International Conference 27-30th April 2015 NASC Complex, Pusa Campus, New Delhi, India Low Temperature Science and Biotechnological Advances Abstract Deadline 28th February 2015 Registration Open 15th December 2014 ICAR- National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India Royal Botanic Gardens, UK and Society for Low Temperature Biology, UK ICAR- National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, Pusa Campus, New Delhi, India Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Introduction Understanding how cells and tissues tolerate low temperatures in nature has accelerated scientific experimentation and enabled progress in the cryopreservation of genetic resources, particularly for use in agriculture (food security), medicine (e.g. stem cells) and conservation (protection against species extinction). Since the first success in cell cryopreservation >50 years ago, the field of low temperature science has increased rapidly to explore the biochemical, molecular, physiological and biophysical basis of low temperature tolerance. Associated improvements in cryomethodologies have now resulted in much wider opportunities for application and adoption of bio-banking in the biotechnology sector. As Asia’s o t i utio to wo ld e o o i g owth o ti ues, i ludi g th ough a e pa di g biotechnology sector, it is time to assess how future developments can be underpinned by international collaborations in bio-banking, via South-South and North-South linkages. In view of this need, the Government of India, through the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, with National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India, the Society for Low Temperature Biology, UK and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK have committed to organize the International Conference on Low Temperature Science and Biotechnological Advances. This Conference will enable scientists, researchers and students – in the public and private sectors - to review and discuss recent research and practical applications of low temperature science including cryopreservation in the biotechnology arena. Keynote lectures will be delivered by scientific leaders from Asian countries, and across the world, with the aim of stimulating future programmes on the cryopreservation of genetic resources of plant, animal, human, fish and microbe using diverse biological materials for the benefit of humankind. Conference Highlights Session Theme Plenary Speaker Session 1 Stem cells and animal tissue bio-banking Prof. Glyn Stacey, Director, UK Stem Cell Bank Session 2 Aquatic species preservation Prof. David Rawson, Univ. Bedfordshire, UK Session 3 Dr. Maurizio Lambardi, National Research Council (CNR), Italy Prof John G. Day, Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory, UK Dr. Bart Panis, KUL, Belgium Session 6 The Frozen Zoo and the Frozen Garden– the preservation of threatened speciesMicrobial storage for biotechnological application Cryopreservation of crop species for food and agriculture Low temperature science and animal breeding Session 7 Low temperature science and crop improvement Session 4 Session 5 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Prof. José Fernando De La Torre Sánchez, New Genetic Resources Bank, Mexico Dr Dirk Hincha, Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie, Germany Registration Registration for the Conference would be opened from 15th December 2014. Registration Form can be submitted by completing the online form or by downloading the hard copy of Form and sending it to the [email protected] and [email protected]. To become the member of Society for Low Temperature Biology (SLTB) download and fill the SLTB Membership Form and send along with Registration Form. SLTB membership amount can be paid online through its website or at the SLTB Desk at the conference site before registering. Registration includes :: 1. Admission to all conference sessions 2. Conference kit including abstract book 3. Morning and afternoon tea/coffee 4. Daily Lunch 5. Welcome dinner 6. Copy of Proceeding of the conference in which authors paper would be published after review Registration amount for foreign participants excluding from South Asian countries • • • • • Foreign Participant SLTB Members* Accompanying Person Student Participant Institutional Participant Registration Fee (US$) (Before 28.2.15) 400 300 300 200 700 Registration Fee (US$) (After 28.2.15) 450 350 350 250 800 Registration amount for Indian and South Asian participants • • • • • Registration Fee (INR) (Before 28.2.15) Participant 10,000 SLTB Members* 7,000 Accompanying Person 8,000 Student Participant 5,000 Institutional Participant 20,000 Registration Fee (INR) (After 28.2.15) 12,000 9,000 10,000 7,000 25,000 Payment Mode: Electronic transfer or multi city cheque/draft (Send the proof of transfer by email to [email protected] and [email protected]) Bank Name and Branch : Syndicate Bank Account Name : cryobiotech-2015 Account No. : Awaited Swift Code: Che ues/Ba k D aft ade pa a le to : “ o iote h-2015 Abstract Submission The Organizing Committee invites authors to submit abstracts for poster and oral presentation. While submitting abstract authors need to mention the name of Session and preference for Poster and Oral presentation. Oral presentations would be limited and only young scientists below the age of 45 would be encouraged for presentation in Special Sessions. Final decision of acceptance as poster or oral presentation would be taken by the scientific committee of the Conference. For abstract submission use the template provided on the website of conference. Abstract should be in English language and not exceeding 300 Words. Abstract should only contain text and no tables, figures etc. Follow the Microsoft Word format with 12 font size in Times New Roman. All abstracts must be submitted online by 28th February 2015. All the accepted abstracts from authors with paid registration would be included in the conference abstracts. Full paper would be published in proceedings of the conference after the review process being followed by the CryoLetters. Call for Abstracts would be opened from 15th December 2014 and acceptance and mode of presentation would be communicated to registered authors by 15th March 2015. All enquiries related to abstracts submission for conference may be emailed to [email protected] or [email protected]. Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Accommodation Accommodation for the delegates would be arranged in International Guest House, NASC Complex in the same campus of the Conference and in the selected hotels of all the categories. Details of nearby guest houses/ hotels and conference rates would be available on the website of conference before the start of registration. Delegates wish to book the advance accommodation may write to [email protected]. Amount of accommodation need to be paid by the delegates directly to the guest house/hotel at the time of check in as per the hotel rules. Accommodation would be confirmed after the receipt of the registration form indicating the choice of accommodation required in guest house/hotel. Historical monuments Post Conference Tours Post conference tour of half day for local sightseeing of Delhi and 12-3 days tours of Delhi- Agra–Jaipur (Golden Triangle) would be organized by the professional travel agent. Details are available on conference website to book the tour as per your need. For details regarding tourism please visit the website of Delhi Tourism ( National Organizing Committee Dr. S. Ayyappan, DG, ICAR, Chairman Dr. V. M. Katoch, DG, ICMR Dr. Vijayraghavan, Secretary, DBT Dr. S.K. Datta, DDG (CS) Dr. N.K. Krishna Kumar, DDG (Hort) Dr. K.M.L. Pathak, DDG (Animal Sciences) Dr. B. Meenakumari, DDG (Fisheries) Dr. Tej Pratap, VC, SKUAST (K) Dr. A.K. Srivastava, Director, NDRI Dr. W. S. Lakra, Director, CIFE Dr. R.K. Singh, Director, IVRI Dr. Ravinder Kaur, Director (Acting), IARI Dr. Akhilesh Tyagi, Director, NIPGR Dr. Girish Sahni, Director, IMTECH Prof. Jitendra P. Khurana, South Campus, Delhi University Dr. J. S. Chauhan, ADG (Seeds), ICAR Dr. Arjava Sharma, Director, NBAGR Dr. A.K. Sharma, Director, NBAIM Dr. J.K. Jena, Director, NBFGR Dr. Mrinalini Chaturvedi, Medical Director, Cryobank Intl. Dr. P.N. Mathur, Director, Bioversity International Dr. J.L. Karihaloo, Coordinator, APCoAB Dr. C.S. Nautiyal, Director, NBRI Dr. Sanjay Kumar, IHBT Dr. Ajay Parida, MSSRF Dr. Rajeev K Varshney, ICRISAT Dr. K.C. Bansal, Director, NBPGR, Organizing Secretary Programme-cum-Core Committee Prof. Hugh Pritchard, RBG, UK-Chair Dr. K. C. Bansal, NBPGR, Co-Chair Prof. Brian Grout, UK Dr. Bart Panis, Belgium Dr. Haeng Hoon Kim, Korea Dr. J.K. Jena, NBFGR, Lucknow Dr. A.K. Sharma, NBAIM, Mau Dr. Arjava Sharma , NBAGR, Karnal Prof. J.P. Khurana, DU, South Campus, New Delhi Dr. Geeta Jotwani, ADG, ICMR, New Delhi Dr. T.R. Sharma, NRC Plant Biotechnology, New Delhi Dr. Sanjay Kumar, IHBT, Palampur Dr. M.S. Chauhan, NDRI , Karnal Dr. Mrinalini Chaturvedi, Cryobank Intl., Gurgaon Dr. Taru Sharma, IVRI, Izatnagar Dr. R.K. Tyagi, NBPGR, New Delhi Dr. K.V. Bhat, NBPGR, New Delhi Dr. Rekha Chaudhury, NBPGR Dr. S.K. Malik, NBPGR , New Delhi For further information please contact: Dr. KC Bansal, Organising Secretary, NBPGR, New Delhi, India Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
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