To Encounter God’s Word PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION “Spirit of the Living God” DREW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH October 19th, 2014 Laity Sunday EPISTLE LESSON 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Pew Bibles NT p.203 *GOSPEL LESSON Matthew 22:34-40 Pew Bibles NT p. 25 Let us ponder the meaning of these words....Thanks be to God! The People of God Gather for Worship Parish notices, prayer request cards & signing pew registers PRELUDE RESPONSE HYMN To Praise God “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” “Jesu, Jesu” HYMNAL 432 *PASSING OF THE PEACE *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: When the world seems to weigh down on our shoulders, People: We do not lose heart. Leader: When war, oppression, poverty and famine fill the news, People: We do not lose heart. Leader: When greed and injustice seem to be the law, People: We do not lose heart. Leader: When sin enters our lives personally or systemically, People: We do not lose heart. Leader: Jesus the Christ continues to walk with us. People: We have hope in the resurrection, the promise of New Life in Christ. All: Come, let us follow our God’s ways. *HYMN HYMNAL 393 HYMNAL 89 *OPENING PRAYER (unison) Almighty God, we live in relationship with You and with each other. Help us to do our part to seek healing in relationships that are broken, to seek forgiveness where we have gone wrong and to forgive those who have wronged us. Call us into the paths of righteousness by rightliving–loving our neighbor, caring for the poor, and standing with the oppressed. As we journey in life, remind us always that the journey is not complete, the work is not finished, but that the part each of us play is integral to Your creation and Your love. We are all part of Your family–help us to seek out those who are lonely and lost, exiled and outcast, so that they might know they are loved. We will welcome all who are on the margins and outskirts and have been forgotten by the world, but remembered always by You. May we seek out the lost and the least, so they will be lost and least no more. In the name of Christ, who calls us into a life’s journey of faith and love until we reach the other side. Amen. MESSAGE FOR ALL CHILDREN "All You Need Is Love" MESSAGE FOR THE PEOPLE “Fulfillment (as in the law and prophets)” To Respond in Faith JOYS, CONCERNS, WITNESS PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE *HYMN “The Lord’s Prayer” INSERT PRESENTING OUR OFFERINGS, TITHES, AND ATTENDANCE OFFERTORY “Come, Now Is the Time to Worship” *DOXOLOGY “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” HYMNAL 94 * PRAYER OF DEDICATION OF GIFTS AND SELF (unison) Lord, you have entrusted us with the awe-inspiring task of sharing the message of the gospel. We acknowledge that we cannot simply give money and expect your message to be spread. We must consistently give ourselves by offering our time, talents, gifts, witness, and service. Stir within us the courage to be Christian stewards in our daily living. Accept these gifts as a symbol of our love and commitment to you. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen. *HYMN “All To Go Out To Serve you Need is Love” BENEDICTION Go to celebrate the God who is our home forever. God’s love goes with us! Go to follow Christ’s example in loving God, self, and neighbor. God’s love goes with us! INSERT Go with the Holy Spirit to change the world with love. God’s love goes with us! POSTLUDE “Come and Find the Quiet Center” *Please stand if able Large print hymnals, Bibles &listening assistance devices are available from ushers. WELCOME GUESTS! We are delighted to have you worship with us today. Visitors enhance the life of this church, so we welcome you in the name of Jesus Christ. Please sign the attendance registers in the pews & the Guest Book in the Narthex. Mission Statement: “We come together to worship, grow in loving support of one another and others, and give thanks for God’s grace in our lives. We seek the everdeepening presence of the Holy Spirit for a fuller, more joyful Christian life, for ourselves, our congregation, our community, our country, and the world at large.” UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES Drew, Lake Mahopac, Mount Hope, Purdys A COOPERATIVE PARISH Rev. Jenn Tiernan-Bindler Rev. Willett Porter Elouise Hill-Challenger, Student Intern Diane Farina, Admin Coordinator Pastor Ed Dayton Parker Prout, Lay Minister John Moran, Music Director Joseph Caputo, Sexton Cooperative: 845-225-2019 Office Hours: Tues, Wed, Thursday 9-1pm Cooperative Email: [email protected] Cooperative Website: Drew United Methodist Church Serving God and Community Over 179 years
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