[신진과학자 소개] 최 윤 이 (Choi, Yoon-E) 전북대학교 LED-농생명융합기술연구센터 전북대학교 생리활성소재과학과 ▣ E-mail: [email protected] [약력] 1993-2000 고려대학교 산림자원환경학과 (학사) 2000-2002 포항공과대학교 환경공학부 (석사) 2003-2007 Texas A&M University, Dept. Plant Pathology and Microbiology (박사) 2008-2009 Purdue University, Dept. Botany and Plant pathology (박사 후 연구원) 2009-2010 USDA-ARS (박사 후 연구원) 2010-2012 KAIST 바이오매스 사업단 (연구조교수) 2012-현재 전북대학교 LED-농생명융합기술연구센터 (조교수) 2013-현재 전북대학교 생리활성소재과학과(BK21플러스) (조교수) [주요 연구 관심 분야 소개] 자연계에 널리 존재하는 하등 진핵 미생물 (미세조류, 곰팡이 등)은 유용 이차대사물질의 보고라 고 할 수 있으며, 최근에는 바이오에너지 활용 측면에서 각광을 받고 있습니다. 저희 실험실에서 는 이러한 하등 진핵 미생물인 미세조류와 곰팡이를 산업적으로 활용하여 보고자 하는 연구를 수행하고 있습니다. 이를 위하여 미세조류나 곰팡이의 유용 이차대사물질이나 바이오디젤의 원천 인 미세조류 지질의 생합성 과정을 제어하는 기작을 탐구합니다. 이를 바탕으로 분자생물학적인 유전자 조작을 통한 유망 균주 개발 및 후속적인 생물공학적 응 용을 추구합니다. 미세조류의 경우, 대량 배양 및 유용물질 생산 공정 확립을 위하여 광생물반응 기 개발이나 운전 등을 연구하고 있습니다. 또한 미세조류 대량 배양을 통한 생물학적 질소 인 제거 등의 하수 고도 처리 연구도 수행 중에 있습니다. [연구성과] 1. Chul Woong Kim, Myounghoon Moon, Won-Kun Park, Gursong Yoo, Yoon-E Choi*, and Ji-Won Yang*. 2014. Achievement of economically improved cultivation and subsequent biodiesel production using Chlamydomonas reinhardtii via flashing light illumination, Accepted for a publication in Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering. (Cocorresponding authors) 2. Myounghoon Moon, Chul Woong Kim, Won-Kun Park, Gursong Yoo, Yoon-E Choi* and Ji-Won Yang* 2013. Mixotrophic growth with acetate or volatile fatty acids maximizes growth and lipid production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Algal research 2: 352-357. (Co-corresponding authors) 3. Won-Kun Park, Gursong Yoo, Myounghoon Moon, Chul Woong Kim, Yoon-E Choi*, and Ji-Won Yang*. 2013. Phytohormone supplementation significantly increases growth of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cultivated for biodiesel production. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 171:1128-1142. (Co-corresponding authors) 4. Nguyen Duc Huy, Saravanakumar Thiyagarajan, Yoon-E Choi, Dae-Hyuk Kim, SeungMoon Park 2013. Cloning and characterization of a thermostable endo-arabinanase from Phanerochaete chrysosporium and its synergistic action with endo-xylanase. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 36:677-685. 5. Yoon-E Choi, Hyemin Hwang, Hyun-Soo Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Won-Joong Jeong, and JiWon Yang*. 2013. Comparative proteomics using lipid over-producing or less-producing mutants unravels lipid metabolisms in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Bioresource Technology 145: 108-115. 6. Joon-Hee Shin, Jung-Eun Kim, Martha Malapi-wight, Yoon-E Choi, Brian D. Shaw, and Won-Bo Shim 2013, Protein Phosphatase 2A regulatory subunits perform distinct functional roles in maize pathogen Fusarium verticillioides. Molecular Plant Pathology 14: 518-529. 7. Wasif Farooq, Young-Chul Lee, Byung-Gon Ryu, Byung-Hyuk Kim, Hee-Sik Kim, Yoon-E Choi*, and Ji-Won Yang* 2013, Two-stage cultivation of two Chlorella sp. strains by simultaneous treatment of brewery wastewater and maximizing lipid productivity. Bioresource Technology 132: 230-238. (Co-corresponding authors) 8. Kyochan Kim, Eun Jung Kim, Byung-Gon Ryu, Soojung Park, Yoon-E Choi*, and Ji-Won Yang* 2013, A novel fed-batch process based on the biology of Aurantiochytrium sp. KRS101 for the production of biodiesel and docosahexaenoic acid. Bioresource Technology 135: 269-274. (Co-corresponding authors) 9. Byung-Gon Ryu, Jungmin Kim, Kyochan Kim, Yoon-E Choi, Jong-In Han, Ji-Won Yang 2012, High-cell-density cultivation of oleaginous yeast Cryptococcus curvatus for biodiesel production using organic waste from brewery industry, Bioresource Technology 135:357-367. 10. Hyun-Soo Kim, Yoon-E Choi, and Ji-Won Yang 2012, Diabetes mellitus attenuates mycocardial preconditioning of desflurane in ischemia-reperfused rat heart, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 9: 256-266 11. Gursong Yoo, Won-Kun Park, Chul-Woong Kim, Yoon-E Choi*, and Ji-Won Yang 2012, Direct lipid extraction from wet Chlamydomonas reinhardtii biomass using osmotic shock, Bioresource Technology 123: 717-722 (*Co-corresponding authors) 12. Youl Her, Young-Chul Lee, Jin-Hwan Oh, Yoon-E Choi, Chang-Woo Lee, Jin-Suk Kim, Hwan Mook Kim, and Ji-Won Yang 2012, An application of β-glycosidase to transformation of ginsenosides for the effective production of specific ginsenosides with biological efficacy, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 17: 538-546. 13. Yoon-E Choi, Robert A. Butchko and Won–Bo Shim. 2012. Proteomic comparison of Gibberella moniliformis in limited-nitrogen (fumonisin-inducing) and excess-nitrogen (fumonisin-repressing) conditions, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 22:780-787. 14. Eun Jung Kim, Soojung Park, Hye-Jin Hong, Yoon-E Choi*, and Ji-Won Yang* 2011, Biosorption of chromium (Cr(III)/Cr(VI)) on the residual microalga Nannochloris oculata biomass after biodiesel production, Bioresource Technology 102: 11155-11160. (*Cocorresponding authors) 15. Yoon-E Choi, Yeoung-Sang Yun, Jong Moon Park, and Ji-Won Yang 2011, Determination of the time transferring cells for astaxanthin production considering two-stage process of Haematococcus pluvialis cultivation, Bioresource Technology 102: 11249-11253. 16. Sang-Jin Park*, Yoon-E Choi*, Eun Jung Kim, Won-Kun Park, Chul Woong Kim, and JiWon Yang 2011, Serial optimization of biomass production using microalga Nannochloris oculata and corresponding lipid biosynthesis, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 35: 3-9. (*Co-first authors) 17. Yoon-E Choi, Yeoung-Sang Yun, Jong Moon Park, and Ji-Won Yang 2011, Multistage operation of airlift photobioreactor for increased production of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 21:1081-1087. 18. Yoon-E Choi and Stephen B. Goodwin. 2011. MCC1, a gene encoding c-type cyclin in Mycosphaerella graminicola is involved in aerial mycelium formation, filamentous growth, hyphal swelling, melanin biosynthesis, stress response, and pathogenicity. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 24: 469-477. 19. Yoon-E Choi and Stephen B. Goodwin. 2011. MVE1, encoding the velvet gene product in Mycosphaerella graminicola, is associated with aerial mycelium formation, melanin biosynthesis, hyphal swelling, and light signaling, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77: 942-953. 20. Yueping Zhang, Yoon-E Choi, Xuexiao Zou, Jin-Rong Xu. 2011. The FvMK1 mitogenactivated protein kinase gene regulates conidiation, pathogenesis, and fumonisin production in Fusarium verticillioides, Fungal Genetics and Biology 48: 71-79. 21. Yoon-E Choi and Jin-Rong Xu. 2010. The cAMP signaling pathway in Fusarium verticillioides is important for conidiation, plant infection, and stress responses but not fumonisin production, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 23: 522-533. 22. Xiaoying Zhou, Christina Heyer, Yoon-E Choi, Rahim Mehrabi, Jin-Rong Xu. 2010. The CID1 cyclin C-like gene is important for plant infection in Fusarium graminearum, Fungal Genetics and Biology 47: 143-156. 23. Yoon-E Choi, Jillian Brown, Courtney Williams, Lorena Canales and Won-Bo Shim. 2008. GAC1, gene encoding a putative GTPase activating protein, regulates bikaverin biosynthesis in the maize pathogen Fusarium verticillioides, Mycologia 100: 701-709. 24. Yoon-E Choi and Won-Bo Shim. 2008. Enhanced homologous recombination in Fusarium verticillioides by disruption of FvKU70, a gene required for a non-homologous end joining mechanism, The Plant Pathology Journal 24: 1-7. 25. Yoon-E Choi and Won-Bo Shim. 2008. Identification of genes associated with fumonisin biosynthesis in Fusarium verticillioides via proteomics and quantitative real-time PCR approach, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 18: 648-657. 26. Yoon-E Choi and Won-Bo Shim. 2008. Functional characterization of Fusarium verticillioides CPP1, a gene encoding putative protein phosphatase 2A catalytic subunit, Microbiology 154: 326-336. 27. Won-Bo Shim, Uma Shankar Sagaram, Yoon-E Choi, Jinny So, Heather H. Wilkinson, and Yin-Won Lee. 2006. FSR1 is essential for virulence and female fertility in Fusarium verticillioides and F. graminearum, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 19: 725-733. 28. Yoon-E Choi, Yeoung-Sang Yun, and Jong Moon Park. 2002. Evaluation of factors promoting the astaxanthin production by a unicellular green alga, Haematococcus pluvialis, with fractional factorial design, Biotechnology Progress 18: 1170-1175.
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