SPECIALTY TESTING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. A NEW DESIGN FOR SPIRAL CONTRACTOMETERS A NEW DESIGN FOR SPIRAL CONTRACTOMETERS A NEW SPIRAL CONTRACTOMETERS KNOW THE DESIGN STRESS FOR IN YOUR APPLIED METALLIC COATINGS KNOW KNOW THE THE STRESS STRESS IN IN YOUR YOUR APPLIED APPLIED METALLIC METALLIC COATINGS COATINGS ADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS Guess work is eliminated ADVANTAGES Guess work is eliminated Perfect centering of the spiral • Guesscentering work is eliminated Perfect of the spiral Surface area is same spirals • Perfect centering of for theall spiral Surface area is same for all spirals Shorter test times 500 µʺ deposit • Shorter testtimes times- -500 500µʺ µꞌꞌdeposit Shorter test deposit Holes at spiral ends so no • Holes at spiral ends so noslippage slippage Holes at spiral ends so no slippage Lab totolab work • Lab lab workmore moreconsistent consistent Lab to lab work more consistent • Accurateand andrepeatable repeatableresults results Accurate Accurate and repeatable results • Simple andrapid rapidcalculations calculations Simple and Simple and rapid calculations TeflonIMPROVEMENTS inserts reduce friction Teflon inserts reduce friction Interior spiral reduce surface is shielded • Interior Teflon inserts spiral surfacefriction is shielded inserts prevent thread stripping • SS Interior spiral surface is shielded SS inserts prevent thread stripping Teflon pins replace wheels that bind • Teflon SS inserts stripping pinsprevent replacethread wheels that bind pins replace bigthat screws • Calibration Teflon pins replace wheels bind Calibration pins replace big screws deposit on inside • Minimal Calibration pins replace big surface screws Minimal deposit on inside surface • 30% Minimal on inside surface glassdeposit filled nylon construction 30% glass filled nylon construction • More 30% glass filled nylon construction precise scale to arrow view More precise scale to arrow view • More precise scale to arrow view 1 1 SPIRAL CONTRACTOR MEASUREMENT METHOD AND CALCULATIONS TO SPIRAL CONTRACTOR AND CALCULATIONS TO DETERMINE INTERNAL MEASUREMENT DEPOSIT STRESSMETHOD IN APPLIED METALLIC COATINGS DETERMINE INTERNAL DEPOSIT STRESS IN APPLIED METALLIC COATINGS Internal stress exists as an inherent force within electroplated and chemically applied metallic deposits. Internal stress as anorinherent force in within electroplated chemically applied metallicindeposits. This induced stress can exists be tensile compressive nature, causing theand deposit to contract or expand relation to Thisbase induced stressHigh can be tensile or compressive nature, micro-cracking causing the deposit contract or expand in severe relationcases to the material. levels of stress in depositsinproduce and to macro-cracking, and in the base amaterial. High levels of stress deposits produce micro-cracking and macro-cracking, andwave-like in severe cases produce lack of deposit adhesion in theinform of blistering, peeling, and flaking. In extreme cases, produce lack of deposit adhesion in the formand of blistering, peeling, In extreme cases, wave-like ripples ina electroforms, accelerated corrosion deposit wear failureand canflaking. also occur. ripples inThe electroforms, accelerated corrosion deposit wear failure also occur. two primary ways to evaluate theand internal deposit stress incan metallic coatings that are experiencing use The ways to evaluate the internal deposit stressContractometer in metallic coatings that are experiencing use worldwide aretwo theprimary bent strip Deposit Stress Analyzer and the Spiral methods. These represent the worldwide are the bent strip Deposit Stress Analyzer and the Spiral Contractometer methods. These represent the only two stress test procedures that have approval status by the American Society for Testing Metals Standards. only twoother stressmethods test procedures that have by the Testingpractice. Metals Standards. Several have been used in approval the past, status but these haveAmerican not been Society put intofor common The Stress Several other methods have been used in the past, but these have not been put into common practice. The Stress Meter makes use of a disk that bows inward or outward as deposition commences depending on the nature of the Meter makes use of a disk that inward or outward deposition dependingAnother on the nature of the stressed deposit. Accuracy andbows stripping metallic layersas from the diskcommences remain problematic. method stressed Accuracy and stripping metallic layers from disk remain Another method measuresdeposit. the change in the length of the substrate material thatthe is caused by anproblematic. applied metallic coating. This measuresyields the change in the lengthbut of the equipment substrate material is caused by applied coating. This method consistent results, set-up isthat complicated andanthere has metallic never been a manufacturing method yields consistent results, but the equipment set-up is complicated and there has never been a manufacturing source for its use. source for its use. 1. SPECIALTY TESTING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SPIRALS 1. SPECIALTY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY SPIRALS SpecialtyTESTING Testing &&Development Co. spirals are constructed from 0.010 inch thick stainless steel and each Specialty Testing & Development Co. spirals are constructed from 0.010 inch thick stainlessinsteel and each has a precise surface area of 13.57 square inches. The spiral mounts on the contractometer a manner has a precise surface area of 13.57 square inches. The spiral mounts on the contractometer in a manner that permits plating on the entire outside surface of the spiral and discourages deposition on the inside of that permitsThus, plating on is thenoentire surface the spiral deposition on the inside of the spiral. there need outside to estimate the of surface area and that discourages has been plated. The recommended the spiral. there is no need to estimate the surface area inch). that has been plated. The recommended average testThus, deposit thickness is 500 microinches, (0.000500 average test deposit is 500 microinches, (0.000500 inch). 2. PROPERTIES AND TESTthickness CONDITIONS FOR STAINLESS STEEL SPIRALS 2. PROPERTIES AND TEST CONDITIONS FOR STAINLESS STEEL SPIRALS SPIRAL NEW CONTRACTOMETER DESIGN SPIRAL FOR THE FOR NEWTHE CONTRACTOMETER DESIGN WITH A TEFLON COATED INTERIOR SPIRAL FOR THE NEW CONTRACTOMETER DESIGN Surface Area, in² 13.57 SurfaceFeet Area, in² 13.57 Square 0.0942 Squareper Feet 0.0942 Amps sq. foot 30 30 Amps per sq. foot 2.90 Amps Thickness, inches 2.90 Stock 0.010 Stock Thickness, inches µʺ 0.010 Avg. Deposit Thickness, 500 Avg. Deposit µʺ 500 Plating Time, Thickness, Min & Seconds 20 M & 48 S Time, Min & Seconds 20 M±&1º48F.S Plating Solution Temperature 140º Plating Temperature 140º 1º F. NOTE: Solution For the purpose of illustration and± explanation, electrolytic plating of nickel will be used. NOTE: For the purpose of illustration and explanation, electrolytic plating of nickel will be used. 3. TEST PROCEDURE (SPIRAL CONTRACTOMETER METHOD - REFERENCE ASTM STANDARD B636) 3. TESTA. PROCEDURE Equipment. (SPIRAL CONTRACTOMETER METHOD - REFERENCE ASTM STANDARD B636) A. Equipment. -Spiral Contractometer with calibration weights (PN:2014SC) -Spiral calibration weights (PN:2014SC) - SpiralContractometer Contractometer with Support Stand (PN: 2014SS) --Support Spiral Contractometer Support Stand 2014SS) Stand Blocks for use over hot (PN: plate-two required (PN:2014-SB) -Support Stand use over plate-two (PN:2014-SB) -Titanium anodeBlocks basketfor 3.5ʺOD for hot Wood’s nickelrequired strike (PN:14ABS) 3.5ʺODforfornickel Wood’s strike (PN:14ABS) -Titanium anode basket 5ʺOD bathnickel (PN:14ABL) -Titanium anodebeaker basket for 5ʺOD for nickel bath (PN:14ABL) -4,000 ml Pyrex plating bath (other source) -4,000 Pyrex beaker for plating bath (other -2,000 beakerPower for Wood’s nickel strike bathsource) (other source) -Directml Current Supply 0-5 Amp output constant amp constant voltage (PN: HY3005-PS) -Direct Current Power Supply 0-5 Amp output constant amp constant voltage (PN: HY3005-PS) -Magnetic Stirrer Hot Plate (PN:4000-S) -Magnetic Stirrer Hot Controller Plate (PN:4000-S) -Digital Temperature prewired with probe (PN:590TC) -Digital Temperature Controller prewired with probe (PN:590TC) 2 2 -Spirals constructed from 0.010 inch thick stainless steel having an surface area of 13.57 in² (PN:2014-SP) B. Spiral preparation and use. 1. Place the anode basket containing nickel anode buttons in a 4,000 ml Pyrex beaker, then place the beaker over a magnetic stirrer hot plate, add the desired plating solution to the beaker, then place the spiral contractometer support stand over the beaker and anode basket and warm the plating solution to the desired temperature. 2. Pour the nickel strike solution into a 2,000 ml beaker containing an anode basket with nickel anode buttons along the beaker's inside parameter. 3. Clean a helix as the cathode in an alkaline steel electrocleaner at 5 amps for 45 seconds and water rinse. 4. Treat the spiral with anodic current (positive charge) for 45 seconds at 5 amps, then change the current leads to bring negative contact to the spiral and nickel strike the spiral at 5 amps for 60 seconds, then water rinse, acetone rinse and dry. 5. Weigh the spiral to the nearest milligram and record its weight. Note: use finger cots to prevent contamination of the spiral. Deposit weight in grams: 6. Mount the spiral onto the spiral holder and tighten the nylon screws through the spiral holes provided sufficiently to secure the spiral so as to prevent slippage during the plating process. 7. Place the spiral contractometer assembly on the stand and center it by engaging the centering holes in the top surface of the stand. C. Calibration of the spiral. 1. Loosen the screw that holds the pulley wheel tight against the top of the center rod and position the dial by rotating it to match the zero with the arrow, then tighten the screw to secure the rod so slippage cannot occur. 2. Put the loop of a calibration thread over a pulley calibration pin and wrap the string around the pulley wheel clockwise, and place the thread and 0.5 ounce weight over the notched Teflon pin near Kc. 3. Put the loop of the second calibration thread over the remaining Teflon pin near the remaining Kc. With the weights hanging freely, lightly tap the top of the contractometer pulley to equalize the dial position. Record the Kc degrees. As an option, the spiral calibration steps can be repeated and this data can be averaged. Kc degrees: Average: 4. Repeat this process again, this time wrapping the threads in a counterclockwise direction and looping the weights over the Teflon pins near Kt. Record the degrees tensile as Kt. Then remove the calibration strings and weights. Repeat and average the results if desired. Kt degrees: Average: D. Plating the Spiral. 1. Plate the spiral at 2.90 amps for 20 minutes and 48 seconds. As soon as possible after the spiral has been plated, tap the top of the contractometer lightly, observe and record the degrees deflection at the arrow point and the nature of the stress as tensile or compressive. Compressive stress is indicated by a negative sign. Degrees deflection caused by the deposit: 2. With the spiral on the contractometer, rinse it in water and isopropyl alcohol, then remove the spiral from the contractometer using finger cots so as to not adversely affect the weight of the spiral and dry it thoroughly. 3 E. Calculations. 1. Weigh the dry spiral and record its weight in grams. Spiral weight in grams: Subtract from this weight the before plating weight to obtain the weight of metal deposited. Deposit weight in grams: 2. Calculate the average deposit thickness in inches. T= W = Inch Where D (87.55 cm²) (2.54 cm / inch) W = Grams of deposit, D = Density of deposit = 8.90 g/cm³ for pure nickel, and T = Deposit thickness in inches. For the Specialty Testing spirals plated on the new design contractometer, the constant spiral plated surface area is 13.57 in² and the following formula applies for nickel: T= W = Inches 1979.2 For the spirals plated on the old design contractometers, the surface area plated must be determined by wrapping the spiral tightly around a half inch diameter rod. Then the diameter and estimated plated length in inch values are used to calculate the plated surface area as follows: Surface Area = πdh = inch² This surface area value replaces the 87.55 cm² value in the above equation. 3. Record the average deposit thickness of the spiral in microinches. Deposit thickness in microinches: 4. CALCULATE THE DEPOSIT STRESS OF THE APPLIED COATING. A. Calculate the Deposit Stress in PSI. Stress = 13.02 (D)(M) x 1 + Eo (d) = PSI where w (d) E (t) D = Degrees caused by the deposit, w = degrees Kt from the spiral calibration, and t = Spiral material thickness = 0.010 inch d=Deposit thickness in inches, Eo= the Modulus of Elasticity of the deposit = 30,000,050 PSI for pure nickel, and E= the Modulus of Elasticity of the spiral substrate = 28,600,000 PSI. Record the Internal Deposit Stress as PSI: PSI. B. After each use, loosen the screw at the top of the spiral contractometer and remove the rotate wheel and the center rod. Water rinse through the top center hole of the spiral support disk, rinse the rod and reinstall the assembly. Note: This is an Important step. � 5. STRIPPING OF SPIRALS FOR REUSE. A. Specialty Testing spirals of the new design are masked on the interior surface with a Teflon coating that will withstand repeated stripping of nickel deposits in 50% nitric acid solution. These spirals will withstand temperatures up to 400 ºF. SPECIALTY TESTING & DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. 137 Reynolds Mill Road, York, PA 17403 USA Phone (717) 428-0186 Fax (717) 428-0294 www.specialtytest.com
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