NATIO ONAL IN NSTITUT TE OF SC CIENCE EDUCAT TION AN ND RESE EARCH Institute of Physics s Campus, P P.O.- Sainik k School, Bhubanesw B war-751005 Adv vertisemen nt No.: NI SER/DST((SERB)/CH H0906/15/2 2012 Application A ns from Indian natio onals are iinvited forr one tem mporary p position off Researc ch Associate/J A Junior Re esearch Fellow F (JR RF) under the projecct “Effect of Confin nement on o Chemical C R Reactionss” funded by b SERB(DS ST), India in the Scho ool of Chem mical Sciencces, NISER R. RESEARC R CH ASSOCIATE (RA A): Essential E Qualification: Candidate shoould have Ph.D or equivalent e degree in Chemistry y/ Physics P or h have submiitted the Ph h.D thesis iis eligible to t apply. Candidates C should hav ve experien nce in moleecular mode eling or qua antum chem mistry calcculations. FELLOWS F SHIP: As peer DST Norrms AGE: A 35 yeears as on June J 30, 20 012, age reelaxation to o entitled ca ategories aas per DST rules. Junior J Ressearch Fe ellow (JRF F): Essential E Qualificattion: M.Scc. (minimu um 60% ma arks) in Ch hemistry/ P Physics or equivalen nt. Candidates C should have valid CS SIR-UGC N NET/ GATE E / any nattional levell entrance examinatio e on qualification q n. Candidates C e in molecu ular modeling techniques will be given prefference. with priorr experience FELLOWS F SHIP: As peer DST Norrms AGE: A 28 yeears as on June J 30, 20 012, age reelaxation to o entitled ca ategories aas per DST rules. If I no candidate iss found suitable s ffor the po osition of Researrch Assoc ciate (RA A), JRF J will b be consid dered bas sed on the e qualific cation me entioned above. Last L Date of Receiptt of Applic cation: Ju une 30, 2012. The T above e position is purely temporarry, initiallly for a pe eriod of on ne year (llikely to be b extended e further) but b strictlly co-term minus with h the pro oject. It w would, therefore, no ot confer c any y right/ claim, impllicit, or ex xplicit for considera ation/ abssorption against a an ny NISER N posst. Interested ccandidates should sub bmit an app plication du uly filled in n all respecct in the pro oforma only y, as a availablee in page 2 & 3 of thiis documen nt with rece ent passporrt size phottograph pa asted on it to t “The “ Adm ministrativ ve Officer r-III (R&D D), NISER R, Institu ute of Ph hysics Cam mpus, PO OSainik S Sch hool, Bhub baneswar - 751005”.. Original documents d should be p produced at the time of o in nterview. T The selection will be made on tthe basis off interview w of suitablle candidattes and datte will w be com mmunicateed to the shortlisted d candidatte later. Candidate C es are req quested to t superscrib s be the e adv vertisemen nt No o. i.e.. adv vertisemen nt No o.: NISER/DS N T(SERB)/CH0906/15 5/2012” an nd the name n of the t post on the top t of th he envelope. e IIn absenc ce of which h, it bearss the risk of o not being consid dered. Candidates ma ay send s soft copy off the ap pplication along with w comp plete Bio--data by email to: u.lourdera u [email protected] and copy c to adm minofficer [email protected]. H However, hard h copy of o the applicattion along with w requirred documeents must reach r latestt by the aboove mentioned date. No N TA/DA w will be paid d to the can ndidate, if ccalled for in nterview orr joining thee position. y In-charg ge Faculty (R R&D Section n) NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Institute of Physics Campus, P.O. Sainik School, Bhubaneswar-751005 िवज्ञापन संख्या : NISER/DST(SERB)/CH0906/15/2012 भतीर् के िलए आवेदन पत्रः _________________________________________ Paste your recent coloured photograph Application for recruitment to the post of “Research Associate / Junior Research Fellow” 1. पूरा नाम ( प ट अक्षर म) Full Name (In Capital Letters): ____________________________ 2. िपता / पित का नाम / Father’s / Husband’s Name:_____________________________________ 3. ज मितिथ / Date of Birth :____________________________________ 4. उम्र / Age, as on (िदनांक 30.06.2012) : ____________________________________ 5. पत्राचार के िलए डाक का पता :_____________________________________ Postal Address for Correspondence ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 6. थाई पता / Permanent Address :______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 7 (a) कॉ टै क्ट नं / Contact No. (b) ई-मेल / e-mail 8. क्या अ.जा./ अ.ज.जा./अ.िप.व./ शा. िव. म आते है ? : _______________________________ : _______________________________ : _______________________________ Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/PH category (If yes, please attach latest certificate. (जाित प्रमाण-पत्र संलग्न िकया जावे / Copy of Caste Certificate to be enclosed) 9. Whether CSIR-UGC-NET/GATE qualified? (Copy of the certificate to be enclosed) _______________________________ 10. शैक्षिणक योग्यताएँ / Educational Qualifications (Starting from Graduation): परीक्षा का नाम बोडर् / उ तीणर् करने का Name of the examination िव विव यालय / वषर् Year of Passing सं थान Board / Univ. / Institute 11. अनुभव, यिद कोई हो/ Experience, if any: संगठन/िनयोक्ताका सेवा अविध वषर् तथा नाम Name of Organisation /Employer माह Period of Service in Year & Months पदनाम Designation िवषय Subjects वेतनमान तथा मूल/ सकल वेतन Scale of Pay & Basic / Gross emoluments अंको का प्रितशत % age of Marks कायर् की प्रकृित Nature of duties म स यिन ठा से पु ट करता / करती हूँ िक उपयुक् र् त जानकारी मेरी अिधकतम जानकारी और िव वास के अनुसार सही है । यिद मेरे आवेदन र वारा दी गयी कोई जानकारी िकसी भी चरण पर गलत पायी जाती है , तो मेरा िकया जा सकता है । / I do solemnly affirm that the above information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. If any information given by me is found to be incorrect at any stage, my candidature may be cancelled. िदनांक / Date : थान / Place : आवेदक का ह ताक्षर/ Signature of Applicant) The application with all enclosures must reach the following address on or before 30.06.2012. The Administrative Officer-III (R&D) National Institute of Science Education Research Institute of Physics Campus, Po- Sainik School, Bhubaneswar- 751005
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