Project Fellow-I:

(An autonomous Institution under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Institute of Physics Campus, P.O.- Sainik School, Bhubaneswar-751005
(Research & Development Cell)
Advertisement No.: NISER/ DBT/ BL1301/ 23/ 2014
Indian nationals are invited for Walk-In-Interview on 12.08.2014 at about 10.30 AM for one
temporary position of Project Fellow-I under the project “Genetic diversity and alternate
biological functions of quinolone resistance determinants in gram negative opportunistic bacterial
isolates” funded by DBT, India in the School of Biological Sciences, NISER.
Project Fellow-I:
QUALIFICATION: M.Sc. (minimum 60% marks) in Microbiology/Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/Life
Sciences/Biotechnology or any other similar stream in Biosciences.
Candidates with prior experience in Biochemistry/ Molecular biology techniques & valid CSIR-UGC
NET/ GATE or other equivalent test at national level will get preference.
FELLOWSHIP: ₹12,000/- + HRA (as per DBT norms)
AGE: 28 years as on 12.08.2014, age relaxation to entitled categories as per DBT rules.
The above position is purely temporary, initially for a period of one year and will not lead to any
PhD degree in NISER (likely to be extended further) but strictly co-terminus with the project. It
would, therefore, not confer any right/ claim, implicit, or explicit for consideration/ absorption
against any NISER post.
Interested candidates should appear for a walk in interview scheduled to be held on 12.08.2014
at about 10:30 AM at NISER Bhubaneswar along with their resume duly filled in all respect in the
prescribed proforma (given in page 2-3 of this document) along with copies of all certificates at
the time of interview with recent passport size photograph pasted on it. Original documents
should be produced at the time of interview for verification. The selection will be made on the
basis of Interview of the candidates. All candidates are requested to report at 9:30 AM at NISER
academic building.
No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate, if called for interview or joining the position.
(R&D Section)
(An autonomous research institution under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Research & Development Cell
िव ापन सं या : NISER/ DBT/ BL1301/ 23/ 2014
भत के िलए आवेदन प ः _________________________________
Application for recruitment to the post of Project Fellow-I
Paste your recent
coloured passport
1. पूरा नाम ( प अ र म) | Full Name (In Block Letters):
2. िपता / पित का नाम | Father’s / Husband’s Name:_______________________________________________
3. ज मितिथ | Date of Birth
4. उ | Age as on ( दनांक 12.08.2014)
5. प ाचार के िलए डाक का पता
Postal Address for Correspondence
थाई पता | Permanent Address
7. (a) कॉ टै ट नं | Contact No.
: _________________________
(b) ई-मेल | E-mail
8. या अ.जा./ अ.ज.जा./अ.िप.व./ शा.िव. म आते ह ?
Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/PWD
(जाित माण-प का नकल संल
कया जावे | Copy of Caste Certificate to be enclosed)
9. या CSIR-UGC-NET(LS) JRF / GATE या अ य कसी म ािलफ़ाएड ह ? :______________________________
Whether CSIR-UGC-NET(LS) JRF / GATE or any other qualified?
( माण-प का नकल संल
कया जावे | Copy of the Certificate to be enclosed)
10. शै िणक यो यताएँ ( ातक से)| Educational Qualifications (Starting from Graduation):
परी ा का नाम |
Name of the
बोड/ िव िव ालय/ सं थान
Board/ Univ./ Institute
उ ीण करने का
वष | Year of
िवषय | Subjects
अंको का ितशत
Percentage of
11. अनुभव, य द कोई हो | Experience, if any:
संगठन/ िनयो ाका
Name of
सेवा अविध वष तथा
Period of
Service in Year
& Months
म स यिन ा से पु करता / करती ँ क उपयु
वेतनमान तथा मूल/
सकल वेतन
Scale of Pay &
Basic/ Gross
काय क कृ ित
Nature of duties
जानकारी मेरी अिधकतम जानकारी और िव ास के अनुसार सही है। य द मेरे
ारा दी गयी कोई जानकारी कसी भी चरण पर गलत पायी जाती है, तो मेरा आवेदन र कया जा सकता है | I do
solemnly affirm that the above information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. If any information given by me is found to be incorrect at any stage, my candidature may
be cancelled.
दनांक | Date :
थान | Place :
आवेदक का ह ता र | Signature of Applicant
The application with all enclosures must be submitted to the following on the date of interview.
The Administrative Officer – III (R&D)
National Institute of Science Education Research
Institute of Physics Campus, Po – Sainik School,
Bhubaneswar – 751 005