Asbury United Methodist Church Loving...Serving...Transforming Lives January 25, 2015 ~ 8:30 am and 10:30 am Services ! MISSION TATEENT Love God and one another, serve our community, and transform lives. VISION radically inclusive community, empowered to spread God’s love throughout the world. BEIEFS We believe we are created in the image of God. We believe God loves everyone and through Christ saves!revives!renews the world. We believe God through the Holy pirit changes lives. We believe the church is the body of Christ with a mission. We believe the Bible is the word of God. We believe that God has gifted everyone and the church for the purposes of God. We believe discipleship is a continuing journey. BURY UD MHD CHURCH cumenical unday 8:30 am and 10:30 am Worship †† = Those who are able may stand AAHH = African American Heritage Hymnal ! Yellow!Hymnal!!!UMH = United Methodist Hymnal ! Red!Hymnal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please use this time for prayer and meditation as we prepare for Worship. PRLUD ! ! ! ! R! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!8:30!am—I’ll!Walk!with!God...Brodsky! !!!!!10:30!am—Done!Made!My!Vow...Traditional! ! ! ! !!!10:30!am—One!Lord,!One!Faith,!One!Baptism! H CHURCH GHR! ! ††CLL WRHP Leader: Almighty God, breathe into us the wind of unity that recognizes our diversity, People: Breathe into us tolerance that welcomes and makes us community, Leader: Breathe into us re that unites what is torn apart and heals what is ill, People: Breathe into us grace that overcomes hatred and frees us from violence, Leader: Breathe into us life that faces down and defeats death, People: Blessed be the God of mercy, who is ather, on and Holy pirit, and makes all things new. men! PRCL HYM 10:30!am—O!Zion,!Haste!(573!UMH) WLCM D WRD HPLY PG H PC Koinonia!(579 HH) !!!!!!(Congregants!may!now!enter!the!Sanctuary)! ! ††HYM PR A!Charge!to!Keep!I!Have!(413!UMH) PRYR C Leader: Merciful Lord, your Spirit hovered over the waters where diversity sprouted and ourished. We confess our di!culty to live with legitimate di"erences. Forgive us those attitudes of mind, words and actions that do violence to unity in diversity. People: Lord, have mercy upon us Leader: Merciful Christ, grace and joy of the multitude, listener and teacher, you give birth to new visions of hope and heal the wounds of mind and body. We con# fess that we have failed to listen to voices di"erent from our own, failed to say words that bring healing and hope, and we have perpetuated exclusive attitudes to those who cry out for solidarity and fellowship. ! PRYR C (continue) People: Lord, have mercy upon us Leader: Merciful Lord, you are the source of all crea!on, the Eternal and life"giving Word. We confess that we do not listen to your crea!on that groans and cries out for libera!on and renewal. Help us to walk together and to hear your voice in all living things that su#er and yearn for healing and care. People: O Lord, have mercy upon us ! WRD URC O God, fountain of mercy and grace, pour over us your pardon. May your love trans" form us into a source of living waters to restore the strength of your people! We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen. !!!!!!(Congregants!may!now!enter!the!Sanctuary)! CHLDR’ MG 10:30!am—Kisha Woolen MRY MUC 8:30!am—Kenneth!Hall,!Tenor! 10:30!am—We’ll!Praise!the!Lord...J.!Layton—Male!Chorus CLL PRYR 10:30!am—Just!a!Little!Talk!with!Jesus...Derricks! MRG PRYR Rev. dam Briddell, ssociate Pastor PRYR RP ! ! ! ! !! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!8:30!am—Sweet!Hour!of!Prayer...Walford! !!!!!!!!!!!10:30!am—In!the!Garden...C.A.!Miles! ! ! W HR H WRD CRPUR L ! ! ! !!!John!4!(Page !94) Liturgist: This is the word of the Lord. People: hanks be to God. ††HYM PRPR RM nly What You Do for Christ Will Last!(548!HH)! “ecessary nterruptions” Rev. Dr. anther M. Mills, enior Pastor W RPD H ! ††HYM V Guide Me, hou Great Jehovah!(127 UMH) Worshipers are invited to pray at the altar in private or signal to an Intercessory Prayer member to pray with you. Also at this time, you may come down to join Asbury in Christian Fellowship. PR H D RG RRY 8:30!am—Kenneth!Hall,!Tenor! 10:30!am—Keep!Me!in!Your!Care...I.!Jones—Randolph!Scott!&!Everett!Williams,!Soloists! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ††RRY RP Doxology! Praise God from whom all blessings ow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise ather, on, and Holy Ghost. men. RRY PRYR W CR B H CHURCH H WRLD !!!! ! ††HYM RC ! BDC PLUD ! ! ! oftly and enderly Jesus s Calling!(348!UMH) 8:30!am—The!Old!Rugged!Cross...Curry! ! ! !!! ! ! !!!!10:30!am—Where!He!Leads!Me...Norris he congregation is asked to remain seated for the closing voluntary. WRHP PRCP Minister of Music, Liturgical rts & rganist: Everett P. Williams, Jr. (10:30 am) rganist: Earl Hargrove (8:30 am) Male Chorus Director: Everett P. Williams, Jr. Choir: Male Chorus (10:30 am) oloists: Kenneth Hall, Tenor (8:30 am)/Randolph Scott & Everett Williams, Jr. (10:30 am) Children’s Message: Kisha Woolen (10:30 am) Liturgists: Ruth Scarbrough & Angelique Bradford (8:30 am) Kisha Woolen & Brenda Sanders (10:30 am) Ushers: Men Greeters: Jeanne Parks & Catherine Waters (8:30 am) Betty Cobbs, Alethea Leake & Zelma Solomon (10:30 am) colyte: DuVal Harrell (8:30 am) rustees on Duty: Darryl Wyles (8:30 am) /James Nero (10:30 am) Welcome to Asbury United Methodist Church. We are so glad you joined us today for worship! We hope that through word, music, fellowship and prayer you will experience the presence of God today. Please make sure you sign the Attendance Register as it is passed so that we can share with you about what is happening in the life of this church. !"#$%#&' $"!()&'$*+,,-' All ages are welcome Our nursery is available for infants through four-year-olds on Sundays from 10:30 am–12:15 pm. The nursery is located on the third floor of the Education Building in room 2-5. 9:30 am"10:30 am All ages are welcome Nursery and Kindergarten—Room 2"5 Adult School—Room 1"9 Kindergarten#Adults Young Adults—Room 2"3 Youth—Rooms 1"11,9:30am#10:30am 1"12, 2"8 & 2"9 sbury’s Week t!!Glance unday, January 25, 2015 8:30 & 10:30 am—Worship, Sanctuary 8:30 am—Neighbor Bible Study, Library 9:30 am—Neighbor#to#Neighbor Breakfast, G#1 9:30 am—Sunday School, 1#11/1#12/2#3/2#8/ 2#9/ Nursery 9:30 am—A Disciple’s Path, 1#9 9:30 am—Mission Team (undergarment & toiletry distribution), Old Social Hall 1:00 pm—Higher Ed and Campus Ministry, 1#11/1#12 Monday, January 26, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G #1/1#11/1#12/Old Social Hall 3:00 pm—Deadline: Asburyan Bulletin & Ads 6:00 pm—DC Stop Modern Slavery, 1#11/1#12 7:00 pm—DC Wado#Ryu Martial Arts, 2#8/2#9 uesday, January 27, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G #1/1#11/1#12/Old Social Hall 10:00 am—Covenant Bible Study II (1st UMC of Hyattsville, 6201 Belcrest Rd., MD) 12:00 pm—Neighbor#to#Neighbor Debrieng, Chapel 1:30 pm—Sta" Meeting, 1#8 7:00 pm—Covenant Bible Study II, 1#11/1#12 From the Senior Pastor’s Desk January 2015 Word for the Month: INSPIRED Scriptures for the Month: Joshua 1-6 Thought for the Month: “With growing numbers of young people who have no religious affiliation and no previous exposure to Christianity or faith communities, the church must find a different and more familiar way to engage new generations.” Emphasis for the Month: Rethinking Spiritual Formation Pastor’s Book of the Month: “Not Safe for Church: Ten Commandments for Reaching New Generations” by F. Douglas Powe, Jr. and Jasmine Rose Smothers. Wednesday, January 28, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G #1/1#11/1#12/Old Social Hall 7:00 pm—Spiritual Formation 2, G#1 7:30 pm—Wesley Seminary, PMM 1, 1#9 WO: S WOEN W: LEAN OT EX AFFIIN AT 11T " K hursday, January 29, 2015 WEN: AT., E. 21 ~ 8:30 A!1:00 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G #1/1#11/1#12/Old Social Hall riday, January 30, 2015 7:45 am—Downtown Cluster’s Geriatric Ctr., G #1/1#11/1#12/Old Social Hall aturday, January 31, 2015 9:00 am—Church Council Meeting, 1#11/1#12 10:00 am—Handbell Choir Rehearsal, G#13 10:30 am—Food Pantry, Food Pantry Area 11:00 am—Wesleyan Choir Rehearsal, OSH 11:30 am—Dance Min. Rehearsal, Sanctuary 12:00 pm—Vacation Bible School Mtg., 1#11/1#12 12:30 pm—Male Chorus Rehearsal, OSH (OSH = Old Social Hall) WEE: S UNITE METOIST C ~ G1 he 2015 United Methodist Women’s Lenten vent, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF, will be dedicated to learning about sex tra#cking and nding ways we can make a di$erence in the lives of the young people who are caught up in its web. his event is free and parking will be available. continental breakfast will be served. Please join us. Register in G!1 after each service. Church!Council!Meeting! Sat.,!Jan.!31!at!9!am! Rooms!1"11!&!1"12! ! .//0123'45/2'04'677')89:;<628=''' ! Agenda' !" >?@A'9:B3/0! !" CD)E>?@F'*G6;3/'*42H/;/2I/'! ' C:/801428J'%K617'*6;47'L;6M18'60' I6;47NO?OP647QI4K! ACOLYTE MEETING Sun., Feb. 1 ~ 12:30-1:30 pm ~ Room 1-9 Current and new acolytes and parents or guardians are encouraged to attend this meeting. Do you know of a young person (8 years or older) who is interested in serving the church? Bring them to the meeting too! Light refreshments will be served. Contact Monica McEaddy with questions. 301-655-4979 or [email protected]. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JUNE 19-21, 2015 Save the Date Asbury VBS is making a comeback! Are you willing to help? Contact Kisha L. Woolen, (202) 841-5310 to join the team. The first VBS meeting is Sat., Jan. 31 at 12 pm in 1-11 & 1-12. We hope to see you there! Prayer Requests Beginning Sun., Feb. 1, prayer requests may be made on prayer cards located in the pew envelope holders. Place cards in the prayer boxes in the narthex or at the entrance to the prayer chapel. Please don’t place your prayer requests in the collection plate. You may also send prayer requests to [email protected]. Weekly prayer partners will be prepared to respond to your requests. We are grateful to God for the opportunity to serve you through intercession. !"#$%&'()*$+#),-)./01$%)2&$!"#345#$"3&$66$)-7#&$4-$877$,-)$/4&$ 0#92$:)-;(<4/-0$-0$=3(0;>$!"()&;3>?$%:)/7$6$,-)$@(;3&A$ Yours in Christ, Barbara & Phillip Collins Prayer Ministry Coordinators B"34$B3&$CD$!"/0E/01F$$B/4"$&-G#$<3&4$'#/01$3&E#;$ H-G$$I-(0;)*$J=K?$L#$3)#$&##E/01$%&'()*30&$30;$H/#0;&$ 4-$<-G#$30;$45*$-(4M$$%77$31#&$3)#$L#7<-G#M$$C-:#$4-$&##$>-($ -0$B#;M?$I#'M$N?$OANPQRAST:G$-)$U34M?$I#'M$V?$WT3GQW:GM$$ K-G#$:)#:3)#;$4-$)#3;$H-G$&<)/:4M$$$D0X->$4"#$,Y0$ L/4"$%+%!F$$B#$0##;$>-(F$ $ K377$Z-[*#$B/77/3G&?$%)2/&4/<$Z/)#<4-)$34$6T6QRR6Q\OVT$L/4"$ ](#&4/-0&M$$$ Recruiting!Handbell!Ringers! Interested in handbell ringing? Sign#up in G#1 after each service or contact Randolph Scott at 301#332#2565 or [email protected] Giving Cards We are still accepting your completed Estimate of Giving Cards from Consecration Sunday. You can pick one up from the Narthex or from outside the church office. Please drop them in the offering basket, or mail them to the finance office. Asbury’s ministries are counting on your financial support! ~~ Stewardship Committee +,"$%R%%ST!U' #" There is an elevator in the Education Building that accesses all levels of the church—the sanctuary, the fellowship hall, and all the Sunday School rooms. DAILY WORD Sunday, January 25 Genesis 1:26-31 Monday, January 26 Psalm 6:1-5 Tuesday, January 27 2 Chronicles 15:1-7 Wednesday, January 28 Romans 8:35-39 Thursday, January 29 Isaiah 49:14-15 Friday, January 30 Luke 12:25-30 Saturday, January 31 Ephesians 4:14-16 #" Free parking is available Sundays in the garage adjacent to our 11th Street entrance. You may pick up a parking pass from the 11th Street reception desk. #" Restrooms are on the lower level on either side of the narthex. There is also a family restroom on the main level in the Education Building. sbury United Methodist Church! Rev. Dr. Ianther M. Mills, Senior Pastor Rev. Adam Briddell, Associate Pastor Bishop Forrest Stith, Retired Bishop in Residence Mr. Robert Mallett and Ms. Rene Carter, Lay Leaders Rev. Dr. Joseph Daniels, Jr., District Superintendent Bishop Marcus Matthews, Baltimore#Washington Annual Conference Visit for information about our ministries. Find us on Facebook and Twitter. 926 11th t., W, Washington, DC 20001 202!628!0009 (o#ce) and 202!783!0519 (fax) [email protected] Monday!riday ~ 9:30 am!5:00 pm 200TH ANNIVERSARY OF FOUNDRY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH PLAN TO ATTEND THESE UPCOMING COMMEMORATIVE BICENTENNIAL ACTIVITIES DOCUMENTARY ON FOUNDRY AND ASBURY'S BEGINNINGS Larry Slagle, Kelvin Childs & Suzanne Forsyth, Presenters Sun., February 8 – 12:45‐2:00 pm Location: Foundry Church -- 1500 16th Street, NW, Parlor A 25‐minute documentary on Foundry and Asbury's common beginnings by United Methodist church videographer, John Coleman; the role race has played in our history. Follow up discussion by Larry Slagle of Foundry and Kelvin Childs, Asbury, on the 1835 Snow Riots and the 1848 escape on the Pearl. Small‐group discussion about what contemporary congregations can do to heal the sins of racism and discrimination in the church. RACIAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Bishop Forrest Stith, Presenter Sun., February 15 – 12:45‐2:00 pm Location: Asbury Church -- 926 11th Street, NW, G‐1 Bishop Forrest Stith will present and lead a discussion on the racial history of the United Methodist Church, providing context for Foundry and Asbury's history. He will discuss the creation of the Washington Conference in 1864; the 1939 merger of the Northern and Southern branches of the Methodist church and the creation of the Central Jurisdiction; and the 1968 merger of the Methodist Church with the Evangelical United Brethren Church and the abolition of the racially segregated Central Jurisdiction. All are invited. Please RSVP to: Carlotta Jones, [email protected] or 202‐491‐2003 Carol Travis, [email protected] YOUTH EDUCATION CLASSES Don Haupruh, Presenter Sun., March 8 – 12:45-1:45 pm Location: Foundry Church -- 1500 16th Street, NW, Parlor Video and discussion led by Don Haupruh, District Youth Coordinator of the BWC on early beginning of Foundry and Asbury. Date and location for youth service project to be determined. Please RSVP to Ruth Scarbrough, [email protected] or 301-505-8288. Mark your calendar for worship service on Sun., April 12. More details to follow.
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