Service Pack 2: Release Notes

Service Pack 2: Release Notes
OpticStudio 14.2 SP2 contains important fixes and enhancements. The Zemax team recommends
downloading and using SP2 immediately. Modifications include:
User Interface
• DirectX 11 is now supported for graphics rendering. If your hardware does not support DirectX 11,
you can revert to DirectX 9 under the Project Preferences. Use this setting if artifacts are present in
the shaded model layout.
• Under the General tab of the Project Preferences the “Decimals” setting is changed to “Significant
Digits” to more accurately indicate how the input is used to define numerical output precision.
• Improved rendering speed of Geometric Image Analysis when data are shown as Spot Diagram
and sampling is high. The analysis no longer caches results to memory if the size of the results are
large enough to cause delays in rendering of the data. The drawback is needing to re-calculate the
results when switching between graphic and text output.
CAD Integration
• Geometries created in Creo Parametric 3.0 can now be read in to the CAD Assembly: Creo
Parametric and CAD Part: Creo Parametric objects in non-sequential mode.
• The Boolean object in non-sequential mode now offers an option to disable the merging of adjacent
surfaces into single faces (if it is desired to apply different properties to the adjacent faces).
• The number of available diffraction orders for non-sequential objects which use the “Split By DLL”
option has increased from ± 100 to ± 200. When using “Split By Table”, the maximum number of
diffraction orders has increased from 12 to 40.
• The tool to export polar detector data to an IES file format now provides an option to enable or
disable exponential formatting in the output IES file.
• The compressed ZRD format is no longer supported if more than 2^16 segments are present for
any ray being saved in the database. Previously saving a ray with more than 2^16 segments to a
compressed ZRD results in inaccurate data in the ZRD; now the option to save to a compressed ZRD
will not be provided under such conditions.
• The Fresnel 1 object in non-sequential mode now correctly calculates the surface angle of active
surfaces when the depth/frequency parameter is set to use frequency and the inactive surface pitch
is non-zero.
• Reading data from a binary source file when the units of the file are Lumens is corrected. Previously
the intensity for all rays was set to zero.
• Reading dimension data from a binary source file when data from that file are being read from disk
is corrected.
Service Pack 2: Release Notes
• Physical Optics Propagation now supports improved polarization calculations for unpolarized input
beams. These calculations require two separate propagations – at orthogonal input polarizations –
to model polarization output for the unpolarized input.
• Physical Optics Propagation now supports negative values for the input beam polarization (as
defined by the Jx and Jy values in the Polarization tab of the System Explorer) when performing
polarization calculations.
• Values of the real and imaginary components of the Huygens PSF are now correctly reported in the
Text output.
• The value of the Petzval curvature reported by Zemax now scales with the refractive index of the
image surface.
• Geometric image analysis rendering speed has been greatly improved for color and grey scale
display options.
• Multiple instances of the Quick Adjust tool can now be launched simultaneously.
• The Stock Lens Matching tool will now identify stock lenses to replace the existing design when the
lens units of the existing design is not millimeters.
• The ISO Element Drawing now supports options to specify the RMSt (the RMS departure from a
sphere with the nominal radius of curvature), RMSi (the RMS departure of the surface from the best
fit spherical surface), and RMSa (the RMS departure of the surface from the best fit aspheric surface)
values for the surface form tolerance.
Custom Programming
• All non-sequential DLLs provided by Zemax which require random numbers now use the Mersenne
Twister 19937 algorithm for random number generation, to provide a much greater range of unique
random numbers (as compared to the previous use of the Windows
rand() function, which is only 16-bit).
[email protected]
• The NSCTrace data item in DDE now supports saving files to SDF
or DAT format.
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change without notice. OpticStudio is a registered trademark of Zemax LLC.