. 15901 Bass Road, Suite 102 Fort Myers, FL 33908 239-343-9890 Pediatric Neurology Margie Morales, M.D. Guillermo Philipps, M.D. Britt Stroud, M.D. Eric Vernier, M.D. Calee Vandeveer, ARNP 5. 15901 Bass Road, Suite 108 Fort Myers, FL 33908 239-343-6050 Exit 141 . d Rd Cleveland Ave. John Distasio, M.D., PhD Denise Drago, M.D. Kimberly Ghuman, M.D. Pierre Loredo, M.D. Anthony Pietroniro, M.D. Thomas Schiller, M.D. Lindsay Schwandner, M.D. Martin Sherman, M.D. Piedade Silva, M.D. Nancy Witham, M.D. William Daniel Wood Jr., M.D. Cynthia Hohman, ARNP Amy Hicks, ARNP Kori Howell, ARNP Julie Vega, ARNP 7. 3501 Health Center Blvd., Ste. 2220 Bonita Springs, FL 34135 239-343-9888 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Michelle Hoffman, M.D. Stephanie Stovall, M.D. 6. 9981 S. HealthPark Dr., Ste. 454 Fort Myers, FL 33908 239-343-9710 Del Prado Blvd. Pediatric Physicians Pediatric Specialty Clinic Exit 123 Corkscrew Rd. Coconut Rd. Vand erbilt Be 7 Exit 116 Events & Screenings Mobile Autism Screening Free autism screening for children younger than age 5. Time and Date: 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m., June 20 Location: Family Health Centers, 2256 Heitman Street, Fort Myers Registration and for More Information: Appointments are encouraged; call 239-343-6838 Bonita Beach Rd. Time and Date: Classes take place throughout the year Locations: HPMC, GCMC, and CCH Fee: $60 per couple (scholarships are available) Registration and for More Information: Call 239-343-5271 or visit www.LeeMemorial.org/BirthEd Baby Care & Car Seat Safety This is a one-time class for expectant parents. The class assists parents in becoming more Childbirth Preparation comfortable and confident in their parenting Understand the birthing process, choices in role following the birth of their baby. This class also teaches obstetrics, birthing fundamentals, breathing, relaxation, parents how to properly use and install child restraints. cesarean preparation, breastfeeding fundamentals and Time and Date: Classes take place throughout mother/baby care. Includes access to an on-line learning the year. program plus a 3-hour Tour and Talk session that is Locations: Vary conducted by nurses who are nationally certified by the International Childbirth Education Association. Women and Fee: $20 per couple, $5 per additional person in their support person will receive a tour of the birth facilities attendance and birthing beds; provides the opportunity for women to Registration and for More Information: Call 239-343-5101 or email ask questions and seek additional information about the [email protected] birthing process. Pregnancy / New Baby www.LeeMemorial.org Breastfeeding Plan to give your baby the best possible start. Learn about common problems encountered during the first few weeks. All classes are taught by board certified lactation consultants. Time and Date: Classes take place throughout the year Locations: HPMC and GCMC Fee: $20 per couple Registration and for More Information: Call 239-343-5271 or visit www.LeeMemorial.org/BirthEd Pediatric CPR & First Aid This course teaches caregivers to respond and manage illnesses in a child or infant in the first few minutes until professional help arrives. The course covers infant/child CPR and First Aid basics. Locations: Vary Fee: Please contact us for prices. Registration and for More Information: Call 239-343-5101 or email [email protected] Free Car Seat Safety Inspections Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida Child Advocacy Program offers free car seat inspections. Discounted car seats also are available. For more information or to schedule an inspection, call 239-343-5803 or 239-343-6199 in Lee County or 239-254-4276 or 239-254-4277 in Collier County. Safe Pool Parties Golisano Children’s Hospital of Southwest Florida Child Advocacy Program hosts pool and water safety programs at various locations throughout Southwest Florida. For more information, call 239-343-5224 in Lee County or in Collier County, call 239-254-4276 or 239-254-4277. Location Guide To save space, we have abbreviated the names of our locations. Here is a guide to help you: CCH – Cape Coral Hospital GCMC – Gulf Coast Medical Center HPMC – HealthPark Medical Center LMH – Lee Memorial Hospital RCC – Regional Cancer Center WCCC – Wellness Center of Cape Coral LCRW – Lee Center for Rehabilitation & Wellness 12 3900.01 MKT 5-14
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